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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 23, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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that is, the external side, yes, that is , the external informational, internal, economic, we will combine all this into some kind of political interaction, it will simply be, i would say, the best project of the 21st century. the implementation of union programs is primarily aimed at improving the lives of the peoples of the two countries, and much has already been transferred to the practical plane, everything is being introduced into work. more import of independent solutions, among key partners, including the state corporation rosatom, this is scientific and technical cooperation and industrial cooperation in the field digitalization. about smart processes elena vitko. from smolensk and moscow to zheleznovodsk and tomsk, soon in belarusian cities. smart city technologies are being developed by the rusatom division and these are not only digital platforms for convenient infrastructure or smart transport, from the latest know-how.
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the eco-module is the study of greenhouse gases, circular or green economy, they also work within the framework of the clean water program. as part of our interaction with the republic of belarus, we are now considering two key areas related to systems water treatment management of resource supply systems of water utilities. in addition, we are jointly developing a union program in which we are ready to develop joint products related to solutions for smart cities, the decision will be made in partnership status, the program is currently undergoing bilateral approval, as a result, the path of cooperation and interaction will lead to third countries, but in the export format. among the latest smart developments of rusatom is the infrastructure iot platform, this is a project for automation and dispatch of engineering systems of buildings and territories, here is the technology of digital twins and environmental monitoring, so the management system allows you to reduce. and operating costs, and also
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prevent emergency situations. valentin andreevich, i propose to test drive the platform. yes, great, let’s imagine that we are at a pumping station, in fact, our infrastructure iot platform is running on the tablet, all the data about the state of the system is transferred to it. on the dispatcher screen we show digital information twin of the pumping station and display information about whether people who are located on the critical infrastructure have funds. protection, accordingly, i have a helmet on, our artificial intelligence recognizes people who are at the site, if they do not have a helmet, then an emergency message is created , the equipment switches to backup mode, from safe production to industrial robotization - this is also a union trend, scientifically rosatom is developing technical cooperation in the field of mechanical engineering, the same mass or amkador, belas, for example, stands out for its automated welding system, i am familiar with engineering companies.
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in the republic of belarus, colleagues make robotic systems themselves , develop software, the level of belarusian developers, in my opinion, is one of the highest in the industry, so we will be happy to cooperate for the benefit of both belarusian and russian enterprises, competencies in robotics are only increasing, preparing joint projects for the industrial development of the two countries, for example,
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25 february. in the executive committee of the commonwealth, the mission headquarters began to work in the long term ; 50 people will join in monitoring, and the total number from the cis will reach 150. this number will be enough for an objective assessment of the elections. the head of the observer mission, sergei lebedev, spoke about this during a meeting with the chairman of the central election commission igor korpenko. the mission will include parliamentarians of the cis countries, diplomats, and employees. executive committee, members of the central government committees of the commonwealth countries. sergey lebedev positively assessed the changes that the electoral code of belarus has undergone. according to the speaker, innovations are aimed at democratizing the electoral process and expanding guarantees for citizens. let me note that the cis mission will carry out surveillance in our country for the twelfth time. our observers are always guided by principle. that you
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know very well that after the elections there are so many disputes and discussions, as well as objective assessments of these elections, whether they were democratic or undemocratic, the responsibility is very big, if we say that the elections went like this, then we give these assessments, then we are responsible for these assessments, conditionally we are preparing about 300 packages, which means for accreditation, well, how many of them will there be exactly? it’s hard to say yet, because the process is ongoing, some information is constantly coming in, the fact is that international observers must fill out the appropriate forms, send the appropriate letters, applications, which we also actually process here and prepare the appropriate accreditation certificate, i think that this process
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will go until the single voting day, well, somewhere already, probably, most likely by the beginning of early voting we will already be... csto, a representative of the union state, individual experts from various countries, including the european union, will also be invited. in addition, 4,200 national observers have already been accredited in belarus. well, now about democratization, only in the euro-american way: eu officials, like crazy, are trying to get out of the deadlock in ukraine, everything so as not to
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upset their masters in washington. the european union is preparing to create a separate military assistance fund for kiev worth 20 billion euros. sounds great.
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unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force became the main argument in building interstate relations.
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oh, not everything is calm, in the white washington house, trump has fewer and fewer competitors. another candidate for the republican presidential race has dropped out of the race. florida governor desantis suspended his election campaign the day before and supported a competitor. trump called this support a great honor.
