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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 6, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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it was clear that this would not remain in a vacuum, since new states had arisen, and, accordingly, a completely new configuration of international relations; another factor was the desire of the colonial empire, the largest britain, naturally, to maintain its influence, that is, to prevent the emergence of competitors, while one of the important directions, again, was still confrontation with the soviet union, a definite one, that is, soviet russia immediately found itself in a blockade in isolation, then...
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in spite of everything, as is now appropriate it would be to say, sanctions, isolation , nevertheless, in 20 years the soviet union again became a powerful factor, it was the soviet union, consistently, probably the only country that consistently acted as part of an attempt to establish some kind of collective security system, many other players in this major geopolitical fields, they were rather aimed precisely at the fact that a new war would sooner or later begin by itself. it is clear that the victorious powers, primarily great britain and france, withdrew from this war deep debtors to the united states of america, and were interested in maintaining what they had before the war and received as a result of the war. japan in the far east was also deeply dissatisfied with the results of the war. two great powers that, by and large, remained outside versailles. initiating versailles.
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pleased powers that were deeply dissatisfied with the results of this war for themselves. this is evidenced by the fact that on the territory of many countries, against the backdrop of those events, the policies that was carried out, as well as the economic crisis in the mid-thirties, representatives of the nazi movements, as well as fascists, began to come to power. as, for example, in italy in 1922 benito mussolini came to power. benito mussolini, war criminal, italian dictator, leader of the national fascist party, one of the founders of italian fascism. naturally, they base their activities on nationalist goals, the revival of the same roman empire, as in this example.
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the dictator ended his career differently imagined. on april 28, 1945 , the deposed musalini and his mistress clara pitacci were shot by garebaldi partisans. after the execution, musalini’s body was mocked. well, later, with the arrival of hitler, it was again taken as a basis.
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these processes are taking place in italy, in germany, civil war, in spain, where , again, the pro-fascist franco regime comes to power. francisco franco ruled spain for 36 years, maneuvered between the fascists of the west, executed hundreds of thousands of opponents, for which he never overthrew. he ruled until his death. yes, no one doubts that the main initiator of the outbreak of world war ii was germany and hitler’s nazi regime. but the position.
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great britain and france declared war on germany. september 6, 1939. the british dominions declared war on germany. that is, as they say, it turned out that states located on three
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continents were drawn into a major european war. in fact, the policy of marching to the east, drank on hoston, it is. it is necessary to conquer territory, that is, a wonderful country that should belong to us, it was simply supposed to be the physical destruction of precisely... well, in a sense, by starvation, a significant area of ​​the population of the cities in the middle zone. belarus, russia, this is all the territory that was not black earth, as we call it , a zone of risky agriculture. belarus was given a special place as a specialization in
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pig breeding, that is, it was planned to use belarusian pig breeding as additional support for troops of the third reich, accordingly , there was nothing left for the local population, that is.
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soviet union, make it one of the culprits. since this policy has been carried out for quite a long time, it did not begin yesterday, not a year ago, in 1941, by which time a plan for an attack on the soviet union, the so-called barbarossa plan, had already been developed. this was done back in december 1940 in order... suggests that the military actions were planned in advance, the attack on the soviet union is not any kind of preventive, let's say, strike like this subsequently they tried to explain at the nurburg trials, and this was a clearly pre-planned operation of the forces of the german wehrmacht to seize the territory of the soviet union, well, the ost plan, which also... was for the further colonization of the occupied territories, the territory of the soviet union, where
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specific figures for destruction were outlined civilian population, using the economic potential of the occupied territories, using labor, and so on and so forth. in the future, well, it should also be noted here that exactly this front of the soviet union, the eastern front, it was fundamental. exodus. both the great patriotic war, of course, and the entire second world war, were determined precisely by the events on the soviet-german front. why? because the absolute amount of the entire potential of both sides, both germany and the soviet union, was involved here. in june 1944, in particular on june 28, the territory of the republic of belarus was liberated by the liberation of brest. in the forty-third year a radical change occurred, as in the great patriotic war,
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so it was in the second world war, when germany was defeated, first at stalingrad and then at kursk, the so -called kurdish battle. well, subsequently, as we know, the great patriotic war ended on may 9, 1945, the surrender of germany, the second world war, it was still ongoing and ended on september 2 , 1945 with the surrender of japan. for the soviet union, the great patriotic war is, on the one hand, an independent war,
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on the other hand, it is part of a coalition war, therefore it is an integral element of war world war ii. questions are again being asked that the great patriotic war is some kind of soviet euphemism, that is , there is an opinion in even world historiography that the second world war is a single process, and the division into the second... this is also absolutely proven, these documents even published, they exist, so, that is
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, the french ss divisions were present there, charlie magne was present during the siege of leningrad in the north, and the spanish blue division took part in the north of russia, that is, these are the most textbook examples, for example, that is, italian troops, hungarian troops, who committed such atrocities here on the territory that they were simply not taken prisoner, that is, that’s what it even was. it is very difficult to explain, for germany the war in the east was a colonial war, that is , it was a war of destruction, just like that, that is, a war of destruction of the local population, attempts... again, to try to somehow explain the atrocities, which the occupiers did here, they were supposedly a response to resistance, this is not true, not in quality what kind of response to resistance cannot be the murder of unarmed women and children, that is, we are not talking about resistance here, we are talking about a planned murder,
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brutally carried out literally on an industrial scale, about the damage this war has caused? as for material damage, it has not yet been calculated in many countries; to this day, for the material damage of the second world war, other governments make demands on the aggressor states with astronomical sums. by and large, the second world war gradually
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developed into a new war by the beginning of 1946, which was dubbed the cold war, but that’s already it. a completely different story, many thousands of books and articles were written during the second world war, dozens of films were created in all countries, the literature about the war is truly immense, no one is able to read it in its entirety, but the flow of publications does not stop, because the history of the war has still been researched far from complete, and especially effective... is the center of military history of belarus, which actually studies these events, the second world war and the great patriotic war. there is an opinion that today much is already
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known, much has been studied, and there is a further need, especially.
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yes, of course, they are scoundrels, but how handsome are they? ultimately, it turns out that this is a rehabilitation of nazism, heavily implicated in russaphobia. russia is again presented as a barbaric asian country, alien to europe and wanting to conquer europe. hitler went to the east to put an end to russia as a
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hostile force threatening europe. the very principle of historicism, this is done according to political reasons, and today we can observe when the role of the council is significantly reduced.
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if hitler had agreed with rmigly, then in 1941 the poles and germans would have paraded along red square, largely
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in the case of the so-called damned soldiers, the same nazi nationalists who continued fighting on the territory of poland against local authorities and against soviet troops. and after january 1945 , such opinions were expressed, well, they burned down a belarusian village there, so the belarusians themselves are to blame, an attempt, again, to revise the history of the second world war, an attempt to revise the history of the great patriotic war is again an attempt to win, but not by a direct military method, but by some other method. this is our republic, it suffered the most in this war, in fact, the belarusians were on the brink.
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and saves the world. and the only thing we must fight for is human life, because only it has meaning and value on earth.
7:00 pm
you are watching the news in tatya's studio. means. belarus will have its own digital electronic money as a legal payment ruble.


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