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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 30, 2024 4:50am-5:45am MSK

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history, there are so many of them. we receive the main news these days from st. petersburg, where a large belarusian-russian negotiation marathon took place. today, at a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state , the main directions for implementing the provisions of the agreement on the creation of the union state for the next 3 years were approved. it would not be amiss to recall that over the past two years, belarus and russia have traveled a path that previously would have taken decades. so is trade turnover. countries in 2019 was above 33 billion dollars, in the twentieth - 29.5, in the twenty-first we see significant growth and the total treasury was already 40 billion dollars, in the twenty-second it grew to 50 billion. moreover, bilateral relations are not only trade, but also cooperation. just last year , joint assembly centers were created, a new production of agricultural machinery was opened in the novosibirsk region in tatarstan, in bashkartastan from scratch.
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it took 9 months to build and launch a plant for the production of grain drying complexes; in the krasnodar territory, the assembly of combines and grain trucks based on the chassis of the minsk automobile plant began. started construction of a multi-brand trade and service center belarus for the sale , maintenance and repair of belarusian equipment. the network of belarusian stores where you can buy food, our clothes, shoes, furniture and textiles is also expanding in russian regions. so, lukashenko’s action plan for our integration is cooperation on import substitution. with the help of belarus, russia is solving difficult issues for itself. the strategy for the scientific and technological development of the association until the thirty-fifth year was also approved and a decision was made to creation of a media company of the union state. what else from the city on the neva? report by natalia.
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it is no coincidence that the format of cooperation between belarus and russia is called unique; the uniqueness is felt in the negotiations of the top officials. telling details , the presidents arrive at the meeting of the supreme state council in one car, sources say, all these days they moved around strelna. a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state is essentially a meeting of the political establishment of belarus and russia, their mission is to move.
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there would be happiness, but misfortune would help, the worsening situation in the world around our countries has spurred integration. the upgrade to the allied agreements of two years ago has already borne fruit. this was also a response to sanctions, western political ultimatums and economic pressure. our trade turnover together with the russian federation is growing, we supplied the maximum volumes of exports last year and the year before, reaching record levels of plus 12%. exports to the russian federation, however, like the russian federation, export growth to us too, reached a positive balance in foreign trade with our main partner, we are, of course, very satisfied with this, what is the main problem today, what is it, you know, it’s probably not worth talking about problems, first of all, it’s probably worth talking about those issues that simply need to be solved filming in order to increase our trade turnover, this will be a new impetus for our relationship. we are synchronizing our watches today,
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making very important decisions, important for both belarus and russia, well, this is always a significant event for us. lukashenko and putin communicated essentially all weekend and during commemorative events, the great patriotic war is our common pain, and opening a new wintering station in antarctica, scientists there have not even begun to work, visiting the ice arena in st. petersburg, but this is only the tip of the iceberg, the day before our president will tell you that together with his colleague they were seriously immersed in issues economy.
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days of the meeting of the supreme state council, so we have a tradition, vladimir vladimirovich, i would ask you to first, as the owner of this good business , speak out. russian president will thank you for your attention to memorable dates, common history, values, a solid basis for alliance, will note the effect of 28 union programs, conditions have been created for joint work to minimize damage. illegal western restrictions, will remember important joint projects, the completion of the construction of the belarusian nuclear power plant and the upcoming flight of our cosmonaut into space. it is important that russia and belarus, in conditions of unprecedented external pressure, closely interact on the world stage, inevitably and invariably provide each
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other with true allied mutual support. our countries' approaches to current global and regional problems coincide.
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those events that are happening in the world, take our desire for russia and belarus, the people's republic of china, russia is at the forefront of this, because it bears the most burden and suffers
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more than anyone, and the reason for all this is both the houthis and the middle east and the south china sea, the problem arising is...
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another feature of the moment: the meeting is taking place on the eve of important domestic political events, both in russia and belarus. pressure the possibility of provocation at such moments only intensifies. for the first time in the history of belarus , a single voting day will take place on february 25 this year. following the example of russia, we also constitutionally established a single voting day; on this day deputies of parliament will be elected.
