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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 10, 2024 11:25pm-12:21am MSK

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dairy products, and we occupy third position in butter, fourth position in cheese; in the twenty-third year we expanded the geography of our export sales of dairy products and added almost 10 new markets. let’s remember 2022, it was successful for belarusian farmers in terms of exports, but what did 2023 show? can we already sum up the results of the year? in 2023, we increased the physical volume of export supplies. for almost all types of food products, which is more than 6%. nevertheless, one must understand, of course, that in the twenty-third year, the price and , accordingly, the value volumes of exports were influenced by the weakening of the russian ruble against dollars, of course, this was reflected in the value volumes of exports, so our main task for the future is to increase the physical volumes of supplies of agricultural products for export .
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well, again, with regard to exports, and finished products, raw materials, you have already noted that new markets also appeared last year, but which of them are the most promising for us, if we speak for our closest partners, then this is, of course, the market of the russian federation, and we occupy a significant share in export supplies there, in the future we plan to increase export volumes, and of course work on economic efficiency. sales, this is due to lower costs, first of all, as well as through the development of distribution networks, which will allow us to develop our own sales and receive maximum revenue and maximum profitability from the sale of our goods. the chinese market will also be our main buyer of our products, in the twenty-third year, about 26 enterprises received the right to export, these are drinks
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, alcoholic, non-alcoholic, confectionery, frozen berries, that is, we plan to work on new product positions, and the countries of the persian gulf, these are the united arab emirates , we have plans to increase supply volumes; in the twenty -third year we began shipping butter, whole dairy products, ice cream to this market, of course the volumes are small, so we plan to increase volume deliveries. results of business it's becoming a year for entrepreneurs in belarus. there are 35,000 small medium-sized businesses in our country, including the result of state support for the private sector of the economy. the development bank also makes a significant contribution. during the year, 950 projects were financed with an amount exceeding 300 million rubles. the majority are in industry and agriculture. on the eve of the holidays, development banks summed up the results of supporting small medium-sized businesses in the past year, and also noted the most active partners. anton malyuta will tell you the details. thank everyone who was with
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in the past year, together you make plans for the coming year, this tradition is also observed by the business community, and although they say that time is money, holiday time is primarily about emotions. all the partners of the development bank have positive results; together, over the course of a year, they were able to support almost a thousand initiatives. the results impress even us in many respects, such as growth. handles, the increase in the number of people involved in this activity ranges from 10, 15 to 20, even up to 40%. we are glad that government money provide such benefits because today this sector of the economy, where they tend to operate small companies, but actually provides what we call sustainability. yes, our economy mainly consists of large enterprises, giants, they are the main contributors, they provide the main one. contribution to the development of the country, but the system
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is stable when it has many supports, such as small medium-sized businesses, small enterprises, this is precisely the support on which people have the opportunity to quickly adapt to new conditions. in 2023 all credit products of the bank remained in operation; it is important to pay attention to all areas of the economy. moreover, the product line has only expanded; an industrial cooperation project has been launched. this allowed businesses to become more actively involved in imports. premises and become partners of large industrial flagships, well, now there are new challenges and new offers. the ministry has planned a number of tasks with the bank, there are four of them for the next year, one of the main ones is the start of work on creating a system integrator that will allow smes receive informational financial support in one place, at one entry point, this is a digital product, one of the activities is.
