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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:51pm MSK

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very simple, without aggression, i think that many foreigners felt this, we travel a lot, we visited a lot of countries, cities, i very rarely felt at home, here when i come, i understand that yes, i am at home, this it’s like this is my space, the “look at belarus” project, when i come to india, i also talk about belarus, that it is such a beautiful country, small, but very beautiful, with very good people. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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live panorama in the elena studio sacheva. hello. it is unacceptable to lose the belkupsoyuz; the quality of life of the villagers depends on the success of this unique structure. the work of consumer cooperation is in the center of attention of the head of state, as is the situation at the border. belarusian law enforcement officers neutralized a sabotage group organized by the ukrainian armed forces; the detainees are cooperating with the investigation. and a show for the brave and young at heart. the second season of the show factor b60+ starts right after us. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. abunion protein system, what's wrong with the largest trading operators in the country discussed today at a general meeting with the participation of the president, criticism on all the main points and a strategy for getting out of the situation, we will tell you in detail what they will do. politics and economics of the ukrainian tragedy, why the locomotive of europe, germany , is going downhill, and what surprises has the trump team prepared for biden? in the new issue of the editors club.
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you cannot lose such a unique structure as the belkuopsoyuz, you need to make it work, this is the leitmotif of what the president said to the meeting of representatives of the belarusian members republican union of consumer societies, it was held today in minsk. the quality of life of villagers depends on the successful work of demand cooperation. unfortunately, the organization cannot do without complaints. moreover, recently the problems have been growing. losses, claims. the sides of the regulatory authorities,
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people's complaints, to solve the accumulated difficulties, everyone involved will have to mobilize, the strict demand of the head of state from the leaders and authorities is explained simply: the situation around does not allow you to relax even for a second. detention saboteurs on the ukrainian border, which the president spoke about today, only once again confirms this. katerina krutalevich will continue. more than 400 people, managers, specialists, salespeople, such large councils in the belapsoyuz, of course.
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probably with retail trade turnover, as we were recently told that if cooperatives have a 70% wage level from the region, then this is a good indicator. well, what is the average salary in your organization? 985 rub. this is for last year, since the new year they have raised the first category rate, comments sometimes it comes from citizens, but in the current situation, of course we react promptly, taking them into consideration and eliminating them. the last time the belka union met with such a composition was when the previous leader was appointed, more than two years ago, today there was a change in the new head of the network with a 107-year history, there are so many squirrels in existence, inessa korotkevich became, she started as a goods manager, then worked in management personnel and even at the embassy , now he will solve the accumulated issues, there are many of them. we must ensure effective work in for each region, a detailed concept of serving the rural population.
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people from neighboring villages also stop by, there is a range here, although buyers rarely complain about discounts, and there is no black takry, but if they want it. there are old women who are served by social workers, they come with their lists and when they want something there, for example, for the future, or any buyer, they say that we need it, we are already trying to tell the supplier with whom we are working , order the desired product. it would seem that,
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the scheme is clear, everyone can work this way, trade in the countryside, but it’s not super profitable everywhere, but it’s not for nothing that private businesses strive to open shops in the countryside, you can earn money, nevertheless, it’s a squirrel. you know, i have a special relationship with your organization, i don’t want to remind you, you probably know that in general it exists, this organization, largely thanks to the current president, even that deputy of the supreme council, when it was
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proposed to liquidate the belkupsoyuz and transfer everything to private trade in rural areas. to where would that lead us today? we know the positive and negative, but then i categorically opposed it, and the supreme council supported me, remaining president, we preserved the belkov union. your labor traditions are rich, your experience is unique, your slogan is ideologically correct: work for the benefit of people. forwarders of the coming year of quality, we simply do not have the moral right.
