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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 29, 2024 10:55pm-11:56pm MSK

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watch the belarusians project on our tv channel. the largest nato exercise since the cold war begins. they will also take place in poland and the baltic countries. this is a kind of rehearsal for world war iii. the idea of ​​this exercise is to transfer troops here to the eastern flank and promptly deploy them near ours. borders, the creation of strike groups and the conduct of various strategic operations, primarily of an offensive nature, in total it is planned to involve more than 90 thousand personnel, several thousand units technology, this year belarus will celebrate 80 years since its liberation from the nazi invaders. the memory of those events is as important as the preparedness of our military and the security bloc as a whole.
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repel any danger and put the enemy in his place. it is also important to remember that we , the descendants of the victors, do not agree to less. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. on air.
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be who he is, he doesn’t know who he is, a boy or a girl, when children are taken away from their parents, you understand, when children can already write denunciations against their parents, you understand that you are not, what is it, there will be no love, this life will end, a child is born from love, not only physiology, but the love of a father for his mother, a mother for his father, you understand, when it’s all in test tubes , when it’s all, you know, surrogate, well , what is this, what is this, this, this is the end, precisely the collapse of the institution of the family, yes you family , individual, society, yeah, consumer society, consumption, from father nikolai when -he said that we should take less and give more, that’s how he says it and live, he’s right, our opponents sometimes condemn you for your open support of a special military operation and the patriotic events that you hold in the center.
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bravo, can the church be out of politics? the church cannot be outside? people, and the church should not
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be indifferent to what is happening, you know, it should give people some sober, normal assessments of what is happening, because all the media that try to lead people , you know, everything must be checked , necessary think. you need to understand what is happening , you see, in general, the whole history, probably the history of the world, its basis is a struggle, the struggle of the devil with god, and now the same thing is going on, with whom is the war with ukraine, but what are you, this native people, brother, with whom the war is going on, you know, with america, with europe, why there is beauty there, there is a war, the devil is fighting with god. that’s why, well, now the only
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real force that can say that this is good, this is bad, this is the russian orthodox church, i’m not idealizing, everything, everything is there. but you see, there is no other force here , if the catholic, the catholic pope has now already blessed same -sex marriages, everything, you know, this is sodom and gomorrah, in these conditions, well, i know how not just a politician, yes, but a russian the orthodox church is also struggling with this, it also has to, we remember in ukraine what persecutions there were, and against the russian orthodox church. and you seem to be experiencing some kind of discomfort or until it dawned on you, no, you know, when i came to orthodoxy, where i came when i was a boy, i became a patriot, before that i was a fan of the west and in general i would rather go to the west, all this, because it
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seemed to me that there was freedom there, i was looking for freedom all the time, when i saw that there was freedom there is no freedom there, and there really is no freedom there, despite everything. and the negative, including, we have many times more freedom than in america in europe, believe me, it’s not me who says this, this is said by the people who live there, who come to us, who we come to, this this so man, this was the disappointment, you know, these dissidents who were in the soviet union, they went, the soviet union was everything, they decided that there was freedom there, but there was no freedom there, that’s what it’s all about, deception! i
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... but you were 21 years old, as you said, that is , you realized very quickly, no, well, listen, i studied dostoevsky at school, the crime of punishment, for me it was a shock, you know, when i watched torkov’s solaris, i came to my parents, i said, how can you sleep, get up, you understand how we we live, not the same, but my soul was drawn to god, naturally, the classics, i read a lot, you know, the classics, russian, helped me a lot...
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russia will lose, the soviet union will lose everything, it will be within completely different borders, and the whole the world will fight against her, in the end, i thought that this is a sick person, so what will happen next will not be rich, but spiritually she will be strong, and then it was written that america, england, most of europe will drown. now this is global, this will be, you know, how could this be then read it, and i think it was written by someone unknown, some old man wrote it, this is some kind of prophecy, you know, all this is coming true, europe is not christian, there is no idea there, only
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money , there should be an idea , you see, unfortunately, we went like this, we would have had an end if not for the war, because well... they were fooling around, but on tv they were fooling around, they laughed at everything ours, belarusian, russian, they laughed at , you know, they laughed, they laughed openly, they mocked, you know, at people, you know, they imposed such a thing in general nonsense, and people swallowed it, swallowed it, what, it was terrible, is this really the end, but it seems not, now patriots appear, people appear who begin to think, begin to really... look at things, you know, they gave however, look on tv, the same company that was making money all the time, and how many young singers and musicians, you know, composers, were there, but they weren’t just given it, it was a feeding trough and they used it, you know,
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now they’ve left, glory god, let it all they will leave, you know, this will give an impetus for new ones to come out to the army from the front, it will be like... the patriotic war, and they will become poets, musicians, already, you know, it will be different, it will be a different people, you know, do you already have the ark ready at this time?
