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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 12, 2024 11:05pm-12:01am MSK

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we have exported countries such as germany, bulgaria, israel, due to the fact that there have been difficulties recently in terms of export supplies to some countries, we are able to increase export shipments. our pride is natural ice cream, which has been made according to the classic recipe for more than 40 years since the founding of the plant. approach to de.
11:06 pm
on the belarus 24 tv channel you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that occurred during a week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening, on the air again say don’t be silent, our guest is the winner of the third season of the show factor buy.
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do you remember, daddy, you and i are married to each other, how did we have a new car? and all the time i, pachakayce, kali laska, pachakayce, and all the time i want to tell you, dad, mom, darling, brother, in this car we are eating a dry meal, which is called life.
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there must be a happy ending to all stories, in a new car, you are driving to a new life, a family reunion took place, of course, and it took place even at the stage when we arrived to shoot this business card for the sixth broadcast of factor byy, and it was unforgettable, of course, and you know, what marked this most of all was not the quantity... but , first of all, the fact that little brother romka, for the first time in all the months of his life, he himself - he came into my arms, i’m rarely at home and he, well, is a little afraid of me, but he doesn’t have time to just get used to it, yes, well, he’s still small, these are the characteristics of children. but then he
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actively wanted to come into my arms, recently i came, i also held him in my arms, this is another moment with which i am filled, which allows me to move on, and how did you manage to let go of this resentment so quickly, resentment, which you talked about in the first issues, and you know, what’s the point of being offended? this is life, in life, unfortunately, it does not happen that people correspond to ours expectations, yes, even if that were the case, it would be boring, firstly, secondly, i just needed to understand how much was done for me, how many sleepless nights there were, how much nerves were wasted, again well...
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well, you know, we’ve all seen with what eyes your father looks at you, and these are unconditionally loving parents, your danik, do you feel this love? certainly, unconditionally , i feel it, otherwise i would not have said this speech and would not have done what happened, at what moment this happened in you a turning point, and you realized that parental love , it is unconditional and exists, i can’t say exactly the moment, simply because... i don’t remember, but it just happened somehow that i understood it, i just understood it, you did you understand it with your mind or did you accept it with your heart? you know, more with the mind than with the heart, and that’s good, because the heart, it, it still somewhere doesn’t understand
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why, for what, after all, with all that i say, with all that here we are now we are discussing... there was closer contact with her, explain to me, so she left on the eve of the show, we are very grateful to you we sympathize, but as we discussed , she’s probably hovering around somewhere, because her help is obvious, it affects how you walked this path with dignity and became a winner, well, i would like to know why she became
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such a closer person to you , grandmother, as my mother said and as i saw myself, absolutely always, no matter what happened, loved me. at some point my mother even said that she loved me more than everyone else, yeah, and uh, of course, it happened, unfortunately, that she left, but it was expected, i can’t say what it is it was unexpected, if we had not expected this, it would have been very difficult on the air, but she was very sick, she was sick for a long time, she lost several children in a short period of time, she lost her husband, all this affected her , in my opinion, for her this is more of a deliverance than something bad, she said the most important thing before her death, i even have a recording on my phone of our conversation, thank god, i just realized that we
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may never see each other, so i did it and i don't regret it, she said that you have to become one of the people, you have to win. must become a famous person , so that, by the way, she also said this, in order to have some kind of income, you see how they leave us such orders that we are then forced to carry out all our lives, it is impossible to refuse, and of course the grandmother is like a wise woman, having lived quite a long life and probably not the easiest life, she understood that it’s really very important for you to be independent, of course, how are you? you see, elena viktorovna and i talked on the eve of our meeting with you, she insists that you continue your studies in music and enter the academy, but you have not yet decided, as we heard, on this score i want to tell you that in my case i clearly determined for myself that
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i i have no right to make a mistake, this is the complexity of my choice, because after.
