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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 27, 2024 11:05pm-12:26am MSK

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where a sheep is depicted, under which there is text, meat processing plants do not exist, this is a conspiracy theory, yes, of us, in fact , these 30 years or 20 years after the collapse of the union, we were making these sheep, which should not have understood that we were being led to slaughter , you have just brought up a leak that still needs to be confirmed, but i will have to, but it is published in fairly serious sources on the internet. from boris yeltsin’s assistants, and officially through the ministry of the russian federation. this means that boris yeltsin’s letter to george was published bush sr., that is, this is ninety-one or 92, no more, where he writes that ukraine can become, as it were, a bone of discord and a war could begin with it on the territory of the former soviet union, and he asks how the american side somehow .
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from alexander grigorievich, he immediately realized that this was his salvation in the elections, but our president perfectly understood this tactical part, but considered the whole situation with strategic analysis, from strategic goals, he simply, if you like, proposed a restoration project, reintegration, whatever you want to call it, but in reality it was the salvation of you and me from western aggression, that’s all, today we , our countries, live calmly and peacefully, largely thanks to wisdom. listen, let’s speak frankly, we often talk about this, the president at certain historical periods had to fight on two fronts, with one and with the other, we don’t know who sat in power in the russian federation, what they did and what they didn’t finance, but i'm not sure, i'm not sure it's from the authorities, but from businesses were definitely not funded in the twentieth year, which is from the russian federation, i spoke about this even before the twentieth, when i said that the sovereignty of both of them was being encroached upon, i meant well-known.
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tell me frankly how you became a rich man, you went into yeltsin’s office as a beggar, and came out rich, everything went down and died, well, in fact, ivan mikhailovich very correctly said that this is the political line
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that alexander grigorievich maintains in preserving sovereignty, it is simply unique in world politics, in fact unique in world politics.
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local elements, but the similarities were obvious. georgia has also experienced a sharp decline in democracy and good governance. almost every area has seen a decline, despite being given candidate status by the eu. ukraine, moldova and georgia applied for eu membership after the outbreak of full-scale conflict
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in 2020, but georgia is slowly moving away from the eu. and ukraine and moldova are steadily carrying out the systemic changes that brussels expects from them. yes.
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inspired then one by one, but today , after all, comrades in georgia, they understand that they have a need to maintain peace and good neighborly relations with russia. for them, the supreme ruler is an authority , these are all, excuse me, you yourself
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saw what is happening in georgia, when there are attempts by some public organizations there to hold an lgbt parade, and what is happening, in reality, how normal georgians react to it , who are the overwhelming majority and for whom orthodoxy is of the greatest importance, plus they, let’s to put it bluntly, saakashvili was a project, the same project as in other countries. let’s talk about poroshenko and zelensky, but saakashvili was typical, moreover, they tried to make anti-russia out of georgia, the events of 2008 did not appear by chance, and it was an attempt, which, thank god, was stopped quickly enough. and one more thing, well, be that as it may, traditionally georgia has always been connected with russia, economically. and russia has always been the main sales market for georgia. when 2008 showed that as soon as russia closed its markets to georgia, yes
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, serious economic problems began there, so now, thank god, the politicians there have enough brains, one small nuance , when we look at the picture from georgia, we must not forget one simple thing: they at one time saakashvili made a small, small mistake, they made these soros and foundations, well, imagine 20 thousand public organizations for a population of 3.5 million. that’s all we are saying now, well, i really listened to everyone carefully, and we
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cite georgia as an example, georgia is an example how you can quickly lose your sovereignty if a project comes to power, and how difficult it is what they are doing now to regain this sovereignty, we have two election campaigns ahead of us, just people who hear and see us, they must understand and the example of moldova, and the example of georgia, and the example , the example of many post-soviet countries, for example the baltic states, is an example of when the people themselves allow... some such things, when people come to power in the country who are not interested in preserving sovereignty and independence of this country, are not interested in preserving the national interests of this country, in fact, we are very lucky, because we as a people did not make such a mistake, we have in power the leader who really cares about our national interests, so from now on, if we want to preserve our sovereignty and independence, we need to be very careful at any stage of our elections, yes, when we go with you, that same georgia started.
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intelligence has appeared, the riveting of this all will soon begin, because of course we too,
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the media must react, firstly, we must respond to the problems, the issues that we have in the country, we admit this, keep up with them, but of course we would like to wish the audience to be attentive, but i don’t know how much we still need evidence that what these people write, i don’t know, you can’t name the media, and resources, maybe one small, small addition.