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in particular, the achievement of high indicators is largely the result of the implementation of the activities of 28 union programs, within the framework of which fundamental decisions were made. well, of course, we have to develop general criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of their implementation. the main task in in the industrial sector - intensifying cooperation in the field of import substitution. a lot has been done here, we have understood a lot that we did not understand. 2 years ago we were not able to be brought to our knees, on the contrary, we
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mobilized and i say, we did a lot, a basic intergovernmental agreement was signed on the recognition of technological operations, on the development of microelectronic technologies, the design and production of electronic components, electronic engineering, and a unified industrial politicians, yesterday we sladimirovich in the middle day very carefully... i believe that the government should take measures as soon as possible for its unconditional implementation without any derogations or withdrawals. all agreed import substitution programs are gaining momentum; there are already 2 and a half dozen of them in the overall portfolio.
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are being discussed, we need to once again find such points of interest on one side, on the other, and then build this work, the plane, this proposal, you have already heard, this is the proposal of the russian federation, to develop this direction, this is completely new direction for us, we have created specialists, we are now working on the development, that is , on the development of a twelve-seat twin-engine aircraft, that is, we are already acquiring certain skills in the design and development of this aircraft, is this within our capabilities?
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baltic states to st. petersburg, reoriented from the baltic ports of murmansk, black sea ports, but tension exists, so sladimir vladimirovich and i discussed this problem together three years ago and accepted it.
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i think if we create a normal one media holding, taking into account trial and error, there will be a good holding, that is, they will resist any pressure decisively, and at the same time they will always be open.
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so briefly we would talk about the agenda of the current state council; the government and foreign ministers reported on what has been done over the past 3 years.
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candidates for deputies, tomorrow is the final day, from january 31 to february 24 there will be a campaign period, february 25 is the main election day, campaigning is prohibited by law, registration may be refused due to documents not meeting the requirements, in the biography of a potential a parliamentarian should not be subject to criminal liability; persons
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nominated as candidates for deputy should not have citizenship of another state, as well as other documents. foreign states granting rights to benefits and benefits, example pole’s card. signatures are also checked; if the number of invalid ones exceeds 15%, an additional 15% of signatures are checked. for insufficient quantities there is also a refusal. there are 3 steps to appeal a refusal to register a district territorial commission to a higher territorial commission days, and the same amount after the court, regional, minsk, city, district. court decision on an election dispute. is final in full compliance with what your legislation on elections requires , there were very serious candidates today, and they apparently took this very stage very seriously, but the electoral team here is very strong, i think success, as they say, awaits us in organizational terms, of course , there were no comments in this area,
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the commission meeting went smoothly, calmly, the answers to the refusal to registration of candidates for deputies , so for now... everything is very clear, we hope that it will continue to be so, of course, first of all, we look at the compliance of those applicants who today are applying for the title of deputy, the house of representatives, with the requirements put forward by the electoral legislation, we look at the work district commissions for checking documents, a unified approach to all candidates for the house of representatives, well, in general, on the application of the electoral legislation of belarus, everything is open. such an assessment of the work of the district the commission in the administration of the sovetsky district of gomel was given today by international observer from the cis vitaly kulik. he followed the progress of the process of nominating candidates for deputies. full compliance with the letter of the law: no violations or deviations were recorded, the observer emphasized. also today , a draw took place, which determined the date and time of appearances on radio and tv. next,
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information about the candidates will be published in the media, and information bulletins will be prepared for voters. observer mission. cis began operations on january 22. headquarters formed cis observer missions, accreditation of long-term observers was carried out. and we are monitoring the election process in the republic of belarus in accordance with the stages. today i was present at one of the stages of registration of candidates for deputies of the house of representatives of the national assembly. three people expressed their desire and nominated themselves as teams. collection of signatures, parties, everyone was registered, everything is open, transparent, democratic. let us remind you that in belarus on february 25, 2020 , elections will be held on a single voting day. deputies of the chamber representatives of the national assembly of the eighth convocation to local councils of deputies of the twenty-ninth convocation. in france
