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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 22, 2024 1:05pm-1:50pm MSK

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what a great master. mil gilevich.
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alexey yurievich, good evening! good evening! in one of your very old interviews there was the following phrase: our country is not a gateway. on the one hand, we are in the center of europe, on the other, the safety of our citizens comes first. and here we need an extremely competent balance. here is the legislation on citizenship last year.
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the truth is turned over, it is said where the lies are , and so on and so forth, everything that the country does for ordinary citizens, for foreigners who stay on the territory country, the freedom they see here, the safety they feel on our roads, the social package that a foreigner who moves to permanent residence receives, this is also not shown, but only horror stories are shown, so ordinary lithuanians, yes, about those lithuanians who are in the country, they see the attitude of the officials.
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previously , there was also an aspect in the legislation of our country that was associated with the fact that if a citizen of belarus acquires foreign citizenship, then he too loses citizenship of belarus, then legislators considered that this would be somewhat undemocratic, taking into account the general travel of belarusian citizens to third countries, and this legal norm was removed in 2002, but in fact , it is also possible to lose citizenship of belarus if a person actually commits military crimes, a crime against peace or a crime of an extremist and terrorist nature on the territory of belarus with everything that follows from here. this also means that the person loses our citizenship country, because citizenship is such a legal connection between belarus and the citizen himself, which provides for mutual rights and obligations, if a person does not fulfill his duties, then he cannot be considered a citizen beloruevich, okay, a list of conditions, yes, under which you can lose
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belarusian citizenship , it is now clearly defined, but after the twentieth year there was no need to expand these conditions, when a person very specifically calls... for sanctions against the country, and openly provokes in order to war has come to belarus, to put it mildly , yes, it is speaking out, well, completely , let’s say, not just impartially, inappropriately in relation to belarus, in relation to its citizens, in relation to its leadership in relation to the events that are happening here, shouldn’t this become new basis for at least a careful look at the citizenship of this person, yes, of course, this is kind of correct, because... belarus is pursuing the right policy in relation to its own citizens, in relation to the general political building relations with other nations, but
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you need to understand that only various actions should entail or lead to criminal liability, because the legislator considered that if these changes were made in july.
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between an action and a negative result , consequences, this should definitely be considered an offense, and as criminal offenses, so well, that’s why the state has created an appropriate system that gives a legal assessment of the actions of a given citizen, which allows competent authority to initiate a criminal
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case, consider it in the prescribed manner, send the materials to the court, and the court will already, the court will decide whether he is actually guilty or not, will assign him a punishment, based on the court decision that... the court considered that the person is actually guilty, then according to the existing approved provisions in the order of considering issues of citizenship mechanisms, the relevant authorities will initiate the issue of the loss of citizenship of the republic of belarus by this person, and the ministry of internal affairs in the prescribed manner submit relevant material for consideration by the president, i understand that it is not for nothing that we call ourselves a rule -of-law state, but still a soft rule-of-law state, but a rule-of-law state , because only at will, because citizenship is after all, it is actually quite serious an institution that does not arise overnight is also very difficult. gain and not just lose, but in any case, a person will lose citizenship only for specific actions that are given the right assessment, obtaining citizenship, here’s how to find this is citizenship itself, and here is the oath and knowledge of the language, yes, these are now obligatory
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conditions for obtaining citizenship, well, these are one of the obligatory conditions; in fact , there are several standard procedures for acquiring citizenship: an international treaty of the republic of belarus, a procedure for restoration of citizenship of the republic of belarus. powers of all interested bodies, but in any case, requirements for knowledge of the language, obligatory, knowledge of the constitution, knowledge of the legislation of belarus on the legal source of subsistence on the territory of the country, according to the standard of justice, which we have as a standard for this category, let’s say 5 years, for integration into society, including a law-abiding lifestyle, so that the person is not brought to administrative responsibility, does not have, let alone criminal liability on the territory of the country , it operates flawlessly and to the competent authorities in each flock. it is verified, and in fact, that is , in