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already 10, 10 years old, we already have tenth grade, the question is: what do you want to become? do you know what the majority answered? no, businessmen, this is horror, these are your students, prepared, who read, they, they live anyway in this world, yes, yes, listen, students, students, and there are also parents, and it’s not so simple, the struggle is very, very difficult, you know, for businessmen, it’s surprising.
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that there was, there was so much good , nothing was allowed, there was persecution, but you see, looking now at what was and look at art, i’m now listening to songs from the sixties, you know, what ’s the meaning, what’s the depth, you know, films, there was an idea, you know, people believed, but the idea, of course, led to the state, because a godless state cannot resist, you know, ideology must, now
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this ideology is little by little, there is no ideology yet, but it is little by little being revived , what will happen next depends on you and me, i am a man, after all, of the soviet union, you know, because i saw the hypocrisy, the leaders, you know, there are different ones, i saw a lot of things, you know, when it was all for show, but i would like for our people to find god and begin to live according to the laws that
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god gave to man, god created the male and female sexes, god created the family, after all, so that the person was not a consumer, you know, so that he learned to serve others, you understand, and for this you need support, for this you need god, without this it will not work, you understand, my concept, holy russia, you understand? this is not a geographical concept, germans come to us and become orthodox, they become russian and belarusian, you see, but i don’t share this, we now have families coming from france, one family from germany, one, two, three, they lived there, and there are not only these who were immigrants, but also some volga region people for that matter, in our monastery german, a nun from bavaria, you know, she’s nothing, in our monastery. from brazil, a man, a nun, here, not to mention, from poland, yes, and how many times i read in the comments
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under your sermons on youtube that father andrey, i live in germany, i found your disc, i listen there, even with they write from taiwan , i don’t even say, i was even surprised, bangladesh, taiwan and in general from south america, and so i answer questions weekly, there are a lot of them, but this should strengthen you, we don’t oppose european values, you you see, an american priest came to us, father matthew, he’s a farmer, and besides, he has what, nine children, he’s a normal person, you know, man, like, yes, that’s the point, there are the most wonderful people , and there are catholics, the most wonderful people, you understand, we are talking about
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this, this, this demonicness that does everything to humiliate a person. to, you know, make him a slave and he won’t even know whose slave he is, you know, who is in charge, who biden is in charge of america, well , this is funny, only a fool can say, that macron is leading france, well , you know, this is for fools, but unfortunately people don’t want to think, unfortunately, for now the majority are fools, but it’s hard for us to imagine what we will see, well, tomorrow or in a few years. we see a man with a book on the subway, they say that you understand, i thought so too, but no longer, we also have a publishing house, we also publish books, and i ’ll tell you that i thought that there was no longer a demand for books, in fact, the sale of books is increasing, yes, and we want you to understand, this is what children's literature was like in soviet
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period, but this ignorance about the sunny city, all this, you know, well, that’s what happened.
