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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 4, 2024 4:55pm-5:30pm MSK

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belarus is now my home, it’s always very cool to find your people in another part of the world, it’s cool, yes, all good things come to an end sooner or later, it’s time to say goodbye to the international family, intyagulongo it’s time to hit the road, jeanne franco to the stove, that’s it, thank you for the burger, thank you for coming to me, collecting manes, always found, cooked burgers, always nice to find. the soul of the presenter requires a holiday, this can easily be arranged for him by the machulishchi musicians. teachers from a local music school gathered in a team to instill, by personal example, students love notes, and inti agulonga listens with his mouth open. i have.
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exactly a week later, all the natural elements are present here, it’s beautiful, don’t worry, you can do whatever your imagination tells you. together with the tv channel
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belarus 24, we will plunge into the cultural life of our country and now i will learn how to create theatrical pasta. the first thing i learned was rehearsing ballet dancers.
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how to choose quality products for healthy dishes? the most important thing is to pay attention to its color, it should be uniform, without streaks, not dull, without rust, brown or yellow spots, often indicating fat oxidation. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. did you have breakfast today? by the way, i haven’t had time to eat yet. let's cook together. come on, breakfast of champions. today we have.
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our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing. welcoming, vibrant and
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festival-like. generous, picturesque and monumental, sportive and team-oriented. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its
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development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers. the tv channel belarus 24 is on the air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer, this is. the economic sector is one of the most important in our country, providing almost 7% of gdp, it it also guarantees us complete food security. in addition, in agriculture, today we will talk about it, we are still making money, and more and more every year, this has become a reality
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thanks to the combination of agricultural science with innovation. the science nearby project is on air, my name is ekaterina beretskaya. hello, and today we’ll figure out how... on the lands of the fertile crescent, we’ll remember where agriculture was born, we’ll learn everything about modern agriculture in our country and what role does biotechnology play in the development of this industry today? and one of the main strategic projects of the country is the belarusian national biotechnology corporation. big conversation in the program studio. at least
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10 thousand years ago, agriculture appeared in the middle east, the so -called fertile crescent. this is land. potamia, palestine, syria. agriculture and animal husbandry also originated there. then the experience of cultivating land reached ancient egypt. this began to develop as we would now say that the industry is parallel in northern and southern china. but we will learn about how agriculture developed in our territories in our traditional section history of the issue. from manual labor in conditions of private land ownership of peasant poverty to modern production, which is based on the latest achievements of belarusian and world science, modern technology and even space systems. this,
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in short, was the difficult path of agricultural development on the territory of modern belarus. despite the wars that led to huge human losses and destroyed everything achieved previously, restoration and development continued. by the early 1990s, belarus was a leader in agricultural production not only in the former ussr, but among many developed countries in europe. and in potatoes and fiber we held the world championship. but the collapse of a large country, the loss of a single economic space, and we are left without targeted supplies of grain, raw materials for the production of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers, everything. range of plant protection products most types of specialized equipment. in these difficult conditions, the first president of belarus, in the first days after his election, sets the main task, at any cost, regardless of costs, to fill the domestic market with food and feed the people. already by the beginning of the 2000s, food markets
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approached european ones, which means food security was ensured and agricultural exports were developing. by the end of the 2000s, our farmers are leaving. to a level of agriculture that had never been seen before, but it was necessary to move on again the key role was played by the decision of the first, it was alexander lukashenko who would be the first to talk about... that it is impossible to develop agriculture in modern realities without innovation and signed decree number 300 on the implementation of a large -scale export-oriented and import-substituting investment project. in 2019 , the construction of the first biotechnology corporation not only in belarus, but in the entire post-soviet space, begins in the pukhovichsky district. partner in the implementation of the project, which was officially launched in 2022. china has become the belarusian
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national biotechnology corporation today - it has 160 hectares of land, almost two dozen production facilities and even its own farm. how work is structured in the corporation, how they managed to combine agriculture and biotechnology, we will find out right now from the deputy director of bnbk, alexander, hello, hello, ekaterina, alexander, let's get started.
