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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of wednesday, on january 10 i will tell you, sergey lugovsky, hello. simply producing a product or service is no longer enough; we need to develop and move on. we’ll tell you how the formula for quality of work and quality of life will help you become import-independent. the main world news is the event in ecuador. armed bandits have carried out real terror, shooting people on the streets, storming buildings, and attacking police stations. belarus made an urgent statement and thanked the president to the workers of the funds media and health care institutions. among the recipients are several of our colleagues, employees of the television news agency, bel, television and radio company, of course, we congratulate them on the high award, and also look in the issue. they are responsible for quality, enterprises with half a century of history are developing new ones. fashion trends: the market
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is enthusiastically accepting bologna and black out fabrics from the belarusian magatex, and a small enterprise in bigomla adds positions to the price list every year, offering import-substituting goods to industrial giants. brand made in belarus, sell competently, eliminate intermediaries, reduce costs, collect different brands under one roof, provide customer service so that the buyer comes back for ours again.
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say goodbye home. we will collect the impressions and emotions of our little guests in a panorama. major world events today are unfolding in ecuador. the real terror was carried out by armed bandits. they shoot people in the streets, storm buildings, and attack police stations. from the outside, everything looks as if a group of uncontrollable people is operating young men with weapons in their hands. on the streets. in
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social media feeds there are horrifying images, hostages, blood, panic, bullets, explosions, by this moment ten people are known to have died. military equipment has been deployed to the center of the capital, a state of emergency has been declared, medical institutions are providing only emergency care to counter the bandits, the local population has taken to the streets and joined the police. the ministry of foreign affairs of our country called on us to observe the principles of law and order, according to a representative of the department and... violations always lead to disastrous consequences, destruction and tragedy, and therefore belarus expresses its strong support to the government of ecuador. in this regard, we express our strong support to the government of the republic of ecuador in restoring constitutional order in its country and support the legal efforts of the state authorities aimed at quickly overcoming the current critical situation and restoring peace both on the streets of ivador and in ecuadorian
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society as a whole. the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus also called on the citizens of our republic to refrain from trips to ecuador, and for those who are now in this country i strictly follow. about what is happening on the streets of ecuador in the material of oleg romanov. the day before , extremely dramatic and extremely tragic events unfolded in major cities of ecuador, which turned out to be completely unexpected for local authorities. in the evening, a group of street gangster infantry of 15 people captured during a live broadcast.
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every day when we go to work, we don’t know whether we will return home unharmed, this is very frightening for the family of those who is waiting for us at home. the head of state was brought to a safe place, but the army is physically unable to take all the country’s top officials under its protection; last night the house of the chairman of the constitutional court was burned in quito. the president declared a regime of internal armed conflict in ecuador and granted exceptional powers to the security forces. what will be the effect of this measure? unclear: the killings of police and military personnel continue, the streets remain under the control of militants, a real civil war has broken out in the country, because the power the state here is comparable to the power of gangster groups. please note, a very interesting nuance: the president of ecuador decided to outlaw, so to speak
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, a number of gangs that existed before, that within the framework of the law, that is, this is a kind of norm for ecuador, you know, the existence of this kind of gang. gangs are, well, in addition to the traditional criminal aspect of their activities, also a kind of social institution that organizes life locally, well, something like local government or ways of self-organization of citizens with a criminal flavor, now what is happening in ecuador is an attempt by the central government to establish itself, to establish itself to protect its own, as it were, its own. priority in managing things, that's what happens. if the outcome of the conflict is not clear, its reasons are obvious: 6 years ago, president rafael corea, one of the south american leaders who, along with chavis and morales, became a symbol of the leftist revival in the region, left his post and then the country. ecuador turned sharply to the right.
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restoring relations with washington was accompanied by the inclusion of the country in the drug trafficking route. at the same time, if in colombia and peru they still fought the cartels, even if not always effectively, then in ecuador they got a full fight. freedom, well, for example, gangsters were able to easily kill the leading presidential candidate of the country, and intimidate the rest to the core. the los choneros and los lobos groups became the absolute masters of ecuador. last november , newly elected president noboa was forced to carry out his inauguration wearing a bulletproof vest and left by helicopter. current outbreak violence is caused by the fact that the ecuadorian leader recently declared that he is ready... to declare war on organized crime and organized crime groups, without waiting for an attack, struck first. at the moment , a dozen people have been officially declared killed in the clashes, although there are probably many times more casualties. 140 police officers remain hostage, the prisons are under the control of bandits. however, like the streets.