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when they are here, when they are here destroying our country from the inside, then we kicked out a significant part of such traitors into in the twentieth year, now they can try to crap, but their funding is being reduced right now, when they are beyond the limit in belarus, this is already a great blessing, in fact, because no one in my life will ever convince me that this is not an attempt to subjugate us or destroy us in the worst case , i can’t, when i see a statement in...
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children of 37 teenagers, now the question is whether israel should participate or not, we have been cut out almost everywhere, but no, israel will participate everywhere, and even in this, let them burn with a blue flame in eurovision there will be i can only sympathize with israel for participating, but for the fact that we do not meet some standard, you hear , i recently sent it to the police, i told you, there are 15 fakes in one "
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we are managing expeditions in the depths of our country. new day, new a good time for sustretchy. special hands are used to prepare the racks, special imgnenі napaўnya
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. only the muscles, but also the brain. hello, friends, today we are planning such a football-hockey derby, this is the name of the sportswear in which athletes in karate and judo train and perform and some other martial arts. fedor, kimano, kimano. they compete to see who is more intellectually savvy. why are you so attached to this football?
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what number has cristiano ronaldo worn for most of his career? number seven, number seven. this is the correct answer. sports and entertainment show, head game. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the tv channel belarus 24. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts. events, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country,
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feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait. bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the izerspace-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. the television news agency bel tv and radio company presents a documentary
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film dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the tragedy in the village of ala. ala the unhealing wound of belarus - archival documents as opposed to modern lies. it doesn’t smell terrible for the order to destroy the murder of civilians, part of the state policy of the third reich doctrine.
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territories documentary film ala, ashes of genocide, watch right now.
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memorial. a complex of marble, granite and concrete on the entrance portal there are only three letters in the belarusian language: alla. the ensemble appeared here relatively recently in 2020 in memory of the village destroyed by the nazis. on january 14, 1944 , 1,758 people were shot and burned here in a few hours, 950 of whom were children. “they saw the shadow of the village , that is, the shadow of life, which was and is not , because of wars, because of human stupidity, cruelty, it felt silent, silence, and silence uncharacteristic for the forest, despite
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the fact that... "there's a forest all around - well, deep forests - it's a nature reserve, that's it, but there were no sounds, it was a nationwide construction project that was going on under patronage of the president of belarus alexander lukashenko, before that a standard monument was installed in the rampart: on the memorial plates of the mass grave there are about 500 names of soldiers and officers who liberated these lands, and not a single name of a civilian, but the locals knew that their relatives were also buried. in a mass grave, so they brought flowers to the memorial not only in memory of the liberators, but in memory of their relatives, i you sons, my wife spoke, and he jumped out, father, when he came to otvala, when you say that they were looking for a grave, it was hard for him to appear there, he cried a lot, before the war there were 34 houses in ale and 168 people lived, the figure is inaccurate, although it is found in many information sources, reporting
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documents. neither village nor district councils for 1940 have yet been found, there is only data from an earlier period confirming exact lists of the number at the beginning of the forty-first year, how many families lived in ale, no, there is only a date, well, the figure of the thirty-ninth year. over the course of several years, the number of residents could change, because children were born in families, old people died , with the beginning of the great patriotic war, men went to the front, so it is possible to say how many people lived in alen, but it is known for sure that during the occupation the village became a salvation for thousands of people, it was located deep in the forest, it was extremely difficult to get here, except for the swamps, the ala river gave the village its name. in winter, when severe frost set in, the river froze without problems, you could come to the local residents, old people, women and children from the settlements of parichsky and
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streshensky districts. very much to show off. points in the south of belarus were already living a peaceful life, but here the front stopped. the swampy forest area became a serious obstacle for the army of the third reich. the wehrmacht gives the order to build a powerful defense line. to do this, houses in nearby villages are being dismantled. some settlements are completely destroyed, often including civilians. there were terrible battles all around, the earth was shaking from shells.
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soviet... troops are recapturing every meter, people were waiting for liberation, after all, it was november 27 in 1943, the red army went into chaos, today it is the city of svetlogorsk, it is located...
