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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 18, 2024 5:05pm-5:41pm MSK

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international terrorist organization, reversing its own decision made at the beginning of the current us president’s term. the weather plan was introduced in mogilev and the mogilev region due to snowfall. the situation was especially difficult in the first half of the day; traffic was difficult. according to the internal affairs directorate, the region's road services have been placed on high alert. special equipment is used on the roads. gi accompanies snow removal equipment and monitors the condition of the street road network.
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utility equipment involved enterprises are about 65-70 units, the same amount of equipment will be attracted from enterprises by the organization of the city of mogilev of a non-municipal form of ownership, that is, these are different enterprises, factories, they place their equipment in assigned territories, help clear snow, there is a stock of anti-ice materials, services that involved in snow removal, they work around the clock, the weather plan implies the maximum involvement of state traffic inspectors to ensure road safety. the gi is under control traffic conditions to prevent accidents. guy asks drivers to be understanding about preventive measures and recommends not getting ahead of snow removal equipment, as well as being careful on the roads and avoiding sudden maneuvers. a yellow alert level due to snow collapse has been announced in moscow and the russian capital region. cars get stuck, and people... literally drown in the snow, many
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simply don’t know how to get home after work in such bad weather, a similar situation in st. petersburg, the cyclone brought there are sharp gusts of wind, snowfall, low visibility, the city is stuck in abnormal traffic jams. so. main events up to this minute, see you at 19:00. watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events.
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live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia. turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day, every day. be with tv channel belarus 244. and
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discover belarus. we follow the sporting life of our country. shakhtar reached the top division of the russian basketball championship 3:3. in the second stage, which took place in arkhangelsk. candidates in tandem. belarus won all matches. and we were allowed to participate in the licensed world championship. and we hoped and believed that we would be able to perform at the olympic games. the most interesting event the other day was that the belarusian cycling federation summed up the results of the year, which, despite the ban, turned out to be a busy and fruitful one. sports of a new reality, the second stage of the republican tournament on digital banking of the game of the future has ended in minsk, we are listening to the opinion of competent specialists. there should be a stronger player in some position, so now we have signed a big one, because we feel that we are a little lacking under the ring. this is a tough game, i would say,
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the carnage showed that we have a team, and it was not in vain that we worked all year, so to speak. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. when ancient man appreciated their beauty, he immediately became puzzled by the question of creating them with his own hands. for centuries people have tried to create what he did. there was nature itself, but it was possible to do this only a little more than a century ago. now they are used in production quantum technology, space technology, of course, in jewelry. i'm talking about precious stones created by man, thanks to science. in the next half hour, we will not only talk about them, but also show the stones that our scientists grow. spoiler: belarusians were the first in the world to create one of them. the science series project is on air. hello and don't miss out on the program. magic turned out to be powerless, who made the first attempts to create a precious stone. the
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world's first peach diamond was grown by belarusian scientists. and how emeralds are made in scientific and practical center for materials science of the country's academy of sciences. in a programme. one of the issues of alchemy, which, by the way, became the basis of chemistry, was the search for a magical formula for making artificial gems. but then, in the 7th century bc, the alchemists naturally came to nothing. it wasn't magic that helped, it was science. let’s look at the history of the issue in detail right now. the first stone artificially grown, but outwardly completely replicating the natural one, was ruby. it was created in 1857 by the french chemist marc garden. after
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this scientific breakthrough already in the 20th century the world saw the first artificial diamond. in 1939 , soviet scientist ovsey leypunsky was in the process of a long laboratory. the work deduced the main conditions for creating artificial diamonds: a pressure of at least 60,000 atmospheres and a temperature of 1227° celsius. and one more important point: the process must take place in molten metal. two decades later , in the ussr, usa and sweden, scientists identified two main technologies that are still used today. synthesize another artificial stone, emerald was succeeded in... for the first time in 1935 by the german scientist espig, although research on this topic was introduced in the second half of the 19th century. the birthplace of the first artificially grown pearls is china, and the chinese kept the secret of its creation for a very long time, but in 1890 the technology
