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tv   100  BELARUSTV  March 2, 2024 4:20pm-5:20pm MSK

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the largest nato exercise since the cold war begins. they will also take place in poland and the baltic countries. this is a kind of rehearsal for world war iii. the intention of this exercise is to transfer troops here to the eastern flank, to quickly deploy them near our borders, to create strike groups and conduct various strategic operations, primarily offensive ones. this year belarus will celebrate 80 years since its liberation from the nazi invaders. the memory of those events is as important as the preparedness of our military power bloc as a whole to repel any danger of putting the enemy in his place. it is also important to remember that we are the descendants of the winners... we do not
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agree on less. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. the total volume of declared investments exceeds 1,400 million us dollars. in general, we have already invested more than $850 million in the project from various sources. so we are developing and indeed, as you said.
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very different, probably a lot has already been said about our large anchor projects, so i will not repeat myself, i will talk about those residents that we accepted last year, and the twenty-third year was unique for us in this regard, because we practically set a record for the number of residents accepted by the number of companies accepted into our park, these are 26 companies, we even exceeded this figure in the pre-covid period, because business has revived, interest in business development in belarus is, of course , growing, of these twenty-six companies, 12 companies are companies from china , with chinese capital, what needs to be noted here , what are the trends, various businesses are coming from the field of logistics, in the field of new materials, so we have one company that will produce carbon products, this is a very interesting material, new to us, a number of companies in the medical sphere,
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one of the chinese companies will produce orthopedic dental products using additive technologies, well, this is giving a stamp. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything, but first traditions, our questions to the hero. vladimir, what sensations are you experiencing now? is it similar to the excitement before going on stage? no, the thing is that when i go out on stage, i know roughly what
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awaits me, here i am completely in the dark. and you promise to tell only the truth, for this i hope, well, you’ll probably have to refuse some questions, but well. then good luck, dear participants of the program, today our guest is the people's artist of belarus, soloist of the bolshoi opera and ballet theater, vladimir gromov. hello vladimir, i'm i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse three times. question and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, now you have one minute to briefly talk about yourself: time has passed, i am a happy person who does what i love, i sing in the opera, in it i can say , i live, i open up
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completely, and of course, this is family, this is my wife, my children, my home, which they take... uh, in fact, my whole life without a trace. you completed it in less than one minute. well, now let's move on to questions from our audience. we have 100 participants in our studio, each with their own question, let’s see how quickly you can answer. you are ready? yes. then let's begin. who's asking the question? hello, my name is ksenia. from whom did you get such a beautiful voice, what did you inherit from your mother, and what from your father? well, i think it's the voice. this is a gift from nature, and well, something can be seen from above, and of course, probably, the love of singing comes from my mother, and love for music, understanding oneself as a person who makes music, who
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must achieve everything, well, to dig to the depths, this is for dad, this is such a symbiosis, but i think this comes from parents and naturally work and well, about... how exactly did you come to opera , and this is such a long path, because at first i did not study singing at all, i studied guitar, but somehow the curve of fate led me to first study vocals, and then, naturally, like any lieutenant or redman dreams of becoming a general , here i have there was a dream, at first there was a dream to be a musician, then it transformed. sing on the big stage, well, don’t be shy and don’t be afraid to set yourself some serious goals, another thing is that these goals should
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be based on some kind of foundation, because well, there’s nothing worse than when ambitions don’t correlate with capabilities, so you need to soberly assess your capabilities.
