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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 24, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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recently it has been openly voiced, without losing the lives of its own soldiers, the west is waging a war with russia with the help of ukrainians, which must be put in place. president biden even called this situation an excellent investment. other american officials, their colleagues from foggy albion, expressed similar thoughts about investments.
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as an economic competitor. at least 18 new attacks on yemen were carried out by the united states and great britain. this is the eighth series of attacks by washington on yemeni houthi targets , the second joint operation with the uk from january 12. earlier, the houthis came out in support of palestine and said that they would not allow ships associated with israel to pass through the babel al- mandep strait. let me note that the anglo-saxon coalition operates with the support of australia and bahrain. canada and the netherlands. the
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hamas movement has rejected israel's offer of a two-month truce. the discussion was about the possible release of israeli hostages in exchange for palestinians. at the same time, the leader of the movement and other leaders were asked to leave gaza and go to another country. official. aviv warned that the agreement would not mean the end of the conflict; fighting would continue, but with less intensity. hamas insists on a permanent ceasefire before civilians can be exchanged. i note that during the escalation of the conflict, the death toll in the gas sector has already exceeded 25,000 people, and the israeli air force reported new attacks on hezbollah targets in lebanon. start working and raising children. a new life where there
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is no shooting or bombing. belarus continues to help people who were previously evacuated from the gas sector. in a hospitable the largest family from palestine, the spouses evgenia and sallah eldin, settled in volozhin. today there was another meeting of the erkieg family with representatives of the district and minsk region leadership. the palestinian ambassador to belarus also came to valozhin. further adaptation of the family is very important. will suit each of them in their specialty, today we discussed who, how and what they can do, what diplomas, what documents, of course they have, many of them are without documents, we will take this on ourselves, we will clarify these documents with the ministry and we will see new documents them, and i think that life is getting better and should be getting better in such a country, a peaceful beautiful country like belarus, we came to our native country, you know, because i lived here for 6 years.
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we were received well, thank you very much to everyone who took part in our evacuation and to our president, many thanks, and to the people who helped us here with things and food, that’s why they didn’t abandon us, didn’t leave us in trouble. and provided us with housing here, god grant that they only bring our son-in-law, so that my daughter can calm down, and they all united together, the family was complete, our country is very close to the erkiyek family, husband evgeniy received a higher education at the belgus university of physical education and became a successful rehabilitation therapist and massage therapist, now both adults and children of the world and sallah are learning russian, very soon in the family the youngest son is expected to be added. a new
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collegial advisory body was created today under the central election commission, this is... an expert council, composed of those who have proven achievements in the field of law, including electoral and constitutional. the council will analyze the implementation of legislation during elections, evaluate how certain norms work in practice, among the functions of improving the legal culture of voters. the composition of the council was approved today at a meeting of the center for electoral commission. the issue of the upcoming vote of certain categories of citizens was considered. we are talking about belarusians who went abroad for permanent residence
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. the stage of registration of potential candidates for deputies continues, this process will end on january 30. the cec reported that not one of them has been registered yet. nominees, documents are being checked, the numbers of accredited observers are growing every day. of the national ones, this is 4,439
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people. 58 long-term observers from the cis mission also began work. at the end of last year, belarus and uzbekistan exceeded the trade turnover level of $600 million, but this is far from the limit, our level should be at least a billion, and business interests also contribute to this. today , more than a hundred representatives of business circles from various fields, from light industry to industry, gathered in minsk.
