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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 2, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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mikhail, how does the actor mikhail sweet differ from misha sweet in life, in the nature of the characters, well, that is, as i say, this is the opposite, if he is somewhere confident, quick, quick to make decisions, bright, certain things. i’m also different in life, somehow more reserved, colder, more reserved, shy, therefore with some specific character traits. my guest is in the theater. movies play
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heroes-lovers, bad guys, demonic personalities, in life they say he’s not like that at all, it remains to find out what he’s like in fact, today my guest is the actor of the kupala theater mikhail svita, mikhail, hello, hello, i propose to start our conversation with childhood, there is a teenage photo on your instagram, in which i must admit you are absolutely... unrecognizable, here in your school years did you like yourself? no , of course not, yes, well, he was about 15-16 years old in this photo, but of course he didn’t like it, well, as it is, it turned out that you were annoyed, that your appearance was annoying, your character was annoying, well, your appearance was annoying, because these are people they focus attention on this, some kind of unpleasant things. the address received, say
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, comments, and, of course, it was annoying and you wanted some changes, but alas, in order to change yourself you need some kind of willpower, desires, that’s why, and as a result, you probably weren’t sure in yourself then, as now, well, i’m not confident in myself now, then even more so, this transformation that happened to you, is it the result of painstaking work on yourself or is it just a game of chance? no, this is the result of painstaking work, this sport, this is nutrition, this is society, this is a new life, people, environment, work, well, these are the criteria that came together and influenced changes in appearance. at what age did you realize that you wanted to become an artist? well, probably at the same age as i am in this photo, that’s when, probably , for the first time i seriously, so consciously thought that it would be nice to try something. why did such
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considerations and thoughts arise, what is this connected with? everything is very simple, there were some, how to put it, inclinations, people from the outside saw, watched at school, as i repeat, very often i was santa claus and some kind of presenter, i took part in some matinees and read poetry, we had such a drama club at school, in class, so i played there and was like that very efficient. so somehow the teachers from the outside began to see all this, and the parents then noticed it, but in general, i myself somehow got involved in this story; we understood where my son would direct you, probably, let’s connect something your life with creativity, well, it’s probably all from school it’s gone, that’s final , what contributed to the adoption of such a decision, well, thoughts, thoughts, we need to act, maybe this is what leads us there, but nevertheless, maybe there was some, there was some specific event, probably there was, there was when we began to understand. what, where to go,
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in fact, we found the academy of arts, we saw that there was a theater department there, here was an actor-theater and cinema specialty. actually, probably, then i too, well, we all imagine, this is such a profession, this is, this is fame, you will become famous, you will become beautiful, you will have a lot of money and so on and so on, and i began to dream about it, and i thought that now i will enter the academy, there will be a first, second year, i will already become a star and so on, then i entered, i started training, i realized that everything is not so simple, well, yes, these are probably some kind of illusions that such a cool life, it was we who contributed to the end, well then even more so.
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how did you surprise the selection committee, what kind of material did you choose? firstly, i probably surprised with my kind of openness, sincerity, this is who i am, i i came, so naive, wanting to enroll, there was a lot of things, there was yesenin, there was also some other monologue, but i just love yesenin, and somehow i immediately realized that i should, probably, take yesenin , he sang a dark-skinned moldovan woman, a song and some kind of song, that means he put on a soundtrack, danced a dance, i still remember some kind of fable, well, everything has somehow been forgotten, to be honest, although not so much, but not so much time has passed, in fact, i somehow forgot that i read this, after graduating from the academy, many young artists, well, prefer not to go to
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theater or leaving the profession altogether, looking for something related, some professions, like you had, no, well, i always wanted to go to the theater. i always wanted to go to the theater, i always wanted the pavlovsk theater, but if you get a profession, if you love it, if you like it, if you get some pleasure from it, well, how can you, you study, you this should all be for a reason, after all, how can you go from an actor to a businessman or, although when they scared us, this is a very small income, and you here you won’t achieve anything special , and so on and so forth. probably, even this didn’t stop me, if you don’t try , you won’t find out, so no, no, i always, if there is a desire, then why? well, the first years after graduation, there were always some disappointments, there were difficult times and not without that, of course, sometimes it’s really already, when some extreme situations have already
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occurred, you think, in general, in principle, maybe you made a mistake with the choice of province, but then still, because i think that this anyway, acting is a kind of calling, otherwise, well, here you either feel it, you either don’t feel it all, therefore, well, because the knowledge, as it were , of the future profession, the nuances of the future profession , is not there yet, so you are guided by your premonitions, yes, some kind of intuition guides you through life, that’s the only way you orient yourself, but already some kind of veil, so to speak, of youthful ideas, it falls off, of course, it falls off when you come across specific things, then... these are all illusions, they just fall apart puhe prak, of course, getting into the kupala theater is considered a great success for any actor, a gift of fate, to become a kupala theater member, was this your desire, or is it the result of
