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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 7, 2024 6:20pm-7:01pm MSK

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night of belgorod, and this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation of the rules of war, this is a war crime, and while the west is already dividing the remnants of ukraine, do not wait for the end of the special military operation, the latter is, in principle, no longer interesting to them. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. as if you were holding a book in your hands, picking up one piece after another, sipping on the words of your skin, the greatest creativity comes from here.
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read the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. chitanne the nearby heat. we appreciate the past for our daily life. belarus 24.
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information and analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24 we discuss the most current news, with you the host andrey sych, as well as our guest, influencer, public opinion leader, journalist, lyudmila gladkaya, lyudmila, the most discussed news in ukrainian segment of the internet, yes, i think in the belarusian one, including quite often i come across it.
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what law enforcement officials call this leader of theirs there in an almost obscene form by a representative of the maidan leadership, that we know where you came from, that you stood on the maidan. and we, former berkut members, also an interesting point, stood precisely against this maidan and in general, if not for you , what is happening today would not have happened, what do you think about this ? well, now, before answering your question, they are discussing the video on the internet, they are discussing it there, then the zaluzhny leaves, then he doesn’t leave, they discuss it some more, but they just don’t discuss the military actions that happening on the territory of ukraine, on the territory of donbass, not the terrorist attacks that took place. in donetsk, 28 dead people , not the resichanskaya bakery, how many there were, in my opinion, 20, 27 people, in my opinion, the last ones, no, these topics are also discussed, children, yes, but all this is taken somewhere aside, deduced to the surface this , i mean there, and we are all discussing
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this together, so for what purpose did this video appear, well, i don’t know, it’s definitely here, it’s hard for me personally to say, that is, it really was like that or it's some kind of another stuffing to discuss this, and take the agenda away from that. as for the berkut members, well, everyone knows perfectly well that berkut himself, in fact the ukrainian government, the country’s leadership, that kiev regime, they simply betrayed it, that is, they opened fire on people, killed people, then they were tried, now it’s up to until now they were in captivity, then they were exchanged, they were handed over there, well , it’s like such a gesture of goodwill, like prisoners of war were given away, well, in an exchange. that is, well, it seems to me, all those berkut officers, who were then and whom we know, like this serious strong special unit of the ukrainian militia or police, as there already was at that time, that is, normal berkut officers, they are not there, so they are either judging them, or they were killed, or they were there in every possible way
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they insulted those who left, those who, yes, who really defended their country, who actually existed then, well, they didn’t shoot, didn’t open fire on people. they are accused of being the only one who allegedly killed 39 people there, the second one killed someone else there, but everything was wrong, we all see it, and the whole it seems to me that the world sees this, well , but those people who now, well, probably, yes , maybe, remain, are indeed employees, former employees of the berkut in the national police, which is now, in the case you are talking about, probably them, this too, those who stayed, probably this also annoys them , that some guy comes, who sits somewhere in the rear, in the bunkers, these... ultra-modern ones, which are for the picture, who have now arrived in barel, photo the next thing to do, yes, that is, he is sitting somewhere there, these guys are here, there are more of them they are trying to, well, recruit, pick up , take somewhere to the front, because well, this meat that everyone is talking about is running out, yes, that is, well, this reaction
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is clear to me, plus it’s really going on, we see how there is a split, here it is is clearly obvious, there is a split even in their law enforcement agencies, well, that means, well, that doesn’t mean, for sure... everything is very bad, but here is an interesting point, in my opinion, this is an attempt to organize a new mobilization, including that it was quite acute the question is that people have at least begun to raise it, why isn’t the security unit sent by law enforcement officers and so on, representatives of prosecutors’ offices, including why they, for example, run through the streets, catch and beat ordinary ukrainians, while they themselves remain, as you say, in cozy apartments, although you are in first of all... one of the first who are trained to use weapons, this is not a conditional manager who can shoot at his own feet with a grenade launcher, and i think there are quite a lot of such victims on the territory of ukraine, on the territory of the combat contact line, because well, training to put it mildly, quite bad, even
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many who are captured by the russians, they say that on the territory of the west they were not taught anything except some kind of regulations, and so they played football, that’s all... it ended with one one of the most discussed videos is a ukrainian who , again, continues to be on the territory of ukraine, on the line of combat contact, tells how he ended up in the armed forces of ukraine, says: i went to buy myself a hat, i probably watched this video, yes , many mocked him, but this is terrible, the man went to the store to buy a hat, but as i understand it, in the end they only gave him a green one along with a padded jacket and sent him to the front, well, at least they gave him something, because many...