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fact, a citizen must earn citizenship of the republic of belarus, not because he meets some kind of tracing paper or criteria, because he knows the russian language and wants to be a citizen , this does not apply in our country, he must actually live 5 years, prove himself in relation to society, integrate into society, know the state language, comply with the law and be a worthy citizen of the republic of belarus, because then accepting attraction, solemnly wedging, he actually becomes a full-fledged member of society and must, at a certain moment, if necessary. acquiring citizenship and acquiring a homeland are different things, do ukrainian and other refugees become ours, why is belarusian assistance not limited to issuing only passports? in fact , probably still acquire citizenship and acquire a homeland in our situation, these are most likely synonyms, because in fact, well, we see the experience of other... countries that throw away their passports because there are some kind of gold investments , there are some prerequisites
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for improving the democratic situation, but persons who acquire citizenship there by receiving the appropriate passport, they do not always acquire a homeland, because they sometimes use these passports in a mercantile situation, in our country, in fact, a person who acquires belarusian citizenship, he acquires a new homeland, because the person, firstly, well, i can’t say what he will suffer this, but having actually lived for 5 years on the territory of the country according to the census, he already... shows himself as a worthy member of society, as integrated into society, as a working person with all the ensuing consequences, so in fact in our situation this is completely - equivalent moments, because in fact he, including taking the oath, as i said, is then ready to serve allegiance to the people of the republic of belarus and undertakes the corresponding obligations with all the ensuing consequences, which is why we have figures, of course, naturalization, such as, for example, many would like to compare or compare with the russian federation not very large, but naturalizing is permissible per year.
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provides for a huge range of verification activities, ranging from activity on social networks to
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in general, in fact, participation in protest events of everything else at the security council on tuesday, our commander-in-chief outlined ensuring national security - this is our common task for every citizen of belarus. now, if, since we have already touched on this topic, yes, you said, it is necessary to defend with arms in hand, in russia this problem now exists, the question that new citizens of russia are not ready to defend their new homeland with arms in hands, it is very relevant, it is widely discussed, obtaining belarusian citizenship is equal to the obligation to protect homeland, of course, that is, new citizens receive exactly the same rights, as i said, exactly the same responsibilities, if he is of military age.
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no concessions, the most important thing, that is, if figuratively speaking, well, there is some kind of urgent military service, then he will receive it in any case, but he and many want to serve, the most important thing is that they write to us in a corresponding appeal, please speed up naturalization,
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in fact, every year we issue about three or four permits for permanent residence to investors, these are those who invest in specific enterprises the republic of belarus wants and wants , most importantly, to obtain a permanent residence permit, but to trade citizenship for the sake of investments or for the sake of the fact that he made these investments today and took them away tomorrow, that is, this issue is not even discussed, because citizenship, i once again i repeat, you have to earn it and not buy it, but many countries follow a slightly different principle, but citizenship.
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belarus upon birth from a joint marriage with a citizen of belarus and even regardless of the place of birth of the child, if even this family temporarily went to a country of civil origin and gave birth to this child there, then he still becomes, on the basis of blood, a citizen of the republic of belarus, but along with this, a person who permanently resides on the territory of the republic of belarus has...
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citizenship of another country or apparently for residence of our citizens, well , dual citizenship is not provided for in our country, this is some kind of incident that has a certain right, but now i understand that such belarusians have a new obligation, namely to report the presence other citizenship, the question is how
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to do this correctly and how it will be revealed, and how many of them are already there who warned... even the pandemic situation showed that when many countries were closing in 2021, the meade had to do everything interested body organizing flights, we didn’t even understand overnight that a fairly large number of belarusian citizens were outside belarus without going through the appropriate registration, and in fact even then the idea crept in that it was necessary to make the corresponding obligation is for
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the citizen to submit a declaration of his foreign citizenship in order to understand that sometimes he acquires foreign citizenship.
