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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 28, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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you must fill out an application on the airport website, and also receive a checklist after each flight through minsk national airport and attach photographs and copies of the boarding pass no later than 10 days from the date of flight. the most active participants in the mystery passenger program, who prepare the most informative reports, will receive certificates for free service in the airport business lounge. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you, that’s all. lukashenko does the work and makes decisions, and if we talk about work and the decisions made, rather than trying to please the electorate in any situation, the politician thinks about the next elections, and the leader about the next generation, also from the beautiful events of awarding prizes for spiritual revival, gratitude. creators at our core,
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from ancient times we live by our minds, therefore we have preserved the way of life, culture and spirituality, the most difficult periods of development. over the past few years , in the face of constant threats, we have fallen in love with our country more deeply, and we have also learned to speak a little more boldly about our love to the homeland, which we previously... frankly speaking, lacked, perhaps in the year of quality the time has come for all of us in a single impulse not only to love and talk about it, but also to prove it in practice. the propaganda project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. hello, saz is authorized to announce the program on air. my host nadezhda sas and
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i welcome you. and let me remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. about the main events of the world this week's politics, we'll tell you right now. we must create our happiness ourselves. the president of belarus voiced this wish to the head of tatarstan. the meeting of the leaders took place in kazan, where alexander lukashenko went to... the opening of the games of the future. among the guests of the event at the kazan-expo international exhibition center were also the presidents of russia, kazakhstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, republika srpska, bosnia and herzegovina, as well as heads of delegations from other countries. let us remind you that games of the future - an international multi-sport tournament based on a combination of physical activity with modern technology and the digital environment. more than 250 teams from 107
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countries, including belarus, entered the competition for the championship. the participants were greeted by russian president vladimir putin, followed by parting words from the leaders of the cis countries. alexander lukashenko was the first to appeal. a new york court found donald trump, aspiring for the presidency of the united states , guilty of financial fraud and imposed a fine of $355 million on him. he's also 3 years were banned from holding leadership positions in any new york corporation. the lawsuit, filed with the new york attorney general, accused the defendants of falsifying financial statements for 2022 to obtain more favorable bank loans. at the same time, the court did not cancel trump’s business licenses, which, as american media write, could have put an end to his business. the court's decision, however, dealt a serious financial blow to trump and a symbolic blow to his image as a billionaire, local media noted. only 10%.
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believe that ukraine can prevail in the ongoing conflict, twice as many europeans believe that russia will win, according to the results of a study conducted by companies and yoga for the european council on foreign relations. the study was conducted among residents of 12 countries: austria, france, germany , greece, hungary, italy, the netherlands, poland, portugal, romania, spain and sweden. the majority of respondents, 37%, are inclined to do so. that an agreement will eventually be concluded, greece is least likely to believe in ukraine’s success 2%, in hungary 4% and italy 5%, most in poland, sweden and portugal, 17% in each country. march 1 will mark the next anniversary of the legendary speech in the british parliament by the then head of the foreign office, lord henry palmerston, in which he formulated one of the basic principles of modern foreign policy. i remember these words right now.
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it is short-sighted to consider this or that country an unchanging ally or an eternal enemy of england. we do not have permanent allies, we do not have eternal enemies. only our interests. unchangeable and eternal, it is our duty to follow them. and sounds extremely relevant, you will agree, because when the elite of a state is able to clearly formulate national interests, it is easy to see that they can coincide with the interests of some forces even in the enemy’s camp. and the very concept of enemies will immediately become very exaggerated. we will talk about who among the political forces of europe, now or in the near future, can be considered a partner and even an ally, in today’s program.
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in its arena and certain unfriendly actions of certain countries called politicians by their names, who so acted, they were called for these actions, and the actions themselves naturally gave them an appropriate assessment. we are not interested in considering certain countries as our enemies, but nevertheless we obviously see that a number of states in the world directly interfere in our internal politics and have a destructive impact on...
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and serbia is such a state, member of the serbian parliament, dragan stanojevic, is in touch with us right now. dragan, i greet you, i am glad that your political force is constructive, maintaining friendly, partnership relations with the republic of belarus and the russian federation. not long ago , the president of the republic of serbian bosnia and herzegovina, milorad do, visited minsk on a working visit at the invitation of alexander lukashenko.
