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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 13, 2024 12:50am-1:26am MSK

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you can go to the former market square, in the role of a universal navigator, it is better than a compass or a guidebook, allowing you not to go astray to see the true history of the city, a whole scattering of objects of a bygone era, ancient mansions and urban development, of course, with a slight touch of the 21st century. representatives of several nations took part in the construction of stolin, the jewish population predominated, and although they were not the first... and its residents, having moved, continued the village street stolinka to the west and settled along the river. in all international acts , the murder of the civilian population of unarmed children is written in black and white, this is a war crime, but the head of european diplomacy... barel,
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commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, said that he considers it pointless to provide humanitarian assistance to those who could be killed tomorrow, but that's different. in almost three months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure , almost 22,000 residents of the gaza strip were killed, and the number of wounded exceeded 56,000. as for the shelling. donetsk on new year's night of belgorod, and this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation of the rules of war, this is a war crime, and while the west is already dividing the remnants of ukraine, do not wait for the end of the special military operation. the latter is basically no longer interesting to them. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. our region
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through the eyes of foreigners. this is not our first time in belarus, we really liked it here, the people are very kind, we went to different places and everyone is quite open, in moscow everyone lives in in a hurry, here i see more interaction between people, how did they end up in belarus and why did they stay here? one of the reasons is the people, very kind, very simple, without aggression, i think many are foreigners.
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among the main jewish sites is the stolin shrine. the synagogue became the center of the cultural and spiritual life of the local community, the city itself became the center of the hasti movement of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, later the entire northwestern region of the russian empire. built in the majestic boroko style of stone, it was once called the white sinaga. to unfortunately, these days it is difficult to call it that. today it is one of the oldest buildings in the city, which, alas, no longer lends itself to any colorful descriptions. in fact, they are destroyed. and if on the outside you can still find simple decorative elements in the form of cornices and pilasters, then it is not possible to get inside. it was once stored here. a unique calfskin torah scroll
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in the rich library of the local ravin. by the way, for a century and a half, stolin remained the capital of the polesie hasidim. during the time when the notorious stolinsky lived tzaddik asher, ukraine was gripped by a terrible pestilence. tzaddik decided to help and went to the contaminated area, taking with him one single thing - a funeral shroud. there sadiq passionately prayed that the epidemic would recede and sacrifice his life. coincidence or not, but after his death, the pestilence really stopped. as for today, at the moment the white synagogue is the only monument of synagogue architecture of the 18th century built in the baroque style. so it still stands, waiting for a second wind, and we we are heading to the stasina tract. as we have already
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said, stolin has long been a jewish town, and if... by 1847, the jewish community numbered about 800 members, and by the beginning of the war, out of a population of almost 13 thousand, 8 and a half were jews. the diaspora had strict morals, hasidic jews lived here, who greatly revered their rabbi, and he was so revered, let’s say, that when he moved from one place to another, the horses were unharnessed and transported to... the believing jews themselves, from one places to another, old-timers remember how during the years of occupation, the market and the adjacent neighborhoods, which we saw as part of the preserved historical buildings, were fenced off with barbed wire, and in the spring
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of '42 a geto appeared here, almost 1,300 jews became its prisoners, on september 11 , everyone who was in it shot, today the place is for... 1960, when an obelisk was installed, which was later dismantled. after 33 years, a new granite monument appeared, similar to a large open black book, where one page is written in hebrew, the second in russian. this says one thing: no one has ever forgotten the tragedy. the second monument to the victims of the holocaust is very close, this is a sculptural composition of a woman with a child. sorrow is a memory, eternal and
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laconic. without exception, a belarusian city, its shrine is a temple. against the background of white stone churches, richly decorated, stolinskaya looks modest, but i would say, original, with a polesian flavor. you see for yourself, unlike the synagogue or the church, of which today there is no trace left at all, the orthodox the church was much luckier. i mean trees. unlike the synagogue, it is still in good shape, but let’s not discount it in the year it was built.