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until there was the internet, where you can, without leaving your comfort zone, sitting in an armchair there or on the sofa, eating chips and drinking some drinks, all this... pull you here, but there are people who are interested in this, but as for what a popular genre means , an unpopular genre, if we have the same melody, even if it ’s yours, you won’t like it, it will constantly sound around you from every iron, as they say, you will get used to it and some short period of time will pass when you will no longer have enough of it, so this is all, it seems to me, changeable. this popularity, what is popular is what is rumored, what is advertised, well, what,
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let’s say, classical music is not like that advertised, well, it doesn’t occupy such a large part of our lives, well, that doesn’t mean it’s bad; in order to become an opera soloist, you must initially have some kind of natural talent, or can you just pump up your ligaments in order to sing like that? no, well, it’s impossible to pump up the ligaments, nature gave them, they can only be preserved, developed, yes, well, what does it mean to pump up, there is the concept of endurance, because when i started singing, well, at first it was enough there, well, for 5 minutes, 10, then more , more, more, because singing, well, it’s probably akin to making you feel closer, akin to shouting, so you try to go out somewhere... so as not to scare anyone in the city, shout loudly even if
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you shout oh, well, you shout one two, three times and you’ll already get tired, but we’re cooing for a long time the whole evening, and we have to shout over what is called an orchestra, a choir, and in general, in principle , fill this huge building, in which a thousand, almost 300 people sit, fill it with sound, beautiful sound, preferably. do you remember your first stage appearance, what was it like? the first time i left the theater stage was
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the role of fyaarella, everything went smoothly there, the second time a month later i appeared in december of ninety-nine in the role of morales in the play carmen, it was just quiet horror for me, i caught myself thinking that i don’t remember anything, well, you probably have everyone would have... all the knowledge and skills, here the mechanisms of some developments are already activated, what is called
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something that has been brought to automatism, the same mechanism happened to me at the carmen play, i took this step, i thought, well, that’s it, come what may, here’s a clean slate, i’m leaving stage, then everything turns on bam, like with the wave of some magic wand, thank god, everything happened... safely, and what did your mother tell you then, and in general she often comes to your performances, maybe gives some advice or criticizes you, naturally, criticizes, and praises, and advises , well, my mother goes to all the premiere performances, to all some new concert programs, what i’m doing for the first time, then sometimes she watches, something is being filmed there, something... that. well, in the video, sometimes he also comes to some ordinary performances and gives advice
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some things, of course this is criticism , which you need to listen to, process and do something better, i want to tell you that you probably can’t do everything well at once, everything won’t work out at once, for this you just need to be, probably some kind of... then julius caesar, but we are not caesars. vladimir, i 'll ask. turn right, yellow sector , hello, vladimir, your childhood was different from usual, you had many friends, well, in principle, my childhood was different only in that while many boys...
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felt freer in the sense that i i'm doing what i love. what place does belarus occupy in the art of opera? i believe that belarus, with our opera theater and with our musicians who work in this theater, directors, conductors, it occupies a worthy place. our theater produces such performances. for which, well, i had a standard all the time, so that i would not be ashamed of the product that i present to those spectators who came, paid money, bought a ticket, because when we come to the store, as consumers, we have the right demand a quality product from the manufacturer, i liked the phrase, but what do you make, and we make a good
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impression, so we must make such a good impression, which the viewer came for, that we don’t have to pay for it. it’s a shame, and i think that our productions, they occupy an absolutely worthy place, i was lucky and fortunate that i got into our theater, and i am that, well , speck that does something to ensure that our theater occupies worthy of its place in the art of opera. we're going red sector, to your right, in films we are often shown how artists drink raw eggs to make their voice work, right? it helps? you know, maybe it helps someone. eggs , in principle, are a high-calorie product , we all know, they probably help the body gain strength, but the specific effect of this yolk itself, the white, whatever, eggnog, i myself sometimes make it, but not for the sake of that was it, but i just
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like the taste, mix, beat eggs with sugar, first of all, it’s delicious, uh, about i don’t know any positive impact specifically on the ligament here or on the gartan, i don’t undertake to answer you here with a full medical calculation, i judge only by myself, i know that in order to sing you need strength, because singing is a very quite costly, physically demanding action, so you understand, well, when we play sports, well... many of you probably do, many don’t, but you’ve heard that we lose moisture when we actively play sports, and if before classes we let's weigh ourselves and weigh ourselves after class , we will see this difference, i have performances when after the performance i weigh 2 kg less than before the performance, you can understand how much
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moisture is lost from a person and what happens to the body during singing. can your voice break a glass? no, no, the point is that why does the glass break? the glass cracks because the walls of the glass resonate with some sound source. the sound is singing, it is loud due to what? there is such a thing as noise pressure, it is in decibels, so you have heard this word decibels. as far as i remember, the plane on takeoff is about 100. with something there is a decibel of 110 there is 120 decibels, a good, real, strong operatic voice at decibels of 70-80 decibels, that is , imagine, this is the noise pressure, what happens to glass , these waves act on it, it resonates, probably there are voices
