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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 22, 2024 10:05pm-11:06pm MSK

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i saw this feature of the foreign policy of the united states and worked for many years with the very people who started this crusade, this american crusade around the world. this truly leveled american values, the american image around the world, and, in fact, american security, and this is the most important thing. then in 2015
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i said that the united states and the world needed change, it was then that i became an adviser to candidates who were supporters of patriotism, ending endless wars protecting american sovereignty, no longer being the police of the world, which is what the biden administration is trying to be today. we came out of a four-year peace with trump, where we had no foreign wars, we had stability, we had peace between russia. and the us, belarus and the us at least tried to establish normal bilateral relations. donald trump recently said that if he wins the 2024 election, he will be able to resolve the ukrainian conflict in about 24 hours. he said that i know putin, i know zelensky, and we can do it in 24 hour to put an end to this. do you think this is true? because there is a feeling that this is nothing more than populism to attract supporters. donald trump said: i will
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look at countries from a bilateral perspective. this applies to both ukraine and russia, no intrigue. and when he says this: i know putin, i know zelensky, i know lukashenko, i know sidinpin, he really means it. after all , the view of these leaders on the world is largely similar, national interests, sovereignty. protection of his borders, and if he promises to establish peace in ukraine, he knows that he really can, he has the right to say this , if only because he is the only us president who has not started a single war in the 21st century. however, in 2016, when he won the election, he spoke a lot of warm words about putin in the slavic countries. but this did not stop
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him from introducing or extending sanctions against minsk and moscow. can trump really be called a man of his word? i believe that for trump these were just signed pieces of paper, the thought was in his head: america is superior total. ukraine, russia, it was all secondary for him, but for many years we made russia the main one.
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ukraine, its years of independence after the collapse . and we know why, when i made a film about the ussr, we were able to trace the roots of its changes. joe biden implemented his economic interests, as entire sectors of the economy were captured. the mueller report, the special counsel's official report on collusion or coordination between russia and donald trump's team. the report was criticized for holes in the investigation. so the document says that moscow's interference was illegal, large-scale and systematic, but the prosecution had no direct evidence. george papadopoulos also passed for...
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trump because i believe that stability and peace between the united states and its former adversaries like china, russia and iran is good for america, it's good for the world, so if that makes me a puppet of putin, then please, but this is not so. and unfortunately, you mentioned the mueller report, it was a scandalous moment in american history. you were even put in prison for 14 days, if i'm not mistaken. 11 days in prison, many trump advisers were also sentenced to prison terms.
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the chairman of his campaign headquarters was also jailed. general michael flynn was also imprisoned. it was a very dark moment in american history. and all for what, in order to control trump and directly influence his foreign policy. weapons manufacturers were also involved here, they had a hard time with him, he is a businessman. he knows how to make money without fighting wars, but they need the opposite.
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on january 6, 2021, a crowd of peaceful protesters marched on the us capitol to express dissatisfaction with the fraud of the presidential election. during this joint session of congress, the electors had to confirm the results of the vote. the police brutally dispersed the protest, killing several civilians. electors confirmed joe biden as president, and donald trump was accused of incitement.
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as far as i know, she was a veteran, serving in afghanistan and iraq. columbia county police said that if she had not been shot, she would have could be detrimental to the health of congressmen. this is how justice should work or we will build a bridge to belarus, the protests of the twentieth year. american authorities.
