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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 25, 2024 11:20pm-12:11am MSK

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if we call you again, will you agree to come? with great joy. i ask our audience, do you think that our guest today was as frank as possible with you? who thinks so, please raise your hands. before that, i was sure that politicians are such serious people with whom you can’t joke or smile. but natalya ivanovna simply shattered all my myths. natalya ivanovna was very cheerful. today, i didn’t expect this from her and in general - i didn’t know that there was such a kind person in politics, especially when she talked about parents, children, grandchildren , she herself shone, which indicates that for her family will always come first, she said this more than once, and i really respected this woman, children, who thinks that natalya ivanovna was slightly disingenuous, answering the question?
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well, i’m quite sure that natalya ivanovna was quite honest in all matters, but there was a question about parents, and it sounded like this: did you quarrel with your parents in your childhood and adolescence, and natalya ivanovna answered that no, this never happened it was, but i'm just sure that some everyday issues and everyday problems definitely sounded in her childhood, because i think that... any person, in principle, has at least once quarreled with his parents, and this is normal. natalya ivanovna, we have such a rule that the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place. that’s what concerns parents, well, of course, it probably doesn’t happen that we ’re just everything, everything, everything, but we were talking about conflicts, and conflict and just disagreement are different things, well, and then you you should know, i've been here long enough child, but in general wonderful... children, i
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am sincerely grateful for such a program, for the fact that today adults come here, answer children’s questions, because you see their eyes, you see their attitude towards you, and you understand, you’re right you are either wrong in what direction you need to work. chairman of the council of the republic of the national assembly natalya kachanova was a guest today at the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. watch in the next issue. chairman of the national state television and radio company of the republic belarus, ivan eismant. ivan mikhailovich, do you know this game: truth or lie? yes. let's play. is it true that you
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watch tv at work and no one scolds you for it? tv often criticizes you, doesn’t that offend you? how do you feel about people who disagree with you? what is more useful: sitting in front of the tv or on the internet? your wife is the president's press secretary, which of you is more important? 100 questions for an adult: what was your most cherished dream? when you were a child, i wanted to become an athlete, goal, super, super!
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the heroes of our program, distinguished persons, buried in their right. a standard fate for many artists, since childhood there was a desire to draw, the games of other children were not as interesting as the games in this drawing space. familiarity.
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the main thing is that you say, you just need to give people your warmth, kindness, your light, your love, what could be even better? glyadzitsa project "belarusians" on our tv channel.
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alexander mikhailovich, good evening, good, for many years we have known alexander subotin as a statesman, but we forget that you not only the governor, ex-deputy prime minister, but also a belarusian scientist, multiple winner of prizes and scholarships for young scientists, professor and doctor of biological sciences, mikhailovich, that ’s how... such science helps guide science, you are from the past, even the life before that scientists pulled it out, he says, of course, this was once upon a time, in order to remain a real scientist , you need, somehow to say, to be a monk in
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this profession and to everything, to give all of yourself to this research and some kind of design, evidence of that theory , which is born in your head and... and not everyone succeeds, and not everyone does it , so, unfortunately, or scientists also have different things, different calibers, as they say, but does it help? i think it helps, because it was those teachers who were there who, in some places, strengthened them, and in others they simply helped shape the algorithm of work, systematicity, perseverance, that you need to go to the end, you still need to achieve results, the result will be there anyway, no matter how hard it was, so... i was doing my job, defending myself in such a period is very difficult, if you remember , then the head of state spoke and said, the doctoral dissertation should only be an opening, not lower, uh-huh, everyone sat down at once, all at once, and how could it be, and i already had it ready and they said, well, we have to wait, now