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a completely different level, because our people deserve it, this is firstly, secondly, the fact that serbia was so shamefully under pressure from brussels imposed sanctions against belarus, against the country and against the person, that is, the president of belarus, who was the only one at that moment , when
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nato-aggression, the perfection of serbia , flew in and was not afraid and gave support, this is so cynical, so low that one of our first tasks...
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harmful agreements and generally stop further conversations with them about the so-called
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european path, because on this european along the way we are losing our independence, we are losing everything that is worth a price in our country, they are imposing satanic laws on us, they are destroying us, they are dividing our territory, our land, our country, they want to take kosovo and metohija force us to admit that this is not our people and... not our country, therefore this so -called no-alternative european path is simply disastrous for us and it is simply amazing for our state. thank you very much, dragan, i wish good luck to your political force, so that every day there will be more and more supporters, this is the unity of the slavic peoples, the future lies with it. victoria, i think you will agree with me, of course, i agree, only then the harsh cold shower of realism, and how...
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the imprint of fear that is there with all national pride, this fear, it seems to me, persists, being in the heart of europe, of being cut off from economic flows, which the eu may well threaten if serbia promotes such radical theses, could they be initiated? the same color revolutions that have already happened are being repeated now , attempts are being made to fragment political forces, and of course, provocations, forceful provocations, which can be bloody, including those that would turn serbia upside down and make the country really bloody mess, the west will be absolutely ready for this, capable of this, if only vučić starts more radically, as a respected colleague, of course he wants all the best, but we understand that the objective reality is such that there are... restrictions and we therefore, when we we see vucic’s statement, i saw his reaction to the death of alexei navalny, of course,
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such a resonant occasion that european politicians immediately began to pump up, vucic was forced to say, pro forma, that maybe this will affect relations with russia, of course, this has nothing to do with it will affect, he just tries again to put on the mask of this democracy, accepting the rules of the game, where putin, the kremlin, the russian authorities were immediately accused of guilt without any investigations, without anything, and... naturally he reacts to it this way, at the same time saying that no, we still have sanctions we will not support, and the same thing, probably, the visit of milorad dodik also characterizes this fragmentation of power in one particular country, because we know that bosnia and herzegovina consists of different entities and individual entities, of course he is trying to curtail all initiatives at the level general bosnian bills there, the introduction of sanctions, restrictive measures, but nevertheless , at the european level, the bosnian presidium can... vote there, its deputies can vote as the eu says, this duality, it still allows
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politicians to hide behind a mask, at the national level, you know, these laws are not passing, so we will vote in the eu, here we will block it, this pragmatic story suits me quite well, you know, victoria, it’s true that the republika srpska is not formally independent state, but its leader is known throughout europe for his independent position, inflexibility in the face of pressure from the same brussels and washington, so. unfortunately, many presidents of formally independent european countries cannot boast of this, but of course, i would like to pay attention to the details of the visit, which we will talk about in our story right now. now he promised and did, milorad dudik arrived in belarus, the head of the republic of serbian bosnia and herzegovina arrived accompanied by a representative delegation. worker's visit there are many mutual interests, which is why their agenda is impressive. negotiations took place at industrial enterprises, and specific steps were outlined in the area of ​​healthcare. the guests visited the scientific and practical center for surgery, transplantology and hematology. among
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the satisfied customers there are also residents of the balkan countries. being here, we see. then the unfounded attitude of the west in terms of imposing sanctions, which bosnia and herzegovina did not support. and now, being in belarus, we understand that the country is developing, good results have been achieved not only in field of medicine, but in other areas. the delegation also highly appreciated the belarusian mechanical engineering. the guests visited one of the leading enterprises, the program was intense. the head of our foreign policy department also met with milorad dodik. negotiations took place with prime minister of belarus roman golovchenko. issues of increasing interaction in...
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negotiations between alexander lukashenko and milorad dodik became decisive; they spoke mainly about bilateral relations and discussed the international agenda. alexander lukashenko noted that belarus is closely monitoring the situation in the balkans. you know my attitude, which we are building, our relations with bosnia and herzegovina. we know that sometimes it’s not easy for you there, but you fight courageously, we welcome this, only courage and perseverance and strength, today, unfortunately. can determine the future of one country, region, district, territory or continues to fight for their values. today the republika srpska is still alexander lukashenko assuring: “we are still ready to lend a shoulder.” and belarusians reciprocate. the serbian people know alexander lukashenko as the only politician who, in 1999, at
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the height of the nato air campaign, which then terrorized belgrade with bombings, without any guarantees.