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sometimes you have to, you have to come to terms with something , sometimes you have to endure some tests, you know, because if there was a miracle all the time, the miracle is that god loves us, yeah , you know, it’s a miracle that god, despite our ugliness, he gives us his love in full during holy communion, the miracle is that people who yesterday drank, stole, robbed, today... become normal people, they work, i have one person said: for 20 years i was heavier than a glass , i didn’t lift anything, then he did it with a shovel, but it’s a miracle, you know, for me it’s a miracle, maybe for someone it’s not a miracle, but you probably already have a universal recipe for those who suffer from these ailments, you need
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love, patience, you need someone to believe in the person, you know, if no one believes, then... speak positively, you know, you still need to tell the person that there is always hope remains, no matter what state you are in now, no matter what dead end you get into, no matter what circumstances, it seems that there is no way out, never despair, never in life , you can never despair, you have to go forward, you have to believe that god will help, and god will help , there are no dead ends for god, well, yes, you are right,
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miracles happen , you just need to be able to sometimes consider these miracles. but time passes and the person understands, you know, or he forgets this miracle, you know, he forgets the miracle, the mother gives birth to a daughter, uh-huh, she comes running, pray, she can’t give birth for the second day, there’s a threat to her life, that’s it, well, father he comes out, he prayed, after a while, a few days, he looks, it’s a woman , well, that’s it, everything is... good, everything worked out, thank god, god has nothing to do with it, they perceive it as it should, yes, as it should, this, this is so, you see, well, this is a person, a person, but god still does not take offense at us, all the same. he doesn’t want, he won’t, for me to do this to you, you bow to me there, he quietly, god does everything quietly, you know, and it’s amazing, such, such humility of god,
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you know, it’s, it’s what keeps us in temple, and we’ll take a short break for now, i remind you of our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, invite us to guests, ask your questions, we are in touch. on the air again, tell me, don’t be silent, our guest is andrei lemishonok, confessor of the st. elisabeth monastery and sisterhood. father andrey, what thoughts does feedback from believers strengthen you in? well , people still hear, sometimes maybe not the first time. for me, this is the test that... no one needs it when you see what you say, you say to a person, but he doesn’t reacts and doesn’t understand, and doesn’t want
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to understand, figure it out, still asks for help and accuses him that nothing helps him, you know, these are such very hopeless things, but here you need to again, you need to be patient, you know, you need to be patient , so that, for example, when a child, for example , doesn’t obey, well, he doesn’t listen, you know, i didn’t listen either, you know, and also... when it was so difficult to imagine that i would become a priest and in general nothing at all, that that disobedient so self-willed that i do that i want, but you need patience, patience, you know, patience, to gain patience, their parents will wish patience, and those who want to help someone, want to help their husband, their wife, need patience, you know, and faith, that after all, after all, there will be, there will be, there will be victory, there will be a miracle, there will be victory, and you are like this, we will now show ours... your stormy youth, it helps, because
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for sure in communicating with young people, yes, yes , you came to church, but you you already had children, it helps, because i was looking for something like that, you know, now i’m looking for something sincere, i can to understand the person who dyed his hair, who... dresses like that, like that , because he wants to stand out, he wants freedom, i understand that, we need to help him, say that this, this, this does not make you free, because human life, in general , it is creativity, it is always a choice, you see, there is light, there is darkness, sometimes it is difficult to see, there is, you know, something creation, and there is destruction, you see, all the time a person must search and do the right choice, you see, all the time he must du... must to be inside his work, you see, this , this is creativity, this is creativity, you see, it is not necessary to paint pictures and compose music,
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but family is also creativity, you understand, and personality is creativity, where a person looks for his talents, some kind of opportunity to apply , to give something, you know, to help someone with something, well, well, this is work, this is not idleness, but idleness leads to sin, you know, such a meaningless consumer existence. it leads to personality degradation, you see, a person is already, and he is already he has forgotten how to think, you see, he has already forgotten how to look for the good, he doesn’t look at the sky, he doesn’t look at the stars, well, it’s bad, yes he is, but you saw that you have two children, they’ve probably already grown up, where are they now with you, well, they are believers people, for them, they take communion, believers, which means my son now has a family, for a long time he... works in our stone workshop, makes monuments, they are very good, they make very high quality, and there is a great demand, because well he is an honest man,
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in general he is an honest man, he does not lie and even too honestly, even for this they are peaceful, and my daughter also graduated from art school, now she teaches children’s drawing there to draw, well, she has...
