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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 8, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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you will destroy the meadow, suvorov said that every honest person should have a good name, and personally i myself saw this good name in the glory of my fatherland, i forgot myself when things went for the benefit of the fatherland, and i lay on the bed and i thought that my father also died in the fight against the nazis, i will definitely be as brave as my father was! hello, fellow cadets, despite the distance, i think that there is a lot in common between our countries, but i think that the main thing is the value of patriotism, here.
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broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad, more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what kind of belarus is it, business and developing. hospitable, bright and festival-like, generous, picturesque! and monumental,
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sports and team, we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people,
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on the morning of march 22, 1943 on the communication line, which took place between pleschennitsy and logoisk, two platoons of the first company of the 118th police security battalion were sent under the command of hauptmann schutspolice. welke. it was heavily damaged by partisans. welke personally assessed the damage. moving forward with several policemen along the line, after about 300 m, at the place where
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it was completely torn apart, the nazis saw several workers engaged in felling timber. questions at gunpoint about why they work in this particular place, whether there are bandits here and where is their camp? the workers convinced velki that the forest was being felled on the instructions of the hibitsk commissar borisov, they did not see the bandits and did not know anything about them, the workers were released, they continued felling the forest, and the police... ordered to begin repairing the line, unexpectedly massive fire was opened on the fascists, and the ensuing in the battle
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, gautman, the jester of the police in wielka, three ukrainian policemen were killed, two were wounded, after a short but fierce battle the enemy left in the eastern direction... towards khatyn. the 118th police security battalion was formed in the fall of 1942 in kiev from among western ukrainian nationalists, ukrainian prisoners of war and mobilized youth from rural areas.
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having burst into khatyn and not finding the partisans there, the massacre began against civilians . how events unfolded further, in the testimony. march 25, 1943 . on march 22 of the above year, german
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monsters attacked the neighboring town of khatyn and burned its structure. residents number 150 people.
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march 1, 1943 in the sebish- asveya-polotsk triangle. the main performers are german units that... were also present, anti-aircraft and artillery units, a communications platoon, two special isd police groups, a special air group. the main striking force is seven latish police battalions, ukrainian and lithuanian battalions, and an estonian company. near latvia, a number of police battalions were campaigned and were sleeping. they and the stormy nights of the 15th summer of 1943
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collapsed like entire fronts into hibernation. on the very right came the front of the fight against the peaceful inhabitants. the geta front is farming in ryza, where latvian countries were collected...
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only there were more than a thousand people, i was trying to find out about the status of the working camp, and also the working camps, the cremators that smoked there all the time, the old ones. and they burned, you are at the bagadzel, you are at the bagadzel, and the bagadzel - the geta taksama... became smoke, and then all the people tried to figure out
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the geta back to the hell of the old ones and there they recognized them by their andaraks there, special german teams followed the police, they stole livestock, took away food, after which they burned villages, poisoned wells, the fate of those... who ended up in latvia tragically, especially for children, and it was not only the death camp in salaspils. near the registration point in riga on a sunday. there was a brisk trade, but not in food or goods; here you could
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buy young farm laborers at a good price, for 9.15 marks. information about the distribution of auxiliary workers, as they called them, prisoners taken from the occupied belarusian territory, began to appear in latvian newspapers 3 weeks after the operation “winter magic” launched by the germans. trophies of latvian battalions that fought in belarus. now they supplied labor to the market, which could be purchased for good money. ragged, hungry, many half-dead with a tag on their chest indicating the price, they awaited their fate. these were children of different ages, many of them exhausted.
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the national archives of the republic of belarus , the diary of the command of the combat groups is kept here,
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and the asveyskaga region has 20 thousand and only 6 thousand military population, and only 3 thousand were living in the asveysk region; the population of the entire region was poor. operation winter
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the magic did not bring the expected result. on march 31, a decision was made. it was not possible to complete it ahead of schedule, it was not possible to defeat the partisans of the rosson-ovseysk zone; successes were reported only in relation to reprisals against defenseless civilians. the figures for human losses are still being clarified today. the work of the prosecutor general's office continues. at the same time, during the operation. germany for forced labor.
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back on february 18, 1943, in the berlin sports palace, in front of an audience of thousands, propaganda minister joseph goebbels made his the famous more than hour-long speech under the slogan: total war is the shortest war. i ask you: do you want total
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war? do you want to lead it, even if you have to lead it? its even more total and radical than we can imagine today; the provisions of the program speech were implemented in practice. on belarusian soil, the total war became even bloodier.
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the kryzhachok dance ensemble tours a lot and performs a lot for its audience, by doing this we create... today i have been in choreography for 50 years, because i started studying at the age of 10, i am from russia, there is a city called oryol, quite famous. year i came to belarus, and my creative activity began in this wonderful team, then in the nineties i moved to the state one. dancing at the age of 45, i finished my creative work as a professional artist, it so happened that i officially retired, and they offered me
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to lead the crust, i’ve been in the crust for 16 years, this is a second family, these are all my children, well done, well done, you do it very carefully always everything calm, reasonable, good, don’t worry, we have a lot of belarusian material in our program, we have a lot of dances of the peoples of the world, folk dance, it has always been there, it will be there. culture needs to be shown and definitely needs to be shown, but we are never ashamed of belarusian culture, and we try to do it efficiently, and of course, when you show our dances, our native dances, well , the audience is delighted, because we have what to show, this is really so. last year we received, so to speak, from the hands of the president award for spiritual revival, i felt excitement, pride, happiness that while we were working we
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were noticed and, as they say, they know us, i believe that korzhachok is worthy, firstly, not only because korzhachok is the oldest team in belarus, korzhachok never for this the term never fell apart. igor alexandrovich, why do you think the children chose? for a conversation with you, first of all, if the children chose, it means that they saw me quite often on tv, well , the second thing is that children always like large dimensions, each of them has a question for
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adult, i'm ready, then let's start, what will happen if you turn off your phone for the whole day, the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes awkward questions, well, you understand that children sometimes they can ask very uncomfortable questions, that’s cool, i love awkward questions, do you promise to tell only the truth? yes, i noticed that you have very cute turkish shoes, and could you tell me how to walk in heels correctly? the very first thing that can cause you to fall is when your socks start tangle one after another. look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. we travel around belarus and discover new attractions. i will visit a church
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that is almost nine centuries old. nevertheless, researchers of ancient russian architecture associate the personality of john with the heyday of the polotsk school of zotchestvo of the 19th century. let's get acquainted with the original belarusian traditions. and right now i’m heading to the weaving museum to learn more about this from... these longitudinal warp threads tucked two or three the most experienced women, because it was important to thread every thread exactly, so that later our product would also turn out beautiful and not a single thread would get tangled during the weaving process. the most important thing is that we experience vivid emotions, they kiss, yes, they kiss, hello, i look like a seed, god. how tender, lush, you immediately want to go back to childhood, the project route has been built, watch it on tv channel belarus 24.
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everyday broadcast on tv channel belarus 1 we are talking about the news of the capital and the minsk region with you and live on the air elizaveta.


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