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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 6, 2024 7:20am-8:00am MSK

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he also turned out to be drunk, more than two ppm of alcohol, the man was detained, his car was given a parking ticket, and apparently he won’t get a driver’s license any time soon. a very unusual accident in the borisov region was caused by dogs, a video of the incident was captured by a surveillance camera, as it turned out, in the morning a lady driver went out to the parking lot and saw that her car had driven into her neighbor’s. the townswoman called the owner of the damaged car. as a result, the car enthusiasts sorted it out among themselves and went their separate ways to the service station. station workers inspected the car. saw a stuck clump of dog hair , wires chewed under the hood, apparently, the mongrels started the engine in this way, the woman contacted the police, however, it will still not be possible to attract the culprits. this was a project zone x, don’t miss our evening broadcast on belarus 1 at 18:15, take care of yourself and have a nice day.
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we continue to wake you up like this cheerfully and solemnly, because today is tuesday, february 6, anna quilori, maryana murenko are with you this morning, and you know, 23 days until spring, all this is what i mean, what i want already planning some kind of vacation, thinking about the beautiful things, about how you will be lying on the beach or somewhere on a bed, or maybe in a sanatorium, in some kind of spelio room, all i mean is that the sanatorium is in pridneprovsk, the largest health resort that offers high-quality treatment and wellness services, more than 500 different... cosmetic and diagnostic procedures. yes, comfortable rooms for every budget. pridneprovsky is an excellent opportunity to get quality rest and wellness at affordable prices. team the health resort is open 365 days a year so that you can relax with health benefits. well, now let's move on to other regional news. this was news from the gomel region, rogachevsky district. yes sir. and now our colleague from grodno elizaveta will join us via teleconference.
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the chess championship among boys and girls aged 80 and 12 gathered about 50 participants in grodno. representatives of each age category are fighting for the opportunity to get into the regional team and represent the region at the republican championship, which will be held february 9-16 in minsk. the competition for young athletes is quite high. each group has 10-15 people. however, in recent years, representatives of the grodno region have consistently been among the winners
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of the national championship ; the female half has demonstrated particular success among the participants; according to experts, the game of chess is gaining new momentum, and prinyomonians are successfully competing with titled athletes at the highest level. oh, well, i can’t help but smile here and notice that the female half, it turns out, shows special success in chess, girls, i counted myself a little, yes, in this. what other ones do you have? i also like this fact. in addition, an exhibition of masters of folk art and artists of the ostrovets district opened in grodno ; in total, about 120 works of traditional art, wood carving, and artistic painting were presented. a special place in the exhibition is occupied by straw products included in the state list of historical and cultural values ​​of belarus. among 52 outstanding craftswomen of straw weaving in the grodno region, folk craftswomen ostrovetsky district, elena malysheva and
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valentina vinnichek, who presented an original collection of straw products. the woven and knitted products of the famous folk craftswoman maria mazeika also take pride of place at the exhibition. overall work. it’s foreign, how to develop it correctly, that is, even preparation takes a huge amount of time, so our deepest bow to you, i subscribe, yes, yes, the products are truly amazing. well, third news, the selection of high school students who will take part in the memory train 2024 project has begun.
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this project will bring together young people for the third time in 2022. students from belarus and russia took part in the project. in 2023 to them. girls and boys from armenia and kyrgyzstan joined. it is planned that this year the geography of participants will also expand. the guys have big challenges ahead. only eight tenth graders will go on the trip from belarus, two from minsk, one representative from each region. their names will be announced in april. and in our program we very often show some stories about how the memory train moves, what children from two countries visited. and these...
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on the contrary, such materials get a second life, and this is an absolute plus not only for the environment, but also for the economy, for example, a plastic bag is created in this way from film waste; its quality is in no way inferior to the polyethylene produced for the first time. the main, let's say, educational stages
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of this waste are packaging of food products, a dacha, a house, a garden, this is construction, this is the industry where it is used. generated waste for industrial packaging, cement, blocks, you you see everything, everything comes in this package, and where packaging is used from natural colors, primary forms of films, we can turn into secondary films, which in quality, physical and mechanical properties, absolutely and in their optical properties are not inferior to the primary forms, thanks to high technology and modern equipment, from such a plastic container.
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household waste in the region amounted to about 260,000 tons, of which 180 thousand were used in circulation. in general, over the past 3 years there has been a steady reducing the volume of waste sent to landfills in the grodno region and new recycling opportunities are always on the lookout.
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in the very center of the night, in a huge city, i will find a steely, old telephone, he will extend his hand, as if he were an acquaintance. and the midnight bell will break your sleep, in the very center of the night, the city is huge, we are a hotel of thousands of dreams that have come true, and no one is light in this sleepy world. it won’t hurt us and won’t say no, beloved,
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beloved, beloved, save me, save me, save me, i want to snuggle up to your hair, i want to snuggle up to your hair. i want to save me save me from loneliness, i want to snuggle up to your hair, i want to snuggle up to your hair, save me, save me from loneliness, it’s night in the very center, the city is huge. i’ll take away the tired, old phone, he
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’ll reach out his hand, like an acquaintance of mine, and the midnight call will break your sleep. and no one in this world will interfere with our sleep and say no, beloved beloved. darling, save me, save me, save me,
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i want to snuggle up to your hair, i want to snuggle up to your hair, save me, save me from loneliness, to your hair i want to snuggle. i want to snuggle up to your hair, save me, save me from loneliness, i want to snuggle up to your hair, i don’t want to snuggle up to your hair, save me, save me from loneliness.
