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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 16, 2024 12:20am-12:51am MSK

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the unity of the tsar with his people will be even closer, so that russia, rising as one man, will reflect the daring onslaught of the enemy. with deep faith in the rightness of our cause and humble hope in almighty providence, we prayerfully call upon holy russia and the valiant troops for god's blessing. gentlemen, officers, i believe that hostilities will begin in the near future, i recommend everyone to put their affairs in order, well, here is the war, excuse me.
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will we see you again, i’ll pay off the debts, something has come up, you’ll say something else, here death is on the nose, and you have debts, well, yes, as they say, everyone is better off know what to stand with in front of a bullet, the boot is pinching.
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this morning, almost on horseback , lieutenant commander grigoriev burst into my room, kicked out all the customers in the rudest tone , demanded from me a promise to stop all talk about removing your daughter from his officers, saying that this did not happen and could not have happened, but you are yourselves to me they said about it. “i was subjected to the grossest threats by this exploding saldophone colonel, and he left my pharmacy only when he almost by force tore this absurd promise out of me. i didn’t want to go to you, but my soul i was bursting with indignation, you made me a laughing stock for the whole city, if you were so inclined to invent this engagement, and even with an officer, hush, for god’s sake, hush, they can hear you, then this..." the lieutenant, a
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notorious scoundrel, propose a decent girl, then laugh at her with his gang of officers, why can’t it be , it can’t be, yes, yes, because of you i was accused of slander, in front of witnesses, i, dear citizen, i won’t allow, and also this contractor of yours said that small talk is nonsense, nonsense, and legs... there will be no more in your house, i don’t need your receptions or dances, if the price for them is my good name, goodbye, lieutenant grigoriev, your regiment has been seconded, mr. lieutenant colonel, allow me to register your arrival two days later , i have a fiancée, i want to get married, i promise. will
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manage, there are three, almost four floors, there are stone slabs below, and this is quite enough, and no new method is needed, in a moment your hateful pity will be over, faith, faith, it’s not like that, i’m sorry, my beloved, i’m sorry, i understand, that paralyzed colleague cannot, does not dare count on your love, i swore to myself to remain silent until i am cured, i become a normal, normal girl. others worthy
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of you, my love, but you yourself, you yourself instilled in me the confidence that i would not remain motionless and pitiful for long, i forgot everything, forgot my damned legs, you were... next to me, and it seemed to me, that i’m healthy, everything is behind us, we can love each other, i’m sorry, my dear, forgive me, i just want you to know, i won’t back down, i’ll endure, whatever no matter what it costs me, i won’t give up, if suddenly i don’t succeed, if i don’t become normal, healthy, like everyone else, then i’ll sort everything out myself.
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why so long? war, sir, we are not going according to schedule. coffee in the living room or on the terrace, in the living room, come for me, sergey, in 5 minutes, but it’s cooler on the terrace, i know, i want it in the living room, okay. office of the uhland regiment, i ask you to invite lieutenant grigoriev to the office, that’s how, for a long time, he was completely
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transferred, and didn’t he leave any letter or instructions? sorry, 5 o'clock, he usually comes at this time, i think, due to events, it is possible that he will not be able to come, i want to go to the terrace, but you didn’t want to go there, but now you’ve changed your mind, we ’re leaving tomorrow, i want to watch the sunset. do you think, dad, this terrible story with the austrian archgerzik will not interfere with our trip? i hope not, my baby.
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you're right, you shouldn't take the brown ones, it's too warm for august, and it's a bit gloomy, to be honest, let's go, please bring my shawl, although it's very warm here, it's going to feel a little down your back, okay.
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the song of iradzim stops, maybe everything will change, ale yany nepadzelnye, do not meet with the smoke of spring, khannya and vesnya, only geta budze.
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dollars belarusian exports to russia over the past year, we will fly more often this year. over the three quarters of twenty-three, our tourists visited russia more than 190,000 times. let's talk about the potential of our routes. the belarusian forest house plans to replicate abroad. the ministry of forestry summed up the work and shared plans. and the second life of empty houses, how many free squares are in the register and how to find the one you need step by step. this is the area of ​​interest we are talking about the most notable events in the economy,
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svetlana lukinyuk is with you. hello. belarusian exports to russia amounted to $25 billion last year. net growth of almost 8%. ambassador of belarus dmitry krutoy held the first meeting of the working group this year to monitor the situation with supplies to russia via videoconference. we reviewed and discussed the indicators with the leadership of government agencies and enterprises. growth points, they are also associated with projects with the russian state corporations rosatom and rostec. we are developing cooperation in terms of transportation; almost 2 million belarusians and russians took advantage of direct flights between minsk and russian cities last year. there was such a passenger flow by rail. this year we will fly more often, with special attention to the siberian regions. new non- stop routes will help business. as well as the development of tourism. there are two points here: the first
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is the equalization of these airport taxes, the agreement itself will come into effect from january 1, 2025, intergovernmental agreement, but now our national airport can offer individual discounts, individual solutions for certain types of services and tariffs. the second is subsidiary support at the stage of promoting this flight - well, by and large, its recognition, popularity of loading.