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that is, do you have such a creative side in your family? different, different, but you know, different and maybe this is a good thing, that people do n’t have to be the same, you know, but you just need to develop those qualities that are inherent in a person, you know, you need to develop, you don’t have to fight heads asthena, you see, you need to see what you can do, god frames it all, if it’s with god, you see, every person, as you know, takes a blank, lord, and from this blank he grinds, grinds something. this is how a wonderful work turns out, this is you and me, but how did you convince your children back then in the twentieth, or did they get there on their own? well, dima was a patriot, he walked, you know how many 10 people walked in this huge crowd with the belarusian flag, so he walked, then he now says, he tells me that now these patriots who have now appeared, yes they then nothing at all, they they couldn’t do anything, they were afraid to say something, you see, he already sees falsehood in them, and a lot of
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falsehood and a lot of falsehood. and the daughter, she was like that, yes, well, the daughter had a painful moment, but i know, you know, we have such painful moments that before divorces, people, you know , everything, one is like that, the other is like that, like in ukraine too, you know, one , one for one side, the other for the other, and they fight, you know, this is already, well, this is the first principle, people must understand that sharing power is just a struggle for power, unfortunately, people are zombied, you know, and people don’t want to engage in dialogue, if there was a possibility of dialogue, then everything could be... calmly sit down and figure it out, but the person doesn’t want to hear, he’s already obsessed, you know, and how do you tell him, he the enemy has zombified, and he won’t let anyone in, that’s it, well, maybe time will pass and well, we hope that time passes, that’s why we hope, and we talk, and people come to god, and it doesn’t matter what your beliefs are, you know, you came to god, and god, we are all children of god, and god, probably,
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you see, in the future belarus russia ukraine you see will be together and serbia i also have a lot of serbian friends from montenegro too, although they are now in nato, you know, it ’s surprising there that everyone is for russia, everyone, you know, are simple people, i say so and what do you have? you joined nato , he says, so we have nothing to do with it, he says, but the elections, but he says, the elections are there, well, these are rather economic issues, and money, and we saw, yes, that recently belgrade in serbia was hanged portraits of lukashenko, well , if so seriously, then lukashenko the only one who betrayed russia at that time, and lukashenko remained faithful, so they remember all this, i think that
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we are doing well now, but it will be even better, and if we win, defeat humanity, all reasonable humanity is looking at you and me , you know, on us, on russia, you know, they, well, they understand, but if a person thinks, he understands what’s happening, you know. thank you very much for today’s interview, of course, we wish you that your work there will be strengthened, and we really love visiting you, because there are both handicrafts and ceramics, and bread, and honey, everything is very tasty , extraordinary, well, there was some kind of atmosphere , we found god, and god always gives everything we need, yes, and this is the place where miracles really happen,
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questions that we you couldn’t, there are no hopeless situations in our lives , there are no solutions, never rush, never panic, god will always let a person see how to behave in this or that... situation, where to go, but just never despair , then victory will be ours, no matter what happens, no matter how it happens, we must go forward and do not feel sorry for yourself, do not feel sorry for yourself under any circumstances, because this takes away our internal strength for our further path. father andrey, well, we won’t let you go without an autograph , wishes, let this one be yours... this memorial note
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illuminates our path. never give up, by faith you will be saved.
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our cis countries went through a period of building a vertical of power, not everyone has built it yet, so where the vertical has been built, some kind of integration needs to be carried out, westerners creating some kind of networks there, they are always working for ungrouping of these internal forces, but... ungrouping our decision-making center so that we have a conditionally parliamentary republic, in which there are some 10 clans that hate each other, their task is to keep us in such a stateless state all the time condition. our neighbors sometimes hang up horror stories, posters that say that if you go to belarus, you may stay there or not return, lithuanians who are in the country, they see completely different things , they understand that they, of course, live in absolutely information vacuum, we have only 160,000 permanently residing foreigners and 62,000 persons who... and i say: you know, guys, i am a living example of how to
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make a career, remain faithful to your belarus, you can happily and professionally , your homeland, your country and don't go anywhere. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan
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is it really your birthday today? may be? show you my passport, but guys, they were really late, or you asked them not to come, you’re always in a hurry somewhere, there’s also alyonka, olya, and i just wanted to be alone with you.
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tatyana viktorovna, my dear, why bother immediately, it’s just a misunderstanding, as you understand, yes, tatyana viktorovna, i’ll sort it out myself, i’ll punish you.
