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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 23, 2024 10:50pm-12:16am MSK

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channels belarus 1 and belarus24 of our satellite tv channel, we will discuss, as always, the most pressing topic of the outgoing week and, according to good tradition, i will introduce the guests who have gathered in our studio, starting with dmitry aleksandrovich zhuk, editor-in-chief of the publishing house belarus today olga shpilevskaya, director of the representative office mtrk world of belarus, chairman of the belarusian women's union, vadim frantsivich gigin, general director of the national library, head of the building society, candidate of historical sciences. ideologies, academy administration under the president of the republic of belarus, candidate of historical sciences and thunderstorm , so to speak, well, you yourself know who, all journalistraday, konstantin pridebayla, good evening, thank you very much for coming, first of all i would like to congratulate you on the wonderful holiday of february 23, i thought i, and then i thought, why should i congratulate. thank you that we have
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to listen on february 23, allow me to finally say, come on, well, of course, dear men, here are all dear belarusian men, let me congratulate each of you on this holiday, this is a holiday for us, because you february 23rd is the day when we can say thank you, thank you for what you really do for us, and it seems to me that every year this is more and more important, because no matter what we were not good women, of course , you are on the front line, and of course, everything that happens today is yours... our shoulders shield us from everything, from all the winds, adversities and failures, it is clear that we will be a reliable rear, but still all responsibility lies primarily with you, and we, so to speak, we are transferring you, and you know, i still want to take advantage of the opportunity, the opportunity to say thank you to our supreme commander-in-chief, so that he knows for sure that all our women’s hearts are with him, with him, and will be, and will always be so , so happy holiday, dear men, be healthy and live under a peaceful sky, thank you.
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turns into an outright insult, well done, the first sign of being driven into a corner, the first sign of hopelessness, because only hysteria, worthless people can behave like this instead of to negotiate, germany , apparently, is going to supply long-range weapons, yes, as i understand it, they refused yesterday , no, they are discussing,
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so far the germans are still afraid, thank god, but today i already heard that in the lower house of parliament found a way to raise this issue again, believe me, it will be resolved subtly; i’m certainly not the greatest expert here, but i’ve said many times that they will put everything, in my opinion, but such bets are what i’m like, well, naturally in my time i don’t remember, it’s all a question now for front is very important, when, in what volume, with what amount of ammunition, this peter pavel came out.
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probably almost everything this year, but in order to somehow stay in the ssu, they need to spend 10,000 shells per day, despite the fact that they now spend 2-300 shells, and russia 5-6 times theirs - superior, they need not 24 aircraft, but 100-150 minimum aircraft, they need the volume of taurus missiles, these are the rest of the kamsa, which are not even counted in tens, hundreds to defeat russian troops, in such volumes, what they will supply. yes, volumes are very important, when, timing, because at the front every day, the most important thing here is to understand that there are two points: there is a desire, there are real possibilities, and so the capabilities of the western military-industrial complex do not yet allow the production of this number of shells, ammunition, which vadim frantsevich
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spoke about, this is one moment, the second moment, no matter what formulations there in the bundestag or somewhere else western politicians will invent in any case and...
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still, i believe and believe that in the current territory of ukraine , there are sensible people who understand this perfectly well, i communicate with some who live in kiev and other cities, and i won’t say that they are waiting for russia to come, of course, well, everyone has their own position, but they are waiting for their current current regime
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to finally think about ordinary people, because they have dug into the ground, will think if now zelensky lets everything go on the brakes, in my opinion, will talk about peace, the negotiations have been signed.