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, the blockade of paris announced by trade unions and farmers began. the authorities are trying to stop her, but so far to no avail. peasant roadblocks appear in the most unexpected places. the police simply do not have time to prevent construction on the roads. tractor barricades. farmer riots in europe are becoming increasingly widespread. they have already covered the largest and most influential countries of the old world. to the blockade of paris declared by the peasants the authorities prepared the highways with all seriousness. 1,500 police officers were mobilized, most of whom were dedicated to preventing a transport collapse in the capital. the farmers did not set out to completely isolate the country's main city. according to them, they are fighting the government and not the citizens, so they chose them as the main target of the attack. rungi - this largest trading platform provides food supplies to stores in markets throughout the country, while only minor ones remain free to travel roads, so that the french capital
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was shackled by a monstrous traffic jam. to date , traffic on eight highways has been fully or partially implemented. 1,700 farmers on 1,200 tractors are participating in the action. the government has announced that it will come up with a proposal within 48 hours. they organize pogroms in stores where they sell foreign-made wines. in a number
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of regions, the supply chains of retail chains have already been disrupted, which has resulted in empty shelves in supermarkets and queues. if farmers manage to do the same with the market with warehouses in capital rungis, then citizens throughout the country will face shortages of many food products. and the french farmers are not alone, the italians are now marching on rome with tractors , belgium has flared up in a peasant revolt, farmers are protesting in poland, lithuania, germany, romania, almost everywhere the authorities are demonstrating indifference to peasant discontent, the only hope of the rebels is elections as in germany, but also it is unlikely that anything will significantly change democracy in the fate of the farmers; somehow everyone is against it, but the government will do it anyway like walk on the street with a flag in your hand, so i don’t want to think that...
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you can quickly exterminate the last fighters of the peasant resistance. oleg romanov, telenews agency. meanwhile, the pentagon will not stop in its hegemonic
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aspirations. now he has begun transporting his tanker aircraft first to europe and then to the middle east. most likely, they are supposed to be involved in a punitive operation, while the americans have not yet chosen a future victim. biden is still looking for options to respond to yesterday's attack. in the area of ​​the syrian-jordanian border, there as a result of a bespil strike... joe biden is in an extremely difficult situation, an attack against iran could lead to an uncontrollable military escalation, and a strike against islamists in syria will be called insufficient and considered a sign of weakness. donald trump has already stated that the current owner of the white house delivered. ukraine has already passed
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the stage for the states, now the focus is on the east. in the new issue, anna chishlitish discussed the burning of the arab world at the bloody hands of the united states. take a look at the screen. your attention a map of us military bases in the middle east is presented. turkey, syria, jordan, saudi arabia, iraq, kuwait. bahrain, uaa, qatar, oman. in total, fifty thousand american troops are concentrated here. there are 80 more states under the us military boot. there are a total of 950 military installations around the world. the white house comments on the scale of the military presence with exclusively noble goals. national defense of the country, internal and external security.
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well said. in fact. there is no smell of integrity here. speech exclusively about their own benefit and unipolar control of the world. the world is on the verge of tremendous events; the entire planet may soon burst into flames. these are the words of the president of belarus alexander lukashenko. the head of state looked into the water. just a few days later, the united states launched strikes on yemen in order to protect itself from the houtid group. but is this really a defensive maneuver or, on the contrary , a distraction to set fire to the middle east? let’s figure out what the american overture can lead to. let's look at the political map: american military bases actually surround one country - iran. the united states has wisely thought through the deployment of forces in the territories close to tehran. thus,
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more than 150 abrams tanks and armored personnel carriers are stationed in qatar. not a bad arsenal. the same number of personnel are in kuwait. air force and marine units are concentrated here. there are 6,000 troops stationed in iraq. since the invasion of the country in 2003, the americans have built 400 military installations here. air bases are located in oman. for americans this country is of strategic importance, close to the indian ocean. now let's get back to the name. on january 12, the americans, together with the british, launched strikes on territory controlled by the houthis. according to the pentagon , missile launchers that posed a threat to us ships in the region were destroyed. before this, the rebels had repeatedly attacked american ships. this is how they expressed their
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protest against the actions. in the gas sector. the white house, of course, ignored their dissatisfaction and continued to support tel aviv, not only in word, but also in deed, putting on stream the sale of arms supplies. and its transportation took place using sea communications near yemen. but the essence of american maneuvers is not at all to support the defense of the jewish state. the united states teases tehran and precisely demonstrates its own. strength and power, trying to bring another player into the military arena, and they partially succeeded. iran launched a series of attacks on us military bases in iraq, syria and pakistan. now the conflict is growing between arab states. pakistan has already recalled its ambassador from iran and attacked iranian provinces with precision weapons. the rocket ping pong continues. the danger of a major war in the region is growing.
