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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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this is a panorama, a live broadcast, i, sergei lugovsky, will tell you about the main events of friday, february 2, hello, issues of national importance, the president accepted.
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personnel decisions, and also updated tasks for business managers. american economics of the ukrainian conflict. what arguments broke the rebellious hungary, and how the technologies tested in the coup attempts in belarus are now being used in russia. the most discussed and pressing topics of the week are in the spotlight of the editors club today, after the panorama. and the first anniversary main broadcast, came out exactly 10 years ago. weekly information and analytical program, let's congratulate our colleagues on the holiday , take a look at the behind-the-scenes and ratings of the tv project, see also in our issue! important personnel decisions of the president, what the new head of the secretariat of the supreme national assembly will do and what tasks the head of state sets for managers based on the results of the report, details at the start of the panorama: digital evolution in...
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we choose the belarus of the future together. the young voters forum is taking place in our country. he gathered about 100 guys from different parts blue-eyed. all the details are in the panorama. today's friday in the presidential schedule has become the day of personnel decisions and monitoring the work of administrative offices. first, about appointments. the rotation affected the state security and state control committees. the president made a decision on
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the head of the secretariat of the all-belarusian people's assembly, which will be headed by valery mitskevich. it is under his leadership that the secretariat will organize and prepare the first supreme council in its new constitutional status. there really is a lot of work ahead here. on a wide range of issues the head of the presidential administration also reported. the structure includes almost seven dozen organizations, from environmental institutions. our president makes no big secret about his approaches to personnel policy. professionalism and experience are perhaps the main criteria when appointing...
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i always say this, you will have to work and work in higher positions, so don’t forget about this too. after the appointment of the former director of the dfr, igor marshalov, as ambassador of zimbabwe, the position was vacant, and from now on it will be taken by andrey sambuk. he goes into
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state control from the kgb, where he worked as head of the investigative department. they, in turn , will be led by konstantin bychik, for whom this is a promotion from the position. this is the interests of our state and society from illegal attacks in the economic sphere, paying attention to the identification and suppression of crimes, offenses in this area and the fight against corruption. employees of the department of financial investigations are
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professionals in their field, patriots from our country, so i can assure that everything the tasks assigned by the head of state will be carried out. it is no coincidence that we hear about patriotism; this is more important today than ever, especially when the country is on the verge of serious election campaigns. after a single voting day , the all-belarusian people's assembly will have to be formed in its new status. essentially, this is work from scratch, and no one has done this before. you can’t entrust this to everyone, but professional lawyer valery mitskevich has managerial and parliamentary experience behind him. high reviews from colleagues.
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two, well, maybe three, with the advent of the ans certain serious constitutional powers, we would not create some kind of chaos in power at this time, because you know, chaos in power is instantly transferred to society, i thought that at this stage, in the position of head of the apparatus of the all-belarus people's assembly, the secretariat , it will be called,
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it will be about 1200 delegates to gather, regulations need to be worked out, we need to do everything that we need to do at the first meeting, and these include certain personnel issues, very serious ones, and i was offered a draft decree on secretariat, powers and so on, functionality and personal, i haven’t signed it yet, as an experienced person i need to improve myself... the relevant personnel and look seriously , perhaps you can make some proposals, i think a week is enough for you to make, well, then it will be clear that you have a lot of experience, not only in hardware, but you are a judge
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yourself, yes, you started with your food, yes, he goes into refereeing, he started from there, it’s always remembered, where he started from, therefore... meetings, an organizing committee was created, heads it work on preparing the all-belarus people's prime minister, let him head the government, but what position will you have to steer and resolve all these issues, first of all you have to decide on the personnel of the secretariat of the supreme national assembly, valeria mitskevich will start with this, it will be a small compact one. body of 10 people working on a professional basis. taking into account the fact that this is a new constitutional
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body that appeared in our constitution after the referendum, but this is also a novelty on the one hand, and responsibility on the other hand, because this is the highest representative body, it has very serious powers, and accordingly, the organization of its work must be approached very responsibly. we will create. by the way, the head of the presidential affairs department also shared her simple but effective formula for attracting personnel, material conditions, plus interesting work tasks. yuri nazarov, who was appointed to his post a year and a half ago, came today with a report. he has a decent patrimony , from national parks to trade, catering, construction of agricultural enterprises, about seven dozen organizations in total, employing about 25,000 people. the president will say that the main thing is to see the problems behind the general numbers. the results are not bad
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and financial results, this is good for industries, agriculture, and construction, and white arts, everyone used to think that business management - you know, i collected tidbits there somewhere and life is in chocolate, no, this is this industry the concern is worth something, but there is a direction that to me...
