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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 17, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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this is live news on belarus 1 and belarus 24. olga medved is in the studio. good morning to this episode. supporting scientific developments and attracting talented youth to science. president's fellowships for 2024, awarded to 62 graduate students. they curry favor by forgetting history. germany erased the attack over from the annals. americans by british in february '45. belarusians are preparing for a decision, the number of those wishing to make a decision is growing. this season, places with a flat bottom without vegetation will be specially equipped. belarus - a peace-loving country, but open threats, and especially actions against it, will not go unanswered. clear measures to respond to modern challenges are spelled out in the most important documents and draft national security concepts.
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unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force became the main argument in building interstate relations. last year, following a meeting of the security council, corresponding instructions were given. the task has been set to informally approach the preparation of a new concept of national security. despite
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in response to the unfriendly steps of individual governments towards belarus, we do not consider anyone as our enemy. this is the spirit of our military doctrine, the minister of defense emphasized. the document defines the response measures that our country will take if something happens. the doctrine brings the position of belarus to application on our territory. nuclear weapons signifies the allied obligations of belarus, as for the updated concept of national security, it protects the institution of the traditional family, aimed at overcoming the disproportion of regional development, specifies the list of forces for ensuring national security. the draft concept is aimed at increasing the role of civil society in the adoption and implementation of provisions to protect national interests. this opinion was shared by doctor of military sciences nikolai. buzin, attracting a wide range
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of the population, attracting the scientific community, attracting all possible groups of platforms for discussion, this is in general... this is quite the right step in terms of getting a good result, as for other states, then such a discussion is a rare exception in general in political practice, and as a rule, a certain decision is developed, it is communicated to its own citizens and then implemented, therefore in this respect the republic of belarus differs significantly from other states of the world, this is probably our whole belarusianness, our tolerance... the concept of democracy. support for talented youth. presidential scholarships for 2024 have been awarded to 62 graduate students performing dissertation research on priority
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directions of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities in educational institutions and scientific organizations. the first one signed the order. research and development. carried out on current popular topics: the results of the work are introduced into the educational process, practical activities of the organization of industry, medicine, agriculture, presented at republican and international conferences, published in scientific publications, the order was adopted in order to support the scientific development of graduate students, stimulate the preparation of scientific highly qualified workers, development of domestic scientific schools, attracting talented youth to science. the procedure for registering candidates for deputies of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus of the eighth convocation and local councils of deputies of the twenty-ninth convocation has begun in belarus. 298 candidates have been nominated for the house of representatives. this is how the picture looks across the country. the majority is in
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the city of minsk, the least in the mogilev region, equal in the grodno and minsk regions. more than half of the applicants used one of three nomination methods. thus, the lion's share falls on nominations from political parties, almost 40%. 30.6% of candidates were nominated by citizens by collecting signatures, 29.7 declared themselves from labor collectives. in terms of political parties that were active in this election campaign, the picture is as follows: 23.8% of all nominees from political parties are from the belarusian party belaya rus. 18.1 are the liberal democrats. 12 and 4 representatives of the communist party and 7% republican justice labor party nominees. the cec also calculated that a third of the contenders for the title of candidate for the house of representatives are women. deputies of the current convocation are also running for a new term, they account for 7.4%
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of applicants, 3% more applicants from the ranks of local councils. it is also known that 4% of applicants are young people under the age of 31. the same number of young people are applying for the title of candidate for deputies of local councils, all over the country at all levels below the chamber 18,996 applicants nominated their candidates for representatives. from january 16 to january 30, members of territorial and district election commissions will check received documents for nomination as deputy candidates for compliance with the requirements of the electoral code and make a decision on the registration of candidates. at this stage, the electoral commission center can connect to only in case of appealing the decisions of lower commissions. the eu is preparing to join the british-american military mission in the red sea. reid reports that in brussels
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a decision was made to send naval forces to the region to protect transport routes through sues and bubble mandeb. true, european ships arrived there only after february 19th. let me remind you that over the past week the states have launched several missile attacks on yemen, but the houthis continue their attacks on commercial ships and now promise to attack not only ships, one way or another, associated with israel, but american and british ships. apparently, the houthis will expand their list of enemies to include the europeans who have decided to get involved in a dubious operation from the point of view of international law. germany decided to please the usa. in dressden , a memorial inscription in memory of the victims of the american-british bombing of the city in february 1945 disappeared without a trace. according to the most cautious estimates, at least 135,000 civilians became victims. a large industrial center, which
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was supposed to enter the soviet occupation zone, was purposefully destroyed. city authorities have not commented on the disappearance of the memorial sign. something similar is observed in in japan, thanks to effective propaganda , the population for the most part does not know who exactly carried out the atomic bombing of the country, and those japanese who remember the perpetrators of the attacks on jeroshima and nagasaki often give speeches of gratitude to the united states. ukraine under marijuana the verkhovna rada voted to unblock the bill on its legalization in the country. earlier, one of the factions slowed down the adoption of the document. now, after zelensky’s signing, the law should immediately come into force. in the matter of legalizing soft drugs, ukrainian the authorities are consistently faithful to their promises, probably more than in any other issue. lifting the ban on cannabis use was an item on the election platform. zelensky is not the country’s economic problems, not an armed conflict with russia.


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