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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 16, 2024 10:20pm-10:51pm MSK

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be in love. a new level of relations between belarus and uzbekistan. following the results of the marathon negotiations at the highest level , specific agreements were reached on joint projects. diplomacy, which strengthens friendly ties, and the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh were visited by ambassadors of the cis countries. together for the preservation of historical memory , the patriotic forum united the youth of the union state to popularize national culture, the belarusian pipe can become a unesco world heritage. the program "events" is on air. in the studio of alina lapo. hello. the official visit, which has already been called historic, following the results of a marathon negotiations at the highest level in uzbekistan , specific agreements were reached on joint projects, and a large package of documents was signed. we will find out more details from our
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columnist oles vysotskaya. trade turnover is record high, but the parties are ready to take their aim at a billion dollars. personal control of leaders and, as a result, hundreds of joint projects in work. big plans in trade, industrial cooperation, work in the market of third countries, as well as in personnel training for medicine. a road map has been signed for 2 years, the main thing is import substitution, replacing western technologies with our own. the roadmap provides for industrial cooperation projects and joint production.
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understand the demand for you today, but all this will be added to your joint business in the future, so we are glad to see such attention from the belarusian company, by the way, the enterprise of the capital region is ready to offer russia a wide range of products, including new mechanical engineering products, such as the minsk tractor plant today sells in bashkartastan has a number of cooperation projects. having arrived with the delegation, we want to build relationships for joint work with the institute of physics and technology. academy of sciences of the republic of belarus on the introduction of new methods of processing metals and alloys for serial large-scale engineering production, that is, our company is engaged in the production, development, production and development of technology for electrochemical processing methods, these are electrophysical processing methods in which there is no tool wear, then there is a tool that is not consumed, today this is one of such narrow areas in our union state. representatives of bashkir business. we've been to amkador
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and are particularly interested in the construction machine's products, since a plant for the production of grain-drying complexes began operating not far from dufa. and there are also plans for new projects, for example, on organization. drone production plant. the guests visited great stone, got acquainted with the conditions for treating residents, using the example of the company’s aviation technologies and complexes. the potential of the vitebsk region is presented in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh. it has already been visited by thousands of muscovites, among them
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guests of honor and ambassadors of the cis states, which impressed the diplomats. within a few hours, the distinguished guests attended a concert in the famous amphitheater of the slavic bazaar festival. we got acquainted with the history of the creative association. century, the first belarusian book printer, francis skarina, printed his texts on a similar one. the diplomats saw how yarn from alina is born, tasted the famous rogachev condensed milk and even chose gifts in merch store first. we were very impressed by everything, what is currently being produced, what is available, and we were especially struck by the exhibition where t-shirts are sold. with the statements of the president of belarus, i will still choose, therefore, that’s why we are grateful, personally, i will send all my close friends here, and i’ll tell you a secret, i have been using belarusian products for many years, because they are
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high-quality, this is all that distinguishes belarusian products, nature, quality and the fact that it is affordable.
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if the government of belarus wants cooperate with africa, then we are ready for various types of partnerships so that you can develop a presence in east african countries. various areas are of mutual interest: education, agriculture, healthcare. we are ready to supply belarusian mechanical engineering products to south sudan. the minsk tractor plant, for example, can fully meet the needs of the agricultural sector of this country. it is also planned to supply agricultural equipment and special equipment for planting vegetables and fruits. africa.