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they went to the alai to find some frozen potatoes, some frozen cabbage leaves. on january 8, 1944 , the kalinkovichi-mozor offensive operation began under the command of rakosovsky. the 601st and 65th soviet armies were opposed by the center army group of the second german army. on january 11 , the yelsky region was liberated, the front was approaching ale. the village in the front line was still surrounded by german troops. cousin. speaks: come with me to the alai, let’s find out, a lot of people came there, you see, they literally spent the night there, maybe they even burned her there. on january 14, on the day of the tragedy of the village
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of aly, the regional center of the polesie region, the city of mozer and the city of kalinkovich, which was born there 10 km away, were liberated. alla was destroyed 2 weeks before the liberation of this territory by the red army, on january 14. 1944, the first of the red army soldiers to come to the rampart were those who served in the seventy-fourth military construction detachment under the forty-eighth army and before the general the offensive was laying roads, when they entered the alai, and it seems that little lakes like this are shining there, there, there, when they approached, it was frozen human fat, among the fighters of this unit was the future writer sergei galitsin, 40 years after the tragedy he will write father apple tree branch of belarus, where he will describe what the valais soldiers saw. the soldiers, having tied their noses and mouths with scarves or rags, began to pull out the remains from all the underground floors in a row, blackened bones and charred scraps of clothing were mixed together. how many
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corpses were found, it was impossible to count. this is probably how death came. people crowded tightly into every house, the nazis set them on fire, jumping out meant getting hit by machine gun bullets, and the unfortunate people hid in the underground, leaning on each other.
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they are connecting all the dots on what happened to this village, the problem is, it is quite possible that they were collecting, so collection points were created, including obala and... since the autumn of forty-three, wehrmacht units began to create dozens of collection or distribution points , where they are driven civilian population. young, healthy people are sent to germany for forced labor, old people, women and children, like unnecessary food, must still serve the wehrmacht before their liquidation. it was a general technique, that is, therefore, the creation of any obstacles for the rapid advance of the red army, so any methods were suitable, they went to... anything, the front was close, and how to use it
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for cover, in order to escape under the cover of civilians , it was in their style, they drove people, my grandmother and family, i i don’t know if they wanted them to germany, or if they were taking them to azararicha, january of forty-four for the army of the third reich became a kind of belarusian stalingrad, in the polesie swamps, as well as on the volga, the wehrmachto had an order not a step back, to independently leave those loyal to them positions, hitler's soldiers could not. after a failed attempt to use chemical weapons at the front, nazi germany implements a plan to use bacteriological tools. the reich publishes a special brochure manual, which contains detailed information on the points describe an algorithm of actions, how to deport civilians, how to infect defenseless people with typhus, why young children are the most reliable shield against the advancing units of the red army. the wehrmacht is on the ground. strictly followed the training manual, indicative from
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the point of view of reliability should have been the death camp of azarić, atala - about 30 kilometers away. the civilian population is concentrated either in villages or in specially created areas, and a dozen patients with typhoid are placed there in order to infect the rest. war on extermination, the main goal of organizing a death camp. we were already there, tephoznye, who?
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the seventh day of the great patriotic war in belarus, january 14, 1944. in
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a few hours, the nazis killed 1,758 people in valet, this is the official figure included in modern historiography. the basis for the data was a document dated april 10 , 1945, an act of the extraordinary state commission of the paris region on the atrocities of the nazi invaders. it says. quote. at 8:00 am on january 14, 1944, a group of german executioners, unknown strength and military unit burst into the village of alla, where the population was driven away from other settlements of the village councils, blocking the village, set fire and shot people of any age, the corpses of those shot were burned, caught citizens were thrown into the fire alive, during the day atrocities were committed in the village of alla on january 14, 1944 year shot from burned, but
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the information is mainly information from the soviet side, that is , we have no german documents on the destruction, or at least none. there is another document marked absolutely secret, but it dates back to march 44, stored in the national archive of belarus. a memorandum addressed to secretary polesky,
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regional committee of the communist party of belarus levitsky, the state of settlements liberated from the german occupiers for the second time. we read in it. village. consisting of thirty courtyards was completely burned by the german occupiers, both residential and outbuildings, 20 people were evacuated from the population, 1200 people were brutally tortured by the german monsters, in addition, 500 people were burned alive, in total in the village of alla by the occupiers 1,700 people were killed. after the war , investigative authorities were looking for people who miraculously survived the ala fire. their memories are the argument against it. corruption detachments raided the village of ola, surrounded them, drove everyone out into the street, lined them up in a column , then began to split them into groups of about 50-70 people, lock them in the building, then,
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when everyone was locked up, they opened fire on the buildings and began throwing throwing grenades through windows and setting houses on fire. in the country where i was with my family, on january 14 , in the village of alla, the germans gathered up to 2 thousands of civilians, children, women , old people, everyone was locked in a barn in riga and began to be shot, my family, five children and my husband ended up in the same barn with other residents, all 30 people who were in the barn were shot, including including my relatives , with the exception of me and the child vitaly, who was wounded, i, at the time of the execution, sat down on me, my husband and children standing in front of me fell , under the corpses i remained alive, then i ran away with my wounded child, after the execution
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the village was burned, who was there nearby, so... the roofs are thatched and straw, but the ceiling is dumb, well, there are heaps and straw, and this barn is already on fire, a thousand-strong armada of wehrmacht soldiers came to the village, in addition to military units , police formations were brought in, it is likely that nothing happened without an ss unit, the thugs in black uniforms
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were particularly cruel, they surrounded us with machine guns and machine guns, a whole brigade of some kind.