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serve almost 15,000 settlements, you also need to think about these people, the belkoapsoyuz has this socially oriented important experience, therefore, criticism that will sound constructive is needed, but the methods of work, control, discipline, personnel decisions, this must change. unfortunately, there are even more claims against your union. unprofitable activities, questions from regulatory authorities, complaints from the population. therefore, don’t be offended, but the conversation today will be tough, i want to justify myself to you and explain myself, you probably carefully, the vast majority are watching the president, and you see that i am setting tasks for him very tougher, tougher
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relevant ministries , departments, and i demand from personnel, this is not accidental, i am very afraid that you and others may... relax, what relaxation leads to, you already know, even more than it was before, you see what is happening around , but excuse me, you don’t know everything yet, i’ll tell you the main thing, without specifying, we will soon report to you on all these issues, today everyone in the west and in the vanguard of our white
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western lands of russia, read, they will cut us something from smolensk and bryansk, maybe peskovskaya regions, and western belarus we must... before minsk, as you know, there was a border, give it to poland, these are new democratic settlements vyaduts peramov in the west on gety rahunak. which of you can agree with this, maybe some can, but in no case, we will fight to the last for our lands, especially since we don’t cause problems for anyone, we don’t owe anyone anything, we we do not lay claim to either vilna or bialystok.
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the chekis military operation has just ended, all the saboteurs were detained,
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among them a belarusian, and that’s almost two or three once a week, we can calm down, we can’t, and i, as the president of power, first of all, the support and monolith of all of us is very important.
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then you are receiving serious support from the budget, and therefore the state has the right to count on an appropriate return, and here i would like to address critical comments not only to the leaders of different levels of the belkopsoyuz. 2 years ago we agreed on close cooperation with the authorities, now i will say the main thing, but there was no full support, and there is no, chairmen of the regional executive committees, minsk the city executive committee and district executive committees still do not see the development of the belkopsoyuz among their
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primary tasks, they look indifferently at the problems of our consumer cooperation, none of the five stated indicators have been met. again, i remember those soviet times, when the chairman of the district executive committee was rushing about, but what district executive committee, the first secretary of the district party committee was rushing about from his? and make some decisions so that you can intervene at any time with your powers
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on your territory of regions and districts in the work of our organization, make suggestions, they will be accepted immediately. the toughest decisions will be given to you so that we can serve our people. listen, the country started from the village, our country, we are all our own. we’re going somewhere to the village, and most of you sitting here are village people, but why do we treat our parents this way, tomorrow we ’ll be the same, they’ll treat us like that... in the twenty-first year i told you, that local authorities should not only be aware of existing problems in the industry, but run ahead of the locomotive and provide comprehensive assistance to positive initiatives and ideas, to lead , direct if necessary, what to do, force, yes, no matter how popular it may sound,
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a result is needed, and it must be achieved by any means, by any means, i emphasize, all governors, least of all questions to the bresskaya and grodno regions, the grodno belka union was one of the first to complete the restructuring of its system, introduced the principles of network trading, and still the governor believes there is no time for peace here. when we decide that everything is fine in the native operation, with my point of view will begin to degrade, as if stagnation. we understand our problems, but we are looking for solutions. and i have already said, from my point of view, this is a good level of interaction between government bodies and consumer cooperation. cooperation understands the needs.
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effective. belka apsoyuz is a political issue, it’s not just shops. the system includes procurement organizations. they buy meat, milk, mushrooms, berries, a large list of products and what can be collected in the belarusian forests. they have 300 workshops, where there is processing, sausages, cheeses, pickling, this is also done by the belcoap union. we have our own stores, but again, there is no stability in work, so everything should be at the level. the fact that you can surprise with your, as i already said, culinary masterpieces at the exhibition. fairs, various events, it’s a fact, for me it’s a fact that you know how to do it, but i immediately think, why don’t you do it, you need to ensure the same level of service in your daily work, the population, especially young people, now actively visits various cafes and chains fast food they are interested, they try
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, they choose, they compare what you can interest them in, further develop your own brands, focus on the delivery of lunch menus, servicing outdoor events, develop roadside service, somehow you have completely quieted down with it. develop a unified marketing concept so that the person who sees your sign knows for sure that it will be home-style, naturally delicious. in the season , forest gifts are added, judging by the statistics, you ensure an enviable consistency in the annual increase in procurement turnover, but... it is necessary admit that the growth rate is clearly not enough, they are just turtles. at the last meeting , they raised the issue of the importance of import substitution, so that they would not have to buy canned peas, corn, baby food, ketchups and the like in belarus for foreign currency. our market is only half filled with belarusian canned fruits and vegetables, a little
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more than 60% with juices, pickled vegetables, i offered the belkopsoyuz under pressure.