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which the development bank provides can safely be called one of the most affordable on the market, but in order to qualify for financing you need to meet clear criteria, the bank assured that they will not be tightened, because the main thing is to support our enterprises. today the task is to think about how to support light industry, and a huge number of questions that need to be addressed, tough competition, including with unfair imports that exist today, and the government has set the task to... think of wonderful products, but stimulate, the light industry sector, which has good potential, which produces how to here are small enterprises so that in the domestic market they still have a dominant position in light of, well, at least
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equal conditions of competition with those who use other forms of stimulating their activities. the government determined that by 2030, the contribution of business to gdp should be: 50%, and this is a very realistic goal: the state is ready to lend its financial leverage, then the initiative is in the hands of enterprising people. anton malyuta and andrey novgorodtsev, area of ​​interest. now let’s break into a short advertisement further about belarusian quality and control laboratories. stay with us. this is an area of ​​interest we continue to pursue. now about exchange rates: the russian ruble has risen in price, the dollar and yuan have fallen in price. so, the american dollar costs 3 rubles, 18 kopecks. the euro is now at the national bank exchange rate of 3.48. behind 10 yuan costs 4.41, 100 russian rubles costs 3.55. in the year of quality, belarus will continue to tighten requirements for the quality of products, while improving the material and technical base
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for carrying out control measures. in our country, the radio bezekh chamber, that is, a modern testing complex, is already successfully operating. in the future, this laboratory will be completed. the total fund of standards in force in belarus exceeds 31.00 documents, more than 80% are interstate standards, known as soviet guests. they have become an instrument for barrier-free trade, product quality and safety, including within the framework of the eurasian economic union. the head of state standards was asked about belarusian quality, whether we have everything in the country to conduct tests.
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in the post-soviet space, and we can test equipment up to 20 m long, up to 20 tons, and you know what’s also interesting: 21 people came from kuzkomprom, came from the state committee for science and technology, we also discussed the issue of testing, including unmanned, motor vehicles funds and so on, we found an understanding in terms of additional funding and staffing this laboratory to expand all the capabilities, and the guys came to me and... they said: you know, it would be very cool if we had an aeroclimatic chamber in our country, into which you can drive any vehicle, it creates traumatic conditions with running drums, that is, you can demonstrate a speed of 120, there is 90 km, icing, minus,
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rain and so on, this is an element of improving the quality of our products, because you you know, quality, what else is such an element, we must clearly imagine each manufacturer, and... at what level your products are compared to competitors, he must evaluate this constantly , carry out work, in order to evaluate, you need to have a testing base, absolutely such a new, modern testing base, and understands in which market it can be used to the maximum, of course, here is an aeroclimatic chamber, we even worked on the railway, they are interested in when such a chamber will appear in belarus about this a question that, in principle, you know how it is in the stage is still difficult in the mind...
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look, you can still make money on this by exporting services, obviously not everyone in the post-soviet space will have such a laboratory, there will certainly be people who want to test the strength of their equipment, they noticed very very subtly and aptly, because having built a radio beacon chamber, today we have rosselmash, today we have special equipment coming from russia, today we have our twenty-meter articulated buses driving there, we are testing chinese equipment there, tractors... harvesters are being imported from rosselmash, that product, especially a technical product,
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mechanical engineering and so on, is not a product of the production of some plows, although plows today, listen, are colossally complex technical things, this is the work of engineers, engineers must manage this process from the point of view, say, of those mechanisms of equipment that is intended for the production of this or that equipment. that's all the information for today, good luck to you. transactions and productivity in business we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday with the most noticeable in the economy, see you.
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i come to work with joy and understand that i will produce a product that will bring joy to people, bring peace and goodness to the family, i am sure that my work is the key to peace and creation. as a child, i dreamed of visiting a factory where candy is made, and my childhood dream came true immediately. as an adult, this became my profession. this year marks 20 years since i have been working at the kommunak factory. the factory has changed a lot over 20 years, new workshops were added, many new lines have been added, now it is such a giant that provides the entire market for its products, does not stand still, and develops. the factory is thriving. over the course of 20 years, i have tried myself in many processes. then one of our new lines opened, the mogul line, so i got there, now i work there
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as an operator, a foreman, this is one of our most powerful lines with a productivity of up to a ton per hour, you can say that the workplace is the heart of the line, i am in the very heart, by the type of my activity, during work shift we try the product that we cast, well, of course i try to limit myself from sweets, but it’s hard when working in a factory. and seeing so many delicious, beautiful candies, it’s very hard, it’s constant work on yourself. we have excursions at our factory every day , children from school come to us, when they see so many candies, when their eyes light up, when they want to try everything, just smiles, it makes me happy, it also brings me pleasure. when you see so many sweets produced every day, you understand that you put effort into this, this is your work. and that they will go to thousands of families and bring joy to people,