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the church appeared on gorynskaya street in a picturesque place in 1938. they built a tree, but nevertheless forever. as programmed, it happened. not later , the atheism dictated by the authorities did not touch the temple, and therefore for the townspeople today it is more than just a church, an architectural monument that laconically skillfully combines both elements of belarusian polish and russian wooden zodice. in other words, the temple embodied the traditions of a non-russian style, but as you understand, any temple has unique shrines. this icon is in the stolin-ascension church. savior, who had previously been in the house of a parishioner, where, according to her stories, the miracle of god happened. before easter i saw that the image of a face began to appear immediately, then slowly from top to bottom everything began to appear. now, as we see, the image is clearly visible,
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colors have begun to appear. this, of course, is a miracle of god. icon in the temple has been kept for 5 years. the clergy say that this is a simple polish style letter. approximately the 18th century, they assure that all who ask receive salvation here. stolin is a small town, it’s even surprising how so many interesting objects are concentrated in this place. we are in mankoviche park, it is not just a monument of landscape art, it is one of the main attractions, and not only so much.
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that's who owned stolin, that's the history of the park is closely connected with the notorious princely originally from the rodevils, at one time it was defeated by order of maria rodivil, in the city of the same name. neighboring stolin is the village of mankovicha, which, as you understand, gave the park its name, which appeared on the site of an old oak forest on the banks of the goryn. today, this is reminded by the volun stone, prudently installed in honor of the founder of the park, by her son stanislav in 1904. just think, there was once a whole palace and park ensemble here. and today the central building is incredibly beautiful. unfortunately, there are none left trace. the people of stalin today are very grateful
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to the nesvizh princess maria darothy de kostelyan, the wife of prince anthony, for coming to these then impassable places and planting a park in 1885. about 35 species of shrubs and trees grew in it, among them, of course, decorative and exotic ones, either american, canadian viburnum, or caucasus fir. and many other rare specimens. stolin park is 7 years younger than nesvizh park; today its area has been halved to 23 hectares, but once it was as much as 50. time, and war, they reshaped its appearance at their discretion. so, during the first world war, the century-old oak trees were the first to take the blow; they were mercilessly cut down. only a few have survived. a huge oak tree reminds of past grandeur. in the capital they even say
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that thanks to this tree you can acquire male strength. to do this, just take off your boots and stand with your back to him. with us women, everything is more complicated. to fulfill your desires you will have to find a birch or rowan tree. by the way, this big oak stands opposite the place where once boasted an architectural is protected by the state, more than 130 years have passed since its foundation, but the natural charm that the nesvizh princess once liked was still preserved here, and women’s intuition did not fail, and it tells me that there is still something to do in stolin to admire, at one time there was a beautiful garden adjacent to the park, but... it was famous for its low-yielding apples, and its role was not only aesthetic. its fruit was sent for
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processing to the distillery where this distillery now stands. and fruit wine from radevil, in which the nobility who came here for hunting happily ate, was especially popular among the guests. we are at the former industrial building, which was built by prince radivil. there is a mini-museum here with unique exhibits. was used in the alcohol industry to record the volume of alcohol produced ; it shows how much volume was produced per shift; the strength is quite accurate, although it is bulky , but it worked until... they promise here that over time the exhibition will be replenished, and we
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we return to mankovich park, there is another object in it that we should see. they say that once there was a tatar cemetery next to the park, it was formed as follows: queen bona, the second wife of the polish king segismund i, invited the tatars who came here to accept christianity and marry locals. those who disobeyed found their last refuge here, this once again confirms that it is better not to argue with women.
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we will introduce you to belarusians who deliberately exchanged the city for the village. a what is your husband like when cooking? is he like this? husband, when is it easier to burn down the kitchen after him , after he has cooked something, or still no, no, no, everyone praises him, usually everything works out for him, of course, he polishes some points, but nevertheless , they believed in themselves.