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became known to the japanese, it is called cultivation and takes a lot of time. the grains of mother-of-pearl are placed into the taste by hand. belarus has its own school for growing diamonds, and they are created by scientists in the scientific and practical center for materials science of the academy of sciences of belarus in a variety of colors. we’ll talk about this now with the deputy director of the center, oleg vladimirovich. hello, tell me first. is it possible for a non-specialist to distinguish such beauty from natural stones? usually it must be some kind of wizard, just imac, because sometimes even experts cannot distinguish synthetics from nature, even with the help of some instrumental methods
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(synthetic stones), they are quite close in their characteristics to natural ones, so these are all the myths that exist, that if you put it in a glass of water, if you hold it in your hand, we conducted an experiment... whether it is natural or synthetic will be almost impossible, wow, let's talk in detail about our school of growing diamonds, what is special, not so long ago, in fact, it seems to me, or this is simply not the first time we have met with a team of those who create artificial stones, it all started, tell us, initially a school of hard materials was created in the country, that is, it is synthetic diamond, cubic netridvora. v in the soviet union in 1963, our institute was founded, the institute of solid
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state semiconductor physics and solid materials were created there, but the port was more in the instrumental direction, that is, res, synthetic diamond powder, then by the nineties a school appeared in belarus, what is called visiting thieves from novosibirsk brought their equipment, their technology and began to cultivate the growth of single crystals here. well, then someone came, moved on, our specialists here grew up, grew up, so we are slowly developing this direction, can we talk a little about the technology itself so that it is clear, well, naturally, without revealing any secrets, humanity’s dream in this direction is to obtain diamonds without pressure, because now this technology of pressure and temperature, it adapts everything that a person does to natural conditions, that is , in nature on earth... there is a source of carbon, there are some impurities, catalysts, and,
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accordingly, there is pressure, accordingly, diamond crystals are formed there, in the same way we also make diamonds, that is, we have a source of carbon, a metal catalyst , which dissolves carbon, then at pressure and temperature the carbon dissolved in the metal catalyst, it already forms a new carbon phase, already a diamond in the world, people are now trying to grow so-called cvd diamonds with less pressure. that is , layer-by-layer deposition of diamond from the gas phase, while they are still inferior, but probably the future lies with this material, at least in terms of technology, clearly, because if now there is a world record for growing diamond with using high pressure - this is 107 carats, then with the help of a cvd diamond, this is already 254 carats, wow, how long does it take to grow - just one stone? well, we get a one and a half carat stone, this one takes us four days, it would take nature,
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well, a century, let’s talk in more detail about the beauty that you brought us, tell us that these are different colors, that’s how we manage to achieve such different shades, and of course we’ll talk separately about another exhibit here, but a little about it later, our standard base color is cognac. that is, it is a single crystal after growth, that is, it is formed in this type of pyramid, we can grow cognac, yellow or colorless. in installations with a larger volume, you can already grow stones of this type, that is, these are three or four carats, there the shape is more complicated, that is, the smaller the volume, the more confidently you can control the process , and accordingly the shape, the larger the stone, the more it spreads, as they say, and accordingly its shape... becomes like lucky, this stone was originally colorless, but it has its own defects, its own
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impurities, playing with the defects, with the defective structure, that is, by additionally giving it pressure, irradiating it, chemical effects, we change its color, that is, not dyes, yes , as one might think, chemical sometimes yes, that is, if we initially, what is called the initial charge , make it the way it should... there is no more in the world, many specialists who looked at it argued, what
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is it, everything -well, it’s beige, champagne or pink, in the end our specialist said that he said peach, that’s all, and after that the brand came up that the peach diamond was from belarus, well, this one is the first and only one so far, yes, yes, this is the first and only one so far, that is, in the future this stone will be the same, it will be cut, there will be... additional processing, that is, now we are trying to develop a series, that is, you play around with colors, and we play around with flowers, that is, we have blue, pink, well, it turns out this... this one here is a cognac color, yeah, and after post -forming it turns out to be so yellowish, as we call conure, conore, canor, that is, a blue color can be obtained - either by irradiation, or by growth , that is, it’s both possible, and so it’s possible, well, here you go just white, well, just white, it ’s a classic, it’s just that half of the people ask for