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the nazis did not forgive the murder of the soldier and carried out massacres against the residents of ala. just one nuance: punisher styles instantly: through a few hours, as was the case in khatyn, at most a day or two, as was the case in
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the borki, they never waited 3 weeks. the second version of the valais tragedy is the rapid advance of the red army, which means that the germans could not keep a large number of people on the front line of defense, the death camp was not yet ready, so the third reich decided to liquidate the gathering.
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the story is that a woman had two girls, well , they are small, one may be 5-6 years old, the other may be
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seven or eight years old, one after another, and a grandmother, a neighbor, was walking nearby, she told this grandmother she says, you look after my children, and i will return home, and she approached the most ardent fascist and said: i will go. to my house and there i will burn with him, i laughed, doused it with gasoline, threw a match with fire, yana like a torch, went to my house, on the outskirts of the village behind the houses there was a large collective farm barn, it became a mass grave for most people, they were driven here old people, women and children, many were in light clothing and barefoot, during...
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at his command, the guards stepped aside, he threw a grenade into the crowd of victims, his the explosions, screams and moans of people amused me. and the burnt woman became a symbol of the burned village; her name was aksinya kurlovich, the wife of a collective farm accountant. grandmother, who... and then retreated, but as for the 707th division, she was seen in numerous
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crimes on the territory of belarus and alla itself is not the only place where her subordinates committed atrocities. the soldiers of the forty-eighth army of the belarusian front, who came to the ashes in the village, found mountains of corpses of ashes, buried dead children, old women in a huge pit grave, everyone together. and a few days later the command of the forty-eighth soviet. the army turned to the officers and soldiers of two german divisions, who destroyed alu along with the people. leaflets in german were dropped in information mines. they were found during the construction of the memorial. soldiers and officers of 45 and 707 divisions. on january 14, 1944 , all residents of the village of ala were herded into barns and set on fire. 1118 innocent villagers of ala died. roosevelt, stalin and churchel, about the responsibility of hitler’s
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fascists for the unthinkable cruelty they committed, indicated, the culprits will be found under any circumstances.
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before the trial in bryansk, he went down in history under the name bryansky, and acted as a witness at the trial. on january 14, 1944 , german units and the gendarmerie arrived in our village of ola, surrounded the village, this was at 8:00 in the morning, they began to set the village on fire, the population was driven into courtyards and shot with machine guns, and they also threw grenades at people. in my yard , up to 100 people were shot, civilians, including my relatives,
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the germans threw all those killed into the fire. when my home began to burn, i managed to escape into the forest. on december 30, 1945, at 11 a.m. , the verdict was announced in bryansk. stein was sentenced to 20 years of hard labor, bernhard hammann lemrler, to death by hanging. the sentence was not subject to appeal and was carried out just a few hours later. the execution took place at 15:00 in the city square of bryansk. years will pass in the world's only cemetery of burned vhota villages. nala will be immortalized like an unregenerated village, but life has returned here, alla has been restored in 1945, after the victory , men began to return home, vale began to build houses again, but interestingly, not on the old foundations, in place of those that had burned down,
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no construction was carried out, the boys say,
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the snow melted from the flames, the blood froze like puddles. at the memorial in ala we see the names of the dead red army soldiers, but not a single name of a civilian. we do not know the names of children who were not destined to become adults, women who did not become mothers. and men who never heard their sons laugh. research work continues: seven empty steles at the entrance, a place where the names of people shot and burned at will will be engraved. the 1,758 lives taken will forever be inscribed in the history of the genocide of the belarusian people. this page has yet to be completed by our generation. the earth was flying, they were crying,
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nekala-kala, then the angel was crying and buttoned up. and souls fly to heaven on the wings, remember people, remember us, remember the names of eternal children, we were not destined to be friends, do not let the war happen again.
