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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 12, 2024 9:10am-10:46am MSK

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from the museum's fund and the collection of the master's family , this is a man who was constantly looking for new ways, new forms of expression of his worldview, very often he even returned to his old works, reworked them, and it often happened that even a work that was already known , which the audience had already seen, which was even already published somewhere in some magazine or album, he returned and remade it. the abundance of canvases is dedicated to the lyrical themes of family values, family, which he embodies in a very unique, soft, iconic pastel coloring, a special unique kozhukhov color scheme. the author passed away early, in 2017, he could have done a lot more to please our country with his beautiful lyrical works dedicated to his homeland. a native
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of dragichin, vladimir kozhukh graduated from the theater and art institute and honed his theory in the workshops of the national artist mikhail savitsky. today at the art museum there is a retrospective of the work of the prize for spiritual revival. we continue to follow belarusian athletes at the all-russian at the spartakiad of the strongest on the fourth day of the competition, all attention in tyumen is on cross-country skiing, where belarusians will compete for medals at the distance. 10 km freestyle, the leader of the women's team, anna koroleva, will start the race wearing number 112. anna matchekhina will go 95, and elizaveta pinchuk will compete 59, the start begins at these minutes, at 11:30 the men will try out the snowy track, the live broadcast is shown by the belarus 5 tv channel. and these are the main news of the tv news agency project, available on social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen, about the development.
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watch the event on our broadcast at noon, have a successful day.
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look at everything that modern belarus lives with today. on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news
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from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, and exciting travels around the country. feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab republics emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up your satellite.
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satellite dish izerspace 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with... with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. this is the main broadcast. hello, belarus continues to build. interaction with partners. this week, fraternal dialogue was heard in central asia in uzbekistan, there was everything, a solid portfolio of contracts, talk about import substitution in the technology park, ski master class and even hockey. as the forum participants managed to see, we have a lot of common ground. therefore , the task is to send words, sealed with signatures
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, into the economy, so as not to become a pawn in someone else’s game, because in geopolitical chess, the west is now playing a game without rules. there is a rearrangement of the main figures, and with the weak ones. in general, there is no ceremony for a long time, the new commander-in-chief in the armed forces of ukraine has already been dubbed a butcher, so consumables will go into battle to appease the anglo-saxon king. someone literally forbade both himself and his vassal any freedom of speech, but whether it existed in principle, you look at tucker carlson’s head and a reward is about to be awarded for his interview with putin, or at least sanctions against the journalist, such calls are already being heard, all in the best traditions of the wild west, about this and not that... we'll talk today on the main broadcast, olga makei and sergey gusachenko are with you, watch the program. heading to the east, negotiations, opinions, contracts, it’s all about minsk and tashkent, summing up the results of the former’s visit to uzbekistan. as long as there is agreement between governments and heads
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states, much needs to be done. a billion dollars in trade is realistic, what the cooperation road map draws and how with transport arteries within the country. there are holes, that is, well, i suspect that this is always, in principle, a common problem, at this time we can only make temporary repair mixtures, repairs are not a cheap pleasure, but how, in principle, the price of a product is formed on the shelves of our stores, let’s dive into calculations. over the past year, more than 4,400 retail facilities were monitored and inspected. in terms of quality and cost, we rely on experience from of the past, when they knew how to keep a mark, with the insignia and belaz is a red fighter, who remembers. there was such a soviet comedy queen of the gas station, and it was to this gas station that the career man mosval bilas came. horizon radios and zenit cameras speak for themselves. let the butcher come or get ready for the cauldrons. ukrainians are picturing a sad future after the replacement of zaluzhny
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syrsky. we will not receive help from the authorities until their children are directly handed over to me. reboot of the generals in ukraine - the whole truth about the northern military district. the interview is like that. already works, light is being shed on american minds, glad you are giving us an idea of ​​the russian point of view, the striking difference between journalism and dependent media, how belsat employees leaked data and then disowned the informants, this is propaganda television that actually carries out certain political tasks, one of the reasons for eliminating the garbage dump, tusk is dissatisfied with the extremely low intellectual level of the extremists. let's remember together with the triumphant the most successful olympics in our history, the earth is full of talents, video where a schoolboy from luninets makes cars out of cardboard in his apartment, conquers tiktok, i want
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to become a design engineer, to assemble my first car. home political news. this week they came from the east, which, as you know, is a delicate matter. the official visit of our president to uzbekistan was called historic. it must be said that today not only belarusians are looking at this part of the world. the west is also trying to move. but taking into account history and current geopolitics, if we don’t be together, then who will? what for us, uzbekistan, minsk and tashkent have long-standing ties dating back to soviet times, which became a good basis, but for a long time there was not enough dynamics. everything changed when it hit me. two presidents took up the challenge: lukashenko and mirziyoyev, and then the process began, record trade turnover, but they were ready to aim for a billion dollars. hundreds of joint projects, but previously they could be counted on the fingers of one hand, and most importantly, an excellent, personal relationship between the leaders, which
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was obvious to us journalists even from here in minsk. unsurprising and big plans for trade, industrial cooperation, work in the market of third countries, as well as training in healthcare. signed roadmap. belarus is expected in central asia, our political observer natalya breus was in tashkent these days and...
