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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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hello, lyudmila kazak is with you live, watch this evening episode. the work of integration associations and a single voting day. chairman of the ec board and secretary general of the cis in the palace of independence. the new electoral legislation worked for the company. the elections took place smoothly, preliminary results from the head of the central election commission were assessed by international observers. 20 thousand soldiers and 3,500 pieces of military equipment are undergoing the largest nato exercise in poland. authorities threaten locals penalties for publishing the movement of military vehicles. found in the vitebsk region, he was transferred to the zoo and is doing well. we will tell you on the air about the fate of two bear cubs abandoned by their mother. the elections in belarus were
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organized and calm; people trust the authorities and are committed to an evolutionary transformation of the political system; this is perhaps the main conclusion after a single voting day in the country. the election results were discussed today during a working meeting at the independence palace. the president's morning began with a conversation with the chairman board of the eurasian economic commission bakedzhan sagentaev. he began working in this important post in february; his visit to us coincided with the election campaign. however, the conversation started with economic issues. they are always at the forefront . economy is the main interest of minsk in various integration structures, not only in the eu, but in the cis in a union state. here belarus and russia have advanced the furthest. therefore, alexander lukashenko considers it quite logical to use this experience for the eurasian union. the main thing is that we have the economic union itself has a number of problems.
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there are some comments regarding the elections of all levels of councils and parliament, they, according to the new constitution , will be the forerunner and basis for the formation of an all-belarusian people's assembly of a kind of evening, so we chose the basis
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of an all-belarusian people's assembly, because everyone we elected is a parliamentarian 100%, parliament is part of the supreme national assembly, city.
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there are enough nuances, including the fluent ones who helped us here with their clumsy gestures, but most importantly, people understand the current moment, perceive it correctly, characterize it, and now, based on my experience, we are trying to analyze the course of this company,
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and we see that the current government is supported by more than 87% of the population.
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when he said these words, people in washington were asleep; they could not yet know what the election results were, that is, about the biased approach of western observers. here it seems to me that there is no need to even argue, this is already obvious, the decision of the leadership of belarus, the ministry of foreign affairs, is quite logical and justified, not invite western observers, why? because you can’t expect objective assessments from them. lebedev confirmed that observers from the cis were able to visit polling stations in all regions of belarus, communicate with voters, and see the broad picture of how elections are taking place. belarusian people. decided on the choice, formed the house of representatives, local councils of deputies, this was announced today
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by the atn visiting studio, which has been working in the information center all these days, the chairman of the central election commission said. igor korpenko noted, the new electoral legislation worked, the election campaign and the single day went smoothly. the result was a high voter turnout of more than 73%. at the same time , even before the start of voting, the central commission expected a figure no less, calling this campaign large-scale and distinctive. from the previous ones, in general, we assess that the campaign took place smoothly, in accordance with our updated electoral legislation, it was part of the great political modernization that began with changes and additions to constitution, which were adopted at a republican referendum in the twenty-second year, and therefore the body was formed, we have to...
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it was the observance of the national legislative framework that was monitored by observers from the cis during the elections. this was stated by the head of the mission, sergei lebedev, during the final press conference at the cec information center. 235 representatives of the mission worked throughout the country and no violations were identified. national assembly. voting in the elections in belarus took place in a calm, friendly
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atmosphere, this is the opinion of nurlan eermikbaev also shared the press conference. the sco deputy secretary general noted that the election campaign in our country was based on the principles of political neutrality and objectivity. the mission recognized the elections as transparent, reliable and democratic. sco representatives consider the high voter turnout during the early voting period to be a feature of the election campaign. according to the results. more than 41% of belarusians made their choice within 5 days. 20 people were accredited as part of the sco observer mission. they visited 121 polling stations plot in the capital, as well as in the minsk and grodno regions. there were practically no comments on the missions; all necessary procedures from sealing ballot boxes, opening polling stations, and issuing ballots by commissions were observed, the deputy chairman of the federation stated.
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for example, the fact that taking pictures at a polling station can only be done with the permission of the chairman of the precinct commission, and photographing a completed ballot, or even more so, taking it out of a polling station is strictly prohibited, but our observers recorded these cases, even if they were isolated, but they weren’t, and today law enforcement agencies are already dealing with these cases, there were some technical issues when citizens at their place of registration were not on the voting lists, well, these issues were also promptly resolved.
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called the elections in our country fictitious and undemocratic. firstly, no one asked him about this, and secondly, no citizen miller was listed on any voter lists, the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus indicated. so determine which of the district commissions should respond to the complaint american official is unrealistic. our ocean colleagues did not have to wait long for a balanced, clear and competent answer. in this regard, from a legal point of view, we do not see any reason why we should listen to the statement of the us state department about a single voting day in the republic of belarus. at
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the same time, we strongly recommend that the current american administration introduce mandatory testing for employees. foundations of international relations and international law, part of which is the un charter. there is a lot of important information there, including about sovereignty, independence and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states. as we emphasized, in order to remove unnecessary anxiety overseas, let us recall that on february 25, 2024, a single voting day in the republic of belarus took place, as it should be in a sovereign state under protection in full accordance with ours. legislation and we do not object if elections in the united states, no matter what countries they seem to most countries in the world, will be take place in full compliance with american legislation, once again reminded that minsk is open to an equal , mutually respectful dialogue with the american side. and what do those who imagine themselves a world democracy allow themselves to do in elections? flagrant violations, falsifications, dead souls,
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ballots for the elected, family cronyism and even re-elections a few years later, germany a. the usa and others, who can do everything in an understandable policy, will show western tricks and absurdity without any problems, watch today after the panorama.
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in poland, the largest for 30 years of nato exercises dragon 224. over the past few days, the us military has been transporting additional ammunition to the borders of our country. the general staff of the polish army warned citizens that in february there would be active movement of this equipment on roads throughout the country related to the exercises, while the authorities announced severe punishment for any publication of information about its movement, but the poles continue to post photos and videos of the movement of military equipment indicating the location and date of filming. for example, in the suburbs
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in the polish city of bialystok , a convoy of american military tractors was recorded; judging by the markings, weapons and combat were transported in containers. the exercises are taking place, in particular, at the very belarusian border near the closed checkpoint perestovitsa bobrowniki . 2,000 soldiers and 3 and 5 units of military equipment are taking part in the dragon 2024 maneuvers. warsaw sent 1,500 people to participate in the exercises. belarus and saudi arabia are strengthening cooperation.
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2024-25, the meaning of signing this map is the harmonization of those legislations on those issues that will relate to the economy, agriculture, and the development of international relations. as stated in the ministry of justice, the strategic direction for the development of relations in our country is friendship with all states. this example suggests that we have reliable friends who are ready to cooperate in any area. today. on our broadcast, watch a current interview with the president of the republika srpska of bosnia and herzegovina. milorad dodik calls the head of the belarusian state a legend and a man peace, which also preserved peace for his country and his own.
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current interview with the president of the republic of srpska of bosnia and herzegovina milorad dodik, watch today immediately after the clear policy. the story of the rescue of two
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cubs, whom the mother bear left alone in the den, was continued. the babies were found in the forest in the vitebsk region and transferred to the zoo. here people nursed them. we selected the optimal diet. the bear's condition has stabilized and they are under the supervision of specialists. one went to mogilev zoo, the second one remains in vitebsk for rehabilitation.
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