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everything will calm down, i say, so why wait ? , that he defended himself, and all these stages, no matter who said that they are tough, difficult and as people say, they knock down at every stage , but here’s the work, because the defense itself is a very complex process, that is, if you take a doctorate, everything seemed to go very smoothly for me, but it took more than a year from the initial examination, i’m finishing with the final the examination of the higher commission is also nerves. it’s all so many stages everyone considers, you don’t know who they are, only you are already told by the result, so you’re not afraid to take risks, well, in life, well, in fact, you took a risk then, since you didn’t listen, well, how they took a risk, they just went systematically, they were sure
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that everything would be fine, and somewhere they calculated in a good sense that the topic would happen, well, that’s probably how it turned out, to take risks. i probably don’t like it, it’s better, it’s better to prepare everything and then act on it, so in my current work, i avoid very sharp populist movements, from some kind of personnel changes to making decisions on the development of this or that segment, i’m talking about the pro-region now, yeah, so it’s better to calculate, it’s better to measure 10 times and how... doctors say: do no harm, the most important thing, and as the president says, any document that he reviews, he says what it will give us and why we need it, and as a rule, sometimes it rolls back, we remain the same , because we didn’t fully teach this
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or that, therefore, well, that is, there must be a super idea, a super idea, well, it’s better, it’s better to look, think about it 10 times and work out all the real options that can happen later. .. it will turn out well in the end, but how did it happen that laboratories, yes, you changed to civil service, well, was this some kind of transition supposed to be so smooth or was it abrupt? we don’t work out smoothly, it’s good or bad, maybe it’s good, but either it’s in my destiny, i have all the appointments, they’re so abrupt, they don’t foreshadow anything, and almost no one believes in this, but who i came across this , i think he will react with understanding even after the loss in one status, by lunchtime you can already be in another, well, this happens in life, but it seems... it seems difficult, it seems somewhere this eliminates unnecessary worries,
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there are thoughts on making decisions that are necessary or not necessary, this was probably the case that time when i, i don’t know how vitepsky looked at me, but i only have my own guesses, but when they called to the administration, i started , it will be exactly 10 years in september since i came to the presidential administration and saw that this is a different world, i’m getting ahead of myself, i’ll say that: they really work there, probably the best people in the country, assembled for each direction, really great professionals, i can’t with i can argue with this, i worked there for 8 years, that is, everything there has already been brought to perfection, starting from some bureaucratic things, like working with documents, this is a very good school, ending with analytics, the study of some problems, so it turned out that...
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officials, i am responsible for my words, yes, and it’s even more rare for a governor who understands the importance of having essentially public reporting on his work on television, well, in the media in general, right? this is where such a rare understanding comes from, and the absence of this reflections, i always said that , firstly, it’s a big plus that all my positions are...
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well, i just see in reality, i try not to shine as much as possible and not to shine on myself, my personal life, maybe it’s right to give someone less reasons to talk, and somehow there’s no such thing in my soul that it’s necessary, we’re lucky, we have nothing personal, yes and but, but nevertheless, i’m always here for your colleagues treated with respect, always said that you guys - it depends on you, people will go in a month with a poster build a bam or a baikanur, or
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they will go to throw themselves into the fall, that is, how will you successfully turn around, turn over and give this or that news, because the truth is the same, the truth is the truth , but the truth can also be presented, you can throw it like a wet rag in the forest, or you can how to carefully hand a coat to a person and he will perceive it completely differently, so you need...
