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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 19, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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basically we made a proposal, this was in relation to a special category of citizens, women with minor children who are being raised by women, as well as those men in the care of whom there are minor children, special attention was paid to mothers of many children, the president generally approved that proposal, which was reported by me, but the task was set to work out each proposal individually, the innovation that was proposed was to apply an amnesty to persons who were convicted of particularly serious crimes, including murder and serious bodily injury resulting in death. well, at the same time , the president draws attention to the fact that these people who were given a chance, who received an amnesty , were released, they were employed, that...
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uh, amnesties in 2022 , there were no complications in the operational situation, and we do not expect from this amnesty in 2024, but nevertheless , we will keep everyone who is released from prison under control. as for persons convicted of extremism and terrorism, our proposal was unambiguous, to this category of citizens not to apply the amnesty, chances were given. there is a lot, starting from
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an application to appeal to the head of state for a pardon, the most important thing is that the decision to apply an amnesty is for people to realize what they have done and corrected themselves, but we see a certain category of people, they have not realized what they have done, the fact that they broke human destinies, including those who are abroad today, because... in fact, they broke a lot of destinies, including those who are serving their sentences today, they succumbed to those promises, puppeteers who are abroad and so on, so today we see perfectly well that in our country order is ensured, the world is in order only because today we work and control all directions, as regards extremism, well, you all understand perfectly well that this...
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will be worked out further if we really see this sincerity, that people repent, why not, on an individual basis it is possible, well, as the head of state noted, work with everyone personally, yes, yes, exactly like that.
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hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, in the studio victoria popova and svetlana smolonskaya. and today our guest is the director of the republican scientific and practical center for transfusiology and medical biotechnology, fedor. hello, hello, fyodor nikolaevich, thank you very much for coming, everyone is probably familiar with this sign on the building of the institution you head, but perhaps not everyone knows what is hidden behind it, please tell us what the republican scientific and practical center you head does? well,
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first of all, the republican scientific and practical center is the most important institution in the republic of belarus for blood donation, the head institution of the blood service of the republic of belarus, therefore. our task is to work with donors and procure blood, its components for medical use, so for us the donor work begins with the arrival of the donor, at the exit we give away blood components, the medical use of blood components, in fact, also depends on the donor, therefore, on the person, who comes to us, all our work depends on. in general, the very possibility of providing medical care, therefore for us this sign is really, probably, a symbol, a sign of appeal to people and gratitude to people who come every day, spend their time, give a part of themselves for truly good deeds,
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saving lives, prolonging life, improving the quality of life, preserving the health of ordinary citizens who require transfusion of blood and its components.
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donors in the republic of belarus, the number yes, our citizens are active and the number of donations is sufficient to provide medical care, not a single patient was left behind if necessary. having donated blood today, we understand that it is not chaotic, that is, donors understand today that there are quite a large number of blood groups, we are forming reserves, it is prescribed that we have at least a five-day supply of erythrocyte blood components, there are three-day platelets plasma blood supplies
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there are two-month supplies, so donors are always needed, but nevertheless we regulate the flows, we say yes, thank you, you donated today and we immediately record, come to us in: 2-2 months, when we we are talking about a quiet feat, do we still mean gratuitous donation or two types of donation? well, you know, we're probably from 2013 to 2022.
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diet, it is a little different , i lead a healthy lifestyle, accordingly , this is the compensation that is given now today , in fact, it is comparable to the principles of gratuitous donation, therefore, today , within the framework of this law, which we have quite actively discussed, we have donors , they are entitled to compensation, and we say that these principles correspond to all international standards and comply with the principles of gratuitous donation, but this is in no way.
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in belarus, this is stated in the law on donation , that is, we do not have the right to sell blood, we do not have the right to export blood outside the republic of belarus, that is, this is not a matter of business, except for ourselves, no one will help us in providing medical care, so this is the realization that in each of us, in each person, this is in the republic of belarus, this is in our society, there is an internal need to help.
