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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 12, 2024 7:20am-8:00am MSK

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in the very center of the night in a huge city. i’ll find a tired old telephone, it will stretch out its hand, as if it were an acquaintance of mine, and the midnight call will break your sleep, in the very center of the night, in a huge city.
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hello and good morning belarus, well , we actually have ice and ice, it’s as simple as that, so as not to get confused. combo, so, vanya, did you skate to the tv studio today? no, i got there. by car, but i must warn all those who like to run out of the house at the last moment, as they say, today it’s still worth get out in advance, because first you will need to pick out your car, everything is covered with an ice crust, and then move very carefully, and in general, both on foot and on cars, the icy conditions are really very strong, ivan did all this, and i have i mean , he dug his car out from under the crust of ice, got there in such bad weather in order to tell us the news of his region, vanya, what happened to you? strengthening friendly
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ties cultural exchange vitebsk region represents its potential within international exhibition forum russia at vdnkh. the heads of the diplomatic missions of armenia, kazakhstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan have already become familiar with the history, culture and traditions of the vitebsk region. they also appreciated the achievements, brands and products of industrial enterprises of the northern region presented at the exhibition. diplomats even took part in a master class on painting gingerbread cookies and applying colorful patterns to linen fabrics. region will last until february 26, then the baton will be passed on to the grodno region, and until july 3, all regions of belarus will hold their presentations in the russian capital. vanya, if they asked you what you would like to demonstrate, for example, at vdnkh, from vitebsk and the vitebsk region, what would it be? and this answer is accepted, i would go myself. oh, you would show yourself, it seems appropriate to me. yes. well, in the meantime, vanya, you still continue to show yourself to us. and
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tells the following news: at the first regional youth forum, which was held in vitebsk, various areas of specialized classes were presented. schoolchildren master the nuances of their future profession in sports, pedagogical, engineering and technological, agricultural, legal, military-patriotic classes. a total of nine specialized areas have been created at the regional institute for educational development, teachers and their students, and this is how they exchanged experience and advanced developments. the forum will become traditional in the future because ... specialized classes play a big role in the professional guidance of schoolchildren, but we know that the next news will also be about children, only about even younger children age, right? indeed, multicultural education of preschool children is also relevant. within the framework of a regional creative project, pupils of vitebsk kindergarten number 12 got acquainted with the culture and traditions of the middle kingdom. the young pupils learned a lot of interesting things about china and took part in celebrating the new year according to the chinese calendar. we got acquainted with one of
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the most ancient martial arts of wushu, performed a dragon dance, and the children, of course, actively helped the teachers prepare for the holiday. i think the kids really liked it, that's what what is needed, i would also attend such a holiday, honestly. i wouldn’t refuse either, if after that they fed me more porridge and put me to bed, i would generally be very happy, then it would be full of adults dreaming of returning at least a little bit to that same childhood. van, please tell us what story our vytebsk colleagues prepared? holders of the honorary title of person of the year of the vitebsk region 2023 were honored in vitebsk, at a ceremony 50 winners of the regional competition received diplomas, badges and cash prizes. the regional award has been awarded since 2010 and...
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thank you very much for such an excellent selection of news, we wish you a good day. we convey our best regards to vitedsk, of course, and wish everyone a good day. well, right now, let's really do what we've already talked about, let's meet the wonderful people of the vitebsk region. person of the year of the vitebsk region 2023. the ceremony of awarding the laureates of the traditional annual award took place in the vitebsk regional philaria, honoring people who are glorified by their work.