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i understand, well, let this samsonova just appear, here she is, and samsonova, well, go here, this is your head nurse, yes , no, yes, yes, yes, sampsonova, what is this, bix , what a bix, sterile, and what is this, why a medicine kit, and why is the tag on bix torn off, i don’t i know, al, well, tell them, you saw how
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i sealed it yesterday, but you didn’t see anything, you keep getting out of here, leonid, honestly, i’m getting out of here, i’ll deal with you tomorrow, leonid lvoevich, maybe it’s not worth it tomorrow , after all, it’s her birthday tomorrow, and you get out of here, workers. oh, nadyukha, aren’t you at work? yes let lesha go. what about the clothes? damn mash, i ’ll explain everything later. yes, i know how you will explain later. come on, tell me, who are you with? oh, nadyuzh, aren’t you at work? not at work. look at what clothes she came back in, what happened,
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nothing happened, let me pass, nadyusha, you were robbed, well, who didn’t rob me, daughter, but my things, and where is my purse? i stayed at work , yeah, this is you, that means the bosses flogged me , but i got caught on a nail, tore it, well, let me pass, nadyuzh, savelina, we are without you, gored me, mosquito, well, what should we do? shall we? and what can you do here when there is zero information, they also couldn’t ask me properly. well, you try it yourself, talk to it, it’s easier to talk to a fish. well, that means this is a serious matter, nadyukha won’t just remain silent. but i don’t believe that andrei
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could turn out to be a bandit, his eyes are so kind, oh, you’re all so kind and good, she was going to his birthday party, well, to him, so that means she came back from him, but i i’ll find it, well, it’s time for him to collect the dry batsen. why are you sitting there with such faces? we think like your offender punish? what kind of offender? who ingratiated himself into our trust. i went fishing. here he told tales about his difficult fate. at least he didn't hit you. why did you come up with such a thing, and
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i was getting back and got lost, and defended my purse in the forest while i was getting to the highway, that’s all, why didn’t andryusha bring you himself, did you quarrel with him, but i didn’t quarrel with anyone, well that i started talking, why should i ask for forgiveness, i didn’t do anything that bad. it seemed to me that the girl liked me, i made it so that we ended up together at the dacha by the fireplace with a guitar, what ’s wrong, but i lied a little, yes, well, brother, a little lie gives rise to big suspicions. well, by the way, pasha is right. if a woman ran away from the first date, this does not mean anything. no, more precisely, it can mean anything, well, for example, there, i wanted to sneeze at the most inopportune moment, or i remembered, maybe at home, i left the iron on. but no, listen, maybe she read in some stupid magazine that today, according to the horoscope, is not the most suitable day
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for sex. listen, what are you talking about and what are you carrying? a connoisseur of women's souls. well, tell me, who can know a woman better than a gynecologist. stop, please, please, we'll go tomorrow and figure it out, no, that's right, yes, hello, lvovich. i’ve been waiting for you since the morning, why? well, you told me yesterday that i should come, did you read the order? with what order? yes, read, for
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systematic evasion of official duties, as well as rampant violation of storage rules and expense accounting. i don’t even understand why we came here? we should have gone straight to the village, what if she's at work? what normal person would go to work on his birthday? pash, where have you seen any normal doctors?
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are you stuck, flowers in your teeth first, no, wait, suddenly there’s booze, there he is, hello, i’m your aunt. why are you still too early for drinking? vasya, i don’t recognize you, are you a drifter or something? go , go, go, go, go, nadyush, nadyush, wait, wait , don’t worry, everything will work out, nothing bad happened, because you understand how we all treat you, how i treat you, rely on everything at me, i'll tell you i'll help. hello, hello, well , congratulations, nadezhda, thank you, i didn’t understand that she’s so gloomy, there’s trouble again, vasya, are you
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stuck, is that her, no, everything’s fine, yes with work. fired, poured dirt from head to toe, she’s glad, don’t look at me like that, i don’t want to be silent, i understood, well, go to the main one to talk, but no, no need, they all screwed, and rightly so, especially , that you would still have to leave here, remember, you said that you dreamed of opening a first-aid post in your village, so i knocked it out, bobble health, good on this matter. how did you get funding for yourself, ha, where would they go, i don’t understand whether you’re happy about this or not, ivan ivanovich, i have no words, well, let’s go, maybe it’s some official from the regional health care, well , of course, he came to congratulate a simple
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nurse , yeah, yeah, they took her to present her with the order. listen, i saw this guy somewhere, yes, that’s right, it’s morozov himself, we set one up in his accounting department, vasya, wait, maybe it’s some official from the regional health department, tell this to nadya. ivan ivanovich, maybe we won’t go to today village, next time we'll see the medical station. otherwise i’m afraid you’ll get into trouble again, what are you talking about? about your wife
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, there won’t be any more trouble from her, like this, she’s alive, alive, alive, the boss just built her that way, tsets, they’ve completely gone wild, sorry, i’m not for you, she tracked me and dasha down, started blackmailing me. divorce and said yes, even today, now our madam is like silk, i’ll disperse the balabolka to hell with your mother, hire deaf assistants, but why am i silent.
