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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 14, 2024 7:35am-9:01am MSK

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i came in, it happened once in the pre-dawn hour , it was several years ago, a fog came, drove me crazy, but i had no strength to drive it away, it melted on its own and went out in the sky in the blue night, the blue fog, looks like a deception, looks like a deception , blue fog, blue fog, blue fog, looks like a hoax, looks like a hoax, blue fog, blue fog.
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the fog came, when i was thinking , oh, how dizzy, it happened once, the two of us have all the words, not all the words, the fog came, knocked on the houses, go away, fog, go away, everything is long gone, my soul is light, and all the sadness behind, blue fog, looks like a deception, looks like a deception, blue fog, blue fog, blue fog, looks like a deception. looks like a hoax, blue fog,
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blue fog, blue fog, looks like a hoax, looks like. deception, blue fog, blue fog, similar to deception, blue fog, blue fog.
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probably soon we will forget how to walk , the habit of driving lives in us, walk just two steps, we suffer 100 km by car, not including cars.
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or cars, literally everything, filled up, where the dust lay, a car was delivered through, the roar of the engine sounds to us like music, like an aroma, we inhale gasoline , what we need, a highway, a narrow strip, and spare parts, an advice store, cars, cars, it literally stank, there was no dust lying there, through the years i left the car, cars, cars, literally everything filled, there was ardor for me,
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i parked the car through the summer. cars were created for us, but then different times passed, and day and night we crawl under the car, we serve it, so that it drives, cars, cars, literally everything, in plunder. installed a car, cars, cars, literally everything , filled, where the dust lay, left through, a miracle
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, a wonderful thing, flew through cold water, in dirty rags, across the river, in a moment, an old man, either in the past, an evulik, or in the future, a frozen boundary, blizzards swirling, i watched with my eyes, heard my heart with... lonely igorva, it was not my fate that was deprived, oh , i should ask and the lip, and not suddenly
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chalk the field, field field, white-white field smoke, voice was blacker than pitch, turned gray. field, field-field, white-white field of smoke, the hair was blacker tar, became gray-haired, and the old man still walked like a dream, straightened up, either far beyond the horizon, or deep into the earth, and it got dark in... height, snowflakes sing the charter, the camp lay on him, but did not melt, the field, field, field, white, white field of smoke, hair was blacker than pitch,
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turned gray, suddenly in the ringing silence he turned around, and a shiver ran down my back, an icy wave, he looked at me asleep, the old man, who did you scream, and the old man wanted, taking my eyes off, i wouldn’t believe my eyes, i would attribute everything to tears, maybe everything that was there... it was cracking, but here in the mirror, friends, suddenly i saw him, the song is visible, that one of mine, still living , in a field, field, field, white, white field, smoke, the voice was
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blacker than pitch, became gray, field, field, across... field, white, white field the smoke, the hair was blacker than pitch, the field became a gray field... how long has it been since you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily tasting.
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as if by magic on the pages of books, by reading a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present, belarus 24.
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hello, belarus 11 and belarus are on the air 24, editors club program. now we will discuss what is being discussed in the country in the world, let me introduce our guests today, who came to us at studio 600 on makaenka 9, zhuk, chief of the editorial house of belarus, today, olga shpilevskaya, director of the mtrk mir representative office in belarus, head of the belarusian women's union, marat markov, chairman of the board of the second national tv channel, vadim gegin, general director of the national library, head of the knowledge society, oleg aidukevich, member of parliament. party leader, good evening, let's start with the most current news, with the latest, well, on the night of the 11th to the 12th
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minsk time, our doves of peace, namely the usa, great britain, australia, the netherlands, bahrain and canada, struck yemen, the white house commented, although biden did not publicly speak to the public, but , as i understand it, a small tweet appeared on the white house website. today, at my direction, the us military, together with the united kingdom and with the support of australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands, successfully attacked a number of objects in yemen , which the houthi rebels used to threaten freedom of navigation, well, the main thing is that the word freedom should also be democracy, they usually add, according to cnn, as always shown in a live broadcast, just for prime time local. all this was done, zakharova commented, commented on the us airstrikes on yemen, another example
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of the anglo-saxons’ distortion of the sbon resolution and complete disregard for international law in the name of escalating the situation in the region for the sake of their own destructive purposes, well, we had a little time to discuss here, well , no one has asked the united nations organization for a long time since the bombing of serbia since yugoslavia. but, as far as i understand, they should have asked the local parliaments, they seem to have their own procedure everywhere, that is, the americans have such a precedent, the president of the united states can authorize such one-time strikes, they discussed this issue, of course, i don’t know that deeply australian and dutch legislation is there, but as far as the soviet union is concerned, everything is very simple here, they may not even meet, the situation there is clear, if russia and china act, it means that the united states and great britain will always block the security council resolution.