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my interest in the history of my native land, as well as my little passion for approach , could lead to such a large and significant gain; during underwater hunting i often had to find historical artifacts; i found a 15th-century middle sword, two stone cores from the supposed levon war, medieval axes, anchors of different eras, now they are all exhibits of the polish museum of the reserve, among the laureates is the international transport driver alexander odnorogiy. driving since 1988, started on commuter routes, for more than 3 and a half dozen years i had the opportunity to visit different cities of belarus and russia. there are smolensk , braslov and minsk flights, and if there were any orders, we went to moscow, we went to st. petersburg
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, and we went to zatoka, and we went to krasnodar, when the border was open there, we took vacationers, well, i prefer a long trip. its mass is 47 seats, the driver of passenger transport needs to be technically savvy, know his bus, be punctual, restrained and polite, regardless of the situations that may arise on the way, remember, carry responsibility for its passengers. alexander, one-armed, is trusted with important flights, he carried guests of the second european games and the most precious thing - children. i love my job, i value it very much, i really like it. i like everything, the bus, the passengers , the road, watching everything, i’m interested in everyone, what’s happening on the road, i watch the cars that go, who’s driving, i’m interested in all this, i’m such a sociable person, on weekends the
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international driver rests on dacha, loves nature, wife and daughter are waiting for a reliable support at home granddaughter, he is calm and reserved behind the wheel, with such a driver any ride is comfortable and pleasant, and the achievements of everyone in their place make up the overall success of our country. in general, it is ideal that water remains the main thirst quencher for a child. and then... we will be able to avoid many troubles from too sweet carbonated drinks that are consumed without moderation. it is not difficult to accustom a child to water; you just need to offer it in small spoons from birth, then offer it in a bottle or in cups. and
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it is quite possible that one day you will come to the point that your child will refuse compote sweets in favor of plain water. but, of course, there are plenty of other options besides water. first to the head. there are juices, fruit drinks, jelly, the most unpleasant moment associated with these options is that they usually contain quite a lot of sugar, if you... cook them at home, then it is quite possible to limit the amount of added sugar and enhance the sweetness precisely due to the added fruit and berries. as for tea, a small amount of sugar can be added half a spoon, a spoon without slides, you can add lemon to tea, you can add milk to tea, as your child likes. also in the range of baby food there are coffee drinks based on chicory or barley, which will also enrich the mineral composition of the child’s diet, cocoa can also
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be added along with milk, but it is advisable that products based on cocoa beans are not present in the child’s diet constantly, because it can promote kidney stone formation. it is important to teach a child to drink according to need, that is, the child’s thirst is the very first and main sign of that a child... needs liquid, but there is a nuance regarding small children, small children cannot always understand what they want to drink, and small children will not always say that they want to drink, so for children under three to 4 years old it is important, especially in the heat, just constantly offer water, and this will be the best option that will help your child learn to feel his sense of thirst. to become one in a foreign
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country, you don’t have to be born there, i remind you of khatik, who was waiting for him near the station, i saw khatik’s films, and you are mine well done, what was expected of us from venezuela, is enough to behave at a party, like the host of a show, like at home, well, this time we have a stage, that’s why. that's it, let's rock, let's rock , two foreign students will discover belarusian customs and introduce belarusians to the cultural characteristics of their countries, hello, oh yes, look, and the tyuviks are waiting for us, ready,
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you can do a lot in 24 hours, even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24x7. look at ours. tv channel every friday evening.
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detailed forecast, because we start in the early morning hours. yes, friends, so, we must immediately warn you that we have a cloudy front across the country, fog is observed, and ice, well, let's get closer to the temperature indicators, let's see how many degrees. we are now outside the window wiping the morning hours, the air has warmed up to +20 in minsk, in the capital, it is raining, up to +7
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in brest right now, and there was some precipitation there too, down to -2, the thermometer dropped to the northern capital in vitebsk, in gomel to +2, +1 +3, these are the indicators in grodno, in mogilev -1 +1, well, how much warmer it will be today during the day, we are also ready to share this information with you, so look, in the capital the air will warm up to four plus, although there will be precipitation. will persist throughout the day, in brest this afternoon it will be dry, from 9 to 11° warmth is expected there; in vitebsk we are traditionally the coolest, with possible precipitation in the form of sleet or rain. from 1 to 3° in vitebsk it will be in gomel during the day today +4 +6 cloudy with clearings and dry, here in grodny it will be rainy and there up to 9 with a plus sign in mogilev +2 +4 precipitation in the form of snow is possible, well i immediately want to say general information, but i think for our entire country today we have ice and ice, so please be careful on the road,
