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tv   -  BELARUSTV  February 17, 2024 12:15pm-1:15pm MSK

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and this is a good start in the development of new technologies. it is also interesting that the region supplies special varieties of potatoes to belarus, what are they for? about this and more. watch our special report from novgorod science today after the panorama. the first gold was won by belarusian athletes at the spartakiad of the strongest. speed ​​skater marina zueva finished first in the 500 m distance. this medal is not the only bronze we have today. in biathlon he brought a women's relay quartet. and together with the participants in the medal race, communication with they leave the studio.
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but such races are also needed, dari kudaev’s question, i think there was jitters, well, i think the girls were under, when i saw that you would gain from second place for a minute, i really panicked, but this is the most important race of your life, probably for now, well, for now, yes, the first medal at international competitions, i congratulate you , especially the olympic champions being in this video program ira leshchenko, our brilliant athlete, who i will say right on the air, there is no need to end your career, well, of course it was
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exciting, because i rarely ran the last stages, maybe a couple of times in my career, having seen how everything went so well for us from the first stage, i was just so excited inside and didn’t want to ruin it all, in general, you did great, let's talk a little more about our family and friends who are watching you and i'll give the floor to the studio. colleagues, thank you, andrey, and we once again congratulate our girls on their medals. today , 11 debutants will perform on the main stage of the country for young people at the belarusian state philharmonic society. taking aim at the world classics, will they be able to sound convincing? rehearsals have finished.
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masne's thinking. debuts of young talents have become traditional on the big stage of the philharmonic. the team performs at the venue for young people 10 times a year. the 85 kg silver medalist of the european weightlifting championship conquered her; yulia gulina was met at the minsk national airport the day before. the continental forum took place in sofia, bulgaria and is one of the five licensed starts for the olympic games. our athlete lifted 85 kilos in the snatch and came second. in the clean and jerk, yulia lifted 98 kilos in the sum of two exercises took the final sixth place. we wish it were better, but we did the best we could. in the snatch, i gave it my all, and already in the clean and jerk, the judges banned the first approach, the second approach, well, i had to do everything as well as possible in order to somehow preserve my strength, but in the end i still spent a lot of energy, we did everything as much as possible to to get closer to the -
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weight category up to 71 kg, belarusian weightlifter suzanna volodko lifted 105 kg in the snatch and thereby won small bronze. in addition, there is a girl in the clean and jerk. submitted 120 kilo and the total sum of the double event placed volodko in second place in the final protocol. with a result of 235 kg, belarus won big silver at the continental championship. and that 's all for me, all the news, see you at 15:00. let me remind you that you can follow developments in the country and the world on oten social networks, as well as in our mobile application. qr code on the screen, see you later.
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yul, congratulations to you, and i congratulate you. what a beauty,
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listen, you have the right to file a complaint about non-compliance with the employment contract, this violation of your rights, you have the right to work during the day, dinner comes in the evening, and dinner is harmful, listen, by the way, the ignition in your car is not working well , you need to go check it for service tomorrow, but it will start, well, i hope, because i i still need to pick up the mantle. from the circuit cleaner, i already took it, oh, you and i have 10 minutes , oh, no, no, no, no, we don’t have 10 minutes, yulk, don’t forget, your carriage can turn into a pumpkin, you promised me that this will not happen, yet.