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desantis' withdrawal from the race leaves former south carolina gov. nikki halley as trump's last incumbent republican challenger . tomorrow's vote in new hampshire will show whether it makes sense for her to continue the race. trump has every chance to take revenge for the stolen elections and the massive fraud of the twentieth year. he has repeatedly stated that the voting then took place with violations. even the dead made expressions at that time , the country was gripped by protests from
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republican supporters, which resulted in an assault capitol. well, today you and i have a unique opportunity to frankly find out first-hand what is happening now inside american society. donald trump's ex-adviser and investigative journalist is our guest. in belarus, one will talk in detail about the external one.
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teachers are on an indefinite strike, demanding higher wages. almost 10,000 teachers from 330 schools did not return to their jobs. on january 24 , preschool employees will join teachers in a three-day solidarity strike, vocational schools, educational institutions based on interests. in total this is more than 18,000
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people. in germany, everything is crisis stable. a new one awaits the country's railways. on strikes. the power unions were never able to control the wage issue. tomorrow , train drivers intend to completely paralyze german railway traffic, at least until next monday. in minsk, today a trial began in the case of representatives of ex-members of the extremist organization baypol. in belarus it is recognized as terrorist. this is about two divisions included in its structure. situational. analytical center and mobilization plan of peramoga. the criminal case was investigated by the investigative committee as part of special proceedings. there are more than ten victims in the case, including police officers, defendants, fugitive security officials: alexander azarov, oleg talerchik, vladimir zhiggor, matvey kupreichik, igor loban and
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andrei astopovich. they all got together abroad. they were charged under article 12. doctors in the agricultural town of zembin, in the borisov region, were today solemnly presented with the keys to car, this is the same new belg model personally from the president, this is how
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the head of state disposed of his gift. let me remind you that last week alexander lukashenko was on the move.
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it’s the time of year when winter is starting to clear up, we, of course, need a car that’s passable so that it’s passable, so i think that this car will speed up the service for us. the zembinsky district hospital serves 2,000 people, more than 200 of them are children, the health care institution is one of the oldest
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in the minsk region, after 2 years the hospital will celebrate its centenary anniversary. the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus accepts congratulations. the history of our country's modern diplomatic service has passed the 105-year mark. for a ceremonial meeting on the occasion. in recent years has become an international conference on eurasian security, reality and prospects in a transforming world. it confirmed the status of minsk as an international
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dialogue platform, and i think that we will continue this practice in the coming years. the highest quality assistance was provided to citizens of the republic of belarus for abroad. over the past five years, the consular service has implemented a project that is unprecedented in scale and diversity.
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a just world order. for your attention, a joint project of a television news agency without retouching.
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well, that’s all for me, right now the attraction is power or the american desire to rule the world and our development strategy. feel the difference in understandable politics, well, right after we watch an exclusive interview in belarus with one ex-adviser to donald trump and an investigative journalist, frankly about what is happening now inside american society and what ... the us president and alexander lukashenko have in common.
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this is an understandable policy. hello, the updated military doctrine will be submitted for approval by the all-belarus people's assembly. the most important strategic planning document, along with the concept, is our security. the topic is super important, especially considering what is written in the military doctrines of other countries. the record holder among presidents for starting wars is dwight esenhower, the american leader has nine of them. he only realized how dangerous the limitless growth of the military-industrial complex was at the end of his life, but the experience of the general who went through the second world war overseas was quickly forgotten. this also applies to the theory and practice of western doctrinal showcases.
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unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force became the main argument in building interstate relations.