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lukashenko in uzbekistan was expected and greeted warmly and cordially in the eastern sense, everyone knows how hot tashkent can be in august, although their winter is +18 it's almost summer for us. from now on in relations between minsk and tashkent happened several years ago, but the uzbeks did not need tell who belarusians are. the better the quality of the product, the easier it is to find a buyer, the golden rule for both the seller of spices and the seller of tractors,
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they will definitely talk about the quality at the highest level, but first they will shake hands, there is a lot of personality strength, which means there have been different periods in history, in politics in bilateral relations, after karimov's lull. uzbekistan is developing intensively, well , let’s not say that we know, such people are already philanthropists, we are interested in the development of uzbekistan, because we took yours in central asia. the country as a basis, technologies that remained with us from the soviet union, we added something, you
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know this, we are ready to completely transfer to the territory of uzbekistan, but before the meeting started, the governments had to sweat, negotiations went on until the very last moment and even on the sidelines, the waiters only had time to change coffee cups, although if the ministers had known what kind of debriefing they were facing, they would definitely have poured something hot.
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there is no falsehood there, there is no need to dilute it or do something, belarusian, you know this honestly, about medicines , to do joint ventures in these areas, god himself commanded, there is already work on pharmaceutical production, as for technical registration, listen, well, we have a dictatorship, we can solve this issue quickly, there would be a positive conclusion from specialists, the ministry of health, we will solve this instantly, the main thing is that...
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they do it to us, so where is zimbabwe? listen, here we speak the same language, our people are similar to each other, the two presidents are open, we blessed and supported all projects, well, listen, well in the end, let’s develop a roadmap, let’s implement it, this is a historic meeting, our visit, it must
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be in accordance with our agreement with you and the people must feel the result, after six months.
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at the meeting, journalists seized the moment on the sidelines, but colleagues got hold of an exclusive, shared it reluctantly, everything was for broadcast, but nikolai lukashenko’s reporters’ question was still not about studying. i’m interested in his opinion about uzbekistan, but these are chips for reporting, so they themselves provided all the food for discussion in the media presidents, summing up. today there was a fundamental conversation with journalists, it
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would be better not to see or hear him; there was an interrogation of government members. and especially the issues of technology exchange , especially the so-called oppositionists, they begin, well, well, here is belarus, a small country, they offer some kind of technology, well, in this case, uzbekistan, we shavkat mirovanovitch, people from the soviet era, belarus in the soviet state was
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a very high-tech republic, i would even say...
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not to fight off enemies and unscrupulous competition today occurs almost every day, so strengthening cooperation is a response to the challenges of the sanctions era and
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pragmatism, an understanding of the prospects of the asian region. for a very long time we were not critically eurocentric, but today, firstly, europe does not see us as even neutral countries see us only as enemies. and secondly, europe is becoming less and less a promising trading partner. europe is weakening, asia is growing. uzbekistan is trying to make the most of the situation and situation, it, like thousands of years back, an important point on the silk road. china is investing billions in it, while russia is not a third wheel here. well, the europeans even decided to hold the eu and central asia summit in tashkent in the spring, so as not to be left on the sidelines. in the east it is very scrupulous. and it was sincere, which
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was noticeable both during officialdom and during informal communication, this time there was more of it than ever, the leaders visited a hockey match together and even in the mountains. in politics , such contacts without ties mean more than it seems, we see this beauty, now it will be where to come, i will be glad, the leaders were able to melt the ice of bilateral relations, economic bonuses are included, and now the president of uzbekistan is expected in minsk. on the main broadcast are natalya breus, bogdan petrashko and ivan martynovich. of course, transit routes, and more specifically roads, play an important role in cooperation with our partners.
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transport arteries have long become the economic calling card of the country, so the topic of roads is under the special control of the president. the state invests a lot of money in repairs, but sometimes quality is compromised winter traditionally adds complaints and hassle. pothole repairs due to sudden temperature changes have already become for... car owners, plans for the task of the ministry of transport and communications and quality control in our traditional section, the road
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will decide who is guilty, our main road is federal, it is disgusting, and how many are we today we produce high-quality products, but we do not produce low-quality ones. when winter is the only salvation, how concrete roads get stuck without leaving the yard, we’ll tell you about the advantages and disadvantages, this is ours saving our weather conditions, this is durability, why we cannot cover the whole of belarus, high-quality coverage, what is it like, we have collected different opinions. driving along the road is not a pleasure, this is a quality control section, let's go, the main transit route
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of the country, with a length of over six hundred. 12,000 cars pass here on average every day, and almost every driver will say that driving in the right lane is almost impossible, and no matter how much they fix the same situation from year to year, what is the problem anyway? technologies, mixtures or road workers, we will carry out quality control. krupsky district, sloboda village, poleskaya street, it is beautiful here only in winter, and then in a good frosty minus. this is the picture that now sets in: locals get to the end of the alley in rubber boots over fences, and cars literally have to be pulled out. in short, the second day of traffic from suburban roads. in the 1920s, local authorities got down to business , sort of covered the road with a sand-horovy mixture, the first rains were enough, they removed this mountain of construction waste, with which they were going to lay asphalt.
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by september last year.
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i was driving, one might say, on a flat road , tafanipol on cotton, the wheel came apart, because the cut was such a puncture, well, three centimeters, probably, when for the first time in more than 20 years of driving you find yourself in such a situation, nothing remains but bi. ..
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i warned individual members of the government about this, because i took you and showed you how it should be done, we purchased the most modern equipment before these sanctions, the concrete concrete is a must-have, it serves 2.5 times longer and stronger, and made from domestic materials. mcat-2 here at one time used the most advanced technologies in the world on different sections of the ring road. in fact,
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road workers are all over belarus. concrete, but there is a nuance. this is the vytebsk highway, a fifteen-kilometer stretch from lagoisk to pleshennitsy, there is construction going on here, it should be dry, that is, not winter, and the temperature is above 10°. therefore, it is now being prepared and is planned to be completed by the end of the year. is cement concrete still relevant now? yes, if it is asphalt concrete we can run a cutter on the road, cut off some section and cover it again, but you can’t do that in cement concrete, that is, you need to cut out the mass.
