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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 28, 2024 3:00am-3:26am MSK

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they started beating me , i shouldn’t talk so rudely, the soldiers were doing their duty and also got a little excited, but we want to know who you are, where you are from, where your parents, father, mother are, i’m an orphan, a poor child, your parents died, yes, they didn't die. they were killed, yours were killed, yes , yes, but that’s war, but don’t be upset , there’s nothing you can do about it, now there are a lot of orphans everywhere, but don’t worry, we’ll put you in an orphanage, in a good orphanage, and then, perhaps in an educational institution, you will receive a solid profession in life.
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und dann erzählt er mir alles. ich habe 10 jahre dieses volk studiert. let's go on a trip to belarus. dear friends, welcome to novostarobensk. few people know, but this is what the city of soligorsk was once called. now the only reminder of this
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is the inscription on this stone, which symbolizes the beginning of the construction of the city. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. i attended a variety of master classes, a variety of different ones, but honestly, this is the first time in my life i’ve seen something like this, i even tensed up for a moment, because that our mishka fedor started the cage just like that, with his paw. visit the vibrant sights of our country. it's right here. two museums with amazing exhibits, you will agree that such rarities can now be seen only in soviet films. girls love to decorate the world around them, and i am no exception, so let us have such a painted candle. look in the program. the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. we set off on a trip around belarus. katya, very nice. katya is very nice. here in this area they will be
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trenches, ditches, mountains, forests and other landscape design features. you are restoring a real, real, once residential farm. yes, the motives that led to life in the village are completely different. i was so overzealous that they could hang me from the christmas tree, because he’s filming me, it seems, everything is in order, the presenter’s task is to find out. why is rural life still better than city life ? we are here on the territory of a landscape designer, i would think that some kind of football fan lives here, because what is this? well, this is our teflitsa, i’m a project from the village, watch it on the belarus tv channel. 24
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, why did they take the boy as a guide, comrade captain, he knows every bush here, he walked ahead, showed the way, we followed him, who ordered, it’s our fault, comrade captain, the places here are difficult to pass.
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so, okay, let’s say you’re telling the truth, i believe you, right. if so, tell me, who taught you to make such beautiful drawings? not i understand what you’re asking me about, come here, come here closer, i’m not hitting you, don’t be afraid, who does this book belong to, what does it belong to, what are you asking me about? i understand whose book this is, a book, yes, a book, and i, who drew in it, what did he draw? listen, boy, don't pretend,
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who taught you how to make this diagram? which scheme, i don’t know any of your schemes, i lost my horse. i wandered around day and night, let me in, auntie, come here, who drew this, who drew this, tell me who taught you this do, who, open your mouth, i’ll take a minute , i order you, open your mouth, open your mouth, i ’m telling you, open your mouth, open your mouth, show your tongue, and... the whole tongue is lelov, well, now we know, so, boy, answer, who taught you to make these topographical diagrams, where are these people hiding, how to find them, you will get three-experienced guides, you will show us the way, well, speak up, i won’t tell you, speak up, darling,
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i’m a saint. don't you see me, day!
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i thought you were completely gone, sit there, uncle gorbanov, uncle garbunov, you are my friend, you are my friend my dear, what can you say, well, brother
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, you gave us a job, there is a dugout in the forest where they interrogated me, there the radio was playing all the time. and there’s a radio there, come on , let’s go borrow it, let’s show him where he is, lie down, well, where he is, he’s here, you’re here! that's why don't come out here.
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the minsk automobile plant is the flagship of mechanical engineering not only in belarus, but in the former entire post-soviet space. working in the world of creation, we can create excellent vehicles and achieve the results which we have achieved today. for me, my profession is everything, i spend most of my time here, my whole life
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was connected with the local automobile plant, even as a child, i lived in the factory area, so the people with whom i communicated as a child, they worked at the minsk automobile plant, so i continued to cast my lot in with the minsk automobile plant, but while studying at the polytechnic university, i liked more to create the vehicles that our automobile plant produces, so i decided to become a designer does not stand still, it all requires qualified personnel. last year , we opened a training center jointly with the belarusian national technical university, the students here from the third year undergo internships, in addition to this, they study a number of disciplines, including design. design features, running systems, testing, electronics. every year
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the number of students coming to their diploma projects and training increases; they can see how new units are produced in the experimental workshop, how live tests, during the one and a half to two years that they spend at the minsk automobile plant, they come out as prepared as possible for further work at our enterprise. the products of the minsk automobile plant are maximally integrated into... our society and state, therefore, by producing this equipment, we contribute to the development of our society. for me, the minsk automobile plant is everything, this is my history, my destiny. one of my children is also currently studying at the belarusian national polytechnic university at the department of automobiles. they also plan to connect their lives with the minsk automobile plant.
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passions are high, the participants are already at the start,
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let's start the first game of the seventh season. before the game started, we asked each of the guys to describe themselves a little. so, welcome. ekaterina sof. secondary school number 2 of the city is round. her motto is that he who does nothing makes no mistakes. and her class teacher, german language teacher oksana vladimirovna. his motto is, every choice has its consequences and his teacher belarusian language and literature elena alekseevna somova. maxim khamtsov, gymnasium number one of the city of vitebsk named after alferov, purposeful, resourceful, athletic, cheerful, positive, and his class teacher, mathematics teacher, irina petrovna radezh. timofey voitov, secondary school number 2 of the city of dubrovna, named after smirny, brave, active, positive, and his class teacher, teacher of the belarusian language and literature tatyana vladimirovna veremyova.