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offer, otherwise you will have to talk about capitulation, he says, but then he said, he says, they won’t agree, why two telephones, one with washington, the second with london, then arakhs later. for more than a year he has been coming out and telling about johnson ’s role in disrupting these agreements, here’s the program, by the way, i was at the negotiations, excuse me, i’ll interrupt , when i was going to minsk this time, i wrote, i say, i’m going to minsk, maybe i’ll stop by there, ivan mikhalakh to the program, when i’m in belarus something happens globally, the previous time i came during the referendum, i’m standing in front of me alexander lukashenko, who just cast his 27th vote, and the phone rings me, he says run, run to the russian embassy, ​​our negotiating group arrived, and i was at the negotiations. in istanbul, i saw how this happened regarding johnson, i have a feeling that the negotiating group from ukraine
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either had enuresis, or someone actually called them, they constantly took a break and left, our group was already freaking out, there were few people there anymore smokes, but yours has no one to call , we simply have no one to call, everyone there understands everything perfectly well, but they constantly came out and what our people later said, when the decision was made that everything, we seemed to have set priorities, then that same gesture of goodwill, they left and talked. and they returned silently, took the documents and, like, we agree, they left the room, then it became clear that there was no agreement, apparently, that’s when they got the call, well, unfortunately, we can draw a historical parallel, in the same way negotiations were held between germany and the soviet union in the thirty-ninth year before the start of the war, when the german delegation constantly she was running somewhere and so on and so forth , the english and french, probably yes, that is, i apologize, i spoke with the english and french people, but the british kept asking for some kind of consultation, ultimately varoshelov could not stand it and ... “tell me, please, do you intend to sign something, it was already the end of july 1939, the answer was simple, we don’t have
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the authority to do this, well, yes, but regarding the f-16, i would like to finish , yes , to clarify the situation a little from my point of view, it means in order for the f-16s to change the situation on the battlefield, they must be supplied in volumes of at least 500, that is, approximately, if we take the grouping of russian aircraft, this is 1,500 aircraft, well, 500 - that will be one. then they can change something there, the danger of f16 flights into the territory of, so to speak, yes, the former ukraine, is that this aircraft provides the ability to carry nuclear weapons, in other words, this is a nuclear threat, therefore, as lavrov said, we won’t figure out what your plane took off with, we know it’s a carrier for us nuclear weapons, which means there will be a corresponding reaction, and the reaction is as follows: there is simply nowhere for f-16s to be located on ukrainian territory.
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no one will ever ask for permission to fly the f16, i’ll just give some historical information, but in 1976, the americans throughout europe brought all nuclear forces, that is , missiles and so on, to full combat readiness, the nato leadership about i found out about this a year later, so this is all talk, chatter for journalists, i repeat, they and what we will put forward, we will discuss there in the bundestag, somewhere else, is the creation of information pressure.
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calmly, our flowers are not like that, unfortunately , for the army to be capable once every number of years it needs different assessments, but regarding our troops, it must be said that the west treats them quite adequately and seriously, this is in propaganda, we saw there among the ukrainians in the west, well, the belarusian army, nevertheless, they always maintain a group of at least 17 in the so-called volyn and polis directions, well, these are the ukrainians.
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from poland 164, viktor khrinin said yesterday on the belarusian-ukrainian border, the ukrainian group 114, i’m talking about combat units that are in the brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, subordinate to the unified command, if we take the general direction, there is also chernigovsk and so on, maybe more, yes, i’m saying those are the group that is targeting us, yes, if we take all the steriodefenses, of course there will be more than 100 of them, if we take the polish ones.
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consists of a war between the collective west and a union state, but we understand that if military operations begin on the territory of belarus, putin made a statement about this, it will mean an attack on the russian one repeatedly, by the way, regarding the combat readiness of our armed forces, thank god, we did not have the opportunity to check it in practice, but what about the kgb of our special services , then i can cite data
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and general assessments of western intelligence services, our intelligence services, and our special- purpose security forces.
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real man boris polevoy began to read from lzhenitsyn about his penal battalions, but in russia, including, now we don’t have such a thing, we’ve already cut it out, we’ve already cut it out, but
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we didn’t add what we needed, and the same thing, we read sotnikov and obelisk when we were older, yeah, now there’s a sign of trouble in the program, that’s completely , this is also a wonderful work, but i keep going, once we were at the french embassy, ​​and the bust of napoleon stands there, well...
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and they said, the president said, well, the war in ukraine is business, good business, this week right away several confirmations of this came from high-ranking officials
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western countries, from materials from some western media, if you give the opportunity, we will look at the states to give a couple of examples of this, then we will discuss, let ’s listen, first alexander grigorievich, the beneficiaries of the war have no interest in stopping the massacre within a people foreign to them , the stakes are too high, and the income too.