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ecuador, coups in africa, have come to such a movement, other conflicts , all conflicts around the world, old ones, perhaps, unfortunately, new ones will appear, will be rebooted, and this boomerang will definitely reach europe, they have their own such skeletons in the closet , carriages small trolley.
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the palestinian-israeli conflict began, we said in this studio that the middle east - this is a powder keg, it never happens like this, it all entails consequences, when something flares up there the next day everything goes out or a month later, all this has long-term consequences, for decades to come, what happened today in yeoman is will again have long-term consequences. the houthis from iran, we know very well that the americans are essentially trying to get at tehran with this blow, instead of giving iran the right to sovereign development and talking to it on equal terms, today they are again splitting the middle east, again they they want to push sunnis and shiites together, to
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show the reaction in the middle east to this bombing, because this bombing was being prepared long before... the beginning of these events, the americans tried to create a coalition in the middle east among the countries of the middle east, but what happened, the coalition did not work out, even those countries of the middle east that were allies of the united states at one time refused to participate directly in this, this suggests that the authority of the united states of america in the middle east is nonexistent, today they cling to their former hegemony, starting these wars to make money. and preparing the re-election of biden, because today they have completely diverted attention from ukraine, everyone has already forgotten about it in the west, everyone is discussing only the middle east, secondly, american analysts are already saying that tomorrow there will be victorious statements in the white house, how powerful biden is, who has struck these strikes, and now i want to return to our country to our reality, they constantly
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reproach russia, but today we imagine that russia is striking at airfields at night and... we will not, like the americans, wipe out cities from the face of the earth, they are waiting for him to wipe out kiev there, there are opportunities for this, now to belarus, the last thing i want to say is that the president warned about all this for a very long time, peace is balancing on the brink of the third world war, it is actually going on, it’s just going differently, it’s a hybrid war, but events
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can develop like dominoes, today not a single expert, not a single political scientist, not a single politician can predict what will happen in europe. all this could hit europe again, it will hit, the most pro-muslim positions and views are in the european union, these attacks on yemen are another reason now for people to take to the squares of berlin, vienna, and paris to fight the power that exists, that is, the world faces difficult times. here, let's give a few accents, i like to place accents, and let's think about them. first, i fully support, what is the eu's reaction? osce, what will be the reaction, no, let’s emphasize once again what kind of reaction to this from european politicians, that’s right, no, and we don’t let's wait in terms of condemnation of actions.
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what other countries will be involved on what basis, for what reasons, what will be the reason for this, we cannot say yet, we don’t know about it, naturally, that’s why the president.
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send money to ukraine, who will reimburse all costs, or rather all weapons, all storage bases, all warehouses in europe, in the usa itself, in
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sweden, which supplies weapons, in finland, the czech republic and so on, in poland itself, the usa will supply , compensate the usa, that is, the military-industrial complex of this countries, thanks to the conflicts that exist and the conflicts that begin, that is, they begin. he will prosper, and ukraine from this point of view, it is unprofitable , because if the americans a year ago, a year and a half ago, were shouting about the need to help ukraine, so pumped up by propaganda, now the majority no longer wants to help, considers it inappropriate, 30% more for, and the rest are already saying that this plays against biden’s image, accordingly biden changes his emphasis, a new point appears, of course, vanity the canal there or the red sea needs to be liberated from the houthis.