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david gorf, secondary school number 6, city of zhodinov. i am sure that without defeat there is no victory. matvey cheley, gymnasium number 33 of the city of minsk, his motto is to study, study and study again, and history teacher tamara mikhailovna fomina. olesya mikhailova, secondary school number
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201 in minsk, wants to know everything, but it is impossible to know everything, her class teacher, teacher. i would like to mention another, but no less important person, our scientific expert ekaterina duko, head of the department of methodological support for science and mathematics education at the national institute of education. ekaterina, hello. hello, vasily. hello guys, i wish you a good mood today, an interesting game, quick and correct
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answers, good luck to all participants. good afternoon guys, we are glad to see you here on our playground. before i start asking you questions, and i really hope you will answer them correctly, i suggest supporting each other, your colleagues, yourself with applause, don’t be shy, right now in the teachers’ room, my colleague yulia is with your teachers pertsova, yulia, hello, over to you, yes vasya, hello, we’re all here and we have mixed feelings, with one on the other hand, there is delight, because this is the first game of the seventh... season, on the other hand , there is excitement, because this is the first game of the seventh season, so let's start as soon as possible so that this excitement does not completely fetter either the teachers or our guys. before we fully dive into the first round, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the first round , players are asked 12 multiple-choice questions - yes or no, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 7
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seconds. each correct answer brings the participant one point, eight players, those who scored more. number of points advance to the second round. so, guys, the first question of the first round. is it true that the ivoryak route to the greeks connected the white and black seas? time! alice, hello. hello, vasily. tell me how you answered this question, true or false? yes or no? i answered this question, no, because the way. izvoryak in the greek connected the black sea and the baltic sea. alexander, this path connected, it seems, the romans and the greeks. romans and greeks? i heard everything correctly. it seems like, yes. matvey raises his hand very confidently. matvey, hello, tell me how you answered this question. i answered no, because,
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as far as i remember, the izvoryak route to the greeks connected the black and baltic seas. and it seemed to connect greece and scandinavia. correct answer: no, it connected the baltic and black seas. let's pay attention to the screen and make sure of this. attention, second question. is it true that more than a thousand years have passed since the first mention of minsk in chronicles? time. maxim, hello, well , i answered yes, but i remembered that minsk was. founded in 1667, it was mentioned , you probably had it in mind at 1.00, and then you did the math and it turned out that most likely i understand you, he’ll be upset, it’ll throw him
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off, no, he’s self-confident, i think he’ll go next, timofey, please tell me how you answered? i answered no, because i remember when i was preparing for this program, i was reviewing the textbook, my homeland is belarus, i remember there that minsk was mentioned for the first time... the fisherman caught 32 fish and another half of that
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number, is that right, what is the number of fish in his catch even time, olesya, hello, how did you answer this? hello, i answered yes, because half of the number 32 is 16, 32 + 16 - 48, 48 is an even number. olesya loves mathematics very much, she is simply captivated by it. you are absolutely right, this is the correct answer. attention, fourth question: is it true that sentences are divided into exclamatory ones based on intonation? zakhar, i answered no,
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because the sentence is divided into exclamatory and non-exclamatory, at the end of exclamatory sentences there is an exclamation mark, they are pronounced with special intonations; at the end of non-exclamatory sentences there is a period; they are pronounced. as usual, he is a very, very smart , inquisitive, resourceful child, there are interrogative sentences, interrogative sentences, they happen, but this is based on the purpose of the statement, and not on the intonation , and there are others, there are also narrative and reasonable ones, no, margarita , i answered, no, because there are... non-exclamatory and exclamatory, and according to the purpose of the statements there are narrative, interrogative and motivating. absolutely
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that's right, that's the correct answer. no. fifth question of the first round. is it true that korolevich elisha, the hero of pushkin’s fairy tale, turns to the wind, the sun and the eagle for help while searching for the princess? time! ekaterina , i remember, i read this fairy tale in the fifth grade, recently, i remember well that he turned to the wind , the sun, i don’t remember the eagle, to whom he could turn, what do you think, taking into account the fact that this is a fairy tale, perhaps to the water, to the water, what is the essence of the fairy tale, maybe this will somehow help you, the essence of the fairy tale is that elisha is very loved his bride. i found it, very good, very short, most importantly, such a succinct retelling. alexander, i remember that
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elisha addressed the whale, on which the village was located, the sun, the moon, where the whale is from, from man and the world, you don’t remember any wind, no, i don’t remember, okay, maxim, i read this fairy tale in fifth grade, this... and i remember exactly that elisha addressed the sun, the wind, and the moon, well, or the month. guys, maybe you know some other poem, some work in which you could address the wind, the sun and the eagle, perhaps alexander, we recently studied lullabies in the russian language, and there was a poet there. translated a roman lullaby, it was called simply a lullaby, and it seemed like the main character was addressing...


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