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colors, over the past year they produced more than 5,000 skins, and the result is sad; in the twenty-second year, exports amounted to as many as 23 fur coats, and in the twenty-third year, not a single one, while in the twenty-second year , belarus imported fur products worth 2.3 million dollars from abroad, in the twenty-third year, more than 2 million. how is it possible, is it so difficult to sew fur coats, hats and what else do you need? cold weather can be difficult, but we know how to do it. remember, you are required to have the most severe technological production discipline, including personnel discipline, and prepare trade and economic specialists. university in gomel with two branches in minsk and mogilev and four more colleges in baranovichi, molodechno, grodno, but there are still not enough personnel, the salary is about a thousand rubles at the start, maybe, but not like the ceiling.
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decent wages are required, it can be found if you systematize, if you leave in the workplace those who are needed today and who are working. according to my calculations , you can easily cut about 50%, give this money to people. give it to those who want to work to earn money, young people must be accustomed to work, because we will lose them altogether, and the discipline that i spoke about, personnel policy, is discipline, despite the fact that according to the belkovoyuz there are overdue payments, there are no salaries, its level remains one of the lowest in the country, listen, in this case, you want them not to steal from you down there, they will steal, people want to eat, district manager. you must leave your office, go to your shops and workshops, finally understand why your organization has a minimum wage, on paper everything is simple, there is no load, but what did you
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do to ensure that there was a load, to have a wide range of goods, this applies ordinary employees, managers at any level will be tested immediately in combat conditions, they were hired for a position, tasks were cut down, if not completed, it means they failed, so i instruct the government. the prime minister personally and the state control committee should take special control of everything that we agree on here today. at the same time, there are still villages in belarus where , for example, 20-50 people live permanently, all their lives, or have moved, this is no longer common and not even surprising, as was the case before, when people , tired of the frantic pace of the city, build themselves home and move closer to nature. why should they become more uncomfortable, not to mention those who live in these villages all their lives? we do everything possible. we supported, we will support the village. it is in serving the residents of villages and small towns that the social role of consumer cooperation lies, including
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by the quality of your work, people evaluate the entire vertical of power, that is, you are the face of this power, and this popular assessment should only be positive. what is this assessment today? the chairman of the district executive committees, it seems forgot that they have a responsibility to be confident. settled. let's agree that we make all decisions on organizing trade based on the interests of the population. and the main figure here will be the chairman of the district executive committee.
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the private owner wants to work under the same social conditions in private competition. let him take responsibility for the entire territory so that people do not need anything anywhere. the same message regarding quality, even if the store or drive-thru is very small, is about quality. should not affect, expired, it the word belabsoyuz is asked to forget, otherwise the penalties will be severe, special cases in consumer operations generally mean a lot, the president will also pay attention to this, the example of father’s bun, the whole festival grew out of a small workshop where they bake delicious bread, why, well, they showed in svisloch , how to do it, why can’t they do it in rogachev, listen, there’s a small nook there, also vladimir stepanovich, in svislovich, it’s a small bakery, i go there at...
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i can do it, take it to put the products there, but i don’t mind, put it , but only a little boy svislishsky do it there, make sure that in this huge city of rogachev people... have
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their own bread, but can’t you really do this for the people, the manager of the presidential affairs, responsible for the gomel region, the governor and chairman of the state control committee, are you really sorry? me, gone crazy and disconnected from people? alexander lukashenko will not tell you in messengers, this is about how the president, among other things, receives information, now everything is visible, all the criticism, all the complaints, everything that people are talking about, the president sees, moreover, precisely the problems, like frames are always in sight. not bad, maybe for the belarusian cop union, but only at first glance, if you carefully study the documents, it becomes clear that the whole point is that for such a pleasant balance sheet you are in your plus...
