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tv   100  BELARUSTV  January 22, 2024 3:50am-4:51am MSK

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andrey dmitrievich, why do you think children ask strange questions? children ask strange questions, primarily because they still have a lot of their own and not so much of someone else’s. why is it more difficult with children than with adults? because they are spontaneous. are you ready to come out to your children? yes, definitely. well, then i wish you a successful conversation. so, today our guest is the rector of the belarusian state university andrei dmitrievich king. andrey dmitrievich, i want to warn you, according to the rules of our program, you have the right three times refuse to answer the question, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of our conversation you will need to choose the best one, now, according to tradition, tell us what you think is necessary about yourself, you have 1 minute, time has passed.
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i am the person who teaches to ask questions to a greater extent than to give answers to them, the one who teaches, tries, at least to do this, ignorance, because ignorance is the most important knowledge, i try to teach silence as creation, by the age of 50 wrote about 50 books, one of... hello, my name is nastya, without any does your working day as a rector not go through any ritual? there are many rituals, many meetings, but perhaps one of the main rituals is...
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always listening to different points of view on the same question, and what is the most unusual thing in your office? depending on who looks at unusual things with what eyes, perhaps a certain cube , one of the folding type, which consists of - anatomical drawings in english, may seem unusual , even in my opinion
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the main goal of education is to change so that he can realize his mission, this is in in general will never somehow be less important than even 100 and 200 and 500 years ago, it all depends on how you feel about it. hello, my name is elizaveta, and i am interested in the following question: if you look at the national scale, then bsu is the best university among. others,
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how does this happen in world rankings? the fact is that in each ranking, the belarusian state university participates in twelve world rankings; each ranking has its own criteria, for example, the number of publications that scientists make per year placed in a variety of journals, the number of the highest-rated publications, the number of students who are at the university, the number of nobel laureates who give lectures and much, much, much more, the reputation of... the university through the eyes of foreign experts, there are about a million of them all over the world, there are english-speaking, russian-speaking, employers, they even have their own rating, so based on the totality of parameters that the university gains during the year and is built, its place is ranked, but ratings are actually a very , very crafty thing, because many parameters are taken based on the vision that...
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afford what, for example, those peers who are either already working or older ones are engaged in their craft , this is not always the case, for example, at our university, in the second or third year, students develop their own startups, then they implement them and can afford
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very, very much, more, for example, than their teacher or rector, this is also today reality of our day. understands that this is the beginning of his journey, and he will value much more the part of the time that he spends as a student, as self-education, he invests in himself, because otherwise the value will never
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be formed. next, the black sector, you will have to turn around, a person is always scared by something new, what scared you when... you were offered to become the rector of bsu, i think that the usual things, first of all, whether i can handle it or not, and whether i will let you down or not i will let down those people who place their hopes in me, especially since that i am also a perfectionist in life, i need, if i do, then do everything as it is at the peak, at the maximum, on the one hand this is good, on the other hand, it also destroys itself a little, is this what the school assessment system is like? different from university? well, of course, there are their own points, their own scales, but in general, a schoolchild, already at a higher level of the first stage of higher education, the second stage of higher education,
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a master's degree, a student, of course, he must demonstrate the level of his education, and this and test task, this and the answer... in tests, in exams, well , everything is the same as at school, as you are used to, it is clear that there may be different criteria, but the principle of grading, it just shows how successfully the content of one or another has been mastered educational program, why a graduate with a gold medal at the university becomes, can become a good student or even an average student.
