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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 28, 2024 9:20am-10:36am MSK

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the calves don’t get bored, but keep yourself in shape too, you feel like you’re running with them. i was worried about the children, and the children could see that they were charged, so i think that they, they transfer their energy, which will charge me, them, together we can win. the snow is coming, forward to skiing, forward to a healthy lifestyle. the results of the competition in the minsk region will be announced today. meanwhile, the participants in the grand final have already been decided in almost all other regions. at the beginning of the next one. the mogilev regional selection will end this week. hockey players from dynamo minsk, after a difficult away tour, are returning to their home arena, but only for one match. today , as part of the khl regular championship, the bisons will host siberia, which is in ninth place in the eastern conference. dmitry kvartalny’s team is currently in eighth place in the west, having earned 55 points. the match at the minsk arena starts at 17:10. don’t miss the live broadcast on tv channel belarus 5.
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we’ll tell you about the developments at noon, and i’ll remind you that the tv news agency’s projects are available in all social networks, as well as in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you later.
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hello, you are watching the program “say don’t be silent.”
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and when i approached him, he absolutely knocked me out of this state of mine, repeating
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the text that i would speak, he spoke to me so simply, he said, well, nastya, well done, she achieved everything she wanted, congratulations, i i completely forgot the text i wanted. this award from his hands, he smiled so slyly again and said: what about nastya? well done, congratulations, that is, he remembered these words and... once again everyone tells me that he has a phenomenal memory, yes, and the fact that he said this, and of course, the fact that when you approach him, amazing energy comes from him, uh, very kind , very warm, very strong, it feels like they are covering you with such a warm blanket, they are enveloping
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you, as if they are enveloping you, yes, in fact, i always have this feeling when i am next to my head, and also about energy, that’s all they say, and of course. the fact that the ceremony itself, the awarding and the prize is for spiritual revival, it takes place on the days our christmas, the brightest holiday , this is especially pleasant, because well, yes, this is another miracle of christmas, your grandfather alexey vasilyevich kotyurenko, a graduate of the famous baumanka, came from moscow to minsk in 1944, he was the first director of the auto mechanic technical school, has here is his... photograph, in fact , when this technical school was being built under your grandfather, he came to the destroyed minsk and was simply shocked by how much this city was destroyed, and the only residents left were old people and children, a he needed students, he needed teachers,
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and he went out to the station with a sign, expecting that someone would come out to the railway station to smoke and suddenly want to stay in minsk. on the sign it was written: a drawing teacher is needed, hostel and meals are provided, only 80 years have passed, how do we see minsk today? i ’m happy that our minsk is so beautiful these days, and i can’t even imagine these, this destroyed city, we , no one can imagine what it was like then, on in fact, only 80 years have passed, around us there is again... the threat of war, the threat of what could happen again, something that we have experienced ourselves, so i am always happy about what surrounds us, that we have a peaceful country, the fact that we have a peaceful, prosperous city , beautiful architecture, wonderful people, everything
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works, i think that my grandfather, and alexey vasilyevich, and my grandfather on my mother’s side, who reached berlin, they are rejoicing somewhere in heaven. everything that we now have in belarus and i think they would be happy to see such a prosperous minsk , minsk, of course, for me this is my hometown , i have three generations of my family who come from minsk, and my grandfather actually came to minsk and was the first director of the automotive technical school, and my father graduated. this is a technical school, i worked all my life at maz, my whole life is connected with the avtozavodsky district, the factory, i’m such a factory girl, in general , a girl who suddenly became an opera soloist and people’s artist of belarus, the belarusian people give birth, in fact, a huge number talents, regardless of your family, no matter where you
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were born, because it’s a great blessing that i was born in the soviet union, children in the soviet union attended music clubs. schools , various sections and everyone could express themselves and choose classes to their liking and actually develop, because this is the level of musical education in our country... our children, and i remember my roar, we started every year with the performance of the anthem of the bssr and
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the anthem of the ussr, and we knew the words of the anthem, the anthem was written on a notebook, i with great i remember with adoration the singing teacher we had at school, despite the fact that i went to music school at the same time, i remember singing lessons very vividly, i always had an a, of course, well, you too, probably, nastasi knows a lot of things in in particular, cross-stitch, this is probably a legacy; your mother sewed, and she worked in a sewing factory, and you can also look at one of your works, look, we found how much life there is in it, i understand why you love mlyn, because you yourself are a needlewoman and you could probably do it too so we often ask people, what could you do, besides singing, everyone shrugs, but you could, it seems to me, yes?