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they are the same as an ordinary person, they are practically no different, and they also eat, also sometimes on buses, on the subway, this will not be any nonsense if these people we'll see. on the contrary, they need to be shown , you are absolutely right , in my program i try to do this quite regularly, you are a native of the vitebsk region, vitebsk district, yes, yes, this is how it works in your small homeland, well, in fact, yes, and if special attention to the urban village of ruby, where you were born, and i will say this,
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it’s difficult to work, yes, it’s not in my rules to complain either, but it’s difficult, because you know a lot of people, and... a lot of acquaintances have appeared or appeared again, who disappeared, you already have some kind of moral inside responsibility to them and even somewhere it’s more difficult to say no, it’s many times more difficult than if you were in another region, that’s the difficulty, well, that’s why sometimes you have to fight more not with the situation, but with yourself inside, in order to accept the right balance and try such an indirect... detached decision, as for the village, well, of course, i try to pay a little more attention, but again, i’m not saying that everything comes down to financial resources, it comes down to some things, material, from time to time simply and the reception of citizens follows straight lines , sometimes such almost
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reproaches begin to come through somewhere, but he does something to himself, and there it is worse, there it is worse, there it is worse, so... you have to strain to do everything evenly, of course , a little more attention to your homeland, a little more, i’ll emphasize again, the key is always great in this regard, but it has to, because we have a lot of villages, towns, where we would like to make it better, we would like to make it more convenient, we would like i would like to make it more comfortable, well, you are already 2 year governor, and a little more, the president at the beginning of this year, when appointing an assistant , said: the region is not easy, to say the least, i once heard the opinion that your region is one of the most difficult in the country, and if a person was able to work in vitebsk region, then in any other region, may the governors of other regions not be offended by me, may it be easier, i’m not exaggerating or
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demonizing, i think, i’ll say frankly, probably don’t exaggerate. i have worked in many places, yes, a very difficult region, and my colleagues will also forgive me, brest is the first region to take on such a trend, it is the first in number, but as it were, but the first, and is trying to keep this brand, since this, since last year, we decided to take the brand as the best region to try to conquer it all , to conquer with honor, but you know, i think the region is not easy due to objective subjective reasons. starting there from the weather conditions and the dispersion of the populated area, there is a lot that can be listed here, but i think the country will grow specifically in the vitebsk regions, because there is a very big prospect starting from tourism to even the agricultural sector, despite the most difficult conditions and
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technological regulations that are not yet implemented everywhere. well, this is a zone of risky farming, you can say that, you can say that, and as it were, but we have known about this for a long time that it is a zone, so it’s like making a discount for this, well, i think, it’s nothing but a smile or irritation causes, but nevertheless it is so, this is how last year everything was done, it seems, according to a ruler, there is such a drought here and no matter what anyone says, now there are emotions gone, no one remembers that in the vitebsk region it was 16% over the summer. 16% of precipitation from the norm, 14% in polutsk. and the grains were collected, a little more than 60% of what was the year before last. well, you see, the fate of the governor is that he still has to give results, that’s normal. but still, since you say that there is 14-16% of the norm, yes, it is a region of risky farming, and at the same time a cultural center. people from this region occupy
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high positions in the country. well, the birthplace of ifrosine-poolotsk and chagall. but what else is needed. know about the vitebsk region, in addition to what we have already outlined , you know, these are probably difficult conditions, they probably provoke the birth, upbringing and formation of just such leaders, and i also apologize to my colleagues, but when we gathered outstanding people who were born or residents of the region, we got three to four times more than these... of course, i may be bragging, yes, but nevertheless , here in each direction, take into the political one, you yourself said the political direction, almost everything. natives of our territory, alexander grigorievich our a native, lived in kopus for 4 years and we are proud of this, we still
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compete with mogilev in a friendly manner, but we consider him ours, any direction, writers, bulls, karatkevich, artists, lazar lesitsky, chagall, you said, malevich, he is not a native , but spent a large number of days on our territory, repin or aifimovich also spent part of their lives at... his estate still works as a museum, that is, in each direction there are quite a large number of these outstanding people, rich in talents, well that is outstanding people are born , therefore they are born, so there is something to grow on and there is a huge, reliable foundation, i think all that remains is to complete the building and complete it beautifully and efficiently, beautifully said, but let’s return to our, as they say, earthly affairs. yes, after all, the president, at a meeting of the regions in august last year, touched on a wide range of topics from the agro-industrial complex to the production
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of our own vaccines, and the most difficult, of course, since you have already indicated, is the agro-industrial complex, well, be that as it may, in our country the yield is determined how we will live by and large, with what results did you end last year, and in your opinion, let’s just like the governor, where to find reserves for development, you know, systemically, efficiently work, start from the very bottom from the field, from the farm, and so on , we saw that we still have a lot of cows that have been kept on imports since
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soviet times, that is, we have the most of them in the country, if we have the least number of modern facilities built, and this probably also drags us down a little development, stops development of the agro-industrial complex, and decided to start from modernization, construction and implementation. technology doesn’t work quickly just like that with a click, so you have to train , you have to force someone to even punish, failures still happen, someone didn’t sow there, someone didn’t apply fertilizer, for various reasons, the tractor broke down there, and there, and there, well, i didn’t contribute and didn’t contribute, well, we never contributed, why, so all these things are systemic and this ship does not turn around quickly, but having tried everything and decided that we are creating for the agro-industrial complex first,
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the volume of grain collected is critically low , the volume of feed prepared is critically low , we are still working with technology, we look and we see that even, even january, february, which we are now in, we are not falling, we are increasing in milk, we are producing 8- 9%, compared to last year, every day, we are increasing the growth a little bit, but gradually...