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classes, i don’t know whether this is crazy or not from the point of view of today, i remember once, when i was still studying, i spoke at a military school, it was first year, our group sat in the classroom
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in the evening for self-study, everyone somehow really really wanted to eat, and the regulations were such that we still had to wait quite a long time before dinner. and two classmates were sent so that they could get food, but you couldn’t just leave the confines of the room, moreover, if you were caught... stopped, then that was minus one day from the vacation, it was called goodbye vacation, and yet we went , we bought apples and buns for the whole group, still warm, that’s good i remember that it was indeed a very big risk, but nevertheless everything was resolved successfully, everyone was happy and we did not lose or suffer any sanctions, then the red sector is on your right. my name is sofia, you speak very calmly and quietly, what can make you
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angry? well, i’m a living person , sometimes emotions are also characteristic of me, i can even flare up emotionally somewhere, so to speak, although this kind of thing rarely happens to me, so some of those irritants that don’t bother me leave indifferent, but can you raise your voice? on my subordinate students, i once had a case, i taught physics in the seventh grade, it was back in ninety-seven, i really reacted very, let’s say, somehow emotionally to a student’s unfinished assignment, but it’s true that i later apologized to class, of course, i try to behave in the same way with my subordinates, but... sometimes you have to raise your voice, it’s true, but you can now go ahead and shout loudly like
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this and applause, we move to yellow sector, this is to your right, andrei dmitrievich, there is an opinion that students from the periphery achieve greater success than children from the capital, why is this happening, our contemporary, he... is really many years old, a very famous world psychologist, he conducted a study, is there a connection between a big and a small city, and how people in a big and small city are able to help each other is great, and it was the rhythm of time that was measured, how many seconds it takes, for example, to pay at the cash register, how much time it takes to cross the pedestrian transition?
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enrolling and graduating is also not easy, because the requirements are very high, not because this is bsu, we have the same requirements as at any other university, but due to the fact that there is a special atmosphere, atmosphere, attitude towards knowledge, towards your future profession, there are very large traditions of scientific, student research, there is also internal competition.
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you are the first rector who did not graduate from bsu, why did you decide to go to another university after school? the thing is, after school i i wanted to be either a military doctor or a military engineer, since i have doctors and military personnel in my family, and i chose one of the best , very serious military schools in the soviet union. and quoted in terms of both diploma and competencies at the exit, but life turned out so that in
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the ninety-first year the soviet union collapsed, and i was forced, like many others to work as gardeners, to leave riga from there, go to my hometown, grodno , i was born there, there was an opportunity to simply transfer without additional payment to budget subject to delivery. academic difference in the second year, which , strictly speaking, i succeeded in, that’s all, but i had no special plans there at all to become a rector, not even close, i heard the following words from the session:
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in this section, of course, i got caught, here i am, since i answered the first question well , solved the practical part there, but it was clear that i swam like that, in general, i was not oriented, then, taking into account my previous merits, they gave me a four, well, it was a difficult exam and it was, as it were, not very good it’s nice, it’s no secret that students cheat very often and how... colloquium, and for a long time i couldn’t understand, he’s cheating,
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he’s cheating, now i see that i understand that he’s cheating. in the end, i realized what was going on, one student was copying, and it was rough work, and without any bombs, prepared cheat sheets, it was just a textbook, a textbook on physics, medical biological physics by remizov, she somehow bent over like that, a book crawled forward, she copied, when she saw danger, she straightened up, the book disappeared under her robe, i impressed, well, let's say...
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for the last 10 years this product has definitely become perhaps the most popular in the beauty industry, they are used by famous bloggers, actors, tv presenters and are happy to demonstrate this on social networks, they were once considered a medicine and were called ready with need, i'm talking, of course, about candy, an invention of mankind that greatly simplifies
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our lives. fabric stickers impregnated with a cosmetic emulsion, which... is a unique technology using caramelized milk, when this caramelized milk is added to the composition, then the chocolate acquires a very interesting characteristic caramel taste and... watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. let's go on a trip to belarus. katya is very nice. katya is very nice. katya, here, in this
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area there will be trenches, ditches, mountains, forests and other features of landscape design. are you restoring a real, real, once residential farmstead? yes. the motives that led to life in the village are completely different. i'm so overzealous. that i can too will hang it from the christmas tree, because on me it’s easy to remove, set, everything is in order, the task of the presenter is to find out why rural life is still better than city life, wow, cool, this happens often, every half hour, it ’s amazing, it’s even a little scary, don’t be afraid, it’s all positive, if they hadn’t told me that we are here on the territory of a landscape designer, i would have thought that here... i’m from the village, watch the teacher on the tv channel and what he does,
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belarus 24, each of the heroes of the project are doing important work, guys, who are he works with children, we will introduce you to people who... the main mission of our university is to train highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of medicine and pharmacy. we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work. when children feel good with each other, they feel good individually. therefore, if the emotional background is stable in the group and each child of the teacher is in a good mood, that means.