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good day, we have a program on the air “tell me not to be silent.” at the studio of svyatlana smalonskaya tatsyana sharbina. and this year we have a poet, a philologist, a teacher of belarusian language and literature, ala laudovskaya. good day, ala uladzimir. good day, good day, thank you for having arrived for us. when we stopped the torture, your first umova was right when our gutarka sunnya was drying on the belarusian language, where you are praying for it, life is so much easier for you. we,
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of course, will exterminate your grievances, even though we are tortured, and why most belarusians do not pray to the desperate lives of belarusians. what type of person are you? first of all, we have a language in our country belarusian snow. there are two options: literary and expressive, and i wouldn’t say that most of the menave in russian language. according to the current census, 54% of the population , zdaetstsa, adzin, 54.1 spoke their native belarusian language, and in some regions of uvogul, here is zdaetstsa, in the gantsavich district 95% spoke the belarusian language, this hell is so may version, another version of magchyma is connected with the fact that people three... if we take away people's growth, then we shouldn't divide our language into belarusian and russian, we shouldn't divide our language into garad and vyaskovaya, well, for example,
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my mother, we took the aposhnya bastards from life to ourselves, and now we are gone from her, i fell asleep there, tortured, how many gadzin, and all i say: hello, worker, please, what time is it? i say: mom, well, the gavars are like that, like you are a talker at home, and yana kazha: well, i ’m with goradze, i’m in a garadskoe way, well , everything is magchyma and so, and ўvogule i’m doing well, the vetlivy chalavek gavorytsya on that language, on that yes i'm dying, i'll be wild and i'll be talking to you in russian, i'll be praying in russian language, in belarusian language, in belarusian language, at home, when you know it mov, well, if they are trying to speak english , then sir, i don’t understand you, and you respected that the belarusian language is the most dialects, as you said, the great adroznіvayutstsa adzin ad nago, for example, in the vitsebsk region and geta your gavorka, and here in the palessia
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there adzin adnago navat may not understand, i know, some here in the lyuban region seem to have meat uzya, here meat uzya, in the skin of the par-rozna, for example, i was born in the grudzenshchyna dzyatlauskaga rayona, and there is such words, which i have not brought before...
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i still want to go to school, i didn’t want to go to school , i didn’t want to go to school, i didn’t want to go there, sister, i went to that school , i left the school, the nun started walking around, i went to class, and i walked around naked, i hit my hands, i won’t let anyone go. i didn’t want to go to school in any way, so i was so tired that i didn’t want to, but i tied everything up with school, it would have been called, because school would be like that, but... the choice would have been made up for me, but i was choking a lot by the way, according to the german language, i read books without a laptop, and lastly, i finished eight years of school in the aziran school, dzhatlav district, and two decades ago i graduated from the davaret school, and there was such a teacher there, shmygin yadzviga ivanaina, who told me about her yardachnasstyu, any yes mov i... all for two
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bastards geta my choice is the old one, but also the belarusian language, well, according to our insider information, you are a fan of your native language, culture and traditions, so you were introduced by your people, your colleagues, who were your ancestors and ultimately our country me, and your great love creativity, we say this word is special creativity, where there are certain ideas you put there in your classes, in your lessons, tell me, what did you get caught up in? from here i am, and to this day, and why they have been taken over so many times, any and all, and you know, i couldn’t allow myself to go to class, i wanted to know something to sum it up, i wish the kids were happy, and i... i remember, the great
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-grandmother of vital volsk nestiark and asked the question: tell me, what kind of weasel do you choose, the gallant heroine there, yurasya or the scaler? well the daughter-in-law is tired, kazha: yurasya, i’m talking, and what about chamu? i would have chosen the scale, well, there it is, yana yago kahae. i don’t even remember how it was, well, i’m taking the hustka that made me happy, i’m apranaya on myself, gavaru, why are you crazy, who the hell did you marry, the poor guy, you need to marry. rich, and yana is such a dachshund and says, and i love, but i only get married in kahanna, you ’ve never done it before, all the world there are all the gentry, yana no, i won’t, but i ’m already so involved, darling, i no addam tsyabe marry a getag scaler, don’t addam, make a life with a rich man, and i’m each stupid, nothing bad husbands should do, and you know, class, he froze, well, here’s a little one.