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i have a normal job. not much, but for me enough and i don’t need to steal anything at all, yes, i’m a locksmith, yes, i can make any keys, but i honestly didn’t steal your honor, i’m more sad that this old bastard is so lame, please choose , expression, sorry, your honor, this elderly woman, my neighbor, my beloved, has influence on all of you here, because i’m so unattractive, who should i jail? of course, kolya khromova, why are you shaking your head, granny, i ask you,
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keep quiet, porshivets, why are you being rude to me, varyuga, but you actually have three walkers, you need to live and sit in prison, i ask for silence, walkers, granny, three walkers, granny, there were, but i didn’t take your pension, your grandson took it, you fat fool, keep in mind, this is a slander. at first i was fine with him, and his wife was fine, but he cut my door, smoked the ventilation, and now he’s stealing money, your honor, don’t let him out much longer, you bastard, baba klava, defendant khromov deprived himself of the opportunity to have the last word, the court removed for sentencing, i ask everyone to stand. can you imagine,
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i have 12 thousand for this pension, a whole month from i live as a grandson, you have no shame, no conscience, i carried your bags for you, fixed the tap, i ask everyone to stand up, the trial is going on. having examined the materials of the criminal case against a citizen of the russian federation, nikolai vasilievich khromov, born in 1971, a native of the village of domodedovo, moscow region, previously convicted and accused of committing a crime under article 158, part three of the criminal code of the russian federation. the court , in the name of the russian federation, decided to recognize citizen nikolai khromov. innocent of a crime, provided for in part three of article 158
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of the criminal code of the russian federation. the court also issues a special ruling, in which it asks to pay attention to the negligent handling of the case by the investigative authorities. defendant khromov is subject to release in the courtroom. please carry it out. the meeting is over. how is this so? who will start? so, prosecutor vastrotin, please leave the judge's room. don't you know the charter? eh, or maybe i
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should call the bailiffs. sorry, sorry, sorry. katya, i will ask you and other secretaries not to be allowed into judge prosecutors, end these gatherings of yours. fine. is there a note for you here? prosecutor vastrotin conveyed. congratulations on your anniversary, you fool, listen, you’re in construction, but how many times have i asked you not to come into my office, 100, 100, i’m sorry, i can’t remember, i just know you, i haven’t had time to change my mind since the first year, i’m sorry,
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i’m sorry , not sorry, this is a violation of the law, the judge has no right to cash.
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yes i am like that now. your edik is probably going crazy because of our friendship. my edik is a completely wise husband. a wise husband is distinguished by composure. will you invite me to the wedding anniversary? of course i understand, a drunk prosecutor dances at the judges' parties. yes, well, what holiday are you? so, report, dear ones, on the work done. that's all. and you yourself are like 10 years old, after all. so without precedents, quietly, calmly, excuse me for the details, but i really need to go to the gynecologist, yul, you don’t consider me a man, do you? excuse me, maybe he’s talking to me like a friend about the gynecologist? is that enough? no, well, no, wait, if your food wasn’t so good, i would have long ago already, that the fact that he has gold is simple, that’s what
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’s offensive, but everything is not enough for you, gold and i love him very much, sounds somehow ordinary. i love you, we go in different directions. yeah, i get it. explain to me, please, is this my problem or my husband’s? for now, i can not say it. what about the tests? analysis, excellent analysis. how many years have you been married? 10. is your sex life regular? yes. how many times a week? once every two weeks on odd mondays. i read that this is quite normal for people our age who have been married for more than 5 years. why is this like this sequence? viktor nikolaevich, there are five more people to join you. okay, okay, thanks. yes,
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please, sorry. eh, my husband and i just don’t have the same schedule and he has to. stay late at work in the evenings, and i need to get up very early in the morning , there’s a time discrepancy, okay, but in the evening, when he comes home from work, he can wake you up, listen, excuse me, i’m a little confused by these questions, maybe there are some some medicine. in general, today is your second day of ovulation, i will give you a stimulating injection, and today you should have be intimate with your husband at least three times, so call him from work and well, this is
