tv [untitled] BELARUSTV January 20, 2024 8:05pm-9:01pm MSK
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such a phrase: our country is not a gateway. on the one hand, we are in the center of europe, on the other, the safety of our citizens comes first. and here we need an extremely competent balance. last year, citizenship legislation underwent significant changes. at the same time , i would start our conversation with a completely non-fictional case. like a couple of months ago in the agin department. i saw it in person. and i heard, yes,
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the question of an ordinary lithuanian: how can he stay here, and this against the backdrop of western sanctions, the blockade of the sky, and, let’s say, aggression openly addressed to belarus, why, with all these introductory remarks, do people want to live in belarus and how often can one hear such requests? you know, i’ll also add a little bit, let’s say now even our neighbors sometimes post horror stories.
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year, this is a fairly large figure, that is , foreigners are trying to arrive in the country, trying to obtain a permanent residence permit, and every year we issue more than 10,000 permits only to new citizens, in quotes, while to foreign citizens, this is also a lot, yeah, good, then let’s use the algorithm, but here’s how to get it, you know, girls love to write on instagram, it’s difficult for me. finding is easy to lose,
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right? but what about belarusian citizenship today? under what conditions is it easy to lose it? yes, it is very difficult to acquire, but losing it is also not easy. decided to enter military service, serve in the police in another state, then in fact there is an automatic loss of the civil republic of belarus; previously, the legislation of our country also had an aspect that was associated with the fact that if a citizen of belarus acquires foreign citizenship, then he also loses his citizenship of belarus, then legislators decided that this would be somewhat undemocratic, taking into account the general exit of belarusian citizens. third country and this legislative norm has been removed since 2002, but in fact it is also possible to lose belarusian citizenship if a person actually commits war crimes, a crime against peace, or a crime of an extremist and terrorist nature in the territory belarus with all the ensuing consequences, this also means that
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citizens in relation to the general political system in relation to other countries of peoples, but it must be understood that only various actions, they should entail or lead to criminal liability, because the legislator considered that if these changes were made in july last year, that initially we deprived citizenship or considered the fact of loss of citizenship in relation to naturalized only foreigners who actually take the oath now, who gave obligations that they would comply with the constitution, legislation, but subsequently. committed any actions and we have never applied this norm, but in fact, when some of the belarusians, in fact, may no longer be considered belarusians, since they lead such a lifestyle and such a policy towards of our country, commit various actions, including criminal offenses and are brought primarily to criminal
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responsibility on the territory of our country in the established legal manner, and stay outside the country, then in relation to this category of persons, of course, it will be necessary to initiate a loss procedure civil republic. you know, i condemn it quite simply, in our legislation there is a concept of causing damage, and by one’s own actions, roughly speaking, when a person achieves by one’s actions to cause colossal damage to belarus economically , yes, that is, when sanctions entail certain consequences, and at the same time he showed unrestrained, and such active work, so that these sanctions would arise as much as possible, and he initiated them, for example.
