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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nekrasova, good evening and briefly about the main thing. the military doctrine and national security concept will be submitted to the supreme council for approval. the strategic documents were discussed by the head of state at a meeting of the security council. how many citizens have been nominated as candidates for deputies and what areas they represent. the next stage of the election campaign has started in belarus. sudden triumph of reason 54-100 vs. the estonian parliament rejected a bill to dismantle the bronze soldier. and the first state in trump's treasury. the former us president won a landslide victory in iowa, and biden, according to most americans, has lost his mind. abc news poll. belarus is pursuing a peaceful policy, but open threats, and especially actions against it, will not stop. no answer. clear
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measures to respond to modern challenges are spelled out in the most important documents, draft national security concepts and military doctrine. today they were discussed at the palace of independence. the new version of the concept was approved almost a year ago, by which time a public review had passed. found in the document a reflection of the new challenges faced in recent years. tension on the border, provocation, and deterioration of the situation within the country are just some of the current threats. the concept of national security must correspond to modern realities.
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and many of the estimates and forecasts contained there are already coming true. look what is happening in the middle east, this is a terrible humanitarian catastrophe. please note that threats to use nuclear weapons were made almost immediately after the escalation of the conflict. and as is usually the case, there were no sanctions from the civilized west.
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the military doctrine also takes into full account all possible challenges and threats. according to experts, the new military doctrine also updates approaches to determining the nature of modern military conflicts in the interests of developing adequate response measures for the armed defense of the country. last year , following a meeting of the security council , relevant instructions were given, formed and delivered.
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public discussion of the concept national security was held widely, about seventy discussion platforms were held throughout the country, and feedback was received. geopolitical situation on the external contour in the world as a whole. is of genuine interest to our citizens,” noted the secretary of state of the security council. some proposals are taken into account in the updated concept. people today are primarily concerned about peace, stability, and security. therefore, within the framework of the outbreak of military conflicts, within the framework of the processes taking place today in the geopolitical arena, the emergence of a conflict using nuclear weapons, a statement by some politicians, what we heard quite recently during the conflict in the middle east, a statement, unfortunately for us. neighbors, in particular poland, their requests for the deployment of american nuclear weapons on polish territory, of course, we strengthened the provisions of the concept of the risks of conflicts with the use of nuclear weapons, because look, today in europe there are already 150 american nuclear warheads deployed on
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european territory, this not counting the nuclear weapons of france and great britain, and some other countries they are asking to be placed on their territory, it’s clear why, given their militaristic nature and...
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biden’s worst dream: former us president donald trump won a landslide victory following a meeting of activists. 8% believe president biden will remain sufficiently clear-headed for a second term. 28% of americans gave credit to their president's brain function, 69 did not. by the way, if donald trump wins the upcoming elections, he again promised
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to stop the bloodshed in ukraine as soon as possible. in belarus. continue to provide comprehensive support for families evacuated from the gas strip in november. today , presidential assistant, inspector for the grodny region yuri koraev met with representatives of two large families who came to their small homeland in volkovysk. people expressed gratitude to the country's leadership for the opportunity to escape from the zone of military conflict and for solving all everyday issues in their new place of residence. during the meeting , they discussed possible employment options for parents, as well as the continuation of their children’s education at school at the university. when people saved.
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during the meeting, multi-newspaper families were presented with gifts from the presidential sports club, children received soft toys and football swords. the estonian parliament rejected a bill drafted by the conservative people's party to dismantle monuments to the liberating war known as the bronze soldier, as well as other monuments to soviet soldiers. 54 out of 101 deputies voted against this proposal, and 14 voted for it. by the way, every year on may 9, thousands of residents and guests of the estonian capital laid flower wreaths.
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feats and citizenship are synonymous with it life, a beauty who stepped into the embrasure of art to resist nato and the eu. winner of six statuettes at the international slavic arts forum, golden knight. the winner of a special presidential prize for cultural and artistic figures will tell today what eternal values ​​the slavs should defend, why he no longer believes in democracy and considers belarus a country of truth. take it from hand.