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this is a product, this is a hormone of happiness, that is, you bring positivity to the family, well, the heart rejoices. it means he left in english without saying goodbye, what is this? i’ll return everything, we’ll call, i took a little
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, it’s still varyuga, where is she, where is my t-shirt, masha, i was robbed, wait a minute, masha, i’ll call you back, roman stepanovich. one yes. well, right, why stay late? the moor has done his job, the moor can leave, right? raman stepanovich, i was a little worried yesterday, you forgive me, sometimes it’s good to let off steam, a casual acquaintance, spent the night, just
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spent the night, roman stepanovich, well, i’m a living person, well, i can’t live without love, you can with primakov. it worked, all that remains is to repeat for the result, i can’t hear about your primakov, i would strangle him, ice, i’m not giving you away in marriage, you don’t want it, you don’t have to, but there will be no second chance in this life, i’m not talking about marriage, i about games, well, i ’ll think of something, roman stepanovich, i promise. move on, primakov, yes, hello, lesh, well,
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i'm waiting for you as always, you don't have to go into the yard stop by, uh, listen, nothing will work out, let's cancel everything, why did something happen? no, nothing happened, i just decided to go to the base alone, that’s all, it’s because of yesterday, and although you know, i didn’t want to call you at all, my car just broke down and i thought that maybe you’d give me a lift , but i can call a taxi, wait, no need for a taxi, i’ll stop by now, i’m waiting, i stole a lot of money, well , i stole 100 rubles, but my lucky t-shirt disappeared, i looked at the circus, i rummaged through everything, nowhere, well, you couldn’t have such a dependent on things, all stupid superstition, yes, but what about your chicken god? well, it’s stupid, but i’m used to wearing it since childhood, you’d better tell me what kind of horny stranger you brought home, you know, i found primakov with a junior girl, i got so
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angry, so i wanted to take revenge on him, to become happy out of spite, or at least to sleep with someone, did you get this ruslan? so how did you take revenge? no, he didn’t understand my hints, he didn’t show any initiative. yes, they are also elusive avengers for me. latrushkin dvor, what is this? but i look and don’t see. masha, you are my genius. he said that he works in a cafe, oh my god, i have a fit , madrushka’s yard, we’re going, oh, mom, yes, calm down, you, nothing was stolen from lyuda, mom, listen,
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could you sit with artyomka for a while, for the sake of how many people he’s taking, great, that's it, i'll make it, lul, yes, but are you sure? that in general we need to go there, he mom needs to go to the clinic, to the doctor, for an x-ray, maybe, if you don’t like something, in the metro around the corner, okay, okay, to be honest, i’m interested in seeing it myself to this fetishist's grief, listen, little fellow , maybe he still managed to grab something valuable with him, maybe ruslan stole lyudmila's heart, so, i repeat for those who have trouble understanding it, i need a fun shirt, but i wanted to put it on, so to speak, at a crucial moment, which... for sure, in this case, the crucial moment definitely doesn’t shine for you, it’s so scary ugly, even the most avid ratomaniac will run away from you, well, those panties in mickey mouse , cheated bisneyland, sadi yes, thank you, yummy,
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listen, people, do you want a parsley? no, i don’t want to, what about you? “listen, maybe i have some special signs, and mazh, well, what special signs, a guy with a washed t-shirt off a woman’s shoulder, girl, excuse me, girl, excuse me, we’re looking for a young man who works for you, his name is ruslan, yeah , i know all the employees, but we definitely don’t have ruslan , maybe rustam, no, he’s like, you know, average height, so strong built, so self-confident, so even impudent, eyes, of course, i don’t remember anymore, but such a look , you know, so deep. he looks as if he already knows everything about you, girl, well, i would definitely remember such a man, but unfortunately no, tan, does ruslan work for us? no , i don’t know that, well, you see, yes,
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somehow your robot turned out kind of blurry, thank you, goodbye, let’s go, all the best, it’s a pity, a t-shirt, you know, it’s a pity, two cheesecakes. three with cinnamon, jackson, me, why are you so indecently happy today, have you fallen in love or something, and ah, if a martyr of love suffers hopelessly from passion, even though it’s sad to live, my friends, it’s still possible to live, well, wow, what a great memory you have, it’s not difficult to remember, lera, it’s difficult to understand you women, tell me, if a girl meets a guy, invites him to her place on the first day, what does that mean, well... probably , she wants to read tsvetaeva’s lyrics with him. not serious. well, what, if she invited you to her house on the first evening, then
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she probably wants to sleep with him, but, unfortunately, this does not lead to anything serious. and if this girl, she is not a girl, she is an adult, an adult girl. well, she doesn't i need romance, sweets, bouquets, no need. order is ready. oh, well i have no idea. she’s stupid, this girl you have, thank you, lera, you didn’t help me much, you’re always welcome, oh, lyosha, roman stepanovich, i’m coming to you, i need to talk, yes, go ahead, it seems like it’s like that with lyutka and me everything started spinning on the second pass, i know, yes, but i didn’t have time to quickly clear everything, in short, she caught me, you don’t have to continue further, but i will repent.
