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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 1, 2024 1:35am-2:00am MSK

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the architects were forced to wriggle out, others on top of the tower were jumping and two balconies with openwork parenches. everything was broken up for the hell of it, for...
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the beautifully designed façade of the velma passed. at the reptile of another worldly vine, on the dance of the town hall parade, there was a shybenitsa, on which many vesebsk partisans and padpols were packed. in 1997 , the 400th year of the town hall, on the galley façade of the building there was a two-metre bronze coat of arms of vitebsk, as well as on the front of the building. budynak town hall once again will be subject to restoration. the coat of arms would thus have been removed from the façade, but will not be preserved for the month. tsyaper yon zakhodzitsa ў fae. once upon a time, we are in charge of the town hall for the duration of this legendary history, and we will continue to speak to the unfavorable memories of our wisdom and self-satisfaction.
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they were born in different parts of the world. hello everyone, my name is xing kaijen, i’m from china, i’m currently studying for a master’s degree in journalism, and i’m living in belarus and everyone found something for themselves here. belarus is one word for me, it is very important, opportunity, i can realize my idea, which is related to the arts, i found the most important people for me here, i also found my favorite job, belarus now . then my second home, each hero has
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his own unique story and his own view of belarus. i noticed that belarusian students always have a lot of new ideas, they organize different events themselves, and i always believe in people, especially these people who live here, who are between them, i didn’t feel like a foreigner or not, on the contrary, i felt at home really, look at tv channel belarus 24. let you love like a flower in the field, like a young fruit that flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird that lives in the wild, let you.
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may i love you for the song that i hear, for the sweet, booming laughter that often rings, for clear eyes, for my young soul, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every day , for my life heaven nathnene, dear... the development of the african vector of cooperation, the presentation of the industrial and food potential of belarus took place in zimbabwe. focus on quality and import substitution belgospischeprom is increasing production and... export of products. go
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to the factory for impressions. in 2023 , the ministry of industry enterprise was visited by 93,500 tourists. and acquaintance with cultural and artistic things.
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billion us dollars, a significant figure, but we are confident that the potential of joint cooperation has not yet been fully revealed and there is still work to be done. the tyumen region is an important trade and economic partner of belarus. the region occupies a leading position among the constituent entities of the russian federation, including in terms of the volume of mutual trade with our country. product turnover in the twenty-third year amounted to $3.3 billion. we visited different ones. enterprises as a whole, our team of sixty participants with interests, what are called business partners, held relevant meetings at the chamber of commerce and industry and discussed possible interaction and deepening
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of cooperation. following the meeting of the working group, the parties signed a number of documents. this is a new partnership agreement between cities and regions of belarus and the tyumen region. teli are actively developing export directions, so the enterprises of the belgus food industry concern have announced the sale of products to 49 countries of the world. we are waiting for details. in the twenty-third year , supplies to external markets grew by 15 million rubles. the russian market still prevails, but manufacturers are strengthening their efforts in other areas. thus, deliveries to africa showed a fivefold increase. sales to distant countries increased by a quarter. six times more, compared to the level of the twenty-second year, goods were sold in china. besides, the presence of products in european countries was maintained. exports there amounted to $64 million, with an increase of almost 2%. at the same time , the domestic market and belarusian consumers remain a priority. as part of the import substitution program , goods worth half a billion dollars were produced last year. for all
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industries that are part of the concern. a lot of projects in the twenty-third year have been implemented and the products of these enterprises are already on store shelves, work has begun on... creating production in the city of liozno there will be a new enterprise with a production plan more than 200 thousand tons of products using dry milk products already in the twenty- fifth year. at the beginning, our home market , national, is a priority for us. there are positions, sugar, salt, where we almost 100% cover the needs of the domestic market. and we guide the development of new recipes, new product components. new products of various kinds, primarily on the perception of our belarusian consumer. in the twenty-third year, the concern's production volumes increased by 6.5%. the group's enterprises are also active updated their capacities. more than half of all investments were invested in equipment.
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new residents of great stone have given a start to the opening of high-tech industries, what they produce and where they sell their products. buyers in 14 countries. in recent years , demand has been high. technological goods from belarus have grown from russia and china. they are the main investors in new projects. over the course of the year, 26 companies joined the park, this year already +8, in total... there are jobs to be provided here, it is clear that these are high-tech, innovative workers places, these are new professions, these are new opportunities at new enterprises , as for investments, of course, this is the task for us, i would say we are moving towards it, maybe not this year, but i hope, maybe this year or at first. next year, to ensure the total volume of attracting investments here to the park is about a billion
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dollars, now we have already approached the figure of more than 877 million dollars, and of course, such significant figures in attracting investments are important for us, well, this could be a starting point for future development . in the plans this year, sell products from great stone enterprises for at least $130 million. forestry enterprises of belarus have increased the export of lumber. by almost 40%, among the promising areas of housing construction. how are markets conquered today and what home kits are trending? they plan to replicate the retail network of the ministry of forestry under the lesnoy domik brand even abroad, this is an indicator: there is demand abroad and within the country. the best foresters live in the kobolsky district, the local forestry enterprise is again in the lead. the country's agency was assessed according to twenty-six criteria from timber harvesting before wood processing. the kopol region is far from the most forested region.
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a country in the cis that was able to achieve such coverage. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel the prestige of military professions is growing in belarus; today, applicants from abroad are striving to receive officer's shoulder straps in our country. let’s ask vyacheslav khralovich about the training of future officers and the prospects for military education in belarus. substitutive head of the department of military education of the armed forces of belarus. vyacheslav gennadievich, hello. hello.