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she embroidered with these stories, well , in our family it often happens that what mom does, the girl does, someone knits, but my mother never knitted me, i don’t knit, but she embroidered, i embroider, and so on. .. uh, to the city officers' house. yes, segei kotkov studied, he studied with children, drawing,
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painting, many of our belarusian artists came from this school, yes, so this creative, artistic thing i got from my mother, she and my dad were into photography, well, in the soviet period it was very fashionable, everyone had cameras in the bathroom and played photographs. how long does it take a couple of days or a month? well, in fact, it doesn’t take that much time , but just the covid period was so fruitful, for me it’s relaxation, for me it’s rest, then you look up from the embroidery, and it’s already great...
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well, this is another bright flash, yes, your biography, this performance, what do you think? iolanth is one of my first roles that i performed on the stage of the bolshoi theater of belarus, the main one, one of the main roles that was entrusted to me, almost 20 years ago, throughout my entire career, it was. in my repertoire and i was also invited by people's artist of russia mikhail pletnev to take part in a concert production of this opera in moscow, as well. he and i visited japan, tokyo with this opera, these were the days of russia, russia in japan, we opened these days with the yalanta opera, and but this was not the first meeting with pletnev, before that we - i performed the role of the beloved princess in rimsky korsykov's opera kasche the immortal, also with the maestro, we
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were also in japan, the japanese really love russian music and...
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understand in time when he needs to sing what, when no need to sing and switch to another repertoire. what are your impressions of japan? cosmic, i had the feeling that this was not just a country, that this was another planet, amazing. and of course, you know, when we visit countries, it very important depends on the environment, how you are received, who invited you, what
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musicians you came there with or met, since it was my wonderful tour with... pletnyov with the russian national orchestra, this is one of the best orchestras in russia, professional, and excellent soloists, both russian and japanese, that is, the japanese actually sang yalanta in russian, only three soloists were russian-speaking, and there was a japanese choir, so it was such an amazing experience, and when we visit countries as tourists, it’s one impression when you work... there , when you come to give concerts, you, well , probably have a more spiritual, more sublime feeling, because you step onto the stage of beautiful halls in this country, you see the faces of the public who come to classical music concerts, these are special people in any country, these are the people, the intelligentsia in the country you come to, who love music, so it’s always
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a wonderful feeling on any tour, and japan is an amazing country that...
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we had a wonderful reception and we had the same situation, the people of china stayed, waited for us, to get our autograph when we left after the concert and i can say that... i even learned two chinese songs in chinese, i didn’t think that i would ever encounter this, folk, no, modern, i love china, this is like the anthem
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of china, this is such a bright song, the songs of rekenza, this is the composition of a song by a modern chinese composer who even came to our concert, and here i met at the conservatory with a girl from china who taught me chinese pronunciation, so this experience - performance in chinese it was, well, for more than 20 years you have been serving in a large number of the main sapran roles in your repertoire, we just want to show a number of photographs, this is allanta, the already mentioned kupava in the snow maiden and yaroslavnaya, then liza in the queen of spades, anna in willis - this is a production by oksana volkova and many -many other performances, while you joke that there is often a phrase among opera artists: we understand how...
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this doesn’t happen, you learned to stand up every day like a robot, sing, the voice answers, you sing the top notes, this permanent training, constant training, constant search for sound, search for how best to sing the top note, how best to perform this part, because this is such a delicate instrument, a voice, and you need to work all the time, not only that, when you come to the theater, they give you small parts, this is one load on the voice, gradually you switch to...
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well, there is such a fear that the voice will disappear, so you have some kind of terrible dream that, well, i dream that i don’t have time to leave the stage, and already the orchestra started playing and i run, i run, then the voice disappears no no i never dreamed, or often happens, that you forgot the words when you sing, let’s say, or forgot, didn’t join in, these are things, because in fact, this is how we differ from the drama theater, our orchestra is playing, we cannot, having forgotten the words, stop .