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in order to obtain the main product from which amino acids are made, this is our glucose syrup, which bacteria eat and produce amino acids, if so just to say, it’s very simple and the most important thing is that it’s clear, well, our third section, without which nothing would have happened, is our, let’s say, we call it a life support system, so you correctly noted that we have our own minit, this is where it comes in, this is the main, let’s say, structural unit. this is a site that provides us with electricity and , most importantly, steam, without it this production
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would not work, well, plus there are also important sites, like honest buildings, because we are an environmentally friendly enterprise, like any a modern enterprise, we pay a lot of attention to environmental protection, so we have very powerful treatment facilities in our life support system, plus warehouses of acids and alkalis, we also need all this in order to produce botechnologies. industrial, agricultural, that is, why was this whole project conceived in general , in order to provide our
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agriculture with modern high-quality feed additives, primarily with amino acids, that is, this is necessary so that in belarus there is, in fact, so that we do not we purchased amino acids abroad so that we could provide for ourselves, and the surplus of what we produced was sent for export, that is, it is an import-substituting and export-oriented production, so we are currently producing three... production of this type is present in the cis countries, in russia , there are two plants, then lysine hydrochloride, we are the only one in the post-soviet space that produces the amino acid in this form. the same goes for trioninotryptophan; again, we are the only ones in the post-soviet space who do reaninotryptophan. here are our four amino acids, the main one in... let's say, a pool, so biotechnological, plus here we also include wheat gluten, also a very necessary
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product, this is the very additive that allows pasta not to stick together, so in general, so that everything is clear, yes, yes , that is, it improves the quality of flour, let’s say, if the wheat is very good in a sunny region, it has enough gluten of its own, but in our northern countries, where there is little sun, strengthening flour with gluten is very... good, that is, the quality of the product much better it becomes, that is, thanks to these amino acids, the compound feed itself becomes more balanced, i understand correctly, yes, everything is correct, that is, in order to get... an effect in agriculture in livestock breeding, the animal must be properly fed with complete feed, in fact, this is what we do, that is, we produce our own food according to high-quality recipes, we use high-quality additives , including those produced by ourselves, as i understand it, the price of raw materials and what we get as output are completely different, yes, of course,
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especially we have such an interesting amino acid tryptophan, it is quite difficult to produce. if we take wheat , here is the average price, well, relatively speaking, this year the weighted average price is around 150 us dollars, from which we make this tryptophan, then the market price of tryptophan is now around 10-11 thousand dollars, wow, that is, then there is a good profit and it is very indicative in this regard. due to the fact that production is a little simpler, production volumes are much larger, then the price is a little lower, but also very profitable, that is, the cost, if we compare the cost and the selling price, then we actually live off of this, but i know that you jokingly say that in your corporation the main employee is a bacterium, my colleagues
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we decided to find out if this is so, let's see the plot. along unexplored paths and routes, a certain medieval traveler, a favorite of today’s marketers, called belarus a country of castles and it’s not to say that he was mistaken, because sources from the 18th and 18th centuries claim that there are castles on our land there were about a hundred, we will go around the whole...
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admetnastsi - geta fire tower, darechy, yashche adzin turistychny, papular ab'ekt, open belarus together with the belarus 24 tv channel, a show where they fight not with the help of physical force, as you know , playing sports contributes to the production of the happiness hormone, and our program, by the way, does the same. a show where the main weapon is intelligence. who won the 2023 belarus cup on field hockey. arseny, press builder. absolutely true, but activity too will play its role. football theme. this argentine player won the 22nd world cup with the national
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team and also scored the winning goal in the 2021 copa america final. i hope it's messi. this is the wrong answer. watch the intellectual sports show " head game". on our tv channel. to habitats. the main employees of the biotechnological corporation are almost not allowed in, our film crew was lucky, but they are the main ones because they are the ones who produce the amino acid. the journey begins bacteria from a large refrigerator, where they sleep at a temperature of -80. we get them, we need to revive them so that they begin to somehow, well , firstly, grow, multiply, and secondly,
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then subsequently produce our amino acid. what is needed for this? this means that we sow the beetles on... a dense nutrient medium in a cup, they come to life, so to speak, they begin to grow and multiply. scientists take one cell, from which they will later create entire colonies. here we have a cup like this, uh, our microbes, you see, on a dense environment, this is growth, well, there is continuous growth, that is, there are a lot of them, yes, ah, here there are already separate colonies, this is a separate colony from one cell, yes. it turns out, look, but here we seem to have defrosted it, revived it, taken one single cell, and are already starting to multiply it. you can also notice another container with liquid in the laboratory: a flask, but it contains the same medium as in the cups. scientists constantly check growth in media to understand how
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the process is going and whether they will ultimately receive high-quality cells. and before that, when we got them, we we’re not sure that this number of cells will give us what we need, firstly, and as many as we need. and so we selected one single cell and checked it. it gives an amino acid well, it produces, or it’s bad, bad, we take the next, the next and that’s what’s called selection, that is, we select the best, this is in the laboratory, then the container of cells is already stored in a regular refrigerator at 6°, taken into account and the right humidity to keep them comfortable. another important stage is aeration, flasks placed in special equipment in which the cells are saturated with oxygen.
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a lot of time, but of course, this approach is labor-intensive and ultimately requires the amino acid that the cells produce; its quality is incomparable to synthetic ones; animals and humans require amino acids there.
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well, some trace amount of impurities remain, but here we have a bacterium, that is, it is a living organism just like us, so it synthesizes exactly the molecule that a living organism needs, so the advantage biotechnological synthesis, a living organism synthesizes for a living organism, which means it will be better absorbed, a big plus for nature, production waste from factories of this kind is not so aggressive for the environment. you are watching the science project nearby and don’t
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miss further, a copy reduced by tens, why did bnbk need a mini-plant? it is at this experimental industrial site that we are working out some of our new technological nuances that allow. new types of amino acids and vitamins, what else are they going to produce in the corporation, almost we will find out the entire staff of young people who create innovative products at bnbk in a few minutes. alexander, well, in 2022, if i’m not mistaken, it officially opened. but you , as far as i know, do not immediately give the product, so to speak, to the buyer, but test it first, and for this
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purpose you even built a mini-factory, is this true, tell us why we need this our experimental industrial site in order to in order to make some new product, we are quite conservative in this regard, our factories do not allow us to make some other products, in addition... where we are developing technologies, what is our task, is to reduce the cost, for which we need production in order, let's say, relatively speaking, to earn more money, for this it is necessary that the cost be as low as possible, here on in this pilot industrial area we are developing some of our new technological nuances that allow us to reduce the cost of our own product. without losing the quality, of course, of china, the main partner, what you learned from your colleagues, for sure colleagues from the middle kingdom too, for sure?