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give birth to a healthy child, because with caesarean sections you need a plasma transfusion, we have broadcast videos about this more than once, of course modern surgery is blood-saving, it is high-tech, but nevertheless, today surgery is carried out in terms of high-tech, fairly large interventions, operations on the heart is almost all heart-lung machines, blood is needed, so this is really a feat, yeah.
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really one blood donation can save two or three lives, and fedor nikolaevich, well, we’ve seen your videos , including social ones, they are actively broadcast everywhere, i understand that all kinds of people participate in these programs. who are these people who come to donate blood voluntarily every 2.5 months, every three months? the average age, as in belarus, is somewhere around 35-40 years, just a little. prevail in our country , active on-site procurement is still developed, we travel to all, probably more than 700 enterprises of state and private ownership, donations are involved, on the road - these are more often women, in stationary conditions this that is, those who come are more often men , yeah, these are kind-hearted people, this is this kind heart, each of whom says that i want
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to help, i want to help another, and my goal of coming here, yes, there is such a word as altruism , but this is really a need to help, you name such good numbers, that we have so many people in our society, consciously taking this step, and you probably know that now somehow such a new trend has appeared, they are discussing the benefits on the internet or the harm of donation, i don’t know who is starting this such topics, but maybe you can comment, this is a normal discussion, quite good, and we are ready to participate in... discussions, we do not separate ourselves from donors, of course, one of our tasks is for medical workers to tell whether donation is useful or harmful, why? one of our tasks, including guiding the donor through donations, is to tell about the state of his health, because we have a donor, and now, according to the law on donation, from a legal point of view, a patient, but in fact, a donor is a healthy person
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who came to us, donated blood, this a safe procedure and we must preserve his health for... tell us again that yes, donation affects that there is loss of iron , which requires a certain diet, iron supplements you need to drink, if you are a plasma donor or platelet donor, we prepare those components , which are also used in children’s practice, including, you need a certain diet, so that you do not eat fatty foods before donation, do not eat dairy. food there 2-3 days before donation, lead a healthy lifestyle, because blood, well, such an allegory, blood is the mirror of health is, of course, and we see even visually, that is, by collecting blood, one might say, even visually, that is , what an exchange of things, and a healthy, unhealthy person, not to mention what a powerful laboratory base, and from the donor really
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up to the recipient, this is the work that ensures the safety and quality of blood, this is what we do. there are a lot of scientific studies, publications, this is indeed a separate direction, we will probably talk about this a little more today, donors have been proven, not a single one study, they live on average 10
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years longer than non-donors, well, here’s another plus for you, including for the reasons that... it is restored quite quickly, that is, these losses of nutrients, protein losses, losses of formed elements blood, and the lord, when he planned us in life, it was laid down - now cell therapy is very fashionable, each of us has stem cells, as it is generally accepted, they
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were probably called before, we have stem cells laid down for 200-250 years of life , each of us we already let's go out. blood donation , among other things, really says it rejuvenates to some extent, and really stimulates regeneration, stimulates the bone marrow in the future, so the release of new stem cells, so really donors, against the same background, there are now a lot of ways of rejuvenation, including cleansing blood, and people like to go through some kind of centrifuge. foral, of course, they exist, and we are now doing it at the republican scientific and practical center, there is such a concept as therapeutic plasmapheresis, of course, that is, there are patients, that is, anyway, blood is the one that environment, that fabric. this is connective tissue that reaches almost all organs, that is, starting from inhalation, we saturate the blood with oxygen, yes, oxygen is carried to all tissues that must
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breathe, and blood tissues take carbon dioxide and carry it back to the lungs, without without blood we cannot live without blood, then we eat with you, all our nutrients, after the first stage of digestion, enter the blood and then they are transported or transported.
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brain, so cholesterol is a factor that can be deposited on blood vessels and lead to these changes, so today, in the same way, there are procedures where blood is filtered, cholesterol is removed, that is, there are such procedures, yes, we know these techniques, we do it.