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the americans will continue to pit their heads against the arab world and provoke tehran. back in october last year, alexander lukashenko warned that the third world war could begin in the middle east. today his words are reflected in reality. if iran enters the battlefield, not only the arab world will be set on fire, the entire planet will catch fire. forming a respectful attitude towards the law is one of the main tasks of the notary, stated this chairman of the belarusian notary chamber natalya borisenka. today, a discussion platform took place in the capital, within which the draft updated national security concept was discussed. deputy secretary of state of the security council of belarus alexander rakhmanov took part in the event, as well as notaries from all over the country, a total of 250 specialists. representatives of all notaries are present in the hall today.
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notaries, as citizens of the republic of belarus , are very interested in immersing themselves in this project, in this document, which contains the main points of interest to any citizen of the republic of belarus, how to preserve the country, how to maintain security and peace in our country, and what to do to ensure that each of us at our workplace, fulfilling our professional task, responsibly contributes to strengthening national security. as part of legal education, notaries visit not only work teams, but also work with the younger generation, meet with children in educational institutions, last year alone about 14 thousand such outdoor events took place. by the way, the ukrainian special services
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, long before the crisis of 14 and 22 , tried to recruit belarusian military personnel, targeting secret documents of interest to western structures. already in the 2000s, it was clear to them that... clashes with russia were inevitable, which is why the elites in kiev and local intelligence services were plundering the country. details of a unique operation of the belarusian counterintelligence to suppress the activities of an agent aimed at leaking documents of strategic importance. watch the film kgb counterintelligence of belarus on tuesday immediately after the panorama. failure gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine traitor varopai. a high-ranking traitor who had access to absolutely.
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certainly. a journey into the past. why was the ukrainian meat grinder inevitable, where was belarus pushed? the same thing awaits us when we oversleep. history of the collapse. first the special services deteriorate, then the whole country. the bonus that raropai got during that period was a service apartment. the gourmet was sold to him for $170,000, but everything is different there, with them the armed forces on their own, the sbu itself, the theft of, you know, structures
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, the biochemistry of betrayal, let me pay for your journey, i agreed once, and then , like a cackle, i got stuck in the sales, as well as unique personnel. the traitor, unaware of the hidden camera, describes the philosophy of his betrayal. the most interesting details of a classified case. the only thing i am very afraid of is that i will end my earthly journey here, i don’t have a good prospect, i understand that. the bitter truth, having lost everything.