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first, vadim frantsivich started , he has the right to make a decision, to sign a pro-raz strike, yes, that is, they wrote such laws for themselves, gave themselves the right to destroy people anywhere in the world, everything, beautiful, well done, and with this biden made an application for the peace prize this year, they always acted this way, this is unambiguous, but they remembered trump, he too. then we look at why a coalition,
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why a coalition, so that responsibility can be shared, yes, so that there is support from on the part of the british, australians, well, i don’t know, sooner or later this could really lead to that point of no return, i mean a major global one. hot war , look what we discussed at the beginning of the year, the chief of the pentagon disappeared, the president did not know where, they reported there on the fourth day, yes, that he was in the clinic, something else, everything is great, but he is part of that chain of decision-making on the use of nuclear weapons, can you imagine one element, why would biden know about this, biden probably won’t enters this little warmer, i think, well, they enter, they don’t enter, they carry these little suitcases for them. question, i think that us presidents use this attribute as a pr element more
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than a real element. let’s say, a real military lever, but look what’s happening to the rest of the world, and the rest of the world is contemplating, hiding, and most importantly, you know what they’re thinking, just don’t worry about us next time, that’s it, this is a terrible feeling, now the states are going back to blackmailing the entire globe in the name of their own decisions economic interests, i agree with you, for me, for example , the worst thing is when we really... we talk a lot about how international law stops working and international law doesn’t work, but now it’s not just international law that doesn’t work, for me it feels like there are simply no red lines, no borders anymore, and you can’t be sure that tomorrow your country won’t be bombed just because someone decided tonight that you threaten the freedom of the united states or the great economy, wait for any freedom, they will come up with freedom for you to crawl across the border, i don’t know
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what other freedom there is.
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analytics and so the analysis confirms washington’s steady desire to ensure , through the north atlantic bloc, its total military-political dominance in europe, to prevent the strengthening of the positions of minsk and moscow, well, this is a long history , they are not worried about democracy, freedom and so on, liberal values, they are worried that we will stand stronger. accession to finland from sweden's perspective is considered in as one of the stages of the military-political coverage of europe's
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replenishment. the use of its territory and troops, well , also, in general, a story familiar to us, there are attempts by the west to draw other countries into the alliance, bosnia, you know, moldova, georgia and serbia, the baltic states are being pumped up with troops, since august of this year in close proximity to the border of belarus and russia deployed about 360 thousand military personnel from countries participating in the bloc, 800 units, 600
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artillery systems and mortars. 650 airplanes and helicopters, twenty since february in the second year, the number of non-regional formations of the alens state increased 2.5 times and exceeded 30,000 people. according to the plans of the west, the expansion of the bloc should turn the baltic sea into an internal lake of nato, making the arctic a space where only the north atlantic alliance will dominate, since all arctic states with the exception of russia will become members of the organization. with poland it’s about the same story, everything would be fine, but they say that they are doing it for defense, but only how many years have they been there, 80s something years ago, sometimes their grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the literal sense of the word. in the same way, i can remind you of the words of hitler, their actual spiritual father, who wrote in his political will that there was no person in europe who fought for peace as much as he did after the first world war, they actually repeat the same thing, if
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we talk about their plans, they were announced earlier, and we see that they are being implemented, this is the destruction, an attempt, i am sure that they will not achieve this goal, of the russian black sea fleet block by installation, that's why estonia is important, it's the same. a bridgehead, to block the russian baltic fleet by installing anti-ship complexes, to isolate kaliningrad in this way, under this murmur about the suwalki corridor, what is the suwalki corridor, there is no attack on the suwalki corridor in the plans of belarus and russia, there are other plans, the case of aggression against us is absolutely worth it , so this is what the suwałki corridor is needed for, this is the blockade of the kaliningrad region, the next moment is the arctic, the fight for the future resources and blocking the most powerful
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atomic carrying information and propaganda is like a defeat, a blow to putin already, we must not forget that elections are going on in russia, not only in the usa, these are the plans, they are obvious, and we see them, which is interesting about their so-called democracy, again we can point out that in finland and sweden, support for joining nato is falling sharply and at an increasing pace. let me remind you that these countries never supported joining nato, only through a powerful propaganda campaign, in fact from...
