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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 29, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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live panorama in elena sacheva's studio. hello. current achievements in sports are incomparable with the care and investment that the state makes; sanctions for sports competition are not an obstacle, results are needed. the president received a report from those responsible for the development of sports in the country and football in particular. the iron reinvention of eurodemocracy. lithuania unilaterally closes two more international checkpoints on the border with belarus. tightens the order of crossing the remaining ones. report from our correspondents places of events. and the place of bright victories, the sports brand raubichi is celebrating its half-century anniversary. the tv news agency film will tell about the revival of world-class infrastructure right after us. and also on the program today. review the system of training athletes in each sport. the president demands that order be restored in the sports industry by the end of the six months. the accents of today's conversation of the head of state are accordingly.
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for this sphere in a few minutes. second day of pre-flight exams in the star city, how belarusians cope, marina vasilevskaya and anastasia lenkova. space is very close. why eu countries are cutting benefits for ukrainians one after another and how local eu residents have taken up arms against refugees from zheftoblakite. 55 years of the warsaw bridge customs post. today it is one of two road points. pass, which operates on the belarusian-polish border. we will tell you more about his work. handball victories of belarusians, results of the hockey season performed by dynamo shinnik and big volleyball in the capital tomorrow, about this and more we'll tell you on sports day. tasks for sports in each sport; an audit will be carried out in the first half of the year. this means that during this time the system needs to be reviewed.
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moving from one level of training to another , have they been developed , do they meet world standards today, do they meet the requirements today, today we need to prepare physically strong, developed athletes who are ready and must compete with the same peers from other countries, in every sport we need to carry out
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such an audit together. individual orders were heard regarding game number one, the deadline is the same in six months to bring order to the system of training football players. federation. which has been headed by nikolai shersnev for almost a year, proposes to hold competitions throughout the country from an earlier age and form teams at the institute of national teams of belarus from the age of 12; from the age of 17, the country’s youth teams will participate in the adult first league. the task was set to restore order within six months, that is, to build a system for training football players, to ensure a smooth transition to youth football and adult football, that is, everything.
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in the largest football school in the country , you need to invest the maximum in them right now, not to miss the moment, the president is therefore straining sports functionaries so that the excitement in the burning eyes of these... fourteen-year-old boys ultimately turns into victories for the country, i would really like to play for the national team to become professional football players, the main thing is to work and develop. already in march, the belarusian national football team will hold international matches with european teams, and in the summer with a large share likely to return to home arenas. diplomatic work is now being carried out in this direction, and the league of nations will start in the fall. the tournament is official. the belarusians are in the third league there, that means. all opponents are capable, no feats are needed, the task is simple, beat your equals. natalya brios, olga
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anishchenko, andrey kozlov, nikolay stula, alexander yakubovsky and alexander oleshka, tv news agency. the place of great victories, the sports brand of belarus, has always been our famous sports complex raobishche in the minsk region. however, if not for the decision president in the second half of the nineties about the restoration of sports infrastructure, then modern raobichi might not have existed. since then, every year the sports complex has become more multifunctional and more beautiful; in february , the olympic training center for winter sports turned half a century old. for this date , the television news agency prepared a television film, which is on our air today immediately after the panorama. when the earth floats below, the earth floats as if by a child. yes, let's protect the planet's skiers
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nepadleka hell minsk la paselka raubichy bypudavany unique complex equipped with the most current treatment specialists treat in their own way they will pay for the olympic events. carries me, my hang glider, my hang glider, to meet the stars at baikanur on a space expedition that requires truly olympic endurance and preparation, our marina. her parents and nephew will accompany her. the spacesuit is the most expensive outfit and belarusians really like it.
