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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 21, 2024 11:05pm-12:01am MSK

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the same here, so once again we say in this studio , we appeal to our people, only vigilance, only attention to any manifestation of loyalty , concessions to these animals and terrorists, to eurogays, to bandera, to all this crap, there must be zero tolerance... towards them in everything, because if there is connivance, they will definitely take advantage of these cracks, crawl into them, corrode us from the inside in order to then start killing us too, yes, this may sound harsh, but if we don't we will go through these few years in such a tough regime if we give them even the slightest chance to survive among us. these spies
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, terrorists, sympathizers, banderaites and all this european critter, then we will get a virus and a disease that will eat us up from the inside, and we cannot give them this chance, but the most disgusting thing is the hypocrites, these are those who they begin public suffering for navalny, teachers of righteous sorrow, in words, in reality it is difficult to hide their smiles, look at the whore, this is his wife in quotes, but hold back your smile, although would be, no, she comes out to the podium of the munich conference an hour after the message and her face is pomaded, made up, tons of varnish is shining, three buttons are torn,
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the historical phrase: war with russia must be truly avoided shortly before, although many are inciting us to it, especially in france, but here comes the shot, ertz herzog is killed. austrian emperor franz
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joseph declares war on serbia and the world powers stand on both sides of the barricades, meanwhile the roar of explosions does not drown out the voices of the investigation into the murderer of the mirtzog by the principle of id chebrinovich. it showed one curious thing: the organization was behind the terrorists.
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i’ll find out your path, it doesn’t matter,” he said quietly, well, write somewhere. a socio-political talk show in essence, today we will talk about the quality of higher
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education, let me remind you that last week the president met with the rectors of our universities, we have gathered many of them here to talk about this topic with you, if you want to join to our... conversation, here is the qr code, please point your smartphone at it and join the conversation, on the other hand there is a qr code that leads to our telegram channel, where you can read, including my colleague’s thoughts on how this program went, my name is kiril kazakov, alena syrova is with me, let’s start, hello, well, in general, yes, as kirill said, the topic was inspired. last week’s meeting with the head of state, i will ask our editors to immediately display on the screen the top problems that the president voiced, but those that exist, have been noticed, noted in the higher education system, this is how they were structured and were discussed in some detail at the palace
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of independence, but in my subjective opinion, it seems to me that the head of state did not hear the decisions, options for decisions that he might have expected. these moments of questions, let’s just say that not all of those present had the opportunity to express their opinion there and share it, well , it’s clear that the format of the event does not imply such a general debate, especially with such a large number of participants today we have fewer participants, there is no head of state, there’s not even a minister of education, so you can safely share your opinion: natalya vladimirovna, well, here’s to you, i looked like this, you know, from the frame, at meetings, many people talk about it, that people are sitting, writing down, here are the main theses for the president , but probably, much of what the head of state said is, in general, not new
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; all the problems identified, here is the most important one for you...
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we need children, students, we need all children we call it, immerse yourself in live communication, in live work, and not in endless reports, writing plans, plans for reports, reports for plans, and so on and so forth, but they can retort you, you know, by saying that, well, somehow you need to report on the work done, otherwise how can you evaluate its effectiveness, and the effectiveness can be assessed, it seems to me , already, for example, this sunday, because they will start or from tomorrow...
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there are quite a lot of classes, this order, it
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’s some kind schools there are classes, then cadets you have appear in which class of secondary schools, so that we really understand that a person chooses a profession, because this primarily concerns the police, well, i want to say that we have a total enrollment of 610 people in higher education institutions of the ministry of internal affairs, which is a lot, well, actually this is a lot, 610 courses.
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i won’t mention his last name, but he says that i don’t consider lawyers, except those who graduated from the faculty of law of bsu, to be lawyers at all, this, this is just a question of how this is perceived in society, yes, and i argue, i know what i’m saying, a policeman is a lawyer with a mark of quality, because he is a law enforcement officer, in order to protect the law, you need to at least get to know him, the second story: you know, a lawyer, a classic lawyer, well , let’s not offend anyone, a person comes to him with with his problem, he says
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, your rights have been violated, where do you need to go, well, it’s clear, where to the police, to the policeman, what to say , we will deal with it, we will, not only do we know that it has not been violated, we know what to do, to restore, the second one is being disassembled, we touched on such a neat moment, oh which many people also somehow say, argue, do we have these university traditions, well, by analogy, like the ivy league and so on. that the law faculty does not recognize anyone except their fellow students there, it seems to me that there is such a story in vladimirevich buguir, it seems to me that the students of your university, they are somehow so isolated , or something, there is this one, look, here is one of these the first point is definitely not yours, it’s a country, yes, that is, strictly speaking, i don’t know, probably, who wouldn’t want to without understanding the computer to you, i can honestly tell you that the second point is not at all...