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would seem like impossible tasks, well, if not it, then who, under the wing of such
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a powerful structure, the same belkhudozhpromyslov, has a chance for a new life, so as not to lose the unique school of specialists, originality, human skill, we need to modernize and respond to the demands of the time, this is important for the president, we must respond to the demands of the time and the agro-industrial complex, despite the low season, work is in full swing, we agreed that... that in the mogilev region we will build new milk processing facilities instead of old ones, we need to more actively use storage bases, which there is a management office, we have already talked about this, using the example of, say, alexandria, a good storage facility was built, last year or the year before they were completely empty, these are not affairs, they need to be put in order, not to store potatoes there all the time, but... to protect apple, other fruit and berry products that can
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be sold profitably, the market is huge, vast, the russian market, china is asking for food products in ever-increasing volumes, i heard that they want to ask us to supply pork, they will even open supplies of pork there, therefore, there are enough markets today and they are quite premium, for us in this regard... we don’t need to work and promote ourselves in agriculture, well, the obvious order here is to increase processing volumes, because we have our own processing of raw materials, look at new markets, but... .particular attention to the people's republic of china, because there are certain developments there, i think we will use them, for the implementation of new projects, i reported to the president, in particular, we will build a new milk processing plant in shklov region, this is a good topic, the president supported it. in general, new projects, modernization and development build on this
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the work of the presidential administration and advises subordinate organizations, be it the slutsk belts. and where production is being updated or sanatoriums that plan to expand in order to accept more people to earn money for the development of their own base, positive assessments from the president are not a reason to relax and slow down. natalia brios, veronica buta alexander oleshko, tv news agency. and continuing the theme of preparation to the supreme council, which was raised today by the head of state, the president signed an order on the creation of a republican org. senior officials, leadership of ministries, chairmen of regional executive committees and the minsk city executive committee, as well as representatives of the organizing committee included a number of other government bodies, headed by prime minister roman golovchenko.
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the union relations between minsk and moscow, where ours is moving, are reaching a new level of quality. joint policy, what challenges we have to respond to together, as well as pre-election period, technological sovereignty, sanctions and the personalities of the two leaders. we talked about this and more with the dean of the faculty of journalism, alexey belyaev, and bc analyst olga lazorkina. an interesting conversation about important things awaits you. watch the tv news agency's project question number one, tomorrow at 7:00 pm. how exactly the dynamics of relations between the two leaders will develop, we already have a strong friendship, won’t such a sharp leap in cooperation lead to the fact that we will very quickly reach the ceiling, the ceiling is still very much to speak of early, our elections in russia will be held calmly, here we must build a common information line, such a unique, let’s say geopolitical statement, belarus
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has always acted as a regional one , such words. we are also developing eurasian cooperation, and trade within the eec on the external circuit was discussed today at the intergovernmental council in almaty. a forum for digital industrial transformation has also opened here, and you and i understand perfectly well how quickly new technologies come to this or that area, this shows. about its development, and not only today, but tomorrow. svetlana lukyanyuka about important decisions from almaty. numbers are becoming more and more in our lives, today more than 2 trillion dollars are spent on it in the world, in the twenty-seventh year it will be twice as much. digital almaty is the best
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achievement in eurosia. belarusians brought their advanced solutions in medicine. digital diagnostics is also of interest to the heads of clinics in kazakhstan, and a smart operating room is completely unique both for science and for teaching. due to the fact that transactions are recorded, recorded in very good initial quality, and the fact that we have world-famous specialists in oncology and cardiology, the result of their work, that is, operations or consultations performed, can and should be recorded in order to exchange experiences at some conferences .