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belarus, when, at the request of a person , a presidential decision is made, then these are slightly different procedures, slightly different deadlines, slightly different, as they say, powers of all interested bodies, but in any case , the requirements for knowledge of the language, obligatory, knowledge of the constitution, according to knowledge of the legislation of the republic of belarus, according to the legal source of subsistence on the territory of the country, according to census, as... we have a standard for this category of persons , let’s say 5 years for integration into society, including a law-abiding lifestyle
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about so that a person is not brought to administrative responsibility, much less has criminal liability on the territory of the country, he acts impeccably and is checked by the competent authorities at every stage, and in fact, that is, in fact , a citizen must earn citizenship, not because he meets some kind of tracing paper or criteria, because he knows russian and wants to be a citizen, this does not apply in our country, he really must. live 5 years, prove himself in relation to society , integrate into society, know the state language, comply with the law and be a worthy citizen, because by then accepting the attraction, solemnly swearing, he actually becomes a full member of society and must, including at a certain moment , if necessary, and he gives the corresponding obligation for this, to go serve the people of the republic of belarus, to defend our country, if necessary, vasilivich, to acquire citizenship and acquire a homeland, these are different things, does one become one’s own? we have... ukrainian and not only refugees, why is belarusian assistance not
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limited to issuing only passports? in fact - probably still acquire citizenship and acquire a homeland in our situation, this is most likely synonyms, because in fact, well, we see the experience of other countries that throw away their passports because there are some gold investments, there are some prerequisites for improving the democratic situation, but persons who acquire citizenship there, receiving the corresponding they don’t always buy a passport. taking the oath, as i said, i am then ready to serve allegiance to the people of the republic of belarus, and i undertake corresponding obligations with
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all the ensuing consequences, which is why we have numbers, of course naturalizations, as for example, many would like or compared with the russian federation are not very large, but by naturalizing, let’s say approximately 4-500 people per year, we guarantee, and we have conducted relevant research on this issue more than once, well, we understand how law-abiding the new ones really are citizens for us, to the extent they pose a threat to us, we checked whether they were respectable or law-abiding. behavior, that is, checking each subsequent, well, i’ll actually say for compliance with the legislation of attraction to administrative criminal liability, so i can say publicly that no more than 3% of naturalized citizens who have become full-fledged citizens of ours subsequently commit criminal or administrative violations, and this is really a drop of the ocean, so it is they who acquire their homeland here and value the most important thing this, because it is clear that upon becoming a full-fledged citizen of belarus, you acquire a whole range of rights, not only your blue passport, but that, probably, that...
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there are a lot that i like, for example, i love to relax in logoisk, we really like visiting nesves, we have been there several times, and the world as a whole, i can say that the atmosphere is wonderful, in fact, my children, i repeat, enjoy it, they love winter, they love play. snow , again, i thought that i would suffer, but no, the children like it, i see that they
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are happy from this, and i am happy with them, as for belarusian cuisine, we already love it, i really like shingles, the kids just love cheesecakes, i have to cook them every day, i just... a specialist in making cheesecakes, of course i make them in my own way, so they turn out a little venezuelan, in fact i can add a lot about the belarusian people, the first time i visited brest and the brest fortress, in fact i was just in ... impressed and amazed by the spirit of the belarusian people, who were not broken during all the difficult trials that befell them. at the security council on tuesday, our commander-in-chief outlined: ensuring national security is our common task, everyone
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citizen of belarus. now, if, since we have already touched on this topic, yes, you said it is necessary. defend with arms in hand, in russia this problem now exists, the question that new citizens of russia are not ready to defend their new homeland with arms in hands, it is very relevant, but is widely discussed: obtaining belarusian citizenship is equal to the obligation to defend their homeland, of course, that is , new citizens receive exactly the same rights, as i said, exactly the same responsibilities, that is, if he is of military age, he can be drafted, so not only he, he is called up in any case, and our mechanisms for ... counting this category of citizens together with military military commissariats work very clearly, that is, this is a new citizen, which means that the military registration and enlistment office has the relevant information, if he is of military age, then tomorrow he will receive no restrictions and no , to put it mildly, no concessions , the most important thing, that is, if he figuratively says, well, there will be some kind of deferment from military service, then he will receive it in any case, and so he and many want to serve, the most important thing is that they write to us appropriate