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will take place in mozyr and vetka, if done, then it is already expensive, with regards to bridges, large-scale work is carried out conscientiously, so that not only guests, but also the belarusians themselves will appreciate, especially locally, the year obliges, for the quality in the answer. this is the situation, it is clear that we are, to put it mildly, not very lucky with the climate, but in scandinavia it is also not summer for 12 months, in short, in a common barrel of honey, as we see, there are fly in the ointment there is room to improve quality, as required by the president, including locally. we all enjoy driving around the country and would like... comfort and leveling out unpleasant surprises. we will definitely return to the roads, the topic is relevant, spring is coming, when all the irregularities will appear, i would, of course, want it to be done forever, like a number of world-class brands that started back in soviet times and continue to hold
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the bar now. the ussr quality mark was introduced in april 1967, a couple of months later in belarus the first owners have already appeared, these are belaz and krasny borets. so we preserve and enhance traditions better, who knows, it’s quite possible that in the race for the new belarusian quality mark, the winners will be the same well -known brands that are still at the zenith of fame. by the way, we’ll also tell you about zenit and we’ll definitely look beyond the horizon, however, about everything in order anton malyuta delved into high-quality history. what is the red fighter fighting for? this question was also asked by soviet documentarians, and the answer was found in one of the workshops. i believe that first of all, first of all, it is improving the quality of products.
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the entire plant team worked with this attitude, from the worker to the director. the main task that we set as a team is to gain recognition from our consumer, from the national economy, from that worker.
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even to new zealand. of course, over the years the geography has changed, and so have the technologies, but the priorities remain the same. our school of mechanical engineering is still strong. at the krasny borets plant , tradition is maintained; experienced specialists pass on their experience for younger people. due to this , it is the transfer of traditions that is ensured, the transfer of the school and the preservation of the school of gear making. that is, you combine experience and innovation. absolutely, without this there will be no development. in just 3 and a half years , more than a hundred types of products produced in belarus received the ussr quality mark. each of the manufacturers deserves attention, but special honor, of course, goes to the pioneer. belas 540, the dump truck from
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which the history of the plant began. and this history is carefully preserved here to this day. color unusual, of course, well, we played with the color, if anyone knows, anyone remembers, there was one like that. soviet comedy, the queen of the gas station, it was at this gas station that the belas mining dump truck came, in exactly this color, and gas stations, but the most interesting thing is that he filled up gasoline there. the dump truck has never worked, the belaz runs on gasoline , it only works on diesel fuel , you were entrusted with a noble car, yes, at the time of filming it was still a prototype, it would be mass-produced later, in sixty-five, 2 years later. the hood already has a quality mark, for that time the 540 belaz is even larger than the advanced model, a twenty-seater vehicle for working in quarries, and comfortable work, the same cabin, if you look, yes, it is... small, even look, it has glass it is beveled with
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a negative angle, but this is not a design idea, it is the idea that the dump truck operates in difficult dusty conditions, and so that dust does not settle on the windshield, they made it with a negative angle and improved the visibility of the operator’s work. even now it is one of the most recognizable and even famous belaz models, it just so happens that the quality mark was claimed primarily by the flagship brands of enterprises, for example, for...
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well, what other proof does the quality of soviet technology need, not a two-month guarantee, but a ten-year warranty, this approach was divided into veleisky zenith, so that our cameras are of the highest quality and so that they bring joy to people. we came to the enterprise so that these cameras would bring us joy, and even though there was no film, we were convinced that they were in working condition. workers cameras , no problems, everything seemed to be simple, yes, cocked the trigger , pulled, got a shot, how different it is from modern analogues and even the equipment that is now filming us, you know, i will say that with enough diligence, with compliance with all technological processes that were involved in processing film, when processing photographic paper, using a camera like this is still possible today. there is an image of fairly high quality.
