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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 12, 2024 2:05pm-2:41pm MSK

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and if i had the opportunity to rewind time back, then i probably would have chosen the same professional path. the most interesting thing in the profession is promoting a child. that’s when they come to us in fifth grade and we study their abilities, their needs, and mentally imagine how this child can develop. a teacher must be demanding, be able to be happy for children, and instill in them confidence in their abilities. the most valuable thing for a teacher is when... his students reach heights. this is a great reward for me. how do i feel about this? of course, pride joy. working with modern children, i would like to instill in them, first of all , responsibility. before yourself, first of all, and before the world around you. until a person begins to demand something from himself, he has no right to demand something from others. rebok must understand that he comes from his parents' family in... and he represents
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his family at school, in society, and family is the most valuable thing, for me teaching is a mission, sometimes this mission is difficult to achieve, but it must be doable by someone, why if it weren’t me, on the other hand, this is an opportunity for self-realization, when you succeed in a lot at school, then excitement comes, and with this excitement you captivate children, maybe not all, but many, then... these children are grateful to you for that at the right moment you tried, well, to give them some kind of acceleration, they began to develop the way i saw it. we tell you how to choose high-quality products for healthy dishes. the most important thing is to pay attention to its color, it should be uniform, without streaks, not dull, without rust, brown or yellow spots. behind.
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often indicating fat oxidation. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. did you have breakfast today? by the way, i haven’t had time to eat yet. let's cook together. come on, breakfast at the champion. today we are having quiche with spinach and red fish for breakfast, it will be amazingly, exquisitely delicious. an unforgettable invigorating exercise. it will be good. complex for morning exercises, which will allow you to fill up with energy for the whole day, see the project breakfast of the champion on the belarus 24 tv channel shows where they fight not with the help of physical force. as you know, playing sports contributes to the production of the happiness hormone. our program, by the way, has the same effect. a show where the main weapon is intelligence. who won the be cup
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sports show, head game on our tv channel.
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trzeba natychmiast doprowadzić do likwidacji tvp, brawo.
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the influence of ramashevskaya, those people who stand behind belsat, talking about the whole of belarus, here without having an official base, not this country, but why do we need official base?
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the polish tvp has long been considered exclusively the mouthpiece of kaczynski’s government policies, or more precisely the peace party. they made fun of tvp, and sociological studies showed that about 26% of the polish population believed
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that polish state television showed the real picture. bravo! today poland is overtaken by a battle for television. tusk came to power, handed out a briefcase, however, he did not forget who, throughout the entire election campaign, even earlier, threw buckets of mud at him, or how public television suddenly became tame, pisovsky. the essence of the claims, among other things, there were guys in this holding who earned 4 million zlotys a year, their knees began to tremble, the flames of romashev’s guza. who doesn't know? the creator and permanent director of the polish channel for belarusians, here is a little story about the distant 2005, when a polish journalist was sitting at the airport waiting for her deportation flight. sitting at the airport, i thought what i could do to at least somehow pinch alexander lukashenko, because it cannot be hidden that
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with their decision the belarusian authorities destroyed all my plans. can a polish journalist, even if she is very offended by her frustrated plans and is vindictive? sitting at the airport waiting for a deportation flight , open your channel to pinch, i quote, the leader of another state, only if she is the daughter of influential parents. ognieszka rommashskaya is a person with very strong influence in the polish state, her mother is an adviser to the president, her father, who is no longer alive, was also a very influential person, her husband is now the polish ambassador to ukraine, so we are talking about a very influential family. but since the interests there are foreign policy, they will broadcast the mule to a structure based on tvp, the polish ministry of defense will pay about
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20 million zlotys a year for this miracle. but meade, of course, does not have his own money; it will still have to be taken from the country’s budget, which is formed from people’s taxes, so every year in the sejm. when the budget justification is carried out, the deputies make a decision, there is the eastern partnership program, we need to go there, and then there is belsad, which will not survive without money, and this is an important foreign policy an instrument of poland, the purpose of which, as romoszewska herself says, is to influence certain changes in consciousness. and in this sejm, which distributes the budget, including what belsad will receive, let me remind you once again that romashevskaya’s father sat as vice-speaker until 2011. that is, no conflict of interest, no nepotism even once. this channel should broadcast in belarusian and for belarusians, but it is headed by polish management, and the employees have polish salaries. this is a fragment of an interview with the russian komsomol pravda from 2021.