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said, but the essence of everything that is happening is banally simple: this is a struggle for resources, because this western model, these western centers, the usa, great britain, europe, they cannot live at their own expense, they need to constantly rob someone to absorb , even those countries that have now joined nato, what did they get in the end, besides the fact that their territory will be used in the event of some kind of conflict against the war with russia, it was used without their knowledge, without...
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he is zelensky today, it means i woke up, the americans said, no money yet, no help it won’t be what he said today , think about it, the leader of an independent country who fought for independence, supposedly 12 million pensioners could die of hunger, listen, where is sovereignty, and where is independence, you’ve been on the maidan since 1914, so until the fourteenth year, pensioners ate at least something, how did you bring your people, your country, to bastards? that without the american dollar
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for one week no help has come, you say you are dying of hunger, and why are you bastards, won’t you answer your people, how did you buy pitchforks in italy, france, germany, among others? and the zelensky family, the klitschko family, zaluzhny , the former minister of defense, who was there, all the real estate in europe, they have pensioners, which means they are dying, this is the expansion of nato, this is again the goal to rob and... kill, they want us, we will necessarily in this scenario , they really want to drag us into war , it didn’t work out, because we are a sovereign country, because our strength is in our sovereignty, but next year, in the thirties, in the thirty- fifths, we must remember that we will never live, remember how much we spent 8 years in this club in this studio laughing from how they called themselves the second army in europe , almost in the world, already the first, probably, that one of the most powerful countries on ... the continent and we said what are you talking about, well,
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in fact, today with the help of 52 countries they cannot cope with one russian federation, and can you imagine how much they poured into people’s ears, convinced them that it was possible and necessary to fight with the russians, as a result they received hundreds of thousands, you understand, this is the thirst for revanchism, it is caused by the usual desire to live at the expense of others, their models absolutely economic right. between russia and america for a missile flight
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, we also know this, for aviation, for everyone who will control this region, however, the russians have already created missiles that can fly through the south pole, but we also must not forget about the so-called belarusian balcony, that ’s what they call it, we must understand that we are a possible springboard for an attack on russia, for this entire coalition of which 2020. what happens to those who live on the bridgehead, they are destroyed, we must understand that we necessary hold on tight so that they don’t push us into any internal strife, because if we start fighting with each other here internally, we’ll immediately be overthrown, and the future of our country , let’s go back to that very year 20, of course, we talked so much here, told , that uh... the west and part of the elites of the russian federation had a hand in
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what happened here in 2020, let’s speak the truth, and some facts known to us, i don’t know whether i can talk about this or not, with the help of our information puppets, which we now we call it the information service of the us state department, before they called themselves the so-called independent media, we understood that no, i remember, i said here at the beginning of 1920 that unfortunately there is information that the media are involved in coup attempts, i remember bash. he spoke about the twentieth year, after
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what, 2.2 years, let’s listen, i can , in principle , say with a high degree of confidence that the events of the twentieth year in belarus were inspired by external forces, i won’t say which ones, but they were inspired, of course, and not the least role in the build-up of this whole situation was played by supposedly democratic media, although they are not at all democratically independent, they naturally are not these media. this is all, it’s all nonsense, but society was pumped up to a certain degree, many people did not realize at all what was happening, i, in principle, also for some long period... was weakly aware at all, then when, as they began to understand some... then facts, some kind of analysis, uh, some of the insider information that i received, i already really understood in general what had happened and really understood what a difficult situation the belarusian society
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and belarus as a whole were driven into, driven by the external, driven by certain goals, unfortunately, many people they continue now. that’s how somehow with such eyes closed , not understanding, not waking up, what’s happening, not understanding the whole real situation, they continue to do something stubbornly there, and read some kind of mantras, what it’s like, you know, why did only one more important detail sound here, they did all this, they continue to do it for money, and not out of conviction, the main point that needs to be seen here in this, that’s why he started talking about it,
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around russia, which was formed in the strategy , was formed a long time ago, now this formation is entering such a final stage, because well, why were we neutral, i absolutely agree that both sweden and finland, but the point is different: finland, when it essentially joined nato, it immediately increased the border, yes, of russia with nato is doubled, yes, first of all, sweden is a seemingly small country, 10.5 million people. yes, yes, it seems to be peaceful , neutral, what is good about it, wonderful infrastructure, excellent production, including the military industry, which provides the swedish army, in many ways itself, a good army, which ranks thirty- seventh in the world, eleventh in europe,
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despite for a strength of 1500, there is such a thing, a personnel army, their entire officer corps is staff members, yes, they are capable...