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by mail, and we have currently received more than 70,000 notifications together with 70,000 notifications together with the diplomatic service authorities about the presence of citizens or citizenship or residence permit or a pole card, notifications arrive from the ministry of internal affairs at least every day and we continue to record them and send feedback communication to citizens that such documents have been accepted is good, if not notifications, that is, if a person has dual citizenship, yes, yes, such, of course, there is such a norm, our representatives of the border service and internal affairs bodies constantly record when citizens due to certain circumstances, sometimes due to forgetfulness or sometimes due to reluctance to report this at all, that is, they do not want to inform the competent authorities about the presence of foreign citizenship, but at present this is certainly not the case offenses, but the legislator also thought about this and the competent authorities of the republic of belarus also think about this, so then...
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because it is clear that the status of a civil servant or the status of a certain official who has access to state secrets, the presence of a foreign document is unacceptable, therefore the person must voluntarily and voluntarily
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renounce this document, and through the competent authorities, and this will not be a restriction, but in fact the person will not be able to implement simply by having a foreign document a whole series of probably his rights, which are provided for by law, that is , for example, he cannot gain access to state secrets, cannot become a civil servant, cannot become a deputy, and of all of them. yes, that is, those people who are applying for a deputy mandate now, it doesn’t matter, local councils, regional councils, yes, there is the minsk city council, the house of representatives, everything will be checked , that’s right, if they are registered. as a candidate and we can say for sure that he does not have a double citizenship he does not have a pole card, conditionally , yes, he does not have dual citizenship and does not have a pole card, well, you need to understand that this is not only, we check not only according to the
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information that citizens provided us voluntarily when they declared presence of foreign citizenship, internal affairs bodies and diplomatic service bodies also have other sources of information that confirm that both persons have the corresponding foreign citizenship, so there is no responsibility yet, information is perceived as just for carrying out checks.
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in order to convince to convince citizens of the republic of belarus that the pole card actually causes damage, including the national security of the republic of belarus , it is unacceptable to use it on the territory of belarus and receive a pole card, because it is clear that the person who purchases the pole card gives the corresponding obligations, in including loyalty to the people of the republic of poland, he is obliged to know the constitution there, complete a number of other formalities, and in fact he has goodies goodies are given for him on the territory of poland, but there are no questions , including him... therefore, the state perfectly understands the threats and risks from all this and is taking a number of steps in order to minimize in general the desire of belarusian citizens to receive a pole card , they return very often, and i want to say that in just six months of the past we recorded more than 100 cases when citizens publicly contacted us
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in order to refuse the pole’s card, that is, this. disputes about their number do not subside, but the fake about 97%, well, excuse me, many idiots have it stuck in their heads very firmly, i know the real numbers, yes, how many were unsteady on the 16th, 23rd, and you have a relatively real number of those who left the country after the twentieth year for political reasons, taking into account families, well
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, the figure that... you can actually operate margeevich, look, again, you can’t say political reasons, not political reasons, that is, let’s say, when it happened and is happening relocation of it specialists, these are political motives, no, this is issues related to sanctions, we , that is, the competent authorities, in fact , with the help of information resources, quite clearly have information about those persons who are not employed in the economy and who, at a certain period of time, left the territory of the republic of belarus, including with their members families, all of whom are not located on the territory of the country and...
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currently passports are on the territory of belarus and we are happy to issue them and there are no obstacles, the citizen came to promptly, received a biometric passport or an ordinary passport and returned to the country of citizenship, no bureaucracy, no responsibility, no horror stories, if there are no administrative or criminal ones against him, even if no one to him, in this case, if he has there is no restriction on the right to travel, and if there are no criminal claims against him, look, the son is not responsible for his father, it’s a well-known phrase, but a well-known phrase.