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our enterprises in uzbekistan have also opened up a large market for themselves, there are about 60 million people within a radius of 1.00 km, this is large, i believe that this is a big big market for belarusian producers. uzbekistan is also interested in opening its own trading house in minsk. site options are being discussed. new successes in space exploration, strengthening of nuclear energy, unique developments in the field of medicine , creation of a line of domestic electric transport. on the eve of science day, belarusian scientists sum up their work for the past year. in 2023, nas
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provided support for more than 35 programs, from fundamental to industry-specific. the year turned out to be busy, with tatami, which also contributed to the growth of the belarusian economy. according to preliminary estimates, the organizations of the main scientific school, of which there are over a hundred, earned $60 million from exports. today the academy of sciences interacts with 100 countries from china, india and cuba to western europe and japan. the academy has 48 international research centers, just for the past year. visited by delegations from 40 countries, as a result, this is the development of joint competencies. not long ago, minsk joined the lunar program, this is a russian-chinese project to create and operate an international scientific lunar station. a declaration of cooperation
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has been signed, and the academy’s specialized institutes are already interacting with similar structures in the middle kingdom. the developments of belarusian scientists today cover all areas, the latest is a prototype. new power plant. currently , a register of promising projects. this is 81 project proposals. projects continue to come from different areas of the national economy. we looked at the creation of the so-called mobile network. 5g is a new technological paradigm. we formed a proposal for its development. i think that by the end of the week we will send the same to the council of ministers for consideration and to the head of state after that. further. a number of large enterprises are in line for construction, but if the proposals are in
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the field of mechanical engineering, then we will need to create a plant, most likely in electric vehicles. in total , about 450 organizations carried out scientific research and development in belarus last year. the network of technology parks is expanding; today there are 17 of them, and more are registered. 260 residents, the volume of production exceeded the results of 2016 six times. from scientific and technological sovereignty to security, food farmers of belarus are preparing for the new harvest season, repairing agricultural equipment and checking the condition of crops. the weather was surprising in contrasts, but the plants were in good condition. there are almost two winter crops in total this year. the condition itself is good, while wintering
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is at the highest level. green seedlings are protected from freezing by a blanket of snow; here, for example, rapeseed overwinters, an area of ​​50 hectares; in total , almost 2.0 hectares were planted in the kotovsky experimental base in the fall; grain crops also feel comfortable. there is no increased consumption of nutrients that are poorly associated with ordinary ones. when there are such jumps, plus or minus, the ground is not frozen, that is, nutrients are consumed and the plants die, at this time moment in a state of rest and that is, everything is fine. the condition of the crops is monitored in all farms in the minskublaservis, this is about 400 winter hectares, and as soon as the plants begin their growing season, they begin fertilizing. nitrogen accumulated by rut and phosphorus fertilizers are provided to local farmers by 90%. now they are purchasing seeds. to sow 1,500 hectares of grain and leguminous crops with cereals
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and 1,400 hectares of corn, we still have 800 hectares of soil left to plow to prepare, we don’t know what spring will be like, long, short, cold, warm, we have a very small window to carry out a very wide range of work, in order to comply with agricultural technology and meet the harvest deadline, we need not only professional... personnel, serviceable equipment , plows and selkies, cultivators, sprayers, in total there are more than 50 on this site special units, tillage equipment is completely ready and is already waiting for the start of spring field work, usually in the first half of march. the agricultural season will be opened by dew, a machine for applying mineral fertilizers and protective equipment, the baton will be picked up by equipment for plowing closes moisture, repairs are carried out in stages. troubleshooting of equipment and units is carried out. spare parts are ordered, paid for, gradually arriving at the warehouse,
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we repair. at this stage, we see repairs to the cultivator, repairs to the 1221 tractor, and repairs to the mtz 3522 tractor. test drives and comprehensive maintenance before sowing are carried out by alexander kurinovich; now, for example, he is checking the brake system. he has been working as a machine operator for 25 years, during which time he has earned a reputation as an experienced engineer. we need to fix it so that everything is perfect. us, so that we can work reliably, rather , the fields, where the day passes quickly , winter drags on , combines are already waiting for their golden hour, all 13 in this farm have been repaired, painted, energy-rich tractors are next in line, the overall readiness of equipment in the agricultural branch is 70%, first technical inspections will take place on february 16th. elena vitko, andrey gorodoboev and andrey novgorodtsev television news agency. meanwhile , french farmers continue to protest. against government measures that, in their opinion, are ruining agriculture. they overlap roads, hundreds of tractors entered the city of agen,
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blocked the highway and unloaded tons of garbage onto the railway tracks near the station. in addition, farmers are burning garbage on the roadsides, the highway to spain is blocked, and the road to perpeñan is blocked. and this is italy, where farmers blocked the roads with tractors in bologna and castrovilar demanding that measures be taken to reduce agricultural production costs and protect the local area.
