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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 10, 2024 10:40pm-11:21pm MSK

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everything was fair, and i’ll call my wife, okay, girls, okay, i’ll call my wife. hello, yasya, hello, hello, how are you, everything is fine, i love you, me too, that’s it, connections, goodbye, bye, applause, how wonderful this is, how great, let’s move on to the yellow sector, to the left of you, so you called your wife, so i was wondering what she was doing with you, i have a question.
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my wife has been working in the civil service for a long time; when we were just starting our work, she graduated from a pedagogical institute named after fedin in saratov, and continues with me, we have already lived together for more than 33 years, she works in the public service, but how did you meet her? we met by chance, i was studying in saratov ...
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i wouldn’t want, of course, for some kind of trouble to happen to them, but if this happened, of course i would rush to save them myself if they were nearby and within my reach, that i could quickly arrive at their place, but knowing how the system of the ministry of emergency situations works, knowing how professional our rescuers are, i i have no doubt that they are professional. will be able to arrive at any point, save not only my relatives, but every person who is in trouble, our citizens must remember that their main task, if they are suddenly in danger and need help, dial 112 by phone, report trouble, help will be immediate. vadim ivanovich, what do you think about your profession? loved ones, close ones,
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they really appreciate what i have been doing throughout my entire service, and i am sure that they are probably proud of the achievements that were and are in my life, and therefore they support me at all stages of my journey, they were always with me, no matter where i moved, i moved a lot, i moved about ten times from different places in the republic of belarus alone. residence, and therefore they were always there, always supported me and support me now. we continue to your right with the purple sector. what to do and how to survive when a person gets lost in the forest? firstly, you should never wear a wig. there are a few rules you need to know. first of all, any a path, a power line, any road, it will lead to people. and our main task , when you are lost in the forest, is to go in
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the direction of the possible appearance of people, but if you have a telephone, you always call the number i designated 112, tell us where you are lost and what help you need, listen carefully to our dispatchers, our duty officers who will tell you what needs to be done. what components do the rescuer use to rescue and evacuate people? well, there are a lot of nodes, huh? they are used for various solutions to problems of rescuing people , primarily they are used in mountaineering work, when people are moved from a height or or raised to a height, can you please teach any of them, let 's try, we have a rope, please bring the rope to the studio, that means this is somewhat... in this way,
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well, in order to fix it so that a failure does not occur, we simply make a control knot, which is at one end of the rope, hold it in this way, at the other end of the rope in exactly the same way we tie it up come on like this one time, like that two times, here you go, and this knot is strong, well, one more knot, it’s called a figure eight, like this, loop yourself, in this way you tighten it, this is called a figure eight knot, young man , question, just answer it sincerely, did you remember anything, yes, practice at home,
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agreed, okay, why here? they don’t make calendars with firefighters, because they were so popular, but we once made calendars, this was before my time, we made calendars not only with firefighters, but there were firefighters with ballerinas, that’s why we made such calendars, but now, probably, this is not important, the most important thing is the preparedness of our specialists, i have a question for you, everyone is honest, so are all the workers.
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and any rescuer from an ordinary worker to the minister of emergency situations must be physically prepared to the extent of his age, to the extent of his preparedness, to the extent of the tasks that he performs, of course, up to a certain stage and the minister passed the standards, i am sure that i'm on now a certain group of physical purposes, i will pass all these standards with an excellent rating, tell me, for how much? seconds does a rescuer have to get ready for a call? the rescuer must get into the car within 3 minutes and go to the emergency site , being at the location of the fire and rescue unit or other unit. please tell me,
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if a firefighter did not have time to get dressed in the allotted time, then he does not go to the fire? no, he also goes to the fire and provides help to people who need it. the point is that this the standards necessary for collecting personnel and we tie them to people so that they are ready for operational equipment, which means the need to go to an incident, and if he lingers there for a few seconds, of course he will go to provide assistance to people who are in mind. to your right is the red sector, is the question from there? what is something that every rescuer should know that might come in handy? especially in homes, this is a mandatory
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norm, the average person will definitely need security measures related to correct behavior near bodies of water, location. on a river or on a lake, on a watercraft, which means on a boat , it is mandatory to wear a life jacket - this is a mandatory requirement, safety, vigilance, attentiveness, accuracy, responsibility, and you can show how to properly provide assistance in case of suffocation, i can, let's try to show , then, the most... a typical emergency situation is when you and i are eating food and a person chokes on a piece of food, but what needs to be done in this prana, what we usually do, we knock on the back, and this is wrong, for an adult this is categorically impossible to do, when we knock