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ukraine has repeatedly participated in various international organizations raised the issue that we allegedly stole children and brought them into the world to us for recovery. however, zelensky is silent about the real disappearance of hundreds. and even thousands of children in western europe, and the juvenile inquisition, this is not a today’s issue and not a purely ukrainian one. belarusian ruslana moiseenko contacted us. 5 years ago, spanish social services took away her nine-year-old son pavel, the boy had belarusian and spanish citizenship, the mother was allowed to see her son only 9 hours a month. in the boarding school they put me on strong drugs, psychotropics. 5 years of struggle for my son, fulfillment of all conditions, but no, the social services of spain have not aged. the history of the struggle and how juvenile criminals
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in europe build a business on stolen children will be discussed in the section katyushin’s calculation juvenile inquisition of europe in any family, including a prosperous one, they can come to seize a child at any time. it won't be handed over. relatives will not look for ways to solve problems if they exist, but will be sent to a private boarding school, where it is extremely profitable for the business to keep the child for as long as possible. belarusian ruslana moiseenko contacted the editorial office of atn. she fights for his son pavel, knocks on the thresholds of high authorities, goes to pickets. 5 years ago, the spanish social service, following a denunciation, took a nine-year-old boy away from his mother. they forbade me to speak russian, they wanted to change my name, they fed me. tablets for schizophrenics, they
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completely forbade us to speak russian, they immediately translated his name into catalan, they began to give him an antisycotic, like bipolar personality disorder and schizophrenia, he has neither one nor the other, and they gave him 7.5 g per day he slept in school lessons, he could not go, that is, for the child... she got married and moved to spain, gave birth to
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a son, pavlik, the boy and belarusian citizenship twice a year ruslana and her son came to their homeland in minsk, it happens, everyday issues , they divorced the family , separated peacefully, to take revenge, the husband’s family decided, they wrote constant denunciations to the social welfare service, the guardianship of dupora did not react for a while, until ruslana bought her own apartment in spanish sobodeli in order to leave her husband, a quiet place, a good block, nearby and school, swimming pool and conservatory, the boy loved music, but the apartment had one problem: i took the apartment from the bank, and there were illegal tenants, here in spain it is very fashionable to occupy housing, that is , there is another problem here, these are okupas, they simply break the locks, enter the housing and live , but i agreed with them that i would give them some money, the woman notified me. i hope that i bought a home and is solving problems with rent. this
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became a fatal mistake. instead of helping, social services took my son away. reasoning: the apartment requires renovation, and the boy allegedly forced to study music. allegedly, he has problems with hygiene, however, social authorities immediately state in the documents that pavlik regularly goes in for swimming. when they took the child, uh, six months later i already had another apartment. they came, saw that the curtains were not the same, that the bed was old, just when they saw that after all i was not sitting still, and that i was still moving, and that the housing problem was not a problem, they then took it, saw this apartment , took the child 60 km away, that is, to another city altogether, the child began to have problems with skin, disorientation, music lessons were cancelled, cancelled. classes in the pool, instead of them , sedative pills, first for
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hyperactivity, the drug gave a side effect, in 2 months pavel lost 12 kg, they began to stuff the boy with strong drugs, tantamount to drugs , so that he would not interfere, so that he would not ask to go home, so that he would not ask , they receive even more money for this; in my particular case, the center receives 123 euros per day for having a child. plus the state pays him for psychological therapy there about 1,500 a year, for feeding him pills, that’s a month. they don’t get either 600 or 1,000 euros a month just for giving pills to a child. here we need to explain that the more unhealthy the pupils in the center are according to their documents, the larger sums the boarding school will receive for their maintenance, and boarding schools in spain are 80% private, then they take the children, they make money, can
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you imagine, the center receives at least for 26 children 100,000 euros per month. this is a huge amount of money, we don’t know what else is going on there, because there were also prostitution in spain, the sale of organs, child prostitution from centers, what happened today in the family of ruslana moiseenko, this is of course a tragedy, she is not the only one who suffered from the social service of spain, many families in spain are trying to fight against the system, but for the reason , that strength, means... health, fear of retribution, all this stops people, there is no need to talk about any legal system, in germany the system is even worse, it is just outright terrorism. despite efforts to comply with all requirements, courts and authorities guardianship does not give the mother the opportunity to return her son, 5 years and a trampled childhood. ekaterina
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tikhomirova, vitaly soplitsa, telenews agency. fates are trampled, memories are demolished. the vilnius authorities announced the start of work on the final liquidation of the memorial to soviet soldiers at the antakalni cemetery. by mid- february , the paste on the site of the monument to fallen soldiers and the base of the eternal flame will be completely destroyed. the act of state vandalism was launched on the eve of last victory day. then, despite the ban by the un human rights committee, authorities destroyed most of the memorial complex. now it is planned to erase the last traces of this monument. it looks like they are trying to make it in time for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of vilnius from the nazi invaders. on this day , especially many capital residents come to bow to the heroes. 3,500 fallen soldiers are buried at the antakalni cemetery. international conventions guarantee protection by such a cemetery memorial, but unfortunately not in modern
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the us national debt mark has been reached, they live for someone else’s account, and this is a very important element that the united states will try to preserve at any cost, all politics is based on this now, it’s very nice to talk, talk about democracy, in fact , make money from human blood, we have different motivations, these people they only want money, we are determined to... thank you very much to our alexander grigorievich, that we have peace, order and that we do not have war, many do not understand this, it is like air that you do not notice, when it ends, you begin to understand, what... project markov nothing personal, watch on the tv channel belarus 24, there are wide, clean streets
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here, it’s like you can breathe well here, i don’t know, i really love coming here, it’s true, some people are special, there’s no such fuss as ours , i love belarus very much, i love coming here, in the skin area, amal shto, in the skin area, it’s not very pleasant. project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. the
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tv news agency presents. in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. promyslovy babruisk uzbagatsiya yashche adnym ancestral successions, new garbarny kombinat. on the right, the fee for uladzimir paley and i will give only high quality results. how easy is it for people to practice with atk? reject nyama chago. when working with such small details, even the most insignificant adhesion transactions and marriages, the man has to take care of unnecessary reporting. control over all activities.