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however, you said at the beginning of the program that you don’t want to go to school, but i know that you just... loved studying, well, and you
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don’t really love studying, well , most of yours, maybe, if you don’t and required it’s not just the pernik that you will get out of, you may also have a bizun, a whip, well, one could say so, this parishenne right dzitsyatsi, first of all, high you get out of their fathers, kali yany treat this with a patrabny whip, and on the other hand, that is padprymusa idze, yano not іdze hell shchyrastі, well , say there dіtsyatsі vuchy, kalі yano don’t want, i’m not primusіsh no kind of bizun.
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we exclude the voices under your sickle from the school curriculum, what are we doing? it was my initiative, i reported about it at the council on historical policy, this is a curious, interesting novel by our outstanding classic vladimir karatkevich, but the school curriculum is the formation of a certain historical memory, then how in this novel it is a work of art, everyone can come with it, get acquainted with it, but then how the events are presented. really appear from historical documents, so we replace it with the black alshansky castle, well, not that it is no less an outstanding work, but in which there are no these historical distortions. well , what good are you and the vadzim frantsavichs for this
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torture? first of all, i’ll be honest, i really love the works of uladzimir karatkevich, i am the only quote who forgets his sales and ruins himself, who forgot my... all my ruins, this is like a red card for me, the way i am going to live, well, finally the kalasy fell with your poison, on the other hand, i’m not a historian, of course, i don’t know what’s wrong there , yes, you have read a lot of things, well, any creation has a quick and virtuous invention, and in the future, as a result, changes in adbyvaetstsa magchyma, as all things considered, have been replaced by black castle.
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as vadzim fransavich says, the cultivation of personal memory, as well as the recovery of patriarchy. nemagchyma ne shanavat pile history, don’t waste it, if you get the patent, the pagetam is good, the geta is connected. uh-huh, and what kind of princes have you chosen in your ancestry? well, the hell of a topic, what a topic it was, had meetings, arable land and its history, recession, literature and culture of the day. and what for you...
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and since we are studying, we often visit the library and books, to be sure, not only in the school curriculum, we have a very sluggish school. 200 days, and our library is never empty, and we, together with my alena mikhaylaina, try to do so we read that we are changing not only the literary literature, but for this purpose we are releasing various actions, the same book of actions, the same battle that i am asking for, the program that we
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are releasing once again in the library, educational-entertaining, and another way out. we have this on two languages , well, the name is russian, and what kind of language do we have in the field of hell topics, i... we are working on different books, well, i don’t know, this will be a big deal for the bibliatekars, if we take a book, we are working on such a book rash whites, klali to the old people, we’ll say 150 there and 160, and to those asking the letter was written: we are asking for measures, which will happen there for just a month, if the faith is right, we are reading the law, just a month ago, we are right in the viktaryn, we gave special requests, the darlings of the administration are in charge of us the food is more wasteful in this regard. vydzyalayuts deadlines for this, so that we can buy some padarunki , all tsikava here is this promotional book, i'm doing it, yana tsikavaya navat for the semeynaga vyhavannya, for tago, if we can read the skills of the dzyatsy in this place, beech bow - geta beech - geta book , look at the bow, that is, this photo session of the hellish book,
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if you want to make a photo session of this book , you need to read it, we all have the right to such an action on instagram, on the school instagram, on the right in galasavan, well, we turned out to be shmat, well, whoever gets it, maybe on our channel wait for the library to look at the program, all the books are there , this work is to read this book, pasta, sfatagravatsya, but abstavitsya tymi some points, items, well, some chips, if it was clear, just like the gutarka , and you know, such were the precious little books, mom... 3rd grade student, zdaetstsa, yana bookuk with a dacha on a red hat, put a whole cat on a pirazhkov, adzela zyauchynka ў... put on a red hat, father apranuў ў sheraga voўka, all the same otazdymak, tsikavy,
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living book of nature, geta was here we are, and the animals, and these little ones, they only took them, and they painted them, and the statuettes brought forth, and the trees were self-sabotaging, we sleighed the enemy, there were tanks, and there was some armor there that was removed, i can tell great geta gavaryts byaskonetsa, dzed maroz and summer, from the left side everything that appears to be summer, there were a lot of people there.
