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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 23, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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in the sixties, sec progress vertelishki was already thundering throughout the entire union. if we compare in terms of supply provision, our economy was probably at a level comparable to even some of the capacities of an entire region, say, ostrovetsky or ashmyany. the results were convincing.
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the proposed innovations began to be implemented at the level of the entire republic; many farms demonstrated real achievements. what happened with these large collective farms that were created at that time, they have now become in agricultural holdings, yes, huge , huge ones were created on that basis, in fact, these are generally the same enterprises as in industry, but this is only in agriculture . in those years, the foundations were laid for
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the future development of agriculture. thanks to these measures, today we have agricultural enterprises that not only serve as a model in the post-soviet space, but are considered one of the best in europe. progress of the skewer. snov, entire regional republics, grodno, kopolsky, pruzhansky. and this all during the period of khrushchev’s reforms, which led to sad consequences throughout the country. belarus went its own way. by the end of the decade, agriculture in the republic had become profitable for the first time in the post-war period. from 1950 to 61, the volume of agricultural production in the republic increased 2.2 times.
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dari, light rising above the world, your sadness is not clear, belovezhskaya pushcha, belovezhskaya pushcha. maybe that’s why they still so touch everyone today who hears this sacred melody. it truly became a hymn to the belarusian land, its beauty, hard work of its inhabitants.
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the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave when visiting, kayla, today i have a feeling that great things are in store for us. foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore the sights, and how beautiful, thank you
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very much, thank you, chow-chow, you can touch the device, yes, that’s it, let’s go. supreme state council of the union state. in general, our situation is developing very vigorously. trade turnover is constantly growing. russia is the largest investor. 4 billion dollars our investors invested in the economy of belarus. the whole process begins with the procurement of our own raw materials. trees
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are cut down on leased plots allocated by the state. some 20 years ago, they cut it and sold it as raw materials, but they stopped in time and restarted. in one country. the most forested forests in the world , it naturally suggested itself that woodworking would firmly take root, but the plant today is 43 countries of the world, where we supply our products, the president of our country gives as souvenirs, the products of our plant. last year , almost 247 citizens, about 126,00 residents and more than 42,500 poles came to us from lithuania on a visa-free basis, no closure of checkpoints, no attempt. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on belarus24 tv channel. hello,
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everything is clear with your project with marina caroman. let ` s talk about'. complex things in simple terms. today we’re talking about where ballots come from at polling stations, who may not leave home to vote in elections, and what the fickle mood threatens for a candidate. deputies. go! belarus elects deputies to local councils and the lower house of parliament, the house of representatives of the national assembly. the second day of early voting has come to an end. the main election day is sunday. but the polling stations are already quite busy. this six-day rush is just the end of a lot of behind-the-scenes work that our civil servants and community activists have done over the past few months. they had to work hard to organize elections of this magnitude. in order to
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to work with any large structure, it needs to be broken down into sectors, so first the authorities of each region and district of our country. it was necessary to determine the boundaries of these sectors. in the electoral process, these are called districts. this is not the first time we have had elections in our country, so the outlines of most districts have been determined a long time ago. but cities are being built, in some places there are more people, in others there are fewer, and sometimes adjustments have to be made to the breakdown. the main thing is to draw invisible lines so that in each area that the deputy will represent there are people living plus or minus the same number of people. then there will be attention from deputies. everyone will get equally. we have 110 parliamentary seats in the house of representatives of the national assembly. therefore, the central election commission, as required by the electoral code, formed 110 electoral districts by october 1. after this, public associations, political
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parties and labor collectives began to nominate their fellow party members as members of election commissions, held meetings and signed protocols. we believe that ivanovka is ours. after that, employees of executive committees, together with deputies of local councils , formed the composition of district and city election commissions from the submitted questionnaires, then the country was conditionally divided into 12,514 small electoral districts, from each of which belarusians will have to choose new deputies of local councils, and so that people have a place to vote for 110 of their representatives in parliament and for 12,500... 14 deputies of local councils in the country organized 541 polling stations. after that, those interested
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in each such site also submitted applications to local authorities, and there they formed precinct election commissions. they are the ones we contact when we come to vote. but that's not all. each such commission was required to choose a chairman and his deputy secretary. they took upon themselves the responsibility to regulate all sports. questions, replace sick people, introduce document flow, approve a duty schedule, outline who is responsible for what, and most importantly, monitor the implementation of the above. then members of the precinct commissions checked the lists of those registered in voters and actually living citizens in their districts, distributed invitations to the elections and informative leaflets about candidates for deputies to their homes, registered polling stations, received everyone who came with questions about the right to vote out of place. registration and solved a lot of routine tasks. a precinct election
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commission usually has from 12 to 15 people, depending on how many people live in a particular area. at polling stations, even on early voting days, ballots must be issued to citizens by at least two members commission, this is what the law says, and one cannot deviate from this requirement. when determining the number of members of the election commission, it is necessary to take into account that... its chairman almost always has to be present at the polling station, and if he cannot, then his deputy, that people are not released from their main job duties in order to be allowed to work in the commission, therefore they are not can meet voters from morning to night, they need replacements, that someone may get sick and will have to be replaced, because it is impossible to stop the election process, and another important part of the load: there are always people at the polling station who need to be given the opportunity to vote without leaving. from the houses of everyone who finds it difficult to get to the polling station, for example, elderly people,
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people with disabilities, bedridden patients, members of the precinct commission come to them with a small ballot box. the only condition is that a person must inform the election commission about the need to come to him before 18:00 on the main voting day, otherwise specialists may simply not be able to make it there and back. they also come to voters' homes. two dicks precinct commission. in general, there are at least three ballot boxes at each polling station. the first ballots are cast by people who came to cast their votes early. the second is for the main voting day, the third is for those voting at home. the latter is small in size. there are much fewer voters who cannot get to the polling stations than mobile citizens, and commission members carry a full-size box. it’s difficult, so a separate small box is sealed for departure.