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appeal, please speed up naturalization, because my conscription age is ending, and i still want to serve in the belarusian army, and there are such appeals. look, but aleksevich, okay, but since we have already touched on these special conditions, yes, which exist in other countries, we understand perfectly well that in some countries the acquisition of real estate, for example, yes, the so-called golden visa exists, or there is a deposit investment specific, in belarus, of these non-standard forms, are there any, or in principle there is not even such exists for obtaining citizenship , for obtaining citizenship, even in principle this does not exist, for obtaining a residence permit , yes, that is, this is like a stage that goes before citizenship, in fact, if you invested 150,000 euros in the economy of the republic of belarus, up to 15,000 euros, then you can get the appropriate residence permit, in fact, every year we issue about three or four permits for permanent residence to investors, these are those who invest in specific enterprises of the republic of belarus and want and want, most importantly, to obtain a permanent permit residence, but to trade citizenship for the sake
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of investments or for the fact that he made these investments today and took them away tomorrow. i repeat once again, you need to earn, not buy, but many countries follow a slightly different principle, but citizenship of belarus is not even discussed, because citizenship, the institution is quite stable and persistent, so i think that in the near future there will be no such thoughts this won’t even be nice, i know that belarus has almost the longest maternity leave child, 3 years old, 3 years old, which, as it turned out , very much attracts foreign women, this is an unexpected fact for me, really, but what we... don’t yet know about the privileges of our own citizenship, which can be voiced, for example, or need to be voiced, well these are not only the privileges of one’s own citizenship, let’s say, figuratively speaking, a person who even receives the status of resident or citizenship, if he marries a citizen of belarus and then they give birth, then the child actually becomes a citizen of belarus upon birth from a joint marriage with a citizen of belarus and even regardless of the place of birth of the child,
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even if this family temporarily went to the country of citizenship of the spouse and gave birth to this child there, then he still becomes. according to the principle of blood , a citizen of the republic of belarus, but along with this , a person who permanently resides on the territory of the republic of belarus has a so-called maternity benefit, in fact, you said correctly, in no other state of the former soviet union is there such a long leave by pregnancy and childbirth, which is 3 years, there is not such a large enough social support, well, two weeks in some countries, maternity leave for six months is even available in some countries, subsequently there are no free social institutions, no free... medical care, no social support for the mother and child and , most importantly, there is no such patronage from medical institutions for adult children, there is no such school education, no, and you know when to evaluate and consider this a huge package, then we understand that new citizens receive and become full-fledged members of society and want to become only
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because we provide sufficiently large social protection, they specifically want to give birth here, they specifically want to move here to move. the question is how to do this correctly and how it will be revealed, and how many of them are already there who have warned, or rather informed about this, yes, in fact, this is quite an interesting question. you said correctly that in 2002, sorry, we removed the norm, compliance with which, in 2002, the norm was removed when a citizen of belarus actually acquired foreign citizenship,
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automatically losing citizenship of the republic, because migration appeared, our belarusians began to travel, obtain citizenship there, and in fact, why should we lose, figuratively speaking, well own citizens, because they only received foreign citizenship due to certain circumstances, so the legislator took the path of simplification, this norm was removed, but even the pandemic situation showed that that when many countries were closing. in the twenty-first year, then the ministry had to organize evacuation flights for all interested bodies, we did not even understand at once that a sufficiently large number of belarusian citizens were located without going through the appropriate records, were located outside of belarus, and in fact even then the sense crept in that it is necessary to make the appropriate obligations so that the citizen submits a declaration on whether he has foreign citizenship in order to understand that sometimes he is a foreign when acquiring citizenship, he takes the corresponding oath of allegiance to the people of that country.