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live, that's what the townspeople say. this is our heart, the center of bykhov, a sculptural composition in honor of the barkalabrovskaya chronicle in in the 16th century, important milestones in the history of bykhov and mogilev and the rural way of life were described here. by the way, the first meteorological observations were indicated precisely in it. unfortunately, the chronicle has not reached our times. on the composition itself, as if on a page from
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a historical document, there is an image of the barkolabovskaya icon of the mother of god. she miraculously survived. for a long time it was in the trinity church, here in bykhov, later the shrine returned to the monastery restored in its original place and took its place, now it is our main tourist pearl. residents of bykhov respect the history of their small homeland, all these years adding to the exhibitions of the historian of the kroevets museum. not so long ago it moved to the building of the former men 's gymnasium, now there are six halls, from archeology to the military glory of bykhov, including during the great patriotic war, with a total of over 7,500 exhibits, documents with
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stories about our famous fellow countrymen. today bykhov is not only a cultural, but also an industrial center, there are enterprises for the production of canned vegetables, natural juices, millions of units of production annually, as well as the main export product of butter and milk powder. by the way, i work at this enterprise as a raw materials specialist. it is also important that bykhov became the center for the development of production of valuable fish species in belarus. trout farms were the first to appear here. now this is not only cultivation, starting from eggs, but also the production of finished products, which means jobs, exports, and also import substitution. economic development
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has also improved in the social sphere. last year, two schools opened after major renovations, in the offices became bright and cozy. modern laboratories for schoolchildren have appeared. the district hospital will soon be renovated; major repairs are underway. during the year, three more sports grounds were opened. by the way, you can relax with the whole family on foki. multifunctional center with a swimming pool, many sections for children and adults. many people stay to live here, in their small homeland in bykhov, and return here, so a lot of housing is being built, this microdistrict has grown in just a few years, this year another twenty-apartment building will be built, large families will celebrate housewarming,
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it is very important that... the state devotes itself to the development of our small towns, today there is everything here to live in peace, raise children, make plans and be proud of our homeland, this is our bykhov, a place to live. winter holiday of sports and children's victories. the city stage of the republican competition has started in minsk. snow sniper. the tournament brought together almost a hundred young biathletes from each.
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i really hope that i will go into professional sports, skiing for me is something more than, for example, different hobbies, interests, it is my whole life, so i will.
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snow sniper helps to reveal talent among schoolchildren; the winners of individual and team competitions will take part in a training camp, and then will defend the honor of the city at the republican tournament. these are the main events of this day, and with this i say goodbye, the broadcast will continue the project of the president’s conversation, how does belarus react to the situation that is developing at our borders, what are the features of decisions to protect the state border this year? look right now, when our neighbors are brandishing weapons and preparing new provocations, we owe nothing
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to urge, as people say, vigilance, vigilance again. belarus is keeping an eye on any threats so that there are no preconditions for hostilities, violations, provocations, the situation is tense but controllable, our reconnaissance capabilities will be increased in order to... control what is happening in the adjacent territory, our borders are under reliable protection, both on the ground, one of the main tasks is the peace of mind of our citizens, so in the sky, the duty system was functioning constantly, in the morning the chairman the state border committee, the chief of the general staff , reported this to the head of state, in the evening they will tell you the draft conversation with the president, watch it right now.
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konstantin gennadievich, hello, hello, how would you assess the situation at the borders last year right now when approving the decision to protect the state border. belarus, building up the engineering structures of barriers, including mines. as
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for our border area, in principle everything is calm in our border area, the local population along the border is busy with their questions, preparations are underway for the main event in our country. this year - by the single voting day, we are protecting the state border in cooperation with law enforcement agencies, relying on local authorities and the local population. one of the ways to increase the safety of creating maneuver groups. the corresponding task was set by the president; this powerful and mobile reserve is capable of quickly covering the required section of the border in the event of an aggravation of the situation. the order of the head of state is carried out in accordance with the builder's plan. their organ development border service, so the formation of a maneuver group was recently completed in the mozor border detachment. the length of his area of ​​responsibility is over 360 km by water.