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that are tuned to a specific glass, it’s probably possible to make such a glass, no, i haven’t tried it, i tried it differently, you know, this is probably , it will be funny, in order to achieve some correct sound, we need to hear it, but we sing there, it flies somewhere to the side, a completely different sound flies into our ear, we hear not our sound, we hear the sound. our own, which was reflected from some object and returned to us, having already acquired the color of the room in which we are, so to achieve this. i took the pan like this and sang into it, and you immediately hear what is happening , how this sound changes, you need to remember, choose that sound and those sensations that you
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made, remember it, save it, this is a rather complex process, men, children, if you see a man singing into a saucepan, you know he’s an opera singer. the world has really come to the point where everything left over from the second world war, or rather the post-war system, the yalta-podzdam system, has already been destroyed to zero. there are no restraining factors left, no agreements, no red lines, we have actually come to a situation where whoever is stronger is right. do we have a hot spot
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on our territory today, and this hot spot is precisely our state border, the militarization of the nato bloc, what poland is doing today, concentrating their forces, first of all , everyone already knows this safe underworld, where special detachments of snipers are already concentrated, what they are doing. today the baltic countries have paramilitary units near their state borders. there is a war going on now, including over resources, because the west cannot live at its own expense. they live by robbing the middle east, africa and the post-soviet space. they don’t want us to live peacefully on our own. therefore, when the president speaks peace and sovereignty are expensive. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. we're going on a trip to belarus. the memorial complex near the beaver river was created on the site of the bloody events of 1944, where the battle for the crossing took place. it consists
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of a defensive line, a trench and dugouts. the crossing was held and within a few hours the main forces of the tank corps moved along it. with us, you will receive a charge of positive emotions. "is it possible for stars from my eyes to appear in the frame, because this, this is incredibly delicious, visit the bright ones sights of our country, dear friends, we are in a city that has long been considered the cultural center of belarus, it is famous primarily for its luxurious castle, which for a long time was the seat of redivils. tourists can easily. immerse yourself in the era when this place was ruled by a famous magnate family. who knows, perhaps one of the radivilov princes once sat in this chair. see in the program
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the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. the largest nato exercises since the cold war are starting. they will also take place in poland and the baltic countries. this is a kind of rehearsal for world war iii. the intent of this exercise will be to transfer troops here to the eastern flank, to quickly deploy them near our borders, to create strike groups and conduct various strategic operations, primarily of an offensive nature. in total, it is planned to involve more than 90 thousand personnel and several thousand pieces of equipment. this year belarus will celebrate 80 years since the day.
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it is also important to remember that we, the descendants of the winners, do not agree to anything less. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . you probably sing incredibly in karoook? i don’t sing in karooke, well, we were on vacation somewhere, i tried several times, i want to say right away, i didn’t get 100 points. typed by people who sing off the notes, but sing rhythmically, when they hit, the text, words and...
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go home from work, take a calculator and start calculating something else at home, what are you performing among your circle of friends? well , sometimes we sing some songs among friends, well, a lot in my childhood there was a bard song with a guitar by the fire, there is such a song under the blue sky, then a very famous song, how great it is that we are all gathered here today.
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well, there are also a few romances or some old ones, mainly, if we get together with friends, relatives, we just talk, and don’t sing so much, and you could perform something else besides opera, well now i guess i’ll think of something, oh my darling, you look so beautiful. we'll go for a walk with you, we'll go for a walk with you, and let people get excited about us, that's... well
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what a couple, what a good fellow, with a red tertica, applause, bravo! hello, my name is milania and my question is: do opera singers insure their voices? well, i don’t know this yet, probably somewhere in the west this is common, if you were offered to insure your voice, how much would you value it? i have never thought about this topic, it seems to me that this is such a priceless thing, this,
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firstly, these are... words, but somehow over the years development has reached the point that we have now abandoned such an anachronism in our theater , although i have there was such a case in life when this prompter helped a lot, i sang in one theater, and there the acoustics are so interesting, the sound into the hall is simply fantastic, that is, you understand that you don’t need to force it, that any of your
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quiet... sound , any nuance will be heard by all spectators in any corner of the hall, but the orchestra that plays in the pit, in the hall it is perfectly audible, on the stage it is audible, well, somewhere up to the level of the second curtain, then you move deeper into the interior, there is generally silence, as if there there was no one, there was a complete feeling that there was no orchestra on stage, everything was fine, on another performance - it was a masquerade ball, there the scenery is already in a different way, i... uh , in the third act the table is quite deep, and i understand that i am sitting at the table, and i can’t hear the orchestra, and i understand that what -what happens wrong is that i start to diverge a little, then in a few split seconds, i separate from the orchestra, then i see, uh, a prompter who begins to give me a drink, i...