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military police move only in large units and control only their own barracks. olek romanov, tv news agency. peace is the most important valuable. will lukashenko just say that he always restrains those who do not see belarus as sovereign? there will be no war if we each do what we must do in our place if our economy works. there are almost never wars. do not begin by escalating the situation and attacking the country
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from the outside, our enemies, let’s be honest, choose the right moment to bring us to our knees, we should not give them such a chance, and for this we have everything, everything depends on us, the main principle belarusian politics, as our... military doctrine, defense and diplomacy. belarus is busy with internal issues, building a more comfortable life for its people. official minsk has repeatedly proven these principles in action. the coming year has been declared the year of quality in our country. the world is developing rapidly, and simply being able to produce any product or service is no longer enough. success only comes from the best. today it is important for each of us to think about the quality of our work. in the name of a high quality of life, it’s time for everyone to work on their image and conquer new markets
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sales, olga moslovskaya was convinced. important little things, without which neither up nor down, for over 15 years, the small enterprise vetrost in begoml, a reliable supplier of components for the industrial giant mogilev elevator mash. every year in price plus one or two new product items. development of production and work on. the process is endless, everyone must start themselves, this is labor discipline, this is technological discipline, production discipline, if all this is followed, naturally, we will achieve high quality of our products, furnaces for the production of hardware products, an electrical installation shop, a high-tech processing center, another successful investment project was implemented in the past year, now the enterprises produce dimensional packaging of five. seven-layer cardboard, such a thing had never been made in belarus before. modern
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sewing machines sew packaging of any size. it only takes a few hours to reconfigure the line. cardboard vestments are inexpensive and reliable; for example, this box can withstand a load weighing up to 400 kg. there are new jobs on the new line. residents of the village came here to work. nikolai svartsevich trained in production, already. year as a factory worker. this packaging used to be bought in russia all the time, but now we produce this packaging ourselves. of course, that’s enough; the culture of the enterprise and work here is also at a high level. for the three thousandth begoml, the wind is like sails. modern production with decent wages is the key to the development of a small settlement and the well-being of the families living here. that's why they work for results. about quality at the beginning years they spoke at a meeting with the president. today it is. the main emphasis lies in what we produce, how we sell, and in general
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what standard of living we strive for. we must surpass ourselves. to do this, there should be no formalism and sloppiness. belarus can be proud of its quality goods. but to be on trend, to compete with the best, the world’s best examples, you need to add a little. you have to earn it. this sign of quality, in this endeavor we have something to build on, firstly, from traditions, smart people preserve we have done everything that has been accumulated by previous generations and we are developing everything that has been accumulated by previous generations. almost four hundred looms of the weaving factory of the magatex enterprise work non-stop for quality. new production, fabrics for warm clothes are in trend. in addition
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to the fact that we increased the quality and productivity, we were also able to develop certain types of fabrics that were not produced before, such as blockout, balloons, and fabrics from petwear. and constant quality control at all stages, because that’s the only way you can remain a reliable partner throughout the world. market tests, starting from raw materials, then we check raw fabrics, we also carry out control during the production process and during the release of finished products, in total we conduct about 30. six tests, here are important indicators: width, surface density , tearing loads, abrasion, and this is already sewing factory of the enterprise has an assortment of over 2,000 models, they are currently working on a large order from russia, these are men's raincoats and insulated suits, here is also one of the most elegant lines for the production of branded table linen.
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fabrics containing linen are in great demand, we now see a large number of colors, they also have dirt. water -repellent impregnation, this is relevant, yes, in the twenty-third year the export rate was more than 130%, mainly fabrics for special uniforms, this is about 80%, decorative fabrics, and finished garments . our main sales markets are, of course, the russian federation, which is about 80% in total. we have maintained supply volumes at the republic of kazakhstan has been increased to the republic of uzbekistan, or a report on supplies. cotton from african countries in order to diversify. last year , over 3 million rubles were invested in the development of the enterprise. this is a long-term investment to meet the high requirements of the buyer and prove that what is made in belarus is done with high quality. olga moslovskaya and andrey yastribov,
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television news agency. increasing the standard of living of people and the development of the region, just like that. sets priority tasks for itself and new assistant to the president, inspector for the vitebsk region, sergei levkovich. the northern region has assets; it was presented today by the first deputy head of the presidential administration. maxim ryzhenkov noted his high professionalism, business qualities, ability to work in a team and emphasized that the presidential assistant is a person who should facilitate the implementation of promising projects for the growth of the region’s economy and the well-being of its residents.