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you recorded the receipt of subsidies from the budget for belkop-mech enterprises, and in fact, for january-november 23, a net loss of 6.6 million rubles was received, which is almost twice as much as for the same period of 22, here is your economy, when i read the entire biography, i felt sorry this person, to load a woman, a young woman with such... a load to put, and such pressure that will be saved, this is incredible work, so the prime minister and deputy prime minister will work next to you, you call them there, not to them, and call them there to serve the population, here they sit, they have enormous power today , big money, they have everything, governors, and the pre-executive committee should be the main
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bosses in your localities.
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wooded area with water, where in some places the depth reaches 3 m. as a result operational measures to suppress illegal crossing to the border, some of the violators were detained. the search revealed that they had explosive devices and other means of destruction. the state security committee promptly reported the information to the head of state, and a decision was made to conduct an anti-terrorist operation. the area was blocked by the joint efforts of security forces, a security operation was carried out, during which members of a sabotage and intelligence group consisting of citizens of ukraine, belarus and their accomplices. among the detainees, sergei kobarchuk, born in 1963,
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a resident of the urban village of stary vyzhovka, kovel district, volyn region, nickname butler, a former ukrainian border guard, after his dismissal , he took up smuggling with his two sons; his son was also detained during the special operation.
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year of birth, resident of brest, as well as other persons. the explosive devices carried by ukrainian saboteurs were intended to carry out terrorist attacks in russia and belarus. explosive devices were handed over to members of the drg sbu officers immediately before crossing the border. a plastic case was discovered, which was filled with a plastic explosive, presumably 1.5-2 kg.
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conducting the ukrainian special services tried to establish the circumstances of the failure of the sabotage and reconnaissance group and take measures to neutralize the negative consequences for ukraine. during the initial investigative actions, it was established that the father and son kobarchuks received the task of transporting weapons of destruction to the republic of belarus to commit acts of terrorism from employees ukrainian security services. at the same time, their entry into the territory of the republic of belarus was carried out by sbu officers in cooperation with the state border guard. service of ukraine, whose employees carried out visual and technical reconnaissance to ensure safe illegal crossing of the state border. in relation to the detainees, the kgb investigation department opened a criminal case under articles 13 and
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article 289 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus, this is preparation for committing an act of terrorism by an organized group, and article 358 of the criminal code is undercover activity. currently, the suspects are cooperating with the investigation and confessing. investigations are ongoing and more detailed information will be provided later. the west is not giving up its attempts to shake up russian society on the eve of the presidential elections. the sacred victim this time was alexey navalny, who was serving a sentence for extremism. today it became known about his death. world media, in which ukraine, putin and his interviews were previously the number one topic carlson, abruptly switched their attention. in one vein, without even waiting for the results of the examination, they let everyone go. dogs on the kremlin, this is an absolute tragedy, and this is
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understandable on the conscience of the russian state, they say on sky news. the putin critic died after he felt unwell and lost consciousness. these and many other headlines are plastered on the main pages of foreign media. politicians do not lag behind their tame media. the president of latvia was the first to rush to blame moscow for navalny’s death, saying: that he was brutally killed by the kremlin. following him , others demonstrated their verbal incontinence, the nato secretary general, the head. council, the german chancellor, the norwegian foreign ministry, the biden administration, the kiev beggar, and a considerable list of those who have once again demonstrated their narrow-mindedness in the hope of demonizing russia. but the strangest thing is how suddenly, several years later, yulia navalnaya appeared in public, and not just somewhere, just today at the munich security conference. the smiling lady was not included in the conference program until now. no. coincidences? meanwhile, the reason. the prisoner's death must be determined by doctors. let me remind
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you that on august 4, 1923, the moscow city court sentenced alexei navalny to another 19 years in prison in a special regime colony on charges of creating an extremist community, financing extremist activities, and calling for extremism on the internet. politics and economics of the ukrainian tragedy. american officials are already openly talking about why they continue to give money that will not be returned later. and here what is the price. europe is going downhill and what surprises
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does the trump team have in store for biden? watch the new episode of the editors club today right after the factor byy 60+ project. belarus is on the threshold of an important socio-political event. for the first time in the history of our country, a single voting day will take place, with just over one week left. the election campaign is in an active stage, candidates for deputies are conducting campaign events, various departments are involved in preparing for the elections and today they announced the opening public surveillance center. svetlana chernova has all the details. the center will begin its work on february 20 on the first day of early voting. the initiator of its creation.