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i don’t hear his singing, but i see him articulation, how he closes, and from his articulation i understood where i needed, like this, to get along with the orchestra, well, then i already understood, so it is necessary to rebuild. my entire existence on stage was a little meson-scene, and i began to do all my actions a little closer to the orchestra, in order to get out of this zone where i couldn’t hear him at all. to your left is the black sector, questions from there, what is the strangest thing you had to do for a role, the strangest, the strangest, i remembered the case when i m... walked with a broom, repeated the movement, like me, well, when i served in the army , i remember, we had to clean up a long, long alley, you know, there’s one like that expression, how to dig
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from here until lunch, so we didn’t dig from here until lunch, but miles from here until lunch, because you sweep, you reach the end of the alley, and the leaves attacked again, you turn around and sweep again, here i am for a long, long time about a mile along this alley, we had such a performance, a city of craftsmen, many people know this fairy tale, and there is karakol, he’s a sweeper, a janitor, well, i walked there with a broom and walked around the stage and repeated all my movements that had been developed many years earlier, so i consciously swept the stage, not at a performance, like this during breaks. to your left is the yellow sector , is it true that the greater the weight of an opera fox , the better its voice, no, you know, i have already said that singing is a rather complex process, so it seems to me that any
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artist, and even an opera artist the singer too, must have a lot of strength, you cannot starve yourself, the body must receive food, it must spend calories. like any person, because well, singers, opera singers, any singers, they are, in principle, no different physiologically from other people. how did you meet your wife, is she related to the opera? yes, natalya is directly related to opera; she is married to an opera singer. we met on a poster, you might say. natalya is also a musician, she plays the piano , she is a soloist of the white philharmonic, a pianist , she teaches at the conservatory, that is , we met when i was a student, so we met, then we had joint performances in the same concerts, that is, she is there she played something herself, i sang something, then
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somehow it happened that we started working together to speak, natalya and i, well, this is actually how our union was created, man, well, on the family, on the parental home, any young man’s life cannot be closed, and he must, like those birds , fly away somewhere into a free life, i i understand this perfectly well, but i understand that my
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family is, this is my home, and i am happy that i spend a lot of time, most of the time, at home, with me. there was a period when there were long trips, and it just so happened that when my youngest son was born, when fedra was born, it turned out that i was not there in the summer when he was born, then i arrived, left again for a few days, then i was not there in the fall, almost a month, then i was away all winter, when the child was just a newborn , then i returned with tours in the spring, and the child is already sitting and crawling, this whole formation is going through,
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well, they probably pay attention, i try not to focus too much attention on this, because well, as i call it all, these are the costs of the profession, as it is not funny. sounds, the attention of the audience is nice, yes, but i i never forget this thing, that any kind of viewership and attention from fans is all a temporary phenomenon, you know, it’s like news that now it’s hot news, a couple of days pass, they are replaced by a lot of new events, about which later ...
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the club of editors must take this kind of accumulation of troops at our borders with all seriousness; not a single politician in the world today can guarantee that this force will not be used against ... yes, as for weapons on the western borders, this
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completely objectively, not defensive weapons, these are all offensive units, weapons, destabilization and expansion of the line of contact are beneficial for them, which is why the government is aiming belarusians at greater responsibility during the election campaign, we are all responsible for national security, and we are all interested in in order for our children to live peacefully, the concept of national security was spelled out as it relates to our family values. because the destruction of spirituality, this cancel culture that is now being introduced in western countries, this is also something that is more powerful than weapons. belarus and its people have never been protected as they are now , alexander lukashenko said, peace is worth a lot, you have to pay for it, but you don’t have to worry, we have never had our people and state as protected as they are now. don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel. in our show, cheat sheets will not help participants. this is the first time i’ve heard of such a person, but i intuitively
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answered: no, it seems to me that he is mexican, mexican, how interesting, it seems to me that he is italian, count here you can only use your own strength, this is boris's gleb church, it is located in the grodno region, who would doubt it, victor is simply tearing everyone apart, a game that will not leave anyone indifferent, what is the name of the one thousandth? no, watch the intellectual and entertainment
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project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel . what were the most unusual gifts that your fans gave you? well, there are different kinds of expensive, inexpensive gifts, recently they gave me an icon when we were on tour in moscow, an artist came... but he didn’t see me, but he passed it on through acquaintances, he wrote for me a guardian angel, a small icon of a guardian angel, now uh, uh, a few weeks ago, my colleague passed it on from him, he knew there that something had happened to me,
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not very good, he gave it to me, and he also painted an icon of st. nicholas the wonderworker especially for me, which is probably the most unusual thing. do you think it is possible for an actor to portray feelings that he has never experienced in real life? i’ll answer right away: no, even in your question itself the answer is encrypted, you can portray the feeling depict anything, but not feelings, a feeling if a person has not experienced and he does not remember something.
