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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 12, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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from there, from the fifties, sixties, from the time of creation, the time of great and small achievements, even seemingly in such directions that were once uncharacteristic for the belarusian industry, such as the production of consumer goods. by the beginning of the seventies, the bssr had already exported such products to more than...
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russia and belarus. us pressure is constantly increasing on the countries of the european union, making them poor and dependent. the key competitor of the united states of america or anglo-saxon corporations has always been european companies. how to destroy any economy, make inputs extremely expensive.
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yes, the wars are well-known everyday life, which revealed the creation of the city and became the information of history, city and republic. the first would be the house of uradu. the most significant development of belarusian architecture was created by hand, by hard labor. people from the fall of salome fears never came, they did. your future.
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lenin square in minsk. government house. during the war, the nazis called this building leninhaus. lenin's house. they wanted to blow it up. here in the basements there were tons of explosives and 200 air bombs. not from the mercy of the assadnik and not from the kabala pameshchyka exits your stick of bread, but from the land of the savetskaya union, and the land of the savetskaya union, and the land of the yago sumly pratsy, the dry savetska land. for savetskaya belarus, the reporter said, the blessed five-year plan will mean not only liquidation.
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bssr, hero of the union of writers atrakhovich, writer kandrat kapiva, senior ruler of the union of writers shamyakin, senior governor of the union of writers. ussr, pass years, decades, and youth remains the mistress of the square. lenin square is the address of the medical and pedagogical institutes of the belarusian state university. lenin square, people's power square, science square, youth square.
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hello, everything is clear with your project with marina. novel. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we’ll talk about how the living conditions of belarusians have changed since january 1. by what rules will we now receive salaries and go on vacation, and what will happen to prices in the coming year? go. new year - a holiday after which you want to do everything in a new way. starting from the new year, it is customary to start new habits or give up old ones, go on a diet, and quit sports. each of us is more comfortable updating ourselves in company with someone, so citizens of any country are looking forward to innovations at the state level in the new year. today is just about them. let's go through the list of changes that come into force in belarus in the first month of the new year 2024. and not
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only. on january 1 , an updated labor code came into force in the country, it simply concentrate of changes that. concern almost every belarusian. employers must now pay their employees under the new scheme. if earlier someone paid once a month, someone twice, depending on the form and terms of the contract, now all employers are required to pay hired labor twice a month, that is, in the common sense, split the payment into an advance payment and a salary. the concept of advance is not in the labor code, but in everyday life we ​​call the first and smaller portion of earnings exactly that. the belarusian approach to healthcare aims to prevent diseases, which is why we have long had such a phenomenon as medical examination, that is, screening the health of citizens for dangerous diseases. from january 1 last year, medical examination became mandatory, and according to the new norms of the labor
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code, the employer is obliged to give the employee time to pay for it. for people under 40 years of age, this is one day every 3 years. for those over 40 - one. day annually, for those who are 5 years away from retirement, or who have already reached retirement age - 2 days per year. in all cases, visits to doctors are necessary will be documented. after the twentieth year, it became clear that we have a lot of working people who can work effectively remotely. previously, in order to let a person work from home, it was necessary to renew his employment contract. from now on, this is not necessary if a person is allowed to work remotely for up to six months. months, the employer can simply write an order to transfer the employee to remote work, but the work format can also be combined, when the employee comes to the office, then he works from home for weeks, and now this possibility is also enshrined in the labor code; in what proportions to implement it, in
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each individual case the managers of the subordinate will agree themselves. here , an urgent solution has arrived in order to strangle bureaucracy in enterprises. there are innovations aimed at the comfort of family belarusians, to celebrate a marriage, the birth of a child, or to see off a close relative on their last journey; according to the new norms, an employee can take three paid days of leave, parents, who have at least three children under the age of... years and people raising a child with a disability under the age of 18, can now choose one additional day off per week or a daily reduction of the working day by an hour, and if a person works part-time, his working day will be shortened
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by half an hour. for those who not only work, but also study, article 187 of the labor code now allows permission to take social leave for 30 days once in order to... complete work on a dissertation. in addition, employers are now are required to allow students who are receiving their first education and those who need time to enroll in graduate school to go on vacation at their own expense. regular labor leave can now officially be divided into more than two parts, not only when this norm is stated in the collective agreement, but also if it is fixed in other local legal acts of the employer, however, one of the parts of the leave must still be no shorter 14 days. on january 1, the country's price regulation system changed. this is spelled out in the new edition of council of ministers resolution no. 713. the document established for producers a maximum increase in the cost of goods.