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what educational institutions in belarus are training military specialists today and what areas are most in demand among applicants today? well , it is currently possible to obtain military-professional education in military educational institutions of the republic of belarus, which are represented by the military academy of the republic of belarus, the military medical institute at the belarusian state medical university and... military faculties, leading educational institutions of the country, of course , all military specialties are unique and in demand, but certain of them are certainly more popular among young people, well, last year the most popular specialties were ideological work in units of the armed forces, practical psychology in military affairs, information security, unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft complexes and military medicine, it is also pleasant to note that the demand among applicants for obtaining engineering specialties, so
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the aviation faculty, faculties of air defense forces, missile forces and artillery, as well as command specialties at the combined arms faculty, were popular at the military academy. recently , military faculties and departments are increasingly opening in belarusian universities. why do you think the military profession is so in demand today? well, the profession of military personnel. boys, as well as girls, choose the profession of an officer because it is, first of all, an investment in future high social status, career prospects , material well-being, confidence in the future. today , graduating from a military educational institution guarantees a stable and decent salary and preferential loans for
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housing construction, medical care, annual leave of 30 to 45 days, what’s not an argument? what can we say about the scores scored by the girls ? in 2023, girls entered the military academy with scores of 395-396, which would definitely be enough for admission to any specialty at a prestigious educational institution in the country, but this year we plan to recruit more than seventy
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girls to the military educational institution, well, the main recruitment will take place at the military academy of the republic of belarus. belarus. kazakhstan, uzbekistan, and myanmar. belarusians in belarus are being trained by military personnel from the people's republic of china,
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can the republic also receive military education abroad? yes, training belarusian citizens.
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is happening in the world due to the demands made by the leadership of the armed forces. she combines we have multi-level training as a result of which we receive commanders at various levels who have a high level of competence and professionalism, non -standard thinking, a creative approach, and most importantly - patriots of their fatherland, who understand the national interests of their state and are ready to defend them. this, i believe, is the uniqueness of the belarusian system. military education. thank you. vyacheslav khralovich, deputy head of the military education department of the armed forces , answered the program’s questions forces of belarus. next in the program are events for the development of industrial tourism in belarus, the exhibition project pakistani culture corner and recipes for victory bread from grodno schoolchildren. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. this is the program of the event for belarus 24.
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we continue: behind the emotions to the plant, excursions to the enterprise are gaining more and more popularity among tourists, our columnist elena puntus knows how many guests visited belarusian production facilities in 2023. almost 94,000 tourists visited the enterprises of the ministry of industry last year, which is 2,000 more people more than in the twenty-second. the leaders were the belas, mtz and mas holdings. people go to factories not only for entertainment. tourists are interested in the history of the enterprise and get acquainted with the production process. for example, in the mogilev region you can find out. what heights we have now reached, we are trying to tell them in an accessible language not only to adults, but also to children, to explain to them the rules of safe behavior in elevators, how to behave, how not
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to behave, ages are actually very different, schoolchildren actually more interesting already the final version, they like to go into the cabin, take pictures, take selfies , press all possible buttons, and those who are already more mature, they are more interested in the technological process of production itself, like... upon distribution, they receive a welcome bonus of seven basic units at a time, and when hired a month before the start
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of compulsory service, they receive 15 basic units. i probably understand correctly that it’s not just that you launched such industrial tourism on a large scale, yes bringing schoolchildren here? of course yes , because many of the children, having looked at the production, looking... at the final product, they like it, they can make a choice of profession already at school age, in principle, already for nine, ten, eleventh graders they already have to make this choice and think about your future. mogilev liftmash holding is one of the leading manufacturers of elevator equipment in eastern europe. the company produces about 180 basic models of elevators, they are supplied to russia, kazakhstan, moldova, kyrgyzstan, armenia and tajikistan. a step towards an active life. more people with problems with the joints of the lower extremities are choosing endoprosthetics. in belarus, the number of hospitals performing such operations is increasing. share
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details. hip replacement is carried out in forty-five belarusian clinics, and knee replacement in sixteen. starting from the twenty-second year , regional and district hospitals joined the program. doctors train both at the republican scientific and practical center of threvmatology and orthopedics and in the regions. today the mogilev region is the first among regions in terms of the volume of joint replacement. over the past year, doctors have carried out more... to create a city traumatology center, accordingly, there will be even more operations, this is especially important for those patients who, after one operation, seek endoprosthetics of a second joint. approaches to surgical access have changed; approaches without cutting off muscles are now being successfully promoted; in this situation, it is possible to do so earlier. rehabilitation is literally like a person got up somewhere on the second or third day it is already possible to actively develop it, this was not the case before, that is, progress is obvious and it is very
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significant. in belarus they not only implant, but also produce hip prostheses ; knee prostheses are now being introduced; this is not an analogue, it is its own unique development; they are made of a reliable alloy; the quality is not inferior to imported ones; patients can receive them on a first-come, first-served basis with a doctor’s referral. this became possible thanks to the state program for free joint replacement. the country's leadership has set the task of reducing the waiting list for such operations. a corner of the culture of pakistan has now appeared in borisov; the exhibition project was opened by representatives of the embassy of the islamic republic in belarus. what is the event dedicated to? it is part of the program to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between our countries; this is the fourth corner in the country and the first in belarusian libraries. the exhibition includes books, fine arts, handmade souvenirs, and samples of the national costume of pakistan. the borisov library holds more. our countries cooperate in in all directions, especially active in the field of
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cultural education. over the past 3 years, we have held eight major exhibitions; this summer, for the fourth time, we plan to participate in the slavic bazaar festival in vitebsk and the grodno forum of national cultures. the corner of pakistani culture in borisov is a unique initiative. the first one is so far the only one within the library, but two more of our cultural centers operate at the universities of grodno and minsk. in the near future, pakistan will delight belarusians with...


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