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well, due to my fear of insects, unfortunately i cannot do this, although i would probably be inspired by this, yes, because, well, this, in principle, is my whole life, but it’s built on... soviet culture, on the culture of workers people, and despite my kind of artistic history, i would still like to work, well, it brings confidence, you can imagine what it’s like for a person at 20, at 21, to come home from work and to say, my love, i’m home, and you’re already gone, i think i guessed what’s going on, well, that is, everything is somehow like this. but also, of course , the reason is that you don’t like to study, you yourself have admitted this many times, but we
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haven’t yet heard how you perform jazz standards, opera, you haven’t shown us ari, daniil, there is room to grow in music, if you like to work, work on your voice. in order to grow in music, it is absolutely not necessary to enroll in any institutions, for this it is enough just not to lose touch with... teachers, come even conditionally as a student, well as a tutor and also improve, that is, this is much more more opportunities, because i plan to fly to russia, i plan to fly somewhere, in principle, doing this with my studies is extremely problematic, so yeah, i want to, here i am i just want to feel a little freer, but does he support you? well, we somehow didn’t really discuss this, we only discussed that i should finish college, but
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this is obvious, because there are already six months left, then, then i’m free, i’m nobody’s, then i’ll somehow be something i think it turned out to be a very interesting interview, danik, thank you very much for coming, i wanted not to run up behind the scenes, but i told you, i wanted to sit with you , listen to you, hear you. your wonderful thoughts, your heart, which always says: you are right, you are always in such a pleasant vibration, which communicates much more about you than the numbers on the stage of any, even the most rated show, we wish you good luck, let your path be the one you choose for yourself, but like me i understand , you are in a hurry to live, well, let everything go faster , good things happen to you, and we tatyana, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, daniil savenya says now,
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dear friends, what i would like to tell you, yes before the only thing is that each of you is unique in what you do, even if you it seems like you are doing nothing. i would sincerely like to wish you all to be kinder to each other. be more patient, although sometimes this is extremely difficult. i would like to wish you sincere, kind love that fills you, because in love there is the appearance of something new, and someone new. i would sincerely like to thank everyone. of you , everyone who voted, to whom i can dedicate
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this victory, i want to thank elena viktorovna for the path that we are going through, and we have already walked a lot, in general, i want to thank my mom, dad, sister, i want thank my friend lesha vasilevsky, who accompanied me throughout all these broadcasts, i want to thank my mentor, my...
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thank you very much. the song of the iradzim remains, everything can change, if the yans are not fallen, you will not meet the smoke
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of the spring, it will be clear, only this will not be an hour. there will be an eternal life, as you will, bright folk words, a monthly expression on the grass, and no matter what life is not a great sand, you, where the pain is, there is a joy , there is a song, there is a song, there is a life.
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we unshakably believe that all our faithful subjects will stand unitedly and selflessly in defense of the russian land. go, with deep faith in the rightness of our cause, with...
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assigned to us, transferred, with a successful start, but i have no idea at all, god forbid, allow me, i don’t know what needs to be done, well, what to do, i personally... i’m going to say goodbye to my wife, will i see you again, i’ll pay off my debts , something has come up, you’ll say something else, here death is on the nose, and you are in debt, well, yes, as they say, everyone knows better than to face a bullet, lieutenant
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grigoriev, seconded your regiment, sir lieutenant colonel, allow me to register my arrival two days later, i have a fiancee, i want to get married.
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front left. “nazca, there, classic for battle , attack, march, attack, march!
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but if you listen for six months, you’ll get used to it, yeah , i’ll shoot myself, i won’t shoot myself, here are the pharmacists, my respects, gentlemen, let’s play the game of korutchik, why play with you - then, you will still lose,
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as always, the usebuda is delivered in the best possible way. and who is this? the niece of mr. stakhovsky, a local rich man. in their house. by the way, i know him well. and even in home often. i’m in the very same place that is so clearly visible from your parade ground, to be rich, mr. lieutenant, naturally, rich, sugar factories melt timber, a magnificent stud farm with
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a dozen apartment buildings in kiev itself, and how they live, how they live, real aristocrats, and what kind of tricks they give, and what she does in our tavern, it’s funny to say, mr. stakhovsky loves the local...
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military court, but for what, mr. assessor, but checkmate for you, mr. pharmacies, no, no, excuse me, you lost, i'm waiting for an invitation to stakhovsky's house, so commerce advisor, pavel sergeevich stakhovsky. stakhovsky. ivan, ivan
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, yes, i’m here, your honor, today at six, so that the uniform sparkles, and the gloves, so that they are new, then i’ll take them for you, buy, buy, buy.
