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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 16, 2024 3:50am-4:21am MSK

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in studies, in some other moments there, i try to find some kind of understanding with everyone, communication is normal, well, here too we need to find this line of non-brotherhood, you know that there, yes, that is, here’s the work, that is, to slightly share the work of these sorts - then there are such close relationships, there are very, very friendly, that is, to find this difference, not to cross this level, because this happens. the greatest happiness, probably, for a coach is when there after the athlete, let’s say, left the sport, that is, he somehow didn’t i forgot, i could have said some kind of thank you, gratitude, and so on, that is , well, don’t break up, let’s say, in some kind of raised voice, but just like with your father, that is, be. in principle, when i came
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to sports, i didn’t immediately think about olympic awards there, because i’m still a child, you don’t really think about it yet, then it all comes somewhere, probably closer to the age of 16, maybe by 17, by eighteen, you already begin to think about it, although at first these are also some unreal peaks, you you think that in general it’s something from the realm of fantasy, well, with every competition, when you win an international start, that is, you understand that you can do it too. what does an athlete feel on the pedestal and that’s where i feel, pride in the fact that you did it all, that is , some hopes were placed on you and yours and your parents, your coach and the same and the government of your country, everyone who is there for you i was sick, a lot was invested in you, including money, well , such a positive assessment is only the final one, let’s say, from the first olympics we went with sixth, well, it was somehow even embarrassing to get off the plane, for some, the sixth month of
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the olympics is also the pinnacle, for some, even a train to go to the olympics is already some kind of event, well, -that’s how i always set the maximum bar, it was simple and we were a little better prepared, well , something didn’t work out, probably someone was even better prepared, so it was a little disappointing, yes. starting in 2020 , at the initiative of the ministry of sports, tourism and the management of the center, as well as with the support of our athletes’ coaches, the this alley of famous athletes. the alley was planted by such eminent athletes as ekaterina anatolyevna karstan, brothers bogdanovich and alexey abalmasov, olympic champions who were training.
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trained on this channel, who participated in competitions on this channel, this year we continued this tradition, planted spruce trees with alexander anatolyevich masyakov and roman ivanovich potrushenko, i think that this glorious tradition will be continued. then we rethought everything, the next year we already won the world championship. the european championship, that is, the world cups, and we somehow set a world record in the sixth year and there at 200 m, that is, everything somehow returned to normal again , work began systematically towards beijing, that is, everything worked out, well, this is just the final assessment, and of course, pride on your side, that you raised the flag, not someone else, that we raised the flag, it’s belarusian. during sports
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activities, an athlete sacrifices a lot, but as soon as you receive an award, that is, you understand why it was all done.
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hi all! today my route is built in a land of picturesque landscapes, crystal clear lakes and impenetrable swamps. i invite you on a journey through the city of krupki and its surroundings. my name is vika poplevchenkova. go! today in our program we will visit amazing places of memory. let's get acquainted with the traditions of straw weaving by krupka artisans. we will find out why the folk trail to the local spring is not overgrown , and we will learn how to cook the national belarusian dish.
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there are several ways to get here from the capital: minibuses run from minsk daily, or by train, you need a ticket buy a new life to the stopping point, and today we travel by car, it’s fast and convenient, the travel time will be about an hour and a half. and we will begin our journey with the krupsky district historian-local museum, this can be said to be the cultural center of the city and a treasure trove of information. about the history, traditions and customs of the krupka land. the last time we visited this museum, and in general in the krupsky district, was almost 5 years ago. i am sure that during this time the museum’s funds have been replenished with new and interesting exhibits. we'll be happy to study it.