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on the back, food falls inside the esophagus and further blocks the respiratory tract, so in order to prevent this from happening, you need to go from behind, preferably the legs arrange it a little. i positioned it like this, put my foot forward, well , to hold it, find it, with my left hand, my right hand, whichever is convenient for you, with your thumb, here is the navel, now i can already feel it, we place it above the navel. thumb and do this movement, don’t be afraid, pay attention, oh, oh , that is, we press the diaphragm and the food rises up, i caught it, i remember, you can do this on me, well, let’s try , find my navel, i found it, yes, raise it higher, and it’s fine , good, strong guy, come on, that’s it, i congratulate you, well done! saved the minister, but nevertheless, i would like
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to see a mannequin in the studio, i am very interested to see what other first aid means can be provided without actually having anything at hand, a small child, when it means he choked on a piece of food and is suffocating, such remedies cannot be given to him, because he has a weak chest, which can cause damage. and so on, so it is very important to follow these rules, the baby needs to be taken on the left hand or on the right , depending on how i will show it correctly, and then i will demonstrate it to you, which means it is advisable to take it with two fingers so that she has your mouth is open, you see, yes, tilt it down a little, give a few blows to the back to knock it out a piece of food, well, until five strokes, in this way. it’s clear, yes, good, what else, there
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’s an adult man feeling ill next to you, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, how to provide it correctly, we have these dummies on which we train our specialists, provide them with training in case of such need, when a person is taken from the fire or taken from the water, and must be carried out. cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which means the first thing we do is to clear the airways, free them, which means a person may be a prosthesis, a tooth has fallen off somewhere, next, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, how we will carry it out, well , firstly, again, the navel and between. with the chest, you need to place your hand correctly in this way, make it into a lock and
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do it according to the principle of 30, which means uh resuscitation movements, 10, 20, 30 and two. breathing into the mouth, well , something like this, if necessary, we repeat, i think that he is already alive.
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services of western countries, they do not act independently, they have appropriate the tasks of the political establishment , the corporate elites, are the active preparation and transfer of various terrorist groups here, the carrying out of terrorist acts, what their goals are, this is the establishment of political, military control... the absolute majority saw that the promoted technologies of color revolutions
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can be resisted. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. we'll tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. the most important thing is to pay attention to its color, it should be uniform, without streaks, not dull, without rust, brown or yellow spots. often indicating fat oxidation. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. did you have breakfast today? by the way, i haven’t had time to eat yet. let's cook together, come on, breakfast of a champion, today we have quiche for breakfast, with spinach, red fish, it will be amazing, exquisitely tasty, don't forget about invigorating exercises, this will be a good complex for morning exercises, which will allow you to fill up with energy for the whole day , look in
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breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel . we continue to answer questions about what professional habits you brought into your personal life, professional habits into your personal life, professional habits - this is an uplift at the same time. in your personal life they are also present, when you are on a day off, you still wake up at the same time, the professional habit of being disciplined and strictly following the time schedule is also a professional habit, never be late, be on time an event that is planned, this is probably a professional habit that
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is brought into your personal life, even sometimes your relatives suffer because of this professional habit, when you demand to be... surely you know how to cook, how do you value yourself? for a solid, good grade , i love to cook, but there is very little time for this , unfortunately, i love to cook fish soup, i love to fry a good piece of meat, good quality meat, i love to cook something from our... national belarusian recipe, that means from potatoes, yes, vegetables, potatoes, they know how to make potato pancakes, black sector, please, what interesting stories can you tell us, so that we can learn something from you, well, the most important story is for every person,
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everyone at their age , everyone in their own place, relatively speaking, must... benefit people, this is the most important story that you must follow, and you study at school, this is your main job, the state invests a lot of money in this, you look what wonderful schools we have, there are so many sports facilities, what good classes, but this is all done to ensure that you receive a good education; after receiving this education, you choose your path in life or enroll. higher education institution or choose some specialty and enter a secondary specialized institution, but even there you will continue to study. what's the story here? the story of your further development as a real person, a patriot, an understanding of life, an understanding of the essence of the events taking place in our society, because we live with with you in the very interesting events that