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the country that most often changed its military doctrine to suit its needs is the united states of america, the most aggressive state in the last 70 years by a wide margin. america is at war. with these words, the national security strategy begins usa 2006. the previous one lasted 5 years. influenced, of course, by afghanistan, iraq and september 11th. and by war we mean the fight against terrorism, a pandora’s box that... the americans themselves opened it. from the ruins of saddam hussein’s regime, an even more dangerous threat to global stability and security emerged, the islamic state, which plunged not only the middle east, but neighboring countries into chaos. of course, in the concepts of the white house there are always adjectives, defensive, but its meaning is very specific. it all started back in the forties of the 20th century. the monopoly of nuclear weapons in the second half of the forties allowed
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the americans to make plans for nuclear strikes against the ussr. there were 12 such strategies in total. totality's main operation is to drop bombs on the twenty largest cities of the soviet union. the largest project is dropshot. simultaneous release of 300 nuclear warheads. in 1982 , the americans also updated the concept of military security. this time she became openly offensive. its main provisions it is worth highlighting such as the penetration of vanguard forces into the depths of the enemy’s defense. massive use of precision-guided munitions, coordinated action by the ground, air and sea components of the american army. the speed of its implementation is also at the forefront of such organizations . using the example of the actions of the american army in kuwait and iraq, one can fully trace the implementation of this military doctrine. in general, it is worth noting
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that there is no single defense document in the united states, which allows legal manipulation provisions. key positions are revealed in a set of documents on national security, national defense and military strategy. washington's military-political course is being developed and implemented on the basis of the premise that the united states is and should remain the only military and economic superpower, a global leader. only. america has the right to single-handedly shape the conditions of the international situation that maximize the promotion of its interests in various regions of the world. plus, conceptual things are often broadcast relevant officials. for example, secretary of defense caspar weinberger in 1985 proposed three main positions for the united states. the united states should not use force outside the state unless the specific involvement or
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the case itself is vital. for our national interest or our allies. the only problem is that anything can be disguised as national interests, direct invasions, the overthrow of unwanted regimes, which is what is discussed further in the ministerial concept. if we decide that it is necessary to use armed forces in given the situation, we must do it sincerely with the clear intention of winning, before the united states uses force outside the state, it is necessary to have confirmation that we have the support. the american people and their elected representatives in congress, this approach is called "all or nothing." weinberger's concept was approved and became the doctrine that remained in effect until the end of the cold war and the collapse of the soviet union. but this approach did not deter yastrebov for long. later it was supplemented by colin powell, who also held the post minister of defense the same mister test tube. the updated document from eimberger powell
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essentially gave the united states a free hand. what it is? well, actually, it would be fair to say that every nation state has national interests, they are not always the same, for some reason the united states believes that only the national interests of the united states are decisive for world politics as a whole, and the united states can, by the way, declare any part of the world, zones of their interests, they were very keen on this before, but... now it is becoming more and more difficult, nevertheless they are doing it, and this is a key document for the united states: 2022, the national security strategy, the growing power of china and the imperial ambitions of the kremlin are named as the main threats. russia is mentioned in the document 71 times
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china 55. the main priority for the next five years is confrontation with hostile forces. american diplomacy freely assesses the russian federation as an immediate threat. world order, and the prc is considered by the united states as an adversary for the long term. in this block we will touch on the field manual 3.0 is essentially also an american military doctrine, but adopted by washington’s pocket nato bloc. this document is also new for 2022. the main enemies, of course, are russia and china. the central challenge to us security is resumption. long-term great power competition with china and russia, both individual players and participants working together to achieve common goals. china is using its rapidly modernizing military, information warfare and predatory economy to force
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neighboring countries will reorder the indo-pacific region in their favor. at the same time, russia seeks to veto countries in its periphery from the point of view of its government, economic and security and economics in its favor. in the european and middle eastern structures , the very name of the concept contains three potential adversaries of the united states - china, russia, iran, which they talk about openly. but field leadership means preparing for protracted combat operations with a large front line. it is clear that the field should be on... from world war ii onwards, nato documents changed approximately once every 10 years. the second strategic concept, for example, approved the placement of defensive elements as close as possible to the iron curtain. already in fifty-four
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, a document appeared called a massive retaliatory strike, the third concept. the essence is extremely peaceful. a limited war with the ussr may be lost, so it is necessary to use absolutely all types of weapons. available to the north atlantic bloc. bridge to the present. in all documents, the nato countries assured that moscow would go to war against us. only once in history was an alliance document not aggressively offensive, in 1991, when the ussr lay in ruins. now they are already using the eighth, with these formulations. and again moscow is the main enemy. it was worth getting up from your knees. since 2014, nato has significantly strengthened its deterrence and defense capabilities. increased the readiness of its forces, while the allies began to increase defense spending when in february twenty-second since russia launched a brutal and unprovoked war against ukraine, the countries of the north atlantic alliance have decided to reconfigure nato's
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deterrence and defense for a longer term. and here it is defense: the pentagon gained access to 35 military facilities in finland, sweden and denmark. simply put, all bases are being transferred under... the possibility of creating a so-called military schengen, when military cargo will move across europe without hindrance, there are problems about this, the most important thing was a decision was made to create rapid reaction troops, increase, well, not even like that, not create, but increase from 30 thousand to 300,