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no matter who you are, a motorist or a pedestrian, everyone's safety in this matter will not hurt, well, as they say, this warning not only... we are shocked, but our next guest, we want to immediately make a spoiler, we will have the monkey kuzina as a guest very soon, you will definitely meet her personally, if suddenly you heard these sounds behind the scenes now, it’s her making them, i didn’t want to say, nina, yes, because the sounds were at the moment when i was speaking, no, it wasn’t nina, it was my cousin, well further, while we give the floor to our correspondent, olesya boyarskikh, and we go to the minsk vodokanal. the story is closely connected with the fate of the entire city. one of the most important enterprises in the belarusian capital is 150 years old. centralized water supply in minsk began to develop in 18701. the first mine wells, up to 30 m deep, were built just 2 years after
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the construction of the water pipeline. officially, the minsk water supply system opened on february 12, 1870. in the fourth year, 150 years later to date, niskodokanal is a modern enterprise where - modern technologies, including in terms of automation, dispatching of technological processes. we are actively developing, we are actively implementing new projects. currently, the company is engaged in a global project to transfer minsk to underground water supply sources. i'm leaving from construction work. water treatment systems , water reuse facilities, work is underway on the construction of water disgrace facilities, a water supply network is being actively laid, and by the twenty-fifth year all structures will be ready for operation and residents of the fundensky moscow region will be fully provided with water from underground water supply sources. as for
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the quality of drinking water, it is monitored around the clock. every year in the capital. at home, these are indicators of color, turbidity, smell, taste, also in the laboratory they examine water for the presence of iron, zinc, organalyptic control, opening the water tap for chromium and other substances that affect the final result. in this case, our laboratory technician is currently conducting research drinking water on such an indicator as
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hardness. a certain amount of reagents is added to the water sample and... the analyst adds a special reagent drop by drop, and then the final content of salts and hardness in the test sample will be calculated. many of us believe that it is better to drink bottled water, since tap water contains a lot of bacteria and not very useful metals, but as it turns out, this is actually not the case. tap water is natural water, the water that nature provided us for... minsk necessarily meets all quality and safety requirements and therefore residents of the city of minsk can safely drink water from the tap, it is safe, and i can say with confidence, i can even honestly admit that my
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children drink water from the tap, but we again we congratulate minsk-vodokanal on its anniversary and wish you success in the implementation of all your plans. in a penny this week, adventures of foreigners in belarus. good afternoon, my name is svetlana. and my name is, it’s very nice to meet you. immediately required sift flour, byarytse, pour out, lid, lid, we try how the passenger feels during a collision. and a guy from ecuador has been living here for 8 years and traveling around our towns and villages, we call cabbage our belarusian pineapple, because
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the vitamin composition is not inferior, what do you think? he’s great, he’s happy to talk about the most colorful places in the country, i need to remember how i am, as if you’re screwing your woman, you can show me your place a little, this is our home, and there
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you guided me a little, told me at least a little, how and what is done, in what sequence. the presenter from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life. oh, everything is great , we warmed up, warmed up, and i, frankly, didn’t freeze , get to work, well, great, all the people have been evicted, the project, i’m from the village, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. how did the new ones hold the book in their hands ? , gartali old one
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after old one, sipping on the words of the skin, from all of us the most creative works, the most meaningful and useful ones - these books. books are full of thoughts.
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65 years old and we are glad to welcome on this occasion to the program the kind district resident of belarus , his director vladimir shaban and circus artist andrei teplygin, along with his charming monkey cousin, but before we start communicating, attention to the circus arena, i wanted to say, but no, to ours studio 600 m, look, now there will be a room, kuzya, come on, kuzya, kuzya, hello, ah, well done, kuzya, kuzya, come on again. i would say this is a morning warm-up, when you get up on monday morning, then, in principle, you can start with such coups, somersaults, yes, very strong
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i was inspired by what our exercise specialist pavel levashov showed in the first part of our program and decided to repeat it a little, for now i ’ll tell our viewers that cousin, shortened cousin, and this is a capuchin, and this is an adult monkey, she’s 15 years old, so she’s all done. look, cousin even has a prop that andrey kindly rolls up , a disco ball, it seems to me that this is also in retaliation for the monday mood that you should have, a little dancey, but collected, hush, hush, hush, hush, come on, come on, he said .