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anastasia, tell us what the krupsky district is famous for, why does the city have such a name? and our region is famous, of course , for vladimir vasilyevich kovalenko, he is a pilot, cosmonaut, twice a hero, we are very proud of our fellow countryman, and we also have lake selyava, which is quite large in the north of the region , on this lake on one of the islands. there is vyspa, vyspinskaya mountain, and there was an ancient settlement of the early iron age period, everything that is here in our archeology hall, it was all found there in our village, the city of krupki was named
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after the river, krupka, which flows through the entire city of krupki and flows into the bog river. krupka is from old slavonic an unfreezing tributary of a river; indeed, our river is krupka, it almost never freezes. i am sure that the krupskaya museum will surprise you with its rich exhibition; over more than 20 years of work, the museum foundation has acquired 34 collections of artifacts and some you can even touch with your hands. here we have household items from our great-great-grandparents, great-grandparents. that's quite old the exhibit is a coffee grinder, a manual coffee grinder from the 18th century, it looks like a box, it works, yes, like a box, it is poured here, and the coffee, ground here, can already be opened, the museum has six thematic exhibition
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halls, one of the most revered ethnography halls , where you can get acquainted with the life and work of the pilot-cosmonaut, twice hero of the soviet union vladimir kovalenok. we have personal belongings of vladimir vasilyevich kovalenko, a pilot-cosmonaut, he often came to visit us before and brought a lot of his things, this...
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you can see the seam, the sole is wooden, they are made of felt, and these are captured german ones, that is , during the winter the germans here were very cold here, just with my head, huge, yes, and they did, they insulated themselves as best they could, they made such ersatzvalinki, they were made from straw and felt, they were practically made by hand, yes, and we also had an updated exhibition dedicated to the genocide, and... of the belarusian people, in the center we have a map where the lights of memory are lit, those places, villages where those
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events took place facts of genocide, that is, when they burned villages completely, partially, or the germans simply came, rounded up people and shot, killed, here we have a diarama, called somry sister of khatyn, because somry, here they are on the outskirts of the region, they were completely burned too, they arrived early in the morning the germans detached the entire village, burned all the houses , there were 65 houses, and 180 people, civilians who did not have time to escape, were driven into a large collective farm barn, and closed, doused with gasoline and set on fire, that is, all the people 180 people there were burned alive, cozy courtyard, historian the krolevsky museum is also possible. call it a local landmark, because here there are unusual stones that everyone is so
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eager to touch. this is a very unique stone, god’s chair, which was delivered to us, and not far away, it was located near the village of somry, and it is unique in that, according to legend , god sat here, that is, it is even visible, and as if there was a chair here, god sat here, and there is even a legend that if you touch it with your left hand... and make a cherished wish from above like this, it will definitely come true.
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product of a large craft house. famous throughout the country, all thanks to craftsmen who are in constant creative search: spiders and amulets, symbols of belarus, stork bison. in general, masterpieces of cereal straw can be seen at many competitions and festivals not only on a local, but also on a national scale. and today i was given a unique opportunity to learn how to weave straw from a master. elina dmitrievna, hello. hello. i can already see that you have prepared something here. yes, today we will do this such. under the christmas angel, beauty! what do we need for this, besides our
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main material? well, here’s a straw , let’s make a mimp like this, let’s make arms, wings and bodies, bodies, we have everything for this, and strings, of course, this is not the first time i’ve been training my skills in straw weaving, but every time i’m amazed at how much it is a labor-intensive, painstaking process, elena shkor has been engaged in this craft for more than 15 years, her straw dolls are considered the best in the minsk region. i mostly learned from books, then. when on you go to exhibitions, to competitions , somewhere you ask something from straw weaving masters, share experiences, some advice, and over time you yourself already acquire skills, at the time when you already start doing it, it itself already passes, with your own hands elena