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to certain actions to create a picture for the customer. january 6 demonstrated this well. there is a huge crowd of trump supporters, they came out peacefully against the arbitrariness of the vote counting. and there are fbi agents who penetrated the crowd in order to control it, there were ukrainian nationalists there, there is a video on youtube where a federal agent says: break into the capitol, break into capitols. so again we have players using the crowd to create a political perception of reality that doesn't exist, they needed violence. they tried to frame trump. yes, they created a reality that does not exist. immediately all trump supporters, as in the mueller report, became criminals. after the end of his
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presidential term, it was clear. trump supporters need to be turned into media fringes. its legitimacy through the destruction of the environment in the eyes of the americans. these techniques are well known and have been used by soros. so they used the fbi. you know, 5 years ago trump and lukashenko were even compared. what do you know about the policies
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of the president of belarus? i judge a leader by his country; my impression of belarus is excellent. all i know about lukashenko from the western media is disinformation. all i realized after visiting this country is that he is an excellent leader. but the american people are already starting to look at things through the media, take the event
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of january 6: people see that they are trying to trample a person who wants to fight back biden's corruption, his associates and corporations. do people know who organized these events and why, how the trump administration was drowned, what the fbi is doing? unfortunately, what happens in america today affects the rest of the world. today this is our face, but my opinion about lukashenko is the same as simona said. i define a country by its people because i see it on the ground, and it is a wonderful country. i consider this country to be patriotic, and let's hope lukashenko will continue his work. why does the white house dislike lukashenko so much? he's worried about
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his people, and does not pay attention to the western agenda, this really irritates them . we need more strong leaders like lukashenko all over the world. let's talk about your strong leader, joe biden. sorry, this is a joke. he is a convenient puppet to govern, and besides, biden is heavily compromised
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by corruption, and this trail stretches back to his days as deputy prime minister in obama’s office. his connections to ukraine and the burisma company are all known, and he allowed a country like ukraine to have leverage over him. this is the president who discredited himself in the maximum possible way, while the facts are completely ignored by the judicial system. it is outrageous that his son hunter is so mired in drug scandals, the matter with his laptop, what is it worth, and at the same time the american judicial system. cheat: not true, they are doing a lot, they are actively pursuing those who are trying to understand these matters, the same rudolf giuallini who tried to find connections between biden in ukraine and the burisma company. they wanted to put him in jail, i was also repeatedly threatened and subjected to
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proceedings simply for doing my job. and of course. they call me an agent of the kremlin; it is simply convenient for the country’s leadership to conveniently ignore such things. if you say something that is not what the major media wants to hear, you are a carrier of propaganda. there is nothing to add. i follow the american and british media, they have one thought: biden is a saint. and trump is a real devil.
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people are worried about freedom of speech, about corruption in federal bodies, the american media call belarusian, russian and other media propaganda of the state. it's all fake news. in fact, in the united states, the mainstream media, with the exception of fox news and some conservative publications, are completely under orders.
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fire, garbage, biden headline, day the oval office is in complete disarray, first everywhere, which meant biden would have to deal with all the madness that trump had done. biden's presidential term is coming to an end, which time should put on the cover in january 2025.
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ukraine has dirt on him, which means it has leverage. he's buried deep there. what is the story with the prosecutor general worth? whom ukrainian president petro poroshenko fired at biden’s request. his connection with the burisma company, he is very afraid of these facts being made public. through ukraine,
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using its influence to drag european countries into the war. and it is sold by the embassy of the struggle for ukrainian independence. it is he who fights for the high level of nazi corruption. the belarusian russian and chinese media talk a lot about the creation of a multipolar world as opposed to an american-centric one. but is the united states ready to give up some of the tools for governing the world? important problem of falling american empire of the birth of a multipolar world. these are sanctions, the countries of the global south have seen what sanctions are and how the americans, thanks to the dollar as the world reserve currency, can put pressure.
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china, brazil, saudi arabia also have savings in dollars around the world, but what if they are arrested tomorrow? this will destabilize their economy. as american citizens, do you agree that the united states is losing influence? as an italian by
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birth, i see that counterproductive sanctions hit italy, russia was the main trading partner, as and germany.
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they're already talking about it, russia, russia, russia, for them it's a mantra, it's like they 're obsessed. yeah, and in the morning they wake up with the words russia. they even tell me that i have an italian russian accent. they have russia everywhere, but they really can rig elections. we don’t need passports to vote, you can even vote from home, we are one of the few countries in the world with such a system, and it’s up to change.
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president lukashenko was asked last june to evaluate the upcoming elections in the united states. he said american elections are terrible show, don't you agree? therefore, you will literally throw their voices into the street. this is an incredibly strange electoral system, as putin said. and no right to law, no justice.
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belarusian foreign policy is like a big teddy bear. we offer friendship, dialogue. for 8 years we tried to bring ukraine to peace, but it didn’t work. why didn't it work why the world is not needed. nobody needs peace, because it is unprofitable; when you don’t need it, you will sabotage any negotiations. ukraine decided to go to abank, it said: we are with nato. we need your weapons, and it has been turned into a training ground. what could americans spy on belarusians? americans should
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learn from you to love their homeland and their compatriots. we will be happy to help if you want. a mentally healthy society leads to a healthy domestic foreign policy. and you have this in your people, in your leader. if every country adopted belarusian principles, the world would be much safer. thank you for the interesting conversation.