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public services. this year the servicing agency is implementing the 10+10 initiative. these 10 most popular administrative procedures for individuals and legal entities
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will have to be completely transferred to digital format. special attention today import substitution of software is key to digital sovereignty. in recent years, we have faced a number of geopolitical challenges that have shown that it is impossible to build an economy, including a digital one. only on the basis of foreign and proprietary solutions, it is necessary to develop our own national software that meets our goals and is based on our own technologies with the widespread use of open source code. i believe that work on import substitution in this area should be implemented and organized on a yas scale. the necessary conditions for this have already been created.
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belarus in the direction of russia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and armenia, it has been increased from 10 to 45%. and in fact, today, we are taking mutual trade. the issue of creating an information integration system is sensitive for us. we have joined many procedures, but what is important here is the effectiveness of participation, time for monitoring until the next intergovernmental council, in may the prime ministers of the five will gather in belarus. svetlana
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lukinyuk, alexey yunosh and alexander moguchiy, tv news agency, almaty, kazakhstan. well, how does the civilized west live? strike protests, european. trend of the season. every day, not only the geography is expanding, but also the number of those who are unhappy because of the policies of their authorities. and while french farmers are driving their equipment away from paris. the authorities have so far kept the farmers quiet. teachers immediately took their places. thousands of teachers demonstrated in the french capital. they are unhappy with low wages and job cuts. they demand the resignation of the minister of education and measures to support public schools.
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the mood of protest is growing in portugal, farmers are forced to rebel to express dissatisfaction with the low prices for their products, even lower.
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well, this is germany, the germans have not yet recovered from yesterday’s strike by airport employees, while public transport workers in the country are indignant. approximately 90 thousand employees in eighty cities refused to go to work, and the movement of buses and trams was almost completely stopped. of course it makes life difficult for us but if you look at why this happens, it kind of makes sense because inflation is quite high and wages are not rising that fast, so people decide to go on strike, unions decide to go on strike. however, the european authorities did not even try to hear people and solve their problems, and orban was even threatened with deprivation of his right to vote in the eu if he refused to support the provision of finances.
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assistance to ukraine, well, who and how will divide the 50 billion euros that the european union decided yesterday to send to kiev. the economics of conflict in the spotlight of experts and guests of the new edition of the club-editors. how did they manage to break rebellious hungary and what do ordinary europeans think? politicians do not have support from ordinary people, so they decided to isolate themselves. the result was an eloquent setting in the center of brussels. the decision to continue supporting ukraine was made amid the howl of sirens from the dawn fire. europe continues to shoot itself in the foot and destroy itself. why? yes, because it is not sovereign. here we return to this topic of sovereignty. the european union lies at the feet of the white house, at this time there are europeans on tractors we've arrived. these are the real europeans. and burning. listen, i saw that they were coming from the common people, from their own people.
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they are hiding, listen, they have fenced themselves off with a fence, barbed wire, and why is it difficult to go out or talk, and why are you hiding from people, hiding there, sitting in your offices, you understand, i’m quoting them, in the twenties, mikhailovich, there was no one there to go out to the people , unfortunately, because a negative political selection was carried out, and there are clerks sitting there, how much american arms manufacturers have already earned from the ukrainian crisis, and so? how technologies tested in coup attempts in belarus are now being used in russia, see the new issue of the editors’ club, today immediately after the panorama. well , in the meantime, a new maidan or a coup threatens kiev, a heated confrontation is unfolding in the government offices, and apparently zelensky is starting to be dumped. the fact is that presidential elections were supposed to take place in ukraine by march 31, but
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they... do not intend to hold them, which means that an illegitimate president will be in power. the local opposition is preparing for this, they are now they are actively gathering around the commander in chief, zaluzhny, who is currently the most popular person in ukraine. details in the screenshot section. ukraine.