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a happy coincidence? no, it wasn’t, i always knew that it was difficult to get there, but what is difficult should be made easy, that’s why. you’re a kochkarev, that’s absolutely true, but what kind of roles do you prefer: dramatic, comedic, no, probably, lately somehow i, probably still somehow catch myself thinking that somehow i’m trying to play comedy
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for some reason, moving away from this dramatic role, and i see some interesting colors in myself that are exactly that of a comedian, it’s always interesting. in the theater, work on television, act in films, in advertising, where do you feel most comfortable, organically, what do you like more? well, probably recently, i again caught myself thinking, perhaps this is already on television, after all, this is such a new world for me, not completely understandable, probably, but probably in terms of some kind of comfort, organicity , i love this word, but to feel organic, probably this is already television, and well , theater, these are all kinds of my modeling shoots, well, in general, in principle, i am everywhere. i ’m trying to get this organic out of myself, to feel free, to feel free, to not feel constrained somehow. what’s the difference between working
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on television and the theater? in the theater you are hidden behind the role by an image, a mask, that’s actually , in simple words, television, you are who you are, and there you are not hidden, there you are, look at that, that’s why it ’s just a little hard when when when you go out. what else attracts you to working on television? oh, the surroundings, i adore it all , of course, like the cameras, the studio, the guests who come, communication, you already have such a format, but it’s like here now, everything seems to be built largely on improvisation and well, we certainly have a script, but... this is all some kind of thing, yes, well, again, you are there as you are, oh, with
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this, with this it’s difficult, sometimes you have to, yes, just show it, so as not to overdo it , and so that it all is sober and neat and worthy, but we have now identified the most difficult problem for actors who come to television, this is not to play a presenter, yes, but here it’s not possible, when you come to the casting, you’re still something. i didn’t understand what to remove, sorry, yes , or they say, remove the theater, because when you
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are hyperbolic, exaggerated, you start everything, well, i’ve already dealt with this, mikhail, you have been acting in films since you were 20, of course, like most belarusian artists who star in russian tv series, this is usually supporting roles, yes, of course, it’s a shame, no, why not a shame, because again, i love cinema, i love processes. give me a supporting role, give me a supporting role, i won’t refuse, give me an episode , give me an episode, yeah, my job, i love my job, why should i refuse, someday we’ll try, the main role will come up, it’s okay, here we are we have already touched upon the question of how theater differs from television, what is the difference between the existence of an actor, say during a performance, and the technology of filming a film, well, there is... what a famous phrase, charlie chaplin, i
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think he said, in the theater the rope is suspended high, high, and throughout the performance you walk along this thin rope, but if you have already caught up, then you will have caught up, you will be healthy, in the cinema the rope lies on the floor, i really liked it, this is such a parallel with our acting profession, well, from my own experience, but it’s more difficult for me to exist in cinema, for which i kind of... give credit to cinema for the fact that it’s more interesting and difficult for me to exist there, but there is a feature there, filming can begin in general, from the last scene, yes, of course , and then return to the beginning and how to combine it, you can be called to the set at 7:00 in the morning, you will enter the frame at 10, it’s more difficult to build a perspective, you went to the theater from the first to the last second everything is in chronological order, here in pieces 90% is waiting and 10 working in the cinema. well, what film work are you most proud of? oh, well, i’m not exactly, how can i say,
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proud, maybe i would reformulate this, say where i am more, but i’m liberated, already, that’s probably something of my last projects, which were, it ’s still important to loosen up, so that the atmosphere somehow accompanies on set, this is what also helps to loosen up, because it’s always somehow the same... there’s some kind of tightness in cinema, i just lack some kind of self-confidence, that’s why this is some of the latest work, but are there any offers, really any roles? more ambitious or something, more interesting, so not yet, not yet, unfortunately, yes, this is a problem for us, because they invite media, moscow artists, yes , well, this happens to me, it often happens, when you come and audition, they tell me that everything is fine, everything is fine, but there is one thing, i say, what , you are too beautiful, i say, thank you, in what
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's the matter, it means, well, yes, this is such a project, you will block someone there, and i say, well, this is strange. but how can i take this as a compliment, as if i want to act in film, or as they say, well, i’m sorry, you understand, the film has to sell, it needs a media person, so we’ll call a media person, but you already a supporting role, you had to act with very famous actors, meeting with which of them made the greatest impression on you, maybe even changed your idea of ​​the profession, more than once one russian...