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the manufacturer can increase the price of its products by no more than 0.3% from the price in the previous month. it is important that the manufacturer. may not take advantage of this opportunity to accumulate a reserve for several months, and then increase the price by a larger amount, and if his competitors have set prices lower than his, it is not profitable for him to inflate the price. don't use this feature at all. this is done so that manufacturers stop going to the government agencies agree on price increases. now they will apply for permission to increase the cost of goods by more than 3% per month, only if they have a compelling justification for this. for example, the exchange rate changed sharply and the company suffered from this when purchasing raw materials. such situations will be considered individually. if we are talking about seasonal products, it seems. vegetables for a borscht set, the price increase should be no more than 3.5% from the figure in
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the same month last year. in addition, a size limit has been established for manufacturers wholesale discounts, and for importers they introduced a ceiling on surcharges on goods that domestic manufacturers have enough of, but this is a narrowly focused innovation that citizens not involved in trade do not need to delve into. first. january , the minimum wage in our country increased, now it is 626 rubles. the government signed a document about this a month ago. payment for the year increased by 13%. in monetary terms it is 72 rubles. for example, from january 2020 it was 375 rubles. in the twenty -first year - 400 rubles. at twenty-two - 457, at the beginning of 2023,554 rubles. the minimum wage is the amount less than which
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an employer cannot pay an employee hired under an employment contract. the contract is included in this concept. on january 1 , the base rate in the country increased, now it is 250 rubles. on january 1 of the past year it was 228 rubles. and last september there was an increase to 200.35 rubles. the amount of earnings of state employees depends on this value, so it will also increase. at the same time , incentive payments and compensation amounts will increase. the ministry of labor reported that this is an increase in the basic rates will not be the only one in the coming year. the value will continue to grow. on january 1 and june 1 in our country , tariffs for utility services are always reviewed; they will become more expensive. now the details will be written out for us later, but the main innovation in this area of ​​legislation is the decoupling of indicators
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from currency and linking them to a base value. prices for housing and communal services should not increase in total consumption by more than half of one base per year. by the way, the basic value has also increased, now it is 40 rubles. before that i was 37. from this the indicator depends on the size of some benefits, taxes, scholarships and... fines. let's start with some good news for the near future. on february 1, all types of labor pensions in belarus will increase again. again, because the last increase was last september. then 5% was added to payments. in less than a month they will add 10 at once. the president signed a decree on this. the national average pension in february will be 811 rubles. and this is 21. more than in february 2023. now about the standards that
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came into effect from january 1. for another 6 months the insurance period required for a person to receive a retirement pension has increased. now it is 19.5 years. during this period, employers at every workplace in belarus must make insurance contributions to the social security fund so that a person receives a full pension upon his well-deserved retirement. our insurance period will be gradually increased and this will be done until 2025, until its duration is 20 years, that is, we will have another increase in the insurance period by 6 months next year. the second important change in in this area: from now on , pensioners under the age of 70 who live in the city and do not have a disability of the first or second group will be able to receive a pension only through a bank. let me remind you that the retirement age for women in belarus is 58 years old, for men - 63 years old,
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there are about 2,400 thousand pensioners in the country, and 70% of them have long been receiving pensions through banks, because it is more convenient for them. the tax code has changed, the most striking adjustments: the transport tax has increased, the specific amounts will depend on the weight and... capacity of the car, so name some a single growth indicator is impossible, but as an example, tax officials talk about a passenger car weighing up to one and a half tons. previously, you had to pay 60.1 rubles for it, now 66, per ton 750, previously 81 rubles, now 87. all property taxes can be paid in one payment, that is, the tax authorities will issue the citizen a single invoice, which summarizes the property taxes , car and land, you can pay for them with one click of the mouse or with one receipt, whichever is closer to you:
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the fee for artisans has been increased from six to 6.5 rub. the fee for owners of agricultural estates from 37 to 40 rubles, taxes also increased by an average of 3 rubles for those who rent out apartments and offices, and the main character of this block of changes is the so-called wealth tax, the income tax rate will increase for citizens who receive per year more than 200,000 rub. that is, their monthly earnings should exceed 16,666 rubles. such people will pay 25, not... 13% income tax, the rate of the same tax increases from 20 to 30% for individual entrepreneurs with an income of more than 500,000 rubles per year, that is, to pay such a tax, you need to earn 41,666 rubles per month. this is a progressive tax system. it works in many countries that call themselves developed. in
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belarus, it will affect several thousand people and will help establish a certain balance of social justice in terms of deposits. budget. we are also waiting for an increase in the amount of maternity capital. the ministry of labor will publish information about what it will be like by january 31. on february 1 , child benefits will increase. payment terms will change in july, very beneficial for citizens. sick leave, and council of ministers resolution no. 992 on consumer lending will make loans for domestic household appliances more accessible. means of transportation such as bicycles and motorcycles. there will be more wheelchair-friendly facilities in the country, and the social service sector will completely change its format. we will talk about all this in detail as laws and regulations are launched in the coming year. readily accept the new, it’s a new year after all.
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calmly be interested in how changes to laws work and how they change quality your personal life. you discovered. there are many pleasant surprises, to understand that good changes do not happen in seconds, to launch a mechanism that is really useful to millions, you need to spend millions of seconds, and to appreciate life in belarus, because in this fairy tale, the carriage does not turn into a pumpkin at midnight. i’m marina karaman and what changed for us on the night from the thirty-first to the first, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you later.
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factory of christmas decorations, where christmas masterpieces are created, delighting more than one generation of belarusians, from a collector and creator andrey begun. in general, the collection probably started with my childhood toys, christmas tree toys, which i got from san trisoli, no matter how trite it may sound, this red star, which was hung instead of a top on the christmas tree, is probably my favorite toy.
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taste, look, this kind of freedom is a great happiness, watch today on our channel. the news is live now, pavel lazovik is with you, good afternoon. prospects for cars , mood, minsk automobile.


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