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we learned from you and continue to exchange experiences, i always say a big thank you to our colleagues from china, that is, without good relations, such very warm relations between the republic of belarus and the people's republic of china, this project would not have happened at all, only thanks to the very partnership between the two presidents , the chinese generally allowed this technology to be exported, and naturally there were no similar production facilities in the republic of belarus. we had to learn, well, practically from to master it all from scratch, it took us quite a lot of time, we only spent almost a year in the pilot-industrial operation of factories, where we are with the chinese, they taught us, we learned from them, they learned a little from us, we are some the new techniques that they spied on us there, not without this, but without the chinese, as i
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say, the project would not have existed. i know that you are working on new products, vitamins, new types of amino acids, and this will already be the pharmaceutical history, logic and strategy of the enterprise, that is, gradually entering new markets, we now we are engaged in the agricultural sector, then we want to expand our production, go into the field of food products and already in the final phase of pharmaceutical products, for this we, thank god, have another 80 hectares of approximately undeveloped territory on which we want to create a new project , the so-called vnbk3 project, is already moving into such an area as food, this is pharmaceutical, as you already correctly said, vitamins, organic acids, that is, expanding, yes, expanding the line, making the project more sustainable, the more the more products you produce, the less risk there is that something may, let’s say, not work out.
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in sales volumes in the republic of belarus, i think this is a very good result. our second main partner, of course, is the russian federation. the russian federation does not produce 3/4 of our products itself, so it was logical for us to strategically choose this partner, russia. very good volumes, that is , everything is in order with our sales, there is enough raw material, such volumes are actually huge, yes, that is, there is enough raw material, firstly, this project appeared in the republic of belarus for a reason, too, because our republic has a fairly developed chemical industry, we have nitrogen, we have protein potassium, we have naftan, that is, powerful chemical giants
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that supply us. chemical raw materials, the second we have is wheat, which again grows in our republic, if we don’t have enough of ours, we buy more in the russian federation, that is , i’m not looking at such big risks here, that we don’t have enough raw materials, do we have enough personnel , because today, too, the situation with personnel is not easy, how many employees are there on staff, in the corporation, are there many young specialists? young scientists are coming to you , when i came to bnbk in 2018, there were probably 30 of us, now there are 1,900 of us at the moment, that is, we have grown up quite well, thank god, our belarusian universities are doing very good training, we are very active we attract students to work for you too, we have a young team, the average age of a bnbk employee is 35 years old, that is, we are quite young, young guys, that’s it...
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in terms of their age, in terms of personnel, we arrange training, that is, we have students undergo internships, that is, when a student comes to us, he usually has already worked for us one way or another, that is, for a diploma. internships, coursework with us, that’s why we teach, yes, we try, we are looking for , let’s say, we have built this system of how to provide ourselves with personnel, so everything is not bad, here too, everything is also not bad, probably many somewhere- then they live side by side, it’s not for nothing that we started with the fact that this is probably a city within a city, yes, we are trying attract naturally, within the framework of the development of the satellite city within the framework of our republican one. initiatives of our president, we have four of our own residential buildings where our employees live, we want to continue building them, to build at least as many more, because we see that we are a little short of our own housing in order to
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attract more local workers to work with us, so yes, we are already essentially becoming a city within a city, well, this is normal for such corporations, this is really... i think it sounds very cool, alexander, thank you, it was very pleasant to talk, it was really very interesting, i wish you and the huge team of the corporation only good luck forward, thank you, thank you very much, thank you, the ancient chinese philosopher lao dz said: heaven and earth are durable because they do not exist for ourselves, thousands of years have passed, but globally nothing... we are still fed by the earth, only now, in comparison with the times of the author of the famous quote, the harvest is richer, even if the land is not fertile, and if you were with us for these half an hour, then now you know exactly why, and
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you also definitely know that science is nearby in this matter. tv news agency presents. in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. many bastards are in a foreign land, and these people are estranged from their native land. and the happy hour has arrived. from argentine and ades came the ukrainians from the western
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regions of ukraine and belarus, who were born in 1939 . returning to radzima, january 1st received a one-time pear aid and free shopping tickets for everything. many of them have been going on for thousands of months. laundress anna trafimaina kunets means a lot of kalras, which are more and more in belarus. and the people who were lost in the light on the crystal of ivan hoshar, who do not know the fate of argentina, are returning to
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their native meats. there are a lot of things to do here, the need to publish yashche adzin kalgasny sviran, this time together with ivan koshar. geta has a praising moment ivan da...


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