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suggest those events that were supposed to happen to us in life, for example, someone killed someone there or stole something else there or something else, god forbid, but we can imagine it, how it happened with that character , so we imagine it, we write down within ourselves this feeling,
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sensation, this event, no, and we don’t depict it, well, in any case, i, i try... to be extremely somehow all the time well, sincere precisely in my feelings , that if this happens like this, then i feel it, you know, it even gets ridiculous, you can believe it, you can not, we, i even told you somewhere, have such a performance, bohemia, there we characters are cold, we are freezing, in the middle of the play my character goes outside, where it is snowing , he puts on his coat, it’s winter, he is freezing, imagine, the theater, the month of june, it’s hot outside, it’s hot in the theater, it’s very, i’m in a coat and i’m cold, this is the level
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of some kind of internal exaltation that you need to do the work with yourself so that it is , so that the viewer can... see that this person is cold, this is how you can force yourself to believe in certain inventions, someone’s inventions that you show on stage, i swear to you , at that moment i was cold, and i was shivering from the cold, in the theater it’s 22-24°, i’m wearing a coat, it’s not cold, we move to the red sector, to your left, you devote your entire adult life to the stage, did you succeed? during this time , naturally, we misbehave, and even on stage sometimes we misbehave, for some reason it came to my mind now this is the case, there was a play,
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figr’s wedding, and it was the day of april 1, a comedy, we decided to laugh at something there, i began to play the fool, in the second act. with myself, well, it’s like i did such a slap that i knocked out my teeth, well, just like that , hello, my name is victoria, do you have any fears? artists probably even have the same fears, there are those nightmares that probably unite all artists, this is the nightmare that you dream that
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you have to go on stage and you didn’t have time to change clothes, the second common one, for everyone the same nightmare is that you need a scene, but you don’t know the role, perhaps, probably, these are one of the most powerful fears, which are very frequent, they usually...
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according to the schedule, the feat here is somehow basic, you know, probably there was a moment when my neighbor ’s car caught fire in the middle of the night, i noticed it, i ran to him, knocked on his apartment, pushed him away, we ran to put it out, and it could explode at any moment, because i knew that he had a car with gas equipment, that is, there is a gas cylinder in the car, which if from the engine... like smoke, well, the fire reaches the trunk, it will explode, we ran to put it out, drive it away, the car is on fire, we opened
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the trunk, disconnected it , shut off the gas line there so that nothing would happen, extinguished the car before the firefighters arrived, are opera singers superstitious, are there any superstitions that you believe in? yes, we are right in principle, well, probably any person from the field of art will be suspicious. okay, do you have any rituals that you do before a performance, and also, these superstitions, it means that if we have notes if they fall, then you must sit down where they fell, sometimes they fly under the piano, then you climb there, dodge, sit on them, and not under the piano, you go there. climbed up, sat on these notes, then ruined the performance, yes, then they say that the actor, well, some actors collect
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a bent nail on the stage, well, because there is a crowbar, when it happens, the nails are hammered in, they are taken out, they are lying around somewhere , well, regarding one of the rituals, i very much, well, often before, now probably to a lesser extent, i had these in many costumes crooked nails, i walked around the stage and looked out. something will seem funny to someone, i considered myself some kind of ugly duckling in childhood, then over time, when i simply plunged
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into this abyss of my profession, you know, in general, i probably only looked in the mirror for some time for the fact that only when i was shaving, and sometimes it was possible to shave even by touch, i... didn’t look there, and i believed that everything that the stage needed would be drawn by the makeup artists, my appearance, she, well , her appearance is the only one in my personal life, y i have a wife, that means if she likes me, that means i’m normal, for her i’m normal, i never wanted to change anything, even i can see there. nose, they even offered me, they said, let’s do an operation on you there, we can fix your nose, i say, oh me, i’ve lived with him for many years
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and it will be somehow okay for me. without him it won’t be the same somehow, and even now there are performances that, well, you see that i’ve already become quite white over the years, and there are roles when you play quite young people, well this the play onegin, eugene onegin, and the play wild hunt of king stakh, when my character is, well, quite a young man, sometimes my, well, colleagues, i mean directors or relatives, tell me. they say: well, somehow your white hair color probably no longer fits with those young characters who are over 20 years old, and sometimes make-up artists darken my hair, and when i see myself with the hair that i had about 15 years ago, i was no longer comfortable, i wanted to quickly get into the shower, wash my hair and return to that pristine state,