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its affiliation is valid in every diplomatic mission of kotor institutions, including at checkpoints on the state border, if he arrives even after 5 years with an invalid passport, then a border service officer will conduct an appropriate check on the '. no, there is no similarity, and your biometric data is also not in the information resource, but this is not even an individual approach, and this is probably an approach in relation to all citizens who currently live outside of belarus and each of them is not deprived of the constitutional right to return into the territory of the country, he can do this, but the only thing is that he must have a documenting identity, and he must not understand that everything is certain to lose the civil republic of belarus. their actions, well, you understand perfectly well why i asked the question, yes, now many parents may simply not give the opportunity, well, in the sense, they will not take any action to ensure that their children, who are now abroad with them, received this identification document, that is, a belarusian
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passport, and here they can get into, to put it mildly, such a legal mess, yes, that is they don’t have an identity card because their parents didn’t take care of it, but at the same time he wants to return to belarus and will come, as you say, to the border. and he has, which confirms that he is related to belarus according to the databases and so on, even if he does not have any document and in fact at the checkpoint it is established that he is a citizen of belarus, even if the document is invalid, then a border guard will let him into the territory of the country, tell him where to go and he will, but again this we are talking, we are talking about adult citizens, it is clear that an adult cannot cross the border independently. that is, he is great, then the state will accept him with pleasure, he will receive a complex, if necessary , issues related to integration, if necessary,
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he will receive the appropriate education, grandparents, even if there is no one, he will still be there, as if he will not be forgotten state, we, i’ll just say as an example, we have cases when the competent authorities of foreign states deported belarusians who i haven’t been in the country for 20 years and... to become part of a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there. how's my slip? no, not like yours, no, more beautiful, well, yes, for me, not for him, it’s enough to behave at
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a party, like the host of a show, like at home, where this time we rushed, and i think a fairy tale, two foreign students will open for myself. there is already a different kind of technology here, watch the project as if at home, on our tv channel. the participants of this show believe that you need to pump up
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not only your muscles, but also your brain. hello friends, we are planning something like this today football-hockey derby is the name of the sportswear in which athletes in karate, dudo and some others train and perform. there are two russias. this is the wrong answer. what number has cristiano ronaldo worn for most of his career? number seven. number seven. this is the correct answer. sports and entertainment show. head game.
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watch on tv channel belarus 24. without visas, the number of tourists is growing, growing from 385.22 to 414 in 23. lithuania, latvia, poland. in... this year our president decided to extend the visa-free regime, one of the far-sighted goals - overcoming the information blockade, and the leadership of neighboring countries, they tried to ensure this, yes, through personal contact, personal communications. even the most fashionable marocquetologist today understands that word of mouth is an excellent tool for really forming your opinion, but what do you think? it works, look, if our neighbors, again, were in kovo,
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word of mouth works great, if our neighbors had not closed checkpoints, then we would have an even higher figure, but seeing about this and enclosing their own citizens with fences and saying that by hanging horror stories at checkpoints, reducing the number of checkpoints and reducing communications, they create special artificial barriers for them so that citizens... you carry a belarusian store, you want to buy fuel on responsibility, you want go to our gas station, please, there are no problems , no discrimination, no one, no one puts any obstacles in your way for being lithuanian or pole or latvian, no one punishes you harsher, they treat you exactly the same just like to an ordinary citizen, to his neighbor, who has always been a neighbor to us. no political realities affect this now, so people see it, they post
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a lot of videos on social networks, there is a whole group for moving even belarus for permanent residence, where people moving exchange some problematic issues, they are also very are happy because they see the real picture, they see the real relationship, they actually see a completely different world, which they draw there, they see and see a respectable and good attitude on the part of belarusians towards these same tourists. therefore, the number, if there were more checkpoints, then the number of tourists would be an order of magnitude greater, especially since the visa-free regime applies to citizens of third countries at the border, this is both the grodno and brest regions, and is still valid for citizens of other european countries through territory of the minsk-2 national airport, there is also more than one, more than tens of thousands of citizens who will use under this regime and enter the territory of belarus without visas, without any bureaucratic restrictions at all, yeah, it all works and it actually works and works every day, they too...