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mikhail, in films you have to play such bad people guys, handsome guys, well, as it is , yes, yes, well, in life you are somewhat similar to your movie characters, no, well, maybe, if you don’t take external data, yes, these are all narcissists, these are all narcissistic individuals , let's say, who are not very well behaved they behave towards girls , towards... her to some of their friends, such couples are not bad, no, this is the complete opposite, and if someone thinks, maybe one of the directors, that i just get to play it, for example, based on my appearance type, then no, it’s always, i suffer a little, it’s always so resistance, well, this is the situation in the movies, it already weighs on you a little , such monotony, some kind of role, no, no, no,
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no, as i like to say, in every role you can find something of your own, something of your own. good, to justify him somehow, well, if he is like that, well, let him be like that, what roles did you have to refuse, and are there any roles that you would never agree to under any circumstances, but this is in the movies, in the theater, no, i didn’t refuse, just like that, so as not to refuse, something may not work out due to some of your busyness, you can’t get into some kind of project or in the theater you’re in some kind of play, in some performance, maybe not involved and for some other... rank, but so that somehow intentionally, i would say that i, even if somewhere inside i understand that i don’t want to be there, or this is not my role, or it will be difficult for me, or i won’t pull it off, then, probably, that’s all somehow i’m trying, well, to master what kind of role you dream of, none, it ’s laconic and categorical, it’s, well, most likely
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yes, well, maybe not any, so that the role of your dreams, no, okay . this is not a specific role there, but maybe some kind of hero, type, hero, yes, that’s already yes, that’s another question, where you really need to move away from the image this myself, where something needs to be changed, perhaps even in appearance, this is the complete, complete opposite, so that it is my nature, my character, and so on, paint myself, paint my face and so on, the clothes are so colorful, bright, well , yes, here... is this something? in the movies did you really have to transform yourself, your appearance, change something? no, no, for these types that i play, narcissistic guys, narcissists, you don’t need anything. well, what if, say, while filming a film, i don’t know, it’s winter-autumn, i had to be there to climb, well, with this it’s more difficult , probably not, here i wouldn’t turn to
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the understudies for help, after all, i’m like, naturally, well, who wouldn’t want to have them in their dreams, yes, and so, let me role, give me a job, everything will be fine, what kind of fame do you think is easier to survive? early or late? it seems to me that it’s easier to survive the early and late, well, so and so, many say
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that this means that this glory is for me, it’s not not for the sake of glory that all this is being done and so on, all this is hard, all this attention from the outside, i i don’t believe people like that, we all love it when we are praised, once... no matter what money was behind it, well, it’s unlikely that i would be doing this business as a burden for myself, so, well, this is what i love, what i like, so that’s where
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i am too another, then where i also see some features in myself, interesting, the process itself amuses me, again the same surroundings, mikhail, and what did you have to advertise, oh, directly name, yes, well, some different mobile operators and some food, who are your heroes, some office workers, and there were some office workers, and there were some all sorts of people sitting on the couch, eating, eating these products that you are advertising. mikhail, how does the theater feel about your many activities and hobbies? we are trying to find a dialogue on...
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after all, without normal human dialogue there seems to be no question here, so we are trying to find some kind of common understanding. well, we talked about work, only personal things remained behind the scenes, but judging by your instagram, you hide this page of life, you do this consciously, or or it means, let’s say, that your heart freely, this means that it is personal for that reason , that it should remain with you. in you and not to be brought into public view, well, after all, as they say, happiness loves
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silence, where would we be without it, really, well, that’s who i am, after all, i have such an upbringing, i have such a way of life that i don’t it is necessary, let it remain with you, there is no need to shout about it at every corner, what is it... look, why? i have something to show, i have something to talk about, and from my audience who subscribe to me, so it’s mine. well, unfortunately, there are a lot of examples of a completely opposite attitude to this topic, some kind of pr is trying to do this, to attract attention, and apparently, if there is nothing else to attract attention, then at least this.
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well, simple, simple, like a person, yes , natural, simple, in general, in principle, i really appreciate simplicity in people, it attracts me so much, attracts simplicity, caring, caring, gentle, affectionate, in fact, everything that, everything, what a man needs, yes, attention, of course. attention, when there is attention from a partner, then you just want to give everything to him, for the sake of this attention, the simplest things are in the simplest
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little things and details on the street. getting to know you, i don’t remember any specific cases, but in my opinion yes, you mean girls, yes, yes, of course, autographs, well , yes, that’s there, but, but so that we somehow get to know each other, i don’t remember, our program is called the meaning of life, for you, what is the meaning of life now, life itself, just in life itself, to live, and... every day to be here now, to strive to set some goals, to go towards these goals is mandatory , mm, because without this, otherwise you will just stand still, you still need to, you need to do something, uh, you need to go towards something, so just live, no matter what happens, life, it’s wonderful in any case, that’s all, thank you , thank you,
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