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there are also a lot of examples of such pictures on the internet. new models, of course, it's not expected. the factory produces completely different products. veleisky is gradually being updated, but the traditions remain. and the state quality mark can be the best confirmation of this. i would like to receive this sign of new quality. well, of course , i would like to confirm this and receive a new quality mark, this is possible. say image enterprise. we saw such a desire in all the heroes of our plot. the main thing is that there is understanding. the quality mark is only the culmination, before which is daily work for results. well, after that, no intermissions. you need to constantly confirm your high status. the future winners have an honorable and important mission - to promote quality as a true belarusian brand. looking into history, we were convinced of this too. anton malyuta, alexander oleshka. ivan mazgo and pavel poznyakov on the main
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broadcast. it is interesting and pleasant that reputable belarusian brands are pushing belarusians to create. any big business, as you know, begins with a layout. this schoolboy has already been nicknamed the future legend of the belarusian automobile industry. a hut made from blanket pillows or a tree house is too much for him just. this guy performs much more daring design experiments. gleb budnik creates small copies of cars and household items from cardboard and films about it. the video is posted on tiktok and gains millions of views, and users call his spatial thinking unique. our correspondents talked to the young inventor. what kind of gifts do people usually bring when visiting: a box of chocolates, a bouquet of flowers or interior items, and they also say: it is important to take into account the interests of the owners. this time it happened to me. i'm carrying cardboard, why? let's go, i'll show you. hello, this is us coming to you and even filming. a present, look, this is for you, for
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your new inventions, oh, thank you, gleb budnik is 12, and he has already managed to conquer tiktok users, collects thousands of likes and comments with just two tools, cardboard and hot glue, creates small copies of the world's domestic cars ordinary. household items, and the latest development has become a millionaire, it’s a cardboard truck, there are buttons here, steering wheels, gearbox, mechanics, signal, wow! there is a handbrake, a stove, a radio, a different glove compartment, such a walkie-talkie, and also an opening hood, a blower and a connected light, 20 boxes and 80 glue sticks went into developing the cabin, and this is not the limit, the young
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inventor introduces cardboard ideas into everyday life, this is a gearbox made of lego, mice and cardboards, below is this: the clutch was made from a joystick and cardboard with glue, even the interior items in the house were handmade from gleb, which from a distance cannot be distinguished from the original. i glued cardboard bricks and glued napkins with pva glue to create a texture like stone. yes. and then i painted everything white paint. from a young age he knows all the tools, the sizes of keys, sets, he made a motorcycle from my bicycle, seriously, wow, from cardboard too, i want to become a design engineer, assemble my first car, come up with my own
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brand, such the guy has bold dreams also thanks to his environment, his parents support his hobby, they help with materials in local stores, but you can realize your potential... and you can simply do what you love at any age, and even in the luninets region, ice arena, swimming pool, stations, also vocal clubs, all sorts of centers for children's creativity, what do you do in your free time, draw, eat, swim, there is a park in which you can sit, young people mostly spend time there, we just go out into the forest even in winter, take lard, fry. children have fun near the fire, i work as a driver , i have 16 years of experience, i have visited many countries, almost all of europe, scandinavia, uzbekistan, kazakhstan, the same europe, not the same attitude, of course, people are somehow more closed , i have friends who
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we left, stayed for six months, looked there and came back and said, we won’t go there again, firstly, it’s expensive, and secondly, the mentality. the other one told me a lot, well, he still wants to go home, it’s good to be home, because at home you can taste red gold, as strawberries are called in the lunyanets region, or visit below sea level, in one of the largest granite quarries in europe, and also see a unique monument nature, lake beloye, a perfect oval shape with crystal clear water, all this in one place, in the main broadcast of elizaveta bruise, sergey korneev and vitaly selyavka, a representative of the belarusian... you need to at least pay attention to the extraordinary guy. the quality of the following products has been tested by time, the love of customers and especially children. one of the most famous enterprises in belarus has been the leader of the domestic confectionery industry for more than 100 years. factory kommunarka and its specialists in a special project tv news agency give to the country. a year
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of quality for our enterprise is , first of all, motivation and incentive to release a new type of product, to increase our sales markets, to improve the quality of product safety, and we really want to continue to please our consumers. i got to the factory 3 years ago through assignment; i graduated from the mogilev state university of food. i graduated with honors, so i had the primary right to choose my first job. of course, i couldn’t refuse this opportunity to work at such a leading enterprise in the country - with such a famous history that has already been going on for about 100 years. i am now a master this site, where we produce exclusive handmade products. over the 3
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years that i have been working here , of course, we can see the great development of the factory in terms of the production of new products that... meet the needs of consumers, satisfy not only our market, but also other countries, when we come up with ideas, we work for a long time on some project, or this is a large application that needs to be completed in a short time frame, at the end, when we see how much effort both i and my employees have put into these products, of course, we are overcome with a feeling pride, a feeling of joy, happiness, it is very pleasant even later to come, for example, to our company store. see what finished products look like and how they are sold. in the future, of course, we expect further development from the company, we do not stand still, it is very pleasant to observe the different stages.
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now to the topic that, according to the results of various surveys, is always in the top areas of concern to the population, these are prices, also, by the way, one of the main competitive advantages in the market, it was done well and inexpensively, i didn’t forget about marketing, consider, ensured sales, how the cost is formed in belarus, whether it was possible to get it under control, spoiler, of course, prices...
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before recording the program, now we will show you the most interesting things with examples, katerina krutalevich will continue: they want to understand trade and prices everyone, both those who are in the studio and our viewers, so we connected them to the topic in advance, launched our survey, the chatbot worked on social networks, in the studio we have experts, journalists, analysts, store owners and production workers, join the dialogue right away, we have no restrictions, so you don’t worry , if you want to say something, we immediately have a dialogue here, we will remind you, we are discussing the updated regulation on prices. document number 713 appeared in the twenty-second year as a resolution that should regulate
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prices in belarus in exactly this wording, since this is a process. conditions are changing, players are on the market, there are questions about imports, but in general the topic of prices was raised by the president. the message was simple: if something starts to cost for belarusians are more expensive, there must be justification from both the manufacturer and the seller. i attended a meeting where the president, despite practically losing his voice at that time from...
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the executive branch, manufacturers, networks, took up the ends of this tangle, this is the effect, we even exceeded the plan, the goal was 7-8%. a price increase of no more than 5.8% was ensured alexey grevich, inflation is a good word, well, for our viewers, prices still held back at the moment, they dropped, yes, indeed, firstly, there was a slowdown in the prices themselves, a containment of the price situation in trade, and most importantly, in some months we generally observed deflation, that is, prices decreased to the level of last year, i still periodically don’t find cucumbers in belarusian stores, no, but there are cucumbers at exorbitant prices , what happened? why are cucumbers 14 rubles, is it in the neighbors, even pepper is cheaper than cucumbers? comments in the studio should
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be looked at at the manufacturer: a belarusian cucumber cannot cost that much, but the choice cannot be taken away from the buyer. and as for cucumbers, there really was an increase, which was to a certain extent due to the import of imported goods, because they assumed that our producers would not be able to meet the demand before... theirs at a completely different price. according to sociological surveys, belarusians still continue to worry about prices, but this is more a story about popular topics of
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conversation. there is no social tension. moreover, belarusians are under the same article. how much is this basket now for a family of four people from the mandatory according to ours, it’s already 1.9 rubles. and we looked from the month of december to january what happens when prices rise, people , on the contrary, shrink down correctly, they start buying cheaper ones.