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which i am now, this is where i live, i don’t think that this is... some kind of problem and we need to change something in ourselves, we need to support what we have and try to preserve what is given to us by nature. when do you think an actor should leave the stage? oh, well, this is probably a rather complicated process, people love their occupation and what they do so much that it’s very... difficult to part with it, it seems to me that’s another thing, it’s probably too early for me to think about it , but i understand perfectly well that this period will come, and i i think that you need to leave when you are still full of strength, energy, enthusiasm and there is no such discount for old age, when a person, for example,
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forgets words or something, cannot complete some tasks. when the audience , well, realizing, shrugs, that, well, well, he’s already old, which means it’s already too late, in relation to opera, after all, singing, it’s a rather complex process, it’s a physical one, breathing is also muscles, ligaments , they too should work smoothly, and not tremble, to see this process, you need to have courage, tell yourself that stop, enough is enough, that you already... must make room for others, but again, i’ll repeat myself a little, in order to prolong your creative life as much as possible, you need to help your body, you need them to study, this is also a brain activity, as they say, in order to avoid problems with memory, it needs to be constantly trained, but for us this is training, we
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constantly learn some new texts, new, well, new. we learn the material in music, words and in a foreign language, it’s all quite complicated, and it’s such a serious training for the brain, for the head, and generally for the whole body. we are moving to the red sector, in 2020 you were awarded the title of people's artist, what does this recognition mean to you? you know, in the days of my youth there was such a concept as a gost and a quality mark, on many... objects there was such a five-pointed, well, not a star, but a pentacle, and it meant that this product met some criteria and i think that this is the title of people's artist, there is any title, when it is announced in front of your name, this is the sign of quality in the face of the title, it
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forces you to treat yourself with even greater, even greater... claims in order to convey to the viewer this creative product with even greater diligence and quality, that is, this is, let’s say, another degree of responsibility, mine to the viewer, how do you think it is possible to attract the attention of the younger generation to... this is some kind of informational reason, that is, it is necessary to explain to the younger generation so that they understand that they cannot live without this, that the whole life that they have passed, and he didn’t know what opera was, that it was all in vain, so when this first thing passes, that he finally understands that he has to try, in order to understand whether it’s tasty or not,
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he has to try, any impression should be there. and in order for you to get an impression, you have to try it yourself, when this has already happened, our task is to captivate what is happening so that a person... understands that oh, how is it, in a new language, oh, cool, they, it turns out, are also depicting something here, and so believably, that is, here the task will be ours, so that what is happening stage, it was exciting, and people became interested in coming to something else, because actually, well, what a shame, we’re all glued to our phones, that’s why i think it’s very important that young people don’t forget that there is life outside of electronic devices , and the theater is precisely the
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place where this electronics, well, it is, of course, present in our lives, but not to the extent that it haunts us in our lives here, please let us know. this is an excerpt from the play snow maiden, on the warm blue sea, where the waves whip the foam, and the stones of the coastal cliffs, take priceless pearls. “about me love from yes, this signal means that the time
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for questions to the hero has expired, vladimir, now you have to choose the best question of this program, well, the questions are completely different, but one question took me, in fact, by surprise, it was a question about something unusual , something unusual happened to me when i was talking about the tag. great, who is the author of this question? take the microphone, let’s get to know you, what ’s your name? i’m in the tenth grade, high school number 143. according to the rules of our program, the authors of the best question receive a special gift from our guest: go to the site. and this is for you, and may all adversities remain in the outside world and not fall on you. great, applause. vladimir, now
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you have the opportunity to ask the children one question. i would like to ask the children what modern people understand about living life honestly? i believe that first of all you need to be honest with yourself, then you will live your life honestly, you will always understand what you want.


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