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they established it for doing the nord stream, in fact, this is the sovereignty of germany , hungary, of course, will be criticized, the prime minister of hungary is trying to pursue a sovereign policy, therefore belarus is like a bone in their throat, here is the video and this comrade, it means that he saw why he spoke like that, he saw the attitude not to the country, he doesn’t care about the country , he saw the attitude towards himself, he still has pride, at least a little, at least for himself, vanity, and he must have realized that he is trash. by the way, here is confirmation of oleg sergeevich’s words, there is an amazing photo, you know, like in gogol, the animated scene at the end of the auditor, they have such a tradition, they are directly
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fighting, for several years already, the second or third, duda, who has former ministers in the palace, the arrests are simply mocking, yes, that means he is organizing a reception for these zmagariks who escaped from belarus, and there they are sorted, someone is allowed closer to, in the photo it’s simply amazing, there is such a barrier enclosing them, in my opinion, they are right up to this barrier like we are. hitler's satellites, their fight was terrible, even among the local policemen, they they wrote denunciations against each other to gottberg, and
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some of them were even arrested and then shot by gista, now they are trying to pass them off as victims of the occupation regime, they literally as soon as they see someone breaking through closer to buba or gottberg, they will immediately receive a denunciation against him , exactly the same thing, absolutely, you know, their behavior is that of national traitors, it doesn’t change, like this bpr generation. who fought, it’s interesting to read the testimony, there was such a konstantin yazovidov, once a russian officer, they asked how you came to to the belarusian region, he explained something to putin there, then he collaborated with the german occupiers, then he collaborated with the polish occupiers, then the devil will understand why he was an agent ; the latvian police arrested him five times, then he served the germans again, they suspected that he works for soviet intelligence, so he eventually perished in mgb prisons, they have this, well, i don’t know, continuity to call it or what, it...
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he sits again with this beard, with his intelligent appearance, but he’s kind man, everyone said, the kindest democrat, until what did he agree on, he told the truth
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, you know, he says, there is no other way than the introduction of nato troops into the territory of belarus, well, no, let’s admit it, that is , the person who walked here with a scarf tied around him, a fighter, well, yushchenko copied, pretended, we can’t think of anything , talks about the war, and poznyak, well, he’s a man
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, and the national debt is growing, they talk a lot about this too, but in general they get, skim the cream off what they did in europe, here are the eu sanctions against russia resulted in losses for european energy companies, but brought huge profits to their american competitors, said the head of the largest hungarian company mol, zsolt hernadi. in the first half of twenty-three, us oil and gas exports reached record levels. as for oil, europe
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has become the number one market for it, 44% of the us. exports fell to europe, supplies of liquefied natural gas from the usa to europe grew by 170% in 2 years, this is just a niche market into which they squeezed in, well, throwing out the russian one - at this time the usa resumed imports of russian oil by purchasing it at a price above the g7 ceiling, washington officially purchased 10,000 barrels of oil from moscow for 749 thousand dollars, that is, they are tilting europe, and they themselves calmly resolve those issues.
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to the united states, we are faced with the deepest crisis in europe, and it is already emerging, we see, and we can see, and we can see how the people, how the europeans are reacting to this crisis, it’s not for nothing that there are now a series of protests by any and all farmers there, and this is just the beginning, i have spoken about this more than once, by the way, and the president made two predictions for germany and france, this was on october 24 twenty-two, the second about poland, it
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was in september twenty-two.
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this is a policy that is alien to the polish people , which is being pursued by the current leadership of poland, they will reject this policy, and we don’t need to think about how it will be, but if...