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let's get started on our expedition countries. outside the windows of the world, in the sky there is a low, heavy welgatsky gloom, and in front of us there is a clear message: let the people, our fellow countrymen, go to work for the monastery on the holy roof. things will happen again and again in the past in the grodzen region. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. i would like to send you some couples, so that people would give you a gift. thank god, sew up the thinness, horses, hair, horses. our dear ones, our dear ones, tell us how you felt. from old traditions to new life.
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mechanical engineering industry of belarus shows good results, which enterprises have grown in volume, the gomselmash holding has good results. this year , 3,000 units of self-propelled vehicles rolled off the production lines, increasing revenue by 122% compared to last year. more than 411 thousand eu residents visited belarus. last year without a visa. more than half are citizens of lithuania, latvians are in second place, then poles. our neighbors will be able to continue to freely enjoy belarusian hospitality. the visa-free regime has been extended for this year. the initiative of the ministry of foreign affairs was supported by the president. belarusian scientific breeders, the results of whose work we see on the shelves of our stores, summed up the results of the year. what are you ready to please? resistant to frost, heat , beautiful, large, juicy, this is what
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they call their harvest results... despite the drought, this year is excellent, for example, domestic varieties of cherries have proven themselves, among the popular ones are also hazelnuts, well, in general, active work is going on across thirty crops at once. news, analytics, expert comments, and interesting facts, watch the events program on thursdays on the tv channel belarus 24.
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hello, the program say don’t be silent is on air, victoria popova and svetlana smolonskaya are in the studio. and today father fedor is our guest. hello. father fedor, january is a time of wonderful expectations. each of us, both believers and non-believers, today asks ourselves this question with anxious hope: what? the coming year is preparing for us, how do you respond to it? i think that not only believers, i never put up any barriers, for me
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there is no limit, there is a person in front of me, i think that the coming year is preparing development, improvement. learning, new experience, because any event is a task, a task that we must solve as christianly as possible, to be high-quality christians, i would say so, every year we learn a lot of new things about ourselves about the world around us, because just like that, yes ? when we draw the right conclusions and learn the right lessons, even our mistakes turn into good things. and also, god grant that
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each new year really brings us closer to christ and the kingdom of god, and does not move us away from it. you know that by definition there are no non-believers, everyone believes, but in different things, every true believer does not change his values, not in the year of the dragon, not in the year of the rat, not before the end of the world, otherwise, otherwise, what kind of belief is this? you believe in the trinity, you believe, you believe in science, you believe, you believe in human rights, you believe sincerely to the end, faith is tested
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by the willingness to die for the conviction, and the quality of a person as an individual is determined by faith. these are my thoughts, another clarifying question, your quote from one sunday sermon: the new year is shrouded in the unknown for us, sometimes in the darkness of this unknown, into which we try in vain to penetrate our gaze, the word in vain caught my attention here, but it is difficult to disagree with it, which is why the world is so difficult to predict today, because the world is today. does not move upward, not even horizontally, the world is dehumanizing, so it is in vain to do something without god, with god everything
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acquires meaning and logic, well, the world today is very fast, it is changing very quickly, it is chaotic, how is this chaotic? to guide believers, what values ​​should they rely on? open the gospel and get all the answers. in that case it's interesting find out what is the most difficult commandment to fulfill for you personally? and there are no difficult or easy commandments to fulfill, there is our attitude. commandments, and if you live with an understanding of eternity, then even the fight against your inner negativity in the commandments takes on
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a special meaning and gives you inspiration, it so happened that the entire new year’s information field was captured by a naked party in a night club... in moscow, what do you think is behind the flurry of public reaction? you know, in our information... era, such scandalous occasions are, figuratively speaking, a hook with bait for the masses, this is a common tool in the struggle for a place in the sun, you cannot enter certain elite circles without dirt, but with this dirt a person... tied up is constantly awaiting his end. everything we
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saw is called show business. and similar pictures that make up its parts. in these areas there is no need to talk about culture. there is money, there is ratings, there is an order for propaganda. look how subtly the idea was imposed on the average person that all this constitutes his cultural life. the average person was deceived, but as they say, he himself is happy to be deceived. he consumes indiscriminately what is given. and he never even choked, it turns out that he
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is satisfied with the meanings that are conveyed to him. it is probably more correct to think about why during these 30 years there has been no propaganda on the scale of propaganda of classical art and spiritual culture. but there was propaganda of lack of culture and lack of spirituality, and you need to ask whether anything will change after the scandal, on the other hand, tell me, for you personally these shots became a revelation, they did not show anything new. the meanings of songs and plots, blocks
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of famous idols have always been about exactly this lifestyle, no one was hiding anything, so i got the feeling that this move served as another reason to fill, well , excuse me for... such a word: to fill people’s heads with dirt, to divert attention from global things, from spiritual concentration, to someone it is very necessary that people do not think about christ, about the fatherland, about the next century, about the fate of their nation, their people. but were busy discussing and
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condemning specific individuals, that’s how i see it. father fedor, we want to show you and our viewers one video from minsky nightclub on christmas eve. this video is from open sources , from social networks, and just recently, when we were discussing a naked party, we had a visit from gomel ideologue, denis yezersky, who said that this is hardly possible in belarus, but probably what we are now they saw that it was not very different from what was happening in moscow and advertised it in their presence.