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and sushi, all the necessary infrastructure is equipped here, the border guards have at their disposal armored and off-road equipment, equipment, modern means of communication, the necessary technical equipment, namely modern technologies, the arsenal that ensures mobility and quality of protection of the country’s borders 24 hours a day. and if we go into a little detail, what, perhaps, unfriendly steps are being taken on the ukrainian side, well, i mean
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, there are minor provocations, including with the use of unmanned aircraft, but today, with the beginning of 2024, and at the end of 2023, we are noticing a reduction in these minor provocations, including the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. this is probably due to many factors, including the situation within the country of ukraine. probably, well, as i have repeatedly noted, of course, it depends on the subjective factor, who is next to us on a certain side, directly near the state border, some behave with dignity, others not so much, so probably the number of provocations, the number and content of these provocations depends on this, but how is
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the situation developing now? with refugees who still want to get to a bright future on the border with the baltic countries and poland. the situation with refugees, well, it’s not the first year, it’s not the first year it’s been developing, we all know this situation, the flow is very serious and significant, we, the belarusian side, the belarusian border guards, are taking certain steps to fight, especially against organized forms. with those groups, organizations, people who are illegally engaged in illegal migration , the flow of refugees due to weather conditions, seasonality, has dropped slightly, well, that is, due to winter, and the fact that it is now a cold time, of course, winter, especially you you know, it’s great, repeatedly in the media, there were materials about how many refugees died on the state border, in our
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border areas and in the adjacent... therefore, of course, including information, people look and make fewer attempts to cross the state border illegally. there is no need to talk about the stabilization of the migration situation on the border of belarus with poland, lithuania and latvia. immigrants from eastern countries still strive to get to the european union, where they are met with batons and gas canisters. and that's the best case scenario. european law enforcement officers do not stop violating norms. international and european law. security forces bring helpless people to the border, sometimes bossy and without warm outer clothing, sick and even dying. there were cases when half-dead or already dead people were thrown through animal gates or other refugees were forced to drag corpses through the barriers. in 2023 , almost twice as many people have already died at the border than in the previous 2 years combined . how many people died on the other
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borders, but additionally the tasks set by the president for the upcoming the period of protecting the state border, this is, of course, a timely and adequate response to challenges to the national interests of the republic of belarus in the field of protecting the protection of the state border, in general in the border area, this is, of course , the development and improvement of combat training, the combat training of our border guards. further development of the material and technical base, creation of the necessary conditions for the life of military personnel in the border services, development of the mobilization component and paying attention to personnel, firstly
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conscript service , for whom it is most difficult to get used to the peculiarities of the border service with the peculiarities of protected areas on the state border, and well, one of the main tasks is the peace of mind of our citizens in our border areas, so that there are no prerequisites for hostilities or violations , to provocations and so on. these are the main tasks. thank you very much for this interview, and i will remind our tv viewers that we talked about the situation on the border with the chairman of the state border committee, konstantin molostov. here's how the situation unfolds.
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safe podlasie, how such a presence affects the protection of state borders in the sky, we’ll talk in more detail with the chief of the armed general staff. the forces and means that our sky defenders have make it possible to detect aircraft that can move on the territory of our republic and take timely and adequate response measures to them, as i understand it, this is a
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24x7 process, as they say, it happens, of course, the duty system functions constantly, if necessary , it can be increased in order to lower the threshold value and increase our ability to detect the fly. a group of air forces of nato countries is concentrated near the belarusian state border. in such a situation, the armed forces of belarus are taking additional measures to build up the radar field, the forces of the radio technical troops and the rep, which can successfully detect intruder ships and also influence them. we have vostok radar stations in service the opponent, sobka, is one of the best in the world. the combatants have a solid arsenal.
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by carrying out these targets, when approaching our borders at a certain distance , the capabilities for reconnaissance of objects will be increased, that is, the set that conducts reconnaissance will be increased. well, to put it another way, the target is already being pursued, right? well, naturally, the bulk of the forces that are involved in protecting the state border are units of the air force, air defense forces, these are the forces of the aviation technical troops that conduct reconnaissance, these are the forces of anti- aircraft missile forces, aviation, well, command posts that exercise control, but at the same time , the armed forces use an electronic reconnaissance unit, which...