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checkers station, hold it! so, uh-huh, uh-huh. mr. lieutenant , his honor rod mr. berg asks you to urgently report to the barracks, what’s the matter, i can’t , why am i needed, i dare you to report a fight in the barracks, well, to hell with it, he’s on duty, let him sort it out, you see, i’m late , that’s it, i’m no longer here, his honor said, it’s better you yourself, if he interferes, you will have to write a report, your lancers are making noise, what?
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he sent a parcel, he stibred, and how many sweets did he take from you, one pig.
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i’m invited, they’re waiting for you, come with me, sir, please, sir, follow me.
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poruch grigoriev, i beg your pardon, gentlemen, i was detained on duty, you should excuse us for not waiting.
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but the audience is playing, and i’m nina, it’s a pity that you didn’t get snacks, there’s no need to be late.
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sorry! mademoiselle, let me invite you,
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please, oh my god. "no, no, sorry, nina, listen, i don’t know what happened, i just invited matakovskaya, but they didn’t invite her to dance, wait, right? that you don’t know, but what should i know, this is my first time in your house, lord, and no one told you, i’m good, but i’m motionless, paralyzed, i can’t take a step on my own, i swear, i didn’t know, i i only saw her at the table, please explain everything to her, okay, okay,
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later. saber gloves fural, i obey, mr. porodchik, ivan, what? i decided to drink some coffee, but no, you said it yourself, don’t hesitate, perhaps not a proud one, like the masters
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, he took, he took, he took, the coupe, and where did the money come from, the debt, the appearance of the ensign, oh, so you received a debt from him, yeah, that means we have money. it’s none of your business to wait for everything, from a flower shop in paris for manoiselle stakhovsk, from the vice grigoriev alexander nikolaevich, my respects.
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do you know from whom, like stakhovsky, gentlemen might be more beautiful? go buy yourself some vodka. buy and buy a lot, but pennies, you just bought bills
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for everything yesterday, stop muttering, i’m already tired, this is the last thing left, take it, that’s it, go, yay.
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it’s so nice that you came, i came just for you, i’m glad to see you, we’re all glad to see you, mr. breeder, yes, yes, not to the right, i’m very glad, sit down, make yourself at home. “at this time , my cousin and i always drink strong arabic coffee, will you allow me to offer you, yes, yes, as you please, or maybe tea, no, no, coffee, i love coffee very much, i also drink it for you at this time, ok, i'll give orders, don't worry, she'll come, sit down, finally, i have to apologize to you, you're sorry, why sit down, please, for yesterday evening, i behaved stupidly, this
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will not happen again, but you came up so unexpectedly, i actually got used to my illness, then you guessed my desire, no, really, at that moment i wanted to dance more than anything else in the world, thank you for rose, here again you guessed it, i adore the color red, and in general , if not for my misfortune, i would probably be a ballerina, but if you want, if you want, i’ll tell you one secret, i’m collecting... a collection, photos of great ballerinas, i ask you about what i told you, not a word in front of them, it seems to me that i am forgiven, in my opinion, yes, actually, mr. breeder, i have grooms, well, yes, so what, all the pretty girls have grooms, what are you whispering about? by the way, you don’t know a lot about the breed, he is a master at whispering compliments
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and a famous chess player, plays chess with the pharmacist himself, well, compliments are for you, chess is interesting, i haven’t met a good player for so long, yes, unfortunately, you're right, officers prefer screw to chess, and vodka, tea and coffee, that's right, yes, yes, you're in check, i'm afraid you've lost, no, that won't do. you deliberately distracted me, want a rematch? yes, i offer you a match of twelve games, then we can understand which of us is stronger, i challenge you to a fight, i don’t fight with women, and you forget that i’m a woman, for you i’m an ordinary chess player, let’s say, as your pharmacists, there are 12 games going on , too much of a match, but i don’t suggest playing everything at the same time, we will play a game each evening, i’m always at home. and if you miss the pharmacist, then we will spray
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the room with soothing drops, valerian, isn’t it, valeria, and so as not to lose count, here i have a set of balls, my white one the win, dark is yours, i agree, i agree, well then it’s 1:00, we’ll continue tomorrow, no, no, please , sit, what do you want, dad? whole reminders about my illness, well, see you tomorrow, yes, mr. parutchuk, no need, i myself, but lera, i want it that way.
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please, mr. baruchek, don’t be offended by my girl, if you knew what she was like, now she’s sometimes harsh, but is it possible to hold back indefinitely, for which god is so mercilessly fair? after all, she never did anything bad to anyone, never, to anyone, if you knew how she is today i was delighted with your flowers, so please don’t judge, i’m strictly, i beg, i beg.