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well, let’s just say, close the borders a little or implement additional control , or this is done automatically, well, one cannot say that this is done automatically, in any case, this is done on the basis of relevant decisions, because in each, in each step without visas, for example, liberalization of other aspects of stay, there are corresponding risks, but in any case , our experience in relevant election campaigns suggests that all information resources that work in this area.
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people also came and saw what it was, that for us this is a holiday, elections, for us this is a holiday, that we invite everyone, please, international observers who are normal observers, to look at all this, we are open to this , and law enforcement agencies, of course, at this time go into enhanced mode for in order to increase activity, so that the elections would be normal for our, for our population, it was just a holiday, and not because we closed the borders, we are holding some kind of event for ourselves, and our border is open with russia, yes, essentially, yes? a single space, including, is it possible to say
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that these are the decisions that have been made today, the databases that have created information resources, yes, i mean the databases of law enforcement agencies and so on, customs authorities, border guards, they sufficient to clearly understand that the external border of our two states, the common external border, is closed and safe for both us belarusians and russians, yes, in fact, we are following... with the russian federation we are building the so-called common common - a migration contour, which includes, among other things, such fairly fundamental things, when when, if the competent authority, for example, made a decision to deny entry to a citizen of a third country, that... the fact that in fact the border of the russian federation is not guarded, it is long enough so that it does not pass through the territory of the russian federation into the republic of belarus, this external circuit works and, moreover, it works both for the entry of foreign citizens and for the exit of citizens of third countries, but of course we consistently carry out a number of other events, which allow us to integrate our information resources and act or work 24-7, so that
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information regarding, well, figuratively speaking , the departure of a citizen of belarus to a third country, let’s say it got to the competent authorities of the republic of belarus in a timely manner so that we could... analyze it, look at it - taking into account those risks, taking into account his criminal past in general, and so on and so forth, and we will provide a whole range of measures, including in 204, because it is clear that the russian federation is also going to the corresponding elections, it will open polling stations on the territory of our country, and we are also not interested in any escalation happening here, and we will also hold in accordance with the measures to ensure the selectivity of both our electoral process and the electoral process in the russian federation, which will be carried out on the territory of our country by citizens of the russian federation, work is taking place.
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the passport must be biometric, but not yet, no, after a while, how do you assess the readiness of belarusians to receive more modern documents and what advantages does it still provide? yes, this is also quite an interesting question, i want to say, well , firstly, probably digital technologies penetrate into our lives, it is clear that
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a biometric passport is a new digital technology for our citizens, well, it is clear that for a significant period of time we have become accustomed to carrying our simple paper passport, where we had everything. information about registration, information about marriage, information about children, and in fact, that is, there was no need to carry other documents and citizens with them, and the official did not need, and some employee did not need access to the information resource, because in fact, that is, all this was reflected in the national passport, but the world does not stand on place, that is, in fact, digital technologies are constantly being introduced into our lives, and people who, for example, own biometric documents, receive a number of other preferences, privileges that allow them , on the basis of a biometric id card, to receive electronic administrative procedures in electronic form. using an android, open your personal account, sign your personal digital signature, for now only an android, unfortunately, and decide to solve a number of other administrative issues electronically, after that in any case the future, because our mobility allows us now with the help of information technology, firstly, secure information technology, because this is in
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any case an externally protected circuit, and we provide the owner of the biometric document with reliable protection of his personal data from unauthorized access and over time. i want to say, even according to statistics, in some regions of our country, every third belarusian already receives biometric documents, despite the fact that at the moment we have already issued 550,000 biometric documents documents, and some holders of a biometric passport, a citizen of the republic of belarus, receive two biometric passports in order for this to be quite serious.


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