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great, warmed up, warmed up, and to be honest, i didn’t freeze, get to work , well, great, project, i’m from the village, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, you can do a lot in 24 hours, even more in 7 days, in our project you will learn about the key dates of events in the country and the world that happened over the week in just... minutes, there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, online travel and a healthy lifestyle, all this and more in the weekly project broadcast 24/7 , watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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and here is the local history museum itself. today , about 25,000 exhibits are stored here, some of which are in six halls. guests are greeted by the now silent inhabitants of the local region, representatives of animal and plant life. peace. here we see these same lines, thanks to which the city probably got its name. the hall introduces visitors to the natural features of woodland. the stolin region can boast of a rich archaeological heritage. this refers to the number of identified archaeological sites. there are 143 officially registered, seven of them are ancient settlements. in the archeology hall, where today
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about 270 exhibits are stored, there is a collection that is unique even for the republic. a significant part of the exhibition is dedicated, of course, to the radewilov era, that same an influential magnate family in the territory of the former polish-lithuanian commonwealth and the russian empire. therefore, here you can see the family tree of the princely family, abekhod items, portraits, and weapons. old photographs show the former appearance of the mankov estate. among the exhibits that attract the most attention is this one. an antique table with wooden legs, a miraculously surviving artifact from the palace. but this table clock, standing next to the mantelpiece, no, no, let it ring. mysticism is no different, they say here. museum workers assure that this the exhibit is practically not touched, except when dust is removed. in addition to watches,
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among the most interesting exhibits in the collection are ancient bladed weapons and firearms . as well as photographs of the town of david in the 1920s, taken by a local photographer. in the exhibition and historical hall you can trace a whole millennium, from the 20th century to the forties. here we see not only the deception of soldiers of the russian army of 1812 or copies of documents about the situation of peasants during the period of serfdom, but the original chain mail of the 13th century. completes viewing the exhibition. the hall of ethnography, here are traditional folk costumes and accessories, typical items of rural life , tools that were in use until recently. first half of the 20th century. the collection is supplemented with the best examples of towels and bedspreads. the pottery of the inhabitants of the
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gorodnaya village deserves special attention; it has been known, among other things, since 1448 . since ancient times, wedges have been treated not only as a material from which, when performing certain actions , a jug can be made, but as something with supernatural abilities. so our ancestors believed that if you place a clay figurine of a woman in the house, then expect a replenishment of offspring in the household. the bird symbolized the fulfillment of a cherished desire. well, let's go to the famous navse pole. the center of mamzhelek izlevachoў, since in the city with the pottery business of your
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craft in belarus. just imagine the scale. in the 19th century , more than 200 families made clay here; by 1930, this figure reached 500. in the museum we see ceramics from the village masters, as traditional, not glazed, and later, glazed. the exhibition includes items made from unique clay. it has no analogues in europe. at the estate, we, like all tourists, were greeted with songs, according to the good old tradition.
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the first year is held by international plein airs, which bring together potters not only from belarus, but also from neighboring countries, exchange experiences, learn new techniques, learn from each other, and most importantly, from old-timers. many participants are representatives of entire dynasties of gonchers. of course, every year there are fewer and fewer of them, and therefore for it is important for descendants to preserve the fishery and also the memory of the fellow countrymen of whom the stolin land is proud. in the area of ​​​​the root of the famous soviet writer yuri olesha and the belarusian shot putter, bronze medalist of the 2008 olympic games, world and
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european champion nadezhda ostopchuk. stolinshchina, the birthplace of the chairman of the investigative committee of belarus ivan naskevich and the chairman of the board of the national bank pavel kalaur. even though some places in the area are not yet included in the tourist route. even foreign tourists find their way here, here you can to see the incredible beauty of dubrava, raft along the pripyat, which is called the polesian amazon. the main thing is to perceive the road as an exciting journey, like life in general. come and discover stolin. how long have you held a book in your hands,
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flipped through page after page, greedily devouring every word? of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books, the voices of people are heard clearly and distinctly. everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as it were. magic on the pages of books. by reading a person survives centuries. reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present.
