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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 12, 2024 9:45pm-10:20pm MSK

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remains to this day, tatyana shcherbina, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, valentin elizarev is speaking now. dear belarusians, dear colleagues, dear friends, here’s to a new year of happiness, health, and prosperity to every belarusian family. we are with you, artists, we love you, come to us, we will share. our most intimate thing is that we have, our opportunity to communicate with you in a large theater. thank you. valentin nikolaevich, you are already armed with a marker, you know what to do. please leave it to us wishes in our program and an autograph on this picture.
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the priesthood is a way of life.
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a clergyman is one who looks at every person who comes to him as a child of god, as an image like god, and treats him, first of all, with respect, shows him his attention, love and care. at the minsk theological seminary we try to ensure that every student. from the first year, this is the good example that he sees on the pages of the bible, which he sees in the works of the holy fathers, for example, communication with this or that shepherd of the church of christ. i priest artemy kirko, head of the correspondence education department of the minsk theological seminary, this place is an almomatory for those who have decided to devote their lives to serving god and people.
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the minsk theological seminary dates back to the end of the 18th century in 1785, experienced various stages of history, was transferred from one city to another, closed, experienced its first revival after the great patriotic war. two-year theological courses were opened in žurovice. then these two-year courses grew into seminary. and the seminary operated until 1963 . it was revived again in 1989. the first patriarchal exarch of all belarus , metropolitan filoret. in 1996 , the minsk religious church was opened. academy and
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regen department, where not only boys but also girls studied. the academy existed until 2015 and then was transferred to minsk, and 2 years ago it returned here again to zhirovichi and not just as a regency department, but as a department of church arts, which includes the yeikinsky department and icon painting department. it's spiritual an educational institution where, in addition to studying , students... learn prayer, liturgical life, in addition to studying, they learn to work, perform certain obediences, all this together, combining they learn how to live according to the commandments of god. this place is very important not only for the church, but also for the state, because the students are graduates of our theological school, they are also citizens of our country, and how... they will be raised here, what will be
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important is what fruit they can bear later both for society and for the church, therefore the state provides assistance for... brings great fruits for our society , in order to enter our theological seminary, each person must work for at least a year in his parish at his place of residence, attend church, help at divine services, help the clergy, that
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is, here he must gain the minimum experience that it will be useful for him during training. all applicants pass an internal exam on the biblical history of the old and new testaments .
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it is important and valuable that it is located next to and together with the holy dormition zherovichi a monastery in which one of the great shrines of the belarusian people and the whole world, the fat icon of the mother of god, is located. minsk theological seminary sets itself the goal of educating those people who are looking for the kingdom of heaven, they are looking for the kingdom of heaven within themselves, they are looking for god in this world. and if, after graduating from the minsk seminary, they retained this connection with the heavenly church, the connection with what we call grace, then the goal of our theological school has been fulfilled. seminary students participate in liturgical services
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life, help during services in the monastery at various obediences, and the monastery, in turn, helps the seminary, also in whatever way it can... and thus such joint cooperation and coexistence helps the harmonious spiritual development of both the monastery and the seminary. minsk theological seminary is called a closed educational institution. this does not mean that it is completely closed from the outside world. a special daily routine, a special charter. at 8 a.m. , each student comes to morning prayers, which are performed in our three saints seminary morning prayers last 15 minutes, when each of the students takes turns reading the morning prayers, then the clergyman reads the gospel, the word of god, and then all the students go down to the refectory for breakfast. it’s interesting that our
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students and teachers have meals together, we eat everything together, and during meals, a little bit of a monastic tradition, we read something. teaching and creation of the holy fathers, when students eat during a meal, they still listen, that is, we can say that combine eating with such learning. today we will remember together with you the 28th verse of the 118th psalm: my soul is lifted up from despondency, strengthen me in your words. after eating the food, we all pray and thank the lord. and we all go together.
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is under the special protection of the mother of god, students have a tradition of coming to the miraculous icon every day, asking for its help, guidance, strengthening of spiritual strength, so that they can then bring the light of christ to all people. at our seminary, lectures are given by more than thirty teachers, each teacher his day, his subject in which he is an expert, his topics, his programs and...