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from 7:00 pm remember italian, german, french, any text , sing for 4 hours in french or german, russian, it doesn’t matter, and the mise-en-scène with the orchestra so that the voice responds, so that by the evening your voice is as fresh as like we just got up this morning, so we try not to not to talk during the day, so that the cords rest, so that they are only present in the evening , so that there is a fresh voice, and so every day, well, that is, before every performance, no, not every day, if we sang every day, we would do this we haven’t sung for a long time, actually, because it’s a very serious load on the voice, but
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the lessons from the concert are mixed.
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the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is people’s artist of belarus, head of the bolshoi theater opera corps anastasia moskvina, you once modestly said about yourself, saying that time will tell which one i’m the head of the opera company, this modesty is your innate character trait, it’s not for me to judge my traits. character, i think that you think that i am modest, my colleagues, now subordinates, soloists, probably do not think that i am modest, so there are so many people, so many opinions, but i think that genetically everything is passed on to us from our ancestors , so i’m very glad that i have such a good family and that i was born with just such parents, with such grandparents, and that
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i had such a... there were replacements for artists who got sick, not it can be that there are performers for each part, if something suddenly happens, guests come to us, so that everyone is in vocal shape, so that there are young people, we conduct castings, which bring new voices to us, we support soloists in their endeavors and aspirations studying a new part, in general
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, as it were... we make sure that the corpse opera, i make sure that the corpse opera is fully operational, involved, so that the theater does not stop for a day, we have performances every evening. i often wondered why our anastasia is so unbending, not commands, chooses a position, goes, and indeed, as alexander grigorievich told you, he achieves his goal, but this is from the family, you just confirmed my guess, just when i was studying, it was very nice to learn about your... grandfather and see it on the website of our automotive college , his photograph, time keeps the names and ours somehow yes, those who write the modern history of belarus, they try to preserve their photographs in museums, this is all very, very important, well, in general, this was a pleasant discovery for me and the answer to the question why you such anastasia, well, as you said, your colleagues will judge what kind of manager you are,
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we recently had... your colleague, daria , a city dweller, let’s listen to what opinion she has about you, attention to the screen, who is your angel- keeper at the theater, who treats you so favorably? i adore anastasia igorevna moskvina, she’s just in general, we also admire her , she’s a legend for me, she has both human qualities and fortitude, nature, character, artist, she’s amazing, she has a voice. great, she just sounds like a girl, who knows? look, she inspires admiration for me, and i love her deeply, she somehow found a common language with her, that’s the main thing that seems to me, it’s important to note here that you help young people, because it’s known that many primos, well, and the competition is high, they are simply strangled, not allowed into the repertoire, but you help, what is behind your desire to help
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them? i believe that if you don’t prepare your shift, then there will be no one to work in 10, 20 years, that is , the theater needs... the main thing is an influx of fresh forces, so that there is, that is, there is a job for everyone, but most of all, since this is such a piecemeal profession in our country, there are a lot of young people, but not from the conservatory, many musicians graduate from the music academy, but not everyone is capable of becoming a presenter. as an opera soloist, then glorify your country and your native theater, this is a piece of goods, we have a casting every year, just a couple of days ago we again had a casting for the opera body, this is not because we don’t have enough people to sing, but because we are constantly looking for new
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fresh, young voices that are not immediately become leading soloists, 5,6 10 years pass before they become such masters and masters, so... i was faced with the fact, i think this is the case in all theaters, they don’t want to take young people, they didn’t want to, they didn’t want to give in to them their place, because let’s say, singers in my status, at my age, they think that why should i give it to a young person
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? , but in fact this is the wrong position, because then there is a failure in the repertoire and a failure in soloists in... suddenly it turns out that there are only young people , only pensioners, this is the main group on which the repertoire is based, the backbone, the presenter, he is suddenly absent from the theater, so you need to take young people, educate them in the theater and support them, there is also such a tendency, a young man has come, his they start, as they say, a little like, well, you’re still young there.