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completely impossible, well, that is, it is out of the question today. today is our wedding anniversary, guests will be booked, congratulations, great, this is a wonderful occasion. vegetables, 5 minutes, yeah, shrimp next to the cheese, don’t put the smell, okay, over, nadya, nadya, don’t dry out the salad, remember it, there’s something to go. wait 2 minutes, hello, eduard borisovich, hello, it smells delicious, huh? follow, i'm going to visit the guests, eduard borisovich, just take off your uniform, oh, i forgot, thank you, right there
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i think there aren’t enough plates, i’ll probably go and arrange them, no, look at how stupid she is, don’t hide it, yeah, she’s lucky. “edechka, son, my dear, can you imagine , everyone has already arrived, well, you’re my good one, you’ve already thanked your bosses, it’s so nice that they closed the entire restaurant, especially for us, well, of course, you’re our exclusive chef, they never they won’t forget, yes, yes, nadya , they heard, they will never forget that you won the competition in paris, they didn’t want to let you go at all, you are so wonderful with us, not 20, but 10,
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the young man to swear on the constitution that he will love her forever, on this solemn day, we want to wish you, well, and so on, it’s normal, lord, but grown-up children , no matter how ashamed i am, no matter how ashamed you are, how children are. .. you’re giving us a hard time, little brother , what’s that expression, grandpa, who taught you this, it’s dad who said that, when
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you get hard, you need to pinch, businesslike, hello, you’re my good one, yes, thank you for being come, okay, hello, god, here i come, look, beauty! looks great, yes, edik, hi, an, what are you doing here, i’m working, i asked you not to come, you ’re angry, you’re so sweet when you’re angry, anna, well, i’m replacing the light, she’s got a migraine, ethic, come here, yulia has come, oh! thanks for coming, 100 years old, great, hi, looking good, is that what, what, what?
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we have exactly one hour to make love. how, what, what are you doing right now? well, where can we go? no, no, no, more, daddy, let’s take this one away, okay. it’s either overcooked shrimp in garlic butter, boris doesn’t like chicken, i can’t do it
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here, well, this is some kind of nonsense, you always have so, it’s always like this with me, you didn’t want to this morning, i couldn’t because i had to go to work, well, yes, you want children, yes, then come here, well, come. here , listen, let's go on vacation, well, what a vacation, i've already had a vacation, you're only in a year, i'm in a month, i didn't want this holiday at all, open the door, borka, you're a genius, what did this film bring, well, in general , it’s wonderful, she hasn’t changed at all, well , look how she is, yulechka, well, well... absolutely, yes, guys, she hasn’t changed at all, not at all, except that she’s lost some more weight more, look, look, like this, look, look, look further.
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now i and that’s why you had to take things that don’t belong to you, so please give them back, apologize, i’m sorry, and now go to the wall and think about why you were wrong, aunt, you’re evil, grandfather, grandfather, it’s time to go to the hospital , yes, the duck was waiting for me, i ’ll take you, why, we’ll order yours, i have a headache, i’d better go, really, girl, everything ’s fine, everything’s fine, goodbye, well, let’s go.
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well, why? they say the vessels dilate, yeah, and then they narrow, but don’t, let’s narrow, are you a bully? it’s a pity that i don’t even have anything to snack on, oh, as one wonderful soviet poet said, a snack weakens the effect of alcohol, so how about eight, well, we’re on time, great, i have a date at 13 with verochka, a physiotherapist, so it’s inconvenient to be late,
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yulinka. “i don’t understand why edik hooked you, but no, he’s a great guy, but, but , in my opinion, a little bit of a mattress, where did you meet, in court, no, in a restaurant, yeah, and he’s not a mattress at all , yes, he got into such a fight because of me then, edka, it’s terrible, okay, come on, come on." a very famous businessman was courting me then, he was courting me beautifully, we went to a restaurant every evening, we had a favorite place, well, edik worked there as a cook, one evening he needed to bring us a cake with a ring, well, as a symbol of love and...