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that is, these will be troops that will be on their territory, national, conditionally german brigades, which means french and others , which at any moment can be raised by alarm by management. it’s time to call american concepts and military documents a piece of writing, if you know how americans start wars around the world, retired american general wisley clark spoke about this. by going to business at the pentagon in 2001, he accidentally learned a military secret from a general acquaintance. he told me, we have made a decision, we are going to war with iraq. it was somewhere around the twentieth of september. i say: we are going to fight with iraq, but why? he said, "i don't know." he said: "i think that... they know what they are doing. i wondered if
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saddam's connection with al-qaeda had been discovered? he said: "no, no, nothing new has been found in this direction, they just decided to start a war with iraq." they knew that there were no chemical weapons in iraq, but after 11 september and the fall of the towers, society needed to show a beautiful victory. hence the frightening powel with a test tube in the sovben and a million iraqis who died from american bullets. you know, the most important thing in everyone is this. similar adventures that the united states organizes, their confidence is still in absolute irresponsibility, that is, for them and they believe that no one will ever ask them, you can lie, you can deceive the world community, then later, when the truth is hidden, they cheat hands, they say: well sorry, this is how it happened, and i’m absolutely sure that, well, all this will be forgotten. after all, even tony blair admitted
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that it was an adventure and it was a deception. the attraction of power was covered with lies. today, american comedians often talk about this and sometimes even ironize it. but the worst thing is that this is a well-thought-out state strategy of the 21st century, the so -called liden doctrine. this is what one of the ideologists of american politics wrote even before the events in iraq. strengthening stability is a mission unworthy of america. dead ends. a few weeks later, at this time we were already bombing afghanistan. i asked him, are we still
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going to go to war with iraq? he replied, it's much worse. and he took the document from the table. he explained that he had just received this memo from the department of defense, which describes how we will take over seven countries in 5 years, starting with iraq, syria, lebanon, libya, somalia, sudan, ending with iran. i asked: is this a secret document? he said, "yes, sir." at the same time, clark himself, speaking so naturally on american shows, also received a direct order start a war, and of course, he carried it out, we are talking about yugoslavia. it was he who commanded nato forces in europe when bombs fell on a european country for the first time in half a century. the treacherous acts of the alliance and the white house will shatter a large independent country into fragments. according to the most conservative estimates, after the second world war the white house fought in at least three dozen. and if you add the secrets of the cia operations, coups, color revolutions and
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civil wars that washington was behind, the figure grows significantly. at first they hid behind the fight against the spread of communism, but even after the collapse of the ussr, appetites did not decrease. ukraine and yemen are also in the collection following fresh tracks. the american political class, the american elite, has a fixed idea. this idea is global leadership, global hegemony, domination. one american publicist said the following phrase : every 10 years we need to find some small country and give it a good whack in order to demonstrate to the whole world that our words do not differ from our deeds. so that the americans do not prescribe in their documents, no matter how much they engage in verbal balancing act, at the forefront for many, many years is the manic desire to dominate the whole world, so that those around them will obediently click their heels and carry out any orders of their masters. yes, global hegemony. comes into question: the unipolar world is showing serious cracks, but
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american politicians still believe in the mantra of their exceptionalism. 2014, barack obama, us president. i wholeheartedly believe in american exceptionalism. 2016, hillary clinton, us presidential candidate. usa - exceptional state. and no documents, concepts, agreements, or international law will serve as a guideline for a rules-based world order. the americans have always had their own. the bombing of yemen is a clear illustration of the fact that the source of law for the white house is not the un charter, but the geopolitical interests of washington. after all , an attack on a sovereign state, once again... was called a necessary and proportionate measure. we are returning home. on january 16, the president held a meeting of the security council in the lens of military doctrine and concept national security. negative forecasts about the situation in the world are coming true. last year there were 183 regional
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conflicts on the planet, 57 of which were in the hot phase. only a fool today can not see or hear what happens to the state later. east, this is a terrible humanitarian catastrophe, please note that threats to use nuclear weapons were made almost immediately after the escalation of the conflict, and as it usually happens, no sanctions
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followed from the civilized west, a routine statement, as if nothing happened, unfortunately, we returned to a time when military force became... the main argument in building interstate relations. remember the first part of the program? so, it seems that the military documents of belarus are of a defensive nature, and the basis of our life is creation, not destruction. sovereign belarus has never invaded foreign territory, started conflicts, or violated borders. as for the draft new military doctrine, it fully takes into account the ongoing fundamental changes in military-political situation. new military dangers, approaches to determining the nature of modern military conflicts have been updated, in the interests of developing adequate response measures for the armed defense of the country. the world is changing, it is important to constantly clarify views on the theory and practice of military policy, among the important innovations is a clear description of the threats and from which countries they come,
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but enemies, goals and other aggression, like western partners, are not spelled out there, both documents will become closer to each other to friend. today, the conditions have already arrived when it was necessary to rework the military doctrine, it became targeted, we clearly name the sources of military threats in our country, based on this, we clearly built the measures that the state will take when risks and threat challenges arise. we have clearly defined and communicated the views of the republic of belarus on the use of what is located on our...