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they can sing, this is such a delicate moment, the ligaments, they, you can lose your voice at any moment, then just sit, cross-stitch, let’s, by the way, listen to how you sound like a girl,
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io sono in giro abrii la favilla io allarifà. fix if it somehow doesn’t work out
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, you can teach how to control your voice, but the timbre is from your parents, and you have some kind of performance in your repertoire, that’s your favorite part, that’s the performance you fly to like on wings, i always fly like you’re on wings wings, i think any artist will answer this way, because in order to get used to it, in order to sing a part, to sing it well, you need to love any part, small, big, any. image, you need to love her, because the viewer can’t do it any other way will believe that if you are doing something that you don’t like, it’s better not to sing it then, but i’ll honestly say, i love the parts that i sing in my native language, because i understand them, the word that comes from you is clear to you, you put a different emotion into the word, after all, these are russians, the belarusian language, and these are parts of russian composers, belarusian, this is not because we have now... such a fashion for everything russian, no, absolutely, i
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just feel so slavic , yes, a woman, organic, these are all slavic images, this is yaroslavna, prince igor, literally in february, in february there is a performance, i invite everyone to the bolshoi theater in early february, we will have an amazing cast, both vladimir gromov and stanislav, there will be a stellar cast, i promise it will be amazing, before you invite, would you check if there are tickets anastasia igorevna, it’s not so easy to get to you, you invite millions, the whole russian opera, this is anegin, and allanta, and the queen of spades, in march we will have a wonderful soloist coming, we have a wonderful there is a soloist, now invited mikhail pirogov, russian dramatic tenor hermann will perform, and belarusian. our opera is a hoary legend, they perform, the wild hunt
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took part in the last production, yanovskaya sang, amazing plot, i invite everyone, the wild hunt, it’s still impossible to get tickets from us, everyone, every performance, goes to their own classics in belarusian, very successful i think the production is amazing, the music is amazing, our history is amazing, the bolshoi theater of russia, moscow. we met with great interest and applause last year on tour in moscow, we took wild hunting, this there were exchange tours, this year they came to us this season, they also brought us the tsar’s bride and ivan the terrible ballet, so this is the kind of friendship between the theaters , namely the belarusian opera, because they have it, well, it’s unique in that it exists only here, of course. because they - you won’t surprise them with evgeniy manigin, but still, in
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december of 24, as we know, we are planning an opera, again anna motor will stage, we already talked at our first meeting about these performances, that at our classical presentation is more like this, but in europe, they are distorted there to suit all tastes, you want to take part in a new production, or you will recuse yourself from tatyana.
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we get enormous colossal energy from the audience, we enjoy the music we perform ourselves , we come into contact with the greatest composers every day, we can sing it, we can listen to the orchestra, create these performances together, it’s such happiness, it’s amazing music, amazing stories, not only that, it's live sound, it's the live sound of the orchestra, i always say, there is no substitution. our viewer comes and can hear a real live voice of a singer, an orchestra, see a beautiful story, beautiful costumes, immerse himself in such a fairy tale, somewhere dramatic, somewhere more fun, the ending will be like in iolanta, happy, but this is the real thing this
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is art, where we can say so every day, yes, that is, every day is a holiday, every day you are in some kind of ... he says, classical music has such an effect on the body, and we constantly under this influence, we are happy people, in fact, we are happy not only because the audience receives us wonderfully there, this is of course a great happiness and we work for the sake of the audience, but we ourselves enjoy our work during performances and concerts . now we will take a break for a while, after a short pause we will return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, we are all ours. on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest is people’s artist of belarus anastasia moskvina
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and silver soprano, as we have already mentioned, but few of our viewers have heard you sing bart’s repertoire, and we have unique footage. and now our audience will be able to listen to anastasia igorevna perform akudzhava. attention to the screen. while the earth is still spinning, i will touch the bright light. lord, give everyone what...
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many answered dacha, now it’s easy to imagine you by the fire or there by the fireplace , asking your friends what she likes, dacha, yes with a guitar, there are such evenings, yes, really dacha we got it not so long ago, somehow we didn’t have a dacha or a village , that’s how we were city dwellers, although my mother’s grandparents lived in a private house at an automobile plant, that’s the north... this is the village, and my mother and i were born in a private house , that is, we had a dacha across the road, my grandmother’s house and garden, and this house still exists and my relatives live there, my uncle and his children...