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to defend them, plus defend them in the external arena, that’s why putin is inconvenient, lukashenko is inconvenient, some leaders in europe are inconvenient, they even have complaints about hungary, because it has a more balanced position, absolutely correct in relation to serbia, they would like, perhaps would be much to more clearly define your positions in the world and
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your national interests, but there is colossal pressure from no democracy, and look, everything is under the threat of sanctions, if you don’t at least voice sanctions, we will limit you. in china, the most powerful economy in the world is forced and a number of financial institutions to limit trade and economic relations in relation to russia. our partners within the eurasian economic union are forced by some banks, so to speak, to limit financial transactions, that is, you see, us sanctions have extraterritorial nature, and of course, it is often difficult in this world to confront such things head-on, but nevertheless... what the experience of belarus and the russian federation shows is that when there are leaders in power who are guided by the national interests of the country and... and show the will to defend national interests, then you can find partners in the world who will compensate for losses, including in the western market, that you can form
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political movements within the country that will consolidate society and not work to its disunity, the most important thing is that citizens should understand when someone talks about democracy and so on, what is the goal, task, the world is now ruled by a transnational group, even the position of the role of the us president, it is not so decisive, it will be , of course, there will be... there will be a difference between trump and biden , there will be certain changes, there may be some small trend, but in general there are transnational groups that control entire sectors of the economy, take, you buy shampoo in a store today, you buy laundry detergent powder, you buy a chocolate bar, that's all and dog food, it's all one manufacturer, one transnational group, the weapons are the same, and some even joked that you look at the composition of shampoo and washing powder, one ingredient is only different, you know, that is, what? the task is minimization, what is a transnational group, minimizing expenses, reducing the cost of expenses, that is , a person is no longer considered as something
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valuable, this is some kind of sovereign space, is considered as an instrument, but the country is not considered as a country having cultural heritage, interests in the world, but disintegrates as a tool, as a profitable one to manage these processes, to weaken this region, to put it under external control and to capture it.
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does not want to be drawn into the conflict of western elites against russia and belarus? and just wants friendly, mutually beneficial relations with russia and belarus, this can be said for sure, as for the fact that after all
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, 60% there are afraid of russia, i think this is of course the work of the media, most people in germany, unfortunately, do not understand that the media in germany is not independent, objective, and also more controlled, including, as a colleague correctly noted, american transnational corporations. yuri, please tell me how difficult it is today to be in opposition to the course pursued by the european bureaucrats, because i know that terror and persecution have become commonplace for oppositionists in the european union, just as the alternative for germany has repeatedly become victims of similar hateful rhetoric, rather so , yes, of course, i can do this just the last example. last week the minister of internal affairs the case of the so-called traffic light coalition, which is either the liberal ruling coalition in germany nancy feiser, presented a plan to
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counteract. supposedly so-called right-wing extremists, that is, we, the afd, of course , we are not like that, but we are called such names, including the fact that we want the lifting of sanctions against belarus and russia and friendly relations, but what does this plan represent, for example, it is no longer enough, as it should be in a rule-of-law state , to specifically commit a crime, such as committing incitement to hatred, but there is simply enough suspicion of this, it has potential. this is the most interesting thing, because who determines who is a right -wing extremist, in many ways it is the media that simply denigrates someone in this, now it is enough if you have social influence, that is, you can talk to your friends or be a member of a party that you are not i agree with the policy of the right-wing party, the ruling government, you already have the potential for action, you already have social influence and thus
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certain measures can be applied against you, some measures? these are the measures that we essentially only know from totalitarian states, for example, it may be prohibited to see and go abroad, to meet with colleagues and other politicians, for example, but accounts are checked, payments are tracked, banks are now required to report donations our party, to stop these donations, this has already happened many times, including already that the banking...
