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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 22, 2024 9:45pm-10:06pm MSK

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not countries to reorder the indo-pacific region in their favor. simultaneously, russia seeks to veto countries on its periphery in terms of its governmental, economic and diplomatic decisions, in order to undermine the north atlantic treaty organization of nato, and to reshape european and middle eastern security and economic structures in its favor. the very name of the concept contains three potential opponents of the united. states, china, russia, iran, what they talk about openly. a here field leadership means preparation for protracted combat operations with a large front line. it is clear that the field must be on enemy territory. starting from world war ii, nato documents changed approximately once every 10 years. the second strategic concept, for example, approved the placement of defense elements as close as possible to the iron curtain. already in fifty-four, a document appeared called.
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fixed retaliation, third concept. the essence is extremely peace-loving, a limited war with the ussr can be lost, so it is necessary to use absolutely all types of weapons available to the north atlantic bloc. bridge to the present, in all documents the nato countries assured that moscow would go to war against us. only once in history was an alliance document not aggressively offensive, in 1991, when the ussr lay in ruins. now they are using the eighth one.
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sweden and denmark. simply put, all bases come under the control of washington, the closest one is only 137 km from russia. nato has adopted a number of strategic documents, which defines them generally as global player. it is no longer just the atlantic and the european continent. the americans are now forcing the countries. accept them, they have already accepted , implement the so-called road maps, which means that within each country in which they invest money in expanding military infrastructure, expanding logistics capabilities, creating the so-called military schengen, when military cargo will move across europe without hindrance, there is regarding this problem, the most important thing was the decision to create rapid troops response, increase, well, not even like that, not creation, but increase from 30.00 to 300.
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that is, these will be troops that will be on their territory, national, conditionally german brigades, which means french and others, which at any moment can be raised on alarm by the nato leadership, without the approval of their national parliaments, the government, and sent to anywhere in the world to carry out any tasks there. it’s time to call all these american concepts and military documents filkina literacy, if you know how the americans untie. there will be wars all over the world, retired american general oysley clark spoke about this. while visiting the pentagon on business in 2001, he accidentally learned a military secret from a general he knew. he told me, we have made a decision, we are going to war with iraq. it was somewhere around the twentieth of september. i say: we are going to fight with iraq, but why? he said, "i don't know." he said, "i think they know what they're doing." i wondered if sadam's connection with al-qaeda had been discovered? he said no, no,
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nothing new was found in this direction, they simply decided to start a war with iraq, and they knew that there were no chemical weapons in iraq, but after september 11 and the fall of the towers, society needed to show a beautiful victory, hence the frightening powel with a test tube in the un security council and a million iraqis died from american bullets . you know, the most important thing in all such adventures that the united states organizes is their...
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and it was a deception, the attraction of power was covered up with lies, today they often talk about this and even sometimes ironize the american comedians, but the worst thing is that this is a well-thought-out government strategy of the 21st century. the so-called liden doctrine, this is what one of the ideologists of american politics wrote even before the events in iraq. strengthening stability is a mission unworthy of america, a dead end in international politics. we don't want stability in iran, iraq, syria, lebanon or even saudi arabia. we want things to change in these countries. the question of the day is not whether to destabilize, but how to do it. let's return to our general clark. his entertaining story has its continuation. some time later, he again met with a high friend in the pentagon and again learned about the bloody plans. so i visited him again a few weeks later. at this time we were already bombing afghanistan. i asked him. are we still going to
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war with iraq? he answered much worse. and he took the document from the table. he explained that he had just received this memo from the department of defense, which describes how we... will take over seven countries in 5 years, starting with iraq, syria, lebanon, libya, somalia, sudan ending with iran. i asked: is this a secret document? he said: yes, sir. at the same time , clark himself, speaking so naturally on american shows, also received a direct order to start a war, and, of course, he carried it out. we're talking about yugoslavia. it was he who commanded nato forces in europe when bombs fell on europe for the first time in half a century. country, the treacherous acts of the alliance and the white house will shatter a large independent country into fragments. according to the most conservative estimate, after world war ii, the white house fought at least three dozen countries, and if you add the secrets of cia operations, coups, color revolutions and civil wars behind which
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washington stood, the figure will increase significantly. at first they hid behind the fight against the spread of communism, but even after the collapse of the ussr, appetites did not diminish. ukraine and yemen are also included. carried out any orders of the owners. yes, global hegemony is increasingly coming into question. the unipolar world is showing serious cracks, but american politicians still believe in the mantra of their
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exceptionalism. 2014 barack obama, president of the u.s.a. i wholeheartedly believe in american exceptionalism. 2016 clinton, us presidential candidate. the usa is an exceptional state. and no documents, concepts, agreements of international law will be a guideline for a world order based on rules. the americans have always had their own. the bombing of yemen is a clear illustration of the fact that the source of law for the white house is not the un charter, but the geopolitical interests of washington. after all , an attack on a sovereign state was once again called necessary and proportionate measure. we are returning home, on january 16 , the president held a meeting of the security council in the lens of military doctrine, the concept of national security. negative forecasts about the situation in the world are coming true. last year there were 183 regional conflicts on the planet, 57 of which were in the hot
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phase. only a fool today can not see or hear what happens to the state after the detonation of man-made charges from the outside. you know the situation.