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in my opinion, some... then the repetition of those events that took place at a certain moment in donetsk, when they surrounded a fairly large number of people, this then caused such a media, serious media effect. i wonder why the ukrainian leadership doesn’t take these people out, but waits until they are surrounded, they don’t care so much own troops, or is it no longer possible to do this, because the population will have big questions directly, that... another populated area without practically a fight, and so on, they at one time mocked the russian troops,
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who were switching to more, let’s say, well convenient positions leaving some populated areas, this was presented as some kind of victory for ukraine, that’s why they don’t want to repeat the same, say, maneuvers or really don’t care about their own people, well, that’s my opinion, you’re right i used media, this is the most... the most important thing for the current ukrainian regime is media, they have media generals, they have media leadership, they have certain people for some kind of media picture, and there are those who die there, well war is dirt, that is , the logistics connections of the road are broken, well , this is far from the worst thing that is happening there, there are guys i feel sorry for, i also feel sorry for those who are in ukrainian positions, those you say pulled out. i have these stories, well, very personal examples there are a lot of people like this, when people call or write
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, they say that there my husband went to - well , grocery store, they tucked him in, tied him up, he screams, my child is disabled, well, that’s it, and with a butt to the chest, he signed there and he’s already mobilized, he’s already going to the front , he didn’t make it home, that is, he went where he needed to go with this oatmeal, because he’s so stubborn, that is, the media yes, that’s why it always happens, they don’t spare any prisoners of war with.. who are flying home , children, parents, there, grandmothers are waiting for them at home, grandfathers, they are flying home, they are happy , in an hour they will hug their families, and this plane is shot down, they have no regrets, this is a plane with their military, with your people, whom you have been waiting for and begging for to be returned home, bad russian people, to good families, and well done to the ukrainian regime, which freed them and returned them home, so what are you doing, and how many cases have there been when they are prisoners of war, who are somewhere in a hospital? or - there on the territory, well, i don’t know, a school or there, well, it’s like an institution,
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which contains, well, ukrainian prisoners of war, they themselves bombed this place, that is, what are you doing, you are killing witnesses, you are creating a picture, exactly the same here, that is, or when the funeral was there, when people were gathering , again on ukrainian territory, ukrainian people, and this place was shelled, realizing that there were a lot of people there, so that there would be as many victims as possible, so that... then on the air they could say that look how this is killing us here , the media will probably do the same, the main media word for ukraine. lyudmila , it’s definitely interesting to discuss this topic with you, because in my opinion, you are one of the few journalists in belarus who lives this almost every day, i ’ll give you a little insight, i was present when lyudmila recorded one of the videos, and there were probably eight takes, because lyudmila really was.