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they can use this aircraft, but nevertheless, the americans are imposing the f-35 aircraft on everyone, essentially putting an end to the development of this concept in the future, now the americans are putting an end to tank production in europe, they practically destroy the joint project of the germans with the french, the creation of such a single european tank in the future, and force the poles and other countries to purchase american tanks or their south korean partners, which is why here, of course, they ... occupied europe, but here saving it, apparently, is only possible together, with calm, high-quality work and a cool head, especially when the whole planet is walking on very
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thin ice, i hope now you will understand this, happily.
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god gave wings to some, gave wings to others, yes, they both seem to be flying, but what different trajectories, prospects, 34 trillion, the us national debt mark has been reached, they live at the expense of others, and this is a very important element that the united states will try to preserve at any cost , this is what all politics is based on now. it’s very nice to talk, talk about democracy, actually make money from human blood, we have different motivations, these people only want money, we are committed to creation, thank you very much to our alexander grigorvich, that we have peace, order and that we do not have war, many do not understand this, it is like air that you do not notice, when it ends, you begin to understand what you have lost. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on tv.
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our great history, our great greatness, kala their pavinna byts work, jumping youth , telling our great culture, without ideology it is impossible today to perceive either domestic policy or foreign policy, this is again a certain foundation today in many areas of activity, that is , culture cannot develop today if there is no ideological foundation. project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the tv channel.
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dni harsh relying, 30 nhametskiykh attack on maladuyu kraina, chirvonaya armia, padttryannaya narodami krayli, grudzmi adlela savskaya ilad i drove the nyametskiykh akupanta. our supreme belarus has become rusty, the creators of the belarusian savetsk republic, the eternal demise of our people. hell named after savetskaya race yakov mikhailovich sverdlov announced the recognition of the young sovereign state under the sign. in the freedom charter, the people gained their rights, belarus flourished in the family of fraternal republics. on january 5, 19, the belarusian
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government moved from smolensk to minsk. from now on, it became the capital of the republic, adopted a declaration on the establishment of federal ties with the rsfsr, and approved the constitution, state emblem and flag of the belarusian ussr. since then, we have celebrated our birthday more than once, 10 years, 20, 30, now we are 50, this not so much, but so many memories. the smalans are commemorating the historic date of the life of the belarusian people. delegate of the first step of the meeting of kamparta of belarus vashkevich. dear tavaryshchi smalyan. dear our dear statesmen, representatives of the fraternal
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belarusian people. in belarus, which in every way has been subject to the freedom of slavery and here, and now the free belarusian republic of belarus, we say before all the worlds, that at this time of peace in belarus, only advice is due.
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on the air sports day, anna eismond studio, good evening. victoria zadenka leaves astralian open the world tennis championship stopped at the fourth round of the season's first grand slam tournament, with ukrainian dayana yastremska moving on. last night, the young czech linda noskogo also advanced to the next round, whose opponent, due to an injury from...
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in the fourth round meeting with dayana yastremska, the belarusian had an advantage in both games, but was unable to convert it into a good result. so in the first set victoria led 5:3, in the tenth game she served for the set. but the ukrainian will make a reverse break and it will come down to a tiebreaker, in which azarenka will lose in a tense fight 6:8. in the second set, she will make a bid for revenge and lead 3:0, but this will not be enough. 6:4 estremskaya will pull out the party and force it. i couldn’t fully get into the game , there were a lot of opportunities, but i didn’t take advantage of them, bad day, but it happens, it’s a shame that it happened in the fourth round of a grand slam, i’ll have to sort out the match and move on, i always like playing in australia, everything was great, i am always very supported here, i would like play in melbourne longer, but it’s not destiny.


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