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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 27, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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and trust in expanding interaction in international organizations, more fully realizing the potential of trade and economic cooperation. historical reconstructions, architectural monuments and incredible landscapes: the tourism potential of minsk was discussed at a meeting with tour guides of the capital. this year march will be dedicated to industrial tourism, which is of particular interest to city guests. excursions to production are offered by the largest factories and enterprises. nizhny novgorod tour guides also joined the meeting online. we are already the second year, together with nizhny novgorod , we will exchange the tourism potential of cities, present our city of minsk, talk about the moments that we have , what is new with us, how we are developing, exchange experiences, nizhny novgorod tells us how they are in what direction develop.
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thanks to excursions, to create such a comprehensive picture of how the belarusian capital lives, i believe that this is very important, especially for our guests, but also for belarusians. now the capital is developing an educational, active medical, orthodox and water tourism, there are more than 350 certified tour guides and guide-translators working in the city. loud and the first premiere this year. anfisa joined the playbill of the gorky drama theater.
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expressionism, his love quadrangle is 115 years old, in belarus andrev was remembered for the first time since the early nineties, the scenography, by the way, is not classical, the author's symphonic music. andreev is space, and space is a symphony, the whole set of instruments, the most important instrument, and this, of course, is not a violin, not a piano, but a human voice, and there will be a lot of vocalizations here, this is the author when you still need to accept his philosophy.
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and not - taking this philosophy into account will be very, very difficult, this means expression, this means exaggeration, understatement, change of mood, this is the environment in which we placed our characters, costumes, which, i believe, are not for the sake of, as they say , sew beautiful costumes, they are like the skin of these characters, it’s like a continuation of the image, over a long period of time, probably quite a lot, yes, there’s a volume here works, you've seen the scenography, it was made by the artists, decorators, costume designers, prop masters and so on of our theater, this is handmade, that very night, the premiere came out as a gift from director yarenkova, who will celebrate her anniversary in april. this is how this information morning was, you can also follow the developments of events together with atn on our social networks or in the mobile application. qr code on the screen. see you at
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noon on the first button.
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the world has really come to the point where the entire legacy of the second world war, or rather post-war system. it has already been destroyed to zero, there are no restraining factors left, no agreements, no red lines, we have actually come to a situation where whoever is stronger is right. if today we have a hot spot on our territory, and this hot spot is precisely our state border. the militarization of the nato bloc, what poland is doing today, concentrating its forces, this is first of all known to everyone, this is already a safe underworld, where special detachments of snipers are already concentrated, what are the baltic countries doing today, having paramilitary units near state borders. the war now is also over resources, because the west cannot live at its own expense. they live by robbing the middle east, africa and the post-soviet
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space. they don’t want us to live peacefully on our own. therefore, when the president speaks of peace and sovereignty, it costs a lot. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on the tv channel. belarus 24. just like you were holding a book in your hands, grabbing one piece after another, sipping on the words on your skin. with all our hearts these are the most creative and most useful books. the books contain the thoughtful thoughts of the people, the reports and expressive chatter of people. everything that chalavetstva created,
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she ate up on old books, bytstsam witchcraft. read the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. reading closer to the past, we appreciate the past for our daily life. belarus 244.
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belarus and russia must create their own happiness; alexander lukashenko discussed the intensification of bilateral partnership with the head of the republic of tatarstan. in kazan cream. the belarusian leader headed straight from airport. negotiations with the head of the republic are a conversation about friendship and partnership. let the meeting begin with an entry in the guest book. alexander lukashenko emphasized that tatarstan can count on the support of belarus. for special services in strengthening the international authority of the republic and friendship and cooperation, rustam minikhanov presented the president of belarus with the order of duslyk, the order of friendship. this is the second most important state award from
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probably mentemir, you have this vein, as i say, i have a peasant streak, so from the ground, we understand what controllability is, and what could happen if we lose this controllability, so the control systems are very similar, we intend to continue to cooperate with you and can do a lot, a guarantee if we agree that there are no problems with our there will be no side. alesevich, welcome. brotherly tatarstan, you are a great friend of our republic,
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a great friend of our first president, well , the results are obvious, this is always the most difficult time, remember, i came to you, i remember when i came to you, there was no potato drought there were, well, many, many words of gratitude, we work very closely with...
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became the first hostess of the digital olympiad, the games of the future - this is a multimedia talent show in two realities, a game with space, light and projections.
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and what is symbolic, the first gold of the games of the future from kazan went to belarus. the minsk cycling team was ahead of the silver medalists from the russian team. by the way, artificial intelligence had a hand in the plot of the opening ceremony. in total , athletes from 107 countries compete in the tournament in 21 disciplines. kazan-expo is one of the most large and technologically advanced exhibition complexes in russia. the leaders looked at the pavilion stands together. tournament competitions. the main political event. on february 25 , for the first time in the history of belarus, there will be a single voting day, elections of deputies to the house of representatives of the national assembly to local councils. compliance of the work of election commissions with all rules,
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accessibility and safety of polling stations, creation of conditions for the will of citizens to be expressed under the gun of observers. the progress of the election campaign, the main topic of the program. worthy, beautifully, in the belarusian way, going to the elections in a high mood, as the organizers taught, that by casting your vote for the future of the country, you can immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere. now we live in a peaceful, most importantly calm, stable belarus. and i believe that our deputies will continue these ideas, they will continue these traditions. i care about how i live, how my family lives, how my country develops. no scandals, no intrigues, as in western practice, only a conscious choice, a cherished tick on the ballot, and a competition for the deputy seat this time was decent, in some districts there were three people, the voter could get confused, because , say, in a village there are four ballots at once. our industry, our production works well, we have excellent products that are valued abroad, we hope that our elected representatives
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will continue this policy, we choose the future... our children, our family, where laws apply, where law and order is ensured, where every person and his work are valued. this company is one of the most large-scale in our modern history, the political background around the state is alarming; for security reasons , polling stations abroad were not opened this time, but everyone who wanted to vote was given such an opportunity within the country. a huge number of national observers noted this activity and international missions. i share the words of the president of the republic of belarus aleksandrevich lukashenko that these elections are for belarusians, and belarusians will continue to do so, that is, to build their lives the way belarusians want, and not as some people overseas want, the widest geography of international observation, europe alone is represented by more than two dozen countries, the
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largest observer mission is from the cis, and this is already a tradition, many noted the high activity in the election campaign in...
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for me what matters is the man-woman, this is the first age, and of course, what a person does, whose interests, what social stratum he represents, for me, after all, a wise person is first and foremost.


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