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won the race, and if you hint to her that this victory was accidental, but lucky, fortified, what do you think she will answer? so she may not answer, immediately charge her eyes with business, well, then she will begin to tear out the veins and prove that the result was not accidental, you realize, the principle here is the same as, instead of repenting, apologizing, saying that the woman was an accident , tell people that it was an accident that you were attracted to each other, it’s all right.
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“actually, i wanted to talk about you and me, about us, well, yes, but that we still exist , in my opinion, we’re divorced, i don’t know, it seemed to me that we were attracted to each other, or whatever it was everything is an accident, an accident - is it a flash, an insight, or an unreliable relationship, everything is like we have with you, loof, listen, if you are right now..." "i swear to you , i will do everything to everyone, i will leave everything, i will i’ll quit all the women, i swear to you, well, word for word
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, you told me these same words before the divorce, and that i quit, wait, well, i have good news for you, there are no fractures”? that the previous diagnosis was confirmed, sprain shoulder joint, from your words even my hand became lighter, at my age you can’t break bones anymore, in any weather they give about you know, i will prescribe you medications for the next 2 weeks, an arched bandage and complete rest for your arm, also a course of massage and physiotherapy, thank you, what peace, doctor, i have a little grandson, well, thank you again, all the best, antonina andreevna, i’m not finished yet, sit down, what bothers me in your picture is this darkening on the right lung.
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the main thing is not to waste time, primakova, what did the test show? what test? are we donating blood for doping today? another test! oh, i completely forgot, what are we waiting for? hello,
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romanovich, hello! like, in short, time it’s coming in a couple of days, well, the count of three is also working, yeah, that means a week, then two more, we’ll be in time for the first meeting of the national team , i’m freeing you from training until monday, focus on the most important thing, in what sense are you freeing, are you kidding me or what? ? i'm serious, you have something to do, lyusya, look for a man, no... let's move on to the second stage, without love, you need to accomplish a feat for the love of sports, straight up on the blacklist, i realized what kind of guy spent the night with you , i don’t understand, it doesn’t fit, what’s wrong with it, no, i just don’t know him at all, a casual acquaintance, that’s great, lucy, you know less, you sleep easier, i mean, it’s easier in sex, there’s no need to try, you’ll also offer to buy me a man for money, it will be necessary, you’ll buy him
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for money, just one chance to show your strength, who wrote a poem about a man scattered from the street by a swimming pool, what family was the last owner of a worldly castle, to demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. the main thing is, of course, your knowledge, well, how savvy our participants are, we’ll find out right now that does the hockey expression "drop your mitts" mean?
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maksim! watching sports matches, fishing, and collecting coins and banknotes. watch intellectual and entertaining shows on the belarus 24 tv channel. we do not have the moral right to live only for ourselves. we must look beyond the horizon, we do not have and will not have another home. african countries, as well as the arab world, latin america and asia. why
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they are ready and want to work with belarus, because the leaders of these countries have deep respect not only for belarus as a country, but also personal respect for alexander lukashenko. belarus forced nato to hear itself as an instrument that is very clear to this north atlantic aggressor. reproaches about the deployment of russian tactical nuclear weapons in our country are absurd. we are simply learning diplomacy, so- called. etiquette from those who made the language of power a global trend. we have a new political line for the first campaign. only supporters of the state line should get into parliament, only those for whom the words belarus, unity, sovereignty, family and peace are of decisive importance. step aside and don't interfere. no one is forcing anyone to do anything. for one simple reason, we are already the absolute majority.