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everyone has their own business, the belarusian group, nikolai gavrilov, there with the help of alexey tolay, our belarusian foundation, well, they suggested, gorlovka it’s known that it’s under fire, the outskirts of gorlovka are very difficult, it’s really very difficult there, there are people there, well, every day someone flies somewhere, someone’s house is on fire, someone is blown up by the same mine petals, gets injured, drones, now it’s just operator, i don’t understand at all, there’s a man sitting here, an operator in this mask, an operator. he sees that a peaceful person is walking, he sees everyone with video cameras, he sees that a child is walking,
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well, a child, and he directs this drone, drops a grenade on the child, you see, well, how it’s all done purposefully, these are normal people, no, the same thing is happening in that settlement on the outermost gorlovka where this family lived, and we suggested that when the assault on the avdiivka crepreine began, there was a whole line of villages, well, this is not only... his guys, his group, really evacuated this family. my husband stayed because he was afraid that the looters would burn them there and fly there, but he still needs to understand that they are not leaving, because this is the only thing they have in this life, and he plus earns somehow... that money, they had their own workshop there, and the wife, she’s almost blind , sees almost nothing, and the children, the boy has the same problems, and the girl, a teenager, they, well, for years, just
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like real animals lived in this house , well, in the literal sense, without leaving, well, what kind of training, if they shoot here, there is no internet , like on their own, like in some kind of cave, remote, and that is, people just lived sometimes going out into the street, and that means this group took our belarusians and took them out, just when they blew up the bridge that was from gorlovka leads to donetsk, and we took more dangerous detours, well , people came here too, we didn’t advertise it too much, people responded, the director of the national library there invited them there, the guys there, lyosha talaen generally took over the entire organization. well, there really wasn’t any room, we thought we’d come, well, they told us , we’ll put in extra chairs, they ’ve never been to this circus, and we come, this woman burst into tears, she says, well, the director, when he found out that they were coming such children, he said to put them in the best places,
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in fact the situation is quite serious, and i have already indicated that lyudmila lives every day... life these events, because few perceive and can, you know, at some point in our country , i don’t know, maybe somehow computer games with shooting games have blurred our sense of empathy and sympathy, but many perceive these images as something happening somewhere far away, which is probably how they used to feel about some syrian events there and so on, but this is literally there... there, hundreds of kilometers from us, thank god it’s not here, but we would have had the same thing if not for the president and the security forces, so you see it there and try it on to our situation , you show this to people, as for this family, yes, we took them out, people responded, they gave temporary, well, that is, while they were here, their house there was blown up, that is, hail arrived, and dad, miraculously, if
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there were four corpses there, dad miraculously managed to jump out at the last moment only because he... was in the kitchen, not far from the door, here he is, excuse me, in his underwear and shorts, that’s how he was, there was a passport and a phone, so he took it and ran out into the street barefoot and naked, that’s how he survived , well, it became clear that he also needed to be taken out, we took him when the family was already here, well , they have nothing, and people responded, they simply provided temporary housing, now they live there, a good house, not far from the minsk region , provided a job, that is, well , they said, if you want, you can here and continue to live, but well, there is work, but we need to think about something with the house, so they are slowly settling in... he goes out in the evenings, now, well, as soon as spring comes, we’ll try to find some a permanent job, the children went to school, they really like it, because they didn’t have it there, they just tell them not to drive them home and not to return it, so now we need to find permanent housing, so that, well, i think maybe it will be some kind of agricultural town, a person is ready to work as anyone, he has a lot of rural education i provide
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yes, yes, with a right of redemption, let’s say over time , maybe someone will look at your program and respond. i will be very grateful, and we officially appeal to the heads of collective farms and enterprises who are ready to help people who find themselves in a difficult situation, that is , now they have lived with us, they compare how it is there and how it is here and says, we are not going there let's go, while it's like this, we won't go there, thank you for all the people who took part and saved our lives, talked to our officials, they say, well it’s as if we, well, that is, they have become completely unaccustomed to all this.
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they said that the children were provided with places to study at school and so on , just recently they went to a sanatorium with their class for free, everyone says that you’re lying, but this doesn’t happen, this... well, that ’s quite indicative in my opinion moment, regarding the return to the current situation, i would like to discuss with you one of the innovations and statements, one of
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the military commissars indicated that ukrainian children who are currently behind abroad, they are approaching conscription age, they must return to the territory of ukraine and register with the military registration and enlistment offices, that is, schoolchildren who are 16-17 years old, this is a fairly standard procedure, this also happens in belarus. but the question is that at the moment you are demanding that the children return, here you are, a seventeen-year-old child, most likely will not be released anywhere, because now even large families who previously had the right to leave ukraine are, well, prohibited from doing so, that is the children are going nowhere will not return, you wait until they reach 18 years old and welcome to the meat grinder, which you do not want to purposefully stop, sit down at the table.