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voting boxes are sealed by precinct members commissions. each region prints its own ballots in local printing houses. and on monday, on the eve of the first day of early voting, representatives of precinct commissions came to the district offices, received ballots and metal stamps on wooden bases, their own, separate for each precinct. with the help of this seal they fasten the plastic material of the coupling on each closed box and do not touch the seal until the elections take place; with the same seal they put an imprint on the mass, which during the elections is applied to the safe at night with ballots, there is such a safe in the premises of each voting station, all 5- odd thousand polling stations are guarded by law enforcement agencies around the clock. on february 25 , when... the clock strikes at 80 pm, voting stations will close throughout the country and members
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of election commissions will begin counting votes, they will set up tables, stand on three sides of them, with observers and proxies of candidates on the fourth side of them. candidates themselves, as well as journalists. first , unused ballots will be counted and canceled, they will cut off a corner from each, then open it and dump the contents on the tables. preliminary voting, they will divide the ballots into those for deputies of parliament and those for local councils, it will not be difficult to separate one from the other, they were printed with different colors for... they will count for whom how many votes there are, they will enter information into the protocol, then too they will do the same with the box for home voting, and after that will come the box that voters will fill out on february 25. the protocol will be signed by members of the commission, and the chairman will post it a copy in a visible place, the ballots will be packed into bags and, accompanied by the police, taken to
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the district election commission. they will accept the same amount of documents from all district police officers. the district commissions will double-check the information, enter it into the consolidated protocol , and take it to a higher territorial commission, somewhere in the city, somewhere in the regional. the voting protocols for deputies of local councils will be left with the government agencies at the level at which they were nominated, but the votes for deputies of the house of representatives will be transferred to the central election commission. the results will be summed up there in a couple of days after the elections the final result will be announced. the ballots themselves will be stored for several months and then destroyed. district election commissions organize the entire voting process, accept documents from people who want to register as candidates for deputies , assess the authenticity of these documents when it comes to collecting signatures, for example, supervise the work of campaigning the population at pickets, including organizing meetings of candidates with
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citizens, draw lots for future deputies to speak in the media, control the work of... commissions, look at how voting stations are designated, double-check its results and form consolidated protocols. the regional and minsk city election commissions are bodies that stand above the district commissions and are called upon to contact the central election commission and work with citizens’ complaints, if any. simply changing your mind about being an mp due to a change of mood is a bad idea. candidates' campaign begins. in order for all participants to have equal conditions, it is paid from the budget. printing of campaign materials, leaflets with biography, columns on ballots, invitations, minutes of airtime on radio and television for the candidate’s speech. all these are budget funds. if a person suddenly changes his mind, despite all the desire to turn printed paid products
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into money, it will not work. you will have to return them to the country from your own pocket. feel free to make your choice. the process was thought through and organized in the most comfortable way for all of us. appreciate the work of those who debugged this mechanism. behind the modest polling station stands many months of work by hundreds of people, and also to be patient while waiting for the election results. we have about 7 million voters. this is a choir, and it takes time to hear every voice in it. i'm marina karaman and how is the first one going? single voting day, we sorted it out, everything is clear, see you,
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adventures of foreigners in belarus, hello, hello, start me up, what’s your name, i’m tatya. then all that remains is to just make a hole, for which we hang it then, uh-huh, it turns out like this christmas tree, so what do you think i i’ll trust you, and of course onions, so i don’t cry , the ecuadorian has been living here for 8 years and traveling around our towns and villages, from such a small piece of pancake, we’ll get our wonderful cat, well, it’s like a sausage so big, good afternoon, hello, my name is.
1:00 pm
you are watching the news now in the studio olga kalaerova, hello, at the palace of independence today on...


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