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god forbid, there will be gossip with a young girl, then what? yulinka, what you just told, you take care of ethics, he is too kind, into me , please, be healthy, i’ll try. the key is, you have a very sweet wife, it’s
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terrible, but we’ll break her heart. mm, you know, i would like to be friends with her, but it seems to me that she will not come to terms with the fact that we will be together, and i already told you, we cannot be together. it was a mistake, a mistake, that is, you want to say that i am your mistake, no, you are not a mistake, you are not
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a mistake, it was a mistake, the situation we found ourselves in , a mistake, what we did to you together, it was wrong, we should not. thank you, thank you, thank you so much, thank you, well, what are you going to do tomorrow, i'm waiting for you, goodbye, be healthy, thank you, and where edika, where could he be, he is somewhere in the kitchen, and what happened, you got there well, but he is somewhere there, my dears, forgive me, i’m a fool. “forgive me, you’re just a real man , i fell in love with you, you’re not like everyone else, man,
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you’re different, you don’t know me at all , i’ve always come across only bastards, but you’re not like that, you don’t know me at all, anh, no need, but that's it, calm down, calm down, no need
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. the suitcases are leaving, well, everything wasn't as you saw, but no, it's a mistake, it's stupid, stupid!
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i'm fine.
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well, i kicked out my friend ?what? i say i kicked my own out and did the right thing. yes, lanochka, yes my girl, he was a bad man. you know what, don't interfere. i have my own business, please, oh, you heard what he said, don’t interfere, he says, maybe he himself left such a bitch, that’s it, calmly.
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so, you don’t need to say anything, another 2.5 minutes, if you’ve arrived on time for some time, it doesn’t mean anything, no matter how much you can repeat, stop decorating yourself, take off this stupid brooch. and stop this idiotic challenge, but i’m here, mymra, and i also ask your honor to pay attention to defendant markozov's threats to the victim, which was heard by citizen antonova, the victim's secretary, verbatim quote: i'll break your neck, you bastard, if you look at my wife again, you know, all this was accompanied by obscene language and the threat of physical force.
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thank you, continue, please, thank you, your honor, aram sergeevich, please tell me, you yourself stated that it was dark in the gateway, yes, well, it can be dark in different ways, it was still a little light there, and i managed to see the figure, and face, face, you have it saw, yes, saw, saw, he was just turning towards the lantern, and i saw his face, i swear on my granddaughter and... yes, i don’t deny that
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i threatened ram, but because he pestered my wife, i take advantage that he is the boss, and maybe i would have beaten him, because there was a reason , but i repeat, i was not physically in that yard, because i was out of town, well, on work, your honor, but again the defendant provides us with an unsubstantiated alibi . no evidence of where he was, who saw him, but i have a ticket for the train, hmm, well, well, i was, you see, i have everything, your honor, and we have witness testimony on aliba, if i may, the prosecution has objections to the violation of regulations, no, your honor, it’s even interesting, but... i have , but he said that he wanted to leave his wife, that
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’s what he said, at least he came either in the morning or at night, from one to four, somewhere like that, we made love with him, then he left for work or to his wife. he said that he was as fast as a woodchuck, so they wouldn’t even suspect anything. please tell me what time markozov came to you on february 16?
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markozov, do you confirm the testimony of the witness? yes, valera, how could you, what kind of creature, lord, who do you say you work for? who cares? answer the court, but as a waitress in a club.
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it is clear? i say what i think, that's all. are such concepts as honor and conscience familiar to you? you are in a relationship with a married man. you are destroying a family and flaunting it. simply amazing. i impose a fine for contempt of court. sit down. lock them both up, your honor. shut up, i'll ask you to arrest the witness in the courtroom. i i protest. the protest is rejected and the meeting is postponed to monday. i ask everyone to stand up, valera, how can this be, what? what was that, yul? you slapped an innocent girl for 15 days? you and i agreed not to talk about court cases. what's the matter with klesha, i'm telling you what happened, didn't you look like yourself? but you
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all look very much alike. what? come on , tell me what happened, well, he kissed the waitress, who is markozov? yes, even with a stripper, now this is actually my headache, you and i agreed not talk about business, edik, your edik, and what , edik, he... with the waitress on our wedding anniversary, i saw it, poor edik, that is , what i wanted to say, probably nothing serious, it’s not serious, not serious, yes, you see, this happens to almost every
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man at his age, light flirting, kissing, you said it yourself, 10 years, a long time, he wanted to feel like a man, and not just gold, julia. you have to understand this, listen, this is exactly the help that i expected from my only friend, and what else should i have told you, julia borisovna, nina yakovlevna, i’m a little busy right now, i wouldn’t want to talk to you about this topic at all, because actually , it seems to me that in general this is not really your business, now you should be happy that i won’t interfere with your son to pursue a career. and you can go anywhere, do an internship in italy, in france. yes, thank you, yes, you too, be healthy. faith, up.