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this is also a certain integral investment of belarusian culture in every student, there is such a story, that is, it is hardly possible to repeat it, when we are talking, for example, about fundamental science , well, i ’m a graduate of the department of your university, so i need to know this story, yes , here’s the question, yes, yes, what’s the question, so the president again says that on the one hand, people leave, do not
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stay here, on the other hand, this also leads to what we don't have left teachers who will teach in the future. this scientific component, pedagogical, this is how things stand in your opinion, well, at your university and in general, in principle, at universities, say, not in minsk? well, you heard the president’s message, better , less is more, and he repeats this message more than once, this is about the question of whether it is necessary to lower the bar, no, it is not necessary, how to attract young people to science is another question, so that there is continuity of schools , and here i can also tell you that it is on such titans, as our mentors maintain the higher education system, naturally we need someone... here is the recently selected 100 ideas for belarus in the republican finals , ending with, so to speak, industry-specific programs that support and stimulate young people. and also, in continuation of the conversation that was touched upon today,
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lawyers-economists, preparation, this has already become a household word in the country, but look what we are faced with today. in the year when i entered, i planned either mogilev or minsk, now people are planning either mogilev or smolensk, that’s where this trend came from, i understand that from mogilev to smolensk, well, a little further than adaminsk, but this trend has appeared, and the president talks about it, why people are leaving, this trend has appeared because higher education became widespread at a certain stage, and there was a massive demand for
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it, today employers themselves have shown by their example that look, there is... secondary specialized education, it is in demand, an engineer at an enterprise will not always receive the salary that he receives, in your words mentioned above, that less is better, so maybe then it’s worth reducing the number of people who could go to this, today 50% of graduates go to secondary specialized education, that is , in fact, we are already coming to the conclusion that we are looking for school graduates, a motivated applicant is coming to us, who consciously chooses higher education based on criteria, for example, dynasty. sometimes parents choose for him, you see, we don’t have some sacralization of higher education now, here’s another thing, for example, about 20 years ago, higher education , yes, this is how it goes, because that’s how it’s supposed to be, well, because in general it’s necessary, where to go after school, well, to university, well, it seems to me that in most cases this story is generally working, although
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you may know better locally, well, because entry into higher education in our country is really the bar that is set. she holds on, why do they leave for smolensk, because the bar is a little lower, the bar is lower, so there is a temptation, those who did not pass us, according to the criterion, they went there, no, well then the employer can also say that he has the right to evaluate the quality of education, which the employer invests in higher education today, because they are the customers, targeted admission , for example, targeted training, a potential lawyer or economist will return from there, he will have a diploma from a smolensk university there and... just, just look, well, again, i understand that when you leave, for example, to enter some specialized profession, well, be it policeman, or for example, some story is connected.
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the fact is that now higher education has almost become truly massive, it’s connected somewhere, maybe i’m wrong, seriously, why? because it seemed to me that if before the capital, regional
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centers, they have these universities, people go there, get educated , a certain system of competition is really created, despite the fact that the appearance in regional centers really makes it more widespread, but the example of bobruisk, there was a university in bobroysk, but the city also closed from the point of view. 20 years ago, over these 20 years, i trained 26,000 specialists who successfully work in our country. what does a university mean in a region? we
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understand perfectly well that the personnel who are being trained today in the region will return to this region. if we are talking today about the capital, about the leading carriers of the country, if a graduate leaves the region leading to the country, then i don’t think that we will get him after graduating from the university, he will return there.
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what came from the region today went to the region, as far as consolidation is concerned, the retention rate today, yes, it is somewhere around 55-60%, is not enough, we need to work with this, with this problem, but we will also work, because today the head of state set tasks, and i would like to dwell on the first issue, between supply and demand, yeah, because in the context of this problem, one question was also raised, which suggests that many, when...
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again statistics, 85% of first-year students are graduates of schools, educational institutions , of which 40, well half of that 40% of all are graduates of novopolotsk, polotsk and the polotsk region, in fact i am saying that every third graduate of novopolotsk is our student, every third, every third graduate of the polotsk school is our student, and if we talk about
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further continuation.