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maybe this is just another rubbish about the fact that those women who do not go to serve under a contract, they are obliged to go to the front, excuse me, in order to be fertilized and return and thus help solve the demographic problem, i think that this is already some kind of thing, looking modern ukraine, it’s unclear, maybe it’s true, that is, they are driving everyone they can to the front, limiting it, like you you speak correctly about the rights of people , what right do you have to prohibit a person, i don’t know, from traveling there... making some kind of transactions , using the money you have earned on your card, using a bank card, leaving the country, and maybe someone needs it, but in general it ’s a person’s right to choose where to live, and there
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some center, in my opinion ukrainian, or maybe non-ukrainian, conducted a survey among the population of ukraine, and more than 70% of the residents, well, this it was a couple of months ago, they said that we want renounce ukrainian citizenship , that is, people are ready to flee your country, because this is really some kind of concentration camp, this is really some kind of... i don’t know, this is a place where everyone is really being ground up like a meat grinder, people on icy rivers they rush in order to somehow escape, and the same thing, now they are women, disabled people, old people, everyone who wants to increase their age and the draft, that is , everyone, well, except for certain categories of deputies there, officials there, they're fine half of the quotas are still left there, so how can you not buy it off, well, we understand that it will be bought off, but supposedly the right is given, 50% goes there and 50 remains too.
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so to speak, he did not raise an uprising , yes, this is an interesting point, you know what i have for today, what am i talking about, so he proposed, now he made a statement, saying that all the countries
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of the european union should unite together to expel ukrainian refugees from their countries in order they returned to ukraine in this way, that is, these are really people fleeing the war, well, let’s say the east, take it, people flee from the war, get the status of refugees , that is, they kill them there,
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the union at the moment and a fighter for human rights, the justice of all the sacred values ​​of the european union, and just what is the most, well, i don’t know whether this is ironic or not, but it’s a coincidence, because today they must vote on this unconstitutional law on mobilization, which, among other things, as we have already discussed, deprives people who evade mobilization of the opportunity to sell their real estate, use their bank accounts, essentially you as a person. .. they are deprived of any opportunities and the right to life, because everything is taken away from you, for life, existence, it really takes everything away from you, you cannot, well, literally buy bread in a store, because your cards are blocked, from all of us today moment resources, well, only first of all they come to your card, even if you can somehow use cash, you still have to go to the bank, try to withdraw it, maybe it’s blocked, but this is a standard scheme at the moment all over the world , and if you
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blocks the account, well... how it happens in ukraine, you remain a powerless person without a means of livelihood, this is absolutely scary, in my opinion, and well, i don’t recommend reconciling even in my thoughts a similar situation in ukrainian society, so this is how it is fits into his mind, they also say that the most interesting thing is that the procedure for negotiations on ukraine’s accession to the european union has begun, and how is it already, yes, i understand yours.
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approximately the same territorial borders of ukraine in the lviv region, in this composition, in such a ukraine, i think that no one will be against it, in general, the official state position, alexander lukashenko has repeatedly voiced this, that the occupation, for example, of the lviv region, western ukraine by the polish government, for us is a challenge to national security, because in this case belarus as a whole finds itself surrounded by nato states.
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yes, for our television, i was looking for speeches by the president of different years, our president, i found his speech in the russian state duma in ninety-nine, there he he was talking about the fact that he is so young, still handsome, so energetic, well, in principle , now he is energetic, yes, and then you just look like a speaker, well, he was just talking about how we need to stay closer to russia and belarus , he also spoke a lot about the union state then , he talked about what and well, he said that... look, the americans are there, they promise us, they promise us there, but what in fact do we get, well then there is already a person then, how many years ago it was, yes, he said in principle the same things that we see, are being implemented now, that too, well, what is happening is what he said then, and the russian state duma, those people who were then at this meeting or meeting, almost every one of his, well, i don’t know the thesis of the speech, well, or a block of speeches, they they were greeted with applause, that is, people
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understand that...