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are being held hostage by the kyiv regime. today, outside the country, there is an active debate surrounding the advisability of holding elections. it’s just that people are already voting with their feet and are trying not to pay attention. young people are ready to take risks and drown in icy rivers, tempting fate. not everyone can run without looking back. elderly people are forced to spend miserable existence. every second pensioner in ukraine receives less than 4,000 hryvnia, which is about 100 dollars, such...
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these are orphans, the difficult legacy of the tsarist regime, a huge layer of social problems in ukraine inevitably affects zelensky’s ratings, in sociology. demonstrates a significant crisis of confidence on the part of the population. against this background , commander-in-chief zaluzhny continues to gain popularity. populist rhetoric in interviews and clever evasions from responsibility for mobilization are yielding results. scandals with insecure zelensky’s attempts to remove him from his post only strengthen the general’s ratings. the entire opposition is already beginning to consolidate around him. political intrigue is a struggle for rates. decisions against national interests and the imprisonment of professional patriots are also our problem. at such a moment, the head stop is definitely not for an hour. a state
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that is not able to provide social guarantees to the population and cover its own needs from the budget, by definition, does not exist. it's not even mine conclusion, but the conclusion of the international monetary fund. the organization knows how to count like no other. representatives of the organization demand that the loans issued within the established time frame be returned in order to continue selfless love, although they also offer an alternative option, one of the conditions for continued financial assistance, which may be the expansion of the range of toxic and nuclear...
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in the thirties, by 2030, there should be no more than 20 million inhabitants, i laughed in his face, i said, well, you are a dreamer, where did you get this from, where are you from, why did you say that, he says, because we can’t feed ourselves anymore, and we don’t need any more. it is interesting that today similar statements from the top officials of ukraine are emerging more and more often. they understood perfectly well where they were taking the country for what purpose, and most importantly, that they were the conductors of this policy in ukraine. at the same time, the collapse of statehood, as a rule, is counted from
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the events on the maidan in 2014, but in fact, everything happened much earlier than if the third round was not a coup presidential elections in 2004?
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a weekly information and analytical program, the main broadcast today celebrates its first anniversary. 10 years ago the first program was released, which every sunday attracts at least half a million viewers to the screens. over 10 years, the tv news agency team made 526 episodes. each of them is an exclusive selection of news of the week, analytics, experts, business trips around belarus and the world. he's working on the broadcast. at least 60 specialists, from lighting, make-up artists and drivers to directors, reporters and program presenters. correspondents of a rating tv project are not only the first on the scene, but are always ready
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to share hot analytics, as they say, not on the surface, and the hero of the broadcasts are notable people in the media space not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders. the information and analytical program has more than once become the winner of the special television award tvvershinya. well, it is not surprising that the content on the youtube channel has already collected almost 20 million views and to enjoy a quality product, users spent about one and a half million hours. main air flies major news routes every week with no delayed flights. how not to drown in the flow of news, how we will live and most importantly, what we will eat. in the information field, many topics grow in their own way, one might say.
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everyone is focused on your opinion, we can really improve on foreign markets, despite all the weather vicissitudes, it’s pure light here, it’s good that you managed to maintain some kind of touching spiritual purity, maybe someday about this they will make a movie, they have been working for you all year and will continue to work olga makei, sergei gusachenko, victoria senkevich, pavel azovik, polina shuba, maxim uglenitsa are a large team of a television news agency!