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on the steel, as you think, just like yana , well, there’s bread here, here the yanas
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are growing, hellishly, we are starting, as if we were advertising the book, just like yana is here, like, and why, as you think, the kalaskis are lying here at the center, they are respecting, advocating, and shepherding all these actions , great reading increased in us, they took books, they all ran, tortured, and as soon as we become slaves of these books, then we grew up with alena mikhaylaina, who will always be slave themed booklets. i know in this book that there is a hero elephant. alena mikhaylaina
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ўvogule lyubіts rabіts various kryzhankas, puzzles , eight yanks are unraveling, yany skin problems we have in the bible, and skin days who inevitably jump and torture: and what are our daily lives? the way you look and flip through books is also kind, easy, and kind. and the mood of the fallen, alla uladzimirana, well, i don’t believe that the school library does not face any heat or incidents. tell, adbyvaetstsa, asabliva, kali dzetsi berutsya books and forget what creativity is i need to take it away, all the attack, learn the past, i say, give me, kali laska, fatstoga, war and peace, well, give me some peace, and i’m in pain with war, or they tortured a book, a book about who is a bad lifer tsa, not red who lives well in russia, who tortured kandrat’s book of nettles, who laughs first instead of that, who crushes aposhni? well, there have been other such incidents. and now we’ll take a gentle break, in the heat of the weather, we’ll return to our
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studio, and then subscribe to our telegram channel, don’t be silent, and watch all our releases on youtube channel belarus 1. we have a program on the air. tell us not to be silent, and we have a belarusian paeta. a fan of belarusian language and her right philologist ala laudovskaya. ala uladzimirana, well, to our fellow tv viewers, why we immediately spoke to the bible, the first part, i’m so grateful that i’m healthy now, you’ve got a good eye, you’ve been exhausted since the end of the year both from their home school moved to another at the library pass and they became such masavik-zatsenikam, so to speak. and circles, staging performances, habitually reading the correct, formal literature, love of the country, respect and
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shanavat family, traditional kashtounasti , the shit you have is contagious, that i would like to learn, can i say the right thing, learn the heat of daniil, yon, darechy , paўtara bastards ago finished pedagogical a university with red fumes, infected with social-pedagogical centers, menavita and my son in the 9th grade and prapanava: “ala uladzimirauna, let’s get together with you.” i’m eating batleyka.” well, i’m so easy to fall on
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gurudanika’s taksama, well, what, yak geta batleyka, what’s yana himself, and he is at the church of st. pakrovsky. used to be there often, practiced with the getai batley, and all the way back to the beginning of the school battle was created, on three bastards, pakul yashche studied , would be the holes of the getai batley, i was still with the directors, pastanovushchyk, avtars with tsenaryya, but by no means holeektaram, there yon arganizovaў dzyatsey, i have heard all the nobles, and the first performance, when i started with the getai batleyka, i wrote on the basis of the belarusian folk kazka scripts, men to... woman, i’ll be honest, dzesi ўsp didn't roar let's grab it, that in the belarusian language, we collected a hut from the batleyka, and i was tired of it, i was ready for the belarusian hut, i 'm ready, let's do it like that, an adzin performance, well, we called it a belarusian hut, i'll already name it oh sorry , we're going to perform a great performance of geta in the belarusian language, then i'll write in russian, well, yeah
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, what a reminder, daddy's mentor, yes, i'll write the first song, yana was a little girl, ma be... xvil 15, the music was dropped, well, everything is as it should be, it created some furore, dzetsi, what happened this book, watching the performance , was so captured, such was the applause, and i will not allow you to wave the nizens, especially all students of the highest educational institutions, may first battle yikes, i say, well, i’ll piss in russian, that’s all this is how we sleep in the belarusian language , let's go to belarusian language, well, i started writing kazki traditions for the battle theatre, and the ganarussian getai battle, dear danika zhurauleva, who has such an idea for the product ў, we were at batleykay shmat dze, there are only eight of us i'm sorry, it's 25 students, we're rocking and holy, i wrote a new play, like meetings, we have a great performance, we have a whole day of performances, the hole of the meetings is ordering vyaliki top.


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