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propaganda project. watch on tv channel belarus 244. mom, hi, come on, hi, come on, now, come on, i’ll hold you, quietly, what did the doctor, the surgeon say? severe bruise, no fracture. well, thank god, mom, yes, i’ll take a look, i’m not happy, well, masha, why is he having fun, well, he prescribed an ointment, prescribed a massage, physical therapy, a hand for 2 weeks,
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you can’t disturb him, and in general i’m okay without him disabled, mom, what are you going to read , by golly, think 2 weeks, but that’s not a period of time at all, but now it hurts, mom, mom, come on, you applied some ointment, we’ll apply some ointment, give me some ointment, feed it, whatever, well, in general, i’m leading the race, i go to the firing line, and then bam the diopter falls off on the stand, i somehow hang it up, it’s clear, my breathing is out of whack, my hands are shaking, i can’t shoot. i'm swinging , i'm going to take a free kick, i'm the first to arrive, listen, but for a child such loads are not dangerous, you know, the main thing is not to pump up the abs, the doctor even advised me to strengthen my legs, listen, i would even the sprint ran, i have a small bezer, everyone has their own small reserve,
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the most important thing is to detect it in time , in someone’s head, in someone’s soul, and for someone in my ex-husband’s bed, like an ex my wife is passing the baton, as i am big, he is certainly not the last, maybe not the last, but she is young. this is going away very quickly, so, come on quickly, they returned my talisman to me, otherwise i can’t vouch for myself, what have you lost, a wolf’s fang on a cord, you need to train better, and it’s not the wolves who are talking to their teeth, or maybe be we we’d better check your locker, oh-oh-oh , the hat is on fire, knock-knock-knock, it’s oleshka, the director, everyone is dressed, excuse me, i need to shoot some details, i said, you ’re not leaving here until you open your locker, now the river, that’s all ... you didn’t lose it, i told you, it will be found,
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i found it in the office, so, excuse me, i ’m not completely sure about the teeth, the conflict, the situation of the wolf , the wolf lost its bast, so good. primakova! so you're being self-willed? what did i tell you? so practice your descent speed? called all day parrot and jokes he told them, and the giraffe laughed at them all night. what did we talk about today? i released you from training, then why are you here? rama stepanovich, i think you didn’t say that seriously, do you think i look like a clown? rama stepanovich, but i can’t live without training, you know that sport is everything to me, train at home, visualize the distance, as i taught, no, well, mentally,
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of course, i work it all out, but one thing doesn’t work for the other interferes, but sometimes working with your head is more important than working with your legs, don’t argue, i gave you the task, do it, ravitch, you... are not a clown, because it’s not funny, aleksan ivanovich, accept it, but today i shot myself, shot myself. hurry up, the weather is beautiful outside, your training for today, as i see, is over, how would you comment on the current situation, he’s not feeling well, very much, alexander ivanovich,
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take it, i forgot, i brought up the topic, my arm hurt to the point of tears, what did the x-ray show? there’s no fracture, mommy, you can’t stand the pain, you have to take pills for it, you’re just like a walking pharmacy, in our sports we even talk about the finishing ribbon can break the ribs. isn’t it harmful to take so many pills, now everything is harmful, you can’t insure yourself against anything, not even cancer, now it’s even harmful to live, you skip training, why immediately think about the bad, i don’t skip anything , i shot clean, i came first, for which i received from stepanovich , honor in the form of a day off, so okay, you’ll be a stealer, you see how i can’t. no,
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roman stepanovich, the results are still zero, well , there are no options either, although, wait, there is still one option, i can’t say, excuse me, hello people, hello borya, what happened here? and you are getting ready, should i water the flowers? it finally dawned on me, why are you watering my flowers? well, can we really try? what shall we try? well, we are physically attracted to each other. have you fallen in love with me? wait, you said that you can’t live without feelings? you see, i was thinking, here people are looking for, running around with their unhappy happiness, wasting their lives, and not everyone, by the way, finds it, maybe there’s no need to look for it, maybe it’s somewhere nearby, you just have to look around, or so
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it’s not easy to go down the floor , well, i’ll come in right now, i’m just a mess there, well then, let’s come to me, and people, wait, you know, i have to get ready, come on tomorrow, on my territory, i feel more confident, so i’ll take charge of organizing the evening, well, tomorrow, then tomorrow. get it, wine, well, i don’t know, i don’t understand. well, let it be white, the gentleman is getting ready,
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the grandmother is waiting, calm down, calm down, well, you can’t calm down, it doesn’t work, even cry yourself, let me try, what is it? this is the latest scientific japanese development. can you imagine, have you figured out what sounds and how they affect infants? what happens when he cries and you need to whistle? no, you don’t need to whistle, it’s all about the height, it’s a of the first octave, it’s these sounds that calm children, i didn’t understand anything, thank you for your help, happy.