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deputies of local authorities, because in fact he already has, at least absolutely correctly, the state and therefore. therefore, in july last year, a corresponding norm came into law stating that a citizen, within 3 months from the date of receipt of, well, let’s call it, a foreign document, is obliged to inform either the internal affairs bodies, or the diplomatic service bodies, or by personally contacting, filling out the appropriate notification, or based on those information resources that are deployed on the site of the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of foreign affairs, or do it by mail, and we have currently received more than 70,000 notifications, together with 70,000 notifications together with the diplomatic service bodies about the presence of citizens or citizenship or is visible. residence or card of a pole, notifications arrive from the ministry of internal affairs at least every day, and we continue to record them and send feedback to citizens that such documents have been accepted. it's good if not
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notifications, that is , if a person has dual citizenship, yes, of course, there is such a norm; our representatives of the border service and internal affairs bodies constantly record when citizens , due to certain circumstances, sometimes due to forgetfulness or sometimes due to unwillingness at all report this, that is, they do not want to inform the competent authorities about their foreign citizenship, yes. at present this, of course, is not an offense, but the legislator has also thought about this, and the competent authorities the republic of belarus is also thinking about this , so when it appears, and we are now working on this issue jointly with those interested in introducing the appropriate responsibility, because there is an obligation to inform citizens, some of the law-abiding citizens, thank them very much, have actually fulfilled this obligation, someone thinks to stay on the sidelines or not report it, in any case, the age of modern technology, the age of total control at certain points, as it were, control. personality, it's easy enough is revealed, therefore, if they think that they will avoid the need to notify our competent authority of the presence of foreign citizenship, then they are very deeply
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mistaken, in any case, when there is corresponding responsibility, then citizens will be held administratively liable for yes, well, let’s say, in the russian federation in general, there is criminal liability for this; in the russian federation, it has introduced criminal liability for failure to inform; if repeated failure to inform, then a person can be brought to criminal liability, so well, for now, for now. misconduct and liability in this case of a specific person for the fact that he did not inform, or he did it deliberately, or he did it out of forgetfulness, or because he was not in the territory of his native country for a long time, because he lived far away. this year we will wait for such a document, this year we will initiate the corresponding document so that it is subsequently adopted, that is, there is an obligation, there must be responsibility for non-fulfillment.
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through its embassies began to implement , including on the territory of poland, and in fact we now have, among other things, civil servants who voluntarily refuse the pole card, because it is clear that the status of a civil servant or the status of a certain official who has access to government secrets in the possession of a foreign document is unacceptable, therefore a person must voluntarily and voluntarily renounce this document, moreover, through the competent authorities, and this will not constitute restriction, but in fact a person will not be able to implement simply, having a foreign document , a whole series of... local councils, that is
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, now let us register, yes, except for citizens of the russian federation, of course, citizens of the russian federation, according to our electoral code, can be deputies of local authorities, that is, those people who are applying for a deputy mandate now, it doesn’t matter local councils, regional councils, or even the minsk city house of representatives, everything will be checked, correctly, if they registered as candidates, we can say for sure that he does not have dual citizenship, he... does not have a pole card, conditionally, yes, he does not have dual citizenship and does not have a pole card, well, you need to understand that this is not only, we check not only according to the information that citizens provided to us voluntarily when they declared the presence of foreign citizenship, internal affairs bodies and diplomatic service bodies also have other sources of information that confirm that both persons have the corresponding foreign citizenship, so while there is no responsibility, the information is perceived only for conducting verification activities, for well, collecting
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information characterizing, as far as i understand, if... i want to say that you know, there is not a controversy going on in the state, in fact, in the state a set of measures is being carried out in order to convince citizens of the republic of belarus that the pole’s card actually causes damage, including to the national security of the republic of belarus, to be used on the territory of belarus and receiving a pole card is unacceptable, because it is clear that a person who acquires a pole card, he gives corresponding obligations, including loyalty to the people of the republic of poland, he is obliged to know
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that is, it turns out like this, well, a small diplomatic war. i also want to return once again to the topic of our fugitives: some disputes about their number do not subside, and the fake about 97%, well, many, excuse me, idiots, have stuck very firmly in their heads. i know the real numbers, yes, how many were unsteady on the sixteenth, twenty-third, but do you have a relatively real one? the figure of those who left the country after the twentieth year for political reasons, taking into account families, well , a figure that you can actually operate on, look, again, you can’t say political reasons, not political reasons, that is, let’s say when the relocation happened and is happening it people, this political motives, no, these are issues related to sanctions, we, in fact, that is , the competent authority, in fact, with the help of information resources, quite clearly
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has information about those persons who are for... the working population, but on the other hand, that is, of course, a lot , because this state is always open to them, we have never put obstacles in the way of the return of our own citizens, and we say that please, if you have committed a criminal offense, that is, there is a corresponding commission, it works for them, it an appeal is received so that the citizen can understand that he can return to the territory
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of the country, the account will be brought to some kind of administrative or criminal liability, or he cannot return to the territory of the country, but no one prevents these citizens from returning, please, so that they do not give rise to any - numerous fakes about the fact that... yes, it scares them on purpose, in fact, it scares them on purpose, so that they themselves do not understand that, that their state, when let’s say, again for example last year changed the mechanism for issuing foreign passports to its own citizens, it did not change because it wanted, again, for all permanent residents to return to the territory of the country, because the sanctions policy of the european union also does not allow diplomats to quickly satisfy the despair of our citizens about replacing passports, therefore everyone has decided that everyone should now receive passports on the territory of belarus and we are happy to issue them...