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let's move on to the purple sector, it's on your right. hello, i'm ivan, often belarusian education is somehow underestimated, they say that it is not practical-oriented. give reasons why belarusian education will be more promising than foreign ones. firstly, education is given.
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indeed, at universities a specialist , if he has completed training, he is oriented in very different areas, secondly, we have practice-oriented training, starting from the first, from the second year there is an opportunity to study subjects in production , in cultural institutions, in the social sphere, that is, to touch, touch what it's like everything works, the third is the first job, the state takes...
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what do you dislike doing most at the university? i would say that i don’t like doing something that doesn’t bring real results. well, for example, sometimes there are such forms of meetings when they talk and talk, but there is no result as such. let me give you an example: i eat lunch in about 3 to 5 minutes, this is already an established habit. that someone is chasing me, i simply don’t like wasting time on things that don’t need to be spent on, i’d rather spend it usefully on the most important resource in a person's life for something else.
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the next question is from red: who is your ideal student, describe his portrait, hair color, eye color, height, no, i’m kidding, for me the ideal student is the one who tries to get to the bottom of things on his own, using different means, there are few such students, but the ideal is also not what exists in reality, another question. who do you consider the best graduate of bsu? this is about 180 thousand graduates. but many of these graduates, they are really familiar, familiar to people who are far from education from science, these are famous scientists, these are famous public figures, university graduates today work in leading world centers, they are famous scientists in our
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the fact is that, as a rule, all budget places, they are strictly regulated by the request from the economic sector, the public sector of the economy, which comes to universities through the ministry of education. it is stupid, probably, to teach people on a budget who then, well, will not, say, work in in a variety of places, be it industry, be it the social sphere,
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for this reason.
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received, let's say, uh, the status of institutions, in the future universities, 12 modern universities, can you imagine, 12, this is a pedagogical profile, economic, national-technical, so, bsu stood at the origins of the creation of the national academy of sciences. i'm not even talking about the structure, the structure of the university includes six, for example, research institutes, these are, for example, those technologies in the field of radiophysics that today allow us to develop our satellites, nanosatellites and they should be launched for educational and scientific purposes. in the world, for example, there are no more than 100 universities in total that can say that they
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have developed their satellite from a to z, bsu is one of them, so bsu is much more than just classes, the educational process, yes, couples, the educational process, audiences, they exist - in any of the 50 universities in our country, but there is a single university, a leading university, a certain patriarch who, in general, can say that he does this, that and that... something no one else does, hello, hello, in it is often written on the internet that you are the most open rector in communication with your students, it is true that you respond to all students’ messages on... social networks, i would say that openness does not mean being present on social networks, although i myself in fact, i’ve had accounts since 2009-10 on facebook, vkontakte, and i sometimes conduct classes there,
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so i always want to, in general, somewhere and well , go to the level of communication beyond the purely business-like, that’s quite for... ...
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or what, childishness, which was read as it, the meaning of the messages being conveyed, so this is what i remember, there are also business offers, sometimes they come there, say, from publishing houses, this is a common normal practice, i have a question for you, more often the university is chosen by the parents, and not the child himself, how to accept this is from...