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dmitrievna makes simply incredible things from straw, her exclusive method of creating products from straw allows... to create miracles that surprise with their scope, if you want to do something, it’s a long way, initially the straw must be prepared, then it must be dried, then it needs to be cleaned, then it needs to be sorted, then it needs to be washed, prepared for work, then it needs to be divided, that is, there is a long preparatory process, is all the straw suitable, by the way, well, we mainly work with straw, leather , because there is the longest stem, i already realized that this is a very labor-intensive process, so i’m even wondering how much time it took you to make this swan, i made the swan for 3 months, how did you have the patience, and you know, now you’re making plans for yourself, let’s say, if small leaves, i tried
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to weave at least 100 pieces a day ; i first counted how many leaves there were, and then counted them. the straw sculpture of elena dmitrievna is undoubtedly a source of pride for the entire krupsky district; the creative workshops of the house of crafts are constantly in full swing. the craftsmen are doing everything possible to ensure that the unique heritage of folk art does not disappear, and that the craft is passed on to descendants. well, the wings and arms are in place, all that’s left is the final touch to trim the dresses. what will we do now? so. that's all, everything , in my opinion, is very good, well, what can i say, the process is labor-intensive, but fascinating, i really liked it, elena dmitrievna, thank you very much, come again, be sure, with a great mood and souvenirs, let's move on, confidently, in the krupsky district there is still a lot of interesting things waiting for me
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, we will make the next stop in the city village... kholopenich, once in this village there was a large church with two domes and a belfry with seven bells, but after the second world war the temple was closed gradually began to collapse. you can look at the ruins of an orthodox church built in the mid-19th century on the main street of the urban village. the church has the shape of an elongated cross until 1944. functioning, but the war made its own adjustments and due to severe destruction , it was decided to mothball the building; in the late nineties, a new wooden church was built next door, where services are held today. prokholopenichs and family trips to
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the local church were written a lot by adam bogdanovich, father of maxim bogdanovich. he even wrote a book of stories about the village, which, unfortunately, was never published, but it was on these tales that the future classic of belarusian literature grew up. adam bogdanovich was born in kholopenichy and the residents of the village decided to perpetuate the memory of their famous fellow countryman by opening a monument to him in the central park. the memorial complex near the beaver river was created on the site of the bloody events of 1944, where the battle for the crossing took place, it consists of a defense line, a trench and dugouts, here a monument was erected to
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the hero of the soviet union, vasily mikhailovich chebotarev, who died heroically in an unequal battle. here, when our advanced units of the third belarusian front, the third tank brigade reached the line to the bobr river to take the crossing, but were unable to do so immediately, the battle was unsuccessful for our troops, our tanks were burning, our motorized rifle units died, as a result we had to think about... organizing a landing force that would be able to ford the beaver river and reach the rear to the enemy. among the number of this landing was the young lieutenant vasilyevich. while carrying out a mission behind nazi lines in 1944, he was surrounded and died in an unequal battle. his task was to take the language directly
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, preferably from among the officers, and then transfer him to the left bank of the beaver river, in order to then receive some information from him. but it so happened that this detachment got involved in the battle, because... the germans began to flock here to this bridge, a battle began, and as a result of this battle, our soldiers and a nurse were directly captured this detachment of the landing maria inkina. chebatyrev at that moment had already captured ryablikov, a german lieutenant , well, by the way, he was our vlasovitz, at that... moment, when he saw that maria inkina had been taken prisoner, the german officers had already begun to mock her, he decided
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that it was necessary to help the girl, then vasily mikhailovich, while he could , fired back as much as he could with his ammunition, and then switched to hand-to-hand combat, as a result , of course, it was simply impossible for him to stand alone against such a force, and naturally, of course... but he received five stab wounds, because he himself had already tried to use cold steel, as a result of the fastas they already tied his hands and dealt with him terribly. despite heavy losses, the 19th guards tank brigade still completed its combat mission. the crossing was held and within a few hours the main forces of the tank corps moved along it. when our troops arrived during the liberation of the bridge, then - on the morning of the twenty- eighth they saw a terrible picture and