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-3 -5 in vitebsk 0 -2 in gomel in grodno to +1 in mogilev -2 -4 cloudy with clearings everywhere, well, except for only one city, namely brest, there will be precipitation there, how will the picture change during the day, will you still sing?
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no, i think that such indicators need to be announced in complete silence, you think, only the sophistication in our studio. i understand, you just saw what advantages there are in brest, that’s why you’re talking about silence: +7 +9 in brest, there will be precipitation, -1 +1 in minsk, in vitebsk up to 3° below zero, 0 + 2 in gomel, in grodna up to 6° with a plus sign in mogilev -1 +1, precipitation, except for brest , will actually occur in minsk and grodno, at least that’s what the weather forecasters promise, and whether it will be like this or not, only life will tell, yes, only life will tell life, time. february will tell, but in the meantime i remind you that there are 23 days left until spring, that’s nothing at all, so if you are one of those people who like to sit and pee on long winter evenings, then you are already starting, why am i saying this, yes, i remind you, anything, but the best scenario, because from february 1 to april 15 this year , the ministry of culture is holding a competition for scripts for feature films about
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belarusian schools and teachers. anya, do you have any ideas about this? billion, i think if we gather... classmates, then we can sketch out such a script, it will turn out to be a whole series, go for it, yes, we will go for it, applications for synopses must be sent before february 15, so please , in the meantime, we’ll tell you how the other day the national children’s technology park hosted a public defense of research projects, the production of sourdough starters based on various types of flour, automatic belts for public transport and more, i suggest we take a plunge together. into the world of inventions. at the exhibition complex of the national children's technopark , a public defense of research projects was held for students of the january educational shift, who developed their projects over 24 days together with university teachers. today's event, the public defense of sered
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projects, is a unique platform where enterprises can see the guys and get acquainted with their research. with their work, developments, and which they carry out as part of an educational shift, at the same time, the guys themselves can get acquainted with the enterprises, can learn about those - pressing problems, about those production tasks that face them and help in some way - solve these problems. one of the main tasks of the institution is to help children build their educational, and subsequently professional trajectory. the best students who are demonstrating projects today at... egor evseenko from gomel - this is the first shift in the national children's technology park in 24 days
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, the guy developed a prototype of a wall printer. first use. with image generation, that is, while he draws with curved lines, the frequency of which symbolizes the darker areas. kisel has been interested in architecture and design since childhood; the girl created the charge zone charging station project, which plans to implement it in the future. it serves
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as a charger for devices, gadgets and electric scooters, unicycles, and electric bicycles. the charging station consists of two waiting areas, an indoor waiting area and an open waiting area. the closed waiting area is a coffee shop, and the open waiting area is a table, chairs and a kind of canopy. alexander veritila has been interested in chemistry and biology since the age of 11, so it was not difficult for the guy to develop dry starter cultures based on various types of flour. to begin with, we took 75 g of flour, mixed it all with 100 ml water, all this was mixed and placed - for 24 hours in a dark place at room temperature. now we have a ready-made product in blisters; in principle, this product can already be produced in stores for convenient use by housewives for making bread and various pastries.
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a new shift at the national children's technology park starts every month; to get here you need to pass a selection process, which begins 2 months before the documents are accepted. but we wish the guys more new and interesting projects. each of the project’s heroes is engaged in important business, guys, who is a teacher and what does he do, he works with children, we will introduce you to people who have found theirs. the main mission of our university is to train highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of medicine and pharmacy. we suggest spending one
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day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work. when children feel good with each other, they feel good individually. therefore, if the emotional background is stable in the group and each child is in a good mood, teacher, means child s'. some are so beautiful that they take your breath away. some of them are different, but together they are one
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whole. together they are harmony. looking at them, you feel aesthetic pleasure. you feel that belarus is closer. the international tournament cup of the future from february 7 to 10 in the chezhovka arena will bring together the u-20 youth teams of belarus and kazakhstan, as well as two russian teams, u-17 and 18. the belarusian youth team will be led by dynamo coach andrei mikhalev, and him, as well as the general secretary.
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defend the honor of my country, so i think that they will give themselves completely, especially yes, that family, friends and relatives will come,
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everything is here, everything is in sight, this...