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say force, inspired color revolutions, hybrid and progtsi wars by proxy, then today he moves on to open aggression and physical destruction of unwanted people without any informational preludes, then us state department, there is such an official representative, we go through this matthew miller, you know, who does not answer a single question, he is asked a question about additional assistance in ukraine, like how much can be spent on it, and he says: guys, what are you doing? crazy, do you think? i'm exaggerating, we spend it all, we spend nothing, look, right, can i ask a little about ukraine against the backdrop of the munich security conference, where many european leaders and various officials tweeted their rather negative views on additional assistance, congress and all that, and congress is on vacation until mid-march, how exactly does the administration plan to convince the speaker, do you have a plan b, are there any
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prospects for providing this assistance. look pretty gloomy. we will continue to work with congress to make clear that additional funding is in the national security interests of the united states. you heard the minister talk about this last week. one of the points he noted was that when it comes to our security assistance to ukraine, 90% of that money is actually spent here in the united states. this benefits the american.
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american corporations, kartip, monsanto and dzyupon bought up to 40% of the arable land of ukraine , they are making money on the grain deal, minute, they got the lands of the sumy, chernihiv, kherson and nikolaev regions, in their collateral the kiev region and the dnepropetrovsk region, also about 10% of ukraine belongs to china, beijing, well, that’s another story, there is an opinion, in my opinion, the article says this material that... they are waiting for the russians to come and give them even more, well, how do you like all these statements about, well, by the way, about land, we have mostly forgotten about this, but this law on the sale of land to foreigners to foreign companies, it was adopted by zelensky one of the first, this is what they actually brought him to, they bought it, they actually own it, it was before the northern military district, they will pay attention to the lower right corner, yes, but the land that.. .we
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are in our own interests, why is he saying this in order to get support from the americans themselves, but what ’s interesting is that zelensky, who, it would seem, should be the president of his country, says the same thing. he says: yes, so listen, you only give us 10-15% there, in one of the interviews he said, everything else remains with you, that is, this is actually true, it’s no secret that the development of the military-industrial complex - this is one of the locomotives for getting out of the crisis, that’s why we talked about the first world war, the second world war, the first world war resolved the pressing imperialist contradictions, it’s over the so-called long depression of the late 19th and early 20th centuries was resolved by the second world war.
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they asked, what if america intervenes in the matter? he asked: who? they told him, america? remember, america is militarily zero, zero, zero. during the first world war alone , america became on a par with the leading european powers under woodrow wilson, and in the second
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world war, just to understand: america produced more aircraft carriers alone than all the other countries of the world combined. america was able to increase such technological advantage when it provided strategic bombing.
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a strong seizure of power directly during the electoral campaign, but at the same time they themselves assess it as unlikely;
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they do not yet see any real prerequisites for shaking the situation by analogy with the twentieth year; second, the main use of the current election campaign as a rehearsal and the initial stage of preparation for a coup during the upcoming... presidential elections in 2025, this is precisely the story all the main forces and resources will be deployed, the process of searching for new boiling points in society that can provoke a new wave of protest will be intensified. the third scenario is a reserve one, playing the long game, with extensive use of soft power tools, a case of failure of the first two scenarios , in fact. this game has not stopped as long as sovereign belarus has existed, and this third scenario is real, and it will be, neither the first nor the second scenario, they will implement, neither now, nor in the twenty-fifth year, not are implemented, we will get together and hit you in the teeth
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, the third, quietly, turning the country upside down, try to get into the minds and souls, into the brains of our people, they will try, i absolutely agree with...