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yes, i think now she will continue to surprise us, i see that a new piece of props is appearing in our arena, balloons, what will she do with them, she sends them to our team, anything else here can be despondency, apathy , so she brushed it all aside right now, now the highlight of the program , i would say, i think, yes, you can’t do without music, kuzya, in case you didn’t know, here you go, kuzya knows how to play the guitar, and he does it masterfully, in fact , so emotional, expressive, more, and more sings, let's sing, let's sing, so kuzya, kuzya, kuzya, more, nina, it seems to me that she took the microphone, kuzya, more, more, more, more, more, just some kind of bird, by the way, i just wanted i can say that if i didn’t know it was a monkey, i would have thought that the bird was chirping, high five, brilliant, bravo!
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bravisimo andrey kudya, we invite you to our comfortable comfortable sofa and want to really chat with you, of course, yes, now relax, but of course we still have a lot of questions not only regarding this issue, but in general what is happening now in the circus of vladimir anatolyevich, so we know that the first performance in the new circus building in minsk took place on february 11 , 1959, this date is considered the birthday of the modern belarusian circus, and especially for this date the creation of the first was timed...
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our children's circus studios, we have about more than forty of them throughout the republic, but they work in different cities, they work in different cities, great in mozra, beautiful in our palace of railway workers, wonderful studio on the oil, yes it confirms, yes it confirms, so in principle we have no shortages in personnel, moreover, there is probably some kind of competition , relatively speaking, for a place, that is, well , you don’t immediately take everyone who even has plus abilities , all the same, a person must be caught by something like this.
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and then we pack a hall with 1600 seats and they say to me: what are your problems? i say, there are no tickets, this is great, but the main thing is the only problem, but i still want to hear a personal story, andrey, how did you come to the circus? well, my parents are circus people, i and the dynasty, that is, we are talking about a dynasty , great, probably, this is a very common story , it happens, yes, it is from dynasties that new employees come to the circus, you know, from training, especially exotic animals, there is no such institution, wherever they teach training for monkeys or tigers, then... most often this is of course passed on from parents to children, yeah, but we can’t help but ask one more question, how did the cousin come to the circus? oh, we have a cousin, she came from yalta, and from the yalta park, she’s a traveler, she came small , small, yes, of course, but he’s been with me for more than 10 years, yeah, and by the way, how long have you been serving in the circus? with dogs,
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well, these are parents again. and how did these animals reveal themselves to you over the years, how did you recognize them , what kind of character does she have in general? breed, but in the end somehow my soul is a cupuchin after all, they are more humane, probably, or something more, but what are the character traits, is she capricious , one might say, or, on the contrary, calm, balanced? everyone, of course , everyone has their own characteristics, well , the mood also depends, so this morning she had to get up early, i see that she’s a little angry, not very cheerful, we understand her, she seems to me , you will later be blamed for this for waking her up so early. vladimir anatolyevich, i know that the celebration at the starting water the magic of fountains show, it took place yesterday, we saw people, this is the excitement, yes,
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many of our colleagues, including. we started with fountains, that’s when the show of giant fountains was called, well, in principle, gigantic is what it is, that’s it, but naturally we had to repeat it, because there was just a flurry of applications and requests to return the fountains to us, and well, we we thought it was 65 years old, just imagine, when there are 150 tons of water in the arena, the scale of the feelings immediately, the fountains are hitting 22 m , we have a dome, so literally right under the dome, then when the artist. works, they work in the rain, and today we have the month of february here, and it is somewhere warmer, somewhere cooler , and so on, but it still captivates the numerous, numerous requests of our viewers, in general, we went for meeting and really brought this magic of fountains here, i will say this, we were not mistaken,
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because the excitement around these fountains is simply amazing, so to speak, for us this is a big deal, because this is our, so to speak, finances, this is the salary of our artists, that’s why in general i will say. circus fountains, but we will celebrate throughout the year, why? because in march we want to collect for our own, for veterans and so on, in june it means the program will be dedicated to the sixty-fifth anniversary, but june 1 is children's day, july 3 is the 80th anniversary of liberation from the german fascists, july the invaders.