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by region, the consumer basket today is cheapest in the mogilev region, more expensive in minsk, not by critical amounts, but still, for ordinary people, explain why this is so, why they are different in price, is it delivery, no, wait, in each region we have our own producers, we take dairy products, yes, we have our own enterprises, which are in every region, which are aimed at this, and delivery, logistics, of course, it is closer to its region and that is, this is connected with logistics, mikhailovich, it turns out that from
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orsha you need to go to the mogilev region to buy goods, because it is cheaper. i think not quite so, there is a small gap, you see , there are almost 20, 29 rubles, in my opinion, but according to this basket, well, people still think that, you see, minsk understands why, literally maybe a year and a half ago it was like that almost at the level of a scandal, when out of fourteen types of drinking milk there are seven left on the shelf, an immediate signal that the networks do not provide the required quantity, and so on, although it seems. it was a temporary, random thing, you might say, that in a few days was deregulated, everything fell into place on its own rails, but nevertheless there were 14, this shelf, which has no end, everything, different types of milk, it just, just became a little... slightly less assortment, that is, this is also the case, but we are spoiled in this matter, manufacturers, sellers, buyers are the first in the most difficult situation, if
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the store juggles thousands of items, but here the narrow focus is minced meat. you can’t go back, but that’s exactly what we’ll do to track the cost of sausages. the main thing in the structure of the cost of sausage is meat - this is about 60%. it also includes the cost of spices, casings, clips, and also the direct costs of the meat shop, that is, the costs of operating equipment, labor costs, personnel, electricity, water. all work comes out from the carcass to the finished sausage and is stacked. well, it’s more expensive to lose authority in the industry, well being punished is always bad, and
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especially since we always publish all violations on the site. it’s honestly open which chain was punished or which store or which business entity violated it, it’s all published, an important educational program, 713 resolution, not belarusian know-how, this is world practice, but you need to take into account the national characteristics of the country’s economy, but best of all people themselves talk about price regulation, especially when they have the opportunity to compare, sour cream is three in general, look at the region, which costs 10 kla, there it costs 2 rubles, damn, in general... there’s no end and no edge , you see, look at the abundance of the store, like raw and smoked stuff, it’s just a ton of stuff , and guys, it’s really delicious, i’m telling you, this isn’t germany, for the sake of objectivity. paintings, we asked exclusively belarusians how much their food basket has risen in price lately, the stores have everything, if only they had money, they work, a friend asked him to bring a stick
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of sausage, you can’t buy it in one store, but you can buy rybovtsy in another. the meat doesn’t hold, well, there’s a slight increase in the meat, well, let’s say the same holds back. with such water, belarusians, according to social surveys, generally approve of price regulation, and there are now supporters of this mechanism. to summarize: resolution 713 is a living mechanism , of course, adjustments will be made to it constantly, but the main thing you need to understand is that any game of excess profit is deceiving ourselves, because we all go to the same stores, that is, if internal motivation, why it is worth being honest, but the state will effectively monitor everything else. katerina krutalevich with the economic environment for the main broadcast. when it comes to where it’s cheaper, of course, you immediately think about smaller cities, but in the country as a whole, no.
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the modern city of molodechno people come to stroll along the local broadway, find a fern flower, eat a burger known throughout the country, the famous festival city welcomes guests at all times of the year, even with one of the largest. historical figures: composer mikhail aginsky, napoleon, charles x, yanka kupalo and maxim bogdanovich, ekaterina strekha went instead for life. one of the oldest. cities of sineoka starting from in the 14th century, it constantly changed its owners, whoever ruled it, princes, sangushki, zaslavskys, msteslavskys, sapiehas, hordes of conquerors,
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poles, swedes, crusaders, as well as the troops of napoleon and hitler were here. today, this picturesque corner of the minsk region is rightfully considered a place to live by more than 100,000 people, and despite the rather respectable age of the city, it is... direction to the right, hello, comrade cadets, here is the very younger generation, thanks to which the city does not age, six months ago on on the basis of the molodechninsky school , a military-patriotic club owl was opened, an oath. gave more than 20 boys and girls, they know a lot about assembling and disassembling weapons, they managed to learn the basics of drill training and the basics of hand-to-hand combat. the young fighters are commanded by seventh-grader maxim gabrukovich. i don’t consider
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myself a strict commander; i am quite understanding and fit into this company very well. the guys really listen to the opinions of the commander and squad leader, so i don’t have any problems with them. and for an eleventh grader. pavel batur has no problems with his eye, color perception and sense of proportion. the olympian understands many chemical processes inside and out. why did we get liquid of different colors? firstly, this is a liquid of the same color, and sediments of different colors, let’s say this sediment contains copper. yeah, so cuprumash twice, like salts, copper compound 2+, they are blue, blue, blue, sometimes green. iron has such a range of colors - brown, something like this, how beautiful it is, just look, the educational institution is one of the first in belarus to receive the status of a gymnasium, more than a thousand children study here,
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about a hundred teachers work here, including five young specialists. a modern multi-profile meat processing complex with a full production cycle from field to counter, has a high production capacity, about 900 tons are produced here per month. pasta products and meat delicacies, as well as 150 tons of semi-finished products. here we dry our raw smoked products, the process is quite long, i want to present you with natural sausage mold, that is, this is not a topping, uh, this is not an imitation of mold, this is exactly natural mold that we grow in this room for about 205-30 days, the sausage is here, 14° definitely. humidity that i'm not ready to name right now because it's a secret. part of the assortment is exported; the products of the molodeshchensky district are consumed by residents of russia, kazakhstan, china and the countries of the post-soviet space. in the year of quality, the emphasis is on continuous
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development and research into market trends, minimizing manual labor and maintaining experience, recipes of traditions that were created over the long history of the enterprise. looking at the beautiful and picturesque corner of the minsk region, it’s hard to imagine that it doesn’t exist yet. several centuries ago the place was a remote province, now molodechno is the song center of the minsk region and the festival capital of belarus, a calling card, a summer amphitheater. they built and built and finally built.