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in january, belarusian tractors were sent to egypt. in the first half of the year, there are plans to export to algeria, morocco, south africa, and southern sudan. we are also ready for investment cooperation with belarus, and this direction is being worked out. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel www.belarus24. by. exactly 35 years ago, soviet troops left afghanistan, fulfilling their international duty. the date is remembered and honored in belarus. during the years of the armed conflict, about 30,000 of our compatriots served there. what job
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today it is held to perpetuate the memory of the heroes of the afghan war and what contribution internationalist soldiers make to the patriotic education of youth. let's ask alexander metla, director of the charitable foundation . but it was very easy to get into afghanistan, at that time i was a major of the thirty-eighth air assault brigade, secretary of the party commission, i was ordered to arrive in afghanistan, that’s it, i packed a small suitcase and went to afghanistan, so began my service to a distant country, where that’s the most difficult, everything was difficult, difficult it was difficult to get used to the climate, it was difficult
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to get used to the characters, those carried by our soldiers, officers, and how many belarusians died on afghan soil? on afghan soil , officially, there are now 771 of them, they are all immortalized on the island of the courage of grief, 771 people, there are more. a completely different figure, i can’t even name it exactly, but the limit of our ranks,
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unfortunately, the main idea that we are trying to convey to young people is that defense of the homeland, defense is tantamount to defense of one’s family, one’s city, village, the only thing us what makes me happy is that, after all, the head of state , as he said, that no one... will go to war anymore, to someone else’s war, if we are not attacked, we will not fight, and this word is kept, it is worth a lot, especially mothers , who have grown up, children of grandchildren, all of whom do not know what war is, because this is the most precious thing, of course, that they must understand, so you, being the director of the fund, what kind of support do you provide to soldiers today, and...
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those disabled people who have reached the age also receive those
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benefits that are due to disabled combatants actions, and of course the afghans themselves, they are active people and mostly work, they try to support families, good families, so... we don’t complain, we are happy that we are alive, that we can communicate, that we can meet, this the most important thing regarding patriotic education, you noted that you often meet with young people, what is the main idea, yes, that you want to convey to the younger generation today, the main idea, when you meet you are always happy for them, you are happy people, you were born and.. live in peaceful, good, calm, prosperous
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country of belarus, because the flames of war are raging around, and we know everything, we see, even our compatriots, as they say, are even fighting, for example, ukraine, armenia, there against azerbaijan, and in others is also a republic, and belarus is peaceful and... the blooming people tried to shake it a little, but nothing worked and will not work, because in principle our people understand that they are sure that... that any peace is better and god forbid any war , because the slogan of our parents, so that there is no war, is today very relevant, in fact, we convey to young people that this is the greatest asset that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers conquered, well
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, to some extent we took part in this, but peace is the most important thing, an asset that must be protected, which to be ready if something happens, of course, to defend it, this is an asset that is not given by itself, you need to fight for it. alexander mikhailovich, afghan wars live not only in belarus, yes, do you interact today with similar organizations in post-soviet countries, we of course, we are very actively interacting with our comrades from russia. from the baltic countries, well, in particular from lithuania, where he also runs the afghan fund, litvinenko, sasha, he often comes to us in belarus, we used to go there often, but now the situation is such that there are a little difficulties with obtaining visas and so on and so on and
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such ties, as they say, became a little stronger, but we completely broke off the relationship. because when we started, there were five points where excursions could be conducted, at today we have 50 objects, this includes military equipment, this is an armored train, which the belarusian railway helped us create, firstly, a monument to all
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the railway workers who worked and fought, and secondly, this is an armored train, but... today it is a unique object that everyone envy when they come and want it, in addition, we are engaged in the restoration of military equipment from the war, in fact, we have more than twenty pieces of equipment that are on the move and that simulate shots, idle, in fact, which are involved in reconstructions, now we are literally before the new year in november.