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it's funded by mead, yup, and television. and polish television. that is, it simply allocates part of the money that the state allocates to you, your channel, right? that is, this is a state channel. broadcast in the belarusian language, yeah, dry numbers, according to open data, more than 300 million zlotys were spent on the maintenance of the tv channel for 10 years from 2009 to 2019, over the course of... all subsequent years , polish society calls on tens of millions, which are allocated to the maintenance of useful idiots , give support to help and treatment of young poles suffering from cancer. they don't listen to duda. therefore, especially devoted doody journalists from the extremist editorial office rent apartments in warsaw for $600, open their own shops and businesses in the very heart of the polish capital, and hang out. and they drink, pour it down the collar, by the way,
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a lot and a lot. hey, annishka, you’re mine, you’re just generally crappy, you’re crazy, you’re crazy, you’re so talented, so tough, so, so. belsad is truly an independent channel, it is independent of belarus, they are not here journalists, independent of the country’s information, he is independent of the opinion of belarusians and independent of freedom of speech, and free journalism itself, because again he is subordinate to the polish government and its aggressive foreign policy from the law and justice party, truly the seventh year of belsat. implemented the polish line in the belarusian direction and the policy of belsat,
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as a tv channel, correlated with the policy of the polish state, which is why polish-belarusian relations degraded more due to the fault of poland, this degradation was started in warsaw, the more aggressively poland violated all the norms and rules of neighborly coexistence.
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not the president of poland, of course, employee ivan schill, they said in a message on facebook that belsat members cannot fit into the narrative directed against poland. next , deputy romoshevskaya recommended the employee quote: to go to belarus. do you smell polish chauvinism towards belarusian hirelings?
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at the end of 2016, i decided to shorten the funding gap by a factor of three. the head of the department in those years was vitald vashchakovsky explained: the effect on the population inside belarus is modest, the tv channel itself was marginalized. when several years ago the then minister of foreign affairs witold waszczykowski publicly stated that he did not intend to continue financing the activities of the belsad tv channel, the minister was.
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november 2020, the belsat editorial office receives a message: it’s a fake, security forces are shooting people, you won’t believe it, from a child’s pistol with suction cups. detentions have begun on pushkinskaya, a company of military men is standing near mcdonald's and is shooting at people with plastic child's pistol with sticks with suction cups, aiming at the face. the mind leaves the chat, and the message is published in the telegram channel of the polish editorial office. incompetence, to put it mildly, more precise wording in a conversation between a journalist and the editor of an extremist channel, they are absolutely idiots, you know, they are narrow-minded people, but diligent, they somehow learn, even if they don’t know how to work and don’t know,
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and most importantly, they don’t are going to learn that this is shit. well, you don’t see the site, there’s nothing to see, you haven’t seen the site for many months since i can’t just recently took it, opened it, looked at it, it’s some kind of shit, some kind of shit , well, i don’t know, i don’t look at their website , well, there’s nothing there, all the news is on ours, even in the freedom of news, any news, there’s no news, it’s the same situation now, but there’s no news in general , apparently the main task there is to avoid news.
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i can’t broadcast, for example, from here, eat and tell what’s happening in belarus, i haven’t been there, uh-huh, uh-huh, i can’t trust that i’ll just call my friend, say, how are things going there, she’ll say , well you know, so and so, so and so, this is not it, i have to check the information, according to journalism this is wrong, that is , therefore, if you have a correspondent, then you like, believe him or not, well, this correspondent, he also has to show
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proof of something to film, to do, this is television, well, yes, yeah.