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you know, today i dreamed that i was dancing, in my dreams i never remember that i am sick, and in general i remember all people only in movement, for example, my mother, everyone says that they remember the faces of their mothers, but i don’t, just movement, the way she walks in her tight dress, quickly, quickly here. and you? i, i don’t remember my little mother well, i was sent to the cadet corps early, then she died, you wanted to be a military man since childhood, but no, just when you for the family of a small official , four sons and three daughters are sitting at the table, they don’t particularly
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ask about their vocation, they quickly get a job at the government expense, that’s all, but you don’t regret it, no. and you have a lot of friends, comrades, but this is not the kind of friendship that you imagine, which means you are also lonely here, to tell the truth, yes, i wanted to suggest to you, we could become friends in this city , so sad, so lonely, and i’m so interested in listening to you, i thought maybe
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i would be you, well, i rarely go out, but at least i i read a lot and i think maybe you would be... interested in being friends with me, of course , wait, i know friendship between a man and a woman doesn’t go very well, and that’s understandable, but my illness deprives me of interest in some aspects of life, so we could become real friends, you won’t think that i’m a woman and you’re a man, then we could talk about the whole world like real comrades, yes, yes, then, then tell me about yourself, i want to know more about you , tell me. tell us about the one you love, because to a real friend you would they talked about this, but here, unfortunately, i have nothing to distinguish you, like anina, didn’t you fall in love with her, yours? cousin is a charming girl, it’s hard not to fall in love with her, so you fell in love, but you yourself say, what? no , wait, i only said what i think , why does this have to apply to
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me, especially since nina has a fiancé, she loves him, i know how when did you manage to talk about such things, however, okay , it’s clear that we had time, well then tell me honestly, would you come to us if nina suddenly she left for her fiancé, of course, i have a friend in this house, don’t you know? i know, i know, and he is always waiting for you at the chessboard . yes, nina, keep mr. porodnik company for a while while i take the procedures. sergey! so, mr. porodchik, what are we
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going to do with you, i don’t know how to play chess, and you don’t need it, i already told you that i have a fiancé, and this is all quite serious, so as soon as one condition is met , we will get married, i offer you friendship. i've just been offered friendship well, that means you will have two friends in this house, which is bad, no god, stop right now. don't come near,
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you'll ruin everything. what are these conditions to which you spoke? so, how do you spend your time? couples with me are not at all interesting, we were talking about tomorrow, strangely, just half an hour ago, alexander nikolaevich called you charming, right, i say, mr. porodchik? yes, it's true, you see, oh well, so you accept our invitation? so, tomorrow at 5:00 some important military man is having lunch with us rank from st. petersburg. dad believes that this acquaintance will be very useful for you. well, i hope i see you too. “don’t worry, we won’t let you be eaten , we will protect you, and now i ask you to forgive me,
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this visitor from st. petersburg is a very influential man in the military department, his name is, i have a card, why are you standing there, aren’t you guessing? " help, yes, thank you, we got fried, finally over the poor little girl, why are you doing this, lera, forgive me, forgive me, this bad injustice happens to me sometimes, but you because you will come tomorrow, you will come, of course, i will come, honestly, honestly. secrets of good
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morning and good mood. dobraya ranitsa belarus. on the air of the satellite tv channel belarus 24, the program good morning belarus. my name is svetlana borovskaya. as everything is invented, have children. bye, bye, some kind of smile. meeting amazing people. hello. he will go back. watch good ranitsa belarus with svetlana borovskaya on the belarus 24 tv channel. we’ll tell you how to choose.
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often indicating fat oxidation. no rust, brown or yellow spots, a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. did you have breakfast today? by the way, i haven’t had time to eat yet. let's cook together. come on, breakfast of champions. today we have quiche for breakfast. with spinach, red fish, it will be surprisingly, exquisitely tasty, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, this will be a good complex for morning exercises, which will allow you to fill up with energy for the whole day, watch the breakfast of champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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and in another way, from the highest cliff , a lopaka slowly crawled, scanty greenery barely softens the gloom of the landscape, gardens of cedars, oaks, a few poplars, a few grape trillages, here and there cypresses and myrtle, and fences of prickly cacti.
12:00 am


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