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working conditions, which play a huge role today, every manager at any positions, be it middle management, senior management, let's say, should be concerned precisely with this direction. so, what needs to be done in a quality manner so that the buyer will come again for our native belarusian. the topic of the first episode in 2024 of the talk show-economic environment will be commodity distribution networks. in the year of quality, we are talking about how... to qualitatively promote our products, the task is to keep traditional markets to gain a foothold in new ones, as well as load production capacity and increase sales volumes, plus service, creation multi-brand centers, the opening of retail outlets, what else is important, we will discuss with experts, and we come in terms of reliable and most importantly
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predictable partners, it is very important to preserve and... maintain our reputation, this is precisely the ideology of belarusianness, presence in foreign markets. the emphasis is not only on mono-brand promotion, for example, of the minsk tractor plant, in the understanding that we have many holdings and many companies of different forms of ownership that make various aggregated attachments and we we sell, we strive to sell not a tractor, a machine system, a technology for any cult technological solution.
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we continue to talk in simple language about complex economic processes in the country and beyond its borders, the economic environment, see today, immediately after the panorama. qualitative changes have been made to the management and operation of housing stock. they are reflected in the relevant presidential law. this concerns capital repairs, or rather the transfer of funds for these purposes, the mechanism has been changed, and it is also provided strengthening the responsibility of chairmen of boards of partnerships and owners. there are many complaints about their work, notes the ministry of housing and communal services. people complain about the activities of managers in general and about the misuse of
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residents' funds. the new law is designed to solve these problems, how? olga onishchenko addressed all questions to the relevant ministry. andrey valerievich, perhaps the main innovation in legislation is a different mechanism. transferring money for major repairs, now these are exclusively special accounts executive committees, why was such a decision made, what is its background to abandon the accumulation of funds in the accounts of owners' associations, as was the case before? the owners' association had until the new year, but had the right to transfer these funds either to the accounts of local executive bodies, or to their own accounts, well, in the future, use them for the purpose of major repairs, but as of...
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today, when it is necessary to carry out repairs, they come to the authorities, but it turns out that there are no funds, no deductions already as if not, it is very difficult to restore, and
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well, all citizens of the republic of belarus and , of course, local executive and administrative bodies, decided to carry out major repairs, including with the participation of budget funds in these residential buildings, and therefore a decision was made on a single mechanism for the allocation of capital funds.
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what areas of work will managers now look more closely at? today , local executive and administrative bodies are vested with the right in the event of repeated violations by the chairman of the partnership owners of the current legislation or requirements for the operation and maintenance of the building have the right to cancel the certificate. the legislation clearly states that the violation is repeated; repeated is two or more times, that is, if the chairman of the board is a friend. owners more than twice a year violates the requirements of the law regarding the maintenance of the operation of the common property of a joint
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household, the preparation of the housing stock for the heating season, and so on and so forth, or also more than twice since it does not comply with the legal requirements of local executive administrative bodies regarding the elimination of these comments, then the local executive administrative body can make a decision today. and cancel this certificate, and what litmus tests may be this is an appeal from citizens, but we must understand perfectly well that an appeal from citizens is not enough for the executive committee to make such a decision, the executive committee must establish a violation of the requirements of the law, that is, today in accordance with housing code with the law on local government, the local executive and administrative body exercises control. for the activities , including financial and economic, of the partnership of owners and developer organizations, that is, if one call is received, a second call is received, yes, an application,
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a complaint, an appeal, and so on and so forth, the local executive committee includes this partnership in the inspection plan, conducts an inspection in case of gross violations and issues a warning to the management of this partnership owners to eliminate them, if the chairman of the board does not eliminate them, and accordingly one or two three, then the local executive and administrative body has the right to make the appropriate decision. thank you for the interview, thank you. the battle for power continues in poland and almost everything is according to the training manual that warsaw so actively tried to apply in the twentieth in belarus. following cries about murder, freedom of speech and mass censorship, the media added to the cries about totalitarianism, violence and political ties with everyone inherent attributes, protests, hunger strikes
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and tears of children. last night in warsaw turned out to be extremely interesting: the former minister of internal affairs and his deputy were arrested right in the presidential palace. what’s most interesting is that 8 years ago, both of them were convicted of exceeding their powers, but in some completely european and naturally as democratic way as possible, they first became deputies of the sejm, and then completely dictatorial favorites of duda. in front of its...