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white, that is, they say, we’re not interested in all this fantasy, it’s more for the youth there or for europe. says: we need classics, that is, we need white diamonds, a fairly large number of specialists, including with the help of instrumental methods, our diamonds cannot be distinguished from natural ones, and well, there is a field for scammers, there is also another gorgeous color of stone, green color, i am, of course, now talking about emeralds, and my colleagues have studied the assortment and are ready for it show us, let's see the plot. our film crew did not get into the laboratory for growing emeralds in the scientific and practical center for materials science; it turned out that no one except the scientists themselves were allowed there, after all, it was a production secret. monocrystals we started growing emerald somewhere at the end of the last millennium, the technology
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was developed for about 5 years, we are not pioneers here, let’s just say, it’s been developed... the pile today is in trend to buy laboratory-grown stones, natural stones often do not reach the wide market at all . emerald is one of the exceptions among precious stones. in it, the first place in price is the color, and not the defectiveness of the crystals. well, up to a certain limit, of course. therefore, ideal
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emerald crystals do not reach sale at all and... are valued much more than diamonds, their are being bought up by the world's leading museums and collectors, and there is a closed club of buyers among millionaires, where you can only join, let's say, on the recommendation of two members of this club, when you are offered some kind of lot for purchase, no one bargains, and if you are there for a couple once you refuse, you are simply expelled from this club. that’s all, that’s why these perfect crystals are valued much higher than a diamond. as for the color of emeralds, it can only come in two variations: pure green and with a slightly bluish tint. so very faintly bluish green, this is the one we grow, it’s also called colombian, but the purely green one, it’s
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zombie, this one is more valuable, let’s say. so an emerald with a very slightly bluish tint, it is among, let's say, grown stones made in a laboratory, it is also valued much more, by about, well, let's say, by 60 percent. emeralds belong to the minerals of the beryl group, among which there is a handsome one red in color, scientists also grow it in the scientific and practical center for materials vision, among them there is also, well, among the beryl family, yes, there is also one a stone called natural bixbite , red beryl, in nature it is mined only in one state of utah, in the usa, and the largest stone that was made from it, in the sense of a jewelry rate, is 0.9 carats, and it is valued
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at about 50 thousand dollars per carat, that is, five times more expensive than a diamond. these are the analogues we are currently making; it takes at least 3 months to grow a stone of a color that captivates the human eye. the process of growing with a volume of, let's say, a siegl, that is, this is a glass for growing, it has a volume of about 2.5 liters. takes about 3 months. they were grown in america. from a large crucible, there the volume is about 20 liters, there it is for about a year, it was grown, naturally, more crystals were obtained there. well, let’s say, this volume is about 20% of the world ’s demand, well, this naturally depends on,
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let’s say, the demand at the moment, we have, let’s say, such a trend towards the fashion of grown stones, that is, made in the laboratory, not natural, when emeralds get into a piece of jewelry, then... most often they take on their classic appearance, so called a step cut, most often square or rectangular in shape with slightly truncated corners. you are watching the science project nearby, don’t miss it in the final part of the program. not only for jewelry craftsmen, where they still use artificial diamonds in our country. from osla to johannesburg. who buys belarusian diamonds and how natural precious stones are processed - a great report from a domestic jewelry factory. each of
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the project's heroes is engaged in important work. guys, who is a teacher and what does he do? is he doing? so, he works with children, we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. the main mission of our university is to train highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of medicine and pharmacy. we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work. when children feel good with each other. they feel good for everyone individually, so if the emotional background is stable in the group and the teacher is in a good mood for each child, then the child is happy
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goes to kindergarten. sixth-year subordinates at the belarusian state medical university are practicing the skills of providing emergency care in various clinical situations. watch on tv channel belarus 24. let's set off. travel around belarus. dear friends, welcome to novostarobensk. few people know, but this is what the city of soligorsk was once called. now the only reminder of this is the inscription on this stone, which symbolizes the beginning of the construction of the city. together with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. i attended a variety of master classes, very different, but honestly, this is the first time in my life i’ve seen something like this. i even tensed up for a moment, because... our mishka fyodor began to crawl right under his paw like that. visit the vibrant sights of our country. there are two museums with
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amazing exhibits here. agree, such rarities can now be seen only in soviet films. girls love to decorate the world around them, and i am no exception, so there will be such a painted we have a candle. look in the program, the route has been built. on tv channel belarus 24.