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university, a young man, well, he changes his trajectory, takes his documents, goes to another university, for example, there are many such examples, i myself, when i was the curator of a group, had a case when a girl was in her first
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year, well doesn't study and doesn't study and doesn't she studies and doesn’t study, she doesn’t seem to be stupid, when you start communicating, her parents were, especially her dad, very directive, he said: you will go here there, in the end she, of course, finished her studies, but through overcoming herself, although a person was initially i could probably realize myself... more effectively, with a greater efficiency, in another specialty, at another university. we are moving to the black sector, to your right. how do you feel about grades? are grades an indicator of intelligence? i'm a supporter of course, there must be an assessment system. another thing is how it is supported, what is included in the criteria that it evaluates? when a teacher, for example, tells a girl, well, or in the classroom, right? girls, boys, so you draw the vase you want, when they drew
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it, she says: well, is it even a vase, it doesn’t look like it in any way, it’s a bad match for you, next time a girl will draw such a vase, of course not, this, such an evaluation criterion, of course, should not exist, we must take into account not only what we see, for example, if you take a student, there is very often testing, but he just simply didn’t learn everything in the lesson and got what
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he deserved. hello, my name is masha, and i believe that a person who is closely associated with science has a fairly serious character, and you can call yourself a romantic, a romantic person, well, it’s hard for me to say, but... i still don’t consider myself a romantic, but a realist, because often
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when i am asked some things, how i feel about it, i answer simply as a fact, there are no offenses, there is information, but do you have an act that you consider the most romantic, there are enough such acts, give an example, for example, a declaration of love that... i once did, in general, is this an act romantic or unromantic, i think romantic, i think yes, to love, are you approaching it from a scientific point of view, or is it something more? a very deep question, by the way, despite its apparent simplicity, in fact, love and falling in love are different things, but falling in love is like a slightly lighter form, but... tied here now, it is quite
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is understandable, it has a very very weak relation to science, if we talk about a more profound, i would say the deepest feeling in general, because the human creator, created in the image of god, yes, who i am, is love, this, this is the basis of all sciences, i would say, moreover, in my personal practice i always proceed from the formula of love, which i once read from a very famous sociologist, philosopher erich frome. what is love? love is a huge work, it is knowledge, it is responsibility, it is an act. uh, well, uh, this is what answers the question why, while science answers the question how? what or what? who do you love the most? well, your family, loved ones, your
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favorite thing, a lot of things. further, the purple sector, to your left. hello, my name is roma and i don’t know where i should go, what direction or specialty i should choose, so what do you think will be the most in demand and promising professions in the future, and which ones may disappear altogether? the world is becoming different due to the fact that more and more data processing speeds, data processing volumes, they seem to expand a person, but at the same time for...
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professions, yes, of the future, i believe that one of the future professions, although maybe not in 10 years, years in 30 , taking into account the dynamics of changes in our world, and everything tends exponentially, it is the creator of silence, the seller of silence, there is little free time, and of course, you simply want to fill it with silence, communication with yourself, with nature, with loved ones people, to be somewhere with yourself, just to go for a walk, or swim, but most importantly, do not absorb tens of megabytes of information in the form of someone’s data, some cases,
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completely get away from this informational, not even noise, scream, which we all live in and turn where -that. to your, well , primary sources, just even relax, lie down, do nothing. all students are afraid of the placement process, what's scary about it and who should be afraid of it? the distribution, some and those who are afraid, is perceived by a number of students, by some students, as, in general, well, some duty, yes, which he must fulfill, as a rule, these are those.
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i heard that paying students will also be assigned after graduation, is this true? in fact , work is constantly being done to make the learning process as optimal as possible and, well, useful for the student. and i already said earlier that a fee-paying student, he is very conditionally a fee-paying student, why? because the tuition fee is... many times less than what they pay, for example, in countries, even neighboring countries with the same specialty, this says something, not because we somehow value education cheaply, because the state, on the contrary, invests its funds in order to support a person who studies in the so-called
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paid form of education, if the state has its own, relatively speaking, a block of shares yes in paid training, then why shouldn’t it... are you afraid that many will go to the same russia, for the same price, for training? - well , in general, the rector seems to be afraid of little, yes, because every day you take a responsible decision, you understand what
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can be, what cannot be, and people also calculate this, they understand perfectly well, provided that education in universities of the republic of belarus, i’m not even talking about our belarusian state university, which, well, in general, is higher in a number of criteria, again the same international ratings. than the top universities of the russian federation, the education is no worse, the point, excuse me , is to shoot yourself in the foot by going to an unknown place, thousands of kilometers from your home, i know how much it costs to study in good universities in russia, it is more expensive than in the republic of belarus, and this is due to the fact that then again there is no opportunity for a paying student there.