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germany is running out of food, signs have appeared on the windows: no farmers, no food, empty shelves, as well as all the vegetables, were eaten by scholz and zelensky. train drivers started a major strike demanding higher wages. 80% of germany's railway traffic has already been paralyzed. according to local media, it will last until friday evening. the situation on the western borders of belarus is aggravated by military activity on our borders, a large number of exercises, as well as increased intelligence activities on the part of neighboring states and the growth of their military budgets. all this speaks of completely non-peaceful approaches towards belarus. this was noted by the state secretary of the security council of our country, alexander volfovich, while visiting the mozyr border detachment. there today.
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an event was held to mark the completion of the formation of the maneuver group, the youngest in the border service system of the formation. as the secretary of state emphasized, the situation in... in the eastern european region of collective security is of particular concern, ukraine is a living example of this, and ukraine has generally become a bargaining chip with the collective west, today what is happening today on the territory of ukraine, of course, it causes concern and concern, of course, all this
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forces us to take appropriate measures. each border detachment, border group is armed with these border maneuver groups, which will have increased maneuverability . more increased fire capabilities, the maneuver group is 100% staffed, the latest types of military special equipment have entered service, comfortable living conditions have been created, the personnel of the maneuver group are undergoing training under an improved combat training program, the unit’s fighters are ready to carry out tasks as intended, to strengthen the protection of the state border at a distance for those who want... he noted the high level of combat readiness of the personnel of the border detachments, in case of aggravation
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of the situation, they can quickly move to threatening directions and, if necessary , inflict fire on saboteurs and illegal gangs. recently, nine special ones have been created in belarus. units of internal troops, one of them is buran. the gomel special forces unit has been guarding national security around the clock for six months now. the detachment was created in may last year on the basis of military unit 5525. all this suggests that the internal troops continue to strengthen the special forces component to combat sabotage and reconnaissance groups. alexander komovich will continue.
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the birth of a legend was on may 2, 2023, it was then in the spring that the buran detachment was created on the basis of military unit 55-25. the basis of the new the units became fighters of the gomel police brigade. sobra, accordingly, comes, conducts classes, as well as other units, we work together with employees of the ministry of internal affairs, that is, this is already different from what was before, that is , previously there were just combat training classes, here both official combat tasks have been added, as well as
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accordingly, more serious combat training classes. both approaches to training and tasks have changed, namely the fight against sabotage and reconnaissance groups, armed formations, defense borders, as well as power... support for employees of the ministry of internal affairs, and in general, the past year in the internal troops was declared the year of the formation of new units. recently, nine special forces units have been organized, which are trained by experienced instructors with combat experience: lynx, berkut, storm, typhoon, cyclone, smerch, honor tornado and buran. a diverse range of tasks, all possible, today a group on duty takes over every day, which is ready to move out at any call.
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but there is no doubt that all tasks will be completed immediately, exactly on time, because buran works. alexander kamovich and alexey petrov, television news agency. the gratitude of the president of belarus was expressed to media workers, including two of my colleagues.
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some facts, you need to understand what can be done from this, and not that they poured garbage into the same telegram channel, you need to understand whether this event actually happened, whether it happened or not, whether it really took place , or this is just a manipulation of facts, as our foreign ones like to do friends, that’s why you need to understand a lot, weigh it, and based on this, form some kind of news agenda. behind the scenes is another colleague, sergei baranovsky, director of a television news agency. 16 years in the profession , dozens of films, including documentaries with
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large-scale productions, special reports and columns: every monday , it is through his eyes that you see understandable politics, in the piggy bank such projects as under the control of the president, our conversation with the president, sergei, director of a number tv versions, interviews, head of state and ceremonial events, every year is different from the previous year, everything is constantly changing, you are always at something. you are in a drive , yes, that is, you are always surrounded by news, some things to do, but gratitude of this level, it is, of course, doubly and unexpectedly doubly joyful from it, you want to grow, become better, achieve some new successes, you can’t stop here , because as soon as you stop, you will immediately pass for a significant personal contribution to the implementation of state information policy, high professionalism, objective...