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on the other hand, that is, our region, they are afraid of this? yes, yes, let’s discuss, just while i was driving, i also saw 60 million views on this announcement, which he published on his social networks. it’s interesting that in the west again, freedom of speech, yes, it is prohibited , well, tucker’s problem today is where to post this interview, at the moment, the only platform, as i understand it, where it can be posted is elon musk’s twitter, this social network x, a new one, which, yes, he promised not to block, as i understand it, he will keep his promise, because he has already supported and criticized, musk directly criticized those who are trying to hate this interview, well, to the extreme. a person creates an agenda, and not the channel behind him draws attention to this person, i don’t even remember the name of the tv channel
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where he worked, which kicked him out, i remember him, i see what this man is doing, fox news is less often remembered today than tucker himself, because he is truly a public person who known not only in western territory. media society, but already in the territory of the post-soviet space it is actively discussed, discussed why? because there are no cuts, splices and so on, four minutes after two, yes, yes, yes, after two hours, here we also discussed this story yesterday, well , western journalists come to our head of state, out of a two-hour conversation, which is then published by belarusian television, 15 minutes of hard cuts are broadcast on their channels, at first it was less, there are 4 minutes in my opinion. already, what kind of interview is this , they caught up to about 10-15 minutes, but this is a rigid cutting of only those fragments that they are ready to broadcast to their society, so that god forbid, after they began to mock them, they do not expand the public discourse a little
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wider, because the head of state, as a rule, hits the most sore spots for their public, the gender agenda, nato expansion and so on, they are not ready to bring this up for public discussion, today this is... the situation with tucker’s interview, what’s most interesting is, we just have to pay tribute to carlson, because he countered all these accusations against him by already publishing a statement that we made the same offer for an interview to zelensky, is he ready to talk to us or not, that’s the big question here , because tucker will ask the most inconvenient questions, but today there are much more of these inconvenient questions than any. well, narratives that would be in favor of official kiev , and i wildly doubt that zelensky is ready to go to this interview, and if he does, i will watch with interest, the question is how many substances will this person take, will his face be
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able to be in the frame this moment, and won’t tucker be put in the sbu pre-trial detention center for an eye, by the way, yes, recently one of the american bloggers died in a ukrainian prison, which also caused quite a resonance. a huge number of films have been made about this, that america does not abandon its own, we are ready to get them out of captivity in iraq , anywhere in general, there are these special force soldiers descending in helicopters, getting some prisoners from the mujahideen there and so on, in your allied country, your citizen was killed in... the prison doesn’t care about any information anywhere at all, the only thing in the public is that the father started giving interviews to this person, and today carlson also has questions, well, let’s be frank, what will happen to him and
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whether the flash drives will be erased for him after this, will they tell him after the meeting, well, this one died, yes, he was the best option, who talked to this man, a former berkut member, oh, the man who proposed to renew. yes, lyudmila is just now talking about the fact that it was the ukrainian ombudsman for human rights who came out with great criticism, he published a statement on his telegram page that he wrote nine pages of critical material regarding this law on mobilization, next it post where he admits that he talked with defense minister umerov and realized his mistakes, how much time passed between these two posts, we need to look, but... well , less than a day, well, look, that is , the person is already nodding that everything it was normal with this bill, there are no violations there , it does not violate any constitution, look how quickly explanatory conversations take place on the territory of ukraine, at eight in the evening
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he published in his telegram that the law does not comply with the constitution and violates yes, it violates human rights norms, it’s already 13 at night he’s been saying that i realized everything, yes, i was wrong, in general the law is perfect, that’s it, everything suits me, after apparently sitting in the basement for a couple of hours, talked with representatives of the security bloc , this is where our program ends... an information and analytical project, the current microphone was broadcast on the belarusian radio, tv channel belarus24, with you was the presenter andrei sych, also our guest, journalist, influencer, leader of public public opinion, lyudmila gladkaya, see you, thanks.
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24x7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. to become part of a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there. i remind me of nakhatyk, who was waiting for him near station, have you seen the films? hatika? and you are my good fellow! was waiting for us from venezuela, it’s enough
6:58 pm
to behave as a guest, like the host of the show , at home, well, this time we have a stage, so we’ll light everything up, we’ll light it up, two foreign students will discover belarusian customs and introduce belarusians to cultural features,
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other trees there , here there are stone materials, and there there were such, well, it looks like , historical creation of significant cultural objects in the region of the country. shchuchansky palace of drutsky lyubensky prisoners on the old month, there was already a noble wedding, as soon as it seemed that the beautiful park was broken, but when the hand of stanislav yundziv struck, this nobleman knows.
7:00 pm
7:01 pm
live news in the studio elizaveta lopotka, good evening in this episode, straight from the ramp to the hockey match,


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