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belarus. during my coaching career, i have visited almost all the world's sports facilities. without false modesty , i will say that raubichi is one of the most unique sports complexes that exist in the world. many people are trying. compare your stadium with switzerland for some reason, i’ve been to switzerland, but i wouldn’t say that it’s more beautiful there than ours, we have a better hotel complex, it’s big, the shooting range, shooting range, shooting tracks are excellent, you don’t have to travel 30 km for training or something, everything is in place, within walking distance, my name is yuri albers, i’m a state trainer.
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"the national biathlon team of the republic of belarus, in the raubechi olympic training center, we are preparing future champions, distant
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athletes have won medals. currently raubichi is one of the best sports complexes, if not the best in the world. dinara, how are you? how are you? how are you feeling? how is the baby growing? excellent. he's growing develops. so, we started training, right? yes, we did. how
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are you? well. i liked this business, there were ups and downs, but without this there is no such thing in sports , but i love my job, i am an ordinary master of sports, when i joined the komsomol at one time, i was asked what you want to be, i said, i want to be a coach, then i wanted to be a coach, and now i remain one,
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we... we set ourselves, we set high goals, let's say, medals. 3, 2, one, start, head coach oleg vladimirovich rozhenkov, he coordinates the activities men's and women's teams. the preparations are going great, the weather is favorable, so we are training in the gym today. speed-strength work, development of quick strength, the guys train on the street, they have complex training. it’s always comfortable at home, of course, at home it’s always more pleasant to perform and more interesting , of course there’s increased attention at home, in some places this may interfere with athletes to some extent, but nevertheless there are homes at home, all the conditions for training have been created, always if you you feel comfortable and cozy, then this reduces the amount of stress, negative emotions, and this gives a plus, a plus in results, a plus, in development.
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this is a very specific and hard work, this is such a treadmill, such a step test is done, the angle of elevation of this path is constantly increased, so the athlete works for 3 minutes in one position, he gradually increases the angle of inclination, a specialized roller ski simulator allows him to do this. roller ski training in standard laboratory conditions, when weather conditions, skiing on the track or altitude is not a factor influencing performance, therefore
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, under standard conditions, it is possible to compare the performance of an athlete according to certain protocols, we have more than eleven of them, they have already been developed, the scandinavians and germans began to use them since 2015. it began to be installed here in 2016, it is actively used here, this is quite a serious thing, we used to go to austria all the time for testing, tested one athlete once a day, it cost 110 euros, there is a medical center in raubichi, in any moment... to provide first aid in terms of recovery or treatment of some kind of injury is also not available anywhere. the rehabilitation treatment department deals mainly with the rehabilitation of athletes at training camps and also during
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competitions. they do not need to leave the training process; they have the opportunity to come to us and receive this treatment without leaving the sports complex. here, for example, is a device for... due to variable compression of the air in the lower extremities, blood circulation improves, metabolic processes are improved, salts and toxic substances are removed, we have a spa capsule, and there is a cryosauna, oxygen cocktails, and a magnetic mattress, we also assess the functional state of athletes, which allows us to identify any signs of overload. to help the athlete recover faster and begin further sports activities, we are constantly in contact with coaches, with doctors of national teams or national teams, biochemical samples are taken, they can
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do a blood test. operational control is primarily blood lactate, the athlete during training three to four times a week, he repeatedly takes lactate once or twice a week and... and stage-by-stage monitoring of the athlete’s condition is carried out, including with the help of laboratory diagnostics, there are situations when without such monitoring it is possible to perform the work inadequately and not achieve the goal.
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all services of western countries, they do not act independently, they have the corresponding tasks of the political establishment, corporate blasphemy, this is the active preparation and transfer here of various terrorist groups. carrying out terrorist acts, what their goals are, this is the establishment of control , political, military, information, to create anti-russia along the perimeter of russia, here is biological warfare, it can be more large- scale, and there is already evidence that the americans were engaged in exactly this in these laboratories in ukraine covid-19. it is possible that we will still see pandemics that will be more dangerous than armed action.
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i know, russian style, it has been worked on and the extraction of such treasured elements of that old architecture, which had already materialized otherwise, there are trees there. here are stone materials, and there are yangs of hell...


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