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for the children of donbass, a group from the orphanage in the city of antratsit, lugansk region, returns home. the path lies through gomel, where the guests were greeted warmly and warmly, given a tour, told about the christian shrines of the belarusian land, and fed a monastery lunch. behind 3 weeks of rest in the dubrovenko sanatorium, mogilev region. 35 children, accompanied by adults, recovered their health, regained their strength. there was not a single free
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time, we just went on excursions, to the presidential christmas tree, and to several more christmas trees we went, we would really like to return, we came to a nice city and had a good rest, when i ’m at home, i’ll tell everyone how nice it is here, how kind, polite the people are, i’ve found a lot of friends here. good, my expectations were justified, that is, everything that i thought came true, fun, peace, kindness, great happiness to everyone, and that everyone was healthy, saw life from a completely different perspective, and many children were born just on the fourteenth, fifteenth , sixteenth, you yourself understand that this is a time when there is no peace there were always children. at gunpoint, to see peaceful life, development - these are
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completely different things, to live in one world and end up in another world. belarus always lends a helping hand, today gomel residents donated sports equipment, other important and necessary gifts and, of course, treats to children from the lpr. we all respond together to the misfortune of our neighbors. holy russia cannot be divided as holy. trinity, russia, belarus, ukraine, although there are those forces that are trying, we believe that by the providence of god, we will all pass this test together, our united slavs.
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children with organic damage to the central nervous system of the psyche. at the matinee , teachers and children delighted the guests with costumed performances, and they, in turn, presented gifts to the children. also, during the meeting, bishop benjamin performed a maleben to defeat illness. it is natural for us to visit social facilities and medical institutions in order to share and express the joy of the nativity of christ. your love, understanding, support for other people who are in different living conditions, and this is the essence of humanity, it is on works of mercy that society stands. this children's home provides specialized rehabilitation treatment for children with cerebral palsy. there are
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therapeutic baths, electrical stimulation, play and music therapy, and physical therapy classes. 2023 can rightfully be called the year of transformation in healthcare, with special attention to establishing order in rural medicine, this was the order of the head of state. now more than one and a half thousand medical outpatient clinics have been renovated in the country, but still the main thing is this is an attentive attitude towards... people, yulia alferova attended a reception with a rural felcher. at 6:00 there is a reason to completely give up sweets, from the threshold there is not only an examination, but also diagnostic recommendations, which can easily be equated to prevention for a rural fap
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is no longer a luxury, but a real practice. as i am a sick person, i really need this medicine, which is... well , it’s located in our village, if we’re going to have difficulties , of course, we’ll get to the debt faster. lysyarsky fab serves those within a 5 km radius, everything here is like in a city clinic, only in mini format. patients are waiting for appointments in the corridor, and just around the corner are the obstetric and treatment rooms. cosmetic renovations were carried out this year, here we do procedures, that is, we draw blood, then we take the smolevichi people to the laboratory and do it. intramuscular, intravenous injections. it's compact, but has everything you need at the first level of care , says felsher. the woman has been managing here for almost 30 years, she remembers the modernization of the building 10 years ago, and she personally helped with the current renovation of the facade, nothing more was required here, this was confirmed by the district commission. thanks to the organization of executive committees, we have
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interaction with enterprises, organizations of the region, from large to small, even individual entrepreneurs who have taken the initiative themselves, where they can help us in terms of ongoing repairs of our outpatient clinics and medical centers and also the hospital nursing care, somewhere we carried out routine repairs of walls, ceilings, somewhere facades of the building, somewhere we replaced windows and doors, in principle , we completed the repairs throughout the entire summer period, which as for the smolevichi hospital, in general , about 950 million were allocated to strengthen the logistics, this is almost a third of the total...


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