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a children's toy will become an indicator of weightlessness on the iss daughters of oleg novidsky. they told reporters about this today. exams and comprehensive preparation continue in the star city. anastasia bendesyuk will tell you what's on the way to space. cooking dinner there means not just lighting the stove, but washing your face, and not just turning on the tap. it's not easy on the iss. everyday moments in space are a separate science and , of course, belarusians were taught it. we are waiting for navigation around the station from marina vasilevskaya. her space flight will have an educational function: photos, videos, a first-person story, there will be scientific tasks, in particular, it is necessary to test the beneficial properties of lactoferin, this valuable protein is contained in transgenic goats, this is a discovery of belarusian and... russian scientists. lactoferin and probiotics are used in two
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experiments that are aimed at studying the properties of e and lactoferin and probiotics for their possible subsequent use in the development of food products for astronauts, including long-term space flights into deep space. the launch is scheduled for march 21 from the beykanur cosmodrome in 3 weeks. traditionally the main and backup crews they pass pre-flight exams, today is the second day, both with the highest score. i have full confidence in our designers, the people who prepare the equipment at the launch and the flight deck, so i am sure that our flight will take place without any particularly abnormal situations, but for the rest , let’s say, the crew is fully prepared, we are working on it.
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in the station on the iss today anastasia lenkova and the team feel great, yesterday we passed the exam on the ship, it was excellent, so today we are inspired to succeed and are ready to get started.
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exams are taken by crews, the result of two days and iss transport pi'. in 2020, ivan vagner flew into space, although he was originally an understudy. at one time, pyotr
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klimuk, the first belarusian cosmonaut, a native of the brest region, also had the word “understudy” in his biography. the first belarusian, the first citizen of the republic of belarus, is planned to go to the russian segment of the iss from baikanur on march 21. anastasia benedesyuk, ivan mazgo, agency tv news, star city, russia the baltic states continue to fence themselves off with an iron curtain from the civilized world. midnight vilna will be closed by two checkpoints on the border with belarus, lavorishkis and raigoroda, adjacent to kotlovka and privalka. the traffic flow will be redirected to the two remaining checkpoints. now it will be possible to cross the border with lithuania only through kamenny log and benikoni. however, there will be problems there too. in addition, the lithuanian authorities are introducing bans on the passage of cyclists and pedestrians across the border. let me note that since the very morning there have been large queues at these border crossings. in total , about a thousand trucks are waiting to leave there. behind
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our correspondent yuri kornilovich is monitoring the situation at the privalka checkpoint. we are located at the privalka checkpoint on the belarusian-lithuanian border. a few hours before lithuania closes traffic , there are practically no trucks on our side. about twenty cars are waiting to leave for the neighboring country. after receiving information about the closure of the border crossing , cargo carriers redirected transport to other existing checkpoints. the number of passenger transport is gradually decreasing, although the stopover to this day was considered one of the busiest border crossings. his pass. capacity of about a thousand cars per day. at the landing checkpoint, it was allowed to enjoy the right of visa-free entry into our country along with citizens of lithuania and latvia, as well as citizens of poland. and the growth of foreign guests who wish to take advantage of this right is constantly growing. for example, in less than 2 months of 2024, about 1,800
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of our foreign guests took advantage of this right at the landing checkpoint. now, to get, for example, from druskininkai to grodno, it must be done.
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how many more kilometers are probably 70 plus in two directions, so i simply won’t travel anymore in the summer, there’s nothing to do there, ordinary people always suffer from this situation, now, given that there will be two checkpoints left, that is, it will be necessary to make detours huge, that is, of course, well, the situation, to put it mildly, is one of the best. the closure of two checkpoints will lead to a redistribution of traffic flows and a significant increase in the load on existing border crossings with lithuania, stone... on the occasion, employees and veterans of this checkpoint gathered here. the warsaw bridge received its current appearance 20 years ago,
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during which time it was successfully modernized, and in the twenty-second, another reconstruction was carried out here and automated control over the distribution of transport was established. this system is unique and has no analogues in the country. on average , about 2.0 passenger cars and about 180 buses cross the warsaw bridge per day. about 500 individuals. warsaw bridge is a visiting card not only of brest customs, but our country. arriving at the checkpoint, the first impression of our country is formed here. the post is equipped with the latest technology, the most advanced means of technical control, and there is a system of green-red corridors and an electronic queue at the checkpoint. unfortunately, the work of the checkpoint also depends on the work of the neighboring side. so we periodically observe an irregular supply of vehicles from the extreme side, in one hour up to about twenty can come to us
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cars, in the next hour it could be about 100 vehicles. let me emphasize once again that the load on the warsaw bridge will increase from march 1, because now there will be four passenger checkpoints in belarus that operate with the european union. meanwhile, germany moved into the territory. german soldiers and combat aircraft will be at the lilbarty military airfield for 9 months until the end of november, after which they will be replaced by aircraft from another alliance country. this is the first time nato has resorted to this base and explains the decision by repair work at emory airfield in estonia. and the baltics decided not to stop there, while most western countries hastened to disown it.