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if he arrives even in 5 years with an invalid passport , then the border guard officer, after conducting an appropriate check on a number of records and the database, will make a decision on allowing the person into the territory of the country, or he will say that, well, that is, you need to get a return certificate, because
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there are no documents confirming your identity , there is no similarity, and your biometric data is also not in the information resource, but this is not even an individual approach, and this is probably an approach in relation to all citizens who currently live outside of belarus and each of them is not deprived of an identity card, because his parents did not take care of it, but at the same time he wants to return to belarus and will come, as you say, to the border, and he has, which confirms that he has something to do with belarus according to the databases and so on, there is nothing,
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even if he does not have any document and in fact at the checkpoint it is established that he is a citizen of belarus, even if it is not a valid document, then the border service officer will let him into the territory country, will tell you where to apply and he will... but again, we are talking about this, we are talking about adult citizens of the republic, it is clear that the border of an independent perez is not an adult, who during this period they became adults, adults, that is, and if he gives up completely report on his actions, that is, he is excellent, then the state will accept him with pleasure, he will receive a complex, if necessary, issues related to integration, if necessary, he will receive the appropriate education, grandparents, even if there is no one, he will still it will be as if the state will not be forgotten.
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there are 256 countries in the world. basically the world admires belarus and belarusians, like cuba, brazil and venezuela. but we somehow remained in the habit of not listening to them for a long time. and waiting until a bunch of other countries evaluate us, supposedly more democratic than all the states listed above, is the most psychologically difficult thing to do, it’s monotonous, methodical, calm, but high-quality. your regular work every single day, this is what i think is needed from us for the country in 2024, if anyone doesn’t know where to start, start with yourself. with this word they constantly try to prick lukashenko and his government, they say, do you want stability, do you want stability? conditionally biden? he wants stability more than anyone, because the united states is potentially a much more unstable system than russia, china, and even belarus. but there is a nuance: the stability of america is not ensured by... the stability of the rest of the world, we need to evaluate this
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how do you think it works? look if our neighbors, again, by word of mouth works great, if our neighbors had not closed the checkpoints, then we would have had an even higher figure, but seeing about this and - fencing our own citizens with fences and talking about hanging horror stories at checkpoints, reducing the number of checkpoints reducing communication. they create special artificial barriers for them so that citizens do not become convinced from their own experience, their own example, that no one is persecuting them here, there is clear legislation here, they have committed administrative repression, you will bear responsibility , if you want to go to our belarusian store , if you want to buy fuel at a gas station, please , there are no problems, no discrimination, no one, no one puts any obstacles in your way for being a lithuanian or a pole or a latvian, no one punishes you more harshly , they treat you exactly... they post a lot of
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videos on social networks, there is a whole group for moving even to belarus for permanent residence, where people moving exchange some problematic issues, they are also very happy, because they see a real , real picture, they see real relationships, they actually see a completely different world that is painted for them there, they see and... see a respectable and good attitude on the part of belarusians towards these same tourists, so the number , if there were more checkpoints, then the number of tourists would be an order of magnitude greater, especially since the visa-free regime applies to citizens of third countries on the border, this is both the grodno and brevsk regions, and is still valid for citizens of other european countries through the territory of the minz-2 national airport, there are also more than one, more than tens of thousands of citizens who will take advantage of this regime and arrive on the territory of belarus without visas, without any bureaucratic restrictions at all.