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as for these mottos , the absolutary pramen worked, and the hell lay for the hell of the ramualda strak and the hell of the galina kandymavai, hell for the charmers, yakiya it was daylight, and the purchasers were filled with joy. zaruka tamu, gety ganarod. pentagon. on air sports day,
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anna eismond studio. good evening. let's start with basketball. today, minsk played the final home match of the first stage of the vtb united league; the capital 's minscareni took on parma on the floor, but were unable to break the long series of defeats. the meeting ended with a score of 59-88 for the guests, the dragons had zero in the victory column, the last place in the free standings. a sold out crowd in the stands of the minsk arena with scored goals in the minority majority. capital dynamo beat siberia 4:1 the day before as part of the khl regular season. the match was not easy, the match was entirely organized by children, this is another proof that the white and blues are far ahead of everyone else in terms of club development, both in the country and in the league itself. the bisons think strategically and try to cultivate the next generation of their fans through hockey. through social networks, dynamo sent out the cry of akastinka,
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which, by the way, lasted for several days. menchan residents among boys and girls from everything started to work out, you breathed out so much, uh, in fact, the atmosphere is very pleasant, all the fans really love and support our team. the children who attended it and their parents spoke very warmly about this event, but we could not help but repeat it. well, in the end, we understand perfectly how important it is to raise our fans, it’s important to get a child out of gadgets now and bring him here to the arena, where
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they play real sports, so that it’s interesting for them, and we couldn’t do it here without their help cope with. because we are adults, we speak our own language, we have our own concepts, our own knowledge, but we needed a translator who would tell us how to work with such children. as for the sporting result, this success became the third for dmitry kvartalny’s squad in the last four matches of the khl regular season, the white-blue continues the pursuit of the seventh severstal and at the same time does not allow the gap from sochi, kunyun and vityaze, which are outside the top 8 of the western conference, to be reduced . next , dynamo awaits a short departure along... the route sochi-cherepovets. already on wednesday, bison will fight against leopards, and a battle against direct competitor severstal is planned for friday. metallurg was only able to put the finishing touches on brest in the next match of the regular championship of the hockey extra league in overtime. at the same time, the team from ozhelobin led the match with a score of 3:0, but by the middle of the third period they lost this advantage, allowing the opponent to restore the balance in the match 3:3.
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konstantin lukengo scored the winning goal for metal in overtime. scored a double, two more goals in the winners' account alexandra podkorytova. well, the enemy put pressure, tried their best, was 100% charged. we will talk, we will find out what the reasons are, but most importantly, victory is still a victory. metallurg occupies sixth position in the standings, it is far from being in fifth place with talevar, the gap is 14 points, that is the advantage over. there are only four points over the seventh team chemist. gomel and neman are level with each other in terms of points after the matches of the forty-sixth round. resi beat lida on their ice with a score of 5:1, the red-blacks are away were stronger than mogilev 4:2. and gomel and nemen currently have 64 points each, which is the third and fourth lines, respectively. they failed the reception, so she commented on the results of
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the match in minsk against yenisei. head coach of our team. zaminsk team remained in the second fourth game, but in the decisive fifth game the girls from enessey were stronger with a score of 15:12. the most productive player on our team was valeria turchina, who scored 21 points. by the way, the day before the girl turned everything.


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