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dollars of gdp, together non-warring third countries - 250 billion. germany will suffer the most, losing up to 20 billion. the figures were obtained by employees of the university of kiel by analyzing the experience of past wars. in addition, there are more and more scandals in the european union, scammers pretend to be ukrainian refugees in order to receive benefits, and local residents of the eu are already openly expressing their dissatisfaction with refugees. details in the author's commentary by maria petrashko. hi all! the further russian troops advance along the line of contact, the weaker western support for the ukrainians becomes. well, here's a striking recent
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example. hollywood actress megan fox came under a barrage of criticism from ukrainians for making fun of the reputation of ukrainian women. a darkened cell phone photo in which i looked like a ukrainian doll, when in reality i looked like one of those super expensive silicone sex dolls that you can only buy. japan, so what next, did advertisers break contracts with megan fox or did they make her an outcast in hollywood and promise not to film again? no, that's all there is to it. well, make some noise in the comments under the post, and that’s enough. in general , western countries are noticeably tired and fed up with ukrainian refugees, because ukraine did not become a golden antelope with free resources, but turned into a problem. in the best traditions of the west, friendship turned out to be only words; in reality, everyone is for himself. slovakia doubled. reduced the basic benefit for ukrainian refugees. britain closes one from programs for ukrainian refugees. finland is reducing the validity period of the wonge for refugees. the ministry of internal affairs of finland continues the fight against
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refugees. the leader of the far-right freedom party , geert wilders, criticizes the reception of ukrainian refugees. in his opinion, the netherlands has become the european fool. in moldova, cars of ukrainian refugees and their accommodation centers are being burned. the issue is almost resolved. all ukrainian children should. will study in latvian schools. in general, the language issue is somehow too sensitive for ukrainians. remember when in poland and moldova refugees forced locals to communicate with them in ukrainian, not russian. only in europe no one plans to learn ukrainian. today my child was reprimanded at school. she spoke to a girl from ukraine in ukrainian. and the teacher came up and said: in poland, speak polish, not ukrainian. europeans have generally stopped hiding their sincere feelings for the ukrainian people.
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however, ukrainians irritate not only local residents of the european union, but also experienced migrants. a ukrainian basketball player recently died in germany; one athlete from ukraine was attacked with a knife by a fifteen-year-old migrant after he learned that they were ukrainians. in society this is explained by the fact that they are immigrants. from the countries of africa or iraq, syria for many years they could not obtain the documents they needed, but ukrainians are given everything at once with huge benefits. however, the germans thought about equal payments not out of concern for refugees, but out of concern for their budget. germany spoke out about high payments to ukrainian refugees. the point is that everyone should receive the same payments. meanwhile, games are being held in kazan these days a future where representatives and leaders of
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the cis countries communicate amicably. athletes and fans enjoy the atmosphere of celebration and friendship. question: what did ukraine lack in the rich and native expanses of the cis. even more comprehensive reviews in our telegram channels. on the eve of the beginning of spring , the ministry of labor reminds that contributions to the social security fund must be paid by march 1. this applies to lawyers, notaries, as well as individuals. entrepreneurs, because contributions also mean timely payment of pensions, and this is a very important issue that experts they recommend thinking from a young age. how is the insurance period formed and is it possible to increase your future income now? answers now. elena, hello, let’s remind you how workers’ pensions are formed, and here is the social protection fund . hello, our labor pensions are financed by contributions from employers and employees,
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respectively. labor pension is provided depending on the payment of insurance contributions, and for a long period, so this year we have the right to a labor pension is provided if you have so-called insurance experience, these are periods of work in other activities with the payment of insurance for at least 19.5 years, starting next year, the required insurance experience will be 20 years, well, this will be the maximum limit, as far as i understand. but if you worked less, there will be no pensions, or what? for certain categories, we have reduced requirements for insurance experience. so, with a five-year insurance period, an old-age labor pension is provided to parents, disabled children, those with many children, mothers who have given birth to five or more children, and those who have been disabled since childhood. with a reduced insurance period of 10 years, such a right to an old-age labor pension is granted to mothers who have given birth to four children, as well as to persons