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new year's lights across russia, russian channels and besides, we are the center of europe. but it is from her that such fashion trends come, it turns out that from ourselves, to to this day, many still admire everything western, not suspecting that our original one
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is much more humane, more progressive, deeper... and more beautiful in content. let's take orthodoxy. it has a dimension so deep that it is simply incomprehensible to the european mentality. it is a pity that our compatriots sometimes themselves refuse to comprehend these depths. although our ancestors were able and willing, pure and high art in our country can only appear from within society, from the chaste heart of the creator,
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as a service to beauty and truth, culture our people. it is only possible when spiritually, it is essentially different than european, believe my experience, i can talk about europe, i lived there for many years, i can touch art, because i was involved in it with my first education, and now... i am at the institute , at the art academy, and i perform, i go to europe, and i see what is happening, therefore the artist, artist, singer, writer, they all should have a conscience, he should not
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appoint himself as the conscience of the people or the voice of truth, but in his soul must... an internal censor, what is primary, where is the line of what is permissible, what is true, what is false, what is beautiful and what is ugly, there should be spiritual principles, and not a position, often similar to just a pose. also, the people themselves must reject from their midst everything sinful and destructive, as not their own, as foreign, therefore, if we accept as truth the statement that culture reflects
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the current values ​​of society, then, then views on... obvious things, but you know, about why did i think that it’s very easy to cross the line in moralizing, yes, they can blame you and me, the adherents of our traditional values ​​are in a mossy state, that’s how to be here, there were games, but the mirror, in my opinion
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, recently shows the president’s new year’s reception, and he said that when addressing journalists, it is very important to walk on thin ice, yes, that is, here ... this thesis can be addressed to questions of morality, so that you can say who should take the courage and responsibility to call a spade a spade? i think everyone, i think everyone, we all need to learn from alexander grigorievich, because what he says today is often like prophecy. i may be reproached at some points, what i am saying now, but his life experience. his experience as the head of state, his gift, you can’t learn this,
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you can feel it, and the lord, seeing the sincerity of everything he does, also reveals to him those moments that are paid attention to today, many of them. communicate, i mean politicians, because the words spoken by him are not just populist phrases, they are a deep understanding of the processes that are happening in the world, and let each of us in his place will take on that measure of responsibility as... which should not only educate you, but also the people around you. well, why do we still avoid
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these frank conversations? we are very grateful to you that you specifically take the courage to discuss these things publicly, but we very often say tut-tut-tut-tut-tut, everything is fine with us, but we can’t have that, but nevertheless, yes, nevertheless, i think it’s more to do with the mental. for yourself, pray for yourself, for others, because this responsibility does not lie with you,
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pray for the one who is responsible for you as well, but for now let’s take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are connected! we know exactly how to start the morning correctly, pasta with mussels, with peas, but this is just a wonderful start to the day, it seems to me that anyone would feel like having breakfast this way. super happy, together with you we will prepare a delicious breakfast. nastya, today you are in command in the kitchen, so give
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instructions. we girls won't cry exactly. this is true. and i love garlic very much, it doesn’t bother me at all. let's say you have garlic for breakfast. and we will receive the charge of the necessary energy. okay, then i'll be crafty, you do the dough, and i'll do the turkey. so that’s it, put the whole thing in the oven until ready, uh-huh, uh-huh , watch the champion’s breakfast on the belarus 24 tv channel, we’re going on a journey in which we’ll learn more about the national identity of the belarusians, at the end of the day there was a sultry snafu of chess pieces. darechy, grodna can be called the chess capital of belarus there are so many of them here. great jumper, i’m sorry, i’m sorry that