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somehow you have to pay attention to this, of course, no one will do anything on their own or with two or ten people you do it, everyone should want it, like when you know kutuzov napoleon did not give a general commission when at the headquarters they said that we all want a general, he says, everyone needs to want a soldier, and that’s why they put it off for so long, well, such a historical fact, but nevertheless, the same thing is here and how is it possible...
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you look at yourself in the mirror, and now we feel the day of quality, and people start calling, here’s a year of quality, and the road there is full of potholes, and this, i say, is the meaning of quality, that you should work better, no one something, and you, everyone in their place should add a little, otherwise we have it turns out, you know, how a road worker drives around , cleans around the city and his shovel is raised, and then he gets offended that the hospital didn’t treat him right, otherwise... in the hospital he gets offended that the roads aren’t cleaned, everyone doesn’t get the job done somewhere like that , therefore, in no way am i absolving myself of some responsibility, and i must also add you too, if we do all this, then we will really live even better, so i remember
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the twentieth year very well. believe me, not all the people who were approached by the television company, television in general, when we lost a colossal amount of advertising income, and you lifted a finger to support state television, you were one of the few, i’m speaking frankly, and this was just that moment, the human factor, when you just needed to support, because this is our common cause, well, i i’m not even asking you to comment, i’ll say two words, i didn’t even think at the time that it was necessary somehow...
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and he cites some facts taken out of context, but biological weapons were one of the strongest, most important areas in offensive, especially things, and to him has always been given great importance, this is a weapon of mass destruction, this is the first thing, nothing has disappeared from the agenda, it’s just that the information agenda is changing a little, but you remember about covid, now... it hasn’t gone away, and new strains are appearing, they are more aggressive and something less aggressive, but no one is ringing bells about it anymore, people are no longer walking around, people are not indignant on the street, that there is no vaccine, then they are forced to get vaccinated, no one says that this is a fiction, no one says that it is necessary on the contrary, here we go into lockdown and so on, that is, subsequent events, they somehow cured society, yeah, and as our leader said,
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after all, there was covid in my head. more with us , and not, that is, we lived on this hysteria for a little while, although this topic was new, fresh, so it provoked such, such an information boom, but every cloud has a silver lining, it made us look more closely at what was going on we have on our borders and what we have naturally on our territory, because many diseases do not appear all the time.
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adds a little anger to the virus or microbe, so that it clings to the person more aggressively, and definitely clings to the person even more. nation and or the genome , that is, well, scientists say that this is reality and these studies are intensively carried out, this is the first plus a number of diseases that have long disappeared or thanks to our sanitary service, veterinary service, they have not been registered on our territory for several decades, they are beginning to appear, they are beginning to approach our borders, you have heard of anthrax, pangolin, brucellosis, and so on further, they either... knock out the economy completely, killing dairy cattle farming, pig farming, poultry farming, or cause illness in humans, which cannot be measured with any money at all, the next pandemic, as everyone says, is disease dix, disease, why disperse all this already in the press, to begin with, that
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a disease is appearing, although we do not yet know what kind of disease it is and what pathogen it is, well, many are predicting that there will be an outbreak or panzaotya influenza, that is, the flu. this is probably a very mutagenic virus, there are two such viruses in nature, influenza hiv, which change and disguise themselves as another virus, and so on and so forth, all flu epidemics, the same spanish flu, they came from birds, from bird flu, so we see that now new strains are constantly emerging, the virus is constantly mutating, maybe someone is helping him, let’s not entertain conspiracy theories here, but nevertheless, people are constantly dying,
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the immune system in a figurative sense, all our services are already a little bit in a relaxed state, and god forbid, what will come, what will happen, and if it is not a virus with the mortality rate is not 3%, like covid, but 70%, this is a question that a couple of years ago, it was constantly rumored, we talked about the fact that our own vaccine, yes, this, in theory , is also a component of our independence.