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no, no, alexander grigorievich has done a great job, but we have had such
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a restructuring of our mentality, we have been brought up both as people and as voters, as patriots of our side, yes, and this is evident, from the elections that are taking place now, this is evident, there are a lot of women working at polling stations, well whatever it is, so traditionally, yes, you come , yes, they work at the polling stations, oh, well, it seems to me that they are already hardened, it was painful in the twentieth year, this year,
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not only on the air, yes, well, i went to teams, in factories, in ordinary schools, yes , i met in the community, that is, with ordinary people, i tell you, i did this before, yes in the previous one, but the mood today is completely different in the sense that it is more positive and constructive, in general, a conversation with ordinary people, like voters, is no longer about something ah-oh and so on, but specific things, this, that is, even today no one questions our goals, or our success, is interested in methods, is interested in some specific things, specifics. that is, there is no such thing that
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anyone doubts the correctness of our political, regarding the points that were voiced by alexander grigorievich and the electoral campaigns, because please note, we discussed with you when the previous parliamentary election campaign was not political activity from the opposition, so so-called, none, they woke up only for the presidential elections, now they are not there either, but if you are all like you want some changes, then this is realistic for you. tool, go and run for a deputy, propose your program, because in russia we don’t even have to go far, there are several alternative parties there with their own view of russia, with their own view of how it should work, but these people are not there, they will appear again, and what’s most interesting is that this soft power has continued for 30 years, i was just the other day in saratov, i found out such a thing as how soft power worked then , it turns out that there is the city of engels, where our ... airplanes are now based, there is a special secret institution where
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bill clinton was admitted, in otkinsk, next to which i grew up and lived in the city of yezhevsk, rockets are being built there, there were managers who ran a military plant, the american ones imposed on us that american managers were better, they were even allowed there, ahead of course, of course, a complete, in my opinion, mental war awaits, they will redo it, will to reshape, there will be a war of intellect, a war of meaning...
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we are all for development and evolutionary changes, and changes, here they are changes, when there was a granary in ukraine, and now fields with ensigns on top of the graves of their young guys, these are the changes they got 10 years after the maidan, they want to pull it off here in such a way that, well, naturally, no one wants to bet that this did not happen, but they propose this and do it in such a way that it is inevitable, in my opinion, what is our strength, what is the president talking about ? that we are always preparing for the worst-case scenario, i’ll give you an example from the constitution, it’s not just that people suddenly came to consciousness from somewhere and now everything is fine, we meet in work collectives at our place of residence, i remember well december 27, 2021 15:00 monday we publish the text of the constitution , well, those who were involved in this, we’re sitting, waiting, thinking about how
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people live, listen, the new year, yes, the draft, yes, the draft constitution, what kind of discussion will there be, i’m coming to the first meeting in maryana gorka, suddenly on...
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conditionally with the russian federation to sign here this is the agreement with the european union and how it will end for ukraine.
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that they knocked out the best cadres of artists, writers there, and so on and so forth, you know, all this from under their freedom entered into textbooks, became part of propaganda, decommunization began, all this ultimately led to such terrible consequences as the establishment of the nazi regime in ukraine, you showed an excerpt of my discussion, it was actually long, it was an hour and a half, actually. yeah, i tried to tell people that i never, by the way, the people didn’t lie, i always said that
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in the 4 years of our government’s work, we have actually increased the income of the population by 1.6 times, but if we went further at this rate, then it is quite possible that in 20 years we will have reached the level of today’s life in germany, in switzerland and so on, this is... zhanka, if zelensky says, if you don’t give us money, 10 million pensioners will die, but at the same time he should be
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driven out, you’re the leader of the country. government post, but now you can deny the air, i have already repeatedly expressed one position, if the people elected your power, legitimately elected it, you are obliged to defend it, in my public speeches i more than once cited the example of belarus, its leader alexander grigorievich,
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i at one time, by the way, conveyed that... relations with europe, they say that we will live much better, that new
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production will open here, that our products will be in great demand in europe. the standard of living will increase, but a person first of all thinks, of course, about his well-being, then we remembered that your very speech was remembered by you , especially considering the situation that is now happening on the ukrainian-polish border, but ukraine is in a difficult situation in a state of war, the west supplies it with weapons that kill russian ukrainians, and others cannot buy grain products, please explain this?