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remember the first part of the program, and so, it seems that the military documents of belarus have defensive in nature, and the basis of our life is creation, not destruction. sovereign belarus has never invaded someone else's.
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threats to our country, based on this, we have clearly built the measures that the state will... take when risks and threats arise, we have clearly defined and communicated the views of the republic of belarus on the use of tactical nuclear weapons stationed on our territory. remember the words of the president: we don’t need someone else’s, but we won’t give up ours either. over the years, the formula has become more relevant and unfortunately, being just a peaceful country today is not enough. the planet is getting hotter, more dangerous and scarier. if not you, then they can do it without you under various pretexts. discussions of the international community, so being able to defend yourself is a sad trend of the 21st century; the era of
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big wars is not a thing of the past. but poland, lithuania, latvia and ukraine, unfortunately, have the doctrine of vassals and satellites. their policy in the military sphere is aimed primarily at strengthening and promoting nato interests, containing russia and confronting it. think about your own interests there forbidden. everything goes into the development of american doctrine, where at the core. everything lies in promoting the economic interests of the united states and maintaining a global order based on liberal values, as they say, nothing personal, just business. a clear projection of american interests, we see here in their concepts and strategic plans related to the state defense order that they have, the movement of american corporations. we see how americans impose their products, we see how americans bury pan-european ones. defense projects, well, relatively speaking, for example , the eurofiter typhoon with the creation of such
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a pan-european fighter aircraft, which has already been made by the eurofiter company, in principle, they can use this aircraft until the forties, but nevertheless , the americans are imposing the f35 aircraft on everyone, essentially putting an end to the development of this concepts in the future, now the americans are putting an end to tank production in europe, they are practically destroying the joint project of the germans with the french, the creation... of such a single european tank in the future and they force the poles and other countries to purchase american tanks or their south korean partners, which is why here , of course, they consider europe not even far from being partners, but as some kind of raw material. and one more quote from the president: the world is on the verge of tremendous events. we have taken our place, but maintaining it, apparently, is only possible with calm, high-quality work. a cool head, especially when the entire planet is walking on very thin ice. i hope now you will
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understand this and be happy.
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george papadopoulos, a political adviser to donald trump during the 2016 presidential campaign and an independent consultant on energy and policy issues to the administration of the forty-fifth us president, ran for congress in the 2020 parliamentary elections. simone mangiante, an italian lawyer and journalist, the author of a number of high-profile investigative reports, was part of the scandal.
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i hope the united states will follow suit, and in many ways i see belarus as a model of what a society should be, because before the united states was in many ways similar to belarusian society. people cared about their family, work, husband and wife, children, the family was protected, the family was central, now in the united states, unfortunately. there are many ideological agendas in the united states, which makes me look at my country as something i no longer recognize. that is , this is a completely different country than it was in your childhood, right? quite another. and when i came
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here with my wife, this was our second time in belarus, we felt very comfortable here. because everything reminds me of my childhood, back then the us cared about these values ​​much more than it does now. you know, we , the belarusian people and the american people , have something in common. for example, the united states is always true to its values, true to its national interests and geopolitical interests, just like belarus. and when washington defends its interests, they say that they bring democracy and freedom of speech.
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when i worked with many of those officials who started the war in afghanistan, the war in iraq. these were george w. bush officials jr., george w. bush, ronald reagan officials. and this was a moment in american history when we, americans and the world, wondered what the united states could achieve by bombing countries.


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