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surround us now, we must understand all of this very carefully, and by understanding this we will find... our own, our own path, our own line of behavior, what we are striving for. hello, my name is diana, when is your birthday? in the month of may, it's my birthday. what date? may 15, me too. red sector, please. hello, tell us what were the best moments in your work? in the current work, yes, in the current work the best moment, when the duty officer informs me that an emergency situation occurred, and our rescuers returned from its liquidation, saved a person and no one died or was injured, and what are you most afraid of in this life in general? yes, i’m probably
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not afraid of anything yet, there are no threats that i should be afraid of. from life experience, from my position, i see that at the state level, at the government level, at the level of all government bodies, including the ministry of emergency situations , everything necessary is being done so that we no one was afraid while staying on our territory in our country, in the republic of belarus. vladimir ivanovich, could you call yourself a hero? no, i probably won’t call myself a hero, i’m an ordinary person , why is that, well, why should i be a hero, i’m already a minister, you should be a hero, no, a minister is not a hero, a minister is a position that has a lot to do with it obliges you to be fair, to be honest, to be conscientious, to be successful in solving
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the tasks entrusted to you by the leadership of the country, so that citizens feel that the department you head is always able to come to the rescue, this is not heroism, this is our daily activity, caring for people, a hero in my understanding, this is somewhat different, this is the person who, at the risk of living... the best, this is from practical part, when i was forced to provide resuscitation and medical care,
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i would thank you separately for the question that allowed me to call my wife and confess my love to her once again. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest. both go out onto the platform. congratulations, thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you. vadim ivanovich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your three questions. first question, which answer of mine did you like best? but i would like to say that just a declaration of love for their wife, many people are embarrassed to show feelings, but in my opinion this is very important. second question: which of those present here wanted
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to become a rescuer of the ministry of emergency situations of the republic of belarus? raise your hands please, well i'm ninth class 215 of the school, we have organized such a class of the ministry of emergency situations and... once my mother said: let ’s try, but i decided to try, in the end i realized that i like it, and i want to continue the path in this. the third question, i would probably like to ask the guys, do you connect your future destiny with life and work in the republic of belarus or in some other way? of course, i would like to continue living in my country.
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situations of the republic of belarus vadim ivanovich senyavsky was a guest today at the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to platform, thank you. and here i ask you to stay. vadim ivanovich, how do you like our children's audience? made you sweat? the children
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are all very prepared. was there a question you were lying about? no, there were no such questions. today you managed to answer 75 questions. tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? necessarily. i address our audience. that our hero today vadim ivanovich was still cunning and did not say something, maybe he was disingenuous, who thinks so, raise your hand, i
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it seemed so because of some of the answers. he answered ambiguously and somehow evaded a direct answer and answered in his own way. vadim ivanovich, how would you comment on this opinion? well i think it's a feeling. i want to confirm once again that i answered all questions honestly. i deliberately did not give a full, detailed answer to some questions, because they related to some elements of the service.
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visiting the program 100 questions for an adult, see you in a week, the belarus24 tv channel is broadcasting for you round day, don’t switch, oops, it’s taken, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival.
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generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different to it is necessary to understand and feel it. with your own
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eyes, hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus 24 tv channel is on the air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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are discussing a video from ukraine, where the regional police chief comes to the police station and says that you should all be mobilized, sent to the front, since you are representatives of the security bloc, you must defend your country, which faces quite serious criticism, and during this skirmish, discussion, a bright moment, which also caused discussions, this the fact that law enforcement officers call this leader of theirs there , almost in an obscene form , a representative of the maidan leadership, that we know where you came from, that you stood on the maidan, and we, former berkut members, also an interesting point, stood precisely against this maidan and in general, if it weren’t for you, what is happening today would not have happened, what do you think about this ? well, now, before answering your question, they are discussing the video on the internet, they are discussing there that the poor man is leaving,
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then it doesn’t go away, they are still discussing... how many are there , too, in my opinion 20 27 in my opinion there were the last no these topics are also being discussed yes but all this is being taken somewhere aside is being brought to the surface this is what i mean there and we we’re all discussing this together, so for what purpose did this video appear, including the video , well, i don’t know, it’s personally difficult for me to say for sure, that is, it really was like this, or this is some kind of another stuffing in order for them to discuss this and take the agenda away from besides, as for the berkut officers, well, that’s it they know very well.
