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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 27, 2024 6:50pm-7:05pm MSK

6:50 pm
it is also reasonable to assume that the atrocities in the red sea will not stop; in my opinion, they will even intensify. the conflict flared up instantly. the us announced a military operation to protect shipping in the region. washington supported 10 more countries on this issue. on friday night, the states and the uk launched an operation against the ansar allah movement. we have made it clear, as have many other countries, that the houthis' actions will have consequences. we have also repeatedly tried to make it clear. that the support they provide to the houthis needs to stop. us and british military forces attacked targets in four provinces of yemen. generally , headquarters, arsenals, warehouses, military equipment, radar stations, missile launchers and production plants were attacked by aviation. us president joe biden called the military operation a response to a threat to judicial freedom.
6:51 pm
passage without excluding the continuation of hostilities, however, a number of countries condemned this method of resolving conflicts, in russia they strongly condemned the actions of the states of their allies, even they themselves opposed americans. mass protests took place in the capital of yemen, where they also expectedly opposed the invasion of foreign armed forces. anti-american and anti-israeli slogans became the weapons of the demonstrators. karenaya alexandrovna, we looked at the story, recalled the chronology of events, in your opinion, what is russia’s game in the current situation, because the crisis is objectively beneficial for it, taking into account the diversion of the attention of the same united states of america from ukraine, but the middle east is important for moscow in itself , is n’t russia losing influence now that it occupies the role of primarily an observer.
6:52 pm
first of all, let’s not absolutize the fact of the confrontation between the shiites and the sunnis, because in islam there are only five recognized madhhabs , so these are not the only phenomena within islam, within each madhhab of the usunnis, there are sectarians who hate each other more than each other, that’s why here ... the situation is much more complicated, this is the first, second, these are completely rational people, there is no need to attribute excessive religious fanaticism to them, another thing is that yes, it is conducive when you belong to one and the same the same mashab and profess the same religious values, this is pleasant, but this does not mean that you cannot find a worthy partner or counterparty in some other groups, which in fact...
6:53 pm
happens in the middle east too, because speaking, if we focus only on this religious confrontation, we will not understand, for example, the support from india, the policies and actions of iran, for example, here are the latest strikes on terrorist groups in pakistani balochestan, which iran carried out, supported by india, and some of the pakistani politicians themselves. because, despite the fact that pakistan has declared all sorts of protests and is behaving so directly, let’s say , quite strangely, i ’ll put the word strange in quotation marks for now, at the same time the pakistani military is in the port of banderabas in iran and is conducting joint naval exercises with the iranian naval forces, that's how you understand it, you know, in fact, splits are happening within countries, not even that...
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would have happened, a process would have taken place stabilization of the region, the elimination of all hooligans and terrorist groups, in this sense, we will rely on the state that is not involved and, how to say, unnoticed in interaction with dangerous destabilizing groups such as the banned isis and various others and muslim brothers.
6:55 pm
including for the americans, so i thought while listening to your conversation, in fact, now a very interesting question arises from my point of view, who is stronger? and iran or turkey, who will be, who has the resource to restore order? or without order in the region, now they cannot help but understand that, perhaps, after all , if you look at reality, then, perhaps, iran is in a stronger position, while iran is supported by such a large state as india, quite influential , here. iran has good relations with the people's republic of china, so in this case, i can even say, we see , in general, a rising power of the macro-region, which has long gone, by the way, beyond the boundaries of its macro-region, in its backyard
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americans in latin american countries, especially in venezuela, have iran as one of their largest and most serious partners, i note that in caracas. the iranians are already building a metro, although they themselves only 203 years ago first began to master these technologies of metro construction, relations between iran and latin america are rapidly developing, which is why today we are also interested in interacting with iran, i will not and if we go down to the details, we understand that by the way, this is important, look what i did. over the past 40 years, and this is very important, iran had american weapons, during this time, iran switched to our russian, russian standards, we have our own engineering school, so our systems
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became congruent, do you think the iranians did this with what aim, probably with long-range expansion sight.