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the measures to protect the state border today are undertaken by military personnel? well, in any case, our capabilities are being increased through the purchase of new modern models of technical electronic warfare missile forces, which allow the tightest possible control of the air space above our country. i know that sof troops take an active part in protecting state borders. please tell us: what tasks are assigned to them and in what
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areas they might be working, if i may say so? special operations forces carry out tasks in the southern operational direction, their functions are currently intended to provide assistance to the territorial authorities of the border service, precisely in the south of our country, they work with them, well, if the air force controls the air, then they are already working on the ground. well, i i know there are such standard measures as... a checkpoint is being worked out, again reinforcement in some forest areas, can you tell us a little more in detail what the guys are doing? the main task is that they conduct surveillance in the border zone, carry out searches independently, together with the border service authorities, and their main task is to react in a timely manner when normal situations arise. again, when i worked with such groups, i saw that drones were actively being used for such tasks as helps today?
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clarification of plans for the use of units of the armed forces is carried out annually when developing a decision on the protection of the state border; our units are included in their training plans for the academic year in the code of their activities; they enter the state borders where they carry out tasks together with border guards. and how does this work go, that is, do the guys communicate
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with each other, that is, again, this is personal communication, rather than more on radio stations, how does it work? no, here you need to take into account that those units that go to the state border, they perform the functions of representatives of the border service, based on this, the squads usually go together, that is, they are at the border, cry after cry, defending the borders of our homeland, which is called working in tandem, one might say, an increase number of violations... state borders and provocations from western neighbors, as well as from the southern neighbor of ukraine, once again emphasize the importance of maintaining constant readiness of formations and military units, as in the case if necessary, they will be able to fulfill the assigned tasks to ensure the military security of the country, protect the peaceful sky and the tranquility of our population. last year, right near our borders, nato exercises defender took place, which brought together 25,000 military personnel from 27 countries, this year...
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this is already one of the components, the complex of these exercises has already become much wider, they are united under the general name defender, in the same complex will walk both as a staunch defender and as a defender of europe.
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we monitor the situation both on earth regarding the creation groups, so in the air. what actions will be taken directly during the exercise? in any case , our reconnaissance capabilities will be increased in order to control what is happening in a certain territory, in a certain airspace. i’m not asking you to name any numbers, but nevertheless i know that technology is pulled to the boundaries, it remains there, it continues according to technology. at the moment there is only a preparatory period, displacement is taking place, western countries, they are currently working out the possibilities of transferring, that is, they are honing their logistics for transferring to create groups, the exercise as such has not yet practically begun, while
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preparations are underway, the transfer of forces and assets, the proposed areas of the exercise, as for our technical... you can pay attention to the screen behind me , we are tracking aircraft that conduct reconnaissance, these are unmanned aerial vehicles, mq99, sl650 reconnaissance aircraft that cruise along the borders union state, determine what we are doing, well, accordingly, we also control their actions in order
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to have time to react in a timely manner, to prevent any provocations on our border in the airspace, which is called the picture online directly. well, yes, this is happening online, it just so happens that right now these aircraft are conducting reconnaissance along our state border, well, we remain on the alert too, of course, thank you very much for the dialogue and for answering our questions, thank you.