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there’s still such a fashion in calis, and the same slutsk bayonets are from vernets. we pass through the most cultural places of our country. we are sure that there are baroque pipes in the world of modern pipes. eight very valuable, valuables of the ancestral baroque argan of budaunitstva, it seems, here, at this gallery you can sustrets. watch the cultural journey project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the program say don’t be silent is on air again, and today our guest is archpriest fyodor povny. father fedor: the vatican allowed transgender people receive baptisms, be godparents and witness weddings. this is evidence of the social
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transformations that are taking place here. it’s important to note , first of all, in your opinion, but you ’re driving me right into a corner, again forcing me to follow the way i said, but nevertheless, although in principle i’ll say this, i somehow really thought about it when i heard something like this news. it seems to me that it is impossible not to maneuver, combining a religious structure and a sovereign state, while positioning itself as church of christ. the vatican, after all, is first and foremost a state. i won’t say anything
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new here if i just remind you that... the teachings of christ became a simultaneous missionary and political project of the vatican, so the name of christ very often covered up other interests, but it is precisely because of such obvious deflections as now that the vatican is losing. the main thing is its sacredness. well, let me explain: if god justifies something that was previously considered a sin, then is this god true? what is this truth that takes its words back. and
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these are questions of a simple person, they ask me too, the scary thing is that in this way, along with the sacredness, the idea of ​​christianity is emasculated, and here i see a tragedy with global consequences, that such concessions are devalued. the sacrament of repentance, a signal was given to a person: there is no need to change oneself, there is no need to fight sin in oneself, because it is quite possible to change the world to sin, a few demonstrations are all, let christ accept
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us. then, for what did christ die on the cross? therefore, these actions of the vatican, if this is still reliable information, not fake , on the one hand, yes, it indicates that the consciousness of european people is already so...
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and that reverse propaganda, for which he had enough resources, would return everything to its place in a couple of years . and if the vatican hypothetically today takes up the protection of the rights of a large minority with the same vigor as the global project is being carried out by glpt propaganda, then a population increase of 1 billion will be achieved in 2 years, because there are more than a billion catholics in the world. but does the world need this? a why do you think that in the west today they are so actively involved in children, starting with the call for public service announcements not to have a child? we have a picture where a lady pierces
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her reproductive organ, in fact. and ending with a complete mixture of genders, which we very often hear about in this studio from our foreign guests in kindergartens and schools. here you are provoking me again. how could it be otherwise, if in the struggle for world influence and promotion of their projects among non-christians, our ancestors spoke to non-christians, uh-huh, by all means are good, a person’s knowledge of the world begins from the first days of life, and the beliefs and habits acquired in childhood are the most stable, and, probably, precisely for this reason, the west discourages baptizing
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infants under the pretext of a conscious decision, but it inculcates its anti-values ​​already from diapers, always aggressively, let's think, let's think about this, we also have such families and such parents, now he grows up, then decide where to be baptized and what kind, what faith to accept, and anti-values side by side, they are simply simply implanted, imposed, when i have such parents... i say: don’t send your child to school, why? let him grow up and decide for himself whether to be literate and educated or
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not? but this is elementary, what are you saying? and the question of the soul does not seem to arise. well, i’ll tell you that there is already criticism in western society of these approaches, because... they give a child to unstable emotional lesbians, who simply take him and mock him openly, then commit suicide , this child is miraculously saved, and before committing suicide, they openly ask each other, how did they entrust this child to us, they knew that we were emotionally unstable, i’m talking about some kind of social connivance, you see, well, that is, all this is allowed. society, all these social experiments, western society, and the vatican, i would like to go back for a second and say that it is written there, as in this news, that they...


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