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happiness, liberation , victories have been won, not only by belarusians, but also by residents of russia, residents of the baltic states, even those from far abroad , who come here, even from arab countries , too, i’m not even talking about the chinese, they are our regular guests, we well, in any case, we see that not only belarusians are interested in us, but also other, as they say, peoples of other states, well, this makes us happy, we even welcome them, we try when delegations or people came from some country, to raise the flag from the country, thank you very much,
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alexander mitla, director of the charitable foundation for helping internationalist soldiers in memory of the afghans, answered the questions of the program, later in the program. events : a patriotic forum of youth of the union state, a competition of innovative projects 100 ideas for belarus and the belarusian pipe is applying for unesco world heritage status. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. this is the events program for belarus 24 and we continue. patriotic youth forum of the union state was held in minsk, which united belarusian and russian students, our review knows.' of course, this is new acquaintance and exchange of ideas, but the main goal is to create a platform for the development of joint projects to preserve historical memory. during the forum , a book of deadlines was presented. union state of dmitry mezintsev. the book is based on
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materials from a criminal case on the genocide of the belarusian people, as well as historical facts that can shed light on the events of past decades. we want to speak equal, so that this is a sincere dialogue about what is preventing belarus and russia from developing today.
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presentations of projects of initiatives that are being implemented in higher educational institutions; a thematic excursion program was also organized for the guests. the competition for innovative studio projects for belarus is nearing the finals; the winners will be announced in march. what developments are the participants presenting this year? for example, among the finalists of the minsk regional stage is an engineer from soligorsk who developed a construction 3d printer. additive technologies once considered something from the realm of science fiction, now 3d printing is being introduced into industry, medicine and... construction, the new development is called “brahms”. according to the author's idea, the printer is capable of laying concrete layer by layer and erecting a building of any height without human intervention, this
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will help save money and time. the printer moves independently, it chooses where to go and at what moment to lay the reinforcement. two walls are erected, external and internal, reinforcement is laid between them, in our case two people enough, one controls. system, the second lays the material, that’s it, two people, and the house is built. it only takes a couple of hours to install the equipment; the printer can build the walls of a one-story building in less than a day. by the way, the 100 ideas for belarus project has been helping young, talented people implement innovative startups for the past 13 years. videos of a schoolboy from lunents collect millions of views on the internet, what surprises the young belarusian? seventh grader gleb budnik creates from cardboard. reduced copies of cars and household items objects, makes a video about it on tiktok, in general, likes, comments, everything that bloggers like. a video about the creation of cardboard trucks has gone viral. it took a month, 80 sticks of hot glue and
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over twenty boxes. almost all details are taken into account in the car. i looked up something on the internet, but learned most of the information from the truck driver’s father. this is a cardboard truck. the buttons are here, here is the steering wheel, gearbox. mechanics, signal, wow, there is a handbrake, a stove, a radio, a different glove compartment, a walkie-talkie, this is gleb’s first large-scale work, there are plans to carry out streams where he will show the process of creating new models, in the future gleb dreams of becoming a design engineer, all these boys have already been nicknamed the future legend of the belarusian automobile industry. the belarusian duda claims the status. the history of the archaic musical instrument began in belarus at the end of the 13th century. archaeologists found a bellows with holes for pipes during
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excavations in vetebsk, and the earliest images of the instrument of the 15th century were seen in the mogilev region. today, only two rare pipes have survived: the oldest is kept in lepel museum. this pipe dates back to 1872. it arrived at our museum in 1966.
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thank you, the review was prepared by elena puttus. results-analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical program of the television news agency main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best. the heroes of our program, distinguished persons, buried in their right, a standard fate for many artists, from childhood there was a desire to draw, the games of other children did not it was, they weren’t as interesting as the games in this drawing space, the knowledge is bright.
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the main thing is that you say , you just need to give people your warmth, kindness, your light, your love, what could be even better, look at the belarus project on our tv channel, in all international acts the murder of civilians, unarmed children is written in black and white - this is a war crime, but the head of european diplomacy, barrel, commented on the situation
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in the palestinian zone. israeli conflict stated that he considers it pointless to provide humanitarian aid to those who may be killed tomorrow. but this is different. in almost 3 months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure, almost 22,000 residents of the gaza strip were killed. the number of wounded exceeded 56,000. regarding the shelling of donetsk on new year's eve in belgorod. and this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation of the rules of warfare, this is a war crime, and while the west is already dividing the remnants of ukraine, does not wait for the end of a special military operation, the latter are already in principle not interested. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
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