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taking into account the visa-free period during the active phase of elections, well, let’s say, the borders should be closed somewhat or additional control should be implemented, or this is done automatically , well, one cannot say that this is done automatically, in any case, this is done on the basis of relevant decisions, because that in every - in every step without visas, for example, the liberalization of other aspects of stay, there are corresponding risks, but in any case, our experience of working on and therefore ... the relevant election campaigns suggests that all information
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resources that work in in this area, those , probably, employees who work at checkpoints that operate on the territory of the country can identify, among other things , potential violators, potential extremists, persons who pursue theoretical goals, and that is some cases in the country have shown that law enforcement agencies work quite intensively and effectively, so in this regard, respectable tourists who come here and who feel this should not experience these... certain aspects of the election campaign , the election campaign is aimed at ensuring that, on the contrary, people come and see what it is, that for us this is a holiday, elections, for us this is a holiday, that we invite everyone, please, international observers who...
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and the competent authority, for example, decided to deny entry to a citizen of a third country, due to the fact that in fact the border of the russian federation is not guarded, it is long enough so that he does not get through the territory of the russian federation into the republic of belarus, this external circuit works, and it works both for the entry of foreign citizens and the exit of citizens of third countries, but we consistently carry out, of course, a whole series of other activities that allow us
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integrate our information resources and act or work 24/7 to obtain information regarding, well, figuratively speaking, the departure of citizens to belarus. the country , for example, got to the competent authorities of the republic of belarus in a timely manner and so that we could analyze it, look at it taking into account those risks, taking into account his criminal past in general, and so on and so forth, and a whole range of measures is envisaged, including in the twenty-fourth year, because it is clear that the russian federation is also going to the relevant elections, it will open polling stations on the territory of our country, and we are also not interested in any escalation happening here, and we will also take appropriate measures to ensure the selectivity of both our electoral process and the electoral process in the russian federation, which... will be carried out on the territory of our country by citizens of the russian federation, the work is carried out comprehensively, and in, i say, in all directions, it begins the exchange of personal data of citizens ending with integra further integration of information resources and a whole range of other activities , which is associated with activities, including on a common, seemingly unguarded state border, that is, if , roughly speaking, a conventional gentleman arrives across
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the belarusian border, and the russians will know about it, the russians will that's exactly us, unfortunately, since he is a citizen of the russian federation, not even if he didn't. the president met halfway and the obligation to make the new passport mandatory biometric, but not yet, no, but later time, how do you assess the readiness of belarusians to receive more modern documents and what advantages does it provide? yes, this is also a rather interesting question. i want to say,
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well, firstly, digital technologies are probably penetrating our lives, it is clear that the biometric passport - this is a new digital technology for our citizens, well, it’s clear that... that is, there was no need to carry it with them and some employee did not need other documents and citizens and the official did not have access to the information resource, because in fact, that is, all this was reflected in the national passport, but the world does not stand still, that is, in fact, digital technologies are constantly being introduced into our lives and people who, for example , own biometric documents receive a number of other preferences and privileges that allow they need to... open their personal account, sign their personal digital signature, for now only android, unfortunately, and decide to resolve a number of other administrative issues electronically, because of this in any case the future, because our mobility allows us now with the help of information
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technology, firstly, secure information technology, because this is in any case an externally protected circuit, and we provide the owner of a biometric document at... at checkpoints on the state border or at other countries, because we do this, your recommendation as a professional, yes, i need to change my passport, and do you recommend that i