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hello, i’m trying to call you, it’s really great that i decided to visit you, we haven’t seen each other for so many years. 10, and i have a business trip at work, can you imagine, i’ll be there for a whole week, you work somewhere, yes, in a consulting firm, and where is edik? edik , i don’t know, we broke up, but it’s been a long time, i don’t remember, it seems like the day before yesterday, it’s clear, that is
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, he still couldn’t stand it, now you can be happy for him, and what are you doing, i said consulting, i have a forum, i need to make a report, so i need complete silence, but all the hotels in the city have been closed, is this for your guests? you've arranged everything, there was supposed to be a children's room there, but the children's room didn't work out there, now we need change the situation everywhere, everything is fine with you, obediently, we haven’t seen each other for 10 years due to your fault, after you hung on my own husband’s neck half naked at my own wedding, you are 10 years old... it never occurred to me to call me and apologize for this, now you ’re coming here, planning to settle here , asking if i’m okay? no,
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i’m not okay, and this is none of your business, okay, make me some coffee, please, but i... saw me with her, i, i didn’t want to, she had to to say that she attacked me, that she, she’s crazy, that’s what my brother told me to do, but yeah, i’m discharged. no, no, i was with her once, you understand me, and i was after
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the holiday, i was tired, i drank a little wine, not much, i rarely drink at all, however, she said that... who will lead car, she said that she loves me, i said that there is no need to do this, then everything is the other way around, then again, then in the kitchen, do you understand? okay, i love her wife very much, she, she is the
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best in the world, she won’t believe me, but what should i do, yes, of course, of course, what? excuse me, we're leaving, dasha, dasha, are you going to lie here? no, yes, the guys here, they gave me shelter until i left, what kind of departure? to africa, to adisab, ethiopia, yeah, there is famine,
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war, i will be a volunteer, i will cook soup for them, what kind of soup, beans, yulka loved. i saw this whining creature, who , out of absent-mindedness, cheated on his beloved wife, is now lying here, talking some nonsense about africa,
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bean soup, wait. what, what happened to julia? she is healthy? no, how not? yes, she looks like ghost, she never admits that she feels bad, but i’m her sister, and i see, lord, lord, what a brute i am, what should i do, don’t even whine, i, i have one idea, what, she will require the real from you. “i’m ready, she’ll listen to me, she won’t have any other choice, come on, be careful, yeah, on me, on me, let’s
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bring it in. yes, it’s going fine, oh, it’s good that you arrived early, i’m here i’m just sewing up, and by the way, i have a conference in half an hour, so what did you teach, well, you wanted to change the situation, you need to get it up quickly, otherwise these movers will scratch it, and what ’s left of the door, yes, you understand me, yeah, master? got it, we’ll bring it in now, excuse me, hostess, yes, don’t delay us in passing, but yul, dasha asked for help, hello, hey, are you rushing?
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why is he here? what are you talking about? and are you talking about edik? well, listen, well, someone had to help, i don’t know any other men here, then i actually thought that you would come back later. yul, listen to me, yul, we need to talk, well, we can’t just take it all straight away, we can’t take it, we can’t cut it off and throw everything away in life. how, well, you, you , at least you can listen to me, well, i’m really guilty of you, really, i know, honestly, forgive me, well, this is clouding, nonsense, a mistake, i don’t know what it was, that you were sleeping with her?
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okay, i understand when we’re going to release it, it’s too early, damn it, i haven’t gone upstairs, quickly!
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sorry, please, i didn't do it on purpose. yes, what are you doing, well, you give, well, you should have talked.
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sorry, do you need help?
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how long has it been since you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily tasting every word, of all manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing...


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