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well, i won’t convey the whole conversation, but he looked at me like water, so i can only confirm that when we started working on the association agreement, it consisted of the european union, it consisted of two parts, these are general political provisions , well, all sorts of things, so to speak, chatter about justice, democratic norms, which they have, by the way,
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which essentially opened the ukrainian market and we received nothing in return, that is, they gave up all absolutely negotiating positions , i will give a few examples to make it clear, for example, the import of duty-free grain, this is a free trade zone, which means that a quota of 20,000 tons is established for duty-free grain in the territory of the european union. everything else is duties, be healthy and our people won’t buy there at those prices, i ask them a question: guys, we have an export potential of 30 million, tons of tons, and you set us 2000, let’s take industrial products, look, they tell us, import them, but
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everything must comply with european quality standards . and technical regulatory standards, i say, wait, so for us to switch to your technical standards and standard, we need industry years. and we calculated approximately 160 to modernize our production, okay, he’ll come to you, means the european commissioner for trade, and there we will agree with you what types of products we can buy, so to speak, i have prepared 300 positions, so for each of my positions i say: no, i won’t, will you buy rails, i won’t, wheels?
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a wonderful taxi driver , i’ll tell you very briefly, i was in
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a genetics and went to melitopol and i came across one who told how when the union was falling apart, this independent, so -called ukrainian government came, he and he shows me, we’re going there some- then the remains of buildings, you know, like this, i say, what there was, this is a huge area, he says, there was oil, fat, a factory. they made butter, margarine, that's all there, mayonnaise and so on, but when the soviet union collapsed, a certain italian came who said, i'll make you a paradise here now, everything will be five euros, class, there will be class butter, we'll sell in italy, what he did, he bought this plant along with the land, took out all these conveyors that they were making, took it somewhere to italy, and to this day this land formally belongs to some italian the plant collapsed. there, a huge number of people worked there and were left without work , well, judging by the military budgets, what kind of investment in ukraine could it be, if you love ukrainians so much, investments, only what we talked about, in our own economy, no one will go to ukraine, indirect
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, well, indirect yes, no, so if the military-industrial complex, then direct, you just need to remember that there will be no investments in ukraine, look at what large new industries are emerging in the baltic states, well, they say there, their salaries are growing, something else, but this happens at the expense of. serious depopulation , that is, a reduction in the population, direct subsidies and the maximum that is now exported, even estonia, with all its electronic government, is like nato outposts against russia, and lithuania against belarus, and they are laying a mine, not even only ukraine , but these seemingly seemingly prosperous countries are looking at their future, look, lithuania has now entered into confrontation, having signed, therefore, a decision to sever all economic ties with us, with russia, and also with china. entered, this means look, lithuania is positioning itself as a fortress, it has kaliningrad on one side, we are on the other side, lithuania is completely ruining the future of its klaipeta port, because no one fucking needs it,
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excuse me for such an expression, yes for 23, yes, fuck no one, yes, this is generally politically legalized, no one needs it without our space, and china wanted to invest, one train, one track. moreover, they broke off relations with china, recognizing taiwan de facto. china offered the european union very serious investments, in poland alone there were billion-dollar projects, who is forcing the european countries?
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by the way, there are parallels with gorbachev, because the former editor-in-chief of the light was sitting there, yes, whom gorbachev pulled out to moscow, so he is this perestroika, yes, the spotlight of perestroika, in general , everything was mixed up there, in short, and i want to say, that ivan azarov is mykola azarov because the best example of ukraine is that he is the only honest prime minister, i am responsible for this, i dare to assure him in ukraine, and we today, that this honest man, let me finish this topic now, he was betrayed by everyone, including yanukovych. betrayed, and it was clear, the mood of the political elite of ukraine, no matter how long they changed there, kuchma went there with kravchuk, there was one thing - to surrender to the european union, this was their task in order to sell all sorts of enterprises to all sorts of italians, to get money to flee abroad , here is the whole simple scheme of ukrainian nationalism, ukrainian sovereignty, but it is here, that is, we understand in the sense that the elite always gives up, the fish rots from the head, you are here mentioned by...