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at one time , anastasia chernyavskaya came to the fest almost every year, met her future husband here, instantly fell in love with the molodechny region and i decided to put down my roots here. we realized that it is still better to raise children in the countryside, there is fresh air, everything can be raised in its own, natural way. we were very lucky, at that time we already had three children, and the state issued loans for the purchase of housing for large families, so in this way we...
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very calm, loves children very much, loves adults very much, when she is treated, she is twice as big loves, oh, mom, how nice it is, how good you are, the actress of the capital’s youth theater, kozochka venus, lives next door, here she is, the same famous katyusha, the horse who was saved by the whole world, once she was on the verge between life and death, then she ran around naked, but now... she meets tourists in the molodechnitsky district, we decided to appease the teska, we did not come empty-handed with your hands, katyusha, hold it, you are my good one, family members and volunteers help anastasia cope with such a large and stellar household. in the near future , master classes for children will be held in tividovka, where they will talk about the secrets and delights of village life, as well as teach in practice wisdom of rural life. on the main broadcast.
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only there have been no wars , that’s why peace is so important to us, they don’t want to hear about it in yes, on our territory at different times, in which in the west, an all-out manhunt has been announced for the american journalist tucker carlson, who interviewed russian leader vladimir putin democratizers, they have activated all their levers; the journalist is even threatened with eu sanctions. more than 200 million views are particularly annoying for biden and company. even before the interview was released, they called for him to be ignored, calling everything a lie, i don’t even know what will actually sound there. amazing guys. total state media censorship in the united states and the hopeless bias of european political officials have appeared to the world in all its glory once again. and most importantly, they opened their eyes to their own western audience, which is carefully cut off from any alternative opinion. this is exactly what our next material is about. the western
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public was literally infuriated by the news of journalist carloson's visit to moscow. they were so alarmed that from the very the white house sent an order to urgently distribute correct comments. don't take everything he says at face value. he is what they call a useful idiot. i mean, if you actually read the translations of what the russian media says, they make fun of him, he's like a puppy.
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he claims that president biden's administration tried to prevent him from conducting an interview with vladimir putin. absolutely not. do you categorically not comment or categorically do not interfere? i absolutely do not comment. i want to go back to yours question. this is a ridiculous assumption and a ridiculous statement made to our administration. i just want to be very clear, this is just ridiculous. laughing, as they say, is allowed. with you and me. just a show or are we having a serious conversation? that's a good quote, thank you, we're having a serious conversation, yes, it's serious. they talked about a lot of things, will there be negotiations, why have there been no such negotiations regarding the settlement of the conflict in ukraine until now ? they were, they were, they - reached a very high stage of agreeing on a position
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a complex process, but still they were practically completed, but after we withdrew the troops from kiev, as i already said, the other side, namely... in ukraine, threw out all these agreements and took the instructions of western countries under the bus. who blew up the nord stream? i was busy that day. do you think nato is concerned that this could escalate into a global war or even a nuclear conflict? at least that's what they say.
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banned, they are censored. glad you're giving us an idea of ​​the russian point of view, i hope that an open dialogue will be the way to stop the bloodshed; the tone of the tracing comments of the western media is diametrically opposed. the conversation in moscow marked a new level of shame for the journalist, the guardian said. the new york times was alarmed that carlson had regained his voice. newspaper world.
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to the nation, almost immediately after the release of the material, they decided in this way to distract americans from a high-profile media event, but the only thing biden managed to do was entertain the american public with another blunder. he managed to classify mexico as part of
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the middle east. in general, in the ranks of the anglo-saxons and the eu members like them, there is confusion and shock. if it weren't for tucker's idea, it would have been worth inventing. no, they work in poland, or they did, based on recent events. the resource calls itself media, and belarusian, and the first independent one, but it is not only part of the structure of polish state television, but all these years it has been carrying out the aggressive tasks of the party of law
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and justice against our country. about the fact that this is not the media, an ideological weapon for everyone well known. warsaw journalism loudly shouts about freedom of speech, while violating the rights of our citizens, the right to know. let me remind you that it turned out that belsat ’s so-called journalists not only leak informant databases, but also call belarusians, including state-owned private institutions, introducing themselves as clients or state media, sniffing out information, and these, by the way, are direct violations of all possible international codes and declarations about the work of journalists, although who thinks about them in pursuit of negativity and hype. let's help the ethics commission polish tvp, at the same time we will break down what is inadmissible for a normal journalist, in the section ekaterina tihomir. “be careful, scammers are calling you, we have all at least once or twice encountered a situation
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when a call is heard at the other end of the line, an uncle from the security service of some bank says in a serious voice that someone is at this second trying to steal money from an account beyond their means, this called fraud with the purpose in this case of theft. these forms of fraud, as it turns out, are applicable in the media information. this week we showed the reverse side and methods of working. they’re coming, the work is also going on, that is, everything is working, you can order, it’s safe
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, everything is fine, yes, don’t worry, it’s definitely safe for you, i understand, so why check what they want, let me briefly remind you, these hyenas live - pen in warsaw within the structure of the state media holding tvp. in minsk the office was closed, and in 2021 belsad was recognized as an extremist formation. the underside of the extremist bilstat is available on the atn youtube channel, you can watch it. but now a question. and where journalism ends, that is, the extraction of unique information, and fraud begins. on the website of tvp, which includes the extremist belsad, there is a declaration on the principles of journalism - this is a kind of law, including for the mercenaries of the polish editorial office of belsat. the interlocutor must know how his statements are used, and the journalist must collect information only by honest methods. so, the hired workers of warsaw belsat call themselves belarusians, no less often, that is. the most fake security service, they call, including government agencies on the record, without
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warning who they are, why they are calling, without telling people that these recordings will be used by extremists on the air. these are direct violations of all possible international codes of journalism. of course, in their defense, now they say that after they became extremists , it is impossible to obtain information, and they have to lie for the sake of the right to freedom of speech. only freedom of speech. this is an obligation, this free media has taken away the right to know from belarusians, the taxi dispatcher, for example, thought she was talking to a client, and a museum employee, what about the journalists belta, minsk novosti, ont, stv, dbt, in the end, he calls the napoleon ord museum and says, they say, i’m a journalist from minsk. hello, napoleon orde museum complex, hello, hello, so, i got to the museum, that's right, the museum, yes, ah, we...