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our company produces mazas and construction equipment at maza bases, this is a piece of peace and creation. i am very happy and proud to work at the minsk automobile plant. i have been working since 1993, this year it was 30
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years that i have been working at the plant and everything in one workshop, i succeeded, the nineties, this was the collapse of the union, the only enterprise that worked stably was our minsk automobile plant. work, like everyone else. his work, his diligence in his production of this car, like any profession, a person with diligence, there will be diligence, skill will come in any profession. new people come, yes, they train, i assign him an experienced straightener who teaches,
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shows all the basics of the profession, benefits , of course, we bring to society, we produce lubricants that the country needs and not only abroad, for me my work is you can say the whole life that i have lived here has been spent on this in this workshop, at this factory. belarus is a country with a rich and interesting history, behind there is a stage in belarusian language, in russian, in english, and the description is a little about the fact that , first of all, gratitude to the country that gives peace and security here, all this could have been hadzits and hundreds of slaves, i am a nobleman. unique sights can be found literally at every step. locals say that if you rub
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antonio's palm, it will bring good luck and a lot of money. and such unusual cymbals are only available here , i’ll try to play them too. played by victoria poplechnikova. and the soul of the blue eye is people, well, it’s based on the principle these fire shows, yes, these are what a fire show, maybe someone will grow up and be in a fire show, you can just play it in parallel so as not to hit yourself, but for now, travel with us on the belarus 24 tv channel, there are wide, clean streets here.
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today, again, this is a certain foundation in many areas of activity, that is, culture cannot develop today if there is no ideological foundation. project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. our ecology the planet is under attack, and... this was discussed a lot at the climate summit in dubai. alexander lukashenko spoke to world leaders with an inconvenient truth. this
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speech is already part of world history. those who even performed here during the first births, who are concerned about their grandchildren, are the ones who are fighting these wars. and wars mean terrible pollution of the planets. the european commission and the united states continue to sponsor belarusian fugitive extremists and swindlers. however, while the appetites of the latter are growing, trust in them is falling. one of the studies. liquidated office press club belarus. according to all sociological studies conducted, the belarusian population supports alexander lukashenko. three visits in a week, trampling sanctions into the sand in different parts of the planet, synchronizing watches with the emirates and equatorial guinea. the east asian wind of change is like a lump in the throat for the west, there is nothing that doesn’t work, it’s about belarus and china. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 2. the sun is creeping through the early forest, quietly
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hiding. breathing, what if it weren’t for atresci, gety tsud, what a great master. mil elevich. the information crisis on tuesday is complemented by the day of sports. hello! arina sabalenka became one step closer to the final of the astralian open, the second racket of the world beat barbera krejcikova from the czech republic in 1/4, and the belarusian set a couple of records for herself along the way. in the men's singles , serbia's current grand slam champion novak djokovic overcame the resistance of american taylor fritz. elena gorelchik add to the topic. two sets
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, just five games lost. arina sabalenka seems to be on the courts in melbourne. the czech republic failed to emerge victorious. sabalenka immediately took the initiative and only after two breaks in her performance allowed her opponent to win back one of them, but immediately took krejcikova’s serve and finished the set with the usual 6:2. the second game developed in the same scenario, except that it was necessary to play one game more, but in this case arina won the set and the entire match as a whole from the first match point, in just over an hour and 11 minutes. i think i showed great tennis, i need to continue play as well or even better. thank you for the atmosphere, it reminded me of last year’s final. why am i playing so well in australia? i don’t know, maybe because there are a lot of
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australians on my team. no, guys, it’s all because of you. atmosphere, it seems to me that here they simply support me best, how they manage to consistently reach the semi-finals of helmets, due to persistent fighting, i worked so hard last year in this pre-season, it’s all about work, you have to give your all in training to prepare as best as possible to the matches. in one second, sabalenka will meet soon gauff, this semi-final will be belarus’s sixth in a row at grand slam tournaments. in addition, sobolenka established a unique achievement.
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8:6 after which kostyuk equalized the score 7:3. in the third game, everything immediately did not go according to the ukrainian scenario. gauff led 5:0 only at that moment she allowed herself to relax slightly, missing her serve. however, she immediately regained her concentration and brought the match to victory. 6:2 in the deciding set. the american taylor still remains an insurmountable barrier fritz novak djokovic. he has already failed to win nine matches against the world number one, although he has won one at the current astralian open. i still took the set. the opening game ended only in a tiebreaker in favor of djokovic, and it was the second set that allowed fritz to momentarily return the intrigue to the match, although in fact this meeting was exhausting and difficult for both. after the match, the serbian tennis player will note the sweltering heat, physically exhausting rallies and the aggressiveness of his opponent. note that the first two sets took the players almost 2.5%.


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