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oh, thank you very much, once again, maksika, it’s fixed, it’s fixed, let me take a look, everything’s fine, thank you, well, really, you can’t go far with such a stroller, but what are you, yes, by the way? you are far away, but we still have to cut nag, he's hungry, well, what's the problem , i'll give you a ride, thank you, you're helping us out again, and the stroller, what a stroller, we'll take it in tow , like in tow, okay, don't worry, well, we'll serve, we'll put it in the trunk,
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primakova, what a are you predictable? well, damn it, you can’t go out and take a walk or something? take a walk? go for a walk, but i will confiscate your skis. as i said, the only training i can do is visualization. others need to work, look for a backup option. the work is progressing more than productively. today my neighbor and i are in bloom, he is watering my flowers, when i'm getting ready, from music i offer the romantic collection of barry white to bugra, deburg, deburg, write to me about your organs, yes, well, right away, are you completely, or something , inflated, or something, yes, you know, i have my wife asked about erogenous zones only in the second year of marriage, oh, little man, little man,
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when you get married, he’ll ask you to get married, oh, yes, only dates, it looks like today we’ll also have via sms, well, what else is he fantasizing about, but he wants me i put on the red dress that i wore for the awards ceremony at the sports committee, but i already waved i gave it away, that means, pick up the dress and hand over the skis, that’s it, maybe i should go home myself, come on. well, we bought grandma some effervescent aspirin, we just forgot to warn her that it had to be dissolved in a glass of water, but she decided to take it the old fashioned way, under the tongue, under the tongue, oh my god, she’s fine, don’t worry , will outlive you and me, it’s just
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that after that incident he doesn’t take pills in principle, yes, you won’t get bored, and you always joke so much, just like that... you sincerely react and laugh fervently, no i can restrain myself from making a joke again, yes, but you are our savior, i just can’t imagine what we would do without you, what would we do, call a tow truck, that’s all, come on, well, maybe you can help us get up to the floor, yes no , thank you, but it seems to me that you have already exceeded your limit of good deeds and jokes for today, then happy, thank you again happy, happy. relax, let him try, and you have fun, something is missing, come on, come
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to me, oh, masha, masha, oh you, oh you are my bully! little one, let's wash it, yeah it won’t have time to dry, well then, if you don’t look closely, you won’t see anything, maybe tie a scarf, yeah, a kokoshnik on your head, i have one win-win option, mash , yeah, well, it’s still vulgar, well, i don’t know, i’ll take it from stain, but what if it doesn’t work for... okay, i’ll take both, i’ll choose at home, right, is something wrong?