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germany, well, for example, if the alternative for germany wins a fairly serious result in the elections, if allowed, we can building relations with slovakia, hungary , and slovenia is, of course, problematic; italy, greece, spain, honestly, there are a lot of conclusions based on these statistics that you
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showed from the survey that... european institutions recently conducted on international relations, where countries like since sweden, germany and portugal , according to a population survey, have become the very countries that most expect a victory for ukraine, while greece, italy and hungary, if i’m not mistaken, expect on the contrary that russia will win, not ukraine, and we here we see an interesting an interesting contrast with the previous map, we see the iron curtain, which conditionally falls to the east of these countries, the next layer is already the countries that. they seem to be close to us, they roughly understand what russia is, and again, if you show another map, look at the foreigners in central europe, germany, austria, slovakia, hungary, one way or another italy, including a colleague who won’t let you lie, we all had common economic projects in the energy sector, but at least austria, germany, slovakia had the very same contractual obligations regarding the nord streams, and omphau, a large state-owned company in austria, participated
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in this, by the way, still has. agreement until 2040 for the purchase of energy resources receives them through other streams, italy was interested in this, also hungary in the field of nuclear energy, slovakia also receives fuel for its reactors from russia, but we understand that having this gasket, the eastern iron curtain has intelligence agencies, the americans can blow up the second branch nord stream, if suddenly there are any attempts to restore relations. in addition, regarding the internal political situation, well, specifically germany adg, yes. what they are trying to do now, call them right -wing extremists, brand them, it doesn’t help , the ratings are still high, and this really provokes a radicalization of the course, some kind of provocations that will be made under a false flag, conditionally made, maybe maybe some activists who will label themselves as supporters of the adc will make some kind of provocations, but we will see this closer to the launch of the electoral campaign, and as for the elites in general and in general how possible it is for
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such national... oriented people to come to power, it seems very doubtful to me now, because well, these elites have not yet completely discredited themselves , which were graduated from western educational institutions, for which the most valuable thing is to be included in the circle of that very transnational elite that you spoke about, supranational, and what they need for their success is global and this can be philosophical perspective, there is a supranational, and suprastate, there is a state that unites specific individuals based on their collective identity, they understand that by choosing a specific politician, they legitimize him, this is real genuine legitimacy, what do they want to replace it with, so that people, like individuals who have absolutely no understanding of how they... are connected, europe, filled with the arab population, which has many cultural contradictions, and under such protection, a veil of tolerance, behind which there is no deep rethinking of what a european modern civilizational society is, these divided, scattered
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individuals choose people like anna lena berbock, for example, well, in general, yes, this traffic light coalition, which has already set the teeth on edge, and anna lena berbock, of course, didn’t give a damn about the interests of the germans, she says that the interests of the ukrainians, and therefore the interests of the americans , are...
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three expensive gas, respectively, and pressure energy carriers from russia, and today i buy from this informational yes, that is, you understand that is, the support of these parties that defend national interests mainly... is based precisely on the kind of life a real citizen of this country lives, you know, and not propaganda, not exclusively, although in general one must understand, one must be objective, everywhere everything is clamped down, everywhere during a period of confrontation, there is naturally a focus on limiting the work of a number
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of resources in the information field, and this is typical for all countries, but it’s bad , you know, the fact that you showed the criminals are idiots, i can’t call them anything else, so and what discussing them? one company has created a mess for us here, and today we are on the verge of the fact that they can lead to escalation, because the appetites of transnational groups producing and trading weapons are huge, we need to further develop this machine,
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second, the most profitable scenario and the only possible a way to preserve the dollar as a reserve currency and control of international financial transactions, to maintain control of international trade - this is a war in europe, it must be reset to zero. option the only option is already calculated how much will be needed then they want to draw in funds for restoration, at least from poland, the baltic states and germany, why? because this is the largest centripetal force in europe, the blow to germany is 100%, if today europe is in vassal dependence, then it will already be under the direct control of washington, so today europe must wake up, these are the politicians who will set aside national interests , so to speak, to bring europe back from the brink of the abyss, because the war is in europe. is not beneficial to either the russian federation or any european country, and today we are without, you know, once again, there is still this, some people think, no , where are nuclear weapons, you know, in order for a gun to fire, it must first be hung up, when you have an accumulation of equipment, when from south korea they are bringing it here,
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weapons are being brought from north america, generals are placed under american generals, first they are trained, and then provocations are needed, but you can enter from the territory of poland not as a nato country, but you can enter as developmental sabotage groups, but it is possible in this way...