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allows iron to be well absorbed, and blood donation when necessary , that is, if we talk about our quantity, how much iron we have, that is, why the interval is 2
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months, that is, if we eat well, we need at least 2 months to restore those losses iron that are after donating whole blood, and iron is not only in erythrocytes in transport proteins, it is in plasma, therefore donating plasma is also an effect. including on iron, so of course you need to track your indicators, make sure that there is no latent deficiency, well, first of all , i say again, adjust your diet, is it corrected medically, well, that is , not only with nutrition, yes, there is iron supplements, as practice shows from my experience of consulting not only donors, but patients, for a really simple person who leads a normal lifestyle, it probably makes sense sometimes once or twice a year to take cycles of iron supplements. but again this needs to be done under the control of the analysis, look at serum iron levels, look at feritin levels, look at transferrin saturation levels and make decisions in this case. well,
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before we take a break, here’s the question, let ’s figure it out, because there are two types of donation: gratuitous and with payment compensation, that’s right, we looked at the prices on your website, in principle there are quite different amounts, how much demand this is. the form of donation is monetary compensation specifically for enhanced nutrition during the interdonation period, that is, so that health indicators are restored , this is probably, well, to some extent, our feature, our uniqueness of this model, why do we say again that it has been preserved this monetary compensation, but we believe that this is connected and discussing with our partners, in the russian federation, discussing with our partners abroad, this is compatible with the principle of gratuitousness.
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taking into account our model, probably after the great patriotic war, nevertheless , the principles of donation are everywhere, indeed this is help, this is first of all this help, i want to help, indeed in many, many countries, when you are a donor, this is an indicator of that that you are socially active, that you are really ready, ready to sacrifice somewhere.
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on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest is the director of the republican scientific and practical center for transfusiology and medical biotechnologies, fedor karpenko. we promised to talk to you about the scientific activities of the center, let's devote time to science in this part, what do you do, besides collecting blood from socially responsible citizens? indeed, it is a republican scientific and practical center, therefore, probably, one of the priority tasks is the development of scientific ones.
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here at the republican scientific and practical center this huge number was quite large in scientific projects, for example, patients with the republican scientific and practical center for mental health, which manages patients with epilepsy, the introduction of mesanchymal self-propelled stramal cells, as we speak, which we have prepared, actually occur in 80%, epilepsy goes from pharmacoresistant, can be treated, or in general there are cases when it takes several years, that is, human blood is curative.
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into lymphocytes, in which certain genetic changes are already carried out, and now our scientific staff of the republican scientific and practical center of transfusiology, let’s say, general medical, general biological
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research was carried out, that is, we created a model of a vector of viruses into which you can add oncogene, we have completed more than 5 years of fundamental research, now together with the republican scientific and practical center for oncology starting this year. on the 24th, a project will start on oncogenes for head tumors to plant, let's see how the vaccine will be used, yes yes, that is, like vaccination, so we are not lagging behind in these areas, not to mention we are not lagging behind, we probably also have global results, oh which we can say are absolutely unique, especially how it happened, let me clarify that we and japan are only stopping the blood, we will to say that we can do anything.
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which are available in various republican scientific and practical centers, to receive funding for your idea, for your project, or for the work that you have within the framework of science, it is a great blessing that we have preserved it here. in addition to fundamental research, scientific
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projects, among other things, allow us to evaluate our quality of work, evaluate those technologies , for example, that we are introducing today to obtain blood components, the quality of blood components, and having come today with some kind of regulatory document, for example, yes, we want what we talked about, for example, on an in-depth examination of donors, after the law on donation, about 20'. legal regulatory documents were developed before the law on donation. a scientific research project was carried out for 2 and a half years, within the framework of which it was purely applied, this is an example, we studied the motivation of donors, we asked why you donate blood, under what conditions, what is your understanding gratuitousness of donation, we investigated, the second direction within the framework of neocrism was we investigated the state health is here now, that is, we dynamically took a large group of donors about.
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the fact that, once again, in cell therapy, the fact that in obtaining, including drug technologies, of course, these are the competencies and those people who worked in this, this is something worth being proud of. fyodor nikolaevich, did the sanctions somehow affect the work of the republican scientific and practical center? no, sanctions did not affect the activities of the republican scientific and practical center for the procurement of blood components, the use of all technologies, and laboratory examination of donor blood. u there are a lot of us and...