6:58 pm
the second in one of the cities of iran, at first it was the roman empire of zarathustria and this state formation, then byzantium, already christian, and iran opposed, which the followers of the prophet muhammad took advantage of, creating their own political
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education, then the ottoman empire and shiite iran, when they collided again and acquired political significance, these differences between sunnis and shiites, since the ottoman empire was sunni and... they were, they were interested in translating this confrontation into a religious factor, everything returns to normal in this plot, the americans, even in our reasoning we see that the americans are an absolutely alien, foreign body here, which does not give any order, so we need to constantly analyze the american factor, they came with something, well, forget this history of the united states, the soviet union, in the nineties the americans promised, we will guarantee peace. settlement, calm, order , once again, nothing worked out, well, why should we mention the events of 1993, when the agreement on palestine was signed, let's remember the september statement of jake salevan, assistant to the us president for national security, who said, well, here, he says,
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the middle east is the result of our leadership, calm, in general he says, “i have a headache now,” salevan said, more about ukraine, about some other regions, he says, well, in the middle east, “i don’t have a headache at all,” he said in september, in october i already had a headache the whole world is concerned about what is happening there and changing institutionally, after all, how was israel before? egypt, first of all syria, here is the southern front, the northern front, so israel is divided into the southern district, the northern district, then suddenly groups began to appear, first these were palestinian groups, then they began to internationalize, which began to pose a greater threat, what we have now, israel is waging a war in the gaza strip with a group that is not state-owned. the formation there of a quasi- state hamas, involving the attention of 2/3 of its armed forces. losses, well, the debate
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is about losses, in any case, these are hundreds of dead, several thousand wounded, now we can go into a long discussion about how many there actually are. the second war that israel is preparing is a war with hezbollah. hezbollah - not a state organization, it is quasi -state, and this is also the contradiction that korinia alexandrovna spoke about in pakistan. the ministry is one thing, the military is another , almost all the beirut politicians in power are pro-american, almost all of them have a european education, and hezbollah, it is an anti-american group, but its influence on lebanese politics is much greater than any political parties, officially existing, although khizbola is again represented in the lebanese parliament, that is we can give these details for a long time, they are curious, interesting, and there’s also the plus of adding personal connections here. which interests, indeed there are already these interfaith cooperations, for example,
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the conclusion of an agreement mediated by beijing between iran and saudi arabia, and the conflict that broke out is in the midst of such a quiet, calm settlement between israel and the united arab emirates, israel and bahrain , israel and saudi arabia, what seemed unthinkable a few years ago, in other words, often religious contradictions. to fade into the background, to the foreground - this is political, economic, we are facing a challenge and a stage, the formation of a new face of the middle east, in which there will definitely be less of the united states, definitely a leader, one of the leaders will be iran, there will be stronger positions of turkey, the updated position has a very serious position, it is no longer the same as it was 20-30 years ago in saudi arabia, and of course this is where the conversation comes in. about the role that russia sees for itself in this great in the process, you know, i remember the lines
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of alexander blok, the poem of retribution of 1911, watching what is happening, probably, there is no better way to describe it, and the black earthly blood promises us, swelling our veins, everything destroying boundaries, unheard of changes, unprecedented milestones. to become one of the people in a foreign country , you don’t have to be born there, today we are in kopele, he is positive, smiling, like mine, a smile, no, not like yours, no, more beautiful , well, yes, mine, not his, enough behave at a party, like the host of a show, like at home, where on this time we rushed, and i think
7:04 pm
he will feel super happy, together we will prepare a delicious breakfast.
7:05 pm
nastya, today you are in command in the kitchen, so give instructions. we girls won't cry, that's for sure. this is true. and i love garlic very much, it doesn’t bother me at all. let's say you have garlic for breakfast. and we will receive the charge of the necessary energy. okay, then i'll be crafty, you do the dough, and i'll do the turkey. so just send this whole thing.


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