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and development, because if we relax and count on the fact that they will be afraid
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of this or that nuclear potential and so on, for them, to a certain extent, it would even be beneficial for russia to use tactical nuclear weapons, so that i once i say, expel it from the permanent membership of the un security council, completely value-based pressure is already beginning to put pressure on china in full force, the chinese partners, i had to communicate with them, they say: for the second year now they have been vigorously provoking us to we used military force in taiwan. china is deliberately abstaining.
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at least, we know for sure that in germany 20-22% would already vote for the alternatives for germany party, which adheres to traditional values ​​and the desire to restore friendly, at least mutually beneficial relations with russia and belarus, which i want to draw attention to , even in the usa, we must not forget that there are republicans there who consider themselves adherents of christian traditional values, those who republican party. who support trump and who are against us intervention
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throughout the world, so these forces exist, they have overwhelming power, as the current ruling western transatlantic elite will worsen the economic and political situation of the peoples in the collective west, apart from this, more and more these forces, right-wing forces, patriotic forces are normal. let me remind you that on the air of the program sas is authorized
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to declare our friends in europe, who are they? minister of culture of slovakia last month canceled all restrictions on cooperation with belarus and russia in the sphere under its control. her predecessor 2 years ago imposed a complete ban on any contacts in this area in compliance with eu sanctions. we'll hear it right now. direct speech from martina szymkovich. there are dozens of military conflicts in the world, in our opinion, cultural figures should not pay for this, there is in slovakia, friends, indeed prime minister robert. and his team changed their approaches, and what do you think, victoria, if the chance to really secure good friendly relations, because in hungary there was only mr. orban , who, like a battering ram, still tried to counteract this, but it is extremely
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difficult today to fight alone, well, speaking on a cultural level, what kind of interaction was there?
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a number of european publications, well in particular, in my opinion, frankfurter allgemay and zeitung from germany, were very dissatisfied that austria itself put on this crown of the bridge between europe and russia, but austria used it very successfully, how many of our figures there cultural acts, how many people came here, again, russia has now begun to position itself as the only one, perhaps, together with belarus, the heir to that very traditional european culture that was there, and what we now see... in these conservative inclined countries , i emphasize, always austria, hungary, which are now called the renewed austro-hungarian empire, because there is this imperial conservative spirit, they are watching what is happening in western europe, of course, they do not want this, they want to preserve its conservative aspirations more. the only thing that was observed in eastern europe before was the difference
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in maintaining a conservative course in poland, which at the same time gave up its political subjectivity and the preservation of conservatives. games of the future, what does this mean: the republic of belarus and russia are not isolated, the same international multi-sport tournament will be isolated a little more in the west. this is an irrational policy, absolutely disadvantageous to the collective west, the so-called, you know, culture, sports and others opportunities to interact is soft
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power, this is why we did it without visas, also soft power, please come from europe, look, no one here... this is the correct name of this whole event special military provocation of the usa, i said this in january twenty-two, that this is a special military provocation of the united states, which we were nevertheless forced, so to speak, by the russian federation, let’s say correctly, to go to, nevertheless, today what needs to be done has already been forced, has already happened, assessments we will give
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then events, mistakes, correct decisions and so on, but now we need to be strong enough, as strong as possible, so that we are taken into account. always extends its hand about readiness for dialogue, this is also our soft power, on the one hand we demonstrate real strength on the battlefield, on the external circuit by invading with different countries of the world, capturing those markets where we can be present, ensuring our internal security, developing technology , on the other hand, we are saying that we did not proactively slam the door in your face, you slammed it, today you are getting v3 carriers, today you cannot ... sell your technologies and cars today from other countries, they are capturing the market of the russian federation, including, this is not profitable for you either, listen, weak patients, this is what ukraine demonstrates
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its strength, the ability to offer our partners favorable terms of interaction with us will be considered as we have no other choice, so no matter how they try to disparage the potential of the union state and say that we will not survive without us, so we must to demonstrate that we will not only survive, but will be able to demonstrate progressive development. then gradually the countries of europe will also show interest in adjusting their policies, this is the only way, any other options are impossible, why is belarus generally successful in the foreign arena, in general, our foreign policy , taking into account the compactness of the economic territory , will be included in the anals of the world stories. we have always been able to be useful to our partners, we have always worked on the principle of plus for plus. to me it seems that there could be wonderful relations with poland if...