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more goals are scored, so the audience was attracted by such fun interesting hockey that andrei alexandrovich already has half a head of gray hair , but to what extent, our make-up artists did a good job , not, well, actually, i forgot the question, but i can’t ask a question, it just seems to me that children, well, they’re like children, they’re not such children anymore, but well, it’s kind of like i wish i were very young, because i heard that hockey is now from they take guys for 5 years, and you are talking about those already young men who are 17, 18 and 20 years old and... still call them inexperienced, so i apologize, how much do you need to study in order to be considered an experienced person in hockey, well this is probably already after u2, but probably already when they move to the adult team, there are already guys there, roughly 25-30 years old , who begin to teach them about life, that this is like a sport that someone uses to earn a living, someone feeds their families , and for guys of this age, they have such a youthful look maximalism, when they want to express themselves and
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this is good. this is good, that is, in the future it will be necessary to look for a balance with those players who have been in professional teams for a long time, well, i will say that we do not forbid them to create, these are artists, we are artists, well, it seems to me that even such a show, which will be staged on ice, it gives a huge experience of confidence, probably after, well, of course, of course, they feel completely different emotions , it’s just that they all come from different clubs, and... the best from all countries are gathered here to show themselves, the best from all countries , and even more so, this is a game, this is a show for the fans, the fans will come, they need to be given good, good energy from the guys, they will see good sound, great work by the directors of this tournament, so it will be great, well, yes, we’ve heard a lot that in hockey it’s really a whole performance, it ’s not just the guys going out there and competing, it’s really intense, it’s also sound,
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light and someone else stands out.
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pay close attention to our young children, because they are developing, we create an environment for them to develop, and competent coaches, infrastructure contributes to all this , that is, in our state all conditions have been created so that... children, coming to a hockey school at the age of 6 , maybe someone at seven, maybe someone at 10, yes, that is, at any age , having come to a hockey school, he could feel like kostitsyn, grobovsky, sharongovich, protos, achieve the same results, that is, there is everything for this , that’s right, well, yes, we have such an example back in on the face of the head of state, can you imagine , of course, this is also very, this is by his personal example, a person shows how to take care of himself, get carried away, and not only does he play hockey, he also skis .
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machine tools, installations, in the foundry-mechanical automatic semi-automatic lines , in the workshop of a gas equipment production plant, i wake up at 5:00 in the morning, take a shower, have breakfast, get ready for work , walk to work, because i live within walking distance to our workshop, this gives me great pleasure because that at the same time i get morning exercises. my responsibilities include servicing three machines, well, not simultaneously, but as needed, what parts are needed, this is the machine i work on, all the machines perform the same function, they only
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process different bodies, small, medium large, they are all three bodies are used in production in the assembly of slabs, at the moment i check the quality of the work performed, i do this with gauges and measuring instruments, i check the quality of the threads, there are three types threads are performed in the part, when measuring i use measuring instruments, a measuring bar and a rod compass. the machine is semi-automatic, i check the supply of emulsion to the part. i came into this profession, one might say, by accident, but i really wanted to get to this plant. i worked as a cook in public catering for 25 years and decided
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to radically change my life, my profession. a specialist in my profession must be hardworking, attentive, and must love to work. i love my job because it makes my country morning kind. we wish our heroine, her colleagues a great continuation of the day and a great week, well... on this wonderful note, the second part of our live broadcast is coming to an end, yes , please do not switch if you have such an opportunity, because to us our permanent psychologist and mediator will come to the studio, who will talk about how sensory channels of perception affect communication, and this, by the way, is very useful information, although it sounds difficult, yes, we are really looking forward to alya komarovskaya, so we’ll let you out for a cup of tea coffee, watch the news and we are waiting for you again in our wonderful studio 600 m, let go, yes, let go.
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hello everyone, today we will work with you with a gymnastic stick, we will conduct an exercise that is aimed at preventing scoliosis, as well as improving and correcting posture. hello, the first exercise we will do with you is pull-ups. chest gymnastic stick, at the same time we bring the shoulder blades behind our back so that we open the thoracic region, prevent stooping at the end, we squeeze, well , let’s try, we take it wide enough your grip, bring your arms forward, to the top of your chest, once you bring your shoulder blades together behind your back, at the same time stretch them forward at shoulder level and pull them up, excellent.
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the next exercise we will do with you is bringing the shoulder to the back, we raise a vertical gymnastic stick, while we do a movement like a vertical row and bring the shoulder to the back, straightened, one side has been worked out. second: the scapula comes to the spine. so, repeat. the next exercise will be bending over with a gymnastic stick, and at the same time pulling it behind your head, do it... bending with a straight back, pulled up behind your head, brought
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your shoulder blades together, straightened, stood up, and if you don’t have enough stretching of the back of your thighs, then you can bend your knees a little. we do each exercise with you three approaches, 15-20 repetitions, you can even more , if necessary, you can add an additional approach, this is a very useful and important exercise for correcting posture and correcting scoliosis, train with us, be healthy and beautiful . so, to prevent scoliosis and the formation of a child with healthy posture, i use... exercises with a gymnastic stick, they
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are performed without additional weighting, but it is important to monitor the correct body position and trajectory of movements, the optimal number of repetitions is at least 15-20 in each of three or four approaches, since the exercises are preventive , they can be performed daily and included in any other training programs.


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