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decided that it was necessary to bury the hero right here, in this place. for this feat, the young lieutenant detective officer of the smersh counterintelligence detachment of the nineteenth guards tank brigade was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. for many years now , entire generations have been coming here to honor the memory of the brave defender of the homeland, and over time, a beautiful legend was born in these places, which local residents tell guests : they decided to bury him here, in this very place, on the high right bank of the beaver, and the girl was taken to tolochin, and the people ours composed such an interesting legend and came up with a legend that directly from this... young people meet, as if in that other world, but precisely on the banks of the beaver river, here at the spring, that is, here is such a legend, by the way, a spring, which
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tamara vladimirovna told us about can also be called a local landmark; old-timers even say that many hundreds of years ago the purest water from this krynitsa was taken along the famous catherine’s road to the court of the russian empress. this spring has been here since time immemorial exists, people, to be honest , don’t even remember when, but the most important thing is that it was before the war that the highway was built, this is to moscow, and the bridge was built in 1939, and this spring, when the bridge was built, it was simply life-giving, such a salvation, many people believe that this water cures... stomach diseases, it heals the soul, many take water to bathe a child for the first time in the spring water of a newborn,
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one thing is certain, the path to this source is never will grow overgrown because he has an undeniable advantage, the water here is very clean and tasty, and newlyweds even have their own traditions, there is a belief that the young spouse must carry it. already across seven bridges, so that there is a happy life , this big bridge of ours is considered the seventh, and where else is there a spring, because the spring , as it were, washes away all the past and gives a new life-giving stream that will improve the life of the young, perhaps a rare couple a day weddings do not come to this spring, fortunately the descent is ennobled and the newlywed spouse. can feel confident, because according to the same tradition, the groom needs to carry his bride in his arms without dropping her, so that the road of life is smooth without holes and
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potholes. and this time our road lies to the village of prushika, all conditions for tourism have been created here, created by nature itself, the places here are very picturesque, one lake in the selyava republican nature reserve is worth it. once upon a time, more than 10 years ago, we traveled all over belarus, i traveled, and fate brought me here, to this beautiful lake, to this wonderful place, here stood a small it’s just a house, we saved this house, we processed it, we saved the old logs.
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it turns out that this place has a complicated history , opposite our house, there was a church, that is , it was a holy place, so i think it’s very good when yakub kola once said from the poem new land, about such, about my native land , i think, rom, tell me who is not my dear kut, come on, my dear kut, how dear you are to me, i can’t force myself to forget, not even once. weary of the dear, wretched life of the bright may, to you i will drown in my thoughts, and there i rest my soul. now tatyana and her family are happy to share stories about their village with tourists and cordially invite them into the house, treating them to dishes of national cuisine. today we will prepare a national belarusian dish in the belarusian language, called verashchaka, in russian
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verishchaka. we will need ribs, for this we will need onions, flour, seasonings, black pepper, garlic, herbs, as they used to dry them in belarus, dill, parsley, we will definitely need kvass, because we do it the old way recipe, where vereshchaka was made with kvass, well, these are the main, main ingredients.
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you will try one second rib, they will taste different, the meat is already in the cooking process, the onions are chopped, and the spices are prepared, when we bake there, when they are added, what next? next, we need to fry the flour, fry the flour, and fry the onions, flour together with the onions, there is a secret, you can fry the flour separately and dilute it with a little water, then add spices, or you can fry the onions, we are preparing the sauce. yes, ah you can fry the onions, add flour to the already fried onions, stir for just a minute , add a little water, you can’t tell what aromas are in the kitchen, i ’m excited, i can’t wait to try this delicious dish, well, we already have all the ingredients ready, all we have to do is put everything there into one container and send it to bake, yes.
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all this beauty will languish in a real belarusian oven, there it will languish with us, the temperature there is already great, for 30-40 minutes. mm, it’s possible for stars to appear in the frame from my eyes, because this, this is incredibly delicious, mm, this is just home, home cooking, this is food, really, really.


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