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completely pro-american, others pro-brussels, but brussels under america, that is, the americans will be satisfied with any the outcome, whether duda or kaczynski, is why everything that is happening there now is complete democracy, no one
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cares, this must not be forgotten, about complete democracy, no one cares and about that, that we really need a free and independent poland nearby, which would pursue its own sovereign policy, polish president dudo will complain to the americans about the new government of donald tusk, no, this is useless, we know why, on what wavelength. can you imagine, yes, imagine , when two politicians who determine the policy of a sovereign, independent country complain about each other, the american and the european union, who controls whom, there is one thing that we, we will watch this theater for more 2 years, in poland this year there were local elections, and they were never inferior in intensity to parliamentary elections; in 2019 there were presidential elections in poland. yes , in june there are still elections to the european parliament, in june of this year for a second, that is, this moment must also be taken into account, the second, tusk came on the wave, on the wave of the return from normal
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relations with the european union, he said this during his election campaign the company that it is necessary to restore relations with the european union, and why? because he understands perfectly well that he will lose 140 billion euros, which were frozen by the european parliament, yes... a scandal is happening now, a commission has been created in the sejm, which is closely investigating the case of corruption with visas, and this scandal, and the most interesting thing is that the same people are involved, there is a former minister of foreign affairs, and questions appeared to the maravetsky state administration, that is, we will observe this for quite a long period, the only point that, you know, i still have...
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what comes from this personally, well, i can’t resist now from historical analogies, because everything we say, i just think, where i saw it, the first polish-lithuanian commonwealth, the gentry groups, they were proud there too, we have a gentry democracy, they tore each other’s forelocks , there was a family there that was so devilish, yes, on the other side there were rodevils, that means here other clans , fellows, house wars, tore this country apart, then they divided us, how is it possible, who is to blame for this, well, look, there is a historical analogy, and there is a modern analogy, now it’s coming to poland, yes, due to this political internal conflict, and enormous corruption, yes , which permeates the leadership of polish society, yes, that they are being brought closer to the ukrainians, yes, absolutely true, the basis of everything is that, financial assistance from outside, somewhere european, in poland, american, that’s when they come there this huge money.
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and money, aid was also stolen , european officials will probably be involved in this, as always , brussels officials, as was the case with covid vaccines, a well-known story now, american officials, because zelensky was still howling today that 70% of the money that was intended for ukraine, they stayed in the usa, for some reason this is very surprising for american pensioners, i don’t know why, but the most understandable situation for me is the words.
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the president that this policy is alien to the polish people, because 90% of poles, and we see this even from the visa-free regime that we have in poland, because of the number of people who annually, monthly, quarterly come to minsk to our other cities, they feel calm here, and they don’t feel like they’re not enemies here, they never will, they politics is disgusting, because the majority of poles want a normal border, normal business, normal relationships, a normal life, any normal person wants this, so... for me the example is always simple, here we all live, who lives in an apartment, who lives in a house, it doesn’t matter when you move in, what worries you most, good relations with neighbors, so you go, so that i live, i want a neighbor here, no matter what he is, so as not to swear, god forbid, i want to live normally, because it’s wonderful you understand, even if you and your neighbor fight for 10 years, there will be no normal life, this should be the normal desire of an ordinary person, and this is the desire of the poles, this is the desire of the lithuanians, they probably don’t even turn on the tv anymore.
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people are still being arrested in the capitol, brother and sister jonathan and olivia pollock were detained, as well as gun store employees joseph hudchison, criminal cases have been filed, they will probably get it, i want. let me remind you that five peaceful protesters were killed during this march to the capitol, i didn’t see any weapons in their hands, now more than 1,100 people have been arrested for the participants in the unauthorized rally, they are handing out sentences as terrorists, so far the record is 22 years
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, this is the video where ashley bebit was killed, yes, you remember this case, well, there is also a video where a girl was beaten to death with sticks , only then this video appeared, there are no sanctions... no one is indignant, there are no problems with the american government among them , they declared internal terrorists in connection with this, that ’s all, i’ll remind you that the yellow vests, when they opposed the pension story, began in november from 1818 to june 1919 , more than 3,100 convictions were handed down, 400 people were sentenced to prison, and remember the famous case in austria, you woman said that she was creating a parallel government.