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that means scientists and technologists who can make any vaccine preparation if necessary, that is , the situation with covid helped in quotes here, so thank god we began to take these steps to create a school of virologists, microbiologists and collect what we had before , learn from your colleagues, friends to new technologies, new approaches , that is, i saw... the basis and why we are doing this is precisely the creation of a scientific school, so that there would be a core of people who knew what to do with the virus, what to do with the microbe, in case necessary, they could create this or that drug and quickly understand the trouble that has come to us,
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i’ll also say a little aside, now scientific articles, studies, publications on smallpox are actively underway, yeah, this is a disease that humanity has defeated and just... er exciter is stored in two places in russia and in america, it is constantly discussed that it should be destroyed, but it is still kept in these closed ni - this is a disease that from the middle ages, probably,
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with doses of vaccines, the need not only
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for our country, but also for export , now this plant is being built, the plant itself is already a building itself, as scientists say , the whatnot is already standing, why is the whatnot, it pours like a monolith, then the heavy equipment is displayed there, only then the walls are sewn up, the equipment is also more than half already purchased, i won’t get ahead of myself there, everything is not just going, because this is a completely business for us. to have, well, that is, the ability
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to induce 100% 100% immunity - this is such a utopia that has never existed in nature, probably never will, but nevertheless it already exists and we have seen that we can already get up to 3 million doses there if it is necessary, so this plant that is being created, and there are about 10 million doses of capacity, there will be big plans for it and not only for vaccination and oncological drugs against it...
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it will be possible to synchronize all this to help each other and thereby increase efficiency and , economically speaking, increase the competitiveness of products, that is, even somewhere reaching lobbyism - in our environment in the belarusian and russian federations and other markets. alexan mikhailovich, do i understand correctly that these are breeding animals and lines of medicines based on antibodies, vaccines, all of this is... in the vitebsk region, we have now started working
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on the biotechnologies of creating biological products, so bio and pharma here, that is this is chemistry of the highest order, this is biotechnology, this is genetic technology, if we are talking about vector vaccines, but when we began to finalize this segment of national security, it turned out that biotechnology is much broader, these are really breeding animals. but we bought the entire breed abroad, there is not only a sanction, even a disease, if some kind of illness happens there and the country closes, we have neither breeding eggs, nor breeding chickens, there... seminal fluid, eggs, even breeding belly everything, all our industries are starting to collapse in segments, so we actively began to do this at home and something is working out, but in general , can every country in the world afford this kind of production, what we now want to master, yes i think this is the top in general, this is space exploration, this is a nuclear power plant and
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this is biotechnology, that is, this can be put on the same level, this can be put on the same row and it is not known which is simpler, but this, i think, is this top things that will allow the country to stay at the very top, but this is a reason to rock us even more, so that this doesn’t happen to us, to prevent this from happening, this is competition, no matter how it is, you know, in addition to safety and my own scientific interests, i also placed a bet on biotechnology, you talked about reserve of the vitebsk region, when i worked as a minister in moscow and visited the netherlands there as well... they are probably even smaller than the vitebsk region, and the export of agricultural products is 87 billion euros, yes, let’s put flowers aside, but that’s the main thing they get for , these are drugs biotechnological, these are seed material, eggs, breeding animals and so on, that is, these things seem
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to be produced in small quantities, but they are plant seeds, we are dutch, it’s good for the dacha for now, so here they are. like a bag of potatoes, a bag of seeds, by and large, so here is a reserve for you, if we develop biotechnology, we have probably already crossed the line when we are conquering markets with our agricultural products, earning 8 billion in exports, i mean i'm talking about the country, not about area already, but it’s impossible to increase it further, because the market capacity probably cannot allow it, that is, we... must deal with exclusive things that will be in demand all over the world, in order to maintain this kind of dynamics, i think this is one one of the most promising and effective ways. well, you touched on the topic, yes, that they won’t allow us or don’t want to allow such things, yes, even from the point of view of competition, well, remembering the twenties, we were also rocked then, including