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in your opinion, what causes such a stir, why does russia attract our travelers? first of all, these are the natural limitations of other outbound markets, which, due to various circumstances, have developed in recent years, from the pandemic to the global chaos that is happening outside our borders, and the most important thing, you said correctly, is the availability of the payment system, good logistics and, most importantly, the development of a regional flight program, at the expense of subsidies.
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spa complexes with different infrastructure, that is , russian recreation centers are becoming more numerous.
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there shouldn’t be any quick results, because any rush in such matters leads to mistakes and disappointments, so this is a systematic, but very step-by-step work, this is an area of ​​interest, now there is a short advertisement, and in the program the belarusian forest house is planned to be replicated abroad, the second life of empty squares, how to find the one you need, step-by-step instructions. this is an area
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of ​​interest and we continue: last year , belarusian forestry enterprises increased the export of lumber by almost 40%. despite the fact that trade flows are reoriented. the results of the work were announced at the final board of the relevant department. among the promising areas is housing construction, in particular, the trade network of the ministry of forestry under brand forest house, they plan to replicate it abroad. what kind of house kits are in demand among belarusians themselves, where do the best foresters of the country live, is there a place for numbers in the forest? ilona volynets will tell you everything. the best foresters live in kopolski. from logging to wood processing. the kopol region is far
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from the most forested region, but here they know exactly how to preserve and increase one of the main natural resources. new equipment, a line for processing low-grade boards was installed, we obtain knot-free planed products, that is there is a culling of trees of all breeds. and the so-called splicing of pieces of lumber, we get products with more added value, well, probably the motivation is still wages, a stable social package, confidence in the future. we processed 4.3 million cubic meters of wood, produced 15 million cubic meters of lumber, these are the results.
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it is protected by lumber and beams, gazebos and swings, chairs and tables, now everything you might need for the construction and improvement of a dacha can be bought in one place place at prices from the manufacturer. belarusians have already appreciated the advantage of a forest house. today there are 16 such branded outlets open in the country. the government instructs the relevant department not to stop there and to replicate the brand abroad. this method, this method, which we have already worked out in the republic of belarus. well, to scale and transport beyond the territory of our state, these are again the southern regions of the russian federation, this is azerbaijan, this is uzbekistan, that is, to create such powerful bridgeheads,
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which would allow for a sharp increase in timber production. among the promising areas is house building, that is, when you can buy ready-made crops. for now, belarusians are just looking at such houses. last year, forestry farms sold only 10 house kits. here, by the way, is the best seller, 100 square meters for three. the most important thing today is the affordable price, the raw materials are belarusian, environmentally friendly, we basically work according to a standard design, a house 10x10 m, about 100 km, today we also have accreditation as belarusbank, then there are people who are very happy with it, we also work on individual projects , as for the digitalization of the industry, this is not a dark forest at all, take, for example, a unified wood accounting system, this is a unique program, it allows you to carry out everything...
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because how easy it will be our descendants to breathe tomorrow depends on us today. ilona volynets, anatoly dolotovsky, area of ​​interest. and now about the empty ones.
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is not used, this was discussed at the final board of the relevant committee. anton malyuta collected all the most interesting things. for system the state property committee last year was marked primarily by major legislative innovations. since the beginning of 2023, the updated earth code has been launched. the norm that worried people most was the possibility of legalizing the so-called
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awols. such areas were collected into a common database, which turned out to be heavy at 284,000 units. for some of them, the issue has already been finally resolved. as of today , of those awol individuals and legal entities who were outside agricultural and forest lands, 7,200 have already received permission to legitimize the corresponding the algorithms were worked out and the local authorities were able to make a decision, but at the same time, they themselves... refused permission for unauthorized occupation, and yet the local authorities were forced , so the land plots would have to be brought into compliance. in addition to self-wiping , other norms of the updated legislation were also in demand. citizens were able to exercise their right and change the type of land plot. there are 1250 such cases.
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it also worked. list of unoccupied free land plots, 30,000 in total for individuals and several hundred for investment activities. the pricing of the resource, as well as the register of empty houses, is the responsibility of local authorities, and interaction with them is improving. for our part, we sometimes push them technologically. for example, according to the register of dilapidated and empty houses, at the end of the year we simply changed the filling out of the card in such a way that it is physically impossible to close it unless photographs are attached or data is entered. contact persons for everything else, but in general, uh, speaking seriously, well, the local authorities are imbued with this the national significance of the work that we are carrying out, and what’s best is that they already have specifically developed algorithms. in general, digitalization simplifies the work of all industry specialists. for the first time in the country, the state property committee has transferred all administrative procedures for state registration of real estate into electronic form. so far there are few such cases. citizens are cautious
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about the transition. from paper to online, but the numbers are coming at an accelerated pace. we are working on creating a national spatial data infrastructure, this is progressing digital belarus program. all the necessary equipment that was planned was purchased on time, work continues to install it, to protect information, and we hope that in a few years we will make this national skewer on which we will string all geo-referenced data. a large amount of work has been done on... leased state property, a decree has been adopted, which takes into account requests from business and industrial enterprises, but the basis of any innovations is, first of all , national interests, the state property committee for the first time in our history, it applied the legislation on unfriendly companies, and went through the entire judicial procedure, as a result of which one of the network enterprises came under complete state control, the president spoke about this, but it is like a symbol.
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let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday, spring in your soul for accurate calculations in business.


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