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oleg vladimirovich, let’s return to diamonds, where do our diamonds go first, well, besides the fact that they are naturally represented on the domestic market? our diamonds have been noticed all over the world, the majority, of course, are bought by belarusians, but then, by the will of fate, sometimes you meet your own stones, you define your stones, you can find them from portugal to korea and from norway to ur, that is , geography, yes, geography the most diverse, that is, yes, he is interested, mainly there are two types of interest, that is, people who are engaged in the production of jewelry, and you yourself are manufacturers, as they say. because the competition in the market is quite fierce, that is, china is trying to collect this entire area, that is, it now occupies 95% of the synthetic diamond market in terms of
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tools and... now it is trying to do the same with jewelry stones. now the price of synthetic stones, for synthetic diamonds, is significantly very low, that is, before 10 years ago it was 10% of the cost of natural, now it is only 2% of the cost of natural, wow, that is, they have fallen significantly in price, but not everything is so rosy here, because the latest news is that a number of manufacturers in china are flaring up.
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a hundred brilliance, maybe some unusual projects, unusual experiments, well , the peaches turned out beautifully, in principle , we can, well, if we separate the immediate plans and the long-term in this way, that is , in the immediate plans we move on to what is called something more like this systematic approach, that is, now we in fact, we are working on the fly, that is , the task has come, we have decided the next, the next,
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the next, often we... some such promising areas are simply put on the back burner, that is, my vision is what i would like, i would like to mean closing the domestic market, that is, including for diamonds, for tools, then there may be somewhere to focus on exports, that is, about far-reaching plans, well , such fantastic directions as the same solar cells based on diamond, for quantum technology, but these topics turn out very expensive and require fundamental research. that is, here in belarus, in any case, cooperation will be required there, if not with everyone in the world, but at least with russia, with china for sure. well, i can only wish you good luck thank you for this beauty for a really interesting story about this beauty. thank you. with the development of scientific technologies in the field of creating artificial stones, interest in natural minerals has not diminished. moreover, science is in a row on this issue, my
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colleagues have already been convinced of this, having visited... all over the world belarusian jewelry factory. until recently , it was believed that creating diamonds from natural diamonds was manual labor, but there are operations where not even hands, but human eyes are simply unable to see what will later lead to a perfectly clean diamond, and therefore it is better to entrust such operations apparatus. just such the latest equipment was recently acquired by a factory for... preparing the processing of diamonds before cutting the cutting itself, that is, all the preparatory vibrations, which are the most complex and costly
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by... now, after modernization, the first stage of turning a natural diamond into a diamond is done by a machine, minerals are placed in it, it scans it and the computer produces a 3d model of the diamond. this is necessary in order to see the slightest defects inside the mineral, which automatically reduce the cost of the finished product. and then on the 3d model, taking into account its defects, markings are drawn along which the laser will cut the diamond.
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a marking line is applied, after which the stone is sent to new equipment for laser sawing, where the stone is separated into two parts or into three parts, as was already marked during the diamond marking process, after which it goes to the new 4p installation, which allows the stone to be processed without the need for mechanical processing such operations as grinding, turning and rough cutting. this device prepares the final cut gemstone not at 60%, as it was before, at 85, this operation takes only 5-7 minutes, while a person needs at least half a day for the same manipulations. firstly, it is processing accuracy. everything, that
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is set, taking into account automation and software use, allows for visual control on monitor screens, and allows for almost one hundred percent processing accuracy. mechanical manual. from the diameter is still greater, the smaller the diameter, the faster in time, naturally it will be made, plus the requirements that are set for it, if it is a diamond of the shift group, there are some special processing conditions for it, then a person needs to
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spend more time to proofread it, but labor intensity coefficients are set there for it, which compensate him for the time spent in monetary payment for this stone, the hands of the cutter, the last production... installation of the diamond, then it ends up in a piece of jewelry, in which it will dazzle customers in the store, by the way, not only belarusians. if we are talking about diamonds, today 20% of all diamonds that we cut at our enterprise are supplied to the domestic market, that is, this is the domestic market, it is mainly for our faithful products. 80% is now mostly the russian federation. jewelry factory in gomel offers a wide variety of product collections to choose from. diamonds, but as the company’s employees themselves admit, the classics still remain at the top. a gem cannot be polished without friction, and
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a person cannot become successful without enough hard attempts, the great confucius once said. if you were with us for this half hour, you will definitely agree. that scientists had a huge number of difficult attempts to recreate in laboratory conditions the beauty that nature gives us before the world saw jewelry with artificial precious stones, the appearance of which is difficult to distinguish from natural ones even for specialists.
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the hollow dried-out aycinn vines, but the memory of their ancestors lives on. in the different parts of the country, there are tragedies and incitements throughout the months, and memorials are created for heroes and heroes. vyalikiya and small yans want the hysterical practice.


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