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in order to, well, let’s say, remove competitors from the market in many directions, starting from bilkali, which is now suffering quite specifically, only because... this canadian, yes, market monopolist, has now doubled prices and is quite easily getting billions of dollars in profits, which he never received in such a volume, but then all attention was focused more on the grodno region, well, maybe partially on the brest region, yes, well, there was not such pressure on the vitebsk region as it seemed to me, well, at least how i analyzed situation, i’m sorry for mixing this hard with hot, but the topic of your dissertation , yes on... parasitology, in this context, i can’t help but remember it, yes, did you manage to, well, let’s say, level out these parasites, lime on the eve of 2025, even you say, vitebsk was quieter, calmer, this is probably an indicator of the skill and professionalism of the security
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forces, the guys in uniform worked efficiently, worked for prevention, preventing thereby... some difficult things very dangerous situations not only for economy, but also for the lives of citizens, because there are quite a large number of such points in the vitebsk region, where these very complex objects were possible, oil refineries, energy facilities, that is, there is, there is room to develop, as you say, but as for . this year, i think that the work is being systematically carried out by everyone, who now , looking around, looking at what is happening in the world, is still trying to rock this boat, well, this is already an obvious enemy, because that is exactly what you are emphasizing, this is already not
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a fool is an enemy, and it is not known what is worse , a fool or an enemy, well, there is this and that category, but i think that already understanding... that we are walking, again, as the president says, along the edge of a knife, and just a little we can slide to the side, but we, thank god, are not ukraine, we don’t have resources, and we don’t have black soil like there, it will be very difficult for us to stop, we only have people, and as you said, potassium , yes, everything, in principle, people, land, and forest, well, and what we can do with our hands, yes, yes, that is, so keep country here... i ’m not only speaking on my own behalf, but on behalf of all my family and friends, and as for
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parasites, well, i think there’s a category of infantile people who don’t understand, who consider themselves a little... a little smarter than others for some reason, then it’s true that they begin to worry and complain that life has not grown together or cry on camera when they are detained somewhere, when they are trying to burn down some closet or... really, but i i don’t think that a normal person, looking around, now believes that he is acting right, rocking the boat, well, yes, i always tell everyone as an example, where is this country, when a child is in second or third grade, his parents let him go, he goes to school alone on the bus, then comes back in the evening, you know, this is where we live, but we don’t even understand what it is, that is, this, this is really our property, there is nothing like it anywhere. everyone says: it’s clean, our place is neat, very beautiful, cozy, safe, safe first of all, i’d like it to be like this
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, so that you can send your child and you don’t worry, and god forbid that force majeure happens , a passerby or a policeman comes up, helps and gives you a ride home, and this is probably what makes us different, but we naturally, of course, don’t accept it, we probably don’t appreciate it, but this is such... a truth that is almost nowhere to be found, this year the eleventh forum of regions will be held, and in three cities of the vitebsk region at once, this is know-how, what cities are these and what is this innovation for? you know, an innovation, to show your region as widely as possible, this is the first, it will be held in three cities vitebsk, this is the central there will be a platform, and of course, polotsk , novopolotsk, it’s probably time to involve these cities in more active social, political, cultural life, because polotsk is the oldest city, the most ancient city
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in the country, it is the cradle of statehood, not only belarusian, but one of centers for the development of slavic culture, and novopolovsk, of course, we are being a little disingenuous somewhere, but we say that this is the youngest city in the country, there is, of course, svetlogorsk and so on, but we say 65 years to novopolotsk, novtan.
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you know with shovels, i think at such moments everyone can contribute to the fight against the elements, and it was really cool, so what kind of subbotniks can you expect from subbotin ? this is where we started, this is again the merit of yours, yours, yours, your direction, that is, the journalist.


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