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who... have a total length of service of at least 35 years for women, 40 years for men, this total length of service, along with work, also includes this socially significant activity is caring for the elderly, disabled people of the first group, and disabled children. from 2021 we also have an old-age pension for incomplete insurance experience, it is assigned to persons who have 10 years of insurance experience, and the amount of this pension is tied to the budget. living wage for a pensioner, but if a person has not even completed 10 years of insurance experience, we still won’t leave him without a pension, a social pension will be paid, but at the age of 65 years for men, 60 years for women, therefore the state guarantees the right to pension provision, without pensions we we won’t leave anyone behind, well, as for the length of contributions during the period of independent belarus, this is all clear, everything is taken into account, there is often a controversial situation, as for the nineties and soviet times,
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experience. how to take it into account, yes, there are not always any documents, maybe even confirming it, but we take into account the length of service after 2003, when we have personalized records, we confirm with information from personalized records, as for periods before 2003 or is it the union period , then, in principle, the main document is the work book or the employer’s certificate of work, another feature is that we have it after july 1. length of service depends on the level of wages, if the employee received a salary below the minimum wage, then the length of service will be adjusted downward, therefore , for the periods after july 1, 1998 to january 1, 2003, we also need a supporting document about the amount of earnings from which insurance premiums were paid, well, as a rule, these documents can be found,
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as a rule, these documents are found... salaries up to 2000 until 98, if there is no information, it can be confirmed in court, so our labor authorities are launching...
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the launch of this program shows the next thing is that women are active in our country, the age before retirement is 10-15 years, they choose to assign a pension for 5 years, again justifies the name of the 3+3 program, that is , this is the most popular choice of tariff, but we hope that in the future everything our citizens are thinking about their future pension, because this is not a bad program that allows them the opportunity to receive additional income in retirement. however, belarusian pensioners prove to everyone that at an older age you can remain creative, active and creative. already tomorrow evening a new episode of the show factorby 60+,
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seven performers at the age of mature youth will fight to reach the semi-finals of the project. the competition is serious, and there are only four out of 12 places left in the next stage of the project. the show will be presented to the participants tomorrow. and to prove that without a song, retirement is not the same, those whose soul sings will fight for the chance to continue their journey on television, because being on the stage of a show is a real event even for professionals from the music field, not to mention amateurs, therefore and the preparation for the friday concert is thorough, in order to surprise the audience, the artists are working on all the details together with the factor team, bringing not only vocals, but also makeup, hairstyle, transformation to the stage level, the participant, even a slightly sure sign on the way to the dream, this is how these can sound words only from people who have such life experience behind them as
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you and i have, our peers. "a feeling of incredible pain, a very tragic story, they are worth living for, 60, life is just beginning, i was sitting at home, watching some program, i saw in the news that they were inviting me to a casting for factorby, i went to relax." in these conditions it is inappropriate, because you feel responsible, since you came to, so to speak, some kind of competition and some kind of rivalry is happening, yes a competitive situation, some kind of drive, but rivalry, it
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somehow turns me on, as if i fell into space, so for now i’m realizing it all and thinking, as if i can’t comprehend it all, i’m just enjoying it, that’s how i'm like a fish in water, i swim and i just think that this will probably stay the brightest. march 1 at 20:45 to belarus alone. to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from it. russian invaders , a commemorative medal will appear in our country. the decree was signed