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70%, again the question of retention, for how many years, because of course, someone is replaced , someone leaves for another position and so on, that is, this is also very important, but more than 70%, so they analyzed and looked, denis vladimirovich , here again is supply demand, look, when i studied , there were no journalism departments at moscow state university, yes, then it appeared, i just know the story that is now developing with the journalism department of bsu, there are questions there, well, from the point of view of us professional journalists, who then... this is on people who come, don’t we have a lot of journalism departments , again, having returned 20 years, didn’t we have a lot of law departments back then, and didn’t we have a lot of people who graduate from the faculty of economics, economists, lawyers, now journalists , just a little, well, a little, because again, at msu kalishou we we opened the direction of journalism, now there are different ones, it journalism, like web journalism and so on , there are a lot of directions, print traditional media, why, because the demand is colossal, for
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our graduate of this...
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that’s okay, we touched on one here, is called a very warm topic for us, and the president first of all spoke, well, about technology, yes, technologies that, for example, will open up the future for us and how... of course, i would like this conversation, remember, when from the academy science was that science should come to economy, the economy should give a return, but students must, must first come to the economy, yes, who graduated from a university, these things, this is where we have, tell me, this is how our economy is ready to receive your graduates and how these graduates are ready to enter this economy go, or htp america, htp, silicon valley, well, a little wrong, a question for me , as i understand it, of course, but no, well, the ministry of internal affairs for htp can also answer, i’m sure they can, they can, yes, at the same time you know very well that if we are talking about a product model software, then these are not only software developers -
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these are those people who a sell it, b advertise it, promote it there, and so on and so forth, but then new software, any new product requires something, user training and preparation those? who will operate it here? we have our tractors, yes, that is, they are sold abroad, as a rule, together with training centers, yeah, that teach people from another country to use our equipment, so i i wouldn’t say that there is success there, it ’s only programmers, but perhaps returning to the question a little about the regions, there is a very important element that also determines the success of practice-oriented training, this is availability.
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a deep question was raised, yes, because the question of the employer and there of yesterday’s student, now a young specialist, it lies not only in the plane of knowledge, technology that we have now, a paradox, or the main requirement of our time is the ability to constantly to improve oneself, therefore, higher education now faces such a task, not only to prepare a professional, but to prepare a specialist who will be able to develop. i’ll ask one question, it’s just that it may be too complicated and may be rhetorical, but on the other hand, look, if we are talking about the fact that higher education should, in principle, become such a goal, when you improve, it should be a person
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who in principle, it will be expensive, because he can do a lot, so maybe we really need to reduce these numbers to a certain number of people, when everything else is, for example,
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graphical growth and it was clear to anyone that if you haven’t received a higher education, then something is wrong and you could get it anywhere and anyhow, gradually the understanding came that higher education should be of high quality, b) there are mechanisms for controlling this quality and c - higher education should work for the economy, these are the things about which, in principle , they were then formulated by the ministry of education, well here i...
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essentially, if anything, we are discussing on air whether the rectors are happy with this new entrance system? either we take everyone , or, or, or we select, conditionally, there are 10% of the best, and we also followed this trajectory, these are the olympiads, especially universities in the regions will say a big thank you for ...
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i hear in public space , that enterprises work in three shifts, open additional workshops somewhere near minsk, that is, we need specialists, and i understand that this is an investment, well, here we go again however, if we reason, if someone pays in order to get a degree, how high-quality will he be, a conditional engineer at an enterprise that now enjoys high margins will be the same, two graduates who study on a budget basis and on a paid basis will be popular basis, i’ll say it again, because... the approach of the session to defend a diploma project
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is absolutely the same for everyone, the exam sheet does not say that you are studying on a paid basis, the approach is the same, so we ensure that the quality of education, which today is valued based on who pays for it, it is not distributed, so i just want to give an example, give an example, if possible, an example, well, i’m talking about 100% distribution of state employees, it ’s not even discussed, colleagues can do it too confirm, but this year here we are...
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on a paid basis, i’ll be honest, i ’ve never even known such an expression, well, you ’re like, why don’t i go downhill, you know how people do it, they finish their studies, for example, to penultimate session, ends everything, and after that, he doesn’t go to the register, he is expelled , he then skips until a certain point, then he takes an academic one, then another academic one, then he comes back and studied for at least half of the term on the budget form.