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something that can be put on the refrigerator shelf. he does not warn that the woman at this moment is talking with a representative of an extremist group, this is dirty, but she would have been talking with him if she knew about it, did she have the right to know, once again, the point for collecting information is to use honest methods only. and what’s more... the amazing extremist clarifies, what name to give you is already a setup, but how can you
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be introduced, please tell me, yes, i haven’t seen her, i’m just telling you from rumors, i don’t want to, in order for me to be registered there, the information must be accurate, so that the viewer can distinguish facts from rumors, i haven’t seen it, i’m just telling you based on rumors, i don’t want to be registered there, this is an example of the work of so-called honest and unbiased journalism, which we are taught from... behind a high, very expensive polish fence, the ethics commission of the polish tvp, and there is one, may not thank you, we just did their work and revealed a lot of violations, and quickly. this should be followed by a collegial trial, and not only of the journalist, but of the entire leadership of belsat, including the website. if belsat, of course, is the media, and not political bandits from the warsaw highways. i don’t think we can determine the name belsad, the belsad tv channel.
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and communication with extremists is not anonymous, no matter what anonymity they promise, and no matter how they swagger, waste their papers , the sword of domocles is raised over the extremist warsaw editorial office, they write letters to the polish minister, begging for pity, saying, give me some pennies, we’ll lose our jobs, we’ll be kicked out of warsaw, there’s nowhere to return, because in our homeland
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for a crime against the law, even out of the great interests of poland, you will have to answer, but believe me, it’s a matter of being offended by the criminal code? ekaterina tikhomirova, vitaly soplitsa, on the main broadcast. and in the neighborhood, where there is absolutely no journalism or freedom of speech, they again go to the maidan. general kotel, as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, caused panic among the military and their relatives. the zaluzhny protege of the usa was replaced by the cheese protege in the uk. the last post is well remembered.
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zaluzhny valery chief commander, father , whoever you deprived us of, we will all be fucked, before surrendering the territory, he lost the battle, but not
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the war, the most interesting thing is just beginning, zaluzhny received a political carte blanche from the hands of zelensky. the epic with the resignation of the popular general was almost over. first , the confrontation between zaluzhny and zelensky they completely denied it and traditionally called it russian propaganda. then people and the military were gradually accustomed to the idea that updating the command of the armed forces of ukraine was an important and necessary step. they waited for the most convenient time and, under the cover of everyone’s anticipation of an interview with vladimir putin, made an official statement. i confirmed to general zaluzhny and joined the ukrainian team at the same time. i will be happy for this year. today i praised the decision to update the military forces of ukraine. it’s not about the nickname, and moreover, it’s not about politics. how can it not be about politics if zelensky’s own rating can’t get out of the trash bin? confidence in the civil authorities in ukraine collapsed a year ago amid ongoing corruption scandals and
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misuse of western funding. totally included in the circle. excess income from super schemes , it has become too difficult to hide yours about the military and the population , it’s not worth talking about, they are the first to feel the care of official kiev, people came and steal money, just on a global scale, they talk about some drones, about a million drones, it will all rely on volunteers, in order for the volunteers to transfer this drone to the zsu, this zsu drone starts flying there, they will tell him it needs to be certified, pass certification, this is someone who wants to put money in their pocket. “we will not receive help from the authorities until their children are directly on the front line, as soon as the child is on the front line, everything will be normalized, the stealing will immediately stop. the false start with the resignation of zaluzhny took place on january 29, information from deputies scattered across ukrainian public pages the verkhovna rada raised the entire opposition,
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zaluzhny was literally raised to the banner of the revolution, he and his team probably measured the temperature in the ward and drew the appropriate conclusions: the ax was raised over zelensky’s head, the photo that accompanied zaluzhny’s resignation caused widespread discussion, the whole thing. .. in a general's unobtrusive gesture, the inverted victory sign, palm inward, is an offensive version of the gesture, it is often used to indicate disobedience, contempt or ridicule, in its essence it let’s compare it to a demonstration of the middle finger, these are simply stupid political investigations, because even mr. zaluzhny is respected by our current president as a competitor, he was expected to be killed at once, and another is great...