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considered one of the methods of nomination, the rest hedged their bets by nominating in two or three ways at once by collecting signatures from workers
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collectives of political parties. of the nominated candidates, a third are women, almost a tenth are deputies of local councils, 7.4% are deputies of the house of representatives, 4% are citizens under the age of 31. it is also known that in terms of areas of activity , most of the applicants are candidates for deputies, representatives of science, education, healthcare, and sports culture. also weight. part falls on employees of government agencies, industry, transport and construction. as for local councils, 18,996 candidates were nominated throughout the country, more than half were nominated by citizens by collecting signatures. the automobile bridge across pripyat in mozyr is undergoing a global reconstruction. the record holder for the length in the country is almost a kilometer, in terms of service life.
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along this metal flight structure, on which heavy tracked vehicles will be based, on these same mosiks there will be special supporting devices, onto which the load of this counterstructure will then be transferred for its subsequent element-by-element dismantling. by the end of the year, the gomel region plans to complete the reconstruction of 21 bridge structures, the most iconic ones across sosh in vetka and across the dnieper in the reshche district. there were strong winds and snowstorms, today belarus was attacked again, more than 200
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accidents occurred in 24 hours, mostly without serious consequences. this is how a bmw and a minibus collided in orsha. according to preliminary information, guy, the driver of the car lost control on the snowy road and flew into the oncoming lane, where he crashed into a minibus. the passengers were not injured, but the driver was. other the minibus flew into a ditch and lay on its side the day before near mogilev. according to the traffic police, the fifty-two-year-old driver also failed to cope. with control , it’s not snowing on the streets of minsk now, but it’s frozen, and as a result there’s ice on the roads, the situation is complicated by squally winds, the traffic police has organized round-the-clock monitoring, and the traffic police crew is providing it. assistance to road users. 55,000 cubic meters of frosty raw materials, this is the number of snowdrifts processed by the capital's snow melting point during this winter season. despite the snowfalls, the complex copes with its task. currently , the facility's capacity is used at half its capacity. it receives about 300 flights per day. processing is carried out according to a strict scheme: first , the snow goes into a crusher, where it is melted by
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water, the temperature of which is +17°. next, the liquid undergoes purification and becomes water for technical purposes. needs, due to the temperature , the snow melts and then passes through the corridors of sand traps, sand settles there, water flows by gravity into the pumping station and is pumped to the minsk wastewater treatment plant, the amount of snow that comes here every day on average ranges from 2.0 to 2,500 m2. snow melting point brings snowdrifts from three. districts of minsk, partizansky, zavodsky and leninsky, the rest of the snow from the city streets is placed at special landfills. in the future , two more snowdrift processing facilities will appear in minsk. the release of sports news will continue, the results of the day of my colleagues in the panorama, i say goodbye, all the best and see you later. spanish tennis player
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carlos alcoraz reached the second round of the australian open. at the start. tournament athlete in three sets he beat number 131 in the itp rating, frenchman richard gasquet, 76, 61 62. the second racket of the world had nine aces, three double faults and four converted break points. the tennis player will play his next match on january 18 against italian representative lorenz sonega. atalanta defeated frosinone in the home match, and now shares fifth place in terms of points scored.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is
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news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the field events, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway. denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus , austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast
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in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. club editors, what distinguishes a national leader from a politician is that the leader thinks about the next generations, and not the end of his term. both the united states and the west are always hooked on their technologies, then sanctions are imposed, they deprive us of technology, and thus force us to act the way they want. the transition to a green economy is also a technological needle. we in parliament are constantly considering bills related specifically to the green economy. we proceed only from our national interests. we never ruin we will not enter into enterprises for the sake of europe. global elites exploit the earth's resources, suck those resources, and exploit other populations. yes, that is, this is a classic of the most
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advanced, wild capitalism. no one takes anyone into account, the main thing is to earn money for the sake of this profit. there is no isolation, and there cannot be, for one simple reason: we are in the trend of reasonable, normal countries and states; of course, everyone wants to do business with us. not. miss it on the belarus24 tv channel.
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tv news agency presents in in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. in
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the same month, in 167, the sticks of prince kiev were separated from the troops of prince usyaslav of poland. i know the same battle, but not the same battle, but when you take care of the package, you don’t cover it now, there is a great palace for the sport, the calling card of the city of minsk. adsul, here we are in minsk, we’ll take a walk through the christmas town. and what is holy without joyful revelry and fun? the park's name is gorkaga... on a happy earth.
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the people of ming have small families, but the average family has two families. only four items of mother's milk are available minsk. ale new statistics are not slaughtered, as far as our city is concerned. and what do you know, the elders of minsk, for maskva, leningrad, ryga, for their history, minsk fought this time and again.


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