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but such percentages are very few, not many, but i still, i know that literally we and sladimir anatolyevich, that is, someone transferred to baguir, someone transferred from baguir to polnost university, there are such examples, the commission decides on the restoration , maybe he can study, let’s return with you to the issue of not the quality of education, this ideological story, which i think is relevant for everyone, well, frankly speaking, the twentieth year showed everyone that... in general, previous methods of working with youth turned out to be largely ineffective, in some places they were not fully explained, in others they didn’t say, somewhere young guys went to look for another alternative opinion, maximalism, plus everything, the very peak of age, yes, yes, well, students are always
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the most active part of the population, which again, this is a supolka, yes, students, they they communicate with each other, they encourage each other, each other. motivates, in general, we are now approaching a new and electoral period, we have already come close, naturally these flashbacks pop up there, the question naturally arises, have we drawn any conclusions, because it seems, it seems, there are a lot of events, and some patriotic actions, all together, to organize the brsm and so on, but how is this in spirit, because often,
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but in no case should one get the impression that we are there against may 9 or no we understand the values ​​- a great victory, we are talking about what has already been created at the state level. and there are a lot of important memorable dates on which everyone, not only students, not only students go to monuments, lay flowers,
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communicate with veterans, not only this form, i’ll also add, look, today in the region using the example of mogilev university , volunteer movement, red cross, other forms of volunteer movement, starting from orphanages, hospices, everything else, who are our students, they do not show off their work, because by nature they are very modest, and doing this work is also hellish work. he will not walk with a flag , relatively speaking, and carry, i want experience, but not only teachers are involved in it, but also students who receive the same it specialty from us, and so on and so forth, because this profession of a teacher, well, it cannot be tied strictly to the profession of a teacher, either you have this warmth in your heart or not, that’s what we are working with, but how to convey this action to the very top to show that this is really the one work, it’s not loud, but there’s a reason for it, and why, wait, why bring it to the very top? this is what we started the program with, and the effectiveness of the work will be for now, the effectiveness will not be measured
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by whether a higher authority pats you on the head or i don’t know, whether they will praise you for a certificate or not, but in fact, let it be it sounds pretentious, whatever, but it will be, again, how our youth will participate in secondary companies, what choices they will make in the future, how we will get through this is the period. not first of all, they educate, including, now this is not there, remember the round table actions, when we held a referendum on the constitution, it was a wide-ranging discussion involving a large number of young people, then what was the result? the youth made a proposal, they actively spoke out, the majority supported the changes in the constitution and everything was clear to everyone from the beginning to the very approval itself , a good example was when there were round tables, when...
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today the approach is different, the state one
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it’s difficult, so today the approach is different , the approach, we are moving away from authorship in textbooks as such, there is a state order, so please, if you want to comply, be the author of the textbook, and not vice versa, when there is a team of authors who forms the agenda and they actually determine the concept, so in higher education today we also come to the conclusion that textbooks on philosophy, already on the history of belarusian statehood, they already... they somehow said this, but what, what are we talking about, today there is a single textbook of the union state, it was developed by scientists from russia and
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belarus, jointly, but this textbook is like that, it is recommended or mandatory. gathers specialists, here on the basis of bguir there is an educational and methodological association for education in the field of radio electronics and computer science, and for a moment it includes htp and other universities that train in this specialty, in particular, i have a professor there from polotsk, and so on and so on , yes, yes, but i ’ll tell you another secret again, basic fundamental things, for example, the same higher mathematics, not
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you'll overwork it a lot, we're more likely to follow the path.
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there were a lot of key points that were interpreted differently in our history, modern history, and russian history, but today we have come to the understanding that we must develop common approaches, this does not mean that all historians think alike, no, but we are based on common approaches, how to teach children, on these common value approaches that are united, we we we teach not what separated our peoples in history, but what united us, that is, we take the value we strive towards it, relatively speaking, we do not show everything that... accompanied by something that was always negative in history, yes it was, and if a child wants to see all the facets, he will see it, but we see the main thing that there are common value guidelines , well, for example, yes, the orthodox matrix , you can’t escape it, and kiev emerged from this font, and polovsk and novgorod, we were all united once, we had a single, in fact , space that united everyone, this is great, so this textbook is for the highest
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schools, for universities, for schools, for kindergartens, for universities, as vadim correctly said. that is, our textbooks are traditional , sleep well, it is not a replacement for sure , this is an addition, well, vadimir anatolyevich just wanted to say and said that we have in the curriculum there are disciplines of the state component, disciplines of higher education institutions, that is, this component of the institution higher education very often in universities under the same specialty it differs, because the discipline is tailored under '.


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