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the western press is already trumpeting all the headlines about the imminent collapse of the ukrainian front. to whom do you think legitimate
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questions will arise regarding brilliant personnel decisions, so zaluzhny won’t have to wait very long. in addition, zelensky’s presidential term ends at the end of march. powers, an illegitimate leader will be at the helm of the country. it’s even difficult to imagine how many people will come. to declare their rights to the mace, about the battle for power with the lives of ordinary ukrainians. andrey sych in the screenshot section. the avalanche of lies that feeds ukrainians, including from their tv screens, is bearing fruit. people no longer understand who to trust. in the meantime. deep fakes pose a much more serious danger to the truth; they are also used by the political elite of the west and its satellites. where nierseti almost disrupted the elections, and where
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helped to become president, what professions can be buried by artificial intelligence, when to expect a tsunami of disinformation and, most importantly, how to recognize digital lies, features of the fake world in understandable politics, watch on monday, after the panorama.
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no matter how certain politicians try to manipulate the facts or, for example, the olympic movement and its principles, there are victories that are still lived out as if these years had never passed. exactly a decade ago, on february 11, 2014, daria domrocheva will win the first of three gold medals at the sochi olympics will forever
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go down in history. a phenomenal achievement for our sport, because at the same games alla and anton kushnir in freestyle will also become olympic champions. i still remember how my colleagues and i were sick on different floors in different offices, it seems it has never been so loud on makaonka 9. in raobichi, which will soon celebrate its half-century anniversary, and asked not only about the great olympic success, but about the time when the trees were big, and oraubichi were somewhat different. somehow miraculously we still have the source code for one of daria domrucheva’s gold races in sochi. in the language of television reporters, source files are all
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those materials that... were filmed by cameramen, that is, in essence they are drafts, but some footage in the mode, let’s say, of a news agenda or real time, then had great value when they were introduced into the final edit went on the air, others began to sound in a new way only now, for example, come on, sashenka, on the coaching exchange klaus siebert, zibych, the venerable coach was called that by the girls in that team, he would be gone 2 years later, but in february 2014, sieber tried to hide his excitement on his face, but... to be honest, he didn’t do a very good job, although these shots of the housewife were already a two-time olympic champion, we were still in those brilliant sochi evenings let's go back, but for now let's take a walk in the rabichi with the heroine, who is not worth introducing, the first days, when i probably suspect they arrived and also probably entered the territory of the complex, these were the thoughts then, the age was, i was 17, 17
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years old, but ...i guess you can say today already that, of course, new horizons were opening up, that is, with the entry to ravobic , new spaces opened up for me in the world of biathlon, that meeting with nikolai fedorovich zakharov invited me here to the team, to the national team, that is, he already connected us young girls to the adult squad , that is, we had already traveled in a trailer, the so-called adult team, and driving up here to raobić, of course, we were overwhelmed with feelings. the energy was seething, at that moment, of course, i understood that i was ready to move mountains, ready to give my all here on the raubic trails to grow, grow and become an adult, serious athlete. when you came here, you felt that some kind of complex, it might have a special history. raobić, at its core, is a very unusual place, a unique place, a huge sports complex, which is located near a city of two million and, well
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, all that. probably cannot be found anywhere else in the world, the scale, of course, the relief of the complex, the relief of the work routes, on which i understood that indeed, yes, here you can seriously, it’s great to prepare, of course, i felt the history, i know from the stories of my mother, who in her youth came here to watch competitions, i think it was 1982, probably the year, yes, the championship was held here, and the world championship, well, really it’s beautiful, yes, it’s very cool , and such a place. you know, now many people use it from a romantic point of view, to take good pictures, to take photographs, as i understand it, during your time there was no observation deck there, yes, but still the view from there it probably opened up very beautiful, but now where we are going up , i’m looking forward to seeing what it looks like now, that is, you weren’t there, there was no observation deck, it’s cool, but when we just started training here, we still climbed higher , climbed onto the springboard to look at raobić in general
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at the surrounding area from a bird’s eye view.
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that is, sochi, the biathlon track there is at an altitude and generally requires very special preparation for performing there, that is , high-altitude training, but the terrain itself
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raobich, he allows you to prepare well, seriously, and i think that this also became one of the strong factors that contributed to this. general achievements there. darya and i talked for a television film by the tel news agency, which will be dedicated to the creation of a first-class training center for winter sports and more in the village of raubich. at the end of february our raovics will celebrate exactly 50 years, as will the first world championships held here. a place that connected several outstanding generations of belarusian biathlon. and again february 2014, laaura ski and biathlon complex in the mountains of the krasnodar territory. soon after these shots, the whole country will become even happier, and for the third time, too. our freestylers anton kushnir and allad super became olympic champions on the same days. the mass start race ended with the victory of our dasha in the company of the norwegian ekhov and koukolov from the czech republic. domracheva
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became a three-time olympic champion, the strongest biathlete of her time. meanwhile, klaus siebert received congratulations from his colleagues and simply completed his job at the stock exchange, but inside he was an immensely happy person. that's for sure. there will be a lot after sochi. recognition to the highest. state level, the title of hero of belarus, and of course, the love of the entire native country, because behind the success of any athlete is his work and those who have always been there. happiness will come in your personal life: husband, a real man, father and the greatest athlete in history, ulya ener bjor dalin, two beautiful daughters who were born in minsk, the second just last year, there was a beautiful return after the first pregnancy into sports amazing inspiring gold of the women's relay quartet in hyunchang, south korea. there will also be work experience as a coach in china, which ended later. there are probably a lot of interesting things waiting ahead for the chinese games, but those very first feelings when young dasha returned to her native country in her hometown, they are the most priceless, and i myself was born in the city of minsk and...


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