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i also talk to journalists, they ask the question: listen, well , nothing ever works out for these fugitives, and why do they still give money? yes, this is a corruption scheme, this is a corruption scheme, but at one time we, you know, when we tried to be friends there and live according to the rules, we too we went to this strasbourg, but before my eyes
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these opposition, that is, like politicians, figures gave part of the money to their curator, which is located.
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listen, i’ll tell you my personal opinion, i ’m against any street scenarios, and there’s no need to smash the capitols, there’s no need to go to the streets to hold rallies, i’m different, you’re interfering with us, you’re defending yours as you see fit. system, moreover, i don’t care what the election system is in the usa, i don’t care what the election system is in germany, there are no elections in poland,
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and for god’s sake, live as you want, why are you you are interfering with us, because we are really not russia, not belarus, especially since during all this time we have not interfered in a single electoral process, although we had such opportunities, always have, we never interfered in elections even in difficult times in in these countries, when the situation was unclear, we did not interfere there, so why are you interfering with us, and what?
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the so-called fourteenth amendment, what we talked about the events of january 6 in the capitol, the former president of the united states, without any judicial opinion, is accused of being organizer of a riot and insurrection, on this basis in a number of states they initiate, and in some places even local authorities make a decision not to allow him to participate in the elections without any preliminary court decision confirming his participation, so in reality the process is more like bombing?
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will not change, even if you imagine trump, he took it, won today, there is a whole layer who hates trump, because everything
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was done by propaganda in order to exclude the fact that individual states do not recognize the results.
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they had boxes of our products, we were happy, yes, well, thank you very much , uh, what about the coming old new year, yes, happy old new year, thank you for coming today we discussed all the important topics, it was the editors' club, we'll see you in a week, goodbye , discoveries without which...
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it’s hard to imagine the world today. this product has been perhaps the most popular in the beauty industry for the last 10 years. they are used by famous bloggers, actors, tv presenters and are happy to demonstrate it on social networks. they were once considered a medicine and were called ready with necessities. i'm talking, of course, about candy, an invention of humanity that greatly simplifies our lives. fabric stickers impregnated with... an emulsion that had to be applied to the skin around the eyes were invented by a scientist in south korea in the early 2000s. it is known that the name of a beauty product came to us from the world of technology. programmers call a patch an automated software tool that is used to quickly fix problems. about the most important things from the world of science in the project science is nearby.
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we did such an experiment, we gave a group of dancers, and the guys danced in them and looked at them after dancing. did not slip, absolutely new unique technologies, using caramelized milk, when this caramelized milk is added to the composition, the chocolate acquires a very interesting characteristic caramel taste and color. watch on tv channel belarus 24. belarus, the month of our president alexander lukashenko, has always advocated peace negotiations between russia and ukraine. they were ready to end the war if we take, like finland, once neutrality. boris johnson arrived in kiev and said that we won’t sign anything with them at all, and let’s just fight, although this may be something else, sanctions, blackmail, incitement of ethnic hatred, dirty tricks used by western political strategists against economic political allies, russia and belarus .
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us pressure is constantly increasing on the countries of the european union, their cause... the key competitor of the united states of america or anglo-saxon corporations has always been european companies. how to destroy any economy by making incoming resources extremely expensive. but with russia and belarus, everything is completely complicated in the west; they are stubborn, independent, and rebellious. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. we follow the sports life of our country. shakhtar reached the top division of the champion. in basketball 3:3, in the second stage, which took place in arkhangelsk, in tandem the belarusian contenders won all matches. and we were allowed to participate in the licensed world championship, and we hoped and believed that everything would happen.
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january 14, sunday, what events we start the day with and i will tell you. vladislav bunder, hello, first, briefly about the main thing. a mirror of the destinies of hundreds of belarusian villages, the anniversary of the tragedy of the village of ala, in which almost 2.0 people were burned by the nazis. another blow to the army of yemen. the us and uk attacked the base from which the houthis had previously launched a missile towards the red sea.


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