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and additional literature in order to understand this or that issue in more detail, if there is a need to conduct a practical lesson on a particular subject, the teacher and the students come to the temple, show vestments, show the structure of the temple, the structure of the altar , explain everything practically, show, there is a need to go somewhere, to some parish, to see how life works there, what other documents should be there in... the parish, what the life of the parish consists of, students go to such practical
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classes at one or another nearby parish. we will introduce you to belarusians. who deliberately exchanged the city for the village, about 10 years old, it was just a country house, one fine day they just came to minsk in winter, stayed for 2 weeks and realized that it was very noisy, well, that’s how the circumstances developed, we already lived here, well then we have already come here, we liked it, despite the fact that our apartment was on fire, they believed in themselves, their strengths and achieved results in their favorite business, the main goal is...
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and we also introduce you to amazing people who live in belarus and do everything for its
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development. broadcast 24/7, a project that everyone should see. watch us every friday on the belarus24 tv channel. we have three departments in the seminar: the department of biblical studies, the department that studies the holy scriptures, the department of theology, where theological disciplines are studied, and the department of church history and church practicalities disciplines. we have it in the correspondence department. several specializations, this is a theological and pastoral specialization , where students study clergy by correspondence,
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there is a theological and pedagogical specialization, where students also study to become teachers, so that later they can become teachers of the law of god, teachers of sunday schools, at the minsk theological seminary there is also a department of church arts , which includes two specializations: regen icon painting, and full-time correspondence forms of education. on these...
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a man, boys and girls sing in the mixed choir, the male choir sings during the service in the assumption cathedral of the monastery, the mixed choir sings during the service in our three hierarchs church, and also for the second year now, the minsk theological seminary has been singing a children’s choir from sunday school pupils,
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i have a priest of our belarusian orthodox church, and it so happened that he had very believing parents, they brought him to god and laid him down, this burning for the love of christianity, for the orthodox faith, here he is with his mother - he tries and does everything to pass on this faith to our children, that is, to us, and since childhood, looking at my parents’ example, in particular my father, i saw how he... communicates with people, how he stands at the throne of god, how he prays, how he helps people , and this sparked in me this burning and love for the temple, for the church. we have such a practice at the seminary that every student must have a confessor, he can be from among the clergy, our married
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teachers, or someone closer to one of the monastics, throughout the entire study at the minsk theological seminary student transport... you evaluate according to some criterion of authenticity, psychology speaks about this, this is not what history speaks about, that is,
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you can draw something for yourself from there, for some reason it also turns out to be wrong, you come to church in very simple words explains what you have been looking for all this time, a person... he meets god at a certain stage of his life, for some this meeting with god is more vivid and memorable, and for some people, it is invisible, faith in god, it helps firmly keep following the path that you have chosen, everyone who enters a theological seminary chooses the path of life with christ, that is faith in christ, it helps you walk through life confidently, confidently - this does not mean haughtily... with your head raised, exalting yourself above other people, means to walk firmly, because you know that you are with christ, you try to measure all your actions, deeds, thoughts, words
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with the teachings of christ, with his commandments, and you know that they lead you to eternal life, they will give you already here on earth a foretaste of the kingdom of heaven, and you walk this path and your path is solid, because you are not alone, you are with christ. they are delighted with every corner of their small homeland , which they generally call the edge , there are very beautiful places here, here we have 200, in my opinion, almost 67. birds, no matter where we are, are still drawn to their homeland, their native air , our native land, this is a gift that we receive from birth, they know everything about
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how to run a farm, he says, thank you, sergey, thank you, i think, why is this, he says, my wife lowered her nails for the first time into the ground, took the potatoes out of there with such pleasure, and are ready to endlessly find inspiration. let us go to the people, our fellow countrymen, to
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serve the priest on the most holy roof. things will happen again and again in the past in the grodzen region. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. i would like to send you some couples, so that people know your gift. thank god, sew up thinness, horses, hair. our dear little ones, our dear little ones, tell us how you lived, and the old traditions, the new life. time with projects in advance in the past tv channel belarus 24.
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the life of our students is similar to the life of students at secular universities; for the most part, we only see that our students combine their studies with liturgical life. with the labors and obediences that they carry out here in our theological school or in the monastery, which do not involve students, who teach students, for example, how to bake prosphora, which may be useful for them in the parish, how to sing and sing buns, who teach them how to sing during divine services , correctly read expressively beautifully and other skills. brothers, good afternoon, please sit down, today we have the following obediences: cleaning the seminary grounds, who could do the work? come on,
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artyom, you! there are three people on duty in the kitchen: misha, you, andrey, and alexander. many of our students work in the information sector. we have an editorial office for the website of the minsk theological seminary, and we have an editorial office for our magazine stupeni, where students write their articles and interview interesting guests. also our students, they help in...