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i very briefly want to add ivan mikhailovich may have forgotten this situation, but give or take these days, 10 years since we were in sochi at the olympics, when the maidan took place, at some point ivan mikhailovich, i remember , sat on the tablet, scrolled through the news, and we watched tv, and then we remembered that opposite there was the ukrainian tv channel inter, which we had just watched, and then we came to them. yes, we wanted to feed them there, i don’t know, there was something there, well , to ask something, how are you doing, and the operator was sitting there with correspondent, they looked like that, as i remember now, then we all watched euroonws, they watched and said this phrase, we came in asking what was happening, yeah, they said, well, the country is falling apart, the operator added, now the olympics are over , we will return to this country, ukraine, but does it need us, and as practice has shown, 10 years. this
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is from this case, i quote a journalist who was there, i say, what are you doing, what in russian, what are you doing in general, and if i say, donbass, the men will get up, leave mine, he said, these cattle will never come out of the mine, but it happened, you know, here, why did he say that, these are those moments when they showed the audience in shuster’s studio, yes, what did you pay attention to, and i would say so , you say, like the early audience, this is the director.
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ukraine is the rest of the countries that are really in need, where children are starving , where people are dying, and where there is where
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to invest in order for the world to prosper, so of course, when we talk about money and blood money, it’s like fionagi came and said what we will do with russian propaganda, should i say what to do? it needs to be closed, i say, well, for me it’s both russian and english propaganda, and he says, you should be closer to europe, i say, okay, let’s give us an internship, well , let’s go, i’ll go to the bbc myself, that’s impossible, i i say, it’s clear, yeah, beautiful , yes it is, yes, but in fact, about russian, russian matches, don’t touch ours, but continuing the theses that alexander grigorievich voiced, of course, it’s important now, and i honestly admit, as if i were here, probably, plus or minus, olga aleksandrovna and i are the same age, thank you. such fear that lukashenko, we are all mortal, we are all not eternal, and indeed vladimir putin and alexander , what’s next? and indeed, it is very important what is happening now in our societies, that
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in belarus there are first-level elections, let’s call it that, in russia there are presidential elections, in fact we really have 10 years of a second chance to live our lives, i honestly admit. i want to repeat my life parents, my father, a military man, swore an oath to the soviet union, the homeland fell apart, but the homeland remained for him, i don’t want to repeat the fate of my parents, who in the nineties tried to raise two children, there was never anything, and we came to belarus, we were we’re surprised how at least something was preserved here, at least somehow it was, and i really don’t want this, i, as a person there for 34 years, i want to live my life in peace, i support it.
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invited to tell us, so what didn’t suit them, let’s listen, ksenia lebedeva i talked to them , listen to what they said, can i show you now one document that fell into my hands, it’s even interesting to see it myself, tell me, your signature is there, it’s not even my signature, okay, but
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whose initials, whose surname, my surname and initials, but no signature, so it’s your handwriting , no, well, i can’t say that, unfortunately, if i could know, well, it’s definitely not my handwriting and not even my signature, in general you’re surprised, well, yes, i’m very surprised, i know, you’re a mother of many children, right? how many children do you have? six, how about do you think it’s fair to set people up? what do you have in mind? look, please, what we found, yeah, this is a statement of violations, signed by you, such
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a statement, this is not my signature, what are you talking about? can i get my passport to show you? yes, these are people , until now, as i understand it, they adhere to their views, so to speak, and participated somewhere, where the data came from, i remind you , this was done in the spring, they have now taken up the issue, these complaints were checked, intercepted, i i’m throwing a bridge to the last elections, and the west, byalyatsky, that he was given a prebel prize for this for provocativeness, for falsification he should be brought to justice, i don’t know , it depends on the administrative criminal there.
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crisis around crimea, tried to deescalate the situation, looked for peaceful ways of negotiations, china made endless attempts to stop ending the crisis. next, what do we have left, american, what is there, what company do we have there? no, by the way, they are not imposing sanctions while ivan
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mikhailovich is looking, they are saying that we are false propaganda, no, well, relationships led us, the european union suspended the membership of our company, and doychaveli is there, well , let's go to the american company about putin, look what they feed their people, let's listen to the episode, let's remind the american people how putin himself said that as soon as he takes over ukraine, why? because we have no interests either in poland or in latvia, anywhere.