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artists and then we’ll invite everyone to the festival in minsk, we’ll do a show with belarusians to tell our guests, here’s our leadership, and i think that this will be the beginning or end of the sixty-fifth anniversary celebration , the beginning of the third international circus festival, in general, we have already realized that everything just begins with the magic of the fountains, but in general , vladimirevich, share your secret, how are these programs formed that the viewer simply goes to without stopping, right? interest does not fade, so how is the program formed? well, naturally, we are an artistic council, which is headed by vitov grigalionas, here is the main director, who is alla anatolyevna nikolaeva aleeva, so they look at what we had 5 years ago,
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what we had 3 years ago, what we had a year, then there is something to surprise our artists, that’s because we can’t play the same thing, especially belarusian artists, we also basically send them on tour because they can’t work. lady, so to speak , on our mana, then our viewers will lose interest, so they will say, the best council is collecting, looking at what genres we have had for a long time, what genres we generally like, so the artistic council proposes, so we are working with our a producer who knows the entire palette of the world today, i don’t remember this word, so we give a task and together we in general, we are forming this or that program, we know that these... numbers have been around for a long time, our audience likes these numbers, these numbers will simply be in demand with us, so the program is being formed, this way you hit exactly the target, yes it really turns out that the main problem is that there are not enough tickets, let's go back to the magic of the fountains, and andrey, you are participating
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specifically in this program, and cousin, of course, cousin is our main star, maybe cousin is the main star there, but you know what is mine here the question arises, after all, there is water and animals, are there any difficulties in their interaction, are capuchins afraid of water? well, of course, everything is technical there, it seems to me that cousin has her own opinion, yes, she should express it, well, when the animals are working, of course, there are no fountains 20 meters long, but still, of course, we rehearsed, it took some time spend days so that they get used to it, well, there is a little specificity, such as the fact that it’s wet, but we have a cousin who is already a professional, so i’ll surprise her, but i i saw that you encourage your professional, you give something out of your pocket, you take it out of your pocket, that yes, they really love it, medallion. nuts, wow, we love them too, but i’m not saying that you tell us, please, but in general what is the basis of the diet, this is what they eat, absolutely this is how children, everything is as natural as possible, no soda, no sweets, no gmos, no gmos, yes, that is, fruits, vegetables,
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cereals and meat and dairy products, everything is as diverse as possible, natural, we would like to end our conversation, vladimirevich, to ask you, do you have such global dream, this is how you see it? is a silver medalist
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in monte carlo, monte carlo is unofficial, we will have this international tournament, that’s where it’s just like a world championship, where he shows his skills, and he took silver there, it’s worth a lot, it seems to me that a dream can be formulated in such a way that we dream of gold, including even more numbers with which you will surprise our viewers, and each time you yourself will be surprised that we can... show this, thank you very much, in any case case, we wish you this, in the anniversary year and beyond, for many years to come, friends, i want to remind our viewers that our guests were the director of the belgosirk vladimir shaban and circus artist andrei teplykin, along with a charming monkey cousin, here’s applause, friends, they are sounding right now in this studio, well, this ends the second part of our program, we will return to you immediately after the news release, our parting will not be long, stay alone in belarus.
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well, you're a fool squared, first we yell at each other, then we dance with each other, and so on in a circle, and when i decided to have fun, i went to the circus, the clowns remained, and you and i changed places again, then i love you, but you don’t have me, everything is the other way around, in short, nonsense , compass, this is the slope. we got along, well, tell me, why did you and i fall in love so much, i’m in the block and you’re not calling on the left, we like it that way, spoil everyone’s nerves, nerves are at the limit, but we ’re back in business, and every week i, then love, then pretend that you have parallel feelings and are not sad at all, without your calls about wall. kovs, running
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heels, let's not let it be because of bustias, he left too much, the clowns remained , and you and i changed places again, then i love you, but you don't love me, then it's the other way around, in short, harm, he left for the circus, he left , well , tell me, why did you and i fall in love so much, i block you and you call me from the left, we will congratulate the circle with more hearts. he went to the circus, the clowns remained, what is this, we fought again, i love you, and you love me back, tell me why, why do we need this detty. gone, the clowns are left, tell me,
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why did you and i fall in love so much, i ’m on the block with you and you’re not calling from the left, we so like to rub each other’s nerves, wounds belarus.


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