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theater to the people’s artist of belarus there are not so many words for the love of opera for the soloist operatic music, i often pick up a guitar now because it’s soulful, but it’s a little bit different for me it’s important like opera opera when i sing i like it better than the song with a guitar, but of course i can play this with a cross on the guitar. probably good quality in the company, but i once studied guitar with my father vladimir gromov,
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his father is an amazing guitar teacher, and vladimir valerievich also has his first education, he is a guitarist, he graduated from the glinka school, as a guitarist and children from vladimir valerievich also plays the guitar with his grandfather, that is, the guitar is such a favorite movie, it plays for us. on the guitar, very a lot of guys play guitar and soloists on different instruments, and i think we should even do some kind of concert so that all the opera soloists, and we heard, you know, vladimir valerievich sang the bremen town musicians when he was building a house, very suddenly a wall grew, this a very good idea for all the musicians to play, all the soloists of the opera to play some kind of instruments on some kind of regular non-verbal holiday, we need to make a kapusnik yes... he’s already saying, yes, i see what you want me to do cabbage, not enough in at the skit theater, in fact, we had such a tradition, several years ago
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we had skit performances at the opera, now there’s a pause, but i think that the moment will soon come when we return, we will return to the skit performances, this is a good tradition, it’s usually in drama theaters, but in the opera - this is also always such a moment, in fact, right now at the award ceremony, after the award ceremony, there was a concert in the palace of the republic, i... dmitrievna invited me to sing a song, a song, a beautiful song, the little prince, teriverdieva, which once performed by kamburova, elena kamburova, i was her fan, i went to her concerts at the philharmonic, er akudzhava , when he came, that is, i was at the philharmonic all the time, i was at all these concerts, i really loved all this music, uh, in fact, and bards records, my mother and i... bought and i then bought records from the melody company then they published a lot of our bards
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, in fact, and the dolsky idol veronica , i listened to a lot of things - i taught, performed, this is the culture of the romance of bard songs, it is very deep , there are very beautiful, very beautiful texts, very beautiful poetry, beautiful music, i think that... extreme moments, and if you are not friends, no one will help you, somewhere you stumbled, fell, somewhere you forgot a phrase, they supported you, that
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is, , such an acting brotherhood , it exists, but at the same time we are all competitors to each other and we are all, so to speak, a few, each for himself, this is the situation in the theater, well, that is, it’s a really difficult atmosphere, but you have to be able to maneuver, your theatrical colleagues have done... do miracles, what would you do? i would made sure that there was no war anywhere in the world, so that people did not die and that there were no orphanages, so that all children lived in families. how wonderful it is, yes, this love for children anastasia igorevna can be read in you, and in general the love for life, as we have already
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found out today, for people, for colleagues and... for the repertoire for the work that you do, you are happy man, thank you very much for visiting our studio again, we will be waiting for you again after some next pleasant occasion, and of course we will answer your call to come to the theater, the bolshoi theater, our beautiful theater, where tickets are still available, unlike many other countries, and such wonderful people there sing and dance for us, and we, tatyana shcherbina, victoria popova are with you for today. goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, anastasia moskvina is speaking now. i am very happy that i live in a peaceful, bright, beautiful country, our blue belarus, i love our country very much, i love belarusians very much, and most importantly, i love the bolshoi theater of belarus and i want you all to love our theater,
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because this is the most wonderful place. in our country, where you will come, spend a wonderful, soulful evening at an opera performance or a ballet performance or a concert in a chamber hall, you will receive unforgettable emotions and all week you will be in a good mood, bright, wonderful, and you will be happy, just like like us, when we go on stage and give you our art, and go to the big theater of belarus, artificial intelligence writes and writes pictures, and has already written a new one, because that the previous one has ended, where our guests leave us wishes, we ask you to debut in this still pristine picture, and the main thing is that the artificial intelligence does not sing, because then we will have nothing to do, it’s true, the main thing is that we sing , let him draw, but we will sing, we agreed,
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peace and prosperity.
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at the beginning of october 1961 , an unusual picture could be observed on the minsk-moscow highway. driving through. a huge dump truck was moving confidently along the highway. oncoming traffic compared to it seemed so tiny that many stopped, preferring to let this giant pass ahead and not take risks.