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lukashenko does his work and makes decisions, and if he speaks, it’s about work and decisions made, rather than trying to please the electorate in any situation. a politician thinks about the next elections, and a leader thinks about the next generation. another of the beautiful events of presenting awards for spiritual revival. over the past few years, in the face of constant threats, we have grown to love our country more deeply, and we have also learned to speak a little more boldly about our love for...
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so be careful on the steps here. thank you, thank you, ivan ivanovich.
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what is this? did you dare our nadya? the clothes were probably taken hostage. so, katerina, what, quickly run after semyon and nastya. yeah, i’ll take care of my crooked sciatica, so that one leg is here, the other there, now in an instant, here’s the emergency room, there’s your office, there’s the doctor’s office, they wanted to finish everything before your birthday, but they didn’t have time, because some... who took up the task
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, but as always couldn’t finish it , and you never know what she doesn’t want, but we want, nastya, our boat is running, why did they bring your nadya on a yacht, why, oh, i don’t know, setting up for this damned whole crowd is necessary and everyone’s face is like a brick, catch up,
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come on, ivan ivanovich, i don’t even know how to thank you. how will ours be happy when they find out? yes, let me through, daughter, these are my parents, let them go, what are you doing, they didn’t do anything to you, nadenka, that’s it, you’re safe, daughter, we ’ll find justice for you, bandits, here we are, now we ’re special forces, keep quiet you, ivan ivanovich , built us a first aid post, and you set up here, well, like a first aid station, katerina, and what about katerina, i didn’t know that they weren’t bandits. you look like, well, wow, your efficiency, how inconvenient it turned out, nadyush, you invite ivan ivanovich to visit, though not everything is ready yet, but we are now very quickly, we are quickly, we are now, come to us, thank you, we have things to do, we’ll build a first aid station , then hope will cover the clearing, and nat, of course, free
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the hostages, otherwise i’m handing it to you, and this is the same local kulibin, yes, yes, ours, it’s quiet, ours, nadyuh, and why didn’t you say anything, so i i didn’t know myself, he helped us, i saw how amazing, let’s go home, olenka, oh, it’s me, andryushenka, how glad i am, with
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happy birthday, thank you, well, hello, hello, dear, hello, here you go, my dear, come in, come in, uh, here i am for you, come here, i knitted a sweater for you, uh-huh, on the shoulders, oh, beauty, good for you, oh, so beautiful, oh, so beautiful, only the seventh , really, keep quiet, no, well, really, i don’t have time to wear them out, well, you can at least on your birthday... be pleasant, well, well, well, grateful, at least a little bit human, what a beauty you are, stop it, 20 years ago i was a beauty, take the cake to the refrigerator, and from there take a snack from the kitchen, and salad, okay, where is nadya, and yes , nadya won’t be there, why, is she on duty, or did you have a fight, no, she won’t be there at all
11:52 pm
, come on, come on, nothing, anyway, sit down, come on , sit down, let's talk. tell me, tell me, did you offend her in some way? no, i didn’t offend you, then what’s the matter, she accepted my invitation with such joy? she has another man, what are you talking about, andryusha, what are you talking about, this is some kind of misunderstanding, andryusha, listening to gossip is not good, but believing it, andryusha, it’s ignoble, you hear, this is not gossip, i saw it with my own eyes. my god, my god, what a horror, what
11:53 pm
a shame, i wouldn’t have done it then. bend and sway, oh, we’ll live together with the hospital, listen, and then they’ll open a fancy club, young people will return to the village, and maybe they’ll build a school, yes, yes, single men will go, stop, you, stop, i need a boat to to be a captain, oh, zityok, “great, well, quietly, give him a penalty, quickly, nah, this is for you, thank you, sit down, anatoly,
11:54 pm
here, here, nah, what are you saying, yes, nothing, that’s it, otherwise i won’t reach no way, come on, come on, hold it here everyone who doesn’t drink, everyone, well, let’s have a toast, well, in general , nat, you know how much we love you, nat, in general, it’s bitter, quiet, why are you completely crazy, why, how many children can you get married to ? for a long time. it's time to give birth, marus, well, you too, well, daughter, where are you going, i'll be right back.
11:55 pm
alfiz, well, i feel for her with all my heart, but she’s poor. why did i get so drunk, out of habit, that’s the same thing, tomorrow my head will hurt, so be it, since she doesn’t care about me.


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