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that could change, because the main difference in the political campaigns between the tusk government there, conditionally, and the previous government, it was precisely in the attitude towards the european union, european politics, to what extent they will cleanse their national identity and make them europeans, it is clear that for a certain part of the poles this causes a gag reflex, to put it mildly, but why is your previous thesis that it would be possible to live peacefully from poland, we probably understand this, how we can live peacefully, but... the poles have such historical psychological traumas and complexes , it seems to me that these traumas, too, all the wounds are so open, but they are similar, these traumas,
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that’s why they rub each other, somehow hug, while trying to bite each other, keeping in mind that this is really the space in which the geopolitical, in which they lived, developed as a state, it always locked something in them, and such voices as we heard from poland, well, that’s it -this is the voice of one crying out desert. well, you see, the main problem is that they very skillfully use these contradictions, national, historical, they exploited the idea of ​​​​greater poland, successfully drew it into the zone of their influence in ukraine, these divisions - western, eastern ukraine, they played well on this , that is, this is their success, you know, divide rule, and what we should not allow, including such a huge country as the russian federation, must be very careful in many aspects, because they will also try these things use, we've already been told how they will use it.
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hitler prepared such an operation on the border with poland in order to provoke the outbreak of hostilities, you remember this, now these scoundrels, okay, the americans, they don’t care whether the last ukrainian or the last pole dies, but how can the poles and the americans agree on such a scenario, this is a question, you know, after this the howling will now begin, what we have, what they have. oh, here he is escalating the situation, scaring the poles, this cannot be, listen, i said it, and you draw conclusions, i
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i say to the poles and others. provide full support for the deployment of nuclear weapons in poland, and there were, more than half of the poles were for this, but about 30% of these people are still against it, so anyway, in every country in one proportion or another we can find people who are ready to do everything - still hear our arguments to stay on the path of peace, not war. thank you very much, a strong, peaceful belarus is the key to a holistic, successful russia, so i want
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to wish us. success to the union state, so that this year we can, in those challenges, which our country faces as successfully as possible to meet and respond to them, and the main guarantee that we will be successful is the firmness of our will, the pragmatism of our decisions, a strong economy, therefore the citizens, the government, the heads of state must work, and most importantly, they must understand , today we must be as focused as possible on ensuring that each of us can make our feasible contribution to maintaining peace and order on our territory. thank you for the most interesting discussion, in conclusion, i would like to recall an episode from history. in september 1815, in the midst of the vienna diplomatic congress , russian emperor alexander ii angrily asked the french foreign minister charles maris de teleirand. monsieur,
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can you tell me directly who? at this congress he betrayed the cause of europe. taliran immediately replied: “your majesty, it is only a matter of dates.” and today those whom the establishment of the european union accuses of betraying the cause of europe because of the dialogue with minsk and moscow can easily answer that the real interests of the old world were betrayed much earlier, when they led it in the direction of the anglo-saxon course. thank you, this was the saz program authorized to declare. there are more and more politicians in europe who do not agree with the destructive course of the eu towards belarus. the tv news agency presents in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. yes, the wars are well-known
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everyday life, which revealed the creation of the city and became the light of history, city and republic. the first would be the house of uradu. the most languid for ab'yom the creation of belarusian architecture was done manually, by hand. people from the fall of salome fears were not born, they were piled up. lenin square in minsk, government house. during the war , the nazis called this building leninhaus. lenin's house. they wanted to blow it up. here, tons of explosives and 200 aerial bombs were planted in the basements. not from the mercy of the assadnik and not from
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the bondage of the pameshchyka outputs of your stick of grain, but from the land of the savetskaya union, and the land of the savetskaya union, and the land of the yago sumly pratsy, the dry savetska land. for savetskaya belarus, the report says, the blessed five-year plan will mean not only liquidation. the wars of the german acupation, as well as the further development of the national economy and culture, increased the life of the population. minsk had the first session of the verkhovnag council of the republic of the republic of dyataga , with the participation of the oldest deputies, vice-president of the academy of sciences of the bssr, the hero of the socialist race atrakhovich, scribe k andrat krapiva. deputy shamyakin, the first
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viceroy of the senior government of the union, was unanimously elected as the senior leader of the council. writers of the bssr. years and decades pass, but youth remains the mistress of the square. lenin square is the address of medical and pedagogical institutes. belarusian state university, lenin square, people's power square, science square, youth square.
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