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on october 17, 1961 , the next 22nd congress of the party central committee began its work in moscow, and the gift for its opening was a brand new belas 540 dump truck with a carrying capacity of 27 tons, just off the assembly line. a new unique development of the belarusian automobile plant vzhodina. the prototype was sent to moscow under its own power. one can only imagine what sergei lyutarevich, the plant’s test driver, had to endure. it was he who was then driving a large load. and lutorevich, together with test technician kuhar ivan, went to moscow to vdnkh
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in order to present a gift to the twenty- second congress of the cpsu. and successfully. the delegates were then shown a unique specimen of more cargo, which had no analogues either in the soviet union or abroad. belas 540. of course, it still became and still is a landmark vehicle, this is a mining dump truck with a lifting capacity of 27 tons, model belas 540. development began in 1960 year. and just recently there were many who were inclined to produce this class of machines in the urals, but even the skeptics had no doubts.
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at the beginning of october 1946, residents of the small belarusian town of zhodina could observe an unusual picture: in the area of ​​​​the railway station, right next to the railway tracks , some important meeting was taking place, and there was no doubt that this was so, the local authorities were very fussed around, judging by apparently, a respected person, next to... with whom unfamiliar comrades were also fussing, then they submitted some papers, then tried to prove something, then they all discussed very emotionally together, apparently another problem, then
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they moved onto the gravel road and also discussed something. in 1946 , an authoritative commission actually worked in zhodino, it was coming. make a final decision on the construction of a new plant in the republic, but not an automobile one, the government made a decision to build a gas plant, so local fuel was needed, we have local fuel reserves nearby zeleny bor, it’s 18 km away, so the government decided to build. but the situation in the country was changing:
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road construction, land reclamation, there was an urgent need for appropriate equipment, road machines, land reclamation, the plant was transformed into a dormash. the need for a road construction machine arose, so already in 506 the government decided to switch from torfmash to dormash; in the late fifties, a visit to the republic was planned by alexei kasygin, then chairman of the ussr state planning committee. at the level of the country's leadership it was necessary to accept final decision regarding the start. production of a fundamentally new class of trucks in the soviet union; in connection with this, the construction of a new plant. the ussr economy
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developed dynamically, at an accelerated pace. the country needed raw materials for almost all sectors of the national economy. work in large quarries with small trucks. became unprofitable, with the development of the mining industry, the need arose for the creation of appropriate equipment, including in the soviet union. that's why it was a decision was made to create a plant for the production of mining dump trucks. the majority of members of the presidium of the council of ministers of the ussr were inclined to build it directly where mining was going on. as. the urals were considered as the main site, and this was logical, but preference was given to belarus. finally, the fate of the new automobile plant was decided by the arrival of
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kasygino in the republic. the main goal is to visit an automobile production facility in the small belarusian town of zhodina, not far from minsk. belarusian leadership always wanted to invite. a republic of those who had the last word. this was the case when the visit of the minister of geology of the soviet union put an end to the feasibility of oil production in belarus. the arguments of the belarusians that there is oil in the bssr turned out to be convincing. they arrived, using the latest tools, drilled, oil was discovered, and then in poles there was a whole oil- bearing area destroyed. my father was simply happy, he talked about it with such delight, he and kiselyov, according to tradition, smeared themselves with oil, this means they smeared their face and threw silver coins there. into this well, as
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expected, already somewhere in the mid-seventies , belarus was producing 7 million tons of oil per year, a lot had to be defended in the center, i had to go to offices, i had to prove, i had to convince. now kanu was home to large-scale production, production of mining dump trucks. in order to make such an important decision, it was necessary... to listen to all opinions, and i remember that at this meeting the chief designer of the belarusian automobile plant, zalya, took an active position lvovich sirodkin, who outlined his vision as the leader of a creative intellectual team of designers. the chief designer's arguments in favor of building the zhodin factories turned out to be convincing for kosygin. sirotkin then uttered a phrase that... became decisive in
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favor of zhodin. everything can be deduced from here, but what about the intellectual potential accumulated here? the final word of alexey nikolaevich kosykha was as follows: dear friends, participants of the meeting, i come to the conclusion that we can build new modern production in mining sites, but where can we get something? team on april 17, 1958 , a decree of the central committee of the cpsu and the council of ministers of the ussr was published on the renaming of the zhodino machine-building plant into the belarusian automobile plant. it said that the zhodino machine-building plant should specialize in the production of dump trucks with a lifting capacity of 25 tons. in