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your action, for your decision, responsibility on your own, what comes first for you, family or career? well, of course , family is always in first place for any person, i would say so , the question is that today the world is such that, for example, my wife, she is also no less busy than me, well, maybe , less busy, but at least she... stays at home so she’s waiting for her husband, when will he return, that’s when this will be, this
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huge work of communication, because not to put my interests ahead of the whole planet , to take into account the interests of the person close to me, that’s when this work will be, that’s when it will happen there is love, and there is mutual understanding, but if your spouse asked you to leave your job at the university, would you agree to it? i know that she will not ask for this, otherwise she would not be my wife. to your right, red sector, the question comes from there. what is your deepest dream? in fact, maybe sometimes i i dream, but i never write my dreams down on a piece of paper, i don’t let them go somewhere, my dreams turn into goals that i write down and that i realize. somehow like this. time for questions heroes and glass. andrey dmitrievich, you must choose the best question now. so, what question stuck with you the
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most today? there were a lot of questions. i already noted the question that the young man alexey formulated for me, i then said that this question is quite very, very deep, right? will you remind me please, what is bgu? it is not at any other university, so perhaps, i would probably single it out for this question. great, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question is you, alexey, receives a special gift from our guest, go to the site. this is a thermal mug with the bgu logo, and these are two books. from the author, which i think will be useful, one of them is heuristic fairy tales, despite the fact that these are fairy tales, they are read until the age of
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twenty, for sure, i hope that i will see them for students bsu. andrey dmitrievich, now you have the opportunity to ask the audience your questions, what is the superpower of today, well, time. well, for me, superpower is probably a person’s attention and his understanding of how he reacts to things, that is, maybe he ’ll give some advice somewhere, won’t scold him anymore, make a remark, well, it seems to me that the most important thing now is superpower fulfilling your dreams is an interesting idea, but if i don’t have, for example, dreams, then that means i don’t have superpowers, right?
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adult, i'm waiting for you at the entrance to the site, today we are visiting the program 100 questions , thank you guys, well, here i will ask you to stay, tell me, which of the children’s questions puzzled you? some questions that were raised, in particular regarding what is different.
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well, now i turn to our audience: do you think that our hero was honest with you today? whoever thinks so, raise your hand. i think that he answered honestly, because there were a lot of specifics and details. he answered questions in detail and seemed to give us some advice. and this the rector of the belarusian state university, who told us about any details. studying at this university because many people would like to go there. i was very glad to listen to a little more of his life than was written, for example, on the internet. and whoever thinks that andrei dmitrievich was a little disingenuous, did not tell you the whole truth. i think that at many points when
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asked about personal life or situations that happened over many years of experience. we were told in general terms, but not they told me the very situation and moments from life, i would have listened more about this. interesting opinion andrey dmitrievich, what can you say in response to this remark? in fact, i tried to answer in such a way that it was clear, but i will take into account, as i already said, for the future, perhaps i need to go into more detail somewhere, maybe, we have such a rule that the last word is always for... let me down the result of the conversation that took place, i said several times that this was what it sounded like today, probably one of the main dominant moments in content, time is the main resource, now after this meeting i’m starting to think that the main resource is sincerity and emotions during communication, which
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reveals and enriches you. rector of the belarusian state. university andrei korol was a guest today at the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. watch in the next episode! honored artist of the republic of belarus, ruslan alekhnov, welcome! you were born in belarus, but live in... what country do you consider yourself to be an artist from? and what is more important to you? confession spectators or financial side? what do you like more: being a contestant in a vocal show or being a member of the jury? do you have a song called sorry sorry? do you often apologize at all in your life? have you ever wanted to give up everything and try yourself in something completely new?
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my extraordinary one.
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we are belarusians, peaceful people, we give
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strength to the people, we give strength. bram beseech the sick earth, hail the earth, our bright name, hail the fraternal union of the peoples, our beloved mothers, our eternal ones. belarus is also mother's favorite belarus was not alive several times from
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the stormy cities, we burned births of parks and. you with you, with you with you, forget yourself, say the earth, our bright name, glory to the people of the forefathers' union, our beloved.
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for our poor wolves , there is only clear fear, true joy, holy evil land, our bright name, glory to the people.
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