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2 minutes 16 seconds, the distance has been mentally covered, we are going to the second round, i hope the results will be more optimistic. we travel around belarus and discover new sights. in every town there are sculptures with their own symbolic meaning, and as a rule, they are located in
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the center. meet me. this is valentin and valentina. let's get acquainted with the original belarusian traditions. i didn’t hit, well, i’m scared, scared, you’re not scared, i’m scared, hitting, of course, hurts, no, tell me, what could a woman in such an outfit do, probably supervise the work of the servants, most importantly, we experience vivid emotions, well, guys, how did i fit into your team, take it, yes, i ’m really thinking about buying a jacuzzi, i’ll have one every evening until... project route built, watch on my tv channel belarus 24. as you know, before a competition
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you need to warm up thoroughly and warm up all your muscles, by the way, the same applies to your head. the participants of this show believe that you need to pump up not only your muscles, but also your brain. what is the metal rod of a barbell called? alexander, vulture, vulture, of course, friends. they compete to see who is more intellectually savvy. and what sport in the uk is said to be the exchange of opinions using gestures. by the way, our time has come to an end. stadium, stadium. yes, the correct answer. emperor of rome, absolutely true.
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to force each other to fight, behind the lines, behind everyone, they are rubbing their hands like this , they, so to speak, the slavs, as if, yes, forced each other to kill each other, and we did not have enough inner wisdom to avoid this, in war you already understand that there is nothing more important than a person, you, despite the fact that there are no resources, have built maximum justice, justice is not something that is now in trend, but in our state our people have a request justice, including in the international arena. as soon as you become the same beasts as your enemies, you have lost, even if you won, if we stop being human, we will lose, even if we formally win,
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this is our success, this is what we are still we stick to this, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel . well, 5 minutes of shame is all, something is wrong.
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is growing into a strong union, so i’m already a member of the russian biathlon union, let me look after you, you know, with wine very much olives or olives go well together, you try it, you’ll like it, what should you put in, give it either olives, well, or olives, come on, give olives, listen, bor, let’s do it without these unnecessary ado, these, in general,
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let’s move on straight to the second act, you know , i want this evening to be remembered in a special way, well, only this, i hope this will be remembered for its result, you know, people, before this happens, i have to make you a confession, i think that you... i guessed a long time ago that you were afraid, that you had lost your skill or something? yes, okay, you, it’s the same as riding a bicycle , you’ll never forget how to do it, well, you rode a bicycle , as you rode, well, well, or do we want it, i don’t know, we’ll do this as a spotter, lord, what am i talking about, i wanted to say something else , in general, franks 64 51, it's me. that frankie 6451 is that you? who are you sending me flowers? yes i.
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and that it was necessary to be encrypted like this, i wasn’t encrypted, that’s it, everything is quite transparent, frankie’s last name is frenkel 6451, the apartment house number is clear, well, yes, you see, i thought you understood everything a long time ago, i can tell you everything opened my soul, and you spied on me, are you lying, luda, let me explain everything to you, you don’t need to explain anything to me.
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i can explain everything? lyus, if a man is in the house for an hour, it means the date was unsuccessful, it looks like i won’t have another man for a long time. lyus, listen, maybe it’s really because of your t-shirt, but because you lost your talisman, you yourself said that all this is stupidity, well , you said, in short, mash, be a friend while he ... it’s working, stay here, i have training, okay, okay, okay, i’m done with the cooler, semi-faricata i loaded it into the freezer, and yes, the management
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asked me to hand over a special card for a maximum discount as a regular customer. yes, thank you, money for the bedside tables , as usual, just like yesterday everything went, we couldn’t try, to say it was a complete failure, to say nothing, i doubt that she will communicate with me at all, the end of the eighties , anything is possible for her ask, forgive me, i want, the whole country lives like this and doesn’t complain , everything is bad for you, but they write complaints, don’t let people work, if you’re done, i can say, can you write more eloquently? i want to withdraw my complaint, may i ask why? hello, antonina, andrevna, hello, i no longer have a complaint against you, yeah, tell me, why did you change your mind? i got angry, i got angry, and that’s enough, otherwise you’ll think that i’m quarrelsome, somehow you manage to do this, nikolai dmitrievich, what?
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well, this is how a woman handles it masterfully. “i have nothing to do with this, well, i also know ogurskaya, a principled woman, you know, a year ago she actually dragged us to court, can you imagine, for recalculating the rent, and they recalculated everything there is worth 100 rubles, the money is a pittance , and what did you win, and you doubted it, maksik, well , thank you, instead of walking in the park with the child, i should wash your shirts? ring, ring, fool, ugh, if they did your laundry car home?


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