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well, i was driving to work, i saw the forest was being cut down there for, like, a week, they were sawing it, sawing it, well, i don’t know what came over me and i’m not an expert in these volumes of cutting, so i sort of decided to write, i thought that will remain anonymous, well, in fact , there is no smell of anonymity there, i even wrote a letter saying that, in principle, i wanted to talk, you had such and such a program about people with disabilities, i can. so when she called , we started talking, and somehow i, you know , she was wary, she was somehow like, yes, what exactly do you not like there, and i said something...
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of ours tv or russian censorship would fine each of them up to 14 thousand euros. within the framework of the law on the quality of freedom of speech for the protection of national security. freedom of speech it turns out there is quality in democracy. it's time to remind about responsibility - article 361.4 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus. promoting extremist activity is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to 4 years or imprisonment for a term of up to 4 years.
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yesterday i had issue with that and uh they know all the conversation, all details that i gave to your journalist and i want to understand uh what i can do with this, i will
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ask you to send me the links or uh first of all the date where when the studio interview was who are you talking with just in case just? understand where is this video is it public now or not i'm not working with videos a problem it wasn't video it was written it was written uh news it was written on the website okay because we don't know what to delete okay how to so you can just delete this they already know this news they already know this news
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freedom of speech is not something that can be picked up in a gateway and carried with a banner, these are first of all duties, a journalist is obliged to introduce himself, because a person has the right know who is talking to who is recording him, when so-called journalists contact belarusians, they introduce themselves as us. hello, napoleon ordet museum complex , oh, hello, so, i got to the museum, that’s right, a museum, yes, and we are journalists from minsk, so we are interested, there is information that there is a village there and not far from the museum in particular, they say ,
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the rocket fell, i didn’t see it, i’m just telling you from rumors, i don’t want them to register there, however, they may introduce themselves not as journalists, but simply as regular and concerned customers, and then broadcast it, put it on the website. taxi, hello, hello, this is service 158, yes, i wanted to ask you, i just read the news, i constantly use your service, which
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will not happen in our city...
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no, we are not rejoicing or gloating, this is purely polish matter, spend your money on your children or on useful idiots from belsat, the main thing in this story is that, frightened by being removed from the nourishing trough, they began to call a spade a spade. belsad, polish foreign policy instrument impact on belarus. however, conclusions.
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the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. days like this do not happen often, but the trees are not covered with pebbles, the tsudouny patterns of jumping are created by the cold, frost, neither snow nor frost dot the avid fishermen, it is cold, and the fishermen do not give up
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any they need to be occupied. i'm at home, don't worry about it , don't let it go.
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tramі zimnіmі ў march, sіgonnі ў minsk ўdali ranak sleeping youth on the skating rink, knitted felt boots were carefully knitted. u these winter evenings are full of ice and snow, and my thoughts are already rushing towards me, with joy
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and joy. in all international acts , the murder of civilians is written in black and white. unarmed children is a war crime, but the head of european diplomacy, jose barel, commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, said that he considers it pointless to provide humanitarian assistance to those who could be killed tomorrow, but this is different. in almost 3 months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure, almost 22,000 were killed residents of the sector. gas, the number of wounded exceeded 56,000. as for the shelling of donetsk on new year’s eve, of belgorod, this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation of the rules of war. this is a war crime. in the meantime, the west is already
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dividing up the remnants of ukraine, and is not waiting for the end of the special military operation. in principle, they are no longer interested in the latter. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. as if you were holding a book in your hands, rummaging little by little, sniffing at your skin, with your ears the most creative people are right. suitable ўvagi - these books, the books have the thoughts of the last minute, the concise and expressive voices of people, everything that the chalavets have created,
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have been hawking on old books, bytstsam enchantment. we read more about the past years, we read more about the past, we appreciate the past for our daily life, belarus 24.


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