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we have a gym in the seminary, when in their free time students can go, work out there, we have a gym where students gather, are divided into teams and play football, volleyball, basketball, weekends, students go home, someone can go to the nearby town of etoslonem, just walk around the city, visit a museum, for example , break it, go,
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have a look. go to the cinema or theater and spend time this way. the whole week, it is divided into singing groups, when all students, in addition to sunday services and holiday services, come to the temple to learn prayer, reading and singing worship. our service begins at 5:00 in the monastery; if it is a service in the seminary, then at 6:00 in the evening and lasts approximately 2-2.5 hours. and at 8:00 everyone gathers for dinner, for dinner, after which evening prayers are performed, at evening prayers, senior students, from third to fifth, undergo liturgical practice, learn to preach, after evening prayers, each student also prepares a sermon on a certain day on the topic of the day about the day of remembrance of that saint, which takes place on this day, speaks about his life, brings him
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moral application and some kind of instructions to students, it is interesting that students try not to read these sermons , they try to pronounce them, and as a rule, those students who deliver them for the first time, these sermons are short, but they are simple and from the bottom of their hearts, and very our students like it, then, when they graduate from the seminary, they become clergy, and they need to preach sermons in their churches, it’s easier for them to do this, because they already have practice, they have experience. such an interesting story, one even told it priest, he noticed how he was entering the temple, one old man began to enter, and he was standing in the temple, the service had not yet begun, he was already standing in the temple, the service had already ended, he was still standing, but the priest became interested and thought, well, why he stands there, came up to him and asks what are you doing, and he says, i ’m praying, the priest says, what are you telling god, i don’t say anything, i listen, and what does god tell you, he doesn’t say anything, he listens, this is the silence...
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treat everyone humanely, then you, this will be good soil for speaking about absorbing the spiritual, the seed that was sown here in the theological school will certainly bear good fruit in the future. a person who has graduated from theological school, our graduate, who will become a clergyman, he will be sent to one or another parish, in the countryside or in the city, he will not only provide spiritual nourishment, give spiritual
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advice to people who will... come to him, but he will also actively work in the cultural activities of that village, that the city where he will live and serve, he will actively work in the social direction. he will help to care for the poor, visit hospitals, orphanages, he will bear fruit not only for the church, but also for society, for our people, who are hungry for faith, who long to gain faith, to find a good example in the person of a clergyman, with our clergy will be such an example and be the work of our teachers who are in them here... and with god's help, the grace of god, which will be on them to act.
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the growth of goods and new projects in all areas of belarus, russia is intensifying regional cooperation. belarus has a stable position as a leader among the cis countries in the ranking of
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achievement of sustainable development goals. the resource base is about a million tons. our oil workers discovered a new one in the gomel region for only black gold. and genomic developments for medicine and not only belarusian ones. work on human dna research. the program events in the studio of veronica buta is on air. hello. belarus is increasing interaction with russian regions. the task for the twenty-fourth year is to increase belarusian exports by 8%. in what areas are we working? we will find out more details from our columnist oles vysotskaya. there are many worthy examples, for example, in the twenty- third year, the trade turnover of belarus and the pskov region doubled, with our light industry in first place. we also supply city buses and construction buses. we make materials using joint lifting machines , build roads, social facilities, and participate in the clean water pilot project. we are record holders for the number contacts, in terms of the number of joint events, these are important systemic
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fundamental programs for interaction between business and solving the problem of import substitution, economic sovereignty of our large union state, we will hold a serious business forum in... from each area that should cooperate, i hope we will reach new ones , joint projects already next year, because despite the doubling of growth , in any case, the basic task of next year is to increase belarusian exports in general to russia, the pskov region by 8%, we consider it as one of the growth points. corelia is famous for its foxes and paper production in the region, they even make unique paper suits, which, despite...
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the trade turnover with the arkhangelsk region is still modest, just over $40 million, but sanctions not only stimulate the work of domestic production, but also develop regional communications. so, in the twenty-fourth year a business mission from arkhangelsk is planned to belarus.


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