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get a biometric one? anyway i say that i recommend getting biometric because it's security, and a number of other preferences, and in general i want to say in itself, the biometic passport of a citizen of the republic of belarus is very beautiful in terms of printing production in terms of reliability, because even if you wash it or it falls somewhere in the water, there are no no things that will be influenced by others... and it will be used by you until its expiration date, there is a chip that contains your personal data, which is reliably protected, there is your digital photograph, there is your fingerprints, which even in this situation will help you if you need to identify your person, but i’m not talking about the advantage of the id card at all, everything is there with the help of digital technologies, the competent authorities in our country can gain access, including including with your consent, which means to your personal data, to information about your place of residence, information about children, well, information about registration, well, that is... real estate, a car, no real estate yet, but no real estate yet, but for now let's though with these resources, good, but women complain
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, yes, that there is no mark on marriage about children in biometric passports, and the husband is considered single, yes, that’s true, yes, well, that’s true, in fact, a biometric passport, serge, is issued exclusively for abroad, because everything, even in the id card, this information is not there, but all the information is now contained in information resources, and if someone needs to find out such information, then if available... and often, and in practice, probably, border guards require a certificate birth of a child, but we are currently finalizing our information resources,
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including the population register, in order to enter into the population register information about all minor children, citizens of the republic of belarus who have not yet received the relevant documents, when we are in this year we complete this work, then this year we will completely complete this work by the twenty-fifth year, that is, a citizen can only have a biometric passport, and we will provide border service employees access to the appropriate resource in... passes to check whether the child is yours along with the population register, they can check with you at the point whether you are his legal representative and whether you require the appropriate consent for another person to travel abroad, excellent alekseevich, i unfortunately, i’ll already say this phrase, sincerely, unfortunately, the last, extreme near-philosophical question, and in the famous night in lisbon there is a remark, there is this quote: a person was nothing, a reliable passport for everyone, here we are in the old fashioned way, accustomed to underestimating our own, well, an american passport gives you without visas, yes , european benefits, a ukrainian one, however,
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gives you mobilization and mobilization too, but what is a belarusian passport from this point of view, and what is its reliability, you know, well, there’s probably also such a very difficult question , because in fact, you know how sometimes i’m like this, it means i’m faced with on duty, they ask, so we ’ll allow a white passport to a pensioner or a person who has reached the age of 65, well, an old paper one, we issue it up to 100 years old, yeah, this is what the state guarantees to the person travel card a document during this age so that, firstly, he can freely leave the territory of the country and enter the territory of the country, the authorities of other countries will competently compile it, you issued a passport to a citizen for 100 years, well, and you trust him all this time, yes, we gave him a reliable document, which during this age he can use to travel abroad, and no one ever thinks about it... why? because some countries clearly provide an algorithm: 5 years passport validity or 10 years, in fact, the country has issued you a basic
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identity document for 100 years, you have the opportunity to use it unhindered, and in all cases of life, this is just such a small little streak, they are someone for themselves or there are international ones, international organizations do not do this, someone then he comes up with a so-called reliability rating for himself, that is, how many countries with a visa-free regime can a citizen of belarus visit? someone thought about this, we just clarified it for ourselves last year, on our own in fact, we are concluding a number of international agreements on mutual recognition of visa-free travel of citizens for a certain category of persons, well, let’s say, now a citizen of belarus can visit 81 countries within the framework of a visa-free regime using a belarusian passport, and this always guarantees him the most important protection on the territory of our country, because, well , again, i say, the pandemic has passed, everyone has already forgotten about it, but when belarusians go to the russian embassy.
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9:00 pm
good evening, panorama is live, ekaterina tyahomirova is with you and about the main events of this saturday. the world order must be built on the basis of economic pragmatism of mutually beneficial cooperation. the head of the foreign policy department voiced the position of belarus at the summit of the movement.
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