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why do we need this? you just listened, according to an american propagandist, to putin’s statement that he is going to attack, yes, yes, nicky haley, but the american tv channel simply, i just want to say that nicky haley, in communication with diplomats, yes, she was the us representative at the un for many years, she seems like a normal person, but as soon as she gets on camera, yes, or she got caught, that means here as a candidate. we’re not cutting anything out of the editors’ club, but i’ll think about why they are now blocking the next checkpoints again,
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after all, tucker carlson works without visas, when he was traveling around moscow, he smelled the bread, said, well, normal bread, they didn’t get off crazy about this lactose-free product hysteria, he traveled along a wonderful metro, and i agree with vladimir vladimirovich , we don’t need poland, not lithuania, latvia , there is devastation there, we need to go there, send sobyanin, raise the metro somewhere in kiev again from the swamp, nothing you you don’t understand why we need this.
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so thank you again, happy holiday to all men, and to all our tv viewers, may there be, may there be peace, this was the editors' club, see you in a week, goodbye. review of the most important sporting events. perhaps the next one will be born here soon sharangovich. loud statements accompanied the opening of the forty-sixth ice rink in belarus. we are confident that future hockey champions will grow here. exclusive interviews with athletes. and if
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earlier the national teams were mainly represented by children from minsk schools. preparation strategy, i’m preparing for really happy, i have such an olympic games, probably it’s even the athlete’s duty to believe in it and prepare. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. in 24 hours you can there's a lot to do, even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time
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for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and excite. mood, online travel and a healthy lifestyle, all this and not only in the weekly project ether 24:7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening, we go on a journey in which we will visit the most cultural places of our country. eight geta pabudova, yana presvechanaya to the punishment of mindaug. first to the caravanam punishment, to whom our present land belarus appeared. did you know that the most popular musical instruments are the piano and the guitar. here, unfortunately, you are not a student, but you can look at the musical instruments collected from all over belarus. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. the first
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educational regulations in belarus were announced today. in the 11th century the principality of polack was published. the cathedral of st. saphia, as in the byzantine tradition became the adzin educational centers of that time on our land, and also remember the folk traditions: in the traditional belarusian people, the bread was never cut with pressure, the geta was rammed, the bread was lamaled, the soul of the belarusian people was given in the vogule, the souls of the belarusian people in the sunny days are in the habit of making traditional medicines. zelak. smatrytse project cultural padarozha! on the belarus 24 tv channel. the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. yes, the wars are well-known everyday life, which
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revealed the creation of the city and became information about the history, city and republic. the first would be radu's house. the most boring things in your life belarusian architecture was created by hand, by hand. people from the fall of salome fears were not going to be, they were going through their future. during the war, the nazis called this building leninhaus, lenin's house, they wanted to blow it up; tons of explosives and 200 aerial bombs were planted here in the basements. without the mercy
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of the siege and the neukabala of the landowner, he went out to his strip of grain farmers, but walked through...
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and pedagogical institutes, the belarusian state university, lenin square, the square of the people of power, the square of science , the square of youth, you are my fish, why am i beautiful, like intia gulonga, i think that if i fall, i will be very cold, i dived into the freshwater sea, i arrived, a couple of casts, i checked, there is fish, no, i went further, the ear is not from a rooster, i will eat a dinosaur, interesting, where is the recipe.
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valuable fish species in the country, the basis of the original fishery, a growing industry, a profitable business, a product of the domestic catch, gastronomic decoration of fairs, bazaars, impey street retail. belarusian rivers, lakes, and special pools are rich in sterlet, asiter, trout, pike perch, and grass carp. on at the dawn of the 2000s, there was no abundance on store shelves other than live carp from a barrel. during the turbulent years of the consumer era, the industry has stepped forward, radically transformed, and the president’s orders have had an impact on the environment.
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alexander lukashenko has been advocating for an increase in production for several years now. during a recent visit to the mogilev region to a trout farm, the head of state again touched on the topic. in 2022, a wave of sanctions inflated the prices of imported seafood and brought history to the shore. decision, fish of valuable species must be produced with great zeal, headlong into the topic intiagulonga, the fish of my dreams, also dived, in this farm they know everything about the product and even more. 5 years ago, elshan sultanov, together with a team of specialists, was sent to belarus. here he had painstaking work ahead of him. the creation of a production and sales enterprise was on the agenda.


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