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the public observation center is launching a hotline, which will also begin working on the first day of early voting. residents of belarus can make comments and suggestions about the voting process by telephone from february 20 to 24 from 12 to 19 on the voting day itself. february 25 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. svetlana chernova and alexey youth, telenews agency. sports complex raobchi today is again the epicenter of the main biathlon events in the country. the republican tournament among children and teenagers for the prizes of the presidential sports club snow sniper started with sprint races and will end on sunday with mixed relay races. stanislav libsky more details. antoshka, work
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at all distances, you have to move, work , well, it’s hard, work, work and work, endlessly, today, these schoolchildren are amateurs, but tomorrow each of them can become a professional, breaking into the final of the republican competition among children and teenagers, a snow sniper for the prizes of the presidential sports club, these children have already attracted the attention of the belarusian biathlon federation, the most talented in pencil, we naturally review the protocols every year, we try to redirect them to educational institutions, sports, athletes who we were interested so that coaches who work with children could give them training lessons, in the future we will watch their performances, track them at republican competitions, at the opening ceremony of the competition , we notice the olympic champion on the podium,
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buried in a kayak, roman petrushenko, the eminent athlete came to personally cheer for his son, he represents the gomel national team. region, my son is happy to perform, of course, the question is, these competitions prepare the future team, that is, they attract people who may not be associated with any sport at all, so there must be selection. yaroslav petrushenko, who eventually wins silver in the sprint , admits in an exclusive interview with our tv channel: biathlon, he loves rowing much more. why skiing and biathlon and not rowing? well, when i started rowing at the age of 6. now i’ve finished 14, i’m tired of doing something for 8 years, i decided to switch to a more interesting sport. and a few words about the organization; it is at the highest level of all projects of the presidential sports club; the snow sniper is considered the standard. the snow sniper has become the standard for all such mass competitions. 33,276 young boys and
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girls this season took part in the qualifying stages of the snow sniper 168 don't miss the best of them. stanislav libsky and ilya maksimov, tv news agency. and right now, watch the beginning of the second season of the show factor byy 60+ show for brave and young at heart people who have proven that age is not a hindrance to a dream. 23
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promising artists reached the casting stage. these are people of different ages and professions, but they are united by one desire: to give a song to people, to warm the audience’s souls with vocals and to talk from the stage only about themselves. important, and the participants will be assessed by jury members familiar to the audience from the first season. people's artist of russia vladimir berezin, honored victoria oleshko and alexander soladukha, as well as singer and actress alexandra gaiduk. viewers do not influence the decision of the jury; there will be no voting on the project. i’m still in the first season, i also thought maybe i should take part then, well , something didn’t work out there, it’s already breathtaking, exciting, no joke, the main stage.
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one right after the panorama factor byy 60+ project where dreams come true, after which an analysis of the most important events of the week in the editors' club, have a good evening and see you tomorrow.
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in all international acts it is written in black and white that the murder of the civilian population of unarmed children is a war crime, but the head of european diplomacy, jose barrel , commenting on the situation in the palestine zone of the israeli conflict, said that he considers it pointless to provide humanitarian assistance to those who could be killed tomorrow, but this is different . in almost 3 months. the bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure killed almost 22 thousand residents of the gaza strip.
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the number of wounded exceeded the figure of 56,000. regarding the shelling of donetsk on new year's night in belgorod, and this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation of the rules of war. this is a war crime. in the meantime, the west is already dividing the remains of ukraine. don't wait until the end of the special. in principle, they are no longer interested in the latter operation. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. there are wide, clean streets here, it seems like you can breathe well here, i don’t know, i really love coming here, it’s true, and some people are special. this is again a certain foundation today in many areas of activity, that is , culture cannot develop today if ...


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