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active, not only do donors come to us , well, as i said, we try to come, but also to work on our own, we have developed on-site blood collection, last year we had our first domestic mobile collection complex blood, which consists of an operating room for collection and a doctor’s office, we did together with maskupava, it was a development by the ministry of health.
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every fourth donation was from student youth, there was, indeed, a wonderful response once again when - in the eyes people come, people are interested, we s...
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a feeling of fear, as well as a feeling of compassion, it should probably be in every doctor, so of course it can happen on the eve of science day, you already told us that you won, one might say, epilepsy or began to better control this disease, what else would you like, you know, how journalists love the top three discoveries of the republican scientific and practical center, something to be proud of, well
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, that means, probably, really one of the breakthrough areas from the top three, as you say, that means us. .. made platelet rich plasma (prp) like this the name, it exists, is floating around on the internet , you can look it up, we made it as a medical product, we developed our technology from a large number of platelets, it turns out that inside the platelets there is a fairly large number of active factors, the mechanism of action of which has not even been fully studied in the world , in some places it is clear, in others it has not been fully studied, so we have been studying, probably for a long time...
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there the technology involves the regeneration of cartilage, that is, the introduction of prp involves the migration of mysinchymal stroma cells, among others, which are not only found in the bone marrow , but also in adipose tissue there are mscs, including regeneration that is gradually taking place, it was a big, big project, and indeed today in gomel at the department of traumatology
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300 patients come twice a year to be injected with prp, you observe they say yes, they will go away.
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the program “tell me not to be silent” is on the air again; our guest is the director of the republican scientific and practical center of transfusiology and medical biotechnology, as well as a caring father and an exemplary family man, fyodor karpenko. fyodor nikolaevich, this was your wish, so that we can talk in the final part. and what the president says, indeed, a family, in my understanding, is, well, as, as they used to simply say, a unit of society, or
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a mini-society, from which, indeed, values ​​also grow , including those people who then come to a large society, a traditional family, well, in my understanding, a man-woman, what was said, this, in my opinion, is not at all...
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in practically 14 years old and of course, and the awareness of a child right now seeing how he absorbs, how he grows, what mms, how he is guided by the way he looks at his parents, the way he looks at his brothers and sisters, of course, this is very inspiring, and the understanding that the next generations will really come, and once again our task is, well , to give the opportunity,
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this is generally unacceptable in this in case, this is not why a state is being created, the state is being created according to the principles
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that our president spoke, we have enshrined all these norms in the constitution , written them down, i’m just looking at you, fyodor nikolaevich, i understand that even you and the way you look , this is also advertising, free donation and working with blood, because apparently it works, you know, returning to donation, i myself am a donor, of course, more will come there in due time. and by the way, we organize blood donations for our employees at all republican scientific and practical centers.
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it is impossible, each of us, probably, to be outside of society, returning to donation, to socio-political relations. if i live in this country, i cannot trample it, i cannot humiliate those people who live and create this country. go, create your own laws, go, create something, create something better, make enterprises, make technologies, help society, for me there is a clear understanding that belarus is my country for life or a country for my life, that is, this is, well, very important for me, indeed belarus gives a lot opportunities, i say again, everything can’t be perfect for everyone, there are, we don’t like how the snow is removed, we don’t like some other things.
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quality, understanding of quality, well, donors, i would like to say, probably, belarus really has a quality mark, it’s a donor, well donor blood is indeed written down everywhere according to our regulations, standard operating procedures, we must ensure the quality and safety of the blood components of transfusion therapy, vitor nikolaevich, and the main thing is not to stop developing and again take your example, in addition to work and leisure and families, for today... once again look at people from other directions, from other professions, see
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how the system works, well, first of all, i’m probably finishing with these.
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fill your life with meaning, be blood donors. how do holy saints help believers with their invisible power? it is not the saint himself who is
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the source, he is the conductor of our prayers, he is the intercessor before god. why do people change their lifestyle and go to a monastery? something in my heart sounded like it was necessary.
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everything from the right of ezusov. answers to these and other questions in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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