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by the president. the document approved the description of the medal and forms a certificate: it will be awarded to veterans of the great patriotic war, former prisoners of fascist camps, prisons, ghettos, as well as those who permanently reside outside of belarus and directly took part in the hostilities to liberate our country from the nazis invaders. also new the award will be presented to military personnel of the armed forces, other troops and... military formations of belarus and those who have made a significant contribution to the patriotic education of citizens, perpetuating the memory of the dead, organizing events dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the construction amnesty in action resulted in almost 10,000 residential buildings being put into operation in a simplified manner at the end of the twenty-third year. the most active in this regard are the minsk and brest regions. let me remind you, in the twenty-second year in belarus. the presidential decree introduced a measure that simplifies as much
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as possible the registration of single-family houses and non-residential buildings erected with a deviation from the project or without it at all, while such objects are not recognized as unauthorized, which means no fine is imposed on them. the ministry of construction and architecture draws attention to the fact that the document is temporary, the decree is valid until the end of this year, so now is the time to solve the problem of unauthorized construction. the figures indicate the demand among citizens for a simplified procedure. applies only to citizens who received land plots before september twenty
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-two, as for individual housing, according to the results of last year, such buildings in the country accounted for more than 48% of the total commissioning. for criminal prosecution , belarus extradited 11 people to foreign states last year, another one already this year, despite the unfriendly policies of western authorities, all countries understand the need for cooperation in the legal field, said the minister of internal affairs of belarus ivan kubrakov. communicating with journalists at a press conference in minsk, on the eve of the professional holiday of the belarusian police. belarus interacts with 103 countries of the world through interpol. the exchange of information also takes place with european countries, for example, poland and germany. for the most part, this concerns the fight against drug and human trafficking, cybercrime and the search for dangerous criminals. cooperation with cis countries is well established. so last year , more than a ton of psychotropic drugs were seized in our country, from which it was in transit, in in general, the ministry of internal affairs has enough resources to
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ensure order in the country, and this experience is being adopted by more and more foreign colleagues, the minister emphasized. in 2023, we see a decrease in the crimes that were committed on our territory, the number of citizens affected by crimes is decreasing, the number of citizens killed and injured in road accidents is decreasing, and this is all the work that has been done, it seems that these are dry numbers, in fact it is huge work everything. interested in 2024, the internal affairs bodies have been given clear tasks: ensure the protection of public order, ensure the safety of our citizens. another important area of ​​work is the safety of children. the main thing is to coordinate the interaction of all government agencies with a priority to work on prevention. exhibitions, rituals. festive concert belynichi received the status
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of cultural capital 2024. today , the opening ceremony of the republican event took place in the regional center. the belynetsky biruli art museum presented an exhibition of fine art from the funds of the national art museum. good the ceremony of canceling the envelope with the original belyniche stamp has become a tradition. the cultural capital of belarus 2024. the artistic basis of the design was the sculptural composition of the appearance of the icon and the church in honor. from our heat, from the dark smoldering gasses that are coming to the belarusian land, and i am afraid that the skin is painful here, the languid enemy, and forsaking ourselves, for example. eўna, a piece of the soul, sardechnasti, which
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our people, our belarusians are experiencing. only about sports, switch gears, in the next few minutes we’ll talk
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about this sport today, we have two victories, details right now, hello, let's start with handball, capital ska wins: the return match will be held at the uruchie sports palace on march 6. the belarusian women's handball team again defeated the cska 2 team, playing in the russian youth championship, in sparring. after victoria the day before 40-31, today valery pivnitsky’s team in the handball house was less. 32-29. there is little game practice. moreover, when we agreed to play with the csk-2 team, where we knew in advance that the girls would be younger. but just for our players playing belarusian championship, this is exactly our level. and in general, we are very glad that
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the cska-2 team came to us, we played these two games, because, to be honest, ...
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this is the stage, this is where we would like to see how they will perform ourselves , so the pool of candidates, so to speak, is large, and from these guys we have to choose, and then , closer to the pre-season training camp, we will already see who we will start with, at the end of the season, a number of dynamo shinnik players joined the extra league clubs. ..


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