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the head of the election committee center, igor karpenko, told young people today about the innovations of the upcoming election campaign on february 25. an open dialogue within the framework of the forum of young voters took place on the site of the national children's technology park. with those for the first time this year. it is worth making a conscious choice about the future of your homeland, katerina strikha met. a sophomore at the belarusian state university of transport, ivan zhivnov , will go to the polling station for the first time on february 25 to cast his vote. the young man says: personal communication with parliamentarians was beneficial; he realizes that he, among other things, bears responsibility for the future of a peaceful and prosperous belarus. how can you feel that you are an adult, you came to the polls, can you? express your opinion by casting a vote for the deputy who you
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like, he will represent you for the next at higher levels, among the same deputies, they will be able to choose together some decisions that are important for our country or the same bills that may in the future somehow influence the development of the country or even resolve issues that concern us well, people, responsibility - i think this is the best quality for a person, especially for a voter. the choice we make is a choice for the future, and the future is not only us, it is our children, it is our children's children. i feel extremely proud that i have the right elect, also in the future, perhaps i plan to be elected. during an open dialogue , we discussed the main issues of electoral law and the essence of innovations in the electoral campaign. forum participants were also told about parliamentary powers, the procedure for considering and adopting laws, as well as the role of parliament and local councils of deputies.
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situations in the world. everyone is here for one purpose, just to help our peers, people,
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at the forum in the council of the republic with natalya kachanova they discussed various topics, from legislative activity to political who will be at the elections for the first time, help them somehow familiarize themselves with the entire election campaign. we discussed the international situation with the chairman of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus vladimir andreichenko. we are people who are peaceful and don’t want to fight with our neighbors, residents of the country. can live and work in peace, and young people should mind their own business, study, and this bears fruit. our economy is developing steadily. the volume of domestic product grew by almost... 4% over the past year. the speaker called on young people to value work and achievements of older generations to remain patriots in any situation. educational activities and volunteer activities were also touched upon. volunteering was closer to me, since i myself am a volunteer, i am a member of bersami. working with young people is a priority of state policy. according to the central election commission
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, almost 178,000 people will take part in voting in the elections for the first time in our country. 4 years ago at the national assembly of belarus. created a youth council. today it consists of 138 boys and girls. katerina strekha, daria rachko, andrey ivanenko and andrey novgorodtsev, telenews agency. one of the most important factors in determining the social well-being of the population is safety. more than 90% of belarusians affirmatively say that they go to work calmly and feel comfortable in public places. institute of sociology of the national academy of sciences and bce. today we presented the results of a comprehensive study of public opinion. the deputy head of the presidential administration called for relying on objective data when working on the ground. igor lutsky noted that this will allow us to better understand the needs of various groups of the population. constant monitoring is carried out on issues that are under the control of the head
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of state, education, healthcare and many others. the level of feeling of social security of the citizens of our country is high. on the streets of their locality, in their home, home, in public places, our data suggests that efforts to expand employment opportunities are effective and much more people than it was a few years ago, responds positively to the question of how satisfied they are with employment opportunities in their locality.
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through the eyes of sociologists, the absence of gaps in regional age breakdown. the main request of older age groups is the availability and quality of medical services for young people , the aspirations for self-realization, success, and professional growth are important. the priority of the middle age group is employment and decent wages. in general, there remains a demand for feedback in society, involvement of citizens themselves in solving problems. one of the issues that worries belarusians who are constantly under control is housing and communal services. the presidential decree established the maximum permissible tariffs for housing and communal services for this year. thus, payments per standard two-room apartment with three residents, provided they consume standard services, will increase
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by 20 rubles in 2024. this is half the base value. the increase will be carried out in two stages. digital technologies in archiving were discussed today at an extended meeting of the board department of archives and records management of the ministry of justice on the agenda are the results of the activities of state archival institutions over the past year. more than 300 exhibitions have been held using the archives, and documents from the national archival fund are being digitized on an ongoing basis. as the minister of justice noted, one of...


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