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there were then and whom we know, like this serious strong special unit of the ukrainian militia or police, as there already was at that time, that is, normal berkut members, they are not there, so they are either on trial, or they were killed, or they were insulted in every possible way there , who left, who, yes , who really defended their country, who actually were there then, well, they didn’t shoot, didn’t open fire on people, they are accused of being the only one who allegedly killed 39 people, the other one there -that. killed well, everything was wrong, we all see it, and it seems to me that the whole world sees it, but those people who now, well, probably, yes, maybe , remain, are indeed employees, former employees of berkut - in the national police, which now, in which case
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you are talking about, probably them, this too, those who stayed, it probably also irritates them, that here comes some guy who sits somewhere in the rear, in the bunker, this ultra-modern, which for the paintings, which barel has just arrived, take another photo, right? that is, he is sitting somewhere there, these the guys are here, they are still trying to, well , recruit them, pick them up, take them somewhere to the front, because well, they need to run out of this meat that everyone is talking about, yes, that is, well, this reaction is clear to me, plus it really is going on, we see like a split, it is clearly obvious, there is a split even in their law enforcement agencies, well , that doesn’t mean, everything is probably very bad there, but here is an interesting point in my opinion. an attempt to organize a new mobilization, including the rather acute question that people, at least began to raise it, why the security unit is not sent, it is the law enforcement officers and so on, representatives of the prosecutor's offices, including
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why, for example, they run through the streets, catch and beat ordinary ukrainians, while they themselves remain, as you say, in cozy apartments, although you are, first of all , one of the first who are trained to use weapons, this is an awkward manager who can shoot at his own feet with a grenade launcher, and such victims, i think, are on the territory of ukraine, on the territory of the military contact line quite a lot, because , to put it mildly, the training is quite bad, even many, like those who are captured by the russians, they say that on the territory of the west they were not taught anything except some kind of regulations , and so they played football, on this is where it all ended, here is one of the most discussed videos - this is a... ukrainian, who again continues to be on the territory of ukraine, on the line of combat contact, tells how he ended up in the armed forces of ukraine, says: i’ve lost my hat buy, i probably watched this video , yes, many people made fun of it, but it’s terrible, a man went to the store to buy a hat, but
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, as i understand it, they only gave him a green one along with a padded jacket and sent him to the front, well, at least , that they gave out something, because many look quite bad, who are captured by russians and talk about how... that there has been no war for weeks. also, they discussed the moment where a military man, sitting in captivity, says that in my opinion 2 for weeks they ate dirty snow in order to somehow survive, because there was nothing delivered, logistics routes, supplies of food and water have been disrupted , the situation is really bad, including in the direction of avdeevka, many are discussing this half-ring, in which a settlement has been taken quite far... russian troops have advanced, now there is a question of complete surrounded by this settlement, and this, in my opinion, is some kind of repetition of those events that took place at a certain moment in donetsk, when they surrounded a fairly large number
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of people, this then caused such a media, serious media effect. i wonder why the ukrainian leadership doesn’t withdraw these people, but waits until they are surrounded, they don’t care so much about... their own troops , or is it already impossible to do this, because there will be big questions from the immediate population that they surrendered another settlement without a fight and practically so on, they were in their time... media, they have media management,
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they have certain people for some kind of media picture, and there are those who, well, die there, well, war is dirt, that is this is that the logistics connections of the road have been disrupted, well, this is far from the worst thing that is happening there, there are guys whom i feel sorry for, i also feel sorry for those who are in ukrainian positions, those who were pulled out, yes, i have these stories, well there are a lot of personal examples, the same as when people call. or they write and say that there the husband went to get, well , grocery store groceries, they tucked him in, tied him up , he screams, i have a disabled child, well , that’s it, he signed it there with a butt to the chest and he’s already mobilized, he’s already going to the front, he home didn’t make it, that is, he and this little sheep went where they needed to go, because he’s so stubborn, that is, the media, and that’s why it always happens, they don’t feel sorry for the prisoners of war who are flying home, their children, their parents are waiting for them at home, there are grandmothers and grandfathers.
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as an institution in which ukrainian prisoners of war are kept, and they themselves bombed this place, that is, what are you doing, you are killing witnesses, you are creating a picture, exactly the same here, that is, or when the funeral was there, when people gathered, again in ukrainian territory, ukrainian people, and this place was shelled, realizing that there were a lot of people there, so that there would be as many casualties as possible, so that later on the air they could say that look how we are doing here...
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even just to observe from the sidelines, as far as a person lives these events, i also watched for a long time how you were just engaged in, well , practically evacuating this family from donetsk, if i’m not mistaken, gurlovka, please tell me how the situation ended, people moved to belarus, well me, probably the background, because obviously not everything was interesting to everyone, probably everyone was watching their own affairs, the belarusian group... nikolai gavrilov there with the help of alexey tolay, our belarusian foundation, well
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, they suggested, gorlovka is known to be shelled, gorlovka is in the region it’s very hard, it’s really really hard there, people there, well, every day they fly somewhere, someone’s house is on fire, someone gets blown up by the same mine petals, gets injured, there are drones, now it’s just an operator, i don’t understand at all, so a man operator is sitting, wearing this mask drone operator, he sees that a peaceful person is walking, he sees everything with video cameras, he sees that he is walking... a child, well, a child, and he directs this drone, drops a grenade on a child, you see, well, sort of and this is all done purposefully, these are normal people, no, the same thing is happening in that settlement on the outermost gorlovka where this family lived, and we suggested that when the assault on the avdiivka crepreine began, there was a whole line of villages, well, this is not only one settlement, this is a whole line, here they are they lived nearby. well, that means they offered it.


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