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the future, the plant was indicated to be called the belarusian automobile plant, but the belarusians did not limit themselves to assembling a dump truck. it was deep night outside, and no one in the chief designer’s department was going to finish their work. she was in full swing. the employees are given two tasks, both of fundamental importance. first, the plant needs to build a conveyor for assembling dump trucks. with a lifting capacity of 25 tons. such
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a conveyor will be the first in the world, something that even the world’s leading companies did not dare to do. the second task is no less ambitious: to create in the shortest possible time a fundamentally new mining machine, with an even greater load capacity and superior technical characteristics, the best world samples. in the creative department. order, tablets hung everywhere, whole sheets of whatman paper with calculations and drawings on the tables. zalya lvovich checked everything personally, compared the figures, and made corrections. immediately impromptu meetings arose, discussing each stage of assembly on the assembly line, the technical characteristics of the machine that they
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must create here, the motherland. everyone was so carried away that no one took into account time. i had the high honor of leading the komsomol organization the belarusian automobile plant was registered, which had 3,500 young specialists. it was also a unique fusion of youth, enthusiasm, and when a weekend was needed. days to devote to the creation of new models of equipment, then a komsomol youth subbotnik was announced , everyone went to work on a large scale, no one complained, everyone understood the importance of the task set for the team, no one
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even thought about it, and belas already at that time in the sixties created a conveyor assembly of mining dump trucks , and it still is... is the right decision. incredibly, the first maz-525 on the new assembly line was assembled in just a few months. the time frame is unrealistically short, but it was from this moment that the rhythmic production of the giant dump truck began. simultaneously with the launch of the conveyor , our own production of components and parts from which the machine is assembled was established.
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the task was to maximize its carrying capacity, improve its technical characteristics, proposed to manufacture and design a new car, move the engine under the cabin, initially,
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when the design of the belar 540 itself was developed, there were big contradictions between our designers behind...
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the front part; naturally, there was only room left for the cabin on the left. in order for the driver to be able to observe from at least one side when moving backwards, the hood does not block the driver’s view in order to protect against falling objects that could spill onto the cabin, onto the driver, a solution was proposed to make a
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windshield in the cabin with reverse angle to protect the driver, at that time it was innovative solution. the body solution was unconventional; it was dictated by the working conditions in the quarry, where the roads are narrow, the turns are sharp, and the access to the excavator is often difficult. it was necessary to find the optimal solution for the body, the main task of which is maximum capacity. this is all influenced by creation. in the form of a scoop, if in technical terms everything
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was accepted, then the design caused a lot of controversy, the new belaz 540 really turned out to be unusual for trucks, and that was a different story. unique and rare newsreel footage from 1960 of the year. surprised glances first from drivers, and then from passers-by, a giant dump truck was moving along the central avenue of minsk at quite a decent speed, 55 km/h. confidently maneuvering on the roads to the capitals, he drove straight to the building of the central committee
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of the communist party of the republic. in order for the party leadership to make a decision, it was necessary to provide fundamental evidence, and the fundamental evidence was done by a technical commission, an examination, then, on the basis of this examination, the leadership headed by mazurov and kiselyov was accepted the final decision was made and large ones were allocated. means, not every leader is capable of taking such decisive steps, drastic decisions, risky ones that do not know how else to turn out in the future, for which you can get a scolding, he was not afraid of this, if he thought it was right, he accepted it decision and even said, refer to me, it was a victory for the factory workers, until recently confidence in... it was proposed by
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a young artist from moscow, valentin kabylinsky, who was involved in industrial design. the task is difficult, the weight of the car is 22 tons, the load lifts 27 tons. giant dump truck. i wanted the car to not look like that. considered from the board of machine design in accordance with the regulations of the ministry to the factory. not everyone accepted the unusual image of the car. it was precisely this decision that was defended by the chief designer zalya
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lvovich sirodkin. he personally approved of it, fresh